277810 WHITE - CITY CLERK u�.J�,��u/�
PINK - FINANCE �/• 6� �
BL�lE •• MAYOR _ F1I2 N O. i
� ' u cil Resolution '�,
P re �
Referred To Committee: Date �
Out of Committee By Date
(a) Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C (the "Act") authorizes cities, or
n�using and redevelopment authorities, or port authorities authorized by ordin nce
to exercise on behalf of a city the powers conferred by the Act, the power to ssue
revenue bonds to finance a program for the purposes of planning, administering
rnaking or purchasing loans with respect to one or more multi-family housing
developments within the boundaries of the city; �
(b) The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul ,
Minnesota (the "HRA") has been designated, by ordinance, to exercise, on behal of
the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota (the "City") the powers conferred by Minneso a
Statutes, Chapter 462C upon approval by the City of a specific financing progr ;
(c) The City has received from its Department of Planning and Economic
Development ("PED") a proposal that the City undertake a Program hereinafter
described (the "Program") , through the issuance of revenue bonds.
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: i
Hunt �
�evine In Favor �
McMahon B
snowalter __ Against Y
Wilson �
Form Approved by City Attorney I
Adopted by Council: ' Date —
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Bv -- I�
Approved by ;Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to.Council I
sy, _— - - _ By �
� , _2_ �� /'I,��V
� (d) The City desires to: facilitate
, the development of housing within the
community; encourage the development of
affordable housing opportunities for
residents of the City; rehabilitate vacant or
underused structures; an� prevent the :
emergence of blighted or underutilized land '
and structures within the boundaries of the
City; and the Project will assist the City in _ -
achieving these objectives.
(e) The Program to be financed by the .
Aonds is the making or purchase of mortgage
loans with respect to multi-family
� condominium developments located in the
Lowertown area of the City (the
"Developments") ;
(f) The City has been advised by PED
. that conventional mortgage loan financing for
the Developments is available only on a
limited basis and at such high costs of '
borrowing that housing opportunities would be
significantly reduced, but that with the aid
ofi municipal financing, and resulting lower
borrowing costs, the Program will provide
more affordable mortgage loan .financing;
_ (g) The City has been ac3vised that an ',
Urban Development Action Grant has been !I
approved for the Broadway Square project,
which will be one of the Developments for � . I
which mortgage loan financing will be .
provided; and the City has further been
advised that the Mc�Cnight Foundation is
willing to assist the Program; '
(h) Pursuant to a resolution of the I
City adopted on December 1, 1981, a Program I
has been drafted and, a public hearing on the
Program therefor was held on December 15,
1981, after notice was published, all as
required by Aiinnesota Statutes, Section
462C.05, subd. 5, at which public hearing all '
those appearing at said hearing who desired
to speak were heard;
(i) No public official of the City has
either a direct or indirect financial
interest in the Program or any of the
� ` �����V
' -3-
+ Developments nor will any public official
� either directly or indirectly benefit
financially from the Program or any of the ,
NOP� THFREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council o�
the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, as follows:
. 1. The City hereby gives approval to the proposal qf
PED that the HRA undertake a Program, pursuant to t�iinnesota
Statutes, Chapter 462C, consisting of the making or purchase qf
. mortgage loans with respect to multi-family condominium housinjg .
. developments within the Lowertown area of t'ne City pursuant to'.
agreements with terms and conditions and with provisions for ,
revision from time to time as necessary, so as to produce
income and revenues sufficient to pay, when due, the principal',
and interest on th'e Bonds in t�1e total principal amount of
approximately $5,000,000 to be issued pursuant to the Act to '�
finance the Program; and said agreements may also provide for �
the entire interest of the HRA therein to be pledged to the
purchasers of the Bonds, or a trustee for the purchasers of th� .
Bonds; and the City hereby authorizes the HRA to undertake to
issue its bonds in accordance with such terms and conditions;
2.' On the basis of information available to the Cit�t
it appears, and the City herEby finds, that the Program will
finance mortgage loans with respect to multi-family condominiur�►
housing developments within the meaning of subdivision 5 of !,
' Section 462C.02 of the Act; that tY►e developments are located I
within a redevelopment project area established pursuant to ���
Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462; the availability of the �i
financing under the Act and the willingness of the HRA to
furnish such financing will be a substantial inducement to the ,
developers of the developments to undertake the projects, and
that the effect of the Program, if undertaken, will be to
encourage the provision of additional multi-family condominium II
housing opportunities to residents of the City, to assist in '
tYie prevention of the emergence of blighted and marginal land
and to promote more intensive development and use of land
with in the City;
3 . The Program, and the issuance of revenue bonds,
in connection therewith, is hereby given preliminary approval I
by the City subject to the a�proval of the financing Program by '
the I�Iinnesota Housing Finance Agency ( "D4fiFA") and subject to
final approval by the HR.A, and the purchasers of the Bonds as
to ultimate details of the financing of the Program;
4. The City hereby authorizes the HR�1 to issue t,ie
housing revenue bonds to finance the Program and to take all
actions necessary or desir�ble in connection therewith, and no
further approval or authorization of the City shall be
e��e � �� - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. �� �
• ` Council Resolution ��
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date �
Out of Committee By Date I�
-4- j-
5. In accordance with subdivision 5 of Section 462C.05, Minnesota Statutes, th Mayor
of the City is hereby authorized and directed to submit the Program to MHFA, request'ng its
approval , and other officers and employees and agents of the City are hereby authori ed to
provide MHFA with preliminary information as it may require: '�
6. Briggs and Morgan, Professional Association, acting as bond counsel , and Pi er,
Jaffray & Hop�vood, Inc. and Dain, Bosworth, Inc. , investment bankers, are authorized to
assist in the preparation a�d review of necessary documents relating to the Program o con-
sult with the City Attorney, and purchasers of the Bonds (or trustee for the purchas rs of
the Bonds} as to the maturities, interest rates and other terms and provisions of th Bonds
and as to the covenants and other provisions of the necessary documents and submit t ese
documents to the HRA for final approval ; ,
7. PED is hereby authorized to agree to the expenditure of funds granted pursu nt to
the Urban Development Action Grant related to the Broadway Square project for the pu poses
of the Program; and PED is further authorized to negotiate with the Lowertown Redevelopment
Corporation on the terms and conditions for assisting the Program with grants or additional
loan funds.
8. Nothing in this Resolution or the documents prepared pursuant hereto shall II
authorize the expenditure of any municipal funds on the Program other than the revenu s
derived from the Program or otherwise granted to the City or HRA for this purpose. T e
Bonds shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon an
property or funds of the City or HRA except the revenue and proceeds pledged to the p yment
thereof, nor shall the City or HRA be 'subject to any liability thereon. The holder o the
Bonds shall never have (the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the Ci y or
HRA to pay the outstanding principal on the Bonds or the interest thereon, or to enfo ce
payment thereon against any property of the City. The Bonds shall recite in substanc that
Bonds, including the interest thereon, are payable solely from the revenue and procee s
pledged to the payment thereof. The Bonds shall not constitute a debt of the City or HRA
Within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation. I
Yeas COUNCILME Na s Requestgd by Department of: ,�_ I!
Y �Hunt �� �
Levine In Favor
Maddox I
McMahon U __ Against BY
Wiison .�
dEC 15 Form Approved by City Attorney I
Adopted by Council: Date .��
CertifiE:d P• Ssed by ncil creta, + By , _ •
t �
Approved by a.v Date � � � A by Mayor r u ission to Council
sy _ _ �-----
Pt16t.tSHED D�C 2 6 1981 !
� �i I I W�V
The revitalization of the Lowertown area of the Downtown District has been a long-tim�
goal of the City of Saint Paul. A significant step in accomplishing this objective was aclhieved
when, in response to an initiative by the City, the McKnight Foundation pledged $10,000�000
to strengthen efforts to redevelop Lowertown. As part of this commitment, the Lowert�wn
� Redevelopment Corporation, a private non-profit corporation, was organized in April, 191I78
� to guide and support private and public efforts to redevelop the area.
Pursuant to this effort, a number of major housing projects have been completed or are I',
currently in process--including the Mears Park Apartments consisting of 255 units, of '
which 209�6 are subsidized through Section 8 funding; the Butwinick Manor Project, whichi
will consist of 56 rental apartments, all to receive Section 8 subsidy; and the Block 40 ,
Pro jec t. '
The City's redevelopment objectives for Lowertown include the creation of a substantial'
residential base in the area. A summary of a number of projects which may be approved'
for financing under the Program follows. �',
. projects �,
While all projects to be considered for financing under the Program will be reviewed for 'I
conformance with unit sales price limits, design compatibility, level of rehabilitation, if '
applicable, occupancy status, etc., the following projects have been identified as potenti�l
multi-family developments to be financed. I
All the rehabilitation projects which follow, and any to be considered for financing under
the Program, shall involve a rehabilitation expenditure of not less than $5,000 per unit. I
Rehabilitation Projects ,
1. Cardozo Warehouse - Part of the UDAG approved Broadway Square Project, this tu�n-
of-the-century warehouse structure at Fifth and Broadway is c�rrently less than 10�9�
occupied as cold storage. This building will be renovated as 21,000 net square feet I
of retail space complementary to the adjacent relocated Farmers' Market on the fi�st
two levels and 65 loft-type condominium units on the upper five levels. Units rang�ng
from 800-1600 square feet are expected to sell from $50,000 - $75,000. Total deve opment
cost of the housing units is expected to be approximately $3.5 million.
As the City's highest priority project for this financing Program, $250,000 of the $�65,000
UDAG for Broadway Square will be contributed to the financing program. '
2. American Beauty Building - The upper four floors of this vacant five-story
commercial building in the vicinity of Fifth and Wacouta may be rehabilitated as '
16 loft-style condominium units. Total development cost, approximately $1.1 milli�n.
Sixteen 1,000 square-foot units to sell in the $75,000 - $80,000 range. i
� ���'���.�
New Construction Projects
1. Union Gospel Mission - This site is currently owned by the St. Paul HRA. Demoli�ion
of the existing structure is scheduled before the end of the year. A condominium�
development of up to 50 new construction units could be accommodated on the si�e.
For project locations, see area map attached as EXHIBIT "A".
Projects which may be considered for financing under the Program are not limited to
the above. Project review and approval criteria shall be consistent with adopted policie�s
and ordinances of the City of Saint Paul regarding design, relocation assistance, sale pr�ce
and income limits, building code compliance, equal opportunity assistance, sale price anld
income limits, building code compliance, equal opportunity in empinyment and housing,
etc., as applicable to all housing revenue bond Programs.
The Financing Program �
The proposed financing program involves the issuance of $4,355,000 of tax exempt Hous�ng
Revenue Bonds for public sale by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. It is anticipated
that the bonds, repayment of which shall be�secured by a Letter of Credit from the Firs�
National Bank of St. Paul, would receive, at a minimum, an 'A' rating from a national
rating agency or agencies. The term of the bonds shall be 14 years.
All of the net proceeds of the bond issue will be used to fund mortgage loans on residentlal
condominium units. No portion of the financing shall be applied to the costs of non-hous�ng
development. None of the proceeds wil! be used to finance eonstruction loans to developers
of projects.
� Net proceeds of the bond sale, along with approximately $250,000 of the $565,000 UDAG
approved for the Broadway Square Project, shall be used to provide mortgage financing
for owner-occupied condominium units in the Cardozo Warehouse Building and other multi-
family projects located in Lowertown.
The contribution of approximately $250,000 to the mortgage acquisition fund at closing
allows the issue to be at parity after payment of issuance costs. As described in the att hed
Exhibits, all other costs related to the financing program shall be paid within the allowab�le
1% yield spread. '
Given current market conditions, it is anticipated that the rate on the mortgage loans ,
shall be in the 12.759� - 13% range. These loans shall be amortized on a 30-year scheduleb
with a 12-year maturity (maturity date June 1, 1995).
A portion of the loans to be made under the program will contain equity participation
loans (EPLS) to be financed through a commitment by the McKnight Foundation and the
Lowertown Redevelopment Corporation of up to $1,100,000. Structured as the Minneapolfs/St.
Paul Family Housing Fund Program, qualified mortgagors may borrow up to 20% of the
purchase price of a unit as an unamortized equity participation to reduce the borrowers'
payments to 28% of household income. At the time of sale, the principal amount of the
EPL and a portion of the appreciated value of the unit as interest shall be repaid.
In cooperation with the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, the City of St. Paul has sub�nitted
an application for the Lowertown NSA as an Area of Chronic Economic Distress to the
HUD area office. All multi-family developments to be financed under the program shal�l
be within this area, as well as within a redevelopment project area established pursuant �
to Minn. Stat. Chapter 462, as required under Chapter 462C.05 Subd. 3.
Minn. Stat. 46C.03, Subd. 10, specifies the principal amount of loans which may go to
persons with household incomes in excess of 1109�6 of inedian income, and the maximum
sale price limits of units eligible for financing under financing programs. The City shall
comply with these requirements as follows: Mortgage loans are expected to be made durling
both calendar year 1981 and calendar year 1982. The HRf� will implement the provision�,
of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462C.03, Subdivision 10, by calculating for each calendar �
year the aggregate dollar amount of revenue bond funds appropriated by the City to mak�
or purchase loans with respect to single-family housing (including condominiums), and '
then calculating 20% of that figure. The resulting figure will be adjusted by deduction of�
amounts allocated or reserved under any other City program to persons wth gross income�
more than 110% of inedian income, or purchasing single-family housing, the acquisition ,
cost of which housing exceeds three times 11096 of inedian income. To the extent that
the resulting figure exceeds the amount of bond proceeds available in each calendar
° year under this program, the excess will be restricted to persons or families with gross
incomes of less than 110% of inedian income and purchasing homes, the purchase price '
of which does not exceed three times 110% of inedian income.
The McKnight Foundation, Lowertown Redevelopment Corporation, and the City of St. ,
Paul share the objective of creating homeownership opportunities for moderate income '
persons. Consequently, the City, LRC, and the McKnight Foundation will establish incom�
eligibility standards for assisted buyers. In addition, the Affordability Test used in previoUs
St. Paul financing programs, a form of which is attached as EXHIBIT "B", shall be used.
The majority of units expected to be financed under the program shall have sale prices
in the $50,000 - $80,000 range. Consequently, most of the units will fall under the three �
times rule regarding sale prices. Additionally, the availability of equity participation '
loans will make it possible for persons substantially less than 1109b of inedian income to �
purchase these units.
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EXHIBIT "$" . .
The criterion for determination whether the �
. purchase of a dwelling unit in the Crossways P'roject may
. � properly be provided in whole or in part by permitting the
purchaser to assume a portion of the loan made for construc+
� tion, to be financed on a long term basis by the continued ',
obligation of a like principal amount of the Revenue Bond, �
or whether such financi.ng is othercaise available from
private lenders upon terms and conditions which are affordal�le
by a purchaser applying for public financing, shall be whetl�er:
(a) The interest rate, discount, and term then .
available in the conventional mortgage market for a com- '
para�le mortgage loan is ascertained from a qualified lending
institution in accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreeme�nt;
(b) The annualized amounts of principal and in-
terest payments (based on a market rate established in acc- '.
ordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement) taxes,
, insurance and common expenses (as defined in Minnesota Statultes
Section 515.02, Subdivision 8) are computed by the qualified'
lending institution and verified as to mathematical accuracy
by duly designated HRA personnel; '
(c) The Adjusted Annual Income of the applicant
is computed from information certified by the applicant; as: '
(1) gross family income from all sources, before ��
taxes or withholding, which shall include the income of the ��
purchaser and any co-owner of the fee interest in the unit, l�is
or her spouse, and any member of the purchaser's (or co-
owner's) family residing in the unit, less: '
. (2) the following: (a) income of any person
described in clause (A) who is under 18 years of age or who
is a full-time student and who is related by blood, adoption,�
or marriage to a resident income recipient or his or her
spouse, (b) non-recurring income, (c) sums received for foste�
child care, (d) extraordinary medical or other expense�,
(e) income of each additional income recipient 18 years of
age or older and described in paragraph (1) , other than the ',
orimary income recipient, but not exceeding the �amount of
5��0, (f) an amount equal to $750 for each resident o.f the
unit who .is 18 years of age or older (maximum of two) and '
$5�0 for each additional resident; (g) an amount up to $750
for child care expenses that are eligible for deduction under
United States Internal Revenue Service tax regulations , but
not exceeding the ar.iount of $750.
.� � � ;� ��7��:f�
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. (d) The total of. the annualized amounts referredl'i
to in clause (b) exceeds 2A percent of the Adausted Annual ' .
Income computed pursuant to clause fc} , in which case the '
. applicant shall be deemed an Eligible Borrower; provided th�
� applicant shall not be deemed an "Eligible Borrower" unless
at the closing of the sale, the applicant files with the Aa�ik
a certificate that he or she intends to use the unit as his'
or her primary residence, does not intend to use the unit �
as rental or income property, and still qualifies as an
Eligible Borrower. '
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To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota will meet in the City Council
Chambers at the C�t Hall in the Cit� of Saint Paul, Minnesota
at _� o'clock � on December /s, 1981, to consider the
proposal of the Department of Planning and Economic Development '
that the City undertake a program to financ� the developments ,
hereinafter described. pursuant to the City' s housing plan
under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C, by the issuance of ,
revenue bonds.
The Program �
The Program will consist of the making or
purchase of mortgage loans made to finance
the purchase of condominium units in the
Developments. The Program may be assisted by
funds provided by the McKnight Foundation
through the Lowertown Redevelopment
Corporation and by funds to be provided to
the City under . an Urban Development Action
Grant. .
The Developraents
All of the Developments will be located in ,
the "Lowertown" area of the City, which is
tYie area east of Robert Street, north of
Kellogg Boulevard and south of Interstate 94 ,
•adjacent to downtown Saint Paul. Each I t
Development will be a condominium. Some �
commercial or retail development will be �
associated with the Developments, but none of �
the commercial ar retail development will be �
financed through the Program. ,
The Developments are located within a '
redevelopment project area established
puxsuant to tdinnesota Statutes, Chapter 462, i
and therefore some or all the mortgage loans
may be made without regard to the income of !
the mortgagors. �
✓�' ' � �
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The Bonds will be issued by the Hou�ing and �
Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
(the "HRA") . The estimated principal amount of bonds or othe�
obligations to be issued to finance the development is ,
$5,000,000. '- • !
Said bonds or other obli.gations, as and when issued,i
will not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance uoon any
property of the City of Saint Paul, or the HRA except the
mortgage loans made or purchased pursuant to the Program, and !
certain other grant or loan monies provided to the City or HRA�
for the purposes of the Program. Such bonds or obligations
will not be a charge against the City' s or HRA's general crediit
or taxing powers but are payable from sums to be paid by the ,
mortgagors (owners of the condominium units) pursuant to the
promissory notes executed to evidence each mortgage loan. ,
Further information concerning the development, and '
the financing program therefor, may be obtained from the
Department of Planning and Economic Development (298-4105) .
At the time and place fixed for the public hearing,
the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota will ,
given all persons who appear at the hearing an opportunity to �
express their views with respect to the proposal.
Dated this lst day of December. 1981.
gy Albert B. Olson
City Clerk �
(December 5, 1981) '
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My naa� is Ji� �iehiiler. � live in the Milton Bl�l�. hich ie next Z��r '
t• the Aaerican Bezuty Bld�, I'■ a�pe�lcing �n behalf •f the peeple WNd
� in the Milton �31ct�;. '
� �^�--�--�--� ....�,..�.w.
We un�lerat�.nl that funlirag f�r the Milt�n Bld�. is n�t b�ing considerel I
zt this hearing, in apite �f wt►at we aa�y have re�.�l in the pa�pers. H�xe*er,�
we feel tl�.t ierel�paent ef the Aaerican Beauty and Ca�i�z• Buillin�a i• ,
h�,�*e an iap�t u��n u��a� xell �s �rwll nusineas�s ani •tl�r resiient� �
in l�rert�Mn.
qL R�,Gy-Wi a� ai�,� feeli� ttuee sft�sts �f epeoulati�t�. Our rsx�ts ha�e iasre e�
t• 2296 every aiz ��aths.. We ar� uyier ���tant threst �f iisp]�u►sesent. I
� i
TY�e hiet�rical i'act si artist� bein� po�r h�lis hen. M�et •f us c�nn�t �
af'�'or� t�igher rents.
-____ _._ ,
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The Miltoa bl��. is ane �t� �eversl builZin� hania6 li�e in stu�i�s.�hea�e
buildin�e t�r� beea ixhabitel by �rtists f�r the lzat-�� 5-'( year�. 1t II,
one pvint� a eurvsy s�nluctel by the St. ��ul Ra,asey Arts � Sai�nce t;�unci'�1
inZis�tei thAt •ver 250 s�rtista uyed wareh�use spzses in the a�re�. N� �thjsr
aace�:. i� this sity ani a�t t�� other ti�e in th� history ot' St.Paul ha�e se
a�ny artista be�xi se��liia,tel int0 �ne camnunity.�I.�Nert�xn i� the anly �
f��th�l�i •f t�e artistiu comsunity in this sity. �,
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Artist� have been ztrs►cted t� this �rea bes�,.use •f the a�ailability •f �,
lax�e�.pen/�.ffordable sp�ee.�These apaces s�n r�c��aaiate the ty�e �f' liwit�g
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�n1 xarKing requireaexii whic� a.rtiats �eek. �� have rente� �
uninhabitei wai ab�►n�iine�l rz�r�hou�es, inrestea �i�w� tise s�n�l ■a1e the
s�t��r�iui t• atu�li�s at i�s�s-� ezpetLSe. ""� But� s�re than this�
+�t"('ifArtffo �S� th.re is the e�a��a realizatian tl�t �re hare esre�.ted a living situ�tion th�.'�
is unique a� perso�l.��ll��t there is a nigh de;ree �f prafessional�s■
a�d r�speiat f�r �ne another as artist a within �ur e�asunity.
C' , � �,i�,�;�'`�" �'
We feel that our c�mu�utaity is z e1l�able r�s�urae t� the �ity by rirtue •f
its vitality a.ne. expre�s ion •f iZeAa. The questian is, �lses the �ity of '�
St. Pa.ul w�t artista as ps�rt �f the fs�brie of' its' social struature —
sity glunaia�—a.nl cultuxal �evelopment?1 Certain pl�ns for the Zerels��en�
�f l�wert�w� hare been i�ireal by tne co�unity �f �� n�w ezisting �
in l�+ertewn and u�ed tU •bt�.in funlir�g but tY�e ee�n��ic ba.se tha.t h�.s I!
� ,
evolvea rroa •ur e�raunity t�as n�t be�tt 6ire� aonsileration, in tnes� plan��
We want t• be ree�gnised rrr� � centributor ta the Qity. We IeCl ths�,t we ha�e
been expl�itel./Tbe pr�p�sed pl�ns i'�r re�,evelep�ent in�lule 6alleriea�
theaters� studios. Yet the grose�rs •f re�e�el�paent Zispla�ses the arti�;.. ,j�
de�lev�lu�aent will eauae �11. tlse spa�es in l�wert�wn to be ao ea�pensiv� th�jt
ventures into the r�sts will be unthinkable.�Lo�ic zt the z'in�naia�l �tite �fl
the arta taZs�y, n�t �nly in�liriluzl artista but or�anizati�n9 whi�h supp�rt,
�.ai represent tho Art�. There is �� alterrw.ti�e i�Zet���y��nt �ii�spl�,sc��'
the zrtist�. We Zon't want to be ie�late�l fr�m,;,��r�, our zudience,
and the publio �+� rre srer�te t�. '
�_.�....�....,..,�..�„�,......�.��,,�.•�.,..,.�w....� ..�..m.....,�...,�...�.�.
i.J,� a»u'LA G/rCr� I
'Gt1RTi t301�1Ci11 t l d� l�i ;
t`c L�-C��i✓w��y
w� wR�r�" �a th� sity ���ur ezistence an�i our neels.f In �r1er t• do this we neeli
t� ae�t with repreae�t�.tives •f eity ���ernxer�t to �liscuss alterr�tiwes :uc�
�►s s��p,�r�ive ia�sA�eaent, l�x� ter� lea,mea, Zevel�paent •f etu�lioa, ets. /�
Ae.S'� � we �eei to k��w the eity'a u��ssY�nt �f the up�.st �f this pr�ject up�� us.
HUD re�ulati�n requirea that an rr�alyaia sf tl�e iwps�st •f a, preject •r� �wY�l
reei�lential nei�hb�rh�Nl�, p�rticul�rily th�se ef l�w to s�ier�.te incsue leiels.
be sai�e,land the i�paet th�t business �pp�rtunitiee t• be sreatel will ha.ve��n
existit� businesaee. Haa this b�et� �lone? If n�t, we request ths�t a.n inpaE�
at�.tete�t be adle bef�re the a,l],�sa�i�n sf funls' frsx UIioG.
Thanlc Y�u
.'.°.""`."' ` CITY OF SAtNT PAUL
.-:,'�C i T T OD�•ry.
-=R�' ♦ i. � '�
�'o � _`',
��� �i'.I'•!Ili4� v"s '.
`'m ��t�`'j�� �=� JAMES J.BELLUS, Dt�tECTOR
' '°" 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minne#ota 55102
GEORGE LNTIMER � 61�-298-5775
MAYOR C r �` / ' / � CJj ( Q
(r �
December 15, 1981 ,
h1r. l�,�eiming Lu ,
Executive Director
Lowertown Redevelopment Corporation
Park Square Court
St. Paul , Mf� 55101 �
Dear l�lei mi na:
,1t today's City Council meeting, the issue of the future of th� artist
colony no�•a located in the Lov�ertown area was raised. Jir� Schiller,
representing the artists , indicated a concern abaut how they fit into future
plans for the Lowertown area and ho4� their tvorking and living spaces can
be preserved.
Councilman ��ch?ahon moved and the rest of the Council unanimously aareed to '
refer this issue to the Lov�ertown Redevelopment Corporation since you '
have had previous discussions with the group and since the Council felt
the Lowertvvrn P,edevelopment Corporation staff would be the appropriate
lead group in resolvin� this issue.
It ��iould be helaful if you could nrepare a report for the City Council
for their Januar�r 21 r�eeting to update them on the progress you have r�ade
The contact people representinc� the artists are �im Schiller (482-2338
or 225-9368) , John Federowicz (227-4106) , and Amy Soarks (ZZ1-0488} .
Sincerely, ;
James J. Bellus
cc: Pie ers of Saint Paul City Council
Olson, City Clerk i