277801 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE ����Q CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T �� v L COI1flC1I „ v BLUE - MAYOR File N 0. Council Resolution � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date -�-- RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that i Chapter 335, Laws of Minnesota for 1981, approved June l, 1981, i entitled � "An Act relating to the City of Saint Paul; , authorizing the City of Saint Paul to permit ; the dispensing of intoxicating liquor at Town ! Square Park. " a certified co of which is filed herewith hall be an a ' � py s d s id Act , hereby is in all things approved; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of the City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith file with the � Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney I General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act. � ; i i I i I COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: i Yeas Nays F�ant Levine [n Favor Mc�� 1-I B I Showalter - 47 __ Against Y — � Tedesco Wilson � ��� � � 198i Form Approv d y ity ttorney Adopted by Council: Date — I CertitiE:d a-se by Council creta BY � App o by ;19avor. DC� 11 1981 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council i By. - — BY PuB�ISHED DEC 19 1981 � � �� �� ��, � , •� ' .� CITY OF SAINT P�I,UL _`�-c�Tr oi W .-:•` �:''��-,, OFFICE OF THE CITY CL�RK g� s�, a� ;i �1'll'll i� BUREAU OF RECC�RDS -,. �� . �'v a ���� ° 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota�55102 ��Tnx�...cc�\` 612-29�-4231 GEORGE LATIMER I MAYOR December 16, 1981 Secretary of State's Office Attn: Kathy Hjelm � Room 180, State Office Bldg. � St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Dear Ms. Hjelm: Attached for filing in the Office of Secretary of State are three , Certificates of Approval by the City of St. Paul. The certificates i are in reference to the following: Chapter 68, Sections 34 and 35, Laws o£ Minnesota for 1981 as approved by C.F. No. 277800, adopted December 10, 1981. Chapter 335, Laws of Minnesota for 1981 as approved by C.F. No. 277801, adopted December 10, 1981, Chapter 369, Laws of Minnesota for 1981 as approved by C.F. No. 277802, adopted December 10, 1981. Will you please time stamp a copy of this letter and return it to the City Clerk's Office at 386 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55102. Very truly yours, � � Albert B. Olson City Clerk Attach. sch j �� I �'=' ��" �' . r� ?� � �'f ' CERTIFICATE OF APPROYAL OF SPECIAI. LAW• . ' BY GOYERNING BODY � i , — •� (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes� 645.02 and 645.021) I ; . � _ I _ . � , , STA'TE OF_ MINNESOTA > '�� ' _ . ` . it`w ��-'� .. • _ . . 1 � • .� Y � . � .� t County of ,� .K Ramsey ` � � � �� � . i - ��` � . . x ^ j ,. . . ���`�-�t ° � � '��' ;� . �.�;:i Y�, � �.,... . .�.,. ;.� ^.` . ...�•.. �: rS^! :r�� � .ac . " ..^ . TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA , �:; .�: ��:, �,��.� ' -. fi ;� .. x . . , . . _ , .N ,. . _ ., , . .. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned�chief clerical.officer of the �- . � - . ._ � - City of St. Paul � ' . - ' ,;, (name o!governmental uniV , # � . , . . . , �, z . ' . . , . .., ,�' ,:�> .+� °> x ,,x,� . ._ .�: ,. �� .� . .. .. . . �.. � ...._. - � �., w,, '�� � �.,_ . ..; .��_� � � . ., .. .. . ; . . � .; .. .. . . , . . ,�.... .+� ... -� - _. .. . , : _ - ..�. ' . ..: '��' ��81 .�.. .. DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 19 . Cha ter - , 335 'requiring approval by a •. majority vote of the governing body of said local governme tal unit before it becomes effective, the " City Council _ - , (designate govermr►g body) I eetin dul held on the lOth day of December, , 19 81 , by resolultion at a m g y i Council File 277801 did approve said Laws, 19 81 . Chapter 33_�_ (lf other than resolution,specify) I by a majority vote of all of the members thereof • i (py�� 5 ' , Noes �� �; Absent or not voting 2 ) and the folJowing additional steps, if any� required by statute vr charter were taken: Resolution to be published in the official paper of the City. � A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by refe ence. ��� i Signed: ; SEAL � City Clerk i • (Official designation of officer) � .= - , _ , I I (This form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by . I i the Secretary of State as required in Minnesota Statutes 645.021) I •If extraordinary majority is required by the specia! law, insert jraction or percentage he�e. � ; � . -- � � �. I s I . � i BLUE - MAYOR V 1 1� Y (l t'' .7A 1 1V "1' t'r'1 U L � File N 0. � Council Resolution ���'��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that Chapter 335, Laws of Minnesota for 1981, approved June 1, 1981, entitled "An Act relating to the City of Saint Paul; authorizing the City of Saint Paul to permit the dispensing of intoxicating liquor at Town Square Park. " � a certified copy of which is filed herewith shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk, as the chief clerical . officer of the City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts neeessary to said approvaJ_ of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of ; approval of said Act. - Yeas COUNCILME Na s Requestgd by Department of: I Y Hunt Levine It1 FBVOC � Maddox McMahon B Showalter _ Against Y � Tedesco �Ison : Form Approved by City Attorney I • Adopted by Council: Date ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � B� Approved by V1avor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bp - _ BY + - -i ��7 � Q �� �,*;o,.4 CITY OF SAINT PA�JL _.•` %'_,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �. .; :e ._- •, ;� uni�mi .; -,� un� �nP�- �� BUREAU OF RECOR'DS ,. . _ `'�.�, ,�,. �,,_� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 5�102 �.�,�,.,,.,.� 612-298-�231 GEORGE L/1TIMER MAYOR December 16, 1981 � � zr =s =.' �n-: rv —,� rv �� � '-� C 1=- �r L, m y N � 0 —:O -:� Secretary of State's Office =� _�= � Attn: Kathy Hjelm � � Roon 180, State Office Bldg. � �J St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Dear Ms. Hjelm: Attached for filing in the Off ice of Secretary of State are three Certificates of Approval by the City of St. Paul. The certificates are in reference to the following: Chapter 68, Sections 34 and 35, Laws of Minnesota for 1981 as approved by C.F. No. 277800, adopted December 10, 1981. Chapter 335, Laws of Minnesota for 1981 as approved by C.F. No. 277801, adopted December 10, 1981. Chapter 369, Laws of Minnesota for 1981 as approved by C.F. No. 277802, adopted December 10, 1981. Will you please time stamp a copy of this letter and return it to the City Clerk's Office at 386 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55102. Very truly yours, �� Albert B. Olson City Clerk �rArE oF 1�IdN�SOTh Attach. DEPARTfNEHT OE�T� sch FICED �.:.�('-�.s✓a�✓�9,�,� � SecFetary of Stat^ I ^��:' I' , �_ � �-7 7 ��J �_ i H.�. No. 32]� CHAPTER No.' �� ��� 33 . � _ � 2 relating to the city af St. Paul; authorizing the city 3 of St. Paul to permit the dispensing of intoxicating � : . 4 liquor at Towz� Square Park. 5 6 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: ' ; 7 Section 1 . (CITY OF ST. PAUL; TOWN SQUARE PARK; LIQUOR j . I 8 LICENSE.j � 9 Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, charter or --------------------------------------------------------- i0 ordinance, the city of St. Paul may by ordinance authorize any ; --------------------------------------------------------=----- 11 holder of an "on-sale" liquor license issuect by the city to 12 dispense intoxicating liquor at any event of definite duration ----------------------------------------------..__�------------ . 13 on the public premises known as Town Square Park. The event maiy ---------------------------------------------------------------�_ 14 not be profit making except as a fund raising event for a --------------------------------------------------------- 15 nonprofit organization or a political committee as defined in ------------------------------------------------------------- 16 section 210A. 01, subdivision. 8. The licensee must be engaged �o ��������.������...������...�..��.���..^���......��..�������.�����������....^�+� 17 dispense intoxicating liquor at the e�ent held by a person or -----------------------------------------------------------__ . 18 organization permitted to use the premises and may dispense � ----------------------------------------------------------- 19 intoxicating liquor only to persons attending the event. �A -----------------------------------------=----------------- 20 licensee' s authority shall expire upon termination of the . 21 contracted event. The authority to dispense intoxicatirig liqulor --------------------------------------------------------------- - _�_ 22 shall be granted in accordance with the statutes applicable t� 23 the issuance of "on-sale" liquor licenses in cities of the fi�,st --------------------------------------------------------------+__ 24 class consistent with 'this act. The dispensing of intoxicatimg -------------------------------------------------------------�- 25 liquor shall be subject to all laws and ordinances governing the -------------------------------------- ------------------------ 1 � - . . ,, H.F. No. j2f 1 dispensing of intoxicating liquor as are not inconsa,stent --------------------------------------------------------- 2 herewith. All dispensing of intoxicating liquor shall be in 3 accordance with terms and conditions prescribed by the ! ------------------------------------------------------ 4 municipality, and those terms and Condit�ons may limit the S dispensing of intoxicating liquor to designated�areas of the 6 facility. The municipality may fix and assess a fee to be paid 7 to the municipality by an on-sale licensee for each event^for ------------------------------------------------------------- 8 which the licensee is engaged to dispense intoxicating liquor. -------------------------------------------------------------- 9 The authority granted by this subdivisian shall not be construed 10 as counting as an additional on-sale intoxicating liquar license ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11 for purposes of determining the number of liquor licenses 12 permitted to be issued under the provisions of section 340. 11. ------------------- --------------------------------------- - 13 Sec. 2 . [EFFECTIVE DATE. ] 14 This act is effective the day after compliance by the 15 governing body of the city of St. Paul^with the provisions of . ------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Minnesota Statutes, Section 645 .021, Subdivision 3 . -----------�--------------------------------------- 2 i � � •` •` � � I . .. H. F. No. 3�1 � /�r� ! Harry A. Sre n, r. , Speaker of the Flo:rse of Representativts. ��i�t:�d Jack Davics ' Prcridcnt of the Senatc. • Yassed the House of Kepresentacives tliis 18th clay of MaY in the year of Our Lord onc thousancl nine hundrecl ancl eight,y–one . � Edward A. Burdick Chrcf Clerk,House of Representativcs. Passed die Senate this 15th �1y oE May in tlie year of Our Lord one thousand nine hunclred and eioht.y–one. �, , Patrick E. Flahaven Secretary of the Senate� A��provcd ...-�.. � � ... ,•� C��� t.." �` yy f �~ �`°� Albert H. Qui�e Governor of the S�ate of Minnrsotac. ��ilc�l � n — /'� � W 1 �� � � : � , Joan Anderson Gr w / Secretury o�Stcqte. v 3