00-639ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of a the appointments of Bill Buth and Mike Skillrud, made by the Mayor, to serve on a the Business Review Council. 4 s 6 � a 9 Bill Buth shall serve a three-year term which will egpire on April l, 2003. Mike Skillrud shall serve the unegpired term of Annette Robles Mace. This term shall expire on April l, 2001. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council : DateC�� �_�_ �'�, a c, J v Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � -�-� Form Approved by City Attorney By: � � � � �— Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date �D �DO Council Council File # �� � G',S 9 Green Sheet # \ lJlO D t� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � S 9 � 1 By: <��� .�� � / �i�e�� By: �.x�/�E �� 6�� Mayor`s Office ` X�ITACT PERSON ffi %iO1JE Lucia Lebens 6-8533 6-z�-oo I GREEN SHEET Hac this penoMrtm ererxorked under a wntract for Mie depedmeM7 YES NO Vies Mic peraauTrm ever been a ay empbyee't _ YES NO Doec thig PeisaNfirm O�ees a sW'll not namalbP� bY any current cilY emPlq'ee? YES NO la tlre peroaNfirm a tarpe,feA vandof! . YES NO ilain all vm answeis a1 aeoelate sheet aM attech to➢reen sheet ���� ��� JSf BE ON COUNCI4 AGBJ0118Y (OATEI AEaiGll 6—ZS—�O � p o...,,aac, _ ^.'� arcmnc �� eaure� oROOe � ���oow. ❑ wwry�mmKera _ � MYORI�AiiRAM) � TOSAL # OF S1GtSATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL lOCA710NS FOR StGNATURE) :710N REQUESTED � . Approving the appointmant5 of Bill Bpth and Mike �Skillrud, by Mayor Coleman, to the Business Review Council PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION OF TRANSACTION t SOURCE (��) COST/REVQIUE BUDOETW (CIRCLE ONE) ACTNITY NUMBER co -`sq No 106893 YEE NO 1�� { r � - ���. Oo-�3� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colem¢n, Ma}or T�: FROM: 390 Cin�HaU IS 4Vesr KeUogg Bouievard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmem6er Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Lucia Lebens Assistant to the Ma or DATE: June 27, 2000 RE: Business Review Council Telephone: 612-266-85/0 Facsimile: 672-266-8513 RECEIVED JUN 2 7 2000 C�TY ATTOFiIUEY Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments of Bill Buth and Mike Skillrud to serve on the Business Review Council. Attached is a copy of the resalution nominating these individuals, copies of Bill Buth and Mike Skillrud's applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 2000. Feei free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments c: Bob Kessler, Business Review Council Staff � �. �� • � � � ... �. •�•�- ... �p, .. oo-`�q PAGE 1 CYX�MUTTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATID AFI�R O1/O1/00 . .. v �i : �y�: �� � ��u'w���ti ---------------------------- 003672 Azzone, Tom 111� Arcade St. Pau1, ML�77 55106 �er Asia Security V�RD PLAN[SING SIIS�TE APP DATE ETH GEtU DIS DISTRICI' DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (O'1�IER C�'IITPEF'S SERVING ON) -- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 6 5 02/23/00 W M 003610 Baker, David W. 2922 Meadow Brook Dr. Woodt�uiy, M[�T 55125 Ec. L�v. & Bus. Dev. 003692 Bowe, Matthew S. 1631 Hague Avenue Saint Pau1, M[�T 55104 Dir. o£ Clistaner Services 000788 Buth, William A. 2354 Sumac Way WWOOdL'�ury, MLV 55125 President 003703 Cory, Charles 9145 Jareau Ave. S. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 Butcher 003682 Galles, Amy Sage 1810 Rome Ave. Saint Paul, M�[�TT 55116 Business Analyst 003691 Hee�n, Ibnald G. 1372 Carling IJrive Saint Paul, M�7 55108 Attomey - MML�TT Attorney Gen. 02/02/00 W M Workforce Development Council 0 17 3 15 4 10 65 OS/11/00 W M 03/28/00 W M O5/25/00 W M 04/19/00 W F OS/11/00 W M 003676 Igo, Pat 03/16/00 W M 2225 N. Victoria Roseville, M[J 55113 Realtor 06-26-00 O�NffTTEE APPLIC�N'SS RE�RT APPLICPNPS.RPP Cf7NF�IITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FoR r��z�zoNS n��o aFr� ol/oi/oo oo- ��°� PAGE 2 �e���erv���r� ��y�aa�a��xi�uui�+� : � • � wm. -��u� � ••• �� Y 9iY� !!'.X� ■ 003689 Kaess, Ryan L. 886 Wescott Trail #202 Eagan, Mt� 55123 MC�T Mu1ti Housing Assoc. 0�3678 Lazenby, Sean 1216 Bay Cove White Bear iake, M�f 55110 Reg. Investment Rep. 002109 Senkler, Ch�rles F. Ch 1889 Fairniount Avenue St. Paul, MM[�TT 55106 O�mer/Fabulous Ferns 003673 Skillrud, Mi_ke 1950 Berkeley Averrue St. Paul, ML�T 55105 Sales/KSTP Radio 000712 Wasley, Carrie J. 762 Gexanitun Avenue E. St. Paul, MM[�TT 55106 North East Neighborhood.s Dev. 002637 Young, Billie 15 CYocus Hill St. Paul, M�TT 55102 Retired Business owner DISI'RICP DISPRICT (PRIOR) (OTf�R C�ffTI'EE'S SERV�7G ON) --- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 38 OS/11/00 W M 1 8 3 6 S 2 16 04f06/00 W M O5/15/00 W M 03/10/00 W M 04/07/00 W F OS/O1/00 W F 003667 Zappa, Joseph A. 3 15 02/04/00 W M 1340 Mississippi River Blvd. St. Pau1, M[�TT 55116 V.P. Business I�velopment Name: 1� Flome Address: Street Telephone Number(s)= (Include Area Codes) Pla�ning District Councii: Preferred Mailiag Address: What is yuur occupation'. Place of Employment: Committee(s) Appiied For: •.tiry O1/02 i i � I i I L�� fI 651-730-6016 651-2 1-2 21 � W-2950 lst National Sank 332 Minnesota Street, St _ City Council Ward: $uilding Paul, MN 55101 2 Presiden[ Greater Sc Paul Association of Bv�dine 0�*^��rs andlh'�.ear� (BOMA Sc. Paul Busine s Review Council (8BC1 —_' What skifls, training or e=perience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek �ppointment? Durin m 26 ears of work at S. Pau excellent u derstandin of that which is necessarv to retain and increase b��siness I have in fac[ blee� asked — for zn£ormation by SRC members Randv Gel.ler who is a currenc membe�asked 'pte to aaplv _ e ve o h worked with 9ob Kessler. ' Tiie information included in this application is considcred priti•ate data according to the Minnesota Government Data Pr�ctices Act. As a result,lbis info�mation is not released to the generall publ+c. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CTIY EiALL SAINT PAt1L, N'IIl�tNESOTA 5 : (651) 266-8525 FAX: (65t) 266-85t3 {OVF.R) Itev. 3-3t-99 ST. PRUL BOMR Fax�651 Mar 28 '00 15�A7 P ST. PAUL BOMR Fax�651-291-1031 Mar 28 '00 15�47 P.02/02 PERSONAL REEERENC�S [Reminder to Indude Teiephone Area Codes] � _`3 Name: Rand 6ellez Address: 3�4 Wabssha St_ Paul MN 55101 Pfione: Nsme: p�e 651-b78-9230 rk 651-2Z2-7371 Pa[ 41o1f Addcess: 35 East 7ch Place, Suite 200, St. Paul, MN 55101 Yhone• ome unlis�ed ork 651-290-8s92 1liame: Bernie St. Pecer Address 1913 Foa Aidae Drive West St. Paul_,_'""' S5118 Phone: [Home) 651 455 9219 (Work) Rgtirea Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: to assist with concerns and slcuations as it relates to che recention and rovth of business in St. Paul. Have you had previous contact with the committee for wfiic6 you are making app{ieat'son? �It so, when, snd the circumstancea? I have had conversacions with Randv Geller everv now and then over tbe nass few Yea�, In a� attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of ou� commun�ity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is st�ittly voluntary. X White (Caucasian) Black (Airican America�) American indian or Alaskan Eskimo Date of Birth: 1-'L6-39 Disabled: Yes No x If special accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacifc Islander Male �_ Female �3ow did you hear about this opening? [tandv GeLier - — — MAR-10-00 FRI 9�10 KSTP-RM 1500 MPLS/STPAUL FAX N0, 6516472839 P.02 ix1R-0�20pP} 15�17 SRINT PRUL MpY�t'S fYrFICE 512 266 8513 P.03/0A OFFiCE OI+ 1� MAYOR S4Q QTY SALL SAIlYT PA'OL, MBVNESOTA 53102 Phoa� 266-8523 1�AR:. 286-8913 00 - 6 R*�nze: �• �. S�- /(�cc .2 7:Came �Rddrese: _ / �S'd �i��/ �. p9✓c 5,:,� � ..,/ /`l.✓ SS/o,j Street w� • Zip TetepLone Numbers Y�i;�:mingbistrict CouAe91: om ) 651- 69v-o9r7 (Workl �f'/-lo S�'7-28Y9 rxa�n Gf/�6y�-���9 Ctiy Cnunc(1 Ward: PE�et�rred Mn�7ingAddress: fFi17 •/ rv o. l�STP �'//f L/n:w�r,� Sa:,. t pa�./ /1.�1 5S/�y '�%t:xt is yoae oceupation7 T�{�:: o of Empfoyment: Gr•�iunittee(s) APPlicd �br: �'� � �c� �Vlu�t t{cells> trainEag or eYperience do=you pos�ss fqr tbe enmm3tteejs) fnr which you aeok appoiatment? . (OVEYt� • �r. &5-97 /�45. A+cr ��J h.J' --�3-L/'t���L.....� eY..�o% ' f�.4.:L '�a�6.T:Hr _ f' _Gao( ve/TS.T i(�.�,F l c.�e _..1/j:C.° 453� G�••�/} (.�, ua�..e..0 G.� � 6ari� Tl�ifwol . � ___�^� - ��'�' he%.,r0 e.rC�>fi. --- dNrn�.rE �la., a— Li,r+�- taa�F.,,�L. .,n �lr� a�- G�f wV,�...� h. �.. y-1 ..S " Ca �: c ./ �{L . d �/ 7C7�� int'orm8,tiop indudcd in th� applicatIoa Ia considered pr��aYe dam acco�ding Yo the Mititneaote Cuvernmtnf Data Practicts Ack As a nsuit, thU� irtfortination fs not rr�e�sed to the general peblic. MRR-10-00 FRI 9:10 KSTP-AM 1500 MPLS/STPAUL FAX N0. 6516472839 P.03 .•°- •�•.. °^-�•� •�•�•, �nin� rr+ue. rwrtM�S uhh1GE 512 2b5 8513 P.04iH4 ' i f : 5 1��.i..�.� I`Tt?lli2; rt ':Irtss: Fhnax: .,n _�'�9 IY� :,te: t10e � .ea o� „ .. Actdrsss• /3 �o �'1'_rs Qrv 7Yv.0 .Sv�.x �o,../ 1`��`/�� Pli:mv; fHnmel {Workl h' :nc: �-�t inn� f� 6L....� J'�Xi: r ' `-- A 1 Kr:/��..., /6.�.. 3y�t t/., �w.� �F.k �'...�r- ��? Sri�v Plane: �omel �' 1Workl GI'/- 6 N7- /Sop ?.��•:�ums for your interest in this particular committee: � s�vo you Lad previous contaet with the commiftee for which you are making application? Tf so, when, :�+.it� tl�e circumstante�2 � Tn sa Attempt to easure that committee representadan reElects the makeup otour commua'►ty, please clieck the 11ne applicabte to yoo. This information fs atrlctly votuntary. . ' . --,— White (CaacBS�an� $ispsnic Bissk (African Americ8n) Asian or Paclfle TslAnder _..._� American Indiaa or Ale�kan Esk[mo '�' _..�., Mslc DisablecS: Yes Femnle DateofB;rth: No 1Capeclal accammodations are ueeded, please specify: _ N�l� �Tow d3d you hear abouE tWs opening2 / /Ggl�'� li1tG�� ��Ilf//�. FJnCTTi J�� � � ,�:k.. �; r-a:� �mel bS'r- 6 Rd -!7 2 j rwartii 6.f /-� j' yY7 9 _.., u.r���f fii7"./_.'K4, •