277786 WHITE - C'iTV CLERK -- � �}��y�/1/'y PINK - FINANCE TF' ' �' � ��L CANARV -�EPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT 1 AUL COURCIl � a �o�� BLUE� - MAVOR � � j�' � File N 0. � o ncil Resolution ' Page 1 of 3 Presented By � ' � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO AMENDMENT OF THE 1976� 1980 AND 1981 CAPITAL IMPRO�MENT BUDGET TO PROVIDE FINANCING FOR DESIGN OF A CITYWIDE ATHLETIC/RECREATION FACILI$TY TO REPLACE MIDWAY STADIUM ' WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul sold Midway Stadium to the Port Authority to enak�le the development of Energy Park with the understanding that a replacement facili�ty would be built with sale proceeds; and ' WHEREAS, bids for construction of the new citywide athletic/recreation facility� exceed sale proceeds; i BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of St. Paul, upon the recommendationlof the Mayor and with the advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Com�ittee, that the 1976, 1980 and 1981 Capital Improvement Budgets, as adopted by this Cduncil and thereafter amended, are hereby further amended in the following particularsl: TRANSFERS FROM TO 93076-29 Watergate Marina Acquisition -147,000 � PIR Suspense � Fund #60010 ' 96081-002 Economic Base Development Opportunity -500,000 ; Fund (R-6615) �' 93080-022 Midway Athletic/Recreation Facility 647,000 ''� (C-1209) � COUNCILMEN ��� Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: utler ZZ [n Favor H Le e __ Against BY d x owa er edesco Form Approved Cit Attor y �' Adopted by Council: Date r Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY c sy � ��� Appr by :Vtavor: � Appro�gd!by ayo for Su� sslon to Council (� ' v.._.;---""- gy By����� \� l��,s WHITE - CITY CLERK �' /' /• /�(� CANARY •I DEPARTMENT COUflC1I s w s(� � BwE a MAYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL File N0. i � Council ReSOGZttZO�Z Page 2 of 3 Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date I APPROPR2ATTON ANALYSIS ' Current Amended �'. Appropriation Change Appropriatiqn 93076-29 Watergate Marina 1,689,210.95 -147,000 1,542,210.�5 PIR Suspense Acquisition Fund #60010 96081-002 Economic Base 600,000 --500,000 100,000 Development Oppor� tunity Fund (R-6615) , 93080�022 Midway Athletic/ -0- +647�000 647,000 Recreation Facility and be it FURTHER RE50L�7ED that the transfex�red funds will be used to cover the cost of ' lighting at the Midway Athletic/ Recreation Facility and that the Port Authorii�y will consider providing additional funds for the purchase of Midway Stadium whdn funds are available to reimburse the Economic Base Development Opportunity Func� and Watergate Marina Acquisition; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that Council Resolutions 276006 dated November 25, 1980 and ' 276411 dated February 24, 1981 are hereby repealed and the 1980 Capital Improver ment Budget is hereby amended in the following particulars; COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B showa�ter - __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY � By —_ � Appr v by ;Navor. 1 _ Ap r v by Mayor for ission to Council B \ Bv - – - I WNITE - CITY CLERK PINK � FINANCE i F'����+++yyy[� CANARY' - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��U L COURCII � � �'I /M� BLUE _- MAYOR f � � , File N 0. i � cil Resolution Page 3 of 3 ' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date � Midway Athletic/Recreation Facility Financing Proceeds from sale of Midway Stadium per Port Authority 2,248,p00 Agreement of November 26, 1980 and Port Authority Resolution of October 6, 1981 ' Interest Income on Sale Proceeds 137,�96 1976 Capital Improvement Bonds 147,�00 1981 Capital Improvement Bonds 500, 00 3,032, 96 Midway Athletic/Recreation Facility Appxopriations ' Preliminary Design 35, 00 Construction Plan 160,�00 Relocation 100,q00 Site Preparation 95,'�00 Construction 2,641, 96 and be it 3,032, 96 FURTHER RESOLVED that demolition expenses and construction of the auto facility� parking lot will be funded by the Port Authority; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that all Midway Stadium sale proceeds will be deposited in the Debt-Capital Improvement Fund, 50085, with subsequent transfer to an appropriate special fund where all interest earnings related to this project will be deposifted and included as part of the financing as authorized by this resolution; and be 'lit FINALLY RESOLVED that authorization to expend funds in accordance with this bud�et shall be conferred upon appropriate city officials upon receipt of proceeds in �he Debt-Capital Improvement Fund. , AP ROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: , ., �C Z _L�. � uge iecor y ��COUNCILI+IEN Requestgd by Department of: / ��eas Nays ', Hunt Levine In Favor �x �McMahon B snoweiter - __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date DEC S 1901 Form Approv d y i y A orney Certified •:ed by Cou . S ta BY By �� �.�— :�`� • Ap ro by ;Vlayor: a e 1�!-C � � 19 Ap by yor for u i�si to Council - \ � PUBLISHED D E C 19 1981 , � ��F���� ,�;`,� ` • �'Cz�rX o� �'�zz�:� �.�.�:rL � �� F.�4.i, . 'j�i „---.(j';e. l-=; _ OFI'IC_F.. OF '.rEIL: GLTY COII\CzL ��� ��� 't,.�' . i�:`�1 • � r'• y` ••4 =}.� . . y� Da t e : December 3, 1981 ��,�,� • ��.:.K:.��,;/ �Cfl �!� ��� f i T� � f� � PC� � i - ? 0 : Sdin� Pou! Cit*� Council � �. . . � �•. . ` F R O!ri • C O�I�ft I'�7��`$ O CI FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL � . ,_ � • . '. � George McMahon � GI1OtFiTtan� makes fihe fot tov��ing . . �_ reporf an C.F. .. �� Ordinance - . (3) [X.�. Resolution . � . . . • � Qi-t�er . . T' l�LE : . � . . . � �At its meeting of Decembe'r 3, 1981., the Finance Committee recommended approval� _ -- - of the following: _ . ------ -- • 1,. Resolution approving.transfer of Set-Aside funds. . - � - 2.. Resolution approvinc� amendments to 1976, 1980 and 1981 Capital Improvement . ' Budgets to provide..financing for design of Citywide Athletic/Recreation Center to rep2ace Midway Stadium. (12467-GM) � ' - ' "" 3: �Resolution approving budget amendments for Community Development Block Grant � Years I-VII. .� - . • . i . ' , - ; . . - . i � ; . : i i ' � - � • : � ; � CITY i1ALt.. SE�'E:`TH FLOOR S:�I�"T PAUL, P:ii�\'ESOT;e1 5�102. , T�__�•�.'_y I . i � WHITE - CITY CLERK �', BLUERY - �MAYOR�`MENT , ITY OF SAINT I-AUL F1eci1N0. ' �, cil Resolution ��� Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date � / � `� � Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO AMENDMENT OF THE 1976, 1980 AND 198 CAPITAL IMPROVEME]�TT BUDGET TO PROVIDE FINANCING FOR DESIGN OF A CITYWIDE ATHLE C/RECREATION FACILI'�'Y TO REPLACE MIDWAY STADIUM I WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul sold Midway Stadium to he Port Authority to I enable the development of Energy Park with the unde tanding that a replace- � ment facility would be built with sale proceeds; d WHEREAS, bids for construction of the new cityw' e athletic/recreation £acilityl exceed sale proceeds; i BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of St. Paul, upon the recommendation I!, of the Mayor and with the advice of the Lo -Range Capital Improvement Budget �, Committee, that the 1976, 1980 and 1981 C ita�, Improvement Budgets, as adopted'I by this CounciZ and thereafter amended, re hereby further amended in the I following particulars: i TRANSFERS FROM T� _�_. 93076-29 Watergate Mari a qu si ion -147,000 ; PIR Suspense �`,� ir�G��� i Fund #60010 d � i 96081-002 Economic se Development O�?p rtunity -500,000 I' Fund (R- 15) !.0 �'� ��/���� I 93080-022 Midway Athletic/Recreation Facility 647,d00 (C-12 9) ' COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: ' Yeas Nays ', Hunt Levine In Favor ` Maddox � ' / �, McMahon B �',. � snowaite� - __ Against Y Tedesco Wiison � I � Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date i Certified Passed by ouncil Secretary BY sy _ Approved by ;Nayor: Date _ Appro e Mayor for Su is o C�uncii. {� t By _ _ B — : ; � � WHITE - CITY CLERK � � PINK - FINANCE CANARY - ,DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT ��U L COIIIICII ^ v� NJ � � BLUE - MAYOR d � ,� File N 0. - _ r Council Resolution Presented By � erred To Committee: Date Our o ommittee By Date APPROPRIATION ANALYSIS Current Change Amendec� Appropriation Appropria�ion 93076-29 atergate Marina 1,689,210.95 -147,000 1,542,2]l0.95 PIR Suspense A uisition Fund #60010 96081-002 Economi Base 600,000 -500,000 100,0a0 Developme t Oppor- I tunity Fun (R-6615) 93080-022 Midway Athleti -0- +647,000 + 647,OOi0 Recreation Facili ' I MIDWAY RECREATION/ATH TIC FACILITY FINANCING AND , APPROPRIAT N SUMM�IRY ' Method of Financing ; Sale Proceeds 2,248, 0 Interest Income on Sale Proceeds 137,09 1976 Capital Improvement Bonds 147,000 , 1981 Capital Improvement Bonds 500,000 '� 3,032,096 Appropriation Analysis Preliminary Design 35,000 � Construction Plan 160,200 Relocation 100,000 , Site Preparation 95,700 Construction 2,641,196 3,032,096 COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B snowaiter - __ Against Y redesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By� -- Approved by :Vlavor: Date _ Appr Mayor for Subm� n C ncil �, By — B I I WMITE - CITY CLERK �� �, � �� PINK - FINANCE n CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT 1 �U L COUIICII BLUE - �IAYOR File N 0. j � Council Resolution Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date l Out of Committee By Date AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the transferred funds will be used to cover ' the cost of lighting at the Midway Athletic/Recreation Facility and that the ' Port Authority will consider providing additional funds for the purchase of Midway Stadium when funds are available to reimburse the Economic Base ' Development Opportunity Fund and Watergate Marina Acquisition. �' �:3 �f. ��ll� �,G_'1�*-�"e r^ r'^��+'; T'1�,?I^... �..^tt ��'��C�'8��:3T?l..T?.i.'!`_"�,' Y::�?- _:: I:_. 7P^ _�' �_^. tc�ate) ///�'�� 4�-.:'. _ :cc--=z_=�.':; �!_-1,�� Signed: /�- APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: ..�,r.�. �i�/g��/ APPROVED: 11- 1 Z- g� Bernard J. rlson, Director Gregory es Dept. of Finance & Mgmt. Services Budget Director COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowaiter - __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson ' Form Appr ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ ` I Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �� _/���( By� __ '� Appr�ved t�y ;Navor: Date _ APP � by Mayor for ub ssi to Council By _ _ _ , I