277784 WIi1TE - CITY CLERK COI�IUI�7 !.y I CA ARY - D PARTMEN,Development COUACII � swe 3 MA4 oR CITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ����`a"� - ` nc 'l Resolution ; � Presented Referred To � Committee: Date ! Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of S�aint Paul does hereby approve the following transfer of Community Development Block Grant Years I through VII funds; and be it ' � FURTHER RESOLVED, that the budgets provided by the City to the Housing and � Redevelopment Authority for implementation of a portion of the City's Community Development Years I through VI Program are hereby revised as indicated below: Current Increase Revised CD YEAR I Budget (Decrease) Bud t 1/018-046 Selby Avenue $ 612,366 $ (3,177) $ 609,189 1/006-013 Citizen Participation 192,537 (12,950) 179,i587 , 1/10-035 Douglas School Site 97,000 (347) 96,653 � 1/16-037 Haml ine-Hague Park ' 49,373 (1,°068) 4�8,; 305 1/316-054 Hammond School Site 29,950 (29,950) -d- 1/32-034 Riverside Park 104,369 (1,553) 102 �816 1/36-017 Hallie Q. Brown Senior Citizens 143,200 (6,071) 137 129 1/99-142 Acquisition, Disposition, Close-out 31,583 21,583) 10,000 YEAR I TOTALS $1,260,378 $(7 6, 699) $1,183� 67� Amount to be transferred to CD IV, , Project 4/30-999 - Unearmarked � Contingency 7�5,699 i i COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: ' Yeas Nays i Hunt PED Communit Develo me t Divisio Levine In Favor , Maddox ' McMahon B � Showalter - __ Against Y Tedesco � Wilson I Form Appr e y City Attorney ' Adopted by Council: Date _ I i Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By —_ I Approved hy 1�layor: Date _ Approve by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ _ By . , ' ` � Page 2 a� �^T��F����� Current Increase Revised CD YEAR II Budget (Decrease) Bud,Qet 2/02D-079 So. Phalen ITA - Line 2 $ 102,512 $ (10,748) $ 9�.,764 2/02F-082 So. Como ITA - Line 2 93,016 (8,090) 8�,926 2/02I-057 St. Albans ITA - Line 2 a4,107 (6,971) 47,136 2/02L-076 Acq. in Seven ITA's - Line 12 998,667 (5,393) 99ki,274 2/14-019 HELP Development - Line 15 159,000 (2,394) 15i6,606 2/17-104 Headstart - Line 2 567,000 (2,694) 564,306 2/26-088 Residential Street Lighting 53,300 (28,228) 25,072 2/32-108 Housing Information Office 125,000 (215) 124,785 2/33-096 Emergency Housing Rehab. 102,000 (2,067) 99,933 2/40-033 Kipps Glen Sewer 96,596 (6,753) 89,843 2/49-114 Design of CD III ITA's 74,000 (16,342) 57,658 2/94-112 Contract Services 281,751 (20,525) 261,226 2/95-999 Unearmarked Contingency 70,691 (50,691) 20,000 YEAR II TOTALS $2,777,640 $(161,111) $2,616,529 Amount to be transferred to Project 7/44-999 - Unearmarked Contingency 161 ,111 Current Increase Revised CD YEAR III Budget (Decrease) Budget 3/10-120 Handicapped Housing Services $ 67,000 $ (23,333) $ 43,667 3/05-122 Stevens ITA 135,800 (10,485) 125,315 3/09-089 Skyway Extensions 1,134,291 (181,077) 953,214 3/27-108 Housing Information Office 94,247 (205) 94,042 3/38-067 Hague-Laurel Street Improvements 525,000 (28,710) 496,290 YEAR III TOTALS $1,956,338 $(243,810) $1,712,528 Amount to be transferred to Project 7/44-999 - Unspecified Contingency 243,810 _ , � • . Page 3 ,�r������� . Current Increase Revised CD YEAR IV Budget (Decrease) Bud et 4/8-115 Urban Homesteading $ 50,000 $(50,000) $ -�- 4/1-027 Rehabilitation Loans 1,095,000 (256) 1,094,744 4/11-144 Country Club Market - Line 12 4,000 (2,367) 1,633 4/30-999 Unearmarked Contingency 191,701 52,623 Amount transferred from CD I Year I 7 6, 699 32 , Q23 YEAR IV TOTALS $1,340,701 $ 7 6� 699 $1,41p, 40Q Current Increase Revised CD YEAR V Budget (Decrease) Bud�et 5/05-159 E. Third Street Lighting $ 83,000 $(13,000) $ 7�0,000 5/08-118 S. of Front Public Improvements 294,674 (17,847) 276,827 5/35-003 Property Management 150,000 (5,284) 14�4,716 5/06-160 Case Avenue Lighting 30,000 (3,191) 26,809 5/34-999 Unspecified Contingency 562,401 39,322 6Q1,723 5/13-143 N. of St. Stan' s Development - Line 1 114,000 1,800 115,800 Line 4 11,500 (1,800) 9,700 YEAR V TOTALS $1,245,575 $ -0- $1,2�5,575 Current Increase Reuised CD YEAR VI Budget (Decrease) Budget 6/20-197 Multi-Family Acquisition - Line 1 $150,000 $(23,000) $127,000 Line 4 12,500 (5,620) 6,880 Line S 60,000 2,000 62,000 222,500 26,620 1 5,880 6/21-192 Special Rehab Fund - District 7 35,000 35,000 a0,000 6/44-999 Unspecified Contingency 644,908 26,620 6�1,528 Program Income Received from Project 6/21-192 35,000 (35,000) -0- YEAR VI TOTALS $937,408 $ -0- $9$7,408 � WHITE - CITV CLERK COMMUNITY COUflCll CANqRy�_ FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L �' BLUE, - MAPVORTMENT DEVELOPMENT File NO. �� � Co�ncil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � Page 4 Current Increase Revi ed CD YEAR VII Budget (Decrease Bud t 7/44-999 Unspecified Contingency $247,100 -0- $247 100 Amount transferred from CD Year II -0- $161,111 161,111 /lmount transferred from CD Year III -0- 243,810 243 810 CD YEAR VII TOTALS $247,100 $404,921 $652�021 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: � .�Z�- �� Bernard J. Carlson, Director Gregory Blees Department of Finance & Management Services Budget Director COU[VC[LME[V Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays � u er Hunt PED (Comnunity D velopment) o za [n Favor Levine ut � ine '�'�� _ � __ Against BY �� ' McM?hon walter Shorr2ii�r e sco Tedesco DEC O �98� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopte by uncillNilson Date Certified Y�s e by Council cret BY By t�ppr by Mavor: Da L.��1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — gY P �ISNED D E C 191981 �_____M.. _r___.� ,.-' -=`��, �CI'.rY O�+' �.E�ZI'�'�' ��.�I. �"�r�7�� �,�`�''` e ` :.. .E `.;e. •• '—: �:-/" (j'i 1`. OF�IC� OF 'TtII�. GITY CO�'\CTx. �r��/f:...t':```.��-.::, ��•`..�' r � . . �'��� � 4.f��' . . Dct t� : December 3, 1981 • �.�� •._. . �.` ;,:,� �✓ � i'b"i 3yl f � �� � I'� � C" Q � � - . . ?' 0 : Sainfi Pdul . Ci�� Councii ,.- . � '�: • �� �R O IV� • C O TI�1�7�H`.'o. O C� FZNANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL V � . ��eorge McMation ; c�airman, makes �he fo[ tov�ling � reporf on C.F. � � Ordinance . . (3) [X�.. Reso(ution - � ' . . • � O�t�er � - �' 1�"lr E : � � � � �At its meeting of pecembe'r 3, 1981, the Finance Committee recommended approval - -- of the following= . . � _�. _ . • 1. Resolution approving.transfer of Set-Aside funds. - � Z. Resolution approvi,ni�' amendments to 1976, 1980 and 1981 Capital Improvemer�t Budgets to proyide..financing for design of Citywide Athletic/Recreation Qenter to `.replace Midway Stadium. (12467-GM) _ " � � "`` 3: �Resolut�on approving budget amendments .for Community Development Block Grant . ' Years I-VII. . - � . . . i � . _ C11Y Kc1LL SE�'E:�TH FLf30R S31?�T P.r1UI., :r[I:Iti`ESO�'t1 5�10^ •- --•`'- - . . . rF, fi.d- Pe. � �<�t` �� /�� �t 41: i2 i97� , , , �'.: 9/ 76 � l�e�v•; 5/1 &1 EX�'1�4NATi(�1 OF 1�lIMI�A�'�� �RS. R+�v, : 4/ �'81 RE�t UTItN�S ANi}.��11�ES , ; yy�;E,�,�, �''�-� D�te: Qctaber 21, 1981 � ��,`;�°�''�"� ,� T0: MAYOR GE�RGE L14T"IMER t,��'�C� ���� FRt�M: WILLIAM Q.;PATTON X - RE: Ct�JN��'Y DEVELOPMEI�T BLOCK Gi�ANT {Cp6G) YEARS I-VII �3URG�T l41�N�NTS � AL7It�1 ��ST�flt , , , � .�..,_ . APproval and signature ' �1� R�TI. E FQR TNIS ACTIQN� .�,�� .� �.:.. '.,,�. � . ----�- ~- Approrc�l of this resolution will provide for the tr^ansfer of unencumbered � balances of completed projects and facilitate pro�ec� closures: - � . ����lc��..��� . , . � The unencu�nb�r�d balances o# these projects wi]l .be placed in co�n�ingency far su�isequ��at neallo�ation ta 'previously 'appr�ved. Cc,�unfty Development _ w, pro�ects. � �t�cr�t�',�: Proposed Counci.l Resolution - �, .