277780 WHITE - CITV CLERK ������o PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAIIL Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT . BLUE - MAYOR ' File N . ou l Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize and direct the proper Citq Officers to execute Traffic . Control Signal Agreement No. 60654, between the Citq of Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, covering , the installation of a Traffic Control Signal Interconnect Conduit ' Syatem on Trunk Highway No. 5 (Kellogg Boulevard) - East Third Street from John Street to Trunk Highway No. 61 (Mounds Boulevard). A copy of said agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. I � � COU[VC[LMEN Yeas Hunt Nays Requested by Department of: Levine � Pub13C WOL'ks Maddox � In Favor �� , ►,AcMahon 6Y _ Agalnst BY � Showa�ter Donald E. Nygaard, ctor Tedesco EN/ /d33 Wfison p,EC 3 ��i Form pprove y tor , Adopted by Council: Date c Certified a_sed by Counci Sec ry BY By i �lpproved by ' vor: ate Appro y Mayor for ub ' s'�on -ouncil BY - — BY PUBLISHED DEC 12 1981 ' �. I � �����o . OM Ot : 12/1915 = ' . � Rev. : 9/$/76 `:. , - � . Rev. : 5/�/80 � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, Rev. : 4/30/81 �; RESOLUTIONS AND OROINANCES �� • �; �, �. R�EIVED �. DATE: : Navember 20,1981 � " : NOV 2 519�i �: � ro: t�ayor Lat�ner NAA1fORS OFFICE : _ � ,, FROM: Robert H. Roettger, Traffic Engineer (�; Traffic Control Signal Interconnect Conduit in Rellogg Boulevard from John Stree to Mounds $oulevaxd ACTION REQUESTEDi . TI3e resolution �rould autfioriz� the Minnesota Departffient of Transportation to grepare plans. and install interconnect conduit on �llogg Boulevard. This work �rill be do�e at the time Kellogg Boulevard/Third Street bridge is •recon- struct�. • � . � : � � , . . , �� . . PURPOSE AND RATIONALE �FOR TNIS ACTION: ' The interconn�c�' ts pari of the C.B.D. (Central Business District) Traffic Signal computerization system. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Total construction cost of this pro�ect is estimated to be $28,600.Q0 and Cit cost determined as follows: A. gederal Aid Interstate $' 3,600.00 (Federai aid share 90x� 3,240.00) (Citq's share 10� 360.00) B. Bridge Replacement Urban � $25,000.00 (Federal aid share 80� $20,00O.00j (Citg's share S�OOfl,OQ) Subtotal Citp�s share $ 5,360.00 plus 6X Engineering and Inspection 321.60 Total Citq share $ 5,681.60 City's cost will be charged to PTR Fund Code 60200-735-000, to be reimburse from 1981 CIB (92081-019). Public Works Pro�ect T-1085B1 ATTACHMENTS: , dj3 ' . . }'�y I ` � �p i�F��� � NtIN1vESGTA TRANSPCRTAZ'ION DEPARTNiENT TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL P.GREENtENT N0. 60654 BETWEEN THE STATE OF MINr;ESGTA, DEPARTMENT GF TRANSPORTATION AI�D Z�HE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA FOR Traffic Control Signal Interconnect Conduit System on Trunk Highway No. 5 (Kellogg Boulevard )-East Third Street from John Street to Trunk Highway No. 61 (Mounds Boulevard) in St. Paul . S.P. 621f3-07 F.Po BRI� 5408 ( 1 ) Pre�ared by Traffic Engineering ESTIMATED A1�IOUNT RECEIVABLE AMOUNT ENCUMBEFcED City af St. Faul $5 ,681 .6Q None � ` THIS P.GREEt�fENT made and entered into by and between the State of Minnesota, De�•artment of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "State" , and the City of St. Paul , hereinaf- ter referred to as the "Cit� " , WITA?ESSETH: k�HEREAS, the City ras requested that the State provide a traffic control signal interconne�t conduit system for future use on Trunk highway No. 5 (Kellogg Boulevard)-East Tr,ird Street from John Street to Trunk Highway l�o. 61 (Mounds Boulevard) in the City; and VuHEREAS, it is anticipated that a �art of saic3 work is eligible for Federal-aid Funds; and WHEREAS, the City and State will share in the cost of the traffic control signal interconnect conduit system as hereinaf- ter set forth; NCW, THEREFGRE, IT IS AGREED AS FCLLOG�S: ]. . Tne State shall pre�are the necessary ��lan, sre- cifications and proposal and shall perform the construction engineerinq and inspection required to complete the items of work hereinafter set forth. Such work as describe� abave shall constitute "Engineering and Inspection" and be so referrea to hereinafter . 2. The contract cost of the work or, if the work is not contracted , the cost of all labor , materials, and equipment rental required to complete the work , exce��t the cost of 60654 -1- l�