277774 WHITE � CITY CLERK PINK �- FII�NCE C011RCll CANARY - DE'!�RTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L - -�'�� �r� BLUE .y MA�IOR File N O. � � Ordin�znce o=dlnan�e N o. �� Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Act Ameriding Chapter 215 of the Sai.nt Paul Legislative j Code PertairLing to the City's Repair I, of Ruptured S�er Pipes on Private ' Property i THE CITY �' SAINr PAUL DOES ORDAIlV: ' Section I '� That Sectian 215.11 of the Saint Paul Legisla.tive Code entitled Sanitary �� SEwex' Connectian be amer�led by striking cextain provisions therein and replacing i�n lieu axx3 in pla.ce thereof and adding the follvwing: 215.11 Sanitary sewer cor�iection. �ery water clo�et, privy vault, e� cesspool or sewer connection from private property shall be properlyl conn�ected with a public sewer when practicable, which connection '�� shall be in all parts adequate for the purpose, as to pernut en- ', tisely and freely tA pa.ss whatever enters the same; arr.� all such water closets, privy vaults, or cess�ools shall be provided with '� propex traps, ventilating pipes, tight pipes for coru�cting with I house sewer, sufficient water and other means for flushing the i same, and every awner, lessee, arid occupant shall take adequate , measures t�o prevent improper substances frcen entering such water ' closets, privy vaults, or their cor��ctions, and to secure the j pra�rpt r�val of any imprc7per substances that may entrer therein, �� so that no acctunula.tion shall take place, and so as to prevent ' any exha.lation therefrcen, offensive, dangerous, or prejudicial tr� health, and. so as t,o prevent the same fran being or beccming obstructed. l. City's Repair of Ruptured Sewer Pi s on Private Proper . The �', City, by Co�cil Resolution and by written consent of the owner(s) defined in Section 45.03, and after considering the recarmendation COUNCILMEN ' Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: I Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon Showalter A gai nst BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Councii Secretary B � �� By Approved by Mayor: Date Appr by Mayor for ub ss' �uncil By BY WHITE j CITY CLERK 'Q/ ,�j� PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 ��� o �-I��� CANARY - 6EPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L BLUE . t' MAYOR File N O. ♦ Ordin�cnce Ordinance N 0. � Presented By_ _ � Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date i -3- , ! fran proceeding with an appeal and trial in that Court and the City Council's Order shall be final. ' Section II ' This ordinance sha.11 take full force ar�d effect Thirty (30) days after it�s passage. i� l � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: i Yeas Nays � Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox #1e�Ael�ew• snowa�ter � Against By ��"° wlson pEC 2 2 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e Coun il S et BY � I �_Y� By Approv by Mayor: Date '� 2 g t9a� Appro d by Mayor for Su ' s' o C6unctl-- i gy B BLISHED JAN 2 1982 I� . 4M 4 Z; xZ,l1 ?'S Rev�.: �js�! 6 . EXPLANATIUN OF AD�t1�TISTRP�TIVE. ORDERS, RES4LUTION , ANt3 ORD NANCES- � n ��) . ._ ` `T l� Date: November 18 , 1981 : , RECE D Ta: MAYOR �EORGE' LATIMER NOV 1 8 �y � �'R: Thomas J . Ke 1 1 ey , D i rector Commun i ty. Serv i ces MAYORSOFF CE gg: Repair of Broken Sewer.. Pipes on Private Property . ACTION REQUESTED: � � . .. _ . Approval of Amendment to Chapter 215 , St . Paul Legislative Code . FINANCIAL IMPACT Al1 costs incurred will be placed on taxes and returned over a : l ten year period . � , PURPOSE AND RATIONALE' F4R TSIS ACTION: - The ordinance change will allow the repair of broken sewer lines on private property under the Summary Abatement, process . The primary use of this procedure will be to abate open 5ewers where a rod�nt infestation has been found and the owner is unabl or unwilling to make reRairs . ATTACBMENTS: . Ordinance � lst �d� ���/ 2nd �_ �a� �� _ 3rd f �' � � �� Adopted � � � �✓` �v / Yeas Nays xuNr I �v �C� 5 LEVI:�TE ����F��l� McMAHON -- - � ' SAOWALTER TEDESCO ' WILSON PRESIDE.^TT (MADDOX) • r ��i����`�� -a- of the Housing ar�c7. Building Cod.e Division, may repair or re- place broken or ruptured sewex pipes on private property for the purpose of eliminating public health hazards and/or un- sanitary conditions being caused by such hreaks or ruptures. In so doing the City shall c7.o such work as it deems reasonably necessary to acca�lish the purposes stated herein. 2. Notwithstanding any provisions of this or other chapter to the contrary, the costs incurred by the City in rendering such services in subsection (1 or in subsection (3) sha.11 be charged a ainst the r�al estate and collected with real estat�e taxes, in not to exceed ten. 10 equa.l installments with interest at a rate as provided in Section 64.04 Subd. 1 of the Saint Paul Ar�ministrative Code. 3. In the event the City is unable t�o obtain the necessary written consent as provided herein, the City shall follow the procedures set forth in Sections 45.03 ar�l 45.04 if it wishes to go onto tY� real estate to perform the services the City dee�n.s necessary to eluninate the public health hazard and/or unsanitary condi- tion with the costs being collected. as provic3.ed herein. 4. Any owner of the subject rea.l estate who appeal�l to the City Council pursuant t�o Section 45.03 may appeal the City Council's Order required in Section 45.04 by filing written notice of appeal with the City Clerk within twenty (20) days after the Council's adoption of said order, stating the description of tt�e property, the interest in the property, and the specific objec- tions to the Cotu�.cil's Ordex. Within ten (10) days after the notice of appeal has been filed with the City Clerk, the notice of apneal shall be filed with tYie Clerk of the District Court to detenni_ne whether the Couricil's Orclex is a proper exercise of the City Police Pc�wers. 5. Any such owrver who does not appeal the Order of the Council as provided in Section 45.04(4) or who does not file the Notice of A��eal with either the City Clerk or Clerk of District Court within t ie time period. prescribed herein. shall be forever barred �::'J,y�C� //--�%-d'! �