00-636Council File # CC� — G G 4R�GiNAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To Green Sheet # 08924 `1� Committee Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached May 1, 1999 through Apri130, 2002 Empioyment Agreement between the Independent School District No. 625 and Sheet Meta1 Workers Internationai Associafion Local 10. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date \ o � o , Adoprion Certified by Council Secretar By: a- f � Approved 6y Mayor: Date �i `1 / Z�� B y: '�--6�4'� Form Appr �d by CiTy Attome � B : .� � �, � r Approved by ayor for Su mission to Council By: /�}7/�� LABOR RELATiONS CONTACT t'ERSON & PHONE: JIJLIE KRAUS 266-6513 MUSf BE ON COIINCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF DA'� IN'z'`'�° GREEN SHEET No.: 08924 00 - C 3 L Iune 19, 2000 � �ATE INfflALDATE ASSIGN I DEPARTMENT DIlL� 4 GiTY COUNCIl, 7�i[py�gpt 2 CITY ATIORNEY CITY CLERK FOR BUDCET DIR � F1N. & MGT. SERNCE DIIt- ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ORDER ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) acriox xEQVFSrsn: This resolution approves the attached May 1,1999 tbmugh Apri130, 2002 Bmployment Agreement between Independent School District No. 625 and Sheet Metal Workers Intemational Association Local 10. RECOMMENDATIONS: P.pprove (A) or Reject (R) PLAI3MNGCOMMISSION CSViLSERVICE COM[vIISSION CIBCAMNIITfEE � STAFF DISTRICT COUR7 SUPPORTS WfllCH COUNCIL OBIECTIVE? YERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACfS AlUST AiVSR'EB THE FOLLAWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this peisonJEim eva woti:ed under a contrac: foi this depurt�nent? Yes No 2. Has this persoN£mn ever bcen a city emPioyee? . Yes No 3. Does tLis persoNfim� possess a skill not nomially possessed by any current city Yes No E:piain all yes auswere on separah s6at aad attseh to green shee[ INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSLJE, OPPORTUNTTY (FYhq What, W6eo, Where, Why): See Attached , ,« • .- ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This resolution pertains to Boazd of Fducation employees only. DISAl1VANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. Tv1SAllVAN7'A(:ES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOi7NT OF TRATISACI70N: Fi3NDiNG SOURCE: �uN � � a000 JUN 2 4 2040 COSTJREVFdKtJE BUDG�.TED: RM Y\Tl Y tl'i�l Uu 13 �l ;i7 FINANCIAL INFORhTATION: (EXPI.A71V) INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DtSTRICT NO. 625 BOARD OF EDUCATION Oo — <. SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS DATE: August 3, 1999 TOPIC: Approval of an Empioyment Agreement With Sheet Metal Workers Association, Local 10, to Establish Terms and Conditions of Employment for1999-2002 A. PERTINENT FACTS: 1. New Agreement is for the three-year period May 1, 1999 through April 30, 2002. 2. Contracf changes are as follows: Holidavs: Changed holiday language to provide uniformity with other district contracts. Waaes: Wage and benefit changes reflect prevailing wage for the industry. 7he thirtl year will be a reopener for wages only. 3. The remaining language provisions of the previous contract remain essentially unchanged, except for necessary changes to dates and outdated references. 4. The District has 4 regular F.T,E. in this bargaining unit. 5. This request is submitted by Sue Guibrod, Negotiations/Labor Relations Assistant Manager; Richard Kreyer, Executive Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations; and William Larson, Deputy Superintendent of Operations B. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve and adopt the Agreement concerning fhe terms and conditions of employmenf of those employees in this schoof district for whom Sheet Metal Workers International Association, Local 10, is the exclusive representative; duration of said Agreement is for the period of May 1, 1999 through April 30, 2002. �-to3( � � � ARTfCLE T1TLE Articie 1. Article 2. Article 3. Article 4. Article 5. Article 6. Article 7. Article 8. Articie 9. Articie 'f 0. Article 11. Article �2. Article 13. Article 14. Article 15. Article 16. Article 17. Article 18. Article 19. Article 20. Article 21. Articfe 22. Article 23. Article 24. Article 25 Article 26. Article 27. Article 28. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Preambfe................................................................:............................................... v Purpose..................................................................................................................� Recognition............................................................................................................. i Employer .....................................................................................................1 Union Rights ...........................................................................................................2 Scopeof the Agreement ........................................................................................2 ProbationaryPeriods ..............................................................................................3 Philosophy of Employment And Compensation .....................................................3 Hoursof Work ........................................................................................................4 Overtime .................................................................................................................5 CalfBack ................................................................................................................6 Work Location ........................................................................................................6 Wages ....................................................................................................................6 FringeBenefits .......................................................................................................7 Selection ofi Lead Sheet Metaf Worker ...................................................................7 Ho I i days .................................................................................................................. S Disciplinary ..........................................................................................9 Absences From Work .............................................................................................9 Seniority ................................................................................................................10 Ju risd iction ............................................................................................................11 Separation............................................................................................................11 ?ools .....................................................................................................................11 GrievanceProcedure ............................................................................................12 Right Subcontract .............................................................................................14 Non-Discrimination ...............................................................................................14 Seve rability ...........................................................................................................14 Wa ive r ..................................................................................................................15 Mileage .................................................................................................................15 Duration and Pledge .............................................................................................16 Appendix ...........................................................................................................17 Appendix ............................................................................_.............,...............18 Appendix ................................._--......•.-•-.....-••...................................................19 Appertdix .........................:.................................................................................21 dll •� - .. � � ' u � PREAMBLE This Agreement is entered into between Independent School District No. 625, hereinafter referred to as the Employer, and the Sheet Metai Workers international Association Locai �0, hereinafter referred to as the Union. The Empioyer and the Union concur that Yhis Agreement has as its objective the promotion of the responsibiiities of the Independent Schooi District No. 625 for the benefit of the generai public through effective la6or-management cooperation. The Employer and the Union both reaiize that this goal depends not oniy on the words in the Agreement but rather primarily on attitudes between people at all levels of responsibility. Constructive attitudes of the Empfoyer, the Union, and the individual empioyees will best serve the needs of the general public. G19-!o 3 � � ARTICLE t. PURPOSE 1.'! The Emphyer and the Union agree that the purpose for entering into this Agreement is to: 1.1.1 Achieve orderly and peaceful refations, thereby estabfishing a system of uninterrupted operations and the highest feve! of empioyee performance that is consistent with the safety and well being of all concemed; 1.1.2 Set forth rates of pay, hours of work, and other conditions of emp{oyment as have been agreed upon by ihe Employer and the Union; 1.1.3 Establish procedures to orderly and peacefuliy resolve disputes as to the appiication or interpretation of this Agreement without loss of manpower productiviry. 1.2 The Employer and the Union agree that this Agreement serves as a supp4ement to legislation that creates and directs the Empioyer. If any part of this Agreement is in conflict with such Iegisiation, the latter shaii prevail. The parties, on written notice, agree to negotiate ihat part in conflict so that it conforms to the statute as provided by Artic{e 25 (Severability). ARTICLE 2. RECOGNITION . 2.1 The Employer recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative for coliective bargaining purposes for all personnel having an employment status of regular, probationary, and temporary employed in the classes ofi positions defined in 22 as certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services in accordance with Case No. 89-PR-2352 dated December 7, 1989. 2.2 The classes of positions recognized as being exclusively represented by the Union are as listed in Appendix A. ARTICLE 3. EMPLOYER RIGHTS 3.1 The Employer retains the right to operate and manage all manpower, facilities, and equipment; to establish functions and programs; to set and amend budgets; to determine the utilization of technology; to estabiish and modify the organizationai structure; to select, direct, and determine the number of personnel; and to perform any inherent manageriai function not specifically Vimfted by this Agreement. 3.2 Any `�erm or condition of employment" not established by this Agreement shaif remain with the Employer to eliminate, modify or establish fioilowing written notification to the Union. � ARTlCLE 4. UNION RIGHTS 4.� The Empioyer shall deduct from the wages of employees who ainhorize such a deduction in writing an amount necessary to cover monthly Union dues. Such monies deducted shatl be remitted as directed by ths Union. 4,1.1 The Employer shall not deduct dues from the wages of employees covered by this Agreement for arty other labor organization. 4.9.2 The Union shall indemnity and save harmless the Employer from any and al! claims or charges made against fhe Employer as a resuit of the imptementatio� of this Article. 42 The Union may designate one (1) empfoyee from the bargaining unit fo act as a Steward and shall inform the Employer in writing of such designation. Such employee shall have the rights and responsibilities as designated in Article 22 (Grievance Procedure). 4.3 Upon notiiication to a designated Employer supervisor, the Business Manager of the Union or his designated representative shall be permitted to enter the faciiities of the Employer where employees covered by this Agreement are working. ARTlCLE 5. SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT � 5.'1 This Agreement establishes the `Yerms and conditions of employmenY' detined by • Minnesota Statute § �79A.03, Subdivision 19, for a�l empfoyees exclusively represented by the U�ion. This Agreement shall supersede such "terms and conditions of empioymenY' established by Civil Service Rule, Council Ordinance, and Council Resolution. i oa-�3� . �` I u � ARTICLE 6. PROBATIONARY PER40DS 6.1 6.2 All personnel, originally hired or rehirec follawing separation in a regular employment status shall serve a six (6)-month probationary period during which time the employee's fRness and ability to perform the cfass of positions' duties and responsibiiities shall be evaluated. 6.1.1 At any time during the probationary period an emp{oyee may be terminated at the discretion of the Empioyer wfthout appeai to the provisions of Articie 22 (Grievance Procedure). 6.'12 An employee terminated during the probationary period shaii receive a written notice of the reason(s) for such termination, a copy of which shail be sent to the Union. AII personnel promoted to a higher class of positions shall serve a six (6)-month promotional probationary period during which time the employee's fitness and ability to perform ihe class of positions' duties and responsibitities shali be evaluated. 62.1 At any time during the promotionai probationary period an employee may be demoted to the employee's previously-heid class of positions at the discretion of the Employer without appeal to the provisions of Article 22 (Grievance Procedure). 8.2.2 An employee demoted during the promotional probationary period shalt be returned to the employee's previously held class of positions and shall receive a written notice of the reasons for demotion, a copy of which shall de sent to the Union. ARTlCLE 7. PHILOSOPHY OF EMP�OYMENT AND CQMPENSATION 7.1 7.2 r�i The Employer and the Union are in fuii agreement that the philosophy of employment and compensatian shaB be a"cash" houriy wage and "industry' fringe benefit system. The Employer shall compensate employees for a�l hours worked at the basic hourly wage rate a�d houriyfringe benefit sate as found in Artictes 12 (Wages) and i3 (Fringe BeneSits). No other compensation or fringe benefit shall be accumulated or earned by an empioyee except as specifically provided for in this Agreement. ARTICLE 8. HOURS OF WORK 8.1 � The normal workday shall tre eight (8) consecutive hours per day, excluding a thirry (30}-minute unpaid lunch period, between 7:00 a.m, and 5:30 p.m. The normal work week sha!! be five (5) consecutive norma! workdays Monday through Friday. 8.3 if, during the term of this Agreement, it is necessary in the EmployePs judgment to establish second and third shifts or a work week of other than Monday through Friday, the Union agrees to enter into negotiations immediately to establish the conditions of such shifts and/or work weeks. 8.4 8.5 � f:�l This Section shali not be construed as, and is not a guarantee of, any hours of work per normai workday or per normai work week. All employees shall be at the location designated by their supervisor, ready for work, at the established starting time and shali remain at an assigned work locafion unii! the end of the established workday unless othervvise directed by their supervisor. All employees are subject to call back by the Employer as provided by Article i0 (Cali Back). Employees reporting for work ai the estabiished starting time and for whom no work is available shall receive pay tor two (2) hours, at the basic hourly rate, unless noti�ication has been given not to report for work prior to leaving home, or during the previous workday. • • � 4 oo-� 3� • ARTICLE 9. OVERTIME 9.1 All overtime compensated for by the Employer must receive prior authorization from a designated Employer supervisor. No overtime work cfaim will be honored for payment or credit unless approved in advance. An ove�time ctaim wii! not be hortored, even ihough shown on the time card, unfess the required advance approval has been obtained. 9.2 Tha overtime rate of one and one-half (1-1l2) the basic hourly rate shail be paid for work performed under the foflowing circumstances: 9.2.i Time worked in excess of eight (8) hours in any one normal workday, and 9.2.2 Time worked on a sixth (6th) day following the normal work week. 9.3 The overtime rate of two (2) times the dasic houriy rate shall 6e Qaid for work performed under the following circumsiances: 9.3.1 Time worked on a seventh (7th} day fo!lowing the normal work week; and 9.32 7ime worked in excess of twelve (12) consecutive hours i� a twenty-tour (24) hour period, provided that all "emergenc}1' work required by "Acts of God" shatl be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2). 9.4 For the purposes of calcufating overtime compensation, overtime hours worked shall not be "pyramided," compounded or paid twice for the same hours worked (except for the amount specified in Appendix D(3), Natio�at Pension Fund). All contribulions for the National Pension Fund (Appendix D(3) for each employee covered by this Agreement shall be � compensated based on hours aid. and not hours worked: such that hours paid at time and one-half shall receive contributions at 1.5 times the rate specified in Appendix D(3), and two (2) times the rate specified in Appendix D(3) for dou6le time hours paid 9.5 Overtime hours worked as provided by this Article shall be paid in cash or in compensatory time as determined by the Employer. LJ ARTICLE 10. CALL BACK 10.'I The Emplayer retains the right to ca�l back empioyees before an employee has started a normal workday or normal work week artd after an employee has completed a norma! workday or normai work week. 10.2 10.3 Employees catfed back shail receive a minimum of four (4)-hours' pay at the basic hourly rate. The hours worked based on a cail back shall be compensated in accordance with Article 9 (Overtime), when applicable, and subject to the mi�imum estabiished by 10.2 above. 10.4 Employees catled back four (4) hours or )ess prior to their normal workday shai! complete the normal workday and be compensated oniy for the overtime hours worked in accordance with Article 9 {Overtime). ARTICLE 11. WORKLOCATION 11.1 Employees shall report to work location as assigned by a designated Employer supervisor. Lluring the normal workday, empioyees may be assigned to other work locations at the discretion of the Employer. 11.2 Employees assigned to work locations during the normal workday other than their originai assignment, and who are required to fumish their own transportation, shal! be compensated for miteage, as set forth in Article 27 (Mileage). ARTICLE 12. WAGES 12.1 The basic hourly wage rates as established by Appendix C shall be paid for ali hours worked by an employee covered by this Agreement. 122 Regular employees sha!! be compensated in accordance with Article 12.1 (Wages) and have fringe benefit contri6utians and/or deductions made on their behalf as provided for by Article 13 (Fringe Benefits). 12.3 Temporary employees shall be compensated in accordance with Article 12.1 (Wages) and have fringe benefit contributions and/or deductions made in iheir behaif as provided for by Articfe 13 (Fringe Benefitsj. � . � � O�-1o3�, • � , ARTICLE �3. FRINGE BENEF{TS '13.1 The Employer shalf make contributions on behalf of and/or make deductions from ihe wages of participating employees as defined 6y Article 12.2 and 12.3 covered by this Agreement in accordance with Appendix D for alf hours worked. 132 Eifective May 1, 1966 temporary, probationary, and regular empfoyees shaff be e{igibfe for a paid holiday for Labor Day, the first Monday in September. 13.3 The Empioyer wili for the period of this Agreement provide, for those empioyees who were eligibfe for the Employer's heafth and weKare pian a�d who have retired since February i, 1975, such heafth insurance premium cor»ributions up to the same dollar amounts as are provided by the Employer at the date ot early retirement and the cost of premium contributions toward $5,000 life insurance coverage until such employees reach sixty-five (65) years of age. In order to be eligible for the premium contributions under the provision 13.4 the employee must: 13.3.1 13.3.2 Be receiving benefits from a pubiic employee retiree act at the time of retirement. Have severed the employment relationship with the City of Saint Paul and/or Independent School District No. 625 under one of the early retiree plans. 13.3.3 Inform the Human Resource Department of Independent Schoo! District No. 625 and Office of Human Resources - CNy of Saint Paui in writing within sixty (60) days of employee's early retirement date that he or she wished to be eligible for ear{y retiree insurance benefits. 13.4 An employee who retires at age sixty-five {65) or later and who meet the criteria in i3.3 or for early retirees who qualified under 13.3 and have reached age si�cty-five (65) after retirement the Employer will provide payment of premium for a Medicare supplement health coverage poficy selected by the Empfoyer. ARTICLE 14. SELECTION OF LEAD SHEET METAL WORKER 14.1 142 14.3 14.4 The selection of personnel for the class of position lead Sheet Metal Worker shall remain solely with the Employer. The class of position �ead Sheet Metal Worker shall be filled by empioyees of the bargaining unit on a`temporary assignment " All "temporary assignments" shali be made o�ly at the direction of a designated Employer supervisor. Such "temporary assignmenis" shall be made oniy in cases where the class of positions is vacant for more than one (1) normal workday. ARTfCLE 15. HOLIDAYS 15.1 The following nine (9) days shall be desigr�ated as unpaid holidays (except Labor Day as noted in Articie 132}: New YeaTs Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Presidents' Day Memoriat Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Day After Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Ja�uary 1 7hird Monday I� January Third Monday in February Last Monday in May July 4 First Monday in September Fourth Thursday in November Fourth Friday in November December 25. 152 When New Year's Day, Independence Day or Christmas Day falls on a Sunday, the foilowing Monday shall be considered the designated holiday. W hen any of these three (3) holidays fal(s on a Safurday, the preceding Friday shail be considered the designated holiday. ] 5.3 The nine (9) holidays shall be considered non-workdays. 15.4 If, i� the judgment of the Empioyer, personnei are necessary for operating or emergency reasons, employees may be scheduied or "called back" in accordance wfth Article to (Cali Back). '15.5 Employees called in to work on a designated holiday shatl be compensated at the rafe of two (2) times the basic hourly rate for al! hours worked. 15.6 Employees working on Labor Day shail be recompensed for work done on this day by being granted compensetory time on a time and one-haif basis or by being paid on a time and one- half basis for such hours worked, in addition to the regular pay. In order to be eligible for holiday pay for the Labor Day Holiday, employees who are on active payroil status preceding and foliowing the Labor Day Holiday shall receive pay for the Labor Day Holiday. 15.7 When Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day or the Day After Thanksgiving falls on a day when school is in session, the employee shal! work that day at straight time and another day shall be designated as the holiday. This designated fioliday sha(( be a day on which schoot is not in session and shaii be determined by agreement between the empioyee and the supervisor. 15.8 If Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day or the Day After Thanksgiving faiis on a day when school is not in session, that day wiii normally be an unpaid holiday. If the Employer schedules work on such days, employees will be offered att opportunity to work that day at the straight-time rate and will not be required to take another day off to replace the holiday. !t ihe employee is called in on such day, they wili be calied in accordance with Article i 0 and paid as in 15.5. . � . cX�-�3� • � L.I AR'fICLE 16. DiSCIPLINARY PROCEDURES 16.1 16.2 The Employer shall have the right to impose disciplinary actions on emp4oyees for just cause. Discipiinary actions by the Empioyer shall include only the foffowing actions: 16.2.i Oral reprimand; 16.2.2 Written reprimand; �6.2.3 Suspension; 162.4 Demotion; 16.2.5 Discharge. 16.3 Employees who are suspended, demoted or discharged shail retain afl rights under Minnesota Statute § 179A2D, Subd. 4, and thereby shali have the right to request that such actions be considered a"grievance" for the purpose of processing through the provisions of Article 22 (Grievance Procedure). Once an employee or the Union in the empioyee's behalf initiates review of an action, that matter shall not again be reviewed in another forum. �ral reprimands shaff not be subject to the grievance review process. ARTICLE 17. ABSENCES FROM WORK 17.1 Employees who are unable to report fior their normal workday have the responsibility to notify their supervisor of such absence as soon as possible, but in no event later than the beginning of such workday. 17.2 17.3 Failure to make such notification may be grounds for discip�ine as provided in Articie 16 (Disciplinary Procedures). Failure to report for work without notification for three (3) consecutive norma! workdays may be considered a"quiY' by tfie Employer on the part of the empfoyee. � ARTICLE y8. SENIORITY 18.1 Effective May 1, t993, for the purpose of this Article, the following terms shall be defined as follows: 18.1.1 The term, "Employer," sha41 mean Independent School District No. 625, Saint Paul Public Schools. 18.1.2 The term, "Master Seniority," shall mean the length of continuous regular and probationary service witi� the Employer from the date an employee was first appointed to any class tiile wiih the Employer covered by this Agreement. 18.1.3 The term, "Class Seniority' shali mean the length of continuous regutar and probationary service with the Employer from fhe date an emptoyee was first appointed to a position wiih the Employer in a class title covered by this Agreement. This Section 18.1.3 is intended to mean thai on or after May 1, 7993, an empioyee who is newly hired to the Employer (District), no matter what the person's prior experience or how hired by the pistrict, wi�t have his/her class seniority start at zero on the day of appointment to a Schotil District position in that title and seniority will begin to be calculated from that date. An employee's Class Seniority does not revert to zero following recall from an Employer irtitiated layoff within the 24 month recall rights period specified in 18.4. This delinition of class seniority wii! be used for all layoff decisions. 182 Seniority shati not accumulate during an unpaid leave of absence, except when such a leave is granted for a period of less than thirty (30) calendar days; is granted because of iliness or injury; is granted to ailow an empioyee to accepf an appointment to the uncfassified service of the Employer or to an elected or appofnted tull-time position with the Union. 18.3 Seniority shall terminate when an employee retires, resigns or is discharged. 18.4 In the event it is determined by the Empioyer that it is necessary to reduce the workforce, employees will be laid off by class title wfthin each Department based on inverse length of "Class Seniority." Employees laid off by the Employer shall have the right to reinstatement in any tower-paid class Yitle previously held which is covered by this Agreement, provided the employee has greater "Class Seniority' than the employee being replaced. Reca(i from layoff shai! be in inverse order of layoff, except thai recall rights shait expire after 24 months from the last day of work preceding the layoff. No other Civil Service recai( rights to this Empioyer sha!! appty. This provision does not address any rights ihe empbyee may have to be recafled to any other employer. 18.5 The selection of vacation periods shall be made by ciass title based on tength of "Class Seniority," subjecY to the approval of the Empioyer. u � � 10 Op -� u � ARTICLE 19. JURISDICTION 19.1 Disputes conceming work jurisdiction between and among unions are recognized as an appropriate subject for determination by the various unions representing employees of the Employer. 192 The Employer agrees to be guided in the assignment of work jurisdiciion by any mutuai agreements beiween the unions invoived. 19.3 in the event of a dispute concerning the performance or assignment of work, ihe unions involved and the Employer shail meet as soon as mutually possible to resolve the dispute. Nothing in the foregoing shail restrict the right of the Employer to accomplish the work as originally assigned pending resolution of the dispute or to restrict the EmployePs basic right to assign work. 19.4 Any empioyee refusing to perform work assigned by the Empioyer and as ciarified by Sections 19.2 and 19.3 above shaii be subject to disciplinary action as provided in Articfe 16 (Disciplinary Procedures). 19.5 There shall be no work stoppage, siow down or any disruption of work resulting from a work assignment. ARTICLE 20. SEPARATION 20.1 Employees having a probationary or regular empioyment status shall be considered separated from employme�t based on the foilowing actions; 20.1.1 Resianation. Empfoyees resigning from employment shall give written notice fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the effective date of the resignation. u 20.1.2 20.1.3 Discharqe. As provided in Article 16. Fallure to ReQort for Dutv. As provided in Articie 17. 20.2 Employees having a temporary employment siatus may be termfnated at the discretion of the Employer before the completion of a normal workday. ARTICLE 21. TOOLS 21.1 All empfoyees sha11 personally provide themselves with the tools of the trade as fisted in Appendix B. 1� ARTICLE 22. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 22.1 The Employer shalf recognize Sfewards selecfed in accordance with Union rules and reguiations as the grievance representative ot the bargaining unit. The UNION shall nofify ffie Employer in writing of the names of the Stewards and of their successors when so named. 22.2 it is recognized and accepted by the Empioyer and the Union thai the processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limfted by the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and shaii therefore be accomplished during working hours only when consistent with such employee duties and responsibil'�ties. The Steward involved and a grieving employee shall suffer no toss in pay when a grievance is processed during working hours, provided the Steward and the employee have notified and received the approvai of their supervisor to be absent to process a grievance and that such absence woutd not be detrimental to the work programs of the Employer. 22.3 The procedure established by this Article shail, except as previousiy noted in Article 16 (Disciplinary Procedures), be the sole and exclusive procedure, for the processing of grievances, which are defined as an alleged violation of the terms and conditions of ihis Agreement. 22.4 Grievances shafl be resolved in conformance with the following procedure: Step �. Upon the occurrence of an a(leged vio(ation of this Agreement, fhe employee involved sha!! attempt to resolve the maHer on an informal basis wRh the emp(oyee's supervisor. If the matter is not resolved to the emp(oyee's satisfaction by the informal discussion, it may be reduced to writing and referred to Step 2 by the Union. The written grievance shall set forth the nature of the grievance, ihe facts on which it is based, the alleged section(s) of the Agreement violated, and the reiief requested. Any aileged violation of the Agreement not reduced to writing by the tJnion wiihin seven (7) calendar days of the first occurrence of the event giving rise to the grievance or within the use of reasonable diligence should have had knowledge of the first occurrence of the event giving rise to the grievance, shali be considered waived. Ste°2. Wiihin seven (7) calendar days after receiving the written grievance, a designated Employer supervisor shalt meet with the Union Steward and attempt to resolve the grievance. If, as a resuR of this meeting, the grievance remains unresolved, the Employer shafl reply in writing to the Union within three (3} calendar days following this meeting. The Union may refer the grievance in writing to Step 3 wifhin seven (7) caiendar days foliowing receipt of the Empioyer's written answer. Any grievance not referred in writing by the Union wifhin seven (7} calendar days foliowing receipt of the Empioyer's answer shai( be considered waived. � � � 12 �]C� 3 (p � ART{CLE 22. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE {continued) Ste� 3. W�fiin seven (7) calendar days foliowing receipt of a grievance referred from Step 2, a designated Employer supervisor shall meet with the Union Business Manager or his designated representative and attempt to reso{ve the grievance. Within seven (7J calendar days following this meeting, the Employer shail reply in writing to the Union stating the Empioyer's answer concerning the grievance. If, as a resuii of the written response, the grievance remains unresolved, the Union may refer the grievance to Step 4. Any grievance not referred in writing by the Union to Step 4 within seven (7) caiendar days following receipt of the Employer's answer shalf be considered waived. Step 4. If the grievance remains unresolved, the Union may within seven (7) calendar days after the response of the Emp{oyer in Step 3, by written notice to the Empioyer, request arbitraiion of the grievance. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted 6y an ar6itrator to be selected by mutual agreement of the Employer and the Union within seven (7) caiendar days after notice has been given. If the parties fail to mutuafly agree upon an arbitrator within the said seven (7- day period, either party may request the Bureau of Mediation Services to submit a panel of five (5) arbitrators. Both the Employer and the Union shall have the right to strike two (2) names from the panel. The Union shall strike the first (1st) name; the Employer shall then strike one (1) name. The process will be repeated and the remaining person shall be the arbitrator. 22.5 The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to or subtract from the provisions of this Agreement. The arbitrator shail consider and decide onfy the specific issue submitted in writing by the Employer and the Union and shali have no authority to • make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. The arbitrator sha11 be without power to make decisions contrary to or inconsistent with or modifying or varying in any way the application of laws, rules or regulations having the force and effect of Iaw. The ar6itrator's decision shall be submitted in wriiing within thirty (30) days following case of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, uniess the parties agree to an extension. The decision shalf be based solety on the arbitrator's interpretation or appfication of the express terms of this Agreement and to the facts of ths grievance presented. The decision of the arbitrator shall be finaf and binding on the Employer, the Unio�, and the employees. 22.6 The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shaii be bome equaliy by the Employer and the Union, provided that each parry shall be responsibie for compensating its own representative and witnesses. ii either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. 22.7 The time limits in each step of this procedure may be eutended by mutual agreement of the Empioyer and the Union. � 13 ARTlCLE 23. R1GHT OF SUSCONTRACT 23.1 The Employer may, at any time during the duratiort of this Agreement, contract out work done by the employees covered by this Agreement. In the event that such contracting would result in a reduction of the workforce covered by this Agreement, ihe Employer shall give the Union a ninety (90)-calendar day notice of the intention to subcontract. 232 The subcontracting of work done by the empioyees covered by this Agreement shall in all cases be made oniy to employers who quaiity in accordance with Ordinance No. 14Q13. ARTICLE 24. NON-DISCRIMINATION 24.� The terms and conditions of ihis Agreement wili be applied to employees equally wiihout regard to or discrimination for or against, any individuai because or race, color, creed, sex, age or because of inembership or non-membership in the Union. 242 Employees wiil perform their duties and responsibilities in a non-discriminatory manner as such duties and responsibilities involve other employees and the general pubiic. ARTICLE 25. SEVERABILlTY 25.1 In the event that arty provision(s) of this Agreement is declared to be contrary to law by proper legislative, administrative or judicial authority from whose fi�ding, determination or decree no appeal is taken, such provisiott (s) shall be voided. All other provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 25.2 The parties agree, upon written notice, to enter into negotiations to place tfie voided provisions of the AgreemenY in compliance with the legislative, administrative, or judicial determination. • • � 14 C�t7� 3(� � ARTICLE 26. WAIVER 26.t The Employer and the Union acknowledge that during the meeting and �egotiating which resufted in this Agreement, each had the right and opportu�iry to make proposals wfth respect to any subject concerning the tertns and conditions of employment. The Agreemerrts and understandings reached by the parties after the exercise of this right are fully and compietely set forth in this Agreement. 26.2 Therefore, the Empioyer and the Union for the duration of this Agreement agree that the other parly shall not be obligated to meet and negotiate over any term or condftion of empfoyment whether specificaliy covered or not specifically covered by this Agreement. The Union and Empfoyer may, however, mutuaify agree to modify any provision of this Agreeme�t. 26.3 Any and all prior ordinances, agreements, resofutions, pracUces, policies, and ruies or regulations regarding the terms and conditions of empioyment, to the e�ctent they are inconsistent with this Agreement, are hereby superseded. ARTICLE 27. MILEAGE 27.1 Employees of the Schoof District under poficy adopted by the Board of Education may be reimbursed for the use of their automobiies for schoot business. To be eligible for such � reimbursement, employees must receive authorization from the District Mileage Committee utilizing one of the following plans: PLAN "A" is reimbursed at the current rate approved by the Board or 31¢ per mile, whichever is greater. In addition, a maximum amount that can be paid per month is estabiished by an estimate furnished by the employee and the empioyee's supervisor. Another consideration for establishing the maximum amount can be the experience of another work+ng in the sarne or Similar position. Under this plan, it is necessasy for the employee to keep a record oS each trip made. , 15 ARTICLE 28. DURRTtON AND PLEDGE 28.1 This A�reement shatl become eifective as of May 1, 1999, except as specficatly provided otherw�se in ArGcles 12 and 13, and shatl remain in effect through the 30th day of Aprii, 20Q2, and coRtinue irt effect from year to year thereafter unless rzotice to change ar to terminate is given in the manner provided in 28.2. 282 if either paRy desires to terminate or modify this Agreemeni effective as of the date of expiration, the party wishing to modify or terminate the Agreement shatf give written notice to the oiher party, not more than ninety (90) or less than sixty (60} calendar days prior Yo the expiration date, provided �at the Agreement may only be so terminated or modified effective as of the expiration date. 28.3 In consideration of the tertns and conditions of employment estabiished by this Agreement and the recognition that the Grievance Procedure herein estabiished is the means by which grievances conceming iYs application or interpretation may be peacefu!!y resolved, the parties hereby ptedge that during the tertn of the AgreemenY. 28.3.1 The Union and fhe emplayees will not engage in, irtstigate or condone any concerted action in which emptoyees fait to report for duty, witifuiry absent themselves from work, stop work, slow down their work or absent themseives in whole or part irom the fuil, faithfui performance of their du8es of employment. 28.32 The Employer wiil not engage in, instigate or condone any lockout of empioyees. 28.3.3 This constitutes a tentative Agreement between the parties which wiil be rewmmended by the Schooi Board Negofiator, but is subject to the approval of the Administretiort of the City, Independent School Distr+ct No. 625, and is also subject to ratification by the Association. The parities agree and attest that this Agreement represents the fuil and compiete understanding of the parties for the period of time herein specified by the signature of the folfowing represenfaiives for the Employer and ihe Union. WITNESSES: INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 SHEET METAL WORKERS tNTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATlON LOCAL 10 ���%f�Ll.e[� ��e���i"/ B�ines nager �1-� ��,9 76 � \ J � �/d��� ae � �3� � APPENDIX A The classes of positions recognized by the Employer as being exciusively represented 6y the Union are as foilows: Sheet Metal Worker Lead Sheet Metal W orker Apprentice - Sfieet Metai Worker and other cfasses of positions that may be estabfished by the Employer where the duties and responsibi{ities assigned come within the jurisdiction ot the Union � r 17 APPENDlX B Too! Box Whitney, Small Crescent W rench or set of Open-end W renches Center Punches Hacksaw Frame Chise(s Small Hand Tongs 6' Folding Rule Screwdriver Scratch Awis Pliers Snips, Straight-aviation L and R Hammers {Tinners} Rally Bar Combination Square Prick P�nch i0' Tape Dividers �� • a � +• _ - � APPENDiX C C1. The total houriy cost to the Empioyer for wages plus any and ail contributions or deductions stated in Appendix D of this Agreement shail not exceed the following amounts: Effective 5-1-99 Sheet Metal Worker Lead Sheet Metai Worker $35.51 $3'7.51 Effective ENective 5-1-00 $-1-p1(�) $3722 (1) $3922 (�) C2. The tota! taxabie hourly rate including wages and the vacation contribution in Appendix D and excluding a11 other benefit costs and obligations in Appendix D, for regular and probationary empfoyees appointed to the foflowing classes of positions shall6e as follows: Effective 5-1-99 Sheet Metal Worker Lead Sheet Metal W orker $27.33 $2924 � C2A. The basic houriy wage rates in this Appendix (C2A) are for compensation analvsis purposes onf . These figures represent the portion ot the Appendix C1 rates above specificaily allocated to wages. These rates do NOT include taxable contributions and therefore shouid NOT be used for taxable payroll catculations. See Appendix C2 above for total taxabte payro0 information. Effective 5-1-99 Sheet Metal Worker Lead Sheet Metal Worker � $22.28 $24.19 Effective Effective 5-1-00 5-1-01 .. Effective Effective 5-t-00 5-1_01 ., Xf �� 1 Note For Appendix Ct : The pariies agsee that for the third year ot this Agreement, there will be a reopener to discuss wages and benefits only. The May 1, 2061 totaf hourly cost and distribution vrill be negotiated at thai time. ' The May �, 2000, hourty rates in Appendices C2, C2A and C3 shall be detertnined at a Iater date based on the ailocation agreetl to by the Employer and the Union of the May 7; 2000, total hourly cost stated in Appendix Ct. " The May 1,20Q1, houdy rates in Appendices C2, C2A and C3 shall be detertnined at a later date basetl on the allocation agreetl top by ihe Employer and the Union of the May 1, 2001, iotal hourfy cost determinetl tor the third year waye Teopener. '19 APPENDIX C (continued) C3. The tota! taxable hourly rate including wages and the vacation contribution in Appendix D for temporary employees appointed to the foilowing classes of positions shail be: Effective 5-1-99 � Sheet Metal Worker Lead Sheet Metai Worker $25.80 $27.80 .> If a temporary empioyee working in a title Iisted in this Appendix C3 becomes subject to the requirements of the Pubtic Employees Retirement Act (PERA), which thereby requires the Employer to make contributions Yo PERA, the calculated hourly base rate of pay may change so fhe Employer's cost does not exceed the amounts listed in C-1 above. The basic houriy wage rates for the Apprentice ciass of positions are as follows: This Secfion is held open for the addition of appropriate Apprentice rates in the event the Employer initiates the employment of Apprentices. If the Union eJecfs to have the eontributions tisted in Appendix D increased or decreased, ihe Employer may adjust the rates in Appendix C, Sections C-2 through C-4 in such a way that the totai cost of the package (wage rate plus contributions) remains constant and does not exceed the amounts shown in P.ppendix C, Section C1. The total compensation (wages and fringes) received by employees covered by this Agreement shall be equivalent in money to the tatal package paid by the employer to employees in comparable classifications in the Agreemertt between Local 10 artd the Twin City Division of the Sheet Metal, Air Conditioning and Roofing Contractors Association. The totai package cost shail exclude any costs of payments made for industry promotion and/or advertisement or any other purposes not directly and clearly beneficial to the public employer. in the evenY Local 70 and any sheet metal contractor affiliated or not affiliated with the Twin Ciry Division of the Sheet Metal, Air Conditioning and Roofing Contractors Association and doing business in the seven-county metropolitan area agree to a total commerciaf package different from the above total commercial package and which is less than the above total package, such differences shaii be immediately app(icab[e to tfie total compensafion paid to employees covered by this Agreement. � The May 7, 200D, nourly rates in Appendices C2. C2A ar�d C3 shall be determined at a later date basetl on the allocation agreed to by the Employer and the Union of the May t 20Q0, tota! houdy cost stated in Appendix C7. �� The May 1, 200t, houdy rates in Appendices C2, C2A arttl C3 shati be detertnined at a later date based on ffie alloeation agreed top by ihe Employer and the Union of ihe May 1, 2001, total fiour(y cost determined for the third year wage reopener. EffecNve Effective 5-1-00 5-1-01 �� \ J � 20 .• . _ � APPENDIX D Effect+ve May 7, 1999, the Employer shaA forvvard the amounts designated in this Appendix D for employees covered by this Agreement to depositories as directed by the Union and agreed to by the Employer: 1. $2.10 per hour for all hours worked from which ail appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacation Fund. This oavment shali onlv be made for reouiar em�lovees paid at the Aopendix C2 rate. 2. $2.95 per hour for atl hours worked from which aif appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Schooi District Holidav Fund. This �avment shall • 3. $2.96 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Health and Welfare Fund. 4. $�.75 per hour for afl hours worked to a Union-designated Local Pension Fund. 5. $1.70 per hour for alI hours worked to a Union-designated National Pension Fund. 6. $.01 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Scholarshio Fund. 7. $.02 per hour for ail hours worked to a Union-designated SMOHI Asbestos Screeninq Fund. 8. $.32 per hour for ail hours worked to a Union-designated Journeyman and Aoqrenticeship Traininq Furtds. 9. For temporary employees paid at the Appendix C3 rate; forward 2.10 per hour for ail hours worked from which aii appropriate payroff deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacation Fund and 2.95 per hour for all hours worked to a Union- designated Supolemental Pens+on Fund. The Empioyer shall make iegally established non-negotiated pension contributions to PERA. Changes in the mandated PERA rate may change the calculated hourly base rate of pay so the Employer's cost does not exceed the amounts listed in C-1 above. � Ail contributions made in accordance with this Appendix D shall be deducted from and are not in addition to the amounts shown in Appendix C1. The Appendix D amounts shall be forwarded to depositories as directed by ihe Union and agreed to by the Empioyer. The Employer shafl estabVish Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Compensation programs as required by Minnesota Statutes. 21 APPENDIX D {continued) � Employees covered by this Agreement shall not be eligible for, govemed by or accumulate vacation, sick leave, holiday, funeral ieave, jury duty or insurance fringe benefits that are or may be established by Personnel Ruies Council Ordinance or Counci! Resotutions. The Empioyer's tringe benefit obligation to employees covered by this Agreemeni is limited to the contributions and/or deductions established by this Agreement. The actuat tevel of benefits provided to employees shail be the responsibility of the Trustees of the various funds to which the Employer has fonvarded coniributions and/or deductions. . . 22 Council File # CC� — G G 4R�GiNAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To Green Sheet # 08924 `1� Committee Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached May 1, 1999 through Apri130, 2002 Empioyment Agreement between the Independent School District No. 625 and Sheet Meta1 Workers Internationai Associafion Local 10. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date \ o � o , Adoprion Certified by Council Secretar By: a- f � Approved 6y Mayor: Date �i `1 / Z�� B y: '�--6�4'� Form Appr �d by CiTy Attome � B : .� � �, � r Approved by ayor for Su mission to Council By: /�}7/�� LABOR RELATiONS CONTACT t'ERSON & PHONE: JIJLIE KRAUS 266-6513 MUSf BE ON COIINCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF DA'� IN'z'`'�° GREEN SHEET No.: 08924 00 - C 3 L Iune 19, 2000 � �ATE INfflALDATE ASSIGN I DEPARTMENT DIlL� 4 GiTY COUNCIl, 7�i[py�gpt 2 CITY ATIORNEY CITY CLERK FOR BUDCET DIR � F1N. & MGT. SERNCE DIIt- ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ORDER ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) acriox xEQVFSrsn: This resolution approves the attached May 1,1999 tbmugh Apri130, 2002 Bmployment Agreement between Independent School District No. 625 and Sheet Metal Workers Intemational Association Local 10. RECOMMENDATIONS: P.pprove (A) or Reject (R) PLAI3MNGCOMMISSION CSViLSERVICE COM[vIISSION CIBCAMNIITfEE � STAFF DISTRICT COUR7 SUPPORTS WfllCH COUNCIL OBIECTIVE? YERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACfS AlUST AiVSR'EB THE FOLLAWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this peisonJEim eva woti:ed under a contrac: foi this depurt�nent? Yes No 2. Has this persoN£mn ever bcen a city emPioyee? . Yes No 3. Does tLis persoNfim� possess a skill not nomially possessed by any current city Yes No E:piain all yes auswere on separah s6at aad attseh to green shee[ INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSLJE, OPPORTUNTTY (FYhq What, W6eo, Where, Why): See Attached , ,« • .- ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This resolution pertains to Boazd of Fducation employees only. DISAl1VANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. Tv1SAllVAN7'A(:ES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOi7NT OF TRATISACI70N: Fi3NDiNG SOURCE: �uN � � a000 JUN 2 4 2040 COSTJREVFdKtJE BUDG�.TED: RM Y\Tl Y tl'i�l Uu 13 �l ;i7 FINANCIAL INFORhTATION: (EXPI.A71V) INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DtSTRICT NO. 625 BOARD OF EDUCATION Oo — <. SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS DATE: August 3, 1999 TOPIC: Approval of an Empioyment Agreement With Sheet Metal Workers Association, Local 10, to Establish Terms and Conditions of Employment for1999-2002 A. PERTINENT FACTS: 1. New Agreement is for the three-year period May 1, 1999 through April 30, 2002. 2. Contracf changes are as follows: Holidavs: Changed holiday language to provide uniformity with other district contracts. Waaes: Wage and benefit changes reflect prevailing wage for the industry. 7he thirtl year will be a reopener for wages only. 3. The remaining language provisions of the previous contract remain essentially unchanged, except for necessary changes to dates and outdated references. 4. The District has 4 regular F.T,E. in this bargaining unit. 5. This request is submitted by Sue Guibrod, Negotiations/Labor Relations Assistant Manager; Richard Kreyer, Executive Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations; and William Larson, Deputy Superintendent of Operations B. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve and adopt the Agreement concerning fhe terms and conditions of employmenf of those employees in this schoof district for whom Sheet Metal Workers International Association, Local 10, is the exclusive representative; duration of said Agreement is for the period of May 1, 1999 through April 30, 2002. �-to3( � � � ARTfCLE T1TLE Articie 1. Article 2. Article 3. Article 4. Article 5. Article 6. Article 7. Article 8. Articie 9. Articie 'f 0. Article 11. Article �2. Article 13. Article 14. Article 15. Article 16. Article 17. Article 18. Article 19. Article 20. Article 21. Articfe 22. Article 23. Article 24. Article 25 Article 26. Article 27. Article 28. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Preambfe................................................................:............................................... v Purpose..................................................................................................................� Recognition............................................................................................................. i Employer .....................................................................................................1 Union Rights ...........................................................................................................2 Scopeof the Agreement ........................................................................................2 ProbationaryPeriods ..............................................................................................3 Philosophy of Employment And Compensation .....................................................3 Hoursof Work ........................................................................................................4 Overtime .................................................................................................................5 CalfBack ................................................................................................................6 Work Location ........................................................................................................6 Wages ....................................................................................................................6 FringeBenefits .......................................................................................................7 Selection ofi Lead Sheet Metaf Worker ...................................................................7 Ho I i days .................................................................................................................. S Disciplinary ..........................................................................................9 Absences From Work .............................................................................................9 Seniority ................................................................................................................10 Ju risd iction ............................................................................................................11 Separation............................................................................................................11 ?ools .....................................................................................................................11 GrievanceProcedure ............................................................................................12 Right Subcontract .............................................................................................14 Non-Discrimination ...............................................................................................14 Seve rability ...........................................................................................................14 Wa ive r ..................................................................................................................15 Mileage .................................................................................................................15 Duration and Pledge .............................................................................................16 Appendix ...........................................................................................................17 Appendix ............................................................................_.............,...............18 Appendix ................................._--......•.-•-.....-••...................................................19 Appertdix .........................:.................................................................................21 dll •� - .. � � ' u � PREAMBLE This Agreement is entered into between Independent School District No. 625, hereinafter referred to as the Employer, and the Sheet Metai Workers international Association Locai �0, hereinafter referred to as the Union. The Empioyer and the Union concur that Yhis Agreement has as its objective the promotion of the responsibiiities of the Independent Schooi District No. 625 for the benefit of the generai public through effective la6or-management cooperation. The Employer and the Union both reaiize that this goal depends not oniy on the words in the Agreement but rather primarily on attitudes between people at all levels of responsibility. Constructive attitudes of the Empfoyer, the Union, and the individual empioyees will best serve the needs of the general public. G19-!o 3 � � ARTICLE t. PURPOSE 1.'! The Emphyer and the Union agree that the purpose for entering into this Agreement is to: 1.1.1 Achieve orderly and peaceful refations, thereby estabfishing a system of uninterrupted operations and the highest feve! of empioyee performance that is consistent with the safety and well being of all concemed; 1.1.2 Set forth rates of pay, hours of work, and other conditions of emp{oyment as have been agreed upon by ihe Employer and the Union; 1.1.3 Establish procedures to orderly and peacefuliy resolve disputes as to the appiication or interpretation of this Agreement without loss of manpower productiviry. 1.2 The Employer and the Union agree that this Agreement serves as a supp4ement to legislation that creates and directs the Empioyer. If any part of this Agreement is in conflict with such Iegisiation, the latter shaii prevail. The parties, on written notice, agree to negotiate ihat part in conflict so that it conforms to the statute as provided by Artic{e 25 (Severability). ARTICLE 2. RECOGNITION . 2.1 The Employer recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative for coliective bargaining purposes for all personnel having an employment status of regular, probationary, and temporary employed in the classes ofi positions defined in 22 as certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services in accordance with Case No. 89-PR-2352 dated December 7, 1989. 2.2 The classes of positions recognized as being exclusively represented by the Union are as listed in Appendix A. ARTICLE 3. EMPLOYER RIGHTS 3.1 The Employer retains the right to operate and manage all manpower, facilities, and equipment; to establish functions and programs; to set and amend budgets; to determine the utilization of technology; to estabiish and modify the organizationai structure; to select, direct, and determine the number of personnel; and to perform any inherent manageriai function not specifically Vimfted by this Agreement. 3.2 Any `�erm or condition of employment" not established by this Agreement shaif remain with the Employer to eliminate, modify or establish fioilowing written notification to the Union. � ARTlCLE 4. UNION RIGHTS 4.� The Empioyer shall deduct from the wages of employees who ainhorize such a deduction in writing an amount necessary to cover monthly Union dues. Such monies deducted shatl be remitted as directed by ths Union. 4,1.1 The Employer shall not deduct dues from the wages of employees covered by this Agreement for arty other labor organization. 4.9.2 The Union shall indemnity and save harmless the Employer from any and al! claims or charges made against fhe Employer as a resuit of the imptementatio� of this Article. 42 The Union may designate one (1) empfoyee from the bargaining unit fo act as a Steward and shall inform the Employer in writing of such designation. Such employee shall have the rights and responsibilities as designated in Article 22 (Grievance Procedure). 4.3 Upon notiiication to a designated Employer supervisor, the Business Manager of the Union or his designated representative shall be permitted to enter the faciiities of the Employer where employees covered by this Agreement are working. ARTlCLE 5. SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT � 5.'1 This Agreement establishes the `Yerms and conditions of employmenY' detined by • Minnesota Statute § �79A.03, Subdivision 19, for a�l empfoyees exclusively represented by the U�ion. This Agreement shall supersede such "terms and conditions of empioymenY' established by Civil Service Rule, Council Ordinance, and Council Resolution. i oa-�3� . �` I u � ARTICLE 6. PROBATIONARY PER40DS 6.1 6.2 All personnel, originally hired or rehirec follawing separation in a regular employment status shall serve a six (6)-month probationary period during which time the employee's fRness and ability to perform the cfass of positions' duties and responsibiiities shall be evaluated. 6.1.1 At any time during the probationary period an emp{oyee may be terminated at the discretion of the Empioyer wfthout appeai to the provisions of Articie 22 (Grievance Procedure). 6.'12 An employee terminated during the probationary period shaii receive a written notice of the reason(s) for such termination, a copy of which shail be sent to the Union. AII personnel promoted to a higher class of positions shall serve a six (6)-month promotional probationary period during which time the employee's fitness and ability to perform ihe class of positions' duties and responsibitities shali be evaluated. 62.1 At any time during the promotionai probationary period an employee may be demoted to the employee's previously-heid class of positions at the discretion of the Employer without appeal to the provisions of Article 22 (Grievance Procedure). 8.2.2 An employee demoted during the promotional probationary period shalt be returned to the employee's previously held class of positions and shall receive a written notice of the reasons for demotion, a copy of which shall de sent to the Union. ARTlCLE 7. PHILOSOPHY OF EMP�OYMENT AND CQMPENSATION 7.1 7.2 r�i The Employer and the Union are in fuii agreement that the philosophy of employment and compensatian shaB be a"cash" houriy wage and "industry' fringe benefit system. The Employer shall compensate employees for a�l hours worked at the basic hourly wage rate a�d houriyfringe benefit sate as found in Artictes 12 (Wages) and i3 (Fringe BeneSits). No other compensation or fringe benefit shall be accumulated or earned by an empioyee except as specifically provided for in this Agreement. ARTICLE 8. HOURS OF WORK 8.1 � The normal workday shall tre eight (8) consecutive hours per day, excluding a thirry (30}-minute unpaid lunch period, between 7:00 a.m, and 5:30 p.m. The normal work week sha!! be five (5) consecutive norma! workdays Monday through Friday. 8.3 if, during the term of this Agreement, it is necessary in the EmployePs judgment to establish second and third shifts or a work week of other than Monday through Friday, the Union agrees to enter into negotiations immediately to establish the conditions of such shifts and/or work weeks. 8.4 8.5 � f:�l This Section shali not be construed as, and is not a guarantee of, any hours of work per normai workday or per normai work week. All employees shall be at the location designated by their supervisor, ready for work, at the established starting time and shali remain at an assigned work locafion unii! the end of the established workday unless othervvise directed by their supervisor. All employees are subject to call back by the Employer as provided by Article i0 (Cali Back). Employees reporting for work ai the estabiished starting time and for whom no work is available shall receive pay tor two (2) hours, at the basic hourly rate, unless noti�ication has been given not to report for work prior to leaving home, or during the previous workday. • • � 4 oo-� 3� • ARTICLE 9. OVERTIME 9.1 All overtime compensated for by the Employer must receive prior authorization from a designated Employer supervisor. No overtime work cfaim will be honored for payment or credit unless approved in advance. An ove�time ctaim wii! not be hortored, even ihough shown on the time card, unfess the required advance approval has been obtained. 9.2 Tha overtime rate of one and one-half (1-1l2) the basic hourly rate shail be paid for work performed under the foflowing circumstances: 9.2.i Time worked in excess of eight (8) hours in any one normal workday, and 9.2.2 Time worked on a sixth (6th) day following the normal work week. 9.3 The overtime rate of two (2) times the dasic houriy rate shall 6e Qaid for work performed under the following circumsiances: 9.3.1 Time worked on a seventh (7th} day fo!lowing the normal work week; and 9.32 7ime worked in excess of twelve (12) consecutive hours i� a twenty-tour (24) hour period, provided that all "emergenc}1' work required by "Acts of God" shatl be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2). 9.4 For the purposes of calcufating overtime compensation, overtime hours worked shall not be "pyramided," compounded or paid twice for the same hours worked (except for the amount specified in Appendix D(3), Natio�at Pension Fund). All contribulions for the National Pension Fund (Appendix D(3) for each employee covered by this Agreement shall be � compensated based on hours aid. and not hours worked: such that hours paid at time and one-half shall receive contributions at 1.5 times the rate specified in Appendix D(3), and two (2) times the rate specified in Appendix D(3) for dou6le time hours paid 9.5 Overtime hours worked as provided by this Article shall be paid in cash or in compensatory time as determined by the Employer. LJ ARTICLE 10. CALL BACK 10.'I The Emplayer retains the right to ca�l back empioyees before an employee has started a normal workday or normal work week artd after an employee has completed a norma! workday or normai work week. 10.2 10.3 Employees catfed back shail receive a minimum of four (4)-hours' pay at the basic hourly rate. The hours worked based on a cail back shall be compensated in accordance with Article 9 (Overtime), when applicable, and subject to the mi�imum estabiished by 10.2 above. 10.4 Employees catled back four (4) hours or )ess prior to their normal workday shai! complete the normal workday and be compensated oniy for the overtime hours worked in accordance with Article 9 {Overtime). ARTICLE 11. WORKLOCATION 11.1 Employees shall report to work location as assigned by a designated Employer supervisor. Lluring the normal workday, empioyees may be assigned to other work locations at the discretion of the Employer. 11.2 Employees assigned to work locations during the normal workday other than their originai assignment, and who are required to fumish their own transportation, shal! be compensated for miteage, as set forth in Article 27 (Mileage). ARTICLE 12. WAGES 12.1 The basic hourly wage rates as established by Appendix C shall be paid for ali hours worked by an employee covered by this Agreement. 122 Regular employees sha!! be compensated in accordance with Article 12.1 (Wages) and have fringe benefit contri6utians and/or deductions made on their behalf as provided for by Article 13 (Fringe Benefits). 12.3 Temporary employees shall be compensated in accordance with Article 12.1 (Wages) and have fringe benefit contributions and/or deductions made in iheir behaif as provided for by Articfe 13 (Fringe Benefitsj. � . � � O�-1o3�, • � , ARTICLE �3. FRINGE BENEF{TS '13.1 The Employer shalf make contributions on behalf of and/or make deductions from ihe wages of participating employees as defined 6y Article 12.2 and 12.3 covered by this Agreement in accordance with Appendix D for alf hours worked. 132 Eifective May 1, 1966 temporary, probationary, and regular empfoyees shaff be e{igibfe for a paid holiday for Labor Day, the first Monday in September. 13.3 The Empioyer wili for the period of this Agreement provide, for those empioyees who were eligibfe for the Employer's heafth and weKare pian a�d who have retired since February i, 1975, such heafth insurance premium cor»ributions up to the same dollar amounts as are provided by the Employer at the date ot early retirement and the cost of premium contributions toward $5,000 life insurance coverage until such employees reach sixty-five (65) years of age. In order to be eligible for the premium contributions under the provision 13.4 the employee must: 13.3.1 13.3.2 Be receiving benefits from a pubiic employee retiree act at the time of retirement. Have severed the employment relationship with the City of Saint Paul and/or Independent School District No. 625 under one of the early retiree plans. 13.3.3 Inform the Human Resource Department of Independent Schoo! District No. 625 and Office of Human Resources - CNy of Saint Paui in writing within sixty (60) days of employee's early retirement date that he or she wished to be eligible for ear{y retiree insurance benefits. 13.4 An employee who retires at age sixty-five {65) or later and who meet the criteria in i3.3 or for early retirees who qualified under 13.3 and have reached age si�cty-five (65) after retirement the Employer will provide payment of premium for a Medicare supplement health coverage poficy selected by the Empfoyer. ARTICLE 14. SELECTION OF LEAD SHEET METAL WORKER 14.1 142 14.3 14.4 The selection of personnel for the class of position lead Sheet Metal Worker shall remain solely with the Employer. The class of position �ead Sheet Metal Worker shall be filled by empioyees of the bargaining unit on a`temporary assignment " All "temporary assignments" shali be made o�ly at the direction of a designated Employer supervisor. Such "temporary assignmenis" shall be made oniy in cases where the class of positions is vacant for more than one (1) normal workday. ARTfCLE 15. HOLIDAYS 15.1 The following nine (9) days shall be desigr�ated as unpaid holidays (except Labor Day as noted in Articie 132}: New YeaTs Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Presidents' Day Memoriat Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Day After Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Ja�uary 1 7hird Monday I� January Third Monday in February Last Monday in May July 4 First Monday in September Fourth Thursday in November Fourth Friday in November December 25. 152 When New Year's Day, Independence Day or Christmas Day falls on a Sunday, the foilowing Monday shall be considered the designated holiday. W hen any of these three (3) holidays fal(s on a Safurday, the preceding Friday shail be considered the designated holiday. ] 5.3 The nine (9) holidays shall be considered non-workdays. 15.4 If, i� the judgment of the Empioyer, personnei are necessary for operating or emergency reasons, employees may be scheduied or "called back" in accordance wfth Article to (Cali Back). '15.5 Employees called in to work on a designated holiday shatl be compensated at the rafe of two (2) times the basic hourly rate for al! hours worked. 15.6 Employees working on Labor Day shail be recompensed for work done on this day by being granted compensetory time on a time and one-haif basis or by being paid on a time and one- half basis for such hours worked, in addition to the regular pay. In order to be eligible for holiday pay for the Labor Day Holiday, employees who are on active payroil status preceding and foliowing the Labor Day Holiday shall receive pay for the Labor Day Holiday. 15.7 When Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day or the Day After Thanksgiving falls on a day when school is in session, the employee shal! work that day at straight time and another day shall be designated as the holiday. This designated fioliday sha(( be a day on which schoot is not in session and shaii be determined by agreement between the empioyee and the supervisor. 15.8 If Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day or the Day After Thanksgiving faiis on a day when school is not in session, that day wiii normally be an unpaid holiday. If the Employer schedules work on such days, employees will be offered att opportunity to work that day at the straight-time rate and will not be required to take another day off to replace the holiday. !t ihe employee is called in on such day, they wili be calied in accordance with Article i 0 and paid as in 15.5. . � . cX�-�3� • � L.I AR'fICLE 16. DiSCIPLINARY PROCEDURES 16.1 16.2 The Employer shall have the right to impose disciplinary actions on emp4oyees for just cause. Discipiinary actions by the Empioyer shall include only the foffowing actions: 16.2.i Oral reprimand; 16.2.2 Written reprimand; �6.2.3 Suspension; 162.4 Demotion; 16.2.5 Discharge. 16.3 Employees who are suspended, demoted or discharged shail retain afl rights under Minnesota Statute § 179A2D, Subd. 4, and thereby shali have the right to request that such actions be considered a"grievance" for the purpose of processing through the provisions of Article 22 (Grievance Procedure). Once an employee or the Union in the empioyee's behalf initiates review of an action, that matter shall not again be reviewed in another forum. �ral reprimands shaff not be subject to the grievance review process. ARTICLE 17. ABSENCES FROM WORK 17.1 Employees who are unable to report fior their normal workday have the responsibility to notify their supervisor of such absence as soon as possible, but in no event later than the beginning of such workday. 17.2 17.3 Failure to make such notification may be grounds for discip�ine as provided in Articie 16 (Disciplinary Procedures). Failure to report for work without notification for three (3) consecutive norma! workdays may be considered a"quiY' by tfie Employer on the part of the empfoyee. � ARTICLE y8. SENIORITY 18.1 Effective May 1, t993, for the purpose of this Article, the following terms shall be defined as follows: 18.1.1 The term, "Employer," sha41 mean Independent School District No. 625, Saint Paul Public Schools. 18.1.2 The term, "Master Seniority," shall mean the length of continuous regular and probationary service witi� the Employer from the date an employee was first appointed to any class tiile wiih the Employer covered by this Agreement. 18.1.3 The term, "Class Seniority' shali mean the length of continuous regutar and probationary service with the Employer from fhe date an emptoyee was first appointed to a position wiih the Employer in a class title covered by this Agreement. This Section 18.1.3 is intended to mean thai on or after May 1, 7993, an empioyee who is newly hired to the Employer (District), no matter what the person's prior experience or how hired by the pistrict, wi�t have his/her class seniority start at zero on the day of appointment to a Schotil District position in that title and seniority will begin to be calculated from that date. An employee's Class Seniority does not revert to zero following recall from an Employer irtitiated layoff within the 24 month recall rights period specified in 18.4. This delinition of class seniority wii! be used for all layoff decisions. 182 Seniority shati not accumulate during an unpaid leave of absence, except when such a leave is granted for a period of less than thirty (30) calendar days; is granted because of iliness or injury; is granted to ailow an empioyee to accepf an appointment to the uncfassified service of the Employer or to an elected or appofnted tull-time position with the Union. 18.3 Seniority shall terminate when an employee retires, resigns or is discharged. 18.4 In the event it is determined by the Empioyer that it is necessary to reduce the workforce, employees will be laid off by class title wfthin each Department based on inverse length of "Class Seniority." Employees laid off by the Employer shall have the right to reinstatement in any tower-paid class Yitle previously held which is covered by this Agreement, provided the employee has greater "Class Seniority' than the employee being replaced. Reca(i from layoff shai! be in inverse order of layoff, except thai recall rights shait expire after 24 months from the last day of work preceding the layoff. No other Civil Service recai( rights to this Empioyer sha!! appty. This provision does not address any rights ihe empbyee may have to be recafled to any other employer. 18.5 The selection of vacation periods shall be made by ciass title based on tength of "Class Seniority," subjecY to the approval of the Empioyer. u � � 10 Op -� u � ARTICLE 19. JURISDICTION 19.1 Disputes conceming work jurisdiction between and among unions are recognized as an appropriate subject for determination by the various unions representing employees of the Employer. 192 The Employer agrees to be guided in the assignment of work jurisdiciion by any mutuai agreements beiween the unions invoived. 19.3 in the event of a dispute concerning the performance or assignment of work, ihe unions involved and the Employer shail meet as soon as mutually possible to resolve the dispute. Nothing in the foregoing shail restrict the right of the Employer to accomplish the work as originally assigned pending resolution of the dispute or to restrict the EmployePs basic right to assign work. 19.4 Any empioyee refusing to perform work assigned by the Empioyer and as ciarified by Sections 19.2 and 19.3 above shaii be subject to disciplinary action as provided in Articfe 16 (Disciplinary Procedures). 19.5 There shall be no work stoppage, siow down or any disruption of work resulting from a work assignment. ARTICLE 20. SEPARATION 20.1 Employees having a probationary or regular empioyment status shall be considered separated from employme�t based on the foilowing actions; 20.1.1 Resianation. Empfoyees resigning from employment shall give written notice fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the effective date of the resignation. u 20.1.2 20.1.3 Discharqe. As provided in Article 16. Fallure to ReQort for Dutv. As provided in Articie 17. 20.2 Employees having a temporary employment siatus may be termfnated at the discretion of the Employer before the completion of a normal workday. ARTICLE 21. TOOLS 21.1 All empfoyees sha11 personally provide themselves with the tools of the trade as fisted in Appendix B. 1� ARTICLE 22. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 22.1 The Employer shalf recognize Sfewards selecfed in accordance with Union rules and reguiations as the grievance representative ot the bargaining unit. The UNION shall nofify ffie Employer in writing of the names of the Stewards and of their successors when so named. 22.2 it is recognized and accepted by the Empioyer and the Union thai the processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limfted by the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and shaii therefore be accomplished during working hours only when consistent with such employee duties and responsibil'�ties. The Steward involved and a grieving employee shall suffer no toss in pay when a grievance is processed during working hours, provided the Steward and the employee have notified and received the approvai of their supervisor to be absent to process a grievance and that such absence woutd not be detrimental to the work programs of the Employer. 22.3 The procedure established by this Article shail, except as previousiy noted in Article 16 (Disciplinary Procedures), be the sole and exclusive procedure, for the processing of grievances, which are defined as an alleged violation of the terms and conditions of ihis Agreement. 22.4 Grievances shafl be resolved in conformance with the following procedure: Step �. Upon the occurrence of an a(leged vio(ation of this Agreement, fhe employee involved sha!! attempt to resolve the maHer on an informal basis wRh the emp(oyee's supervisor. If the matter is not resolved to the emp(oyee's satisfaction by the informal discussion, it may be reduced to writing and referred to Step 2 by the Union. The written grievance shall set forth the nature of the grievance, ihe facts on which it is based, the alleged section(s) of the Agreement violated, and the reiief requested. Any aileged violation of the Agreement not reduced to writing by the tJnion wiihin seven (7) calendar days of the first occurrence of the event giving rise to the grievance or within the use of reasonable diligence should have had knowledge of the first occurrence of the event giving rise to the grievance, shali be considered waived. Ste°2. Wiihin seven (7) calendar days after receiving the written grievance, a designated Employer supervisor shalt meet with the Union Steward and attempt to resolve the grievance. If, as a resuR of this meeting, the grievance remains unresolved, the Employer shafl reply in writing to the Union within three (3} calendar days following this meeting. The Union may refer the grievance in writing to Step 3 wifhin seven (7) caiendar days foliowing receipt of the Empioyer's written answer. Any grievance not referred in writing by the Union wifhin seven (7} calendar days foliowing receipt of the Empioyer's answer shai( be considered waived. � � � 12 �]C� 3 (p � ART{CLE 22. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE {continued) Ste� 3. W�fiin seven (7) calendar days foliowing receipt of a grievance referred from Step 2, a designated Employer supervisor shall meet with the Union Business Manager or his designated representative and attempt to reso{ve the grievance. Within seven (7J calendar days following this meeting, the Employer shail reply in writing to the Union stating the Empioyer's answer concerning the grievance. If, as a resuii of the written response, the grievance remains unresolved, the Union may refer the grievance to Step 4. Any grievance not referred in writing by the Union to Step 4 within seven (7) caiendar days following receipt of the Employer's answer shalf be considered waived. Step 4. If the grievance remains unresolved, the Union may within seven (7) calendar days after the response of the Emp{oyer in Step 3, by written notice to the Empioyer, request arbitraiion of the grievance. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted 6y an ar6itrator to be selected by mutual agreement of the Employer and the Union within seven (7) caiendar days after notice has been given. If the parties fail to mutuafly agree upon an arbitrator within the said seven (7- day period, either party may request the Bureau of Mediation Services to submit a panel of five (5) arbitrators. Both the Employer and the Union shall have the right to strike two (2) names from the panel. The Union shall strike the first (1st) name; the Employer shall then strike one (1) name. The process will be repeated and the remaining person shall be the arbitrator. 22.5 The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to or subtract from the provisions of this Agreement. The arbitrator shail consider and decide onfy the specific issue submitted in writing by the Employer and the Union and shali have no authority to • make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. The arbitrator sha11 be without power to make decisions contrary to or inconsistent with or modifying or varying in any way the application of laws, rules or regulations having the force and effect of Iaw. The ar6itrator's decision shall be submitted in wriiing within thirty (30) days following case of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, uniess the parties agree to an extension. The decision shalf be based solety on the arbitrator's interpretation or appfication of the express terms of this Agreement and to the facts of ths grievance presented. The decision of the arbitrator shall be finaf and binding on the Employer, the Unio�, and the employees. 22.6 The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shaii be bome equaliy by the Employer and the Union, provided that each parry shall be responsibie for compensating its own representative and witnesses. ii either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. 22.7 The time limits in each step of this procedure may be eutended by mutual agreement of the Empioyer and the Union. � 13 ARTlCLE 23. R1GHT OF SUSCONTRACT 23.1 The Employer may, at any time during the duratiort of this Agreement, contract out work done by the employees covered by this Agreement. In the event that such contracting would result in a reduction of the workforce covered by this Agreement, ihe Employer shall give the Union a ninety (90)-calendar day notice of the intention to subcontract. 232 The subcontracting of work done by the empioyees covered by this Agreement shall in all cases be made oniy to employers who quaiity in accordance with Ordinance No. 14Q13. ARTICLE 24. NON-DISCRIMINATION 24.� The terms and conditions of ihis Agreement wili be applied to employees equally wiihout regard to or discrimination for or against, any individuai because or race, color, creed, sex, age or because of inembership or non-membership in the Union. 242 Employees wiil perform their duties and responsibilities in a non-discriminatory manner as such duties and responsibilities involve other employees and the general pubiic. ARTICLE 25. SEVERABILlTY 25.1 In the event that arty provision(s) of this Agreement is declared to be contrary to law by proper legislative, administrative or judicial authority from whose fi�ding, determination or decree no appeal is taken, such provisiott (s) shall be voided. All other provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 25.2 The parties agree, upon written notice, to enter into negotiations to place tfie voided provisions of the AgreemenY in compliance with the legislative, administrative, or judicial determination. • • � 14 C�t7� 3(� � ARTICLE 26. WAIVER 26.t The Employer and the Union acknowledge that during the meeting and �egotiating which resufted in this Agreement, each had the right and opportu�iry to make proposals wfth respect to any subject concerning the tertns and conditions of employment. The Agreemerrts and understandings reached by the parties after the exercise of this right are fully and compietely set forth in this Agreement. 26.2 Therefore, the Empioyer and the Union for the duration of this Agreement agree that the other parly shall not be obligated to meet and negotiate over any term or condftion of empfoyment whether specificaliy covered or not specifically covered by this Agreement. The Union and Empfoyer may, however, mutuaify agree to modify any provision of this Agreeme�t. 26.3 Any and all prior ordinances, agreements, resofutions, pracUces, policies, and ruies or regulations regarding the terms and conditions of empioyment, to the e�ctent they are inconsistent with this Agreement, are hereby superseded. ARTICLE 27. MILEAGE 27.1 Employees of the Schoof District under poficy adopted by the Board of Education may be reimbursed for the use of their automobiies for schoot business. To be eligible for such � reimbursement, employees must receive authorization from the District Mileage Committee utilizing one of the following plans: PLAN "A" is reimbursed at the current rate approved by the Board or 31¢ per mile, whichever is greater. In addition, a maximum amount that can be paid per month is estabiished by an estimate furnished by the employee and the empioyee's supervisor. Another consideration for establishing the maximum amount can be the experience of another work+ng in the sarne or Similar position. Under this plan, it is necessasy for the employee to keep a record oS each trip made. , 15 ARTICLE 28. DURRTtON AND PLEDGE 28.1 This A�reement shatl become eifective as of May 1, 1999, except as specficatly provided otherw�se in ArGcles 12 and 13, and shatl remain in effect through the 30th day of Aprii, 20Q2, and coRtinue irt effect from year to year thereafter unless rzotice to change ar to terminate is given in the manner provided in 28.2. 282 if either paRy desires to terminate or modify this Agreemeni effective as of the date of expiration, the party wishing to modify or terminate the Agreement shatf give written notice to the oiher party, not more than ninety (90) or less than sixty (60} calendar days prior Yo the expiration date, provided �at the Agreement may only be so terminated or modified effective as of the expiration date. 28.3 In consideration of the tertns and conditions of employment estabiished by this Agreement and the recognition that the Grievance Procedure herein estabiished is the means by which grievances conceming iYs application or interpretation may be peacefu!!y resolved, the parties hereby ptedge that during the tertn of the AgreemenY. 28.3.1 The Union and fhe emplayees will not engage in, irtstigate or condone any concerted action in which emptoyees fait to report for duty, witifuiry absent themselves from work, stop work, slow down their work or absent themseives in whole or part irom the fuil, faithfui performance of their du8es of employment. 28.32 The Employer wiil not engage in, instigate or condone any lockout of empioyees. 28.3.3 This constitutes a tentative Agreement between the parties which wiil be rewmmended by the Schooi Board Negofiator, but is subject to the approval of the Administretiort of the City, Independent School Distr+ct No. 625, and is also subject to ratification by the Association. The parities agree and attest that this Agreement represents the fuil and compiete understanding of the parties for the period of time herein specified by the signature of the folfowing represenfaiives for the Employer and ihe Union. WITNESSES: INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 SHEET METAL WORKERS tNTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATlON LOCAL 10 ���%f�Ll.e[� ��e���i"/ B�ines nager �f� ��� 76 � \ J � �/d��� ae � �3� � APPENDIX A The classes of positions recognized by the Employer as being exciusively represented 6y the Union are as foilows: Sheet Metal Worker Lead Sheet Metal W orker Apprentice - Sfieet Metai Worker and other cfasses of positions that may be estabfished by the Employer where the duties and responsibi{ities assigned come within the jurisdiction ot the Union � r 17 APPENDlX B Too! Box Whitney, Small Crescent W rench or set of Open-end W renches Center Punches Hacksaw Frame Chise(s Small Hand Tongs 6' Folding Rule Screwdriver Scratch Awis Pliers Snips, Straight-aviation L and R Hammers {Tinners} Rally Bar Combination Square Prick P�nch i0' Tape Dividers �� • a � +• _ - � APPENDiX C C1. The total houriy cost to the Empioyer for wages plus any and ail contributions or deductions stated in Appendix D of this Agreement shail not exceed the following amounts: Effective 5-1-99 Sheet Metal Worker Lead Sheet Metai Worker $35.51 $3'7.51 Effective ENective 5-1-00 $-1-p1(�) $3722 (1) $3922 (�) C2. The tota! taxabie hourly rate including wages and the vacation contribution in Appendix D and excluding a11 other benefit costs and obligations in Appendix D, for regular and probationary empfoyees appointed to the foflowing classes of positions shall6e as follows: Effective 5-1-99 Sheet Metal Worker Lead Sheet Metal W orker $27.33 $2924 � C2A. The basic houriy wage rates in this Appendix (C2A) are for compensation analvsis purposes onf . These figures represent the portion ot the Appendix C1 rates above specificaily allocated to wages. These rates do NOT include taxable contributions and therefore shouid NOT be used for taxable payroll catculations. See Appendix C2 above for total taxabte payro0 information. Effective 5-1-99 Sheet Metal Worker Lead Sheet Metal Worker � $22.28 $24.19 Effective Effective 5-1-00 5-1-01 .. Effective Effective 5-t-00 5-1_01 ., Xf �� 1 Note For Appendix Ct : The pariies agsee that for the third year ot this Agreement, there will be a reopener to discuss wages and benefits only. The May 1, 2061 totaf hourly cost and distribution vrill be negotiated at thai time. ' The May �, 2000, hourty rates in Appendices C2, C2A and C3 shall be detertnined at a Iater date based on the ailocation agreetl to by the Employer and the Union of the May 7; 2000, total hourly cost stated in Appendix Ct. " The May 1,20Q1, houdy rates in Appendices C2, C2A and C3 shall be detertnined at a later date basetl on the allocation agreetl top by ihe Employer and the Union of the May 1, 2001, iotal hourfy cost determinetl tor the third year waye Teopener. '19 APPENDIX C (continued) C3. The tota! taxable hourly rate including wages and the vacation contribution in Appendix D for temporary employees appointed to the foilowing classes of positions shail be: Effective 5-1-99 � Sheet Metal Worker Lead Sheet Metai Worker $25.80 $27.80 .> If a temporary empioyee working in a title Iisted in this Appendix C3 becomes subject to the requirements of the Pubtic Employees Retirement Act (PERA), which thereby requires the Employer to make contributions Yo PERA, the calculated hourly base rate of pay may change so fhe Employer's cost does not exceed the amounts listed in C-1 above. The basic houriy wage rates for the Apprentice ciass of positions are as follows: This Secfion is held open for the addition of appropriate Apprentice rates in the event the Employer initiates the employment of Apprentices. If the Union eJecfs to have the eontributions tisted in Appendix D increased or decreased, ihe Employer may adjust the rates in Appendix C, Sections C-2 through C-4 in such a way that the totai cost of the package (wage rate plus contributions) remains constant and does not exceed the amounts shown in P.ppendix C, Section C1. The total compensation (wages and fringes) received by employees covered by this Agreement shall be equivalent in money to the tatal package paid by the employer to employees in comparable classifications in the Agreemertt between Local 10 artd the Twin City Division of the Sheet Metal, Air Conditioning and Roofing Contractors Association. The totai package cost shail exclude any costs of payments made for industry promotion and/or advertisement or any other purposes not directly and clearly beneficial to the public employer. in the evenY Local 70 and any sheet metal contractor affiliated or not affiliated with the Twin Ciry Division of the Sheet Metal, Air Conditioning and Roofing Contractors Association and doing business in the seven-county metropolitan area agree to a total commerciaf package different from the above total commercial package and which is less than the above total package, such differences shaii be immediately app(icab[e to tfie total compensafion paid to employees covered by this Agreement. � The May 7, 200D, nourly rates in Appendices C2. C2A ar�d C3 shall be determined at a later date basetl on the allocation agreed to by the Employer and the Union of the May t 20Q0, tota! houdy cost stated in Appendix C7. �� The May 1, 200t, houdy rates in Appendices C2, C2A arttl C3 shati be detertnined at a later date based on ffie alloeation agreed top by ihe Employer and the Union of ihe May 1, 2001, total fiour(y cost determined for the third year wage reopener. EffecNve Effective 5-1-00 5-1-01 �� \ J � 20 .• . _ � APPENDIX D Effect+ve May 7, 1999, the Employer shaA forvvard the amounts designated in this Appendix D for employees covered by this Agreement to depositories as directed by the Union and agreed to by the Employer: 1. $2.10 per hour for all hours worked from which ail appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacation Fund. This oavment shali onlv be made for reouiar em�lovees paid at the Aopendix C2 rate. 2. $2.95 per hour for atl hours worked from which aif appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Schooi District Holidav Fund. This �avment shall • 3. $2.96 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Health and Welfare Fund. 4. $�.75 per hour for afl hours worked to a Union-designated Local Pension Fund. 5. $1.70 per hour for alI hours worked to a Union-designated National Pension Fund. 6. $.01 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Scholarshio Fund. 7. $.02 per hour for ail hours worked to a Union-designated SMOHI Asbestos Screeninq Fund. 8. $.32 per hour for ail hours worked to a Union-designated Journeyman and Aoqrenticeship Traininq Furtds. 9. For temporary employees paid at the Appendix C3 rate; forward 2.10 per hour for ail hours worked from which aii appropriate payroff deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacation Fund and 2.95 per hour for all hours worked to a Union- designated Supolemental Pens+on Fund. The Empioyer shall make iegally established non-negotiated pension contributions to PERA. Changes in the mandated PERA rate may change the calculated hourly base rate of pay so the Employer's cost does not exceed the amounts listed in C-1 above. � Ail contributions made in accordance with this Appendix D shall be deducted from and are not in addition to the amounts shown in Appendix C1. The Appendix D amounts shall be forwarded to depositories as directed by ihe Union and agreed to by the Empioyer. The Employer shafl estabVish Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Compensation programs as required by Minnesota Statutes. 21 APPENDIX D {continued) � Employees covered by this Agreement shall not be eligible for, govemed by or accumulate vacation, sick leave, holiday, funeral ieave, jury duty or insurance fringe benefits that are or may be established by Personnel Ruies Council Ordinance or Counci! Resotutions. The Empioyer's tringe benefit obligation to employees covered by this Agreemeni is limited to the contributions and/or deductions established by this Agreement. The actuat tevel of benefits provided to employees shail be the responsibility of the Trustees of the various funds to which the Employer has fonvarded coniributions and/or deductions. . . 22 Council File # CC� — G G 4R�GiNAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To Green Sheet # 08924 `1� Committee Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached May 1, 1999 through Apri130, 2002 Empioyment Agreement between the Independent School District No. 625 and Sheet Meta1 Workers Internationai Associafion Local 10. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date \ o � o , Adoprion Certified by Council Secretar By: a- f � Approved 6y Mayor: Date �i `1 / Z�� B y: '�--6�4'� Form Appr �d by CiTy Attome � B : .� � �, � r Approved by ayor for Su mission to Council By: /�}7/�� LABOR RELATiONS CONTACT t'ERSON & PHONE: JIJLIE KRAUS 266-6513 MUSf BE ON COIINCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF DA'� IN'z'`'�° GREEN SHEET No.: 08924 00 - C 3 L Iune 19, 2000 � �ATE INfflALDATE ASSIGN I DEPARTMENT DIlL� 4 GiTY COUNCIl, 7�i[py�gpt 2 CITY ATIORNEY CITY CLERK FOR BUDCET DIR � F1N. & MGT. SERNCE DIIt- ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ORDER ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) acriox xEQVFSrsn: This resolution approves the attached May 1,1999 tbmugh Apri130, 2002 Bmployment Agreement between Independent School District No. 625 and Sheet Metal Workers Intemational Association Local 10. RECOMMENDATIONS: P.pprove (A) or Reject (R) PLAI3MNGCOMMISSION CSViLSERVICE COM[vIISSION CIBCAMNIITfEE � STAFF DISTRICT COUR7 SUPPORTS WfllCH COUNCIL OBIECTIVE? YERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACfS AlUST AiVSR'EB THE FOLLAWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this peisonJEim eva woti:ed under a contrac: foi this depurt�nent? Yes No 2. Has this persoN£mn ever bcen a city emPioyee? . Yes No 3. Does tLis persoNfim� possess a skill not nomially possessed by any current city Yes No E:piain all yes auswere on separah s6at aad attseh to green shee[ INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSLJE, OPPORTUNTTY (FYhq What, W6eo, Where, Why): See Attached , ,« • .- ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This resolution pertains to Boazd of Fducation employees only. DISAl1VANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. Tv1SAllVAN7'A(:ES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOi7NT OF TRATISACI70N: Fi3NDiNG SOURCE: �uN � � a000 JUN 2 4 2040 COSTJREVFdKtJE BUDG�.TED: RM Y\Tl Y tl'i�l Uu 13 �l ;i7 FINANCIAL INFORhTATION: (EXPI.A71V) INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DtSTRICT NO. 625 BOARD OF EDUCATION Oo — <. SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS DATE: August 3, 1999 TOPIC: Approval of an Empioyment Agreement With Sheet Metal Workers Association, Local 10, to Establish Terms and Conditions of Employment for1999-2002 A. PERTINENT FACTS: 1. New Agreement is for the three-year period May 1, 1999 through April 30, 2002. 2. Contracf changes are as follows: Holidavs: Changed holiday language to provide uniformity with other district contracts. Waaes: Wage and benefit changes reflect prevailing wage for the industry. 7he thirtl year will be a reopener for wages only. 3. The remaining language provisions of the previous contract remain essentially unchanged, except for necessary changes to dates and outdated references. 4. The District has 4 regular F.T,E. in this bargaining unit. 5. This request is submitted by Sue Guibrod, Negotiations/Labor Relations Assistant Manager; Richard Kreyer, Executive Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations; and William Larson, Deputy Superintendent of Operations B. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve and adopt the Agreement concerning fhe terms and conditions of employmenf of those employees in this schoof district for whom Sheet Metal Workers International Association, Local 10, is the exclusive representative; duration of said Agreement is for the period of May 1, 1999 through April 30, 2002. �-to3( � � � ARTfCLE T1TLE Articie 1. Article 2. Article 3. Article 4. Article 5. Article 6. Article 7. Article 8. Articie 9. Articie 'f 0. Article 11. Article �2. Article 13. Article 14. Article 15. Article 16. Article 17. Article 18. Article 19. Article 20. Article 21. Articfe 22. Article 23. Article 24. Article 25 Article 26. Article 27. Article 28. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Preambfe................................................................:............................................... v Purpose..................................................................................................................� Recognition............................................................................................................. i Employer .....................................................................................................1 Union Rights ...........................................................................................................2 Scopeof the Agreement ........................................................................................2 ProbationaryPeriods ..............................................................................................3 Philosophy of Employment And Compensation .....................................................3 Hoursof Work ........................................................................................................4 Overtime .................................................................................................................5 CalfBack ................................................................................................................6 Work Location ........................................................................................................6 Wages ....................................................................................................................6 FringeBenefits .......................................................................................................7 Selection ofi Lead Sheet Metaf Worker ...................................................................7 Ho I i days .................................................................................................................. S Disciplinary ..........................................................................................9 Absences From Work .............................................................................................9 Seniority ................................................................................................................10 Ju risd iction ............................................................................................................11 Separation............................................................................................................11 ?ools .....................................................................................................................11 GrievanceProcedure ............................................................................................12 Right Subcontract .............................................................................................14 Non-Discrimination ...............................................................................................14 Seve rability ...........................................................................................................14 Wa ive r ..................................................................................................................15 Mileage .................................................................................................................15 Duration and Pledge .............................................................................................16 Appendix ...........................................................................................................17 Appendix ............................................................................_.............,...............18 Appendix ................................._--......•.-•-.....-••...................................................19 Appertdix .........................:.................................................................................21 dll •� - .. � � ' u � PREAMBLE This Agreement is entered into between Independent School District No. 625, hereinafter referred to as the Employer, and the Sheet Metai Workers international Association Locai �0, hereinafter referred to as the Union. The Empioyer and the Union concur that Yhis Agreement has as its objective the promotion of the responsibiiities of the Independent Schooi District No. 625 for the benefit of the generai public through effective la6or-management cooperation. The Employer and the Union both reaiize that this goal depends not oniy on the words in the Agreement but rather primarily on attitudes between people at all levels of responsibility. Constructive attitudes of the Empfoyer, the Union, and the individual empioyees will best serve the needs of the general public. G19-!o 3 � � ARTICLE t. PURPOSE 1.'! The Emphyer and the Union agree that the purpose for entering into this Agreement is to: 1.1.1 Achieve orderly and peaceful refations, thereby estabfishing a system of uninterrupted operations and the highest feve! of empioyee performance that is consistent with the safety and well being of all concemed; 1.1.2 Set forth rates of pay, hours of work, and other conditions of emp{oyment as have been agreed upon by ihe Employer and the Union; 1.1.3 Establish procedures to orderly and peacefuliy resolve disputes as to the appiication or interpretation of this Agreement without loss of manpower productiviry. 1.2 The Employer and the Union agree that this Agreement serves as a supp4ement to legislation that creates and directs the Empioyer. If any part of this Agreement is in conflict with such Iegisiation, the latter shaii prevail. The parties, on written notice, agree to negotiate ihat part in conflict so that it conforms to the statute as provided by Artic{e 25 (Severability). ARTICLE 2. RECOGNITION . 2.1 The Employer recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative for coliective bargaining purposes for all personnel having an employment status of regular, probationary, and temporary employed in the classes ofi positions defined in 22 as certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services in accordance with Case No. 89-PR-2352 dated December 7, 1989. 2.2 The classes of positions recognized as being exclusively represented by the Union are as listed in Appendix A. ARTICLE 3. EMPLOYER RIGHTS 3.1 The Employer retains the right to operate and manage all manpower, facilities, and equipment; to establish functions and programs; to set and amend budgets; to determine the utilization of technology; to estabiish and modify the organizationai structure; to select, direct, and determine the number of personnel; and to perform any inherent manageriai function not specifically Vimfted by this Agreement. 3.2 Any `�erm or condition of employment" not established by this Agreement shaif remain with the Employer to eliminate, modify or establish fioilowing written notification to the Union. � ARTlCLE 4. UNION RIGHTS 4.� The Empioyer shall deduct from the wages of employees who ainhorize such a deduction in writing an amount necessary to cover monthly Union dues. Such monies deducted shatl be remitted as directed by ths Union. 4,1.1 The Employer shall not deduct dues from the wages of employees covered by this Agreement for arty other labor organization. 4.9.2 The Union shall indemnity and save harmless the Employer from any and al! claims or charges made against fhe Employer as a resuit of the imptementatio� of this Article. 42 The Union may designate one (1) empfoyee from the bargaining unit fo act as a Steward and shall inform the Employer in writing of such designation. Such employee shall have the rights and responsibilities as designated in Article 22 (Grievance Procedure). 4.3 Upon notiiication to a designated Employer supervisor, the Business Manager of the Union or his designated representative shall be permitted to enter the faciiities of the Employer where employees covered by this Agreement are working. ARTlCLE 5. SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT � 5.'1 This Agreement establishes the `Yerms and conditions of employmenY' detined by • Minnesota Statute § �79A.03, Subdivision 19, for a�l empfoyees exclusively represented by the U�ion. This Agreement shall supersede such "terms and conditions of empioymenY' established by Civil Service Rule, Council Ordinance, and Council Resolution. i oa-�3� . �` I u � ARTICLE 6. PROBATIONARY PER40DS 6.1 6.2 All personnel, originally hired or rehirec follawing separation in a regular employment status shall serve a six (6)-month probationary period during which time the employee's fRness and ability to perform the cfass of positions' duties and responsibiiities shall be evaluated. 6.1.1 At any time during the probationary period an emp{oyee may be terminated at the discretion of the Empioyer wfthout appeai to the provisions of Articie 22 (Grievance Procedure). 6.'12 An employee terminated during the probationary period shaii receive a written notice of the reason(s) for such termination, a copy of which shail be sent to the Union. AII personnel promoted to a higher class of positions shall serve a six (6)-month promotional probationary period during which time the employee's fitness and ability to perform ihe class of positions' duties and responsibitities shali be evaluated. 62.1 At any time during the promotionai probationary period an employee may be demoted to the employee's previously-heid class of positions at the discretion of the Employer without appeal to the provisions of Article 22 (Grievance Procedure). 8.2.2 An employee demoted during the promotional probationary period shalt be returned to the employee's previously held class of positions and shall receive a written notice of the reasons for demotion, a copy of which shall de sent to the Union. ARTlCLE 7. PHILOSOPHY OF EMP�OYMENT AND CQMPENSATION 7.1 7.2 r�i The Employer and the Union are in fuii agreement that the philosophy of employment and compensatian shaB be a"cash" houriy wage and "industry' fringe benefit system. The Employer shall compensate employees for a�l hours worked at the basic hourly wage rate a�d houriyfringe benefit sate as found in Artictes 12 (Wages) and i3 (Fringe BeneSits). No other compensation or fringe benefit shall be accumulated or earned by an empioyee except as specifically provided for in this Agreement. ARTICLE 8. HOURS OF WORK 8.1 � The normal workday shall tre eight (8) consecutive hours per day, excluding a thirry (30}-minute unpaid lunch period, between 7:00 a.m, and 5:30 p.m. The normal work week sha!! be five (5) consecutive norma! workdays Monday through Friday. 8.3 if, during the term of this Agreement, it is necessary in the EmployePs judgment to establish second and third shifts or a work week of other than Monday through Friday, the Union agrees to enter into negotiations immediately to establish the conditions of such shifts and/or work weeks. 8.4 8.5 � f:�l This Section shali not be construed as, and is not a guarantee of, any hours of work per normai workday or per normai work week. All employees shall be at the location designated by their supervisor, ready for work, at the established starting time and shali remain at an assigned work locafion unii! the end of the established workday unless othervvise directed by their supervisor. All employees are subject to call back by the Employer as provided by Article i0 (Cali Back). Employees reporting for work ai the estabiished starting time and for whom no work is available shall receive pay tor two (2) hours, at the basic hourly rate, unless noti�ication has been given not to report for work prior to leaving home, or during the previous workday. • • � 4 oo-� 3� • ARTICLE 9. OVERTIME 9.1 All overtime compensated for by the Employer must receive prior authorization from a designated Employer supervisor. No overtime work cfaim will be honored for payment or credit unless approved in advance. An ove�time ctaim wii! not be hortored, even ihough shown on the time card, unfess the required advance approval has been obtained. 9.2 Tha overtime rate of one and one-half (1-1l2) the basic hourly rate shail be paid for work performed under the foflowing circumstances: 9.2.i Time worked in excess of eight (8) hours in any one normal workday, and 9.2.2 Time worked on a sixth (6th) day following the normal work week. 9.3 The overtime rate of two (2) times the dasic houriy rate shall 6e Qaid for work performed under the following circumsiances: 9.3.1 Time worked on a seventh (7th} day fo!lowing the normal work week; and 9.32 7ime worked in excess of twelve (12) consecutive hours i� a twenty-tour (24) hour period, provided that all "emergenc}1' work required by "Acts of God" shatl be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2). 9.4 For the purposes of calcufating overtime compensation, overtime hours worked shall not be "pyramided," compounded or paid twice for the same hours worked (except for the amount specified in Appendix D(3), Natio�at Pension Fund). All contribulions for the National Pension Fund (Appendix D(3) for each employee covered by this Agreement shall be � compensated based on hours aid. and not hours worked: such that hours paid at time and one-half shall receive contributions at 1.5 times the rate specified in Appendix D(3), and two (2) times the rate specified in Appendix D(3) for dou6le time hours paid 9.5 Overtime hours worked as provided by this Article shall be paid in cash or in compensatory time as determined by the Employer. LJ ARTICLE 10. CALL BACK 10.'I The Emplayer retains the right to ca�l back empioyees before an employee has started a normal workday or normal work week artd after an employee has completed a norma! workday or normai work week. 10.2 10.3 Employees catfed back shail receive a minimum of four (4)-hours' pay at the basic hourly rate. The hours worked based on a cail back shall be compensated in accordance with Article 9 (Overtime), when applicable, and subject to the mi�imum estabiished by 10.2 above. 10.4 Employees catled back four (4) hours or )ess prior to their normal workday shai! complete the normal workday and be compensated oniy for the overtime hours worked in accordance with Article 9 {Overtime). ARTICLE 11. WORKLOCATION 11.1 Employees shall report to work location as assigned by a designated Employer supervisor. Lluring the normal workday, empioyees may be assigned to other work locations at the discretion of the Employer. 11.2 Employees assigned to work locations during the normal workday other than their originai assignment, and who are required to fumish their own transportation, shal! be compensated for miteage, as set forth in Article 27 (Mileage). ARTICLE 12. WAGES 12.1 The basic hourly wage rates as established by Appendix C shall be paid for ali hours worked by an employee covered by this Agreement. 122 Regular employees sha!! be compensated in accordance with Article 12.1 (Wages) and have fringe benefit contri6utians and/or deductions made on their behalf as provided for by Article 13 (Fringe Benefits). 12.3 Temporary employees shall be compensated in accordance with Article 12.1 (Wages) and have fringe benefit contributions and/or deductions made in iheir behaif as provided for by Articfe 13 (Fringe Benefitsj. � . � � O�-1o3�, • � , ARTICLE �3. FRINGE BENEF{TS '13.1 The Employer shalf make contributions on behalf of and/or make deductions from ihe wages of participating employees as defined 6y Article 12.2 and 12.3 covered by this Agreement in accordance with Appendix D for alf hours worked. 132 Eifective May 1, 1966 temporary, probationary, and regular empfoyees shaff be e{igibfe for a paid holiday for Labor Day, the first Monday in September. 13.3 The Empioyer wili for the period of this Agreement provide, for those empioyees who were eligibfe for the Employer's heafth and weKare pian a�d who have retired since February i, 1975, such heafth insurance premium cor»ributions up to the same dollar amounts as are provided by the Employer at the date ot early retirement and the cost of premium contributions toward $5,000 life insurance coverage until such employees reach sixty-five (65) years of age. In order to be eligible for the premium contributions under the provision 13.4 the employee must: 13.3.1 13.3.2 Be receiving benefits from a pubiic employee retiree act at the time of retirement. Have severed the employment relationship with the City of Saint Paul and/or Independent School District No. 625 under one of the early retiree plans. 13.3.3 Inform the Human Resource Department of Independent Schoo! District No. 625 and Office of Human Resources - CNy of Saint Paui in writing within sixty (60) days of employee's early retirement date that he or she wished to be eligible for ear{y retiree insurance benefits. 13.4 An employee who retires at age sixty-five {65) or later and who meet the criteria in i3.3 or for early retirees who qualified under 13.3 and have reached age si�cty-five (65) after retirement the Employer will provide payment of premium for a Medicare supplement health coverage poficy selected by the Empfoyer. ARTICLE 14. SELECTION OF LEAD SHEET METAL WORKER 14.1 142 14.3 14.4 The selection of personnel for the class of position lead Sheet Metal Worker shall remain solely with the Employer. The class of position �ead Sheet Metal Worker shall be filled by empioyees of the bargaining unit on a`temporary assignment " All "temporary assignments" shali be made o�ly at the direction of a designated Employer supervisor. Such "temporary assignmenis" shall be made oniy in cases where the class of positions is vacant for more than one (1) normal workday. ARTfCLE 15. HOLIDAYS 15.1 The following nine (9) days shall be desigr�ated as unpaid holidays (except Labor Day as noted in Articie 132}: New YeaTs Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Presidents' Day Memoriat Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Day After Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Ja�uary 1 7hird Monday I� January Third Monday in February Last Monday in May July 4 First Monday in September Fourth Thursday in November Fourth Friday in November December 25. 152 When New Year's Day, Independence Day or Christmas Day falls on a Sunday, the foilowing Monday shall be considered the designated holiday. W hen any of these three (3) holidays fal(s on a Safurday, the preceding Friday shail be considered the designated holiday. ] 5.3 The nine (9) holidays shall be considered non-workdays. 15.4 If, i� the judgment of the Empioyer, personnei are necessary for operating or emergency reasons, employees may be scheduied or "called back" in accordance wfth Article to (Cali Back). '15.5 Employees called in to work on a designated holiday shatl be compensated at the rafe of two (2) times the basic hourly rate for al! hours worked. 15.6 Employees working on Labor Day shail be recompensed for work done on this day by being granted compensetory time on a time and one-haif basis or by being paid on a time and one- half basis for such hours worked, in addition to the regular pay. In order to be eligible for holiday pay for the Labor Day Holiday, employees who are on active payroil status preceding and foliowing the Labor Day Holiday shall receive pay for the Labor Day Holiday. 15.7 When Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day or the Day After Thanksgiving falls on a day when school is in session, the employee shal! work that day at straight time and another day shall be designated as the holiday. This designated fioliday sha(( be a day on which schoot is not in session and shaii be determined by agreement between the empioyee and the supervisor. 15.8 If Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day or the Day After Thanksgiving faiis on a day when school is not in session, that day wiii normally be an unpaid holiday. If the Employer schedules work on such days, employees will be offered att opportunity to work that day at the straight-time rate and will not be required to take another day off to replace the holiday. !t ihe employee is called in on such day, they wili be calied in accordance with Article i 0 and paid as in 15.5. . � . cX�-�3� • � L.I AR'fICLE 16. DiSCIPLINARY PROCEDURES 16.1 16.2 The Employer shall have the right to impose disciplinary actions on emp4oyees for just cause. Discipiinary actions by the Empioyer shall include only the foffowing actions: 16.2.i Oral reprimand; 16.2.2 Written reprimand; �6.2.3 Suspension; 162.4 Demotion; 16.2.5 Discharge. 16.3 Employees who are suspended, demoted or discharged shail retain afl rights under Minnesota Statute § 179A2D, Subd. 4, and thereby shali have the right to request that such actions be considered a"grievance" for the purpose of processing through the provisions of Article 22 (Grievance Procedure). Once an employee or the Union in the empioyee's behalf initiates review of an action, that matter shall not again be reviewed in another forum. �ral reprimands shaff not be subject to the grievance review process. ARTICLE 17. ABSENCES FROM WORK 17.1 Employees who are unable to report fior their normal workday have the responsibility to notify their supervisor of such absence as soon as possible, but in no event later than the beginning of such workday. 17.2 17.3 Failure to make such notification may be grounds for discip�ine as provided in Articie 16 (Disciplinary Procedures). Failure to report for work without notification for three (3) consecutive norma! workdays may be considered a"quiY' by tfie Employer on the part of the empfoyee. � ARTICLE y8. SENIORITY 18.1 Effective May 1, t993, for the purpose of this Article, the following terms shall be defined as follows: 18.1.1 The term, "Employer," sha41 mean Independent School District No. 625, Saint Paul Public Schools. 18.1.2 The term, "Master Seniority," shall mean the length of continuous regular and probationary service witi� the Employer from the date an employee was first appointed to any class tiile wiih the Employer covered by this Agreement. 18.1.3 The term, "Class Seniority' shali mean the length of continuous regutar and probationary service with the Employer from fhe date an emptoyee was first appointed to a position wiih the Employer in a class title covered by this Agreement. This Section 18.1.3 is intended to mean thai on or after May 1, 7993, an empioyee who is newly hired to the Employer (District), no matter what the person's prior experience or how hired by the pistrict, wi�t have his/her class seniority start at zero on the day of appointment to a Schotil District position in that title and seniority will begin to be calculated from that date. An employee's Class Seniority does not revert to zero following recall from an Employer irtitiated layoff within the 24 month recall rights period specified in 18.4. This delinition of class seniority wii! be used for all layoff decisions. 182 Seniority shati not accumulate during an unpaid leave of absence, except when such a leave is granted for a period of less than thirty (30) calendar days; is granted because of iliness or injury; is granted to ailow an empioyee to accepf an appointment to the uncfassified service of the Employer or to an elected or appofnted tull-time position with the Union. 18.3 Seniority shall terminate when an employee retires, resigns or is discharged. 18.4 In the event it is determined by the Empioyer that it is necessary to reduce the workforce, employees will be laid off by class title wfthin each Department based on inverse length of "Class Seniority." Employees laid off by the Employer shall have the right to reinstatement in any tower-paid class Yitle previously held which is covered by this Agreement, provided the employee has greater "Class Seniority' than the employee being replaced. Reca(i from layoff shai! be in inverse order of layoff, except thai recall rights shait expire after 24 months from the last day of work preceding the layoff. No other Civil Service recai( rights to this Empioyer sha!! appty. This provision does not address any rights ihe empbyee may have to be recafled to any other employer. 18.5 The selection of vacation periods shall be made by ciass title based on tength of "Class Seniority," subjecY to the approval of the Empioyer. u � � 10 Op -� u � ARTICLE 19. JURISDICTION 19.1 Disputes conceming work jurisdiction between and among unions are recognized as an appropriate subject for determination by the various unions representing employees of the Employer. 192 The Employer agrees to be guided in the assignment of work jurisdiciion by any mutuai agreements beiween the unions invoived. 19.3 in the event of a dispute concerning the performance or assignment of work, ihe unions involved and the Employer shail meet as soon as mutually possible to resolve the dispute. Nothing in the foregoing shail restrict the right of the Employer to accomplish the work as originally assigned pending resolution of the dispute or to restrict the EmployePs basic right to assign work. 19.4 Any empioyee refusing to perform work assigned by the Empioyer and as ciarified by Sections 19.2 and 19.3 above shaii be subject to disciplinary action as provided in Articfe 16 (Disciplinary Procedures). 19.5 There shall be no work stoppage, siow down or any disruption of work resulting from a work assignment. ARTICLE 20. SEPARATION 20.1 Employees having a probationary or regular empioyment status shall be considered separated from employme�t based on the foilowing actions; 20.1.1 Resianation. Empfoyees resigning from employment shall give written notice fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the effective date of the resignation. u 20.1.2 20.1.3 Discharqe. As provided in Article 16. Fallure to ReQort for Dutv. As provided in Articie 17. 20.2 Employees having a temporary employment siatus may be termfnated at the discretion of the Employer before the completion of a normal workday. ARTICLE 21. TOOLS 21.1 All empfoyees sha11 personally provide themselves with the tools of the trade as fisted in Appendix B. 1� ARTICLE 22. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 22.1 The Employer shalf recognize Sfewards selecfed in accordance with Union rules and reguiations as the grievance representative ot the bargaining unit. The UNION shall nofify ffie Employer in writing of the names of the Stewards and of their successors when so named. 22.2 it is recognized and accepted by the Empioyer and the Union thai the processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limfted by the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and shaii therefore be accomplished during working hours only when consistent with such employee duties and responsibil'�ties. The Steward involved and a grieving employee shall suffer no toss in pay when a grievance is processed during working hours, provided the Steward and the employee have notified and received the approvai of their supervisor to be absent to process a grievance and that such absence woutd not be detrimental to the work programs of the Employer. 22.3 The procedure established by this Article shail, except as previousiy noted in Article 16 (Disciplinary Procedures), be the sole and exclusive procedure, for the processing of grievances, which are defined as an alleged violation of the terms and conditions of ihis Agreement. 22.4 Grievances shafl be resolved in conformance with the following procedure: Step �. Upon the occurrence of an a(leged vio(ation of this Agreement, fhe employee involved sha!! attempt to resolve the maHer on an informal basis wRh the emp(oyee's supervisor. If the matter is not resolved to the emp(oyee's satisfaction by the informal discussion, it may be reduced to writing and referred to Step 2 by the Union. The written grievance shall set forth the nature of the grievance, ihe facts on which it is based, the alleged section(s) of the Agreement violated, and the reiief requested. Any aileged violation of the Agreement not reduced to writing by the tJnion wiihin seven (7) calendar days of the first occurrence of the event giving rise to the grievance or within the use of reasonable diligence should have had knowledge of the first occurrence of the event giving rise to the grievance, shali be considered waived. Ste°2. Wiihin seven (7) calendar days after receiving the written grievance, a designated Employer supervisor shalt meet with the Union Steward and attempt to resolve the grievance. If, as a resuR of this meeting, the grievance remains unresolved, the Employer shafl reply in writing to the Union within three (3} calendar days following this meeting. The Union may refer the grievance in writing to Step 3 wifhin seven (7) caiendar days foliowing receipt of the Empioyer's written answer. Any grievance not referred in writing by the Union wifhin seven (7} calendar days foliowing receipt of the Empioyer's answer shai( be considered waived. � � � 12 �]C� 3 (p � ART{CLE 22. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE {continued) Ste� 3. W�fiin seven (7) calendar days foliowing receipt of a grievance referred from Step 2, a designated Employer supervisor shall meet with the Union Business Manager or his designated representative and attempt to reso{ve the grievance. Within seven (7J calendar days following this meeting, the Employer shail reply in writing to the Union stating the Empioyer's answer concerning the grievance. If, as a resuii of the written response, the grievance remains unresolved, the Union may refer the grievance to Step 4. Any grievance not referred in writing by the Union to Step 4 within seven (7) caiendar days following receipt of the Employer's answer shalf be considered waived. Step 4. If the grievance remains unresolved, the Union may within seven (7) calendar days after the response of the Emp{oyer in Step 3, by written notice to the Empioyer, request arbitraiion of the grievance. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted 6y an ar6itrator to be selected by mutual agreement of the Employer and the Union within seven (7) caiendar days after notice has been given. If the parties fail to mutuafly agree upon an arbitrator within the said seven (7- day period, either party may request the Bureau of Mediation Services to submit a panel of five (5) arbitrators. Both the Employer and the Union shall have the right to strike two (2) names from the panel. The Union shall strike the first (1st) name; the Employer shall then strike one (1) name. The process will be repeated and the remaining person shall be the arbitrator. 22.5 The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to or subtract from the provisions of this Agreement. The arbitrator shail consider and decide onfy the specific issue submitted in writing by the Employer and the Union and shali have no authority to • make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. The arbitrator sha11 be without power to make decisions contrary to or inconsistent with or modifying or varying in any way the application of laws, rules or regulations having the force and effect of Iaw. The ar6itrator's decision shall be submitted in wriiing within thirty (30) days following case of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, uniess the parties agree to an extension. The decision shalf be based solety on the arbitrator's interpretation or appfication of the express terms of this Agreement and to the facts of ths grievance presented. The decision of the arbitrator shall be finaf and binding on the Employer, the Unio�, and the employees. 22.6 The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shaii be bome equaliy by the Employer and the Union, provided that each parry shall be responsibie for compensating its own representative and witnesses. ii either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. 22.7 The time limits in each step of this procedure may be eutended by mutual agreement of the Empioyer and the Union. � 13 ARTlCLE 23. R1GHT OF SUSCONTRACT 23.1 The Employer may, at any time during the duratiort of this Agreement, contract out work done by the employees covered by this Agreement. In the event that such contracting would result in a reduction of the workforce covered by this Agreement, ihe Employer shall give the Union a ninety (90)-calendar day notice of the intention to subcontract. 232 The subcontracting of work done by the empioyees covered by this Agreement shall in all cases be made oniy to employers who quaiity in accordance with Ordinance No. 14Q13. ARTICLE 24. NON-DISCRIMINATION 24.� The terms and conditions of ihis Agreement wili be applied to employees equally wiihout regard to or discrimination for or against, any individuai because or race, color, creed, sex, age or because of inembership or non-membership in the Union. 242 Employees wiil perform their duties and responsibilities in a non-discriminatory manner as such duties and responsibilities involve other employees and the general pubiic. ARTICLE 25. SEVERABILlTY 25.1 In the event that arty provision(s) of this Agreement is declared to be contrary to law by proper legislative, administrative or judicial authority from whose fi�ding, determination or decree no appeal is taken, such provisiott (s) shall be voided. All other provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 25.2 The parties agree, upon written notice, to enter into negotiations to place tfie voided provisions of the AgreemenY in compliance with the legislative, administrative, or judicial determination. • • � 14 C�t7� 3(� � ARTICLE 26. WAIVER 26.t The Employer and the Union acknowledge that during the meeting and �egotiating which resufted in this Agreement, each had the right and opportu�iry to make proposals wfth respect to any subject concerning the tertns and conditions of employment. The Agreemerrts and understandings reached by the parties after the exercise of this right are fully and compietely set forth in this Agreement. 26.2 Therefore, the Empioyer and the Union for the duration of this Agreement agree that the other parly shall not be obligated to meet and negotiate over any term or condftion of empfoyment whether specificaliy covered or not specifically covered by this Agreement. The Union and Empfoyer may, however, mutuaify agree to modify any provision of this Agreeme�t. 26.3 Any and all prior ordinances, agreements, resofutions, pracUces, policies, and ruies or regulations regarding the terms and conditions of empioyment, to the e�ctent they are inconsistent with this Agreement, are hereby superseded. ARTICLE 27. MILEAGE 27.1 Employees of the Schoof District under poficy adopted by the Board of Education may be reimbursed for the use of their automobiies for schoot business. To be eligible for such � reimbursement, employees must receive authorization from the District Mileage Committee utilizing one of the following plans: PLAN "A" is reimbursed at the current rate approved by the Board or 31¢ per mile, whichever is greater. In addition, a maximum amount that can be paid per month is estabiished by an estimate furnished by the employee and the empioyee's supervisor. Another consideration for establishing the maximum amount can be the experience of another work+ng in the sarne or Similar position. Under this plan, it is necessasy for the employee to keep a record oS each trip made. , 15 ARTICLE 28. DURRTtON AND PLEDGE 28.1 This A�reement shatl become eifective as of May 1, 1999, except as specficatly provided otherw�se in ArGcles 12 and 13, and shatl remain in effect through the 30th day of Aprii, 20Q2, and coRtinue irt effect from year to year thereafter unless rzotice to change ar to terminate is given in the manner provided in 28.2. 282 if either paRy desires to terminate or modify this Agreemeni effective as of the date of expiration, the party wishing to modify or terminate the Agreement shatf give written notice to the oiher party, not more than ninety (90) or less than sixty (60} calendar days prior Yo the expiration date, provided �at the Agreement may only be so terminated or modified effective as of the expiration date. 28.3 In consideration of the tertns and conditions of employment estabiished by this Agreement and the recognition that the Grievance Procedure herein estabiished is the means by which grievances conceming iYs application or interpretation may be peacefu!!y resolved, the parties hereby ptedge that during the tertn of the AgreemenY. 28.3.1 The Union and fhe emplayees will not engage in, irtstigate or condone any concerted action in which emptoyees fait to report for duty, witifuiry absent themselves from work, stop work, slow down their work or absent themseives in whole or part irom the fuil, faithfui performance of their du8es of employment. 28.32 The Employer wiil not engage in, instigate or condone any lockout of empioyees. 28.3.3 This constitutes a tentative Agreement between the parties which wiil be rewmmended by the Schooi Board Negofiator, but is subject to the approval of the Administretiort of the City, Independent School Distr+ct No. 625, and is also subject to ratification by the Association. The parities agree and attest that this Agreement represents the fuil and compiete understanding of the parties for the period of time herein specified by the signature of the folfowing represenfaiives for the Employer and ihe Union. WITNESSES: INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 SHEET METAL WORKERS tNTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATlON LOCAL 10 ���%f�Ll.e[� ��e���i"/ B�ines nager �1-� ��,9 76 � \ J � �/d��� ae � �3� � APPENDIX A The classes of positions recognized by the Employer as being exciusively represented 6y the Union are as foilows: Sheet Metal Worker Lead Sheet Metal W orker Apprentice - Sfieet Metai Worker and other cfasses of positions that may be estabfished by the Employer where the duties and responsibi{ities assigned come within the jurisdiction ot the Union � r 17 APPENDlX B Too! Box Whitney, Small Crescent W rench or set of Open-end W renches Center Punches Hacksaw Frame Chise(s Small Hand Tongs 6' Folding Rule Screwdriver Scratch Awis Pliers Snips, Straight-aviation L and R Hammers {Tinners} Rally Bar Combination Square Prick P�nch i0' Tape Dividers �� • a � +• _ - � APPENDiX C C1. The total houriy cost to the Empioyer for wages plus any and ail contributions or deductions stated in Appendix D of this Agreement shail not exceed the following amounts: Effective 5-1-99 Sheet Metal Worker Lead Sheet Metai Worker $35.51 $3'7.51 Effective ENective 5-1-00 $-1-p1(�) $3722 (1) $3922 (�) C2. The tota! taxabie hourly rate including wages and the vacation contribution in Appendix D and excluding a11 other benefit costs and obligations in Appendix D, for regular and probationary empfoyees appointed to the foflowing classes of positions shall6e as follows: Effective 5-1-99 Sheet Metal Worker Lead Sheet Metal W orker $27.33 $2924 � C2A. The basic houriy wage rates in this Appendix (C2A) are for compensation analvsis purposes onf . These figures represent the portion ot the Appendix C1 rates above specificaily allocated to wages. These rates do NOT include taxable contributions and therefore shouid NOT be used for taxable payroll catculations. See Appendix C2 above for total taxabte payro0 information. Effective 5-1-99 Sheet Metal Worker Lead Sheet Metal Worker � $22.28 $24.19 Effective Effective 5-1-00 5-1-01 .. Effective Effective 5-t-00 5-1_01 ., Xf �� 1 Note For Appendix Ct : The pariies agsee that for the third year ot this Agreement, there will be a reopener to discuss wages and benefits only. The May 1, 2061 totaf hourly cost and distribution vrill be negotiated at thai time. ' The May �, 2000, hourty rates in Appendices C2, C2A and C3 shall be detertnined at a Iater date based on the ailocation agreetl to by the Employer and the Union of the May 7; 2000, total hourly cost stated in Appendix Ct. " The May 1,20Q1, houdy rates in Appendices C2, C2A and C3 shall be detertnined at a later date basetl on the allocation agreetl top by ihe Employer and the Union of the May 1, 2001, iotal hourfy cost determinetl tor the third year waye Teopener. '19 APPENDIX C (continued) C3. The tota! taxable hourly rate including wages and the vacation contribution in Appendix D for temporary employees appointed to the foilowing classes of positions shail be: Effective 5-1-99 � Sheet Metal Worker Lead Sheet Metai Worker $25.80 $27.80 .> If a temporary empioyee working in a title Iisted in this Appendix C3 becomes subject to the requirements of the Pubtic Employees Retirement Act (PERA), which thereby requires the Employer to make contributions Yo PERA, the calculated hourly base rate of pay may change so fhe Employer's cost does not exceed the amounts listed in C-1 above. The basic houriy wage rates for the Apprentice ciass of positions are as follows: This Secfion is held open for the addition of appropriate Apprentice rates in the event the Employer initiates the employment of Apprentices. If the Union eJecfs to have the eontributions tisted in Appendix D increased or decreased, ihe Employer may adjust the rates in Appendix C, Sections C-2 through C-4 in such a way that the totai cost of the package (wage rate plus contributions) remains constant and does not exceed the amounts shown in P.ppendix C, Section C1. The total compensation (wages and fringes) received by employees covered by this Agreement shall be equivalent in money to the tatal package paid by the employer to employees in comparable classifications in the Agreemertt between Local 10 artd the Twin City Division of the Sheet Metal, Air Conditioning and Roofing Contractors Association. The totai package cost shail exclude any costs of payments made for industry promotion and/or advertisement or any other purposes not directly and clearly beneficial to the public employer. in the evenY Local 70 and any sheet metal contractor affiliated or not affiliated with the Twin Ciry Division of the Sheet Metal, Air Conditioning and Roofing Contractors Association and doing business in the seven-county metropolitan area agree to a total commerciaf package different from the above total commercial package and which is less than the above total package, such differences shaii be immediately app(icab[e to tfie total compensafion paid to employees covered by this Agreement. � The May 7, 200D, nourly rates in Appendices C2. C2A ar�d C3 shall be determined at a later date basetl on the allocation agreed to by the Employer and the Union of the May t 20Q0, tota! houdy cost stated in Appendix C7. �� The May 1, 200t, houdy rates in Appendices C2, C2A arttl C3 shati be detertnined at a later date based on ffie alloeation agreed top by ihe Employer and the Union of ihe May 1, 2001, total fiour(y cost determined for the third year wage reopener. EffecNve Effective 5-1-00 5-1-01 �� \ J � 20 .• . _ � APPENDIX D Effect+ve May 7, 1999, the Employer shaA forvvard the amounts designated in this Appendix D for employees covered by this Agreement to depositories as directed by the Union and agreed to by the Employer: 1. $2.10 per hour for all hours worked from which ail appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacation Fund. This oavment shali onlv be made for reouiar em�lovees paid at the Aopendix C2 rate. 2. $2.95 per hour for atl hours worked from which aif appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Schooi District Holidav Fund. This �avment shall • 3. $2.96 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Health and Welfare Fund. 4. $�.75 per hour for afl hours worked to a Union-designated Local Pension Fund. 5. $1.70 per hour for alI hours worked to a Union-designated National Pension Fund. 6. $.01 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Scholarshio Fund. 7. $.02 per hour for ail hours worked to a Union-designated SMOHI Asbestos Screeninq Fund. 8. $.32 per hour for ail hours worked to a Union-designated Journeyman and Aoqrenticeship Traininq Furtds. 9. For temporary employees paid at the Appendix C3 rate; forward 2.10 per hour for ail hours worked from which aii appropriate payroff deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacation Fund and 2.95 per hour for all hours worked to a Union- designated Supolemental Pens+on Fund. The Empioyer shall make iegally established non-negotiated pension contributions to PERA. Changes in the mandated PERA rate may change the calculated hourly base rate of pay so the Employer's cost does not exceed the amounts listed in C-1 above. � Ail contributions made in accordance with this Appendix D shall be deducted from and are not in addition to the amounts shown in Appendix C1. The Appendix D amounts shall be forwarded to depositories as directed by ihe Union and agreed to by the Empioyer. The Employer shafl estabVish Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Compensation programs as required by Minnesota Statutes. 21 APPENDIX D {continued) � Employees covered by this Agreement shall not be eligible for, govemed by or accumulate vacation, sick leave, holiday, funeral ieave, jury duty or insurance fringe benefits that are or may be established by Personnel Ruies Council Ordinance or Counci! Resotutions. The Empioyer's tringe benefit obligation to employees covered by this Agreemeni is limited to the contributions and/or deductions established by this Agreement. The actuat tevel of benefits provided to employees shail be the responsibility of the Trustees of the various funds to which the Employer has fonvarded coniributions and/or deductions. . . 22