277748 WNITE - CITY CLERK � !- F� 6�� PINK - FINANCE fV �� 9 V CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COU11C1I . BLUE - MAYOR � File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date I Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service notified the City of Saint Paul on September 2, 1981 that $42,000 in Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Program funds has received final approval; and WHEREAS, this innovative grant required that the City and COMPAS enter into an agreement for the provision of arts and cultural programming for the ' handicapped; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that appropriate City officials are authorized to prepare and execute necessary agreements to implement this innovative grant. I'i i COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Community Services Levine In Favor Maddox � McMahon �� _ __ Against _ Tedesco Wilson �EC � 1981 Form proved y C' tto Adopted by Council: Date � Certifie assed y C ncil cretary BY � ' � B�— Approved . avoc Date R� Ap d by Mayor for S is on tb Council Q BY - — , PUBLISHED D E C 12 198i I � � � ������� A G R E E M E N T AN AQ�NT, Dated this day of , 1981, by and between the City of Saint Paul� hereinafter referred to as "City," and CONA�IUNITY PROGRAN6 IN TI-� ARTS AND SCIENCES, hereinafter referred to as ��COMPAS:�� WITI�SSETH: It is mutally agreed by and between the City arxi CON�AS as follows: l. That for the period of Novernber 1, 1981 thrau� Dec�r 31, 1982, CCt�'AS agrees to pravide variaus arts and crafts classes, de�nonstrations and performances in conjunction with the Innovation Grant for Handicapped Prograrrming awarded to the City by the U.S. Departmerit of the Interior. 2. That for this pericd, CONg'AS will act as a program consultant working with the City staff to plan, develap and ir�lEment progr�ns. 3. That COI�'AS, for its car�sultant fee, will receive $3,750 to cover achninistrative and support services costs as specified in the grant budget. 4. That C�AS agrees to pay all its performers and artists from the' proceeds of ttv:s contract. 5. That COMPAS agrees to mar�age and supervise its perforn�ers and art�ists aryd warrants their ability to perform in a suitable and established manner. 6. That CON�AS will save ar�d hold harmless the City fran ariy and all claims arisi.ng out of demar�cls for naripayrr�nt of wages by instructors and performer_ or claims arising out of their er�loyment; t'.(�AS acl�mowledging that at all times Yieretu-�der it is an independent contractor. 7. T�at CON�AS agrees to schedule performances and/or Artists withaut cost to the participants as a condition of this c�tract. 8. 'Ihat CON�AS will meet with the City, residents of L�ewis Park Apar�nents and other interested groups to develop a specific program of artists i - I � � � ar�d perforrnarices. 9. That CON�AS will pravide the City a list of all perforTr�ices, workshops, classes and other programs scheduled as part of this contract, along with names, address ar�d telephone rnuribers of the contact person and arna�it to be paid, at least 15 days prior to the scheduled activity. 10. That CON�AS will work with other program�ning agencies as necessary to develap a broad spectngn of activities and program offeririgs as rec�Zired by !the terms of ttze grant. 11. That CON��AS will submit to the City an iternized statemP,nt of exp�xiditures, fees ar�d charges for the preceding calendar month by the 15th of �the next following month. 12. That C�as will keep necessary records to be used in th�e evalua,�ticn of the project for the De�partment of the Interior. 13. That in consideration of the services provided by Cq�AS for the benefit of the citizens v�o may be participants or perforn�ance spectators, the City agrees to pay CON�AS � to tYie total and maxisrnsn of twenty-five thausand ($25,000) dollars in four payments; one-quarter ($6,250) an Decernber 1, 1981; cme- quarter ($6,250) on February 1, 1982 and one quarter ($6,250) on May l, 1982; t�he final payment being subject to the costs of actual work performed tmcler the contract being paid follawing the fir�al billing submitted by C�AS. IN WI'I�SS hereof, the parties set their hands the date first above written. APPROVED AS TO FOF�I: City of Saint Paul � ' Assistant i ttorney Mayor CC�AS Depart�nent of Finarice � Management �Services Departrnent of Corrnn.mity Services � ....�, ..... . .....� .� ., � . � Rev. : 9/8/ 5 < ` �?ev. : 5/7/ 0 �;x��r.�r..z1��r�_ora or �n1�zra�.sT?z�z�xv� oPnF�s , �:�v. : 4/3J �t , � ?LSOi,i�T:IOi�J:� AI`?�OI?UIIVT�?.;CES -_____. ���'J RECEIVEp p�E,gS E C'R�� • Dat-��: October 19, 1981 N�V 1 (� �981 �TUD y .,���i� RT Q� � CITY ATTORNEY �ti��v siG�/�.�. . T�= Mayor George Latimer FY.ol�t: Thomas Ke11 eY %�� R,�C�j�/�j) . �= COMPAS Contract for Handicapped Prograrr�n�ng � NOV 1 319$1 � �CTIUN REQUE�=TFD: �Y�R��FFrCE Approv�1 to enter in�o an agreement w�th COMPAS `to provjde handicapped pragramming as part of �he Departmen� o� Tnter�or Tnnovat�ve Grant. FURPOSF: �NLi RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION : This action w111 permit us to jmplemen� the portjon of the prograe which � , 'inYOl�tes oPfer�ng ar�s and cu1tura1 programmfing to the handjcapped res�dents of Lewis Park Apatrtmen�s and �he North End Corr�nunity. rz�t�,r?crA�:: �P�iPACT, The $25,OOO�r�qu�r�d for this contract is provjded ent�re1y _by the Departr�ent of �he �nterior through the Urban Park and Recreation Recov�ery Program. The - final contracts w1�h the DOx have been signed and we are authorized to spend funds to implement the grant project. .�^."�?�Ct3t�LE`1'I'.�: . _ _ . _ �._ �