277746 WHITE - CITY CLERK y�y/ PINK - FINANCE ��� 6 , s CANARY � .DEPARTMENT COUIICII ��� B4U�_� - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. i _� uncil Resolution !� , � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date � BE IT RE50LVID, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies' and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review Pertai�ing to the follawing listed property ar�cl as sha�m by the Excexpt�l Minutes of said ' Board of Appeals and Review, da.ted Nov�nber 10, 1981, and marked ��iIBIT A, and ' attached hexeto arbd made a part hexeof by refererice: ' DATE OF BOARD ' ' NLIlV[Fi�S CASE N0. P1�PERZ'Y APP�T ANP I, 11/10/81 63-81-H 2381 Long Ave. aka Harry W. Mixer ' 906 Raympnd (14 units) ' I B(�2D ACTION: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34.11, I in- ing to basic facilities, to pernni.t contintked occupancy of four�ts where bathroom for eaah sa.id unit is located outside its walls. ! I Property Description: St. Anthony Park Lots 1 and 2, Block 80 ' 10/10/81 65-81-H 406 Van Buren Thcenas R. Rider I (seven units) 'I B(�RD ACTION: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, 5ection 34.14, pe�tain- ing to light and ventila.tion, tr� permi.t continued occupaxicy of b�.sement unit where available natural light is slightly deficient. ', I Property Description: JohnstAne's Subdivision of Block 1 of Stinson's Addition � Lots 36 and 37, Block 1 I ---------------------------- '� 11/10/81 66-81-H 628-30 Mendota Raymond Appel & (10 units) Richard Wetzler COUNCILMEN �Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt __ Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B Showalter __ Against Y — I Tedesco , Wilso� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — I CertifiE:d Yassed by Council Secretary BY rl � �/ . By —_ Approved by ;Nayor: Date _ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � �BY - – — BY ± – � I ' i'4��1+''"��`r�p���.� BQ�iZD ACTION: Granted variance of St. Paul Legisla.tive Code, Section 34.1.1, pPx- taining to basic facilities, to permit continued occupancy of five units sharing use of two bathrocgn. facilities, provided that occupancy is so limited that no more than five persons share use of each ba.throom facility. Property Description: Dana and H�unes Subdivision, Block 98 Lot 7 11/10/81 68-81-H 1078 Front Ave. Gretchen 5chultz (three units) BOARD ACI'ION: Granted. variances of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34.14(4) , pertaining to sleeping space in cellars, to permit cantinued occupancy of basement apartrnent where sill height of sleeping roan window is slightly higher than required by code, and Section 34.14, pertainin.g to light and ventilation, on condition that mechanica.l ventilation vented to outside be provided in the kitchen, and that storm windaw in the sleeping ro�.n be adjusted to provide an approved c�nergency escape windaw. Praperty Description: Kalman's Division No. 1 Addition Fxcepting Alley, Lot 10 11/10/81 70-81-H 590 So. Snelling Richard A. Voss & (10 units) Jerris G. Torgersori 71-81-H 1573 Hartford Ave. (Same as above) (10 tmits) BOARD ACTION: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 13.03, pertain- ing tA fire-ratec�. smoke door enclosures in stair t�wers, on condi- tion that an approved. simke and fire detector wired. to a siren or audible alarm system be installed in ba.seirnnt corridor of each building. -2- -�.--.�Is� ��.'`?�' �/ WNITE - CITY CL[RK �`� �.� PINK - PINANCi 7� 4 CANM2Y - DEPARTMtNT G I T Y O F S A I N T I A U L COUACII BLUE -, MAYOR , „ File N . Council Resolution � Presented By _ I Referred To Committee: Date i Out of Committee By Date Property Description: 590 So. Snelling I Otto Hunt's Addition N. 37 42/100 Ft. of Iat 11 and All of Lot 12, Block 4 1573 Hartford Ave. �'� Ottr� Hunt's Addition Excepting N. 37 42/100 Ft., Lot 11 and Al1 of ' Lot 10, Block 4 and be it FURTI-�R RESOLUID, That �on pa.ssage of this resolution the City Clerk is h�reby authorized and direct.ed to tr�nsmit a copy of this resolutian for recording tA tihe Ramsey County Office of the Register of Deeds. _3_ COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In FBVO[ ~ Maddox McM� _ � __ Against BY — � Tedesco Wilson ��C � 198i Form Approved by Cit Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed b Council S retary BY /' � �� By��� , � , • Approved b vor: Date C Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , - 0 By _ � — BY I PUBUSHED D E C 12 1981 ' � ,`^�. V'/ . � �. �^ . ♦`Y. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) Albert B� Olson� I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the � '" City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify th -�ave � "`x 277746 � compared the attached cop� of Council File No. . . . . . �Y as adopted by the City Council. . . . , December 1... . . . . . . . . . . 19 81 . . . � � December 2. 81 and appro�ed by the Mayor. . . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . 19. � . . . . w C� with the original thereof on file in my office. � I further certify that said copy is a true and correct cbpy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this . . . . .?nd. . . . . . day of . December,. . . . . . , ,A.D. 19. 81. *�,,� � �* � �� 4 � L+�',;i t�1if t� �� 7y j �,� . . • • • • • • • • ♦ � � � • • � • • • • • • • • • • • • • h t� ��.,t, G F�y"�€��\� �i�ty CileY'1�• •y,t �• �.���� k }��� Gr�,�`K� � `f, � ;: t �`4 r.-� , � 4 I �� X � '���� ��y� � � 41 1 1. �}' j -;� � � ,� , _ ��b , s � ` ��i�.� � y 4�.n5 -- . � .Y� 592b � �iU. v� � n � _ WHITE - GTY CLERK (��'�}F�'�W� PINK - FINANCE � l -J [ / /�� CA�:iAR V` - DEPARTMENT G I T Y ��F �._7 A I Y T 1,L1 �l L COU[ICII '.� e o a '�� B:UE - MAYOR . File N , uncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date • � �^ B�E IT RESQLVID, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifie� and m a roves the action of the Ci � pp ty of Saint Paul Board of Appeals ar�d Review perta' g -- to� the follvwing listed property and as shc�m by the Excerpted Minutes of said � � Board of Appeals and Review, dated Novanber 10, 1981, and marked E�IIBIT A, andi attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BC�A�2D ' MIlVCTI'F5 CA.SE NO. PROPII�l'Y Ap�'r,rarrr 11/10/81 63-81-H 2381 Long Ave. aka Harry W. Mix�ex ' 906 Raymand (14 tmits) B�1RD ACTION: Granted variance of St. Paul Legi.slative Code, Section 34.11, pe�tain- ing to basic facilities, to permit continued occupancy of four Wzits where bathroo�n for each said �it is located outside its walls. Property Description: St. Anthony Park Lots 1 and 2, Block 80 10/10/81 65-81-H 406 Van Buren Thc�nas R. Rider (seven units) BOARD ACTION: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34.14, pe�ttain- ing to light and ventilation, tA permit conti.nued occupancy of b�s�nent unit where available natural light is slightly deficient. Property Description: JohnstorLe's Subdivision of Block 1 of Stinson's Add.ition Lots 36 and 37, Block 1 11/10/81 66-81-H 628-30 Mendota Raym4nd Appel & (10 uriits) Richard wetzler � COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor � Maddox McMahon B Showalter A ga i n s t Y � Tedesco Wilson �'� Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certif�ed Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY ` �� � !! �� �/ . By� Appruved by 1Aavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �S' - - — By ! � • • � (�r--��� � ' ' , _ : A� ���i„� � � � � � BC1�ZD ACTI�I: Granted varian:ce of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34.11, pd�x- taining t�o basic facilities, to permit continued occup�-uzcy of five units sharing use of two bathroan facilities, provided that occ�ancy is so limited that no more than five persons share us� of each bathroam facility. Property Description: Dana and Htures Subdivision, Block 98 Lot 7 11/10/81 68-81-H 1078 Front Ave. Gretchen Schultz (three units) BOARD ACTION: Granted variances of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34.14(4) , pertaining to sleeping space in cellars, to pennit continued occupa�lcy of basement agartrrent where sill height of sleeping rqc�n windaw is slightly higher than required by oode, and Section 34.14, pertaining to light and ventilation, on condition that mecl�anical ventilation vented to outside be provided in the kitchen, arxi that stonn wir�law in the sleeping room be adjusted to provide ara approved emergency escape windaw. Praperty Description: Kalman's Division No. 1 Addition F�cepting Alley, Lot 10 11/10/81 70-81-H 590 So. Snelling Richard A. Voss & (10 units) Jerris G. Torgersori 71-81-H 1573 Hartford Ave. (Same as above) (10 �its) B0�1RD ALTION: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 13.03, Perta�n- ing to fire-rated snoke door enclosures in stair towers, on condi- tion that an approved sroke and fise detectAr wired t�o a siren or audible alarnn system be in.stalled in baseme.nt corridor of each building. -2- ' i � �. ,. � _ . , I NMIT6 - CITVCLERK (�J�+�� Utl� PINK• -. �INANCE i l ; : 4 CA,MAC Y�- DEPARTMENT (� I T Y O F S L� I ♦,�T 1'L�LT L COUIICII � B��UE - MAYOR ' , � File N�. ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date !h m Property Description: 590 So. Snelling � � Otto Hunt's Addition N. 37 42/100 Ft. of Iat 11 and All of Lot 12, Block 4 1573 Hartford Ave. OttA Hunt's Addition �cepting N. 37 42/100 Ft., Lot 11 and All of Lot 10, Block 4 and be it FIk2Tf�R RESOLUID, That upon passage of this resolution the City Clerk is he�eby authorized and directed to transnit a oopy of this resolution for recording tA the Ramsey County Office of the Register of Deeds. -3- COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department oE: Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox , McMahon �� � Against BY i Tedesco �Ison DEC i �98� F'orm Approved by Cit Adopted by Cuuncil: Date _ � , t+�,a.�y���2 ����' :f/ Certified Passed b Council S • retary BY��LGZ'��' ! B5'�e���/C� • • Appruved b or: Date C Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B� ---- - - - — BY - �{ � � t�o � D � � T � �N-I - � . �G � c� � � N �. .� n :�, m Q v � � _* . ui: o -� . ' . c m u� � .� ro " o � � . � � � N � � � � � , N � �2 n �' p .a C � � �j v � tD 5 ,Z � � � �` '-�'�', ['� � Z . � n � p � � �L� ro ti U� ..« C 3 ('*1 � � � � t2 �" � N � . 0 a' � � `G a� � � C� I�1 � �a ° � T cD D � � . n an �' � �; � o � 1 � � � °' � s � , � W N � � � Vv � � � � �� � � Z o o. '* � N �� � � � _ �� � v � c .+ -__.._. � �� X p.' _ �C r )s `°f�' , , .,if� ; �e f'� ' . '� . .. _. � ,! `y ��/ l �t ',t , e� Y���h � . � _ C� ., . . ` '/,. ��. � � "�� , . . . . . . . - . " , �� . , �.� � ���:.������. �'.� Y� . • '. � . . . , . , , ' ' , , - � .. � � � � ' .. , . ' . ' . . � � �,� � , � / . . , . .. . . i ' • � �.' } � • � .. . .. . . . . . ."' . t� . � . ' . . , . �� , � � . . ._. , . . . �.I :. i . . . .�Y��' � . . . . , �. . . . - r. . . . . . �� , - . � , � ', . �. '.. .$�: � � � .. � . � . ' ... ' ' . ">.� ... . �,� , . . . . ;. +: : . . . . . . � . - .. � :.. �. �. ,. � . . .� t 1 .�- . .. .. .\ ' . . I. . . . . .. � . . � , . � . � ., . Y � � , . . .. . . . . 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This raeolut3oa �as adapt�d by ths �City,L'ouac.il of ttw Citq of � . � t St. Aaul c� Dsae�mber 1, 198I. , . ,, r< < • , � r , � : �, '; �'� y � : � _ ve�► �.q ���, r �' � . . , � � ". � ` . , 1,, f � � �' i _ ',�, � �,�.:.,��--�.: �'..i�--:-�.- . � . ; — ��. r ��: '� ` � � �' ' - , . � A3.bsrt B. oiaon � � � City Clark , y._ �, , ;; i " . � " � ;, t A�La�ch. , . � �F,� � , , ' _ , � ` . ��� ; , _ . , , • �, ` ' , �`,1's f _ J_ . . , . � ��` ` �; t � ' � � � � _ . .a . . �. . .. � � - . . . � � �.. . � . ,. . , � . � . . . . . . . .. - � , . . . � . . . ';J .. . . ' . i��. . . ' . . . i . . . . . . . ' � �, ' � . , . , � � . . ' . . ' . . . .. , . � ` � � \ � . . . � , + ' , '` , k . . '� ,. _ ��- � � � � .� � .. �. . � � . . ,. , . , . . I !., ' : . . . � . . . . . . . . �. �, • i . ' . _ � _ . , � - � . � , _ . - ,� . , + . • . . � ;:. ` . � l , \ ' . ;�'. . . . . - • ' . . . � . _ 4 r, . � ' . _ � . . . - . . . .. . �: ... ! �i. . . . . . - . . ` �. . . . . , .. . . ' . ... l,k . , . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . � . . . . � � ' 1 . . . ... .. � . . . �, , � . ' . . .. .t - . . . ' � . . . . , ' . ' . � . � , . � r . . . . . .. � E x � � �j` f �' � 11/10/81 - Meeting N . Y79 , � � ����w�� MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEW .I , Tuesday, November 10, 1981 ' - � Room 707 City Hall, 15 W. K�llogg Blvd. . , � 1HEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman . ', � Harold Knutson I : William Tilton Glenn Gausman ' MEMBERS ABSENT: Rudolph Sawyer � ! � � Lucille Burg � � : �AGENCIES PRESENT: Dept. of Community Services - Division of Hous�ng F� Building Code Enforcement: � Alice Bijjani . . Gerald Kern � Frank Staffenson � Joan Barry , Housing Information Office : Janice .Rettman� i Mayor's � Council's Information � Complaint Office: Judith A. Cassidy ; OTHERS PRESENT: Richard J. Thole Albert Villalobos I Richard Wetzler � Tom Rider i � Ray Appel Gretchen Schultz Mrs . Harry Mixer Richard A. Voss � Ann Copeland Jerris Torgerson ', � Chairman Glassman called the mEeting to order at 1: 40 p.m. �I The minutes of the meeting of October 13, 1981, were approved as di$- tributed to the board members. � � CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT ' I 63-81-H 2381 Long Ave . Harry W. Mixer i aka 904-06 RaymQnd � (14 units) i SUBJECT• '1 � ariance of Section 34. 11 to permit occupancy of four unitsl�, each of which fias its own bathroom located outside the walls of the un�ts, because of practical difficulty and high cost of compliance. � , ; � . '2' 11/10/81 - Meeting No. 179 , . { � . . APPEARANCE: Mrs . Harry Mixer � . PROCEEDTNGS: Mrs . Mixer• explained that four of the fourteen uni�ts in t e uild ni g had bathrooms located in a common hallway, but each of the units had its own bathroom. Because of space problems , it would be very difficult to construct bathrooms inside the walls of these apart�ents , and the high cost of doing so would be unfeasible. _ , BC�ARD ACTION: Mr. Tilton moved to grant �a variance of Section 34. 11,. to � permit continued occupancy of four units , each with a bathroom outsfde its walls . Mr. Knutson seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0' ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- � _ � �I � I _. -2- I1/10181 - Meeting N�_ � �4 _ , _ . _ _ . __ . �� � a7�7 � �� ''� _ _-----�----- . . . _ _ .. __ _ ._ _ _ ._ __ , _ ----_ __ _ _ �� 65-81-H 406 Van Buren Thomas R. Rider (seven units) � _ SUBJECT: Request variance of Section 34. 14, pertaining to light and venti- lata.on, to permit continued occupancy of basement apartment where s�.eeping room window does not meet required dimensions for use as an escape window, because of practical difficulty. � APPEAR.ANCE: Thomas R. Rider PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Rider said he had been granted a variance� earlier this year to perma.t occupancy of the basement unit on condition that an escape window be put in the sleeping room. He had installed a crank-out type, as recommended, but the largest one available fell somewhat short of the light and ventilation code specifications, sa he asked for a varian�ce. Alice Bijjani confirmed that the new window qualified as an escape �rindow, but it fell short by 2 � 8" sq. ft. of light requirements and a variance � from the Board of Appeals would be needed. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Tilton moved that a variance of Section 34. I4 �e grante . r. Gausman seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Abstentians - 0 � � I f � i � ; � , . 11/10/81 - Meeting N�a. "1�79 . . . . MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEW Tuesday, November 10, 1981 Room 707 City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. � MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman ' . � Harold Knutson : William Tilton ` Glenn Gausman � MEI�IBERS ABSENT: Rudolph Sawyer � Lucille Burg " �AGENCIES PRESENT: Dept. of Community Services - Division of Hous�.ng F Building Code Enforcement: � Alice Bijjani . Gerald Kern Frank Staffenson Joan Barry Housing Information Office: Janice Rettman Mayor's � Council's Infarmation $ Complaint Offi.ce : Judith A. Cassidy ' OTHERS PRESENT: Richard J. Thole Albert Villalobos Richard Wetzler � Tom Rider Ray Appel Gretchen Schultz Mrs . Harry Mixer Richard A. Voss Ann Copeland Jerris Torgerson �, � I - � -2- � 11/10/81 .- Meeting Mo. 179 � � _ . _ . ,,�°�.,,'.���,�I� � � I 66-81-H 628-30 Mendota Raymond Appel $ ' - t10 units} Richard Wetzler . SUBJECT: Request variance of Section 34. 11 to permit continued odcupancy o�i e units , two of which share one bathroom facility and the re�riaining three share another, because providing private facilities for eachlwould mean increasing rents for tenants of limited incomes and cause fin�ncial hardship. APPEARANCE: Raymond Apne 1 �, Richard �Vet z ler PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Appel said five of the ten units had their ow� bath- rooms . Of t e remaining five , two share a bath in the basement, anid three share one on the third floor. . � , • -3- lI/10/81 - Me�ting No. I79 Alice Bijjani said tha�C what most concerned her was that one of the, tenants had to travel from the first floor to the basement to use the bathrpom, and a second floor tenant had to travel to the third floor to reach thelother shared bathroom. . ', ___.___ Board members discussed the matter of the number of persons who shaxed � use of each shared bath, and the questzon of whether, if a variance were to be gran�ed, it should be for the lifetime of the building or lim�ted to the period of current ownership. _ . _._ BOARD ACTION: Mr. Gausman moved to grant a variance of Section 34.11 _ to permit continued occup ancy of five units sharing two bathroom fa�ilities, . provided that no more than five persons share the use of each of the shared facilities , such variance to be effective only for the periad of present ownership. Mr. Tilton seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORD$RED. � - THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Abst�ention - Q -------------------------�-----------------------------------------+----- �I 11/10/81 - Meeting Np. 179, MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEW ; Tuesday, November 10, 1981 � Room 707 City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. _ MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman � Harold Knutson - - William Tilton Glenn Gausman _ � MEMBE RS ABSENT: Rudo lph S awye r ' Lucille Burg � AGENCIES PRESENT: Dept. of Community Services - Division of Hous�ing $ Building Code Enforcement: � Alice Bij j ani . Gerald Kern Frank Staffenson Joan Barry Housing Information Office : Janice Rettman Mayor's F� Council's Information � Complaint Office : Judith A. Cassidy OTHERS PRESENT: Richard J. Thole Albert Villalobos Richard Wetzler � Tom Rider � Ray Appel Gretchen Schultz Mrs. Harry Mixer Richard A. Voss Ann Copeland Jerris Torgerson , � . �'�'���� ' -4- . 11/10/81 - Pdeetin!g No. 179 68-81-H 1078 Front Ave. Gretchen Schultz (three units) SUBJECT: Request variance of Sections 34. 13 and 34. 14, pertaining to sleeping space in cellars, and natural light and ventilation , respe�ctively, to permit continued accupancy of basement apartment, because of pra�tical difficulty and expense. APPEARANCE: Gretchen Schultz PROCEEDINGS : Ms . Schultz stated that she had hired a workman to re lace . exi nis g-g�as� block with larger windows in the sleeping are a of th� base- ment unit when she bought the property three years ago. It had beeri necessary to. knock out a considerable area of cement block as well. Alice Bijjani explained that the kitchen had no window and adjoine�l Lhe slesping area, so was considered one room. In this situation, the area fell considerably short of code requirements for light and ventilation. For adequate ventilation in the kitchen, she suggested the alternat�ve of mechanical ventilation. As to the sleeping area, the window did no� aualify as an escape route because the storm window was a partial obstructic�n, _ providing an openable area of only 19" X 20" as compared to the reqi�ired 22" X 24". She said the sill height was two inches too high to comply � with escape window requirements as well. BOARD AC�'ION: Mr. Knutson moved to grant variances of Sections 34. 13 an . , to permit continued occupancy of the basement apartment, on condition that mechanical ventilation vented to the outside be prov�ded in the kitchen, and that the storm window in the sleeping room be adjusted in such manner as to comply with requirements for use as an escape windot�r. Mr. Tilton seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Abstentions - Q .._. .. . .. ����������������������'� . _ . � '1�.�f��....���.�.��� _�'�����...���������������������.� i 11/10/81 - Meeting N�. •379 MINUTES OF THE MEETING � _ ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS F REVIE��T Tuesday, November 10, 1981 � Room 707 City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg B1vd. _ MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman � Harold Knutson - William Tilton Glenn Gausman - MEMBERS ABSENT: Rudolph Sawyer � Lucille Burg � AGENCIES pRESENT: Dept. of Community Services - Division of Housing � Building Code Enforcement: � Alice Bijjani " . Gerald Kern Frank Staffenson Joan $arry Housing Information Office : Janice Rettman Mayor's � Council's Information � Complaint Office : Judith A. Cassidy OTHERS PRESENT: Richard J. Thole Albert Villalobos Richard Wetzler � Tom Rider Ray Appel Gretchen Schultz Mrs . Harry Mixer Richard A. Voss Ann Copeland Jerris Torgerson I ������� ' -S- 11/1Q/81 - Meeting l�o. 179 , ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------- 70-81-H 590 So. Snelling Richard A. Voss $ (10 units) Jerris G. Torgerson 71-81-H 1573 Hartford Ave. (Same as above) (10 units) SUBJECT: Request variance of Section 13. 03, pertaining to fire-rated smoke ctoors , because of practical difficulty. (Identical situation in both properties. ) ' APPEARANCE: Richard A. Voss and Jerris Torgerson ' PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Voss said that 590 So. Snelling has been sold, bu to close t e �al the building must have a Certificate of Occupancy. e said that Jerry Kern had looked at the building about three weeks a!,�o and had come to certain conclusions. Mr. Kern reported that he had determined, after inspecting the buildiags , i � �:a��'"�� ..�`..� ' � � -b- 11/10/81 - Meeting No. 179 there was no practical way to put in an enclosure with fire-rated s�oke doors , as called for in the building code. In these particular buildings , enclosing the floors would only add to the difficulty of getting out of the building safely in an emergency. It would mean tha� only four pf the tinits would end up outside of the smoke containment corridor, but six would remain withi,n it, with the added obstacle of automatically closed d�ors in an emergency situation. He had discussed the problem with a fellow building official , and the best solution , in their opinion, would be the irtstallation of a hard-wired smoke $ fire detector with a siren or audible alarm on it in the basement corridor of each building: BOARD AC�'ION: Chairman Glassman moved that a waiver of Section 13,03 be grante , on condition that an approved type of smoke and fire detector with a siren or other audible alarm be installed in the basement corridor of each building. Mr. Knutson seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORD�RED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 ` Abstentions - 0 ------------------- ---- ------------------------------ --------------------- � I • � ST. PAUL BO�RD OF APPE�LS � REVIEtiV 7QSA City �iall . ' St. Paul, Niinnesota 55102 . _ . (612) 295-4163 . � November 19 , 1981 . . ;, T0: Walter Bowser - . ! Assistant City Attorriey �� FROM: Pat Moxness � RE: Draft Resolution - Board Actions of •November 10 , 1981' Attached is a draft resolution pertaining to board actions taken at ' the meeting of November 10 , 1981 , on the following cases : � " CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT" . 63- 81-H 2381 Long Ave�. - Harry W. Mixer . aka 906 Raymond 65-81-H 406 Van Buren Thomas R. Rider 66-81-H 628- 30 Mendota Raymond Appel � , Richard Wetzler 68-81-H 1078 Front Ave . Gretchen Schultz 70-81-H 59Q So. Snelling Richard A. 'Yoss F� Jerris G. Torgerson 71-81-H 157�3 Hartford Ave . Richard A. Voss� F . Jerris G. Torgerson I�f you have any questions , please call me on 4163. . � i � . • /%%`^^�- ���i�- y�,�l - . . �: �'�"��� ST. PAUL BO�IRD OF APPEALS � REVIEW 7QSA City Hall � . St. Paul, l�tinnesota 55102 . _ . (612) 295-4163 . � November 19 , 1981 T0: Walter Bowser ' . Assistant City Attorney FROM: Pat Moxness RE: Draft Resolution - Board Actions of •November 10 , 1981 - Attached is a draft resolution pertaining to board actions taken at the meeting of November 10, 1981, on the following cases : � � . � CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 63- 81-H 2381 Long Ave�. Harry W. Mixer . aka 906 Raymond 65- 81-H� 406 Van Buren Thomas R. Ride�r 66-81-H 628- 30 Mendota Raymond Appel F Richard Wetzler 68-81-H 1078 Front Ave . Gretchen Schultz 70-81-H 590 So. Snelling Richard A. 'Voss F� Jerris G. Torgerson 71-81-H 1573 Hartford Ave. Richard A. Voss� $ . Jerris G. Torgerson Tf you have any q.uestions , please call me on 4163. . �