277734 WH17E - CITV CLERK ��• /��I� PINK - FINANCE � L� CANARV - DEPARTMENT TY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICII �' t, 7a BLUE - MAVOR � File NO. u cil Resolution , � Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �FA�, An Ordinavnoe, C.F. No. 277722 . 9ranting pennission , to cbntrol Data Corporation, 304 N. Dale Street. Saint Paul, Minnesata I to ooristruct and maintain a three inch diameter oonduit across Mackubin I Street ap�ro�d�t�e7.y 10 feet south of aoric�rdia Avenue, has been pre- � pared and introc�uoed to the Couici.l of the City of Saint Paul, and '� will be �pt�ed rn December 10, 1981 , to be effectivie ev�tually �� � January 1�, 1981 , na�r therefore, be it. i RESOLVED, 'I'hat per�ding the said Ordinaonae beoomi.ng effectiv�e, I the Director of the De�partrnent of Public Works is hereby authori�ed ' atld directed to issue a pennit to lX�tro1 Data Cbrp�rati� for the ' aonstructiari and maint,enamae of said ooriiduit ac�s Madcubin Street subject to the sa�ie c�onditior�s a�d requi�ents as set out in aaz ° Ordinanae, C.F. No. 277722 , p�ncling y�efore the Co�cil of the City of Saint Paul, infornral. approval of the said �struction and main- tsnanae being hereby given in anticipatian of the final ad�ption and : appraval of said Ordinarioe. � � j I � ,�� � COUNCILMEIV ' Yeas Hunt Nays Requested by Department of: Levine � PU}7�.1C WOL'�S.S [n Favor Maddox McMahon d �- Showalter -_ AgeipSt BY — d E. Nyg Tedescu ���,A�, Wifson NOV 2 4 1981 Form Approve y it Attorney �i SQf Adopted by Council: Date Certified a - by Council ecr ry BY i Bl, >. Appro by ;Vlavor: D NQV � ( ���) Approve ayor for Submissio By _ By PUBLISHED D E C 5 19$� ''� �--�� � �y� �.� , � , � ` . � OM 01 : 12/1975 � , Rev. : 9/8/7G � Rev. : 5/7/80 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS � Rev. : 4/30/81 RESO�UTIONS AND ORDINANCES . 1�-�y:S DATE: Nov�er 18, 1981 RECEIVED � To: May�or ceeorge Latimer NO V 1 9 19$1 FROM: Tt�as J. Eggun, Public Works Offic�e IIzgineer MAYORS OFFICE RE: Cazztro:l Uata Corporati�'s request fio install a oonduit acrnss Madcubin Street at Cbnc�rdi.a Av+enue. ACTION REQUESTED: . �'he attached Resolution would pernri,t Caltrol Datye Corporatiai to instal a oociduit across Mackubin Street pending the Adoption of an Orc3inanae grariting foana7. appraval for the c�onstruction � mafntenanoe of said oonduit . . PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR TNIS ACTION: , Qontxnl Data would like to install the oonduit before tt� groiaid free . The a�onduit will be used to interoor�nect the security syst�ns of oon 1 Data's buildings ori either side of Madcubin Street. FINANCIAL IMPACT: No aoet to City. ATTACHMENTS: Resolutian TJE:RAH:spf ,