277724 WHITE - CITY CLERK ������� III PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT C I T Y O F S A I N T �A U L COUIICII �� BLUE - MAYOR ' File N 0. uncil Resolution Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date j Out of Committee By Date � An admini strati.ve Re solution changing the grade I�' for the ti.tle of Legislati.ve and Research Assistant ' to the CounciL RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section II 3. J (profe s sional-Admini strative Non-Supe rvi sor s Group) by striking '� from Grade 22 the ti.tle of Legislative and R.esearch Assistant to the � Council and inserting said title in Grade 24. I App rove d: !, �� , b Chai rm � Civil Ser ce Commission � ! Yeas COUNCILME Na s Requestgd by Department of: �I Y Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE � Levine In FavOC � Maddox � McMahon Showalter - __ Against BY 'Fedeseo Wilson I NOV 2 4 1981 Form pproved y Ci ttorney ', Adopted by Council: Date _ ', Certified s_ d by Coun¢!il cre BY ; , I � � N� 2 7 19 APP� y Mayor for Sub i si to ouncil 'i App d by Ylayor. � — �� By _ BY PUBLISHED D E C 5 198�-- �I W1i1TE - CITY CLERK � � � � � y� �� P4NiS - FlNANCE � T � � � i. 7T � � / GANARY -� GEPARTMENT • � �G 1 T� ��� �A A NT ��1� [_y �. COUIICII � /� � . � !1.�.:��� HLUE - MAYOR F1I@ �lJ. � _� � C I T Y C L E R K COZ�1�Ci CZ� �eSDGZl�ZQ1Z Presented By Referred To Committee: Date . Out of Committee By Date � An administrative Resolution changing the grade for the title of L,egislative and Researeh Assistant ' to tlze Council. RESQL�ED, that t�e Civil Servics Rul.�s be am�nr3.ed in: Se�i��a 3. J (professic�n,al-Administrati.ve Non-Supervisors Group) by striking - j from Grade 22 the title of Legislative and Research l�sssistant t�+ �h,e ! Council and inserting sa.id �Eit1e in Grade 24. ' App roved: ' . Chai rman Civil Service Corr,rr„ssion ' COUNCIL!1+IEN Requestgd by Depactment vf: 1'eas Nays f Hunt � PERSONNE� O�FIC.E Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon �q Showalter -�/ -- Against BY i�iac�ca..� Wilson 1 ` iYo� � 4 198t Form Approved hy City Attorney ��dopted b�� Councii: Date — CertEfied P�s�ed by Councit Secretary BY- -- � B� --- — appruved bg tita��or: Date �__.__ _ � Approved by yiayor for 5ubmission to Ceuncil BS' --- - - — sy ^�. ' i � ���- C;Z'�''Y' flI' ��tL�:?�r.� x�.�.U�. � -�:.._- ����/ � s�� �� �' , • OF'J�'IL`L b:+' Tr 1; CL'1'Y CO�'1CTL � �' j,..���..� L,�e'��.'�� . . -�; s��. �,'�.�� ��'' - '. ;�`". `=� _. -�j�==,� . . _ �Da t e . . �� y . � � November 12, 1981 ��•�;•. .��� �. `�:,��-�"�a . ' ` � C� �� �1�r'� � i �� � � � � � �i 1 . . . - . '� O : � Soin� Paut _�ity Caut�c�I � � � . '= - . � �}� O� • C O i�����E� �� ,FINANCE,. MANAGEMENT :AND PERSONNEL - . . . - - . � :Gearge �McMahon i choicman, ino�Ces the finilo.^�ing � . � . ' _- . . repori� on �G.F. �... !—.1 iJrdinatice � . . . � _ � . �_ (9) [x� Resolu�ion . � � . � �. . . . - � O:ttec' . � .- �' [�3'L� : . . � .. � �� At its meeting of November 12, 1981, the Finance Committee recommended approval o� 'the following: � . ' --- - - - • _ 11. Resolution approvinq budget amendment for f�znding retiree insu'rance obligati:pns. (12368-GM) - � � 12. Resolution approving:budget amendment to fu11y fund employee.insurance oblig�tions. � (12369-GM) . . . • . . 13. Resolution'est�bl�shing title and cl�ass specificatiori for P�pefitter-Caritrol�. Specialist. (12358�McM) . . ' � - - 14. Besolution establishing rate of pay�for title of Pipefitter-Control.s Special#.st. - ' {12359-McM) - � ' � . 15. Resolution.removing classification of Office� Supervisor-Code��Enforcement out, o� - Grade 2.8.,. Clerical Group, and placing it in Grade 3 of Profes.sional-Adminis��ative � Supervisors Group. (12.386-GM) _ 16. Resolution changing existing Memorandum by adding language which grants fulll � _ ' payment of October 1981 insurance premiums for Unclassified'Employees holdin�g - title of Assistant Fire Chief. (12388-GM) 17. Resolution changing grade of Legislative and Research Assistant to the Counclil from Grade 22 to Grade 24. (12166-McM) 18. Resolution amending 1981 budget to, provide funds for Utility Rate Investigatlion.. 19. Resolution to fund interest expense for Water Pollution Abatement and 'CIB Bokids. �- ^ITY iL�1LL SEYE;tiTH FJ OO:L S3I��'F Pe1T,SI.� ►Z'(F\tiESrJT.e1L S�IL= ' ` .►! �,�r'^n r� � • . ----- � _ Do not detach this memorandum trom �ne � resol�tion so that this information wil{ be - � � availab�e to the City Council. � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS RESOLUTTONS, AND ORDINANCES � /`�/y1 �-f�C r"`.�,� -�`," [�, - /3a--- Date: June 24, 1981 E� JUL 3 0 1981 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER EVIAYO�'.+ (.�)FFI(',E FR: Person�nel Of f ice RE: Resolution for submission to City Counc�l ACTION REQUESTED We r�commend youx appxoval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RA,TIONALE FOR THIS ACTION This R.esolution changes the grade of Legislative and Research Assistant to the Council in Section 3. J {Professional-Administrati.ve Non-Supervisors Group) from its pre sent Grade 22 to Grade 24. The bi-weekly salary range s for Grade 22 and Grade 24 are shown below: Grade 22 A B C D E F G 10-yr. 5-yr. 1, 011.46 1, 051. 51 1, 093. 98 1, 148. 59 1, 206. 24 1, 266. 30 1, 329.40 1, 369.45 1, 09. 50 $26, 379 annually $36, 60. 00 G rade 24 1, 072. 74 1, 115. 82 1, 160. 12 1, 218. 96 1, 279. 66 1, 343. 36 1,411. 32 1,452. 58 1, 94.44 $27, 977 annually $38, 75. 00 FIN,ANCIAL IMPACT The diffe rence in salary, at 1981 rate s, would be $2, 215. 00 annually. ATTACHMENTS: Re solution and copy for the City Cle rk.