277722 WHITE� � CITY CLERK ����^ PINK FINANCE •) CANARY - D6PARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA IT L COI1I1C1 � BLy�JE - MAYOR File N O. • Or �n�znce Ordinance N�. � °2 Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date ' i AN CaRDI[�I�TC,E C�iANTING PFRNNUSSICN ZO OQ�'.�L DATA QORPCRA�ZCN, ' 304 NCR�i IaAI� S'iREET, SAII�Tr PAtA,, N�A, AI�ID TI'S SiK7C�SSC�iS IN Il�TI'FRFST, ZU ��S'IRUC,T, C1�ERA7� AND N�iIl�'I'AIDT A ZHIZ� 7rK�i DIAN�'TII2 �IDUIT WIZH C�BIE AQ�Q6S N�,CXUBIN 5II2EEr APPROXIMAZ'ELY 10 FEET SOUgI C� ZH'E SOZTIH RIC�iT-�'�n1AY LINE �F' OCNOCRDIA AVII�IUE �, AT APP�2�QXINg1ZELY � FE�T UND�t �3E SZRFE.'T SLRFA�E. I � OOiNCIL C�' Zf3E CITY Q�' SAII�T PAUL D(�S CFtLI��: � i SeCtiatl 1. I �at penYd.ssicn and authority are hereby granted to �trol Data Corpc�raticn, 304 North Dale Street. Saint Pattl., Minneso�ta, to aonstruct, aperat�e arid maintain a three inch dia�net;er c�onduit atld c�ble acroBS Mackubin Street approxitnately 10 feet south of the south right-of-�nray line of Con�rdia Av�nue at app�t�ely two feet under the street surfaae. , Sectian 2. 7l�at the Diiector of Public Work� is heneby au�tt�orized t�o issue a pernat to Control Data Coxporation for the aonstxtuction, operatiaz I acid maint�enanoe of said uzdergrand aonduit �on acid subject to the following t�ern�s and aonditicns: COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Publ i C Works I Levine In Favor Maddox ' McMahon Showaiter Against BY Tedesco ' wison ' � Form Approved by t tor y � Adopted by Council: Date j Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY , By � ' Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by May r Submission to Council 'i By BY I � t . - . , ���'���� a. That safd permittee shall coordinate all work involving existing utility installations, public or private, with the affected utility companies or agencies; b. That said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall construct said conduit entirely at their own expense and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works; c. That said permittee shall pay the costs for the publi- cation of this ordinance and all related resolutions and ordinances; d. That said permtttee shall pay the costs of administra- tion, engineering and inspection incurred by the Department of Public Works because of this undertaking, said costs are estimated as a sum of �ao Hundred Dollars ($Z00.00) ; e. That said permittee expressly agrees to comply with Chapter 125 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, pertaining to street obstructions; f. That said underground conduit shall be removed by and at the sole cost and expense of said permittee and/or its successors in interest, whenever the Council shall so order by Resolution, and the right-of-way shall be restored in such a manner as is satisfactory to the Department of Public Works; g. That said permittee and/or its succeasors in interest shall, during the term of this permit restore and repair all property, whether public or private damaged or which may be damaged due to the construction, operation, main- tenance and removal or presence of said underground con- duit provided for herein; h. That said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall furnish a Bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify said City from all liability, costs and expen- ses that may accrue, occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same; i. That said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Saint Paul, its agents, officers and employees frem any and all damages, claims, losses, �udgments, suits or expenses and on account of all claims of whatever nature for in�ury to person(s) and/or property arising out of or connected with the construction, maintenance, operation and/or removal of said conduit and by the permission and authority granted herein; and that supplemental to all other obligations on Page 2 WHITE ^ - CITY CLERK nF�j ■^' I PINK j- FINANCE , / /���/• i BI.UE RY - MAYOR MENT G I TY O F SA I N T PA U L COIlI1C11 � s �MM i File N 0. t___ O/ ftiZ/!��/`CG Ordinance N O. � U � Presented By I Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date F- their part, jointly and/or severally, hereunder, said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall furnish and maintain, and pay all premiums and other expenses therefor, Casualtg Insurance Coverage with a duly licensed , Casualty Insurance Company, naming the permittee and the ' Citp as �ointly insured to the e�tent of $500,000.00 fox , in�ury to anp persan and/or persans in any single incident ', and to the eatent of $20Q,000.00 for damage to propertq in ', any single accident and �nsuring the City o# Satnt Paul ' against liability on account of all claims of thixd persons , for in�ury to person(s) and/or property arising from or ' connected with the construction, maintenance, operation , aad/or remoeal of said conduit hereunder at all times. The , permittee shall furnish a certificate of this tnsurance ' policy, from time to time, to the Citp of Saint Paul as described in paragraph � below; �. That said per�ittee and/or its succe3soxs in interest shall submit the necessary insurance and bond documents to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public Works. The Off�ce Engineer shall submit said documents to the City Attorney far review and if said insurance and bond axe , acceptable said documents shall be filed with the Depart- ment of Finance and Management Sernices of the City of Saint Paul; k. That said permittee sha,ll, within the period of twenty days , a�ter the publication of this ordinance, file a �rritten acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Sect�an 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and i t COUNCILMEN R uested b De artment of: ; Yeas Nays � y p Hunt � �°'"e [n Favor lic Works Maddox McMahon By � Showalter O Against �-� T��O Donald E, Nygaard, ctor of Pu lic �R 1981 � wOx� pEC 14 Form Approved b it Atto ey DEN�P'��3 Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s e by Council S ary BY I By t I Approve y Mayor: �' 1 19$ Approved b yor for Submis ' o Cc ncil ' B PUBLISHED D E C 191981 By � 1 � ��`��,`� � �( � �` OM o1 : 12/1975� . ' � Rev. : 9/8/76 . t � Rev. : 5/7/80 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS , Rev. : 4/30/81 RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES S . RECE D DATE: NpVen�ber' 18, 1981 NOV 1 Q 19�1 To: r�,�. c�� ��r MAYORS OFFICE FROM: Tt�ias J. Eggun, PubliC Works Offioe F�gir�eer �: Cbntrol Data Corparaticn's request to install a aonduit across Madnavin Straet at Caloordia Av�u�e ACTION REQUESTED: . ZYie attached Ordinanoe wauld c,Rant pezmtssian to Caitr�l Data Cbrporatian to aonstruct, aperat�e a�d ma,intain a aonduit, with c�ble, acr+oss Mackubin Street appro�dmat�ely 10 feet south of Uonaordia Av�nue. Zhe perndssion is subject to oar�lianae with the tern�s and oanditia�s of the Ordinanae. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: , The c�onduit will be used to interaannect the security syatens of Coatrol Data's ba�ildings az either side of Mackubin Street. Their t�tld Uis- tributi.on Cent�er wiest of Madcubin St. �d Zlerratech C7e�iter an Caic�ordia Ave � block east of Madc�in Street. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Contral Data will be responsible for �ts of all engin�eering, inspectian and ac�nin�tstrative servioes rendered by the City. ATTACHMENTS: Ordina�ae TJE:RAH:spf s' r- i;. +� d` ° � . 304 North Dale � J � A � St. Paul, Minnesota 55103 �� COM�OL DATA ; CO[�'ORPTION March 22, 1982 � The Honorable City Council Seventh Floor, City Hall St. Paul , MN 55102 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: 1 Control Data, the undersigned petitioners, hereby accepts and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of City Council File No. Z77722. Ordinance No. 16862, adopted by the City Council on December 10, 1981 , regarding the granting of permission to Control Data Corporation to install and operate a three-inch diameter conduit with cable under Mackubin Street near Concordia Avenue. Respectfully, /�\ ����,K�/���'Z� Rodney E. Sall Manager, Facilities And Plant Engineering RS:ch � � 1 :t l� --a y� �� _2nd �� — � 3rd — —� � -Adopted � Z —1 z' — g� Yeas Nays ' , � � O C o J� HUNT LEVINE ���� Fj McMAHON ""-'�" SAOWALTER �� TEDESCO WILSON PRESIDENT (MADDOX) , , �I