277710 WHIT,.E - CITY CLERK � ��■ PINK �- FINANCE ���� C�NARY - DEPARTMENT (j I TY O F SA I NT ��U L COUflC1I � � BLUE - MAYOR . File N 0. � ncil Resolution � Presented By ' Referred To Committee: � Date Out of Committee By Date i WHEREAS, Sections 64.204 and 64.205 of the Zoning Code authorize the City Council to e�tablish zoning fees by resolution; and WHEREAS, the current zoning fees were set by the City Council in 1975, and have not bejen adjusted since; and WHEREAS, the Deputy Director for Planning has estimated that the average cost in 1981 pf processing a zoning case requiring a public hearing is $369; and ! WHEREAS, the Mayor has recommended the establishment of zoning fees which more closely' reflect the following: actual cost of processing; private gain versus public benefit; and abihity to pay; and I WHEREAS, the P�ayor has recommended the schedule of fees listed below; I�, i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council establishes the following zoningl� fees, which shall be paid upon application for the zoning action and which shall become effe�Ctive On :January 1 , 19a 2: I 1 . Rezoning [Fee based on proposed rezoning classification] �� A. Residential : $200 for one lot, plus $10 for each additional lot. $250 for un�ub- divided parcels of more than 25,000 square feet. ' B. Commercial , industrial , and institutional : $300 for sites less than 25,L�00 sqj�are feet, plus �50 for each additional 25,000 square feet. ' 2. Special condition use, chan e of nonconformin use, or flood plain conditional use� � A. Residential : $75 for one lot, plus $10 for each additional lot. $100 for unsUbdivided parcels of roore than 25,000 square feet. ' B. Commercial , industrial , and institutional : $125 for sites less than 25,000 sq�are feet, plus $50 for each additional 25,000 s uare feet. ' COUNCILMEN � Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department oE: Hunt ��,� Levine (n Favor Maddox I McMahon B _ ��� snowaiter __ Against Y Tedesco ..,. � Wilson �rCEiVED Form Approved y rt A rney Adopted by Council: Date CertiEiE:d Passed by Council Sec�etary� I ���i BY B5� 4 �� ' '�} ' r 1"�� •� A rov y M or ion to Council Approved by :Vlayor. Date — BY ---- - - BY . WHITE - CITYCLERK ����^ PINK � FINANCE n t■ CADlARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT 1 AU L COUflC1I r�� � ' BLUE - MAYOR File N 0. � Council Resolution i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date B. Multifamily residential appellant: $125. C. Commercial , industrial , or institutional appellant: $150. 9. �peal of Board of Zoning Appeals decision. A. Single-family or duplex residential appellant: $75. B. Multi-family residential appellant: $125. C. Commercial , industrial , or institutional appellant: $150. I 10. Site plan review. A. Residential : $30 for one lot, plus $10 for each additional lot. $50 for subdiivided parcels of more than 25,000 square feet. B. Comnercial , industrial, and institutional : $50 for sites less than 25,000 squahe feet, plus $10 for each additional 25,000 square feet. NOTE: For large sites where only a portion of the site is affected by the zoning a�tion, the Zoning Administrator or Deputy Director for Planning may determine the size of the affected portion of the site and set the zoning fee accordingly. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the fees authorized by this resolution shall be incre�sed annually, effective January 1 , 1983 and January 1 of each calendar year thereafter, by tf�e percentage annual increase in �he City General Fund budget, by five-dollar increments � rounded down to the nearest five dollars. Fees that do not increase by five dollars or ' more in any one year will be increased in subsequent years when the cumulative annual ' percentage increases reach a five-dollar increment, figured from the last year when the ftee was increased. Prior to November 1 of each year the Director of the Department of Plann�ng and Economic Development shall file with the City Clerk an administrative order setting zoning fees for the next year, following the formula above, and showing the percentage increases, if any, in the various zoning fees. COUNC[LMEN Requestgd by Department of: I�� Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor +�+dde�� � McMahon B snoWaite► - __ Against Y — 3�� Wilson ry �yp NOV � .1 ��61� Form Approved by it ttor y Adopted by Council: Date — � Certified P• ;sed by Council Secre BY - B � i l . Appr by IVlaybr: Dat '�lJ Appr by May f r ub s ' n Council ', $Y - – By j UBLISHED ►y���i��$ Q�� WHITE - CITY CLERK (1�j���� CANARY s DEPARTMENT COU[ICII N�l ' ' BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L File N O. �� r � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date — Out of Committee By Date 3. P.D. Zoning A. $300 for sites less than 50,000 square feet, plus $50 for each additional 50,Op0 square feet. 4. Determination of similar use. A. Residential : $75 B. Commercial , industrial , institutional : $125 5. Sign Variance. $75 6. Variance A. Single family and duplex residential : $75 for one lot, plus $10 for each addi?tional lot; $100 for unsubdivided parcels of more than 25,000 square feet. B. Multi-family residential : $125 for one lot plus $25 for each additional lot; �200 for unsubdivided parcels of more than 25,000 square feet. C. Comnercial , industrial , and institutional : $200 for sites less than 25,000 sqi�are feet, plus $50 for each additional 25,000 square feet. 7. Appeal of AdministratiVe Decision. A. Single-family or duplex residential ap�ellant: �75. B. Multi-family residential appellant: �125. appellant � C. Commercial , industrial , or institutiona� $150. 8. Appeal of Planning Commission decision. A. Sin le- amil or du lex residential a ellant: 75. COUIVC[LMEN Requested by Depa�tment of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine IR Favor Maddox . McMahon B snoWaite� __ Against Y — Tedesco Wiison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY F sy -- Approved by 1�layor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council I Bv - - — By