277708 WH17E - CITV CLERK � ' �•�jr'-�]t " . PItJK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council L � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ' BLUE ��-MAYOR rJ� ncil Resolution ; � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i, Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul , upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Commi tee, that in accordance with the Administrative Code Chapter 57.13, Abandoned projec s, the 1979 Capital Improverr�nt Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this � Council , is hereby further amended in the following particulars: ' I Transfer $150,000.00 as follows: i � FROM TO 90079-00�-000 Specified Contingency� $150,000.00 �' Harriet Island Marina � 93079-018-000 Harriet Island Design & ' $35,000.00 Site Plan I 93079-019-000 Como Park Design $55,350.65 93079-020-000 Hidden Falls Park Design $19,666.84 93079-021-000 Taylor Park Sitework $13,062.56 I 93079-999-000 1979 Restricted Use Account $26,919.95� The St. Paul Long-Range CapitaI Improvement i Budget Committee xeceived th9s request on '� (date) �C' -�` '`�� and r�commenc�s , �G � Signed: � C � r ` I � COUNCILMEN � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Comnuni ty Servi ces Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by i y torney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY , By Approved by Mayor: Date Ap o d by Me r f i iort to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK � ' ^����� PINK - FINANCE � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COUtIC1I BLUE � - MAYOR File N O. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Resulting in the following Project Financing: Current Amended Financing Change Financ�ng 90079-003-000 Specified Contingency $150,000 -150,000 -0- 93079-018-000 Harriet Island Design & -0- + 35,000 $ 35,000 Site Plan 93079-019-000 Como Park Design $ 90,000 + 55,350.65 $145,350.65 (93080-015) 93079-020-000 Hidden Falls Park Design $ 15,000 + 19,666.84 $ 34,666.84 (93078-010) 93079-021-000 Taylor Park Sitework $ 77,500 + 13,062.56 $ 90,562.56 (93077-013, 9307�-031 , P.I.R. Suspense 60000) 93079-999-000 1979 Restricted Use -0- + 26,919.95 � 26,919.95 Approved as to funding; Approved: ID-6F� Dept. of Fina e & Management Services Budge D' ector COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � Community Services Levine In Favo[ ilAeddeio-� �/ sr;owaite - __ Against BY �tdes� Wilson �n�� NOV 17 � Form Approved ity t orney • Adopted by Council: Date — Certified assed by Council Secretary BY � ` By 1981 p ve by :Nayor: D App by Mayor f Submi ion Co�ncil BY BY PUBLISHED NOV 2 8 19$? -r'.'_':`� CZ�� �� 1.7.f�.�.��r.�' �.�.�� - . r;�-��:::, . - �"1�'��► J:=;.• OFFIC� O� '.�zll: CLTY C4�1C7L . � 4�:.! '`' t ���:� ::L`=l�`:`+ � - � � s: '` _`�;';,; � �i ` y •} I��ti tiy�' ���L� . . . . `��^` ���^� . . . "Q a f e : November 12, 19 81 . .� .- .._ �...�.'�:,�s;�.� � C � i��� � ��T� � � f� � �' 0 � i � � . - --- .. . '� O : Sain� Paut ��i�� Gounci� . ' ... _ .�, - . ��O tyi • C t31�I i C1��7 e$ O R FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND. PERSONNEL _ . . .. . . . . George McMahon:: . . � ct�oirman� tnukes the fa1.1o�:�ing � � ,� = . . - . . . � � � - . � . - . _ �. - � . � � report on �C.F. .... :� � � ❑ ardinarice . . � _ _ � . � . � � �. (io) .� Resotu�ion � . �. - ' . • . , . � � . • �{� O.her . . � . � ? i T�.E : : . � � _ . .: � � . �- . �� �' .At its� meeting'of November 12, 1981, the Finance. Committee recommended approval �of the following: '. • ' - - - - 1. � Resolution approving issuance of Tax�Exempt, Mortgage Not� by Port Authorit}� _to finance a.cquisition �of Nalpac Building by 333-On-Sibley. (12367-GM) 2. Resolution approving.securities pledged by American National �Banlc"of�Saint Paul to protect eity fun�s held in said bank. (1240']=McM) • ' _: � • . . . 3. Resolution -ainending. 1979. Capi�al Improvemen�s Budget -fbr Harriet Island-�eaign�& '. �-- --- � Site Plan, Como Park Design, Hidden Falls Park Design and Taylor Park Sitew4'rk. 4. Resolution authorizing Mayor to execute agree�ents' between Ci�p.;and HLiD for _ . � Urban Developmerit �ction. Grant for Broadway Square Project. .' .(12399-RH} � � 5. Resolution amending Data Processing budget.. � (12406-�i) � . , � • ' 6. Resolution amending budget for Housing Information Office. (12415-McM) � . 7. Resolution amending budget to provide City's match for funding of Neighborhood.,- • � ' • Justice Center. (12372-GM) � , ' • �. •- 8. Resolution amendinq budget to. fund analysis of C�ty Ha1l. telepY�one equipment and procedures by the Technology ConSortium. (12429-GM) � � _� 9. Resolution approving budget amendment for Police clothirig allowance. (12371-GM� 10. Resoluti�on approving budget amendment for Fire clothing allowance. (12370-GM� . (continued) ''ETl' iIALL SE�'E:tiTH F!OJ:L S3ItiT PALf� dtt\�ESJTi1 S�l�'_ :y -_- -- . . , - - ����ev. : 9/8 7 6 ev. : 5/7 SO �Y.PLl�NTsTI013 OF .'�D?�1I2•]I5TP,71TIVE ORDER , P.ev. : �/3a�ai '. �tLSOI,UTIO�:; AP�7 ORVII3IiiJCES Fjl1'l.E-PC�- #- / __ ��3 � " . . RF�E� 1�,� OFFjC °�� 1� �sa, Y ' Dat��:' October 1 ,. 1981 �EPART�F rHE D� . �p II4EIVT�F RECro `Y ��M£NT S RV�� . - �E . TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FRC�'I: Thomas J. Kelley, Director, Qepartment of Comr,�unity Services �� � :) 6�� _ � . � �; Council �Resc�lution requesting transfer of Capital funds as detailed below. . _' ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolution for submission to City Council � PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: 1 . The specified contingency foN Harriet Island Marina was established in 1979 to ro.vide matching funds for a joint City-U.S. Gorps of Engineers study concerninc� proposals • for the Plarina. The U.S. Corps chose not to pursue the stud,y, thus the funds h ve not been expended and the project can be abandoned. . ' 2t Harriet Island, Como Park and Hidden Falls Park are Regional Parks for whieh Mas er . Design and Site Plans must be prenared to.comply wi:th Metropolitan Council requi ements and �to secure grant funds. These plans must be financed by the City. It is est'mated that the plan for Harriet Island will cost $35,000.- The plan for Como has resul ed in grants of $1 ,p00,000. to date; its cost of pr�paration was $145,350.65 of wh'ch $90,000. �ias been budge�ed. The p:lan for l�idden Falls has resulted in g'rants of . $1 ,308,446: to date; its cost of preparation was 34,666.84 of which $15;000 has been - budgeted. � _3... Ta lor Park Sitework is funded in part by a State Natural Resource grant. The t ansfer: _ w7 pay costs for design and engineerinq plus construction items not eligible f r . reimbursement under the terms of the grant. " FI?�ANCIAL IP�IPACT; ' CYose 6ut Harriet Island Plarina ($150,000), provid� funds for� Harriet •Island Des gn - � and Site Plan ($35,OQ�) and redistribute other funds to arojects as follows; to -_ ay actual cos�s. - � Current Financing Actual Cost (Amended Fin ncin ) Como Park Design � � $ 90,000 � � $ 145,350.65 � Hidden Falls Design� $ 15,000 $ 34,666.84 Taylor Park Sitework $ 77s5a0 � �2;562.56' Wi th the remai ni ng bal ance ($26:,�9:'�'�:,95) to be pl aced i n restri cted� use account. Note: This will close the Como Park Desian and Hidden Falls Design pro,jects. The fund for �11TTnCsi�•�ENZ'S- Harriet Island Design are estimated to be sufficient to compl-ete the des gn. Coun�il Resolution for signature