277703 WMITE - CITY CLERK �I��� PINK - FINANCE f CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUt1C1I BLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ' C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date - , Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10 .07 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify there is available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 198� General Fund Budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1981 General Fund Budget: Financing Summary General Revenue Fund /�� 8�0.v� Miscellaneous Revenue, Interest Earned $�$;@$6�-�g Appropriation Summary ', Executive Administration Ai !� B'2iD.p"� 00100-299-000 $ � . Therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Council accepts this recommendation and adopts these additions to the budget, and, be it further RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes participation in the proposed "Audit, Inventory and Study of the Telecommunications System and Practices for Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul ." Approved as to funding: Approved: 1 -'y- Director f Financ Bu ge D ector �air�') ���S � ' COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favo[ Meddeer+ McMahon Showalter —�-- Against BY — 3ede�ee Wilson �AO� Adopted by Council: Date — NOV �- 7 '° Form Approved b Ci Attor Certified P• . �e y Co ncil �cret BY By � . A r d by :Nayor. a e � � � Appro or or Sub i •1 B _- By PUBLISHED N OV 2 $ 19�� I . t..�=:-.� CZ�.'� flF ►�.eL�:?\r� �.,A.U�• ������ . r�.._;��. - .1,::%' ! , '' - OFFICL O: '.I°r{I: CC�'X CO'J1iCrL . �;• ..,�:_�,��:,,� . • . !. .; �;�:i r�';; •' i",�`�1 . . ��`��/,`� t�~�..��:; . . . �Da t e : November 12, 1981 - •-`�:_ ..,.� `��j.�:._.�•�� COl��� �� � iT� � P � �' �7 � � �� � . . . . -- - '�' p : Sdin� Pdu! ��if� Cou�3c�� � ._. _ :,: - . , , , _ . _ - �� �� • C�j'���'f��� Q 11 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT ;AND, PERSONNEL _ . .. .. _ _ _ _ . � George McMahon:.� ' � ct�airmQn, rnakes �the fai.io��•ring � . .� : . - � .� � repor� un �C.F. , _. �] �rdinar�c� ' _ _ : . , . � �ioj� Q Res�Iu�ion � _: . _ • � • . _ � : . . � O:her' . . �' E��...� ; .. - _ . _ _ �' .At its� meeting'of November 12, 1981, the Finance�CommitteE recommended approval of the following: '. • � . . � _ _ 1. � Resolution approving issuance of Tax�Exempt, Mortgage Not� by Port Authority .to finance acquisition �pf Nalpac Building by 333-On-Sibley. (12367-GM) _ 2. R�solution approning.securities pledged by American National Banlc"of�Saint Paul to .protect city funds held in said bank. (12407-McM) - � .; � � . . � 3. Resolution •amending l�'�9� Capital Improvements Budget -for Harriet Island Design�& '. •- Site Plan, Como Park Desiqn, Hidden Falls Park. Design and Taylor Park Sitawork. 4. Resolution authorizing Mayor to execute agreements' between Citp and HUD for . . Urban Development Ac�ion� Grant for Broadway Square Project. .' :(12399-RH) � � 5. Resolution amendirig Data Processing budget.. (12406-G.M) . , • " 6. Resolution amending k3udget for Housing Information Office. (12415-McM) 7. Resolution amending budget to provide City's match for funding of Neighborhood - - � ' Justice Center. (12372-GM) - . � � � - , 8. Resolution amending budget to. fund analysis of C�ty Hall.telephone equipment . and procedures by the Technology Con�ortium. (12429-GM) • - � .� 9. Resolution approving budget amendment for Police clothing allowance. (123T1-GM) 10. Resolution approving budget amendment for Fire clothing allowance. (12370-�GM) � (continued) !'ITl' iG�LL Sfi�'E;tiT�3 FJ.002 S�I?�? PALJL� �II�\E$�Tt1 Sj11' .'y -".. .- ' � I � �� I� M O l: 12/1 ?5 v. : 9/8/ 6 _ ev. : 5/7/ 0 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, Rev. : 4/30 81 RESOLUTZON5 AND ORDINANCES �� /� � PC d'r/ _ai/ � � vSM , Date: November 4, 1981 TO: Mayor Latimer RECEIVED NOV y 15��� FROM: Ron Kline MAYORS OFFICE RE; Budget Amendment : ACTION REQUESTED: Your signature on the attached resolution, authorizing submission to the City Couricil , is requested. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: The Budget Director has concluded that an investment in the proposal offered by the TechnologX Consortium appears to offer the City an opportunity to save significant monies. The proposal involves an analysis of the telephone equipment and procedures utilized by the City o�fices housed in City Hall. The estimated cost of the study will be the lesser of $20 ,000 or the documented savings of a speci�ic time period yet to be determined. i FINANCIAL IMPACT: Funding ' for this proposal is to be derived from collections of interest earnings which have exceeded original budget estimates. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Blees memo of 11/3/81 <���TY�::�.. ' �I'I``�' O I�� ��1 I i��_L` Y.2�U L �I[��V� �*° °-,;; y`¢ � '?'• OFF(CE OF TNE 'vt�1YOR a° �" ��� f =-�._. �+� -+ ,iilli.illil, �� ��� �Ial1�t1 lljil, ^`;' . ��' 347 CITY' 1IALL +„ res.�,(;�:' ""=�+,�::;�- SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 55102 (;f()RCii: I.ATIVfEK (612) 298-4323 :�1.�YOR November 3, 1981 David Krings Executive Assistant Office of the Execu�ive Director Ramsey County Board of Commissioners 316 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Krings : The budget staff in Mayor Latimer ' s Office has reviewed the proposal for "An Audit, Inventory and Study of the Tele- com,munications 5yst�m and Practices for Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul . " We believe that the "no-risk" proposal offered by the Technology Consortium (low bidderj appears to offer the City of Saint Paul an opportunity to save significant future costs on the City' s current telephone system for the Court House . The estimated cost to the City for the proposed study is the lesser of $20, OOOor the documented savings within a specified time period. Authority to allow the City to participate in the study must be granted by the St. Paul City Council by ��vay of appropriating monies for the proposal . I will be asking the City' s Finance, P'ianagement and Personnel Committee on Thursday, November 12, to recommend �mendment of the budget to allow for this study. I will notify you if questions arise that may require your attendance at the meeting. Thank you for the opportunity to allow the City to realize some long-term savings . Sincerely, r u�l_� � '"�' ) , �` a�../ GREGORY) BLEES Budget Director cc: Peter Hames Ron Kline George McMahon John Connelly i I I � � , 'li�ll��i� , � � CITY OF'SnINT PAUL ������ INTERDf:PARTMf_NTnL MEMORANDUM TO: George McMahon John Connelly ` FROM: Ron Kline DATE: October 22, 1981 RE: �.n.alysis of Financing for Proposed 1981. Budge-t Amendmen�s 69 : Other Miscellaneous Revenue 1981 Adopted budget estimate $ 92 , 800 Actual receipts through 9/30/81 193,546* Excess revenue 1 0 , 746 *includes reFund of 1980 data processing fees from Ramsey County of $51, 750 . Requested use of- $100, 746 e�cess : City-���ide Da�.a Processing $100 ,000 66: Interest Earned � 1981 Adopted budget estimate $ 900,000 CF #276859 : 1981 amendment 150,000 1981 Revised estimate $1,050 , OOQ -� Actual receipts through 9/30/IIl 1 ,137 , 807 -� Excess revenue 870807 Requested use of $87, 807 excess : Election boundary transfer 12,000 Housi.ng Information Office 23,148 RK:bz s-