277698 WNITE - CITY CLERK � (((����{w PINK - FINANCE �� / � � CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUI1C11 p BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. uncil Resolution ' Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10 .07 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify there is available for appropriation total ' revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1981 General Fund Budget; �and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to t�he 1981 General Fund Budget: ', Financing Summary I General Revenue Fund ' P�Iiscellaneous Revenue ', Overpayments (To County Data Processing) $ 51,750. 00 ', Other Misc. Revenue 48,250.00 �' ��� 10 , 0. 0 I . , :! ' •: . � � Appropriation Summary ` General Revenue Fund Executive Administration II Data Processing , 00115-284-000 $ 33,000 . 00 ; 00115-297-000 67,00O .00iI 0 , .00 , I Therefore be it i RESOLVED that the Council accepts this recommendation and adopts these additions to the Budget. ' APPRO�'D, as t 'ng: APPROVED: , Z � D ector of Finan Bu g rect r �° z 7 I COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: ' Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor �111�i�-. McMahon � snowa�ter _ Against BY -- Tedesco wison NOV 17 t961 Form Approved C ty ttor y Adopted by Council: Date , Certified a•s by Council Secret BY By O ' App by :4layor: A ro by Ma or mission to Council By _ PUBLISHED N O V 2 $ 1�$� '�, . � � =:a�-�' � � CI'I.'�Z' fl�'+' ►�`J.e�.�:�ti'� �.,E�,.UL �,r%��,�� . r�"':'�::� ' - - ° .�;.:% ! i.: O:E'F*'ICL O. 'Z'iLl: CL'�'X CO'J1Cr7� . .' �i�•`�'�.�+�\j.r}' . • . . '"� �,.; ���.-• ��7 �• �•.V: Y• ��•� ��~��^� ��,:, . . . -Dafe : November 12, 1981 ' �>s:.a:_;,�:;;:y CO ��� �� �iT� � � f� � �' O �i - � . � . . . - --� .- - �" 4 : Sdin� Pdu! -Ci�� �aur3��� � .-. _ .';: . � . . F� Q� • C{3 7I l`T1 I��E� O n FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND_ PERSONNEL _ . . .. . _ - - GEOrge McMahon: . . � choirman9 inakes the fat lo��•ling : . . � . _ - � . . . . . . - ,: -_ . - - � repar� un �C.F. :. .. .. [� Ordinac�ce . - �� - . _ . . � � � . � -. (io) [� Resoiution � . . _. . - ' - • . . . . . . . � O.her . . . . . , _ _ � _ �' t�'L� : . . � . . . . _ . . - -' .At its meeting 'of November 12, 1981, the Finance. Committec recommended approval of � the following: ". . � ` - ` � . - ' 1. � Resolution approving issuance of Tax�Exempt, Mortgage Not� by Port Authori�y .to finance acquisition �of Nalpac Building by 333-On-Sibley. (12367-GM) 2. Resolution approving.securities pleciged by American National Banlc"of�Saint Paul to prot�ct city funds held in said bank. (12407=McM) • � ; � . . . . - 3. Resolution •amending 1979. Capital Improvements Budget •fbr Harriet Island.�e,sign�& �. �- Site Plan, Como Park Design, Hidden Falls Park. Design and Taylor Park Sitewctrk. 4. Resolution authorizing Mayor to execute agreements between Cit� ,and HUD for . . Urban Developmerit �ction Grant for Broadway Square. Project. .� (12399-RH) � � 5. Resolution amendirig Data Processing budget.. (12406-GM) . . � _ ' 6. Resolution amending liudget for Housing Information Office. (12415-McM) � . 7. Resolution amending budget to provide City's match for funding of Neighborhood - - � - Justice Center. (12372-GM) � . ' � � • 8. Resolution amending budget to. fund analysis of C�ty Hall: telephone equipmer�t and procedures by the Technology Con�ortium. (12429-GM) • .' 9. Resolution approving budget amendment for Police clothing allowance. (12371-GM) 10. Resolution approving budget amendment for Fire clothing allowance. (12370-GM) � . (continued) !'FYl' �L1i.L SE�'E;ti'IH FJ OO2 S�I�'T PALFL, i�ti\�ESJT:� S�I�_ -'� -_- -- ' -, . , OM O1 : 12/]. 75 Rev. : 9/8/ 6 Rev. ; 5/7% 0 � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, F.ev. : 4/30 81 RESOLUTIONS AND S F� /{� + P� �1 /-/C�g � 6 � � !('t�, � RECEIVED � Date: OCT28 ► .�- October 21, 1981 8 � � a��, L �\� 0� . TO: Mayor Latimer � � � � FROM: Ron Kline RE: Budget amendment for Data Processing ACTION REQUESTED: Your signature is requested on the attached resolution for submission to City Council . PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: During the 1981 Council budget deliberations, $100 ,00� was removed from the budget of Data Processing and placed in reserve until such time that a need for the funds could be demonstrated. The attached analysis shows that Data Processi g will not be able to make payment on its TJovember or December bills if the $100 ,000 is not restored. It is worthy to note that the management staff and analysts of Data Processing have made a significant effort to keep the costs of the City' many computer systems at a minimum. FINANCIAL IMPACT: � This amendment will restore $100 ,000 , removed during Council budget hearings, to the Data Processing budget. The financin for this amendment comes in part from a refund to the City of redistributed County Data Processing profits from 1980 ($51,750) . The remainder is provided by callections of mis- cellaneous revenues that have exceeded budget estimates by a significant amount. ATTACHMENTS: a. Analysis b. Struble memo of 9/10/81 c. Resolution ������ Data Processing - 1981 Budget Major Expense Items Data Processing Equipment Rental Expended to date (9/30) $ 97,052 .40 Projected needs: Pertec Computer 3 mo @1,861. 50 5,584 .50 IBM 4 mo @ 116 .00 464 .00 Astrocom 6 mo @ 101 .00 606 .00 Ramsey County 3 mo @11 ,000 .00 33,OOO .PO Total needs $136 ,706 .90 Budget appropriation 103 ,000 .00 Deficit 33 ,706 .90 Data Processing Service Expended to date (9/30) 360 ,415 .�9 Projected needs: Ramsey County 3 mo @ $38,000 114 ,000 .00 Data Dispatcher 3 mo @ $500 1 ,500 .00 T.C. Keypunch Service balance of year 1,500 .40 Total needs 477,415.49 Budget appropriation 410 ,000 .00 Deficit 67,415 .49 Total deficit 101,122 .39 �I . ' .;:�..,�:� �� ��` �r�'���� °��:..� CfTY OF SAINT PAUL , INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM ^ _ :, r_;rJ September 10, 1981 �E� 1 i1981 P.qAYORS O��IC'� TO: John Connelly FROM: Roy Struble ���;;� SUBJECT: Reinstatement of $100,000 to D.P. (00115) Budget $100,000 was removed from expenditure codes 284 and 297 and put in a reserve fund. I am requesting that this be re-instated. Our expenses for expenditure code #284 and 297 from January 1 to August 31st were as follows: Expenditure #284 Amount Pertec Computer Co. $ 14,855.00 Astrocom 807.00 IBM 928.00 Tektronix 850.00 Ramsey County Data Processing 68,621.00 Sub Total $ 86,016.00 - Expenditure #297 Data Dispatch 3,242.46 Ramsey County Data Processing �15,943.22 Twin City Key Punch 2,480.14 Sub Total 3 1,665.82 TOTAL � $407,681.82 At our current rate of spending we will need $200,000 for expenditure cosies 284 and 297 to finish the year. We currently have $104, 000. We will need the $100,000 re-instated to meet our expenses. cc: Peter Hames Greg Blees � � WHITE - CITY CLERK � �r /• ,�n� PtNK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 r�wi� � ��i CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L BLUE - MAYOR File N . Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07 of the Charter of the Ciity of Saint Paul, does certify there is available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1981 General Fund Budget; and � WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1981 Gene ral Fund Budget: Financing Summary General Revenue Fund Miscellaneous Revenue, Interest Earned $23, 148.00 Appropriation Summary Executive Administration 00100-537-000 $23,148.00 (Housing Information Office) Therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Council accepts this recommendation and adopts these additions to the Budget. APPROVED, as to unding: APPROVED: ��' ��-� D rec r of F'nance Budge rector COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor � McMahon ,,,/ B showaiter - `� __ Against Y — Tedesco Wilson NOy i "r 1981 Form Approved by it ney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified a_se by Counci ,ecret BY By, ����--� `' . A C v 6 17avor: �Or � O '� Approve ayor for Submissi n Cou i PP By - – BY PUBUSHED N 0 V 2 g 19g� ti '�:-�"� ' CZ�'� fl� ►.7.EJ,�.=�r.:' �.�,.�� . . . r-. . -: :�;r�;� �,,..�,.���n ��::�4;! •� . 4:�'.�'IeL O: 'rt{1: CL'1'Y COYiT�Crx. . ,� ,� �.�, : . d�`:r „ _ �i �-�. ..:;,�t:..� � }. .y �:;:�iT.• {•') :' S � l '�'�. { � ' � � � •;y h• t)�., 'k� (.i:� ���`` �•�j=� 'Q4 t e ; November 12, 1981 � . . „�! .J� . �.�;�:�_J.-`�� G � i!d� �� �i T� � � � �' � � � � � . . . , __ . . _ ? O : �ain� Poui -Cif �t Cour���� � . . _.;: - , . , . �s�[ O� • C�������A O�I FINANCE; 2�iANAGEMENT AND. PERSONN�L _ . .. _ . __ _ � Geor,ge McMahon::� ' � ehoirman, makes the fai to�s�ing : . . . . : � . � � � �eport on �C,F. .� : . � - � Ordina��ce . . � . ' � . . � . . . - � -. �io)�� -Q Res�lu�ion : . • = " � • - , . � � � . � � O:tter . . �' E��...� : _ . � - .. ' ' . . � •' .At its� meeting'of November 12,. 1981, the Finance Committee recommended approval of the following: '. • . ' ' � - - 1. � Resolution approving issuance of Tax Exempt,Mortgage Note by Port Authority .to finance acquisition �o� Nalpac Building by 333-On-Sibley. (12367-GM) 2. Resolution approning.securities pledged by American Natio�al Bank"af�Saint Paul � to prot�ct city func�s held in said bank. (12407=McM) � � . � � . . . 3. Resolution •amending 1979� Capital Improvements Budget •fbr Harriet Island_�esign�& '. •,- - ' Site Plan, Como Park DeSign, Hidden Falls Park. Design and Taylor Park Sitewq'rk. 4. Resolution authorizing Mayor to execute agreements between Ci£� ;and HUD for . . � Urban Developmerit �,ction. Grant for Broadway Square P'roject. .� (12399-RH) � � 5. Resolution amending Data Processing budget._ (12406-G.�I) . . � ' . ' 6. Resolution amending 13udget for Housinq Information Office. (12415-McM) � . 7. Resolution amending budget to provide City's match for funding of Neighbarhood'_ �� - � ' • Justice Center. (12372-GM) � . ' �. •- 8. Resolution amending budget to, fund analysis of C$ty Hall, telephone equipment � and procedures by the Technology Con�ortium. (12429-GM) • � ' 9. Resolution approving budget amendment for Police clothing allowance. (12371-GM) 10. Resolution approving budget ame�dment for Fire clothing allowance. (12370-GM) ' (continued) .^ITl' iI�1LL SE�'E;`TH F1.002 Ss�I\T PA:FL, 1►([��E$JTt� 5j1�= ��! -:� r � �, - . OM 01 : 12/ 975 . � � ���� Rev. : 9/8 76 Rev. . 5/7 80 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER5 , P.ev. : 4/3 /81 RESOLUTIONS AND ORDITI�NCES � /j? �` /��-' `� ` J_- � oo< - ' �' �� �-�'. �. � �y�l RECEIVED I . � Date: October a3, i9si � NOV 31981 d� ` CITY ATTORNEY Nov t9a1 To: Mayor Lat imer MAYORS OFFICE FROM: Ron Kline RE: Budget amendment for the Housing Information Office ACTION REQUESTED; Your signature is requested on the attached xesolution for submission to City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: The 1980 Contingent Reserve contained a restricted appro- priation of $29,600 committed to the financing of the 1980 Housing Information Office budget. Unfortunately, $20 ,000 of that reserve was never transferred and was ultimately � lost to fund balances. As explained in the attached memo, a strategy regarding that commitment stipulated that no action would be taken until an accurate spending record could be projected. The time is here; the projection is attached. t�►, �� FINANCIAL IMPACT; . This amendment would eliminate the pending deficit in the 1981 Housing Information Office by restoring a 1980 budget appropriation. Funding for this proposal is to be derived from collections of interest earnings that exceed budget estimates. ATTACHMENTS: w a. projection b. Rettman memo 8-19-81 c . Kline memo 10-22-81 � � ������ Analysis - 1981 Budget i Housing Information Office Financing Source Budgeted Actual Excess(Deficit) I CDBG VI $ 127,000 $ 128,593 $ 1,593 CDBG VII 34,500 34,500 -- MRA Tax Levy 20,000 20,000 -- 1980 General Fund 20,000 -- (20,000) 1981 General Fund 22,064 22,064 -- Total 223,564 205,157 (18,407) Spending Type Budgeted Actual Projected Excess(D�ficit) Salaries $ 117,446 $ 72,812 $ 48,283 $ (3,649) Fringes 25,968 13,236 14,124 (1,392) Services 19,250 3,844 6,234 9,172 Supplies 3,200 4,957 625 (2,382) Equipment 700 1,192 430 ( 922) Subcontracts 57,000 34,556 28,012 (5,568) Total 223,56� �30.597 97.708 (4,741) Total Deficit $(23,148) , � ������ ����°- CITY OF SAINT PAUL F0a �1 4 A OFFICE OF THE MAYOR =, �_���'��' � HOUSING INFORMATION OFFICE . JANICE RETTMAN, DIRECTOR GEORGE LATIMER 2l W. Fourth Street MAYOR Saint Paul, Minnespta 55102 612-298-5591 Memorandum ., j , _ T0: Greg Blees � FROM: Janice Rettman t' ��� �� U ��� DATE: August 19, 1981 '�' � � RE: 1980 Contingent reserve Last March/April 1981, Richard Schroeder, Tom Cran, Susan Bahr, and I met to clarify the fact that $20,000 of the $29,600 set aside for the Housing Information Office in the 198Q contingent reserve had not been transferred to the Housing Information Office budget. Only $9,600. (Exhibit A) Two decisions came from that meeting: l. To cover the existing deficit, the 1981 contingent monies of $22,064 would be immediately transferred to the Housing Information Office budget; and 2. To wait until August 1981 to transfer any of the $20,000 to � the Housing Information Office to allow a more accurate spending record to be projected. Mr. Schroeder stated the monies were to remain committed to the Housing Information Office. And as I was not the one to initiate any of the transfers, I was told not to worry. (Exhibit B) Susan Bahr from Finance has reviewed the current Housing Information Office expenditures (Exhibit C) . According to her August 16 figures, the Housing Information Office will end the budget year approximately $2,000 in the black. However, because of the missing $20,000, she projects the Housing Information Office to have a $16,279 shortfall. In a subsequent August 19 telephone conversation with Susan, I was informed that a December 1980 LARC bill has just now been charged to my 1981 budget. Thus, "upping" the deficit to $18,279. I realize Greg that right now the budget is very tight and many little extra needs will be illuminating themselves in special request forms. However, this request is not an extra need or an unexpected one; but rather correcting an "over-sight'" that was made somewhere along the way. I have not and shall not overspend my FY budget allocation. As I am not in charge of the transfer mechanisms to my budget, I do not see how I could have better handled the situation. But indeed it is a bothersome enigma. �O � ����,� Page 2 ���, �, �'?, ,, As Tom requested I write this memo to you, I am sure he has alerted you to this problem - even as Susan has alerted both Tom and I that now is the time to transfer the monies. Thank you for your time. JR:KP Attachments: Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C cc: Tom Cran Susan Bahr • a"~�ii� �` ����,.I ��•�� � � ' °"w�:m,�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM T0: George McMahon John Connelly FROM: Ron Kline DATE: October 22, 1981 RE: Analysis of Financing for Proposed 1981 Budget Amendments 69 : Other Miscellaneous Revenue 1981 Adopted budget estimate $ 92 , 800 Actual receipts through 9/30/81 193,546* Excess revenue 1 0, 7 6 *includes refund of 1980 data processing fees from Ramsey County of $51, 750 . Requested use of $100, 746 excess: City-6Vide Data Processing $100,000 66 : Interest Earned 1981 Adopted budget estimate $ 900 ,000 CF #276859 : 1981 amendment 150,000 1981 Revised estimate $1,050,000 Actual receipts through 9/30/81 1,137 , 807 Excess revenue 87, 807 Requested use of $87, 807 excess : Election boundary transfer 12 ,000 Housing Information Office 23 ,148 RK:bz �� . ,.