D001061CITY OF SAINT PAUL -ry�n � n(_ � OPFICE OF THE MAYOR No.: �e13.1 �c{�S - - - --- — - - - ��i' {�- � ADIVIINISTRATIV� Date: • OItDER �s �: 31994 BUDGET ItEVISION ADl1'�TI$TRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 70.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the requesf of the Director of the Oepzrtment of Pub 1ic Works toamendthel9 96 budgetofG'ie Capit&1 Projects fund,theDired�oroftheDepartmen[ of Fnanca and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the ioliowing manner: Curtent �� RNANCING PIAN C95-2T518 PIA Longside Subsidy 1995 PIA • SPENDING PLAN C95-2T518 PIA Longside Subsidy Construction FiNANCWG PiAN C96-2T694 1996 Alley Projects 1995 PfA Assessment _1�:.�' 46,120.99 -4,524.11 41,596.88 46,120.99 -4,524.11 41,596.88 46,120.99 -4,524.11 41,596.88 46.120.99 -4.524.11 41.596.88 4,524.11 4,524.� 1 47,792.33 -6,694.21 41,098.12 47,792.33 -2,170.10 45,622.23 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL • OFFICE OF THE MAYOIZ ADMINISTRATNE ORDER BUDGETREVISION No.: f 1 � Date: 7 V � � � — �'1 rJ GS #: 31994 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDE$ ConsisteM with the authority graMed to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on the request of the Director ot the DepaRment of �hlic Wnrk< toamerdthel9�.(i_budgetofthe �p;tal Pro3PCts fund�theDiredorofitheDepartrnerd of Finance and Managemant Services is authorized to amend said budget i� the tollowing manner: Current &dget SPENDING PLAN C96-2T694 1996 Alley Projects Construction � , �eGmetlbY: GcY+R/ MznaHer ° �� �� lequo,tadby ND'mcbr pmended � 0id�t 47,792.33 -2,170.10 45,622.23 47,792.33 -2,170.10 45,622.23 � f`� � APPbY�87 Yo/ l� - t� - �� � Public Works Michael J. Eggum 266-6143 # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ASSIGN GREEN SHEET � �� N i. 31994 INI ATE — iEPARTMENT OIRECTOR :ITY ATTORNEV 'Q�iET OFFIGE IAYOR(Ofl ASSISTAN (CllP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNANR� ❑2 � � �� C1TY CAUNCIL GI7YCLERK Mike o o��,,,��A�� Appmval of attached Administrative Order transferrin� 1995 Public Improvement Aid funding from PIA L.ongside to ffie 1946 Alley Contracu project. RECAMMEN�ATONS:Approve (A) or Re�ecl (R) _ PLANNING fAMMfSSIINJ _ CIVIL SERNCE CAMMISSION CB CAMMITfEE _ A STAFF _ OISiRICTCOVNCiI _ St1PPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER Tt{E FOLLOWING QUESTONS: 7. Has Nis personiFirtn ever worked under a contrac[ for this tlepartmentt YES NQ 2. Has ihis person/fittn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this perso�rtn possess a skill not rromrally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yes aaswers on s¢parete sheet antl attach to green sReet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WNEN, WHERE, WHY�: Public Improvement Aid (PIA) is necessary foz expenses not recoverable through assessment. Additional work done in the Gilbert & Greenway Court Alley was above the 10% allowable to 6e assessed under current policy, necessitating use of PIA funding. Costs on the Dawson & SmiCh's Addition Alley came in under bid. contract payment can be made to contractor and project can be closed out. �ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. None. RECEiVE� QCT 161996 CITY CLERK OfSADVAN7AGE5 IF NOT APPROVED� Contracror will not be compensated for work already performed. OF TRANSACTION $ INDWGSOURCE ASmt, 1995 PIA IANCiAI WFORMATION. (EXPIAIN) ansfers - $4,52411 Deletions - ($6,694.27) �..j`1'_,-� � 1017/96 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES No AGTIVITYNUMBER C9i-2T518 & C96-2T694 Cl Y W