277679 i WHITED - CITY CLERK PINK E - FINANCE Real Estate COUtICII 2����� CAk1RY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA IT L � BLU� - MAYOR RA/PED File NO. � mberton cil Resolution Presented By Referr d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PROPERTY ACQUISITION DESOTO/OTSEGO HOUSING SITE, PAYNE/PHALEN AREA DISTRICT 5 . WHEREAS, the City Council has approved Community Development Block Grant Year V�I Program and Budget by Resolution, Council File No. 276522 , adopted March 17, 1981 ; ahd WHEREAS, said Program provides for the acquisition of vacant land, substandard 5truc- tures and demolition of such structures within the boundaries of the City Wide Redevjelop- ment Plan , including Payne/Phalen District 5, for the purpose of removing conditions' of deterioration and aiding in the development of new housing units; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota (HRA) , has made certain determinations respecting vacant land conditions and buildir�g con- ditions, and the necessity to acquire certain vacant land in said Payne/Phalen Distr!ict 5 Development Area (DeSote/Otsego Housing Site) under the Program activities; and WHEREAS, on October 29, 1981 , the City Council conducted a public hearing on tf�e pro- posed acquisition, in order that the property owners may attend and indicate their �pposi- tion or support for this proposed acquisition. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , in vie�► of the foregoing hereby adopted as findings that the public acquisition by HRA of the ro- perties identified as Parcels 411-4 at 677 DeSoto; ; 6 ge-, Saint Paul , Minnesota, in the DeSoto/Otsego Housing Site Area, Payn�/ Phalen District 5, under provisions of the Community Development Program Year VII, ns hereby approved upon a determination and redetermination hereby made that the finan�ial assistance to be provided under the Community Development Program is necessary to e�able the Program to be undertaken in accordance with the guidelines, that the land in thie de- velopment area, herein identified, would not be made available for redevelopment wi!thout such financial aid, and that the public acquisition and sale for private redeveloprhent COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Depa�tment of: H��t p i n Levine In Favot Maddox % McMahon sr,o,,,,aite� _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form App d by Cit ttor Adopted by Council: Date — � . Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY p /O� -S/ � By _ Approved by fNayor. Date APP a�e y Mayor for Sub ssi t�uncil By - – BY " WHITg - CITY CLERK yy PINK - FINANCE COURCIl 2(/ C(� CAN RY - DEPARTMENT HRA/PED G I TY OF SA I NT �AU L ^ ° °+� e�u� - MAYOR Real Estate File N0. I ` Pemberton Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date of said properties is necessary and in the public interest and welfare in order to eliminate conditions of blight and deterioration. RESOLVED FURTHER, that (1 ) the land in the project area would not be made avail- able for redevelopment without the financial aid to be sought; (2) the redevelopment plans for the redevelopment areas in the locality will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment af such areas by private enterprise; and (3) the redevelopment plan conforms to a gen�ral plan for the development of the locality as a whole. � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt 1 ann i n an E Levine [n Favor Maddox Mc��, _ � _ A gainst BY Tedesco Wilson N�V i 2 ��� Form � oved by City Attom Adopted by Council: Date — . � Certifie P s. y Council ret By c �G �0" '� By � Approve vor: Date nOV � s 1981 Appro b Mayor for Submis ' to C;ouncil � By — BY PU�uSHED NOV 2 1 19$1 ' i . .J- : � : - ' �"1'��'79 � _ . � . � + . . . ; , , . . , , . , . . , , . , � . . , , . - . - - ; . ��' ' OoLwber 1S, 1981 , � , � l+k�. Jamea Be12us Director of PSD . � ; l�th.Flcar, Cit�F Hatl Aanex , Dter 31r: • : '1'he City Counci,lsset a date ot �saris�g !or Oatobar 29tb, 1983 � ' to c�t�'�der sequL3�ic�n of�three �rop��i�i� it!` thu D�Soto% . � D�s�Bo 8ousiag sites �s3me/Pku�len tt�es �#istr�at 5� It ia my • : •. � . _ �. , uadera�tanding that your std2'f ia p�oeeeding �ri�th gropsr . � � notificatlon. . , . , ' � Yery truiy yours, . � . . . - ` � Aibe�rt B. 01son . � C3ttiy Cl�rk ' : � � , ,� . - . _ , , , ; , . , A�p'tl�a � . : . , . . _ � . . .. . . � . . . , . . . . � � . .. . ,. . . . . . � 1.�:; . " . . � . . � . . . . � . � . . � � . , . . . f��. � � � � . � � . � � . . � . � ' , - �. . _ . . 1 . .. . . . . . , . . . . . ... . . ..I,�.v� � � - � � � � �. ' . � . � � .. . � � � • �4.�.. . . . . . � . . � . �;.fr. . . .' f . , - ' . � . � � � . ' - � � . .. . . . . � � � . . . . • . . . . . . 1 � . ,. . . .. . ` , . . . � � � � ' .. �. . ,. � . . � . . 4 � - � � . ' . � . . . . - . � . '1' . . � . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. ' � . !1 i � .' . � � ' " � . . . .. • . �. . . . I I� . . .. � . . . ' . . . . . . . .. .. d.;.: � � . . . � � + �1 � . 1 . . � � . , � � � . . � . ' � - . . . . . { . . i .. . . � . . .. . . �d7�`�y' , _���,T, ,.. � . - CITY OF SAINT QAUL °` � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMlC DEVELOP�v1ENT 3e .�i� ?` ����`����� �� jAMES ).BELLUS, DIRECTOR ;�; s� �' ,,.. � 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5775 GEORGE UITIMER MAYOR TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COl)NCIL October 13, 19R1 c/o City C1erk, Room 386 City Ha11 Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Pursuant to Resolution No. 81-10/8-4, adopted• by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, on October 8, 1981 , it is hereby requested that the City Council schedule a Public Hearing for Thursday, October 29, 1981 , at which time it will consider acquisition of three properties in the DeSoto/ptsego Housing Site, Payne/Phalen Area District 5. JAM S . B_LL � EXE T VE DIREC HOUSI G AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF TNE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNES4TA � �. � �'�'7��� � , . . � � � NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING UPON � PROPOSED PROPERTY ACQUISITION DESOTO/OTSEGO HOUSIN6 SITE, COM- MUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PAYNE/ PHALEN AREA DISTRICT 5, SAINT . PAUL, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a PUBLIC HEARING before the COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIMT PAUL, in the Council Chambers, City Hall , 15 West Ke7logg Boulevard, Saint Paul , Minnesota, on Thursday, October 29, 1981 , at 10:00 a.m. ,. Central Standard Time, upon the proposal of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Pau1 , Minnesota, to acquire by purchase or exercise the power of eminent domain, all par- cels or tracts of land on DeSoto and Otsego as identified below, under provisions of � the Community Development Program Year VII , Saint Paul , Minnesota , and the Redevelop- ment Plan therefor as a part of the DeSoto/Otsego Housing Site Redevelopment Area , District 5. Upon said Public Hearing, the Council shall consider whether the acquisition of the properties identified by parce7 number and street address as follows : PARCEL NOS. PRECEDE PROPFRTY ADDRESS � 411-4 677 DeSoto ' 411-7 & 8 673 DeSoto 411-11 662-664 Otsego is necessary or desirable in order to carry out the Redevelopment Plan and provisions of Commun�ty Development Program Year VII, Saint Paul , Minnesota. At said Public Hearing all interested persons may appear before and Will be heard by the Council upon the proposed acquisition of these identified properties . Dated this '. day of October, 1981 . AL8ERT B. OLSON CITY CLERK -.� h � s - L . � ° � . � . R E S 0 l U T I 0 N � �o. 8�-�o�-y � � � RESOLUTION MAKING d CER7AIN DETERMINATION � RESPECTING ACQUISITION OF PARCELS IN TNE _ �_ DESOTO/0 TSEGO HOUSING SITE, AUTHORIiING S C H E D U L I N G O F A P U B L I C H E A R T N G B E F O R E C I T Y . � COUNCIL AND. SUBSEQUENTLY PROCEED WITH AC- QUISITION IN PAYNE/PHALEN DISTRICT 5 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul' di�d approve the Community Development 81ock Grant� Year VII Application on Mar�h 17, 1981 , Council File Number 276522; and � , WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota has been warking with the East Side Neighborhood OeveTopment CQmpany (ESNDC) in preliminar acqnisition and development surveys of an area� located within Railroad Island ITA, known as aeSoto/ Otsego nousing Site; and � . WHEREAS, the Community Oevelopment Program Year VII budgeted monies and prog.ramned acquisition, demolition and relocation of certain ITA activities located within the Rail- road Island ITA for the purpose o.f removing blighting influence and creatinq viable hous- ing sites in the best in�erest�.of the Rai�lroad Island ITA neighborhood area; and WHEREAS, the ESNDC has �worked many months on the selection of the exact development area, culminating in a recent public meeting at which the neighborhood enthusiastically endorsed this site; and , • - 1JHEREAS, major progress has already been made by ESNDC to+vard the realization of this site, of which they currentiy own three parcels which• will be combined with the ones being _ requested from�HRA through acqu`isition, and are as follows: Parcel 411-4 (C77 �eSoto�; Parcel 411-7&8 (673 OeSoto); and Parcel 411-11 .(662-664 Otsego�� and WNEREAS, under the Community Development Block Grant- Year VII Program and Budget, fun� were set aside for ITA activities which include this area, and �were allocated ta allow for the acquisition of vacant land to create viable_housing d�velopments within �he �City neighborhoods, whfch is .a major goal of the City's Comprehensive Housinq Plan. � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, that the vacant parcels located on Parcel 411-4 (677 DeSoto), � Parcel 411-7&8 (673 DeSoto). and Parcel 411-11 (662-664 Otsego ) are under utiliz�d parcels and that the acquisition of the properties are necessary to eliminate their bZighting influence, which properties do not appear �capable of redevelopment without publfc assis- tance and the sale for private redevelopment for housing use at its value for s�uch use in accordance with the City Wide Redevetopment Plan. � �URTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Director of the Housing and Redevelapment Authority of the Caty of Saint Paul , Minnesot�, is hereby authorized to schedule a public nearing before the Council of the City of St. Pau1 ; and to take all necessary artions in connection therewith including preparation and publishing of required notices, all in accordance with the applicable State and Federal laws and the purpose of this Resolution. FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED that upon approval . and authorization of the Council of the - City of Saint Paul , after said publ�ic hearing upon the proposed acquisition, acquisition _ of fee title to each property by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of _ Saint Paul , Minnesota, is hereby approved. � � I . ' � ���"�9 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ROSEMARY J FRANR , being , duly sworn on oath, says: that he is, and durin� all times herein stated has been, Clerk of thie Northwest Publications, Inc., publisher of thle �� e ' � newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, S�t. � ;� Paul Pioneer Press, St. Paul Sunday Pione�r /� x �= Press, a newspaper of general circulation withiin `, T� . ,M��' the City of St. Paul and the County of Ramsey. That the Notice hereto attached was cut frotn ; c� ��� the columns of said newspaper and was print�d ^;°� and published therein on the following dates: n.�., ■ ��� 17th day of OCT , 19 81 �r �� �. � � ; . day of , 19 :� o� day of , 19 �' d ay of , 19 ,t � '" �c� day of , 19 � �, �� �°�a� . I '� ' � :`�a day of , 19 ;d"r � � , "� . d ay of , 19 w��'� . �.0�.,�.f.:Eh1YY,. , . !� . 1f�N �^ � 7,�?� . '�_ tr►o t#+�°. _ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21.8_t day �►f pC'�' . , 19 —8;1_ � Notar�• Public 4�ashington County, Minnesota My commission expires OCt 10 , 19 87 �tAA�.A��.6n��a����aaan�nn�n��nam��nu�n x � ,�,ta4.. KAY f�� RITCf IlE � � :�:;�� cs'r._ NOTARY P!JB:.1C h,'.;id^;!;°,,T� �; �s �,-,� .. � ;��� WASHINC]TOt�d COUNTY �> f�„�„� z��, � �'�...-� My Commission Expires Oct. 10, 19E7 � Jq'b'hC'tl'�/tlHGr9C�Ytl�C/G�9GC�'/GVlG`Y'V�+�7�V'VVaS'tl' I I �_ �' Z u ; �i�''�,`� ' , . , . - , � � - � - , . . , , , , , . .. . , , _ ; � � , , � . , , ootAfi�r 29, �9E3'i ' ` - _ _ 1�. Ja�s Ae�.lw : . Dinctor o� PED _ , l�th lrlovr, City Hail ;Am�x ,. - Attention: Mr, Joltia:Wirtice� : . , D�ar Sir: �,�_ ' � , �, � ' � : Z4�r GS'Ey Couneil 'today continued it�r q�ro:Weeks, until Ag�nemb� 1��h� . 1981,. s public hearing aad reaolutSon dpprov�ng acqui�ition o� three� praperLiea ia t.2� DeSotc%ts�tgo How4iag 31taj Psyae/�►1sm , Ar�a �iatriat � at 677 I)e5oto, 673 DeSoto attd 662-b61t Ots�o,` ,,_ . � - . . . Vtry trnly y�'�, . % � - , .Albert B. 07:so�n , � ;, . `Cil.� C3.erk . ` . 14BO:ls � : , . , � � � . . F � . , . - , . . - . � � . ; . , � _ ; ' : , - . , 9 - - , . `