277673 WHITE - CITY CLERK � Aµ����� PINK - FINANCE COI1I1C11 '� � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F SA I N T PA U L w F BLUE - MAYOR File N O. � i 0 �nce Ordinance N0. 'S� Presented By I Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN (�DIlQANCE DESI(�7.�i(' "S1a7W II�TGY RAiJI'ES" AS P�D FQR Il�T SSF3CCITTai�1 161.03 OF � SAIl�1T PAUL I�IGLSLA,TIVE QO�E AS AI��IDED. ' � aJ[NCII� �' 'If� CITY OF SATrTP PALTI, D0�^i ORIaAIIJ: Secticn l. That in acao�c3anae witlz Section 161.03, Subdivision 1, of the Saint Paul Legisl.ativ�e Oode as ame�ded, the Cb�dl of the City of Saint Psail. cbes Y�eretiy c3eclare that tI�ose st,Leets naaned an the li.st attaci�ed hereto roarlaed "�ibit A" and inacar�rated h�rein are her�r designated ��S��vw Dner�gencY ��� and a aample�te listing of eadz �t shall be mair� t�,ined an file in the Traffic �gitleer's Offic�e, Traffic Drivision of the Patiae Depart�nent, ZYa�ffic �iola,tic�ns Bureau, and the C1erk o� the �� Nhmieipal �ts Offioe. � Sectiaci 2. �t Or�dinanae No. 16728, Oouzdl Fi].e Nc�. 275797, ap�ed Nava�er 4, 1980, is hex�y resc3rx7ed in its entire�ty. Sec�ti� 3. Zl�is Ordinanoe shaLl. ta�l� effect ar�d be in fo�r�oe thi.rty (30} da�Ys from , ar�d after its pass�e, a�prc�val ar�d p�liaatian. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hunt �l�c �r� �evine In Favor Maddox , McMahon _ �+�ec. � Against By Tedesco Diorl3�.d E. DTygaaL�d, wison DF�1�dj� DEC � 1981 Form Approved ity Attor y Adopted by Council: Date � Certifie assed b Coun ' Secret � � BY By t � Approved yor: Date �C' � , Approved or f r Su m ssion to Council ' � +i'I , , By �► � C� By �, � �.'Yh,��� �� pUBLISHED D E C 12 19a� � ; ( i i DEPARTMENT OF PUBL I C WORKS ��� �� CITY OF ST, PAUL� MINNESOTA MEMO ROUTING SLIP , ; INITIALS CIRCULATE I �J ?� DATE FILE INFOR— MATION NOTE AND PER CON— VERSATION , , FOR SIG— NATURE REMARKS: ��('�...;�-���. �,�_c�f'.�.'--��-C� �,,�.�-c.��, �- _���� � ��,� C�.��� ���.,,.,�y��-l� ���-,. . �� �n ���� � ��� � � �� /�� �� �-.�.�� �.��.�,�,� . � �. (:c.-iC��I ��.Cit1--�� L:�—G��:.c��-r—Z/ % (�`-Z � , FROM: � DATE �i-3 �`,�,�,� /� PHONE �J ' � , � FORM 1009 i , ( . i ������ - � OEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ST. PAUL� MINNESOTA MEMO ROUTING SLIP INITIALS CIRCULATE Peter Hames DATE FILE 347 Cit Hall ��l ��p INFOR-. ! \v- � MAT I ON } ��� NOTE ANO I RETURN � - � �, `p PEf3 CON- �'', ' ?� VERSAT I ON �► g SEE ME 2 FOR SIG- � �� NATURE � �v � REMARKS: The Snow Emergency Route matter has to be done by Ordinance so that we can tag cars which are in violation of a specific City Ordinance; people evidently cannot violate our Resolutions and Adm. Orders. If we were to give up banning parking and tagging cars, I imagine a Resolution would do the job. (P. S. - I did check this out with Jerry Segal to make sure ) � �p ,/(/'''��)� _ l i' � 6 L� :�,/�L�"t., � C'�f'� d�C G`"° - " . � � 1 ���`� � _ �; _� i' '(�-Q- �.�,....e� �,��, �� a-���-�-,-�.-�---�-- �'`"' � �-�-�`' _ FROM: DATE Donna Raymond 10/28 PHONE FORM 1009 PINK � FINAN�E ' �...f'�+ •..r.. �� �ANAHV -`OEPAR7MENT C IT1, O�� �,JA I NT I�A iJ7i �OUnCl� • • w BLUL "� - MAVOR Flle N O. . .. •� •. �� � f J ��/� Or�in�nce Ordinance N0. '' Presented E3y � �� � Referred To ` Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date o�;�. «, o�,, 1!rt OP.D��i�T�"E Di,ilIGI:ATII� "STIO�T Et�•S"r.R^.,x'.�t7CY ROV�^S" 11S PROVID� �c;� 1;� ,I•'�Y I?I S�t.`TIQ:Y i49.fi3 QF 2ZE S1lT�iT P��UL LEGISTATIVE COD� AS e!w ----- �?-��t:D. /Gl, v3 �;� cr,s �;; � ,.; . � ,.- o:,� -� TFiE COiJt;TL~iL OF Z'� CTI'1[ �' SAIfT FAUL DQES O�Rl�AII4: " �.f;sV� r.';t �i . ` $@fiti�.Oli 1 �,:.� , 1 �:ti? . , � L�1 �i.:��_ � �G/ ' r � ;�.f..,,�. � �;� � Tt�t in eccardance �tith Section �:�+9�3, S , of tlae Saitxt P�ul Le�;islative Cad� aa arnended, tiie Council oP the Citq oF Saittt Pawl. dces t�ere�y ueclrire t�t those stree�s r�ed on i,he list st-tached her�to _ mnr�ed "�xhibit A" a.nd inc.azgarated herein are hereby desi�;ated "Snarn �exg+�ncy �outes" and a cc��pleta ]i.stin� of ench strec:ts s.�i3, be main- t�ined an Pi�.e in t�a Tra�'fic En�.ineer'a OSPice, Tr3ft'ic �ivisian af �.he Pol,ice D�pctr*..raent, Traffie Yiolatio�s Bureau, anci ths Clerk �t the t:t�uiCipal Cotaz�ts Office. Sectioat 2. � !(��Z� 273'7� 7 That Qrc�ir�,nce 2�. �, Cauncil File I3o. -2�3891', epp-rav�ed l�cv�z �, is �ereby rescinc�ed in it$ entirety. �, !5►�t� . Sectian 3. 2'hia ordinance st�l, tskt ePf'ect and bs in force thirty (30) d�s' lraa aud af`�ter ite passs,ge, approval arad publicati�nt. COU[VCIL'�iF:V Yeas Na��s Requested by Department of: '� But�r Hunt PtIbI1C L�47'k� '. Ho za �— In Favor ;;` _� � f � H nt Le.ine � �( r ( . vine Maddox � Against gy ��' t�:. �.�__� � .� �.•-' �, �� � �i ddox ��icMahon , Ib118].d E. I'�Ygel1�'d , .. Sh walter sho,vciter 1980 ' Te sCO ; '�edesco OCT 3 0 Direeto�- Form Approved b3' City.Attorney Adopted by C unci.l:y�itson Date � r �---�. Certified Passed by Council Secretary By r •��/:j��i� - � /� ' / i •— Y � ! ` B .•� � :',•f, � r � ��,n � 1 : �: ' 1 Approved by Mayor. Date r'�V � �JJ� Approued,by�;�1ayor for Su4:nission to Council �.. __ gy By, t- "�/,�( , /? �,,,-- ---- �- .. , .. i' �o -� R��v. : s/B/7G i �. � 11�1�� ..`�1r1.).^�' V{ .:1,..{T�'....1�:1P . . I_��;. �i7\�!l�T„ .. i , � � _ .� _ � . � . - . . � "J . . .�_..._ "..__.. . _,.'."_.' " '."'_' � /�.. __.___..__..�-�.. w � j\..' �J� ��. . _�1 !.J � . .� l.�i\����.i�. ��.' :i . . . , ' ..��.�. �____.._._�. ..�_ ..�...�.._.- ..... � . . � � % , 1I ! t , � � . � i 17�it�c�: ,.. ,�, _ . � � � . . � T0: t;�iYO? Gi�CRG:� L,�:T��_�i�:Z FfZo F�ublic ?:oz•::s - Opera.t5.ans �Z�:: ;�na,: E;�:Frr;ency Ro�:t�s ' . � - e . � • ' . . � . �'�GT�:G�� �"n�.;�. �� �rc.ir-�.��� �;; 7, .. tG7`-� . � � ' �_ _____ <; 11 c._,�:i.�na c �rLo:�l E:ner�enc�- �nu.tes" ar�d ;��1.1 resci�ac. ^rd�r_sr_^e �e--�669� Co;zicil �`ile PTo, -2�38�8� � , app,�a-,�ee . :u ._ , . , . Z�S'?�1 ' , NQa�r�� Ur� �� r'y"�'.� � . . PUF_l>1.w.�^ . `_`� .___.:_m;•r�.�,- --,.-y r-�,.-�C+�(`T�t'i' . . . .. . . ' � .._. . .llJ� .L - [-', � ' 1 i Sc�c�ion 1���.0;, ;;,:bsection � of �he T�cuis?�tive Co^:e requires that the Ci-�y " . Counc_1 c� Ur-ci��_�r:ce des�.FZr,�te "Snow �:;acrgency R�ut�s. " This action will ur,d.te �:h� evi�.`,�in� "Sno��r Lmergency R�u;;e�" l:ist now in effect, . � ' , J�TT:�Cii'•:�:�:`�S : Oxdiranc� • � __._^___..�----- �,ist of Sr_��-: F!�i�r�ency Routes ' ar� or: ��f�s . Rev. : 4!8l76 � � Rev. : 5/7180 ' EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, Rev. : 4t3a/8 RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES �� �� DATE: October 21, 1981 � b� �° a � ���' '�-- � ;� , Minn. T0: MAYC�t � LAZ'Il�R a�a� �� � FROM: Pub�lic Warks - Operatians �IIAY4R'S OFF1C� �ll.E •-------�."" RE: Sr�w �me�Cy Aoute ACTION REQIIESTED: �r3inarrae t�rill de�ignate "S��OM► F]iner�ericy Rotttes" and will i'+eacit�d O�dinanoe No. 16728, Oaa�cil File lrb. '275797, ap�arc�ned Noveeibsr 4, 1980. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: - Sect.ion 161.03, Subdivissicn 1 of the Legislativ�e Cbc�e requires that the City aotu�cil by Qi:�ciinat�oe designate "S��a�w Etner+�ency Rattres". T�sis ackton ivi:].1 1�pdate the eoctstinq ��S'r�r H�genc�, Rautes° list now iti effect. � The c�atyges as� r�o�ute list are slxx+n by an aisterisk. RECEIVE Nov 3 �se� MAYORS OFFIC � FINANCIAL IMPACT: Nor�. ATTACHMENTS: ' f Or�dirsanoe I.ist a� 9r�ow EtAer.r�er�cS► Raute� dii , �'��� '��+�1 EXHIBIT "A" ----------- EMERGENCY SNOW ROUTES 9/28/81 ' --------------------- ACKER Jackson to L' Orient ALBION W. Seventh to Lexington ALGONQUIN Stillwater to Nortonia ANNAPOLIS Cherokee to Charlton ANNAPOLIS Bidwell to Oakdale ANNAPOLIS Oakdale to Kansas ARCADE Sixth to Larpenteur ARCH-PENNSYLVANIA Rice to Mississippi ARKWRIGHT York to Brainerd ARLINGTON , E . E. Shore Drive to White Bear ARLINGTON , E . White Bear to Winthrop ARLINGTON , E . & W. Edgerton to Victoria ARLINGTON , W. Hamline to Snelling ATWATER Western to Rice AURORA Marion to Rice BAKER Cherokee Av . to Cherokee B1 . BATTLE CREEK ROAD Lower Afton to IIpper Afton BAYFIELD Fillmore to Wisconsin BAYLESS PLACE Cromwell to Raymond BEVERLY ROAD Pelham east to St . Anthony BRAINERD Arkwright to Edgerton BROADWAY Tenth to Grove BURLINGTON ROAD McKnight to Lower Afton BURNS Suburban to MeKnight BURNS Mound to White Bear BURR Tedesco to Case BUSH Mendota to Forest CAPITOL HEIGHTS Como to Winter CARTER Cleveland to Eustis CARVER Pt. Douglas to McKnight CASE Mississippi to Earl CASE Johnson Pkwy. to Hazel CASE Hazel to Edgewater Blvd . CAYUGA Jackson to Mississippi CEDAR Como to Tenth CENTRAL Dunlap to Western CENTRAL Wabasha to Robert CHATSWORTH Van Slyke to Front CHEROKEE AVE . Baker to Ohio CHEROKEE BLVD. Baker to Annapolis CHESTER Plato to E . Lafayette Fr. R'd . CHESTNUT Pleasant to Shepard Road CHILDS ROAD Warner Road to Disposal Plant CHRISTIE PLACE Prosperity to Larpenteur CLARENCE Maryland to Prosperity CLEVELAND University to River Blvd . CLEVELAND Hoyt to Raymond CLIFF St. Clair to Smith COLLEGE Rice to Kellogg ,' COMO AVENUE � City Limits to Van Slyke COMO AVENUE Chatsworth to Como Blvd . ��%���`� . -2- COMO AVE . Capital Hts. to E.Como Blvd. COMO BLVD. , E. Como Ave . to Maryland COMO LAKE DRIVE, E . Maryland to Lexington COMO LAKE DRIVE , W. Lexington to E. Como Blvd . CONCORD Wabasha to Annapolis CONCORDIA Herschel to Summit CORTLAND Sycamore to Aeker CRETIN St. Anthony Freeway to Ford Pk CROMWELL Franklin to Bayless DALE Fairmount to Larpenteur DAVERN Shepard Road to Montreal DAYTON Victoria to Summit DE COURCY ROAD Lexington to Rosen Road DODD ROAD City Limits to Stryker DUKE Pleasant to St. Clair DUNLAP Hubbard to Pierce Butler EAGLE Seventh to Exchange EAGLE Ryan to Shepard Road EARL Mounds Blvd . to Ivy EAST SHORE DRIVE Johnson Pkwy. to Larpenteur EATON Eva to Lafayette Frontage Rd. EDGCUMBE ROAD Jefferson to Munster EDGERTON � Payne to Larpenteur EDGEWATER Case to Maryland EIGHTH Broadway to Lafayette ELWAY Montreal to Shepard Road ENGLISH Arlington to Larpenteur ETNA Burns to Warner Road EUSTIS Carter to Como Ave. EUSTIS River Drive to St. Anthony EUSTIS University to Pearl EVA Fillmore to Eaton EXCHANGE Wilkin to Eagle FAIRMOUNT Dale to St. Albans FAIRVIEW Pieree Butler to Edgcumbe FIFTH Boradway to Kittson FILLMORE Robert to Bayfield FISH HATCHERY ROAD FLORIDA State to W. Lafayette Fr. Road FORBES Exchange to W. Seventh FORD PARKWAY River Drive to Snelling FOREST Third to Wheelock FOREST Hudson Road to Third FOURTH John to Commereial FOURTH Aecess Conn . to State Fr. Rd FRANKLIN City Limits to University FRONT Lexington to Rice FRONTAGE ROADS East � West of Lafayette Fr. *FURNESS PARKWAY (West Roadway) Ivy to Curve GANNON ROAD Shepard Rd . to W. Seventh GEORGE Smith to Concord GRACE Victoria to Pleasent GRAND Cretin to W. Seventh GROTTO ' Maryland to Larpenteur GROVE Mississippi to Lafayette � ������ ' ` -3- HAMLINE Montreal to Pierce Butler HAMLINE Como to Hoyt HAMLINE Hoyt to Larpenteur HAMPDEN Raymond to University HARRIET ISLAND ROAD Nagasaki to Boat Launch Ramp HAZEL Mechanic to E . Seventh HAZEL Mechanic to Jessamine HAZEL Maryland to Ivy HAZELWOOD Arlington to Idaho HENDON Como to Cleveland HEWITT Snelling to Hamline HIGHLAND PKWY . River Drive to Edgcumbe HIGHWOOD Pt . Douglas to McKnight HILL Chestnut to Kellogg HOMER W. Seventh to Shepard Road HOPE Sixth to Seventh HORTON Hamline to W. Como Lake Drive HOYT Snelling to Grotto HUBBARD Dunlap to Oxford HUDSON ROAD, OLD Johnson Pkwy. to Maria HUDSON ROAD , OLD Alley W. of Birmingham to McKnight HUMBOLDT Winifred to George IOWA Dale to Grotto IVY Edgerton to Payne I�Y Arcade to Earl I�Y Prosperity to MeKnight JACKSON Eighth to Larpenteur JEFFERSON River Drive to Cleveland JEFFERSON Cleveland to W. Seventh JOHN Fourth to Fifth JOHN IRELAND BLVD. Summit to Wabasha JOHNSON PKWY . Burns to Wheelock Pkwy . KASOTA Hwy . 4�280 to Raymond KASOTA Snelling , West 1 block KELLOGG HILL Summit to E . Seventh KENWOOD PKWY . St . Albans to Osceola KITTSON Fifth to Seventh LAFAYETTE East & West Service Road LAFAYETTE E . Seventh to Tedesco LAFOND Como to Rice LANDFILL DUMP ROAD Childs Road - E . & S. to gate LEXINGTON Montreal to Larpenteur LONDIN LANE Lower Afton to MeKnight L' Orient Acker to Cayuga L ' Orient Pennsylvania to University LOWER AFTON ROAD Pt . Douglas to MeKnight MARIA Seventh to Hudson Road MARION Como Ave . to St . Anthony MARSHALL River Drive to Summit MARYLAND Como to Hazel MARYLAND Nokomis to McKnight MARYLAND , OLD Abell to Jackson MENDOTA Sixth to Bush , �6 �� ��.7 . � . _y_ MIDWAY PARKWAY Horton to Snelling MINNEHAHA Burr to McKnight , MINNEHAHA Prior to Como MISSISSIPPI RIVER BLVD. Emerald to Marina Road MISSISSIPPI Broadway to York MONTREAL Cleveland to Elway MONTREAL Elway to 35-E MOUND Burns to Pacific MOUNDS BLVD . E . Seventh to Burns MULBERRY ST . Sixth to Kellogg NAGASAKI ROAD Wabasha to Water ( top of Dike ) NINTH STREET HILL Summit to Main NOKOMIS Algonquin to Maryland NORFOLK Davern to Gannon NORTH PARK DRIVE Ruth to MeKnight OAKDALE Annapolis to State OAKLAND Grand to Summit OHIO George to Plato OLIVE Eighth to Seventh OSCEOLA Grace to St . Clair OSCEOLA , S . Randolph to Grace OTIS Eustis to River Blvd . OTTO W. Seventh to Shepard Road OXFORD Hubbard to Pierce Butler PACIFIC Mound to Plum PARK Arch-Pennsylvania to Wabasha PARKWAY DRIVE Edgerton to Larpenteur PASCAL Hoyt to Como PASCAL Marshall to Minnehaha PAYNE E . Seventh to Larpenteur PEDERSEN Suburban to Burns PELHAM University to River Drive PIERCE BUTLER Prior to Minnehaha PIG 'S EYE LAKE ROAD Childs Road to Dead End PLATO Water to Bayfield PLEASANT Grace to Kellogg PLUM Pacific to Mounds Blvd . PT . DOUGLAS ROAD Burns to Johnson Parkway PT. DOUGLAS ROAD Lower Afton to Highwood PRESCOTT Oakdale to Woodbury PRIOR Pierce Butler to Summit PRIOR Randolph to Summit PROSPERITY Johnson Pkwy . to Arlington PROSPERITY ROAD Idaho to Larpenteur RAMSEY Summit to Grand RAMSEY W. Seventh to Exchange RANDOLPH River Drive to Cretin RANDOLPH Cretin to Shepard Road RANKIN Seventh to Shepard Road RAYMOND Como to Dudley RAYMOND Cleveland to University RED ROCK ROAD North Star Steel , W. & N . end RICE Larpenteur to John Ireland B1 . RICE Summit to College . ��l��^.l ' , -5- ROAD AROUND HARRIET ISLAND Nagasaki to Nagasaki ROAD ON DIKE Nagasaki to Water ROBERT Annapolis to Kellogg ROBERT Twelfth to University ROBERT ST . BYPASS (Both Sides ) Concord to King ROSE Nokomis to Edgewater Blvd . ROSEN ROAD DeCourcy Road to Snelling ROSS E . Seventh to Earl RUTH Dead End S .of Longfellow to Nortonia *RUTH Furness Pkwy . to Larpenteur RYAN Chestnut to Eagle ST . ALBANS Pleasant to Grand ST . ANTHONY Cretin to City Limits ST . ANTHONY Cleveland to Rice ST . CLAIR River Dirve to Cretin ST . CLAIR Cretin to Cliff ST . PAUL AVE . Cleveland to W. Seventh SELBY Fairview to W. Seventh SEVENTH , E . Broadway to Hazel SEVENTH , W. Edgcumbe to Kellogg SHEPARD ROAD Jackson to Gannon Road SHERIDAN Cleveland to Davern SHORT LINE Selby to Jefferson E . SIXTH Johnson Pkwy . to Mounds Blv . SIXTH STREET HILL Summit to Main SMITH , N . & S . Annapolis to Kellogg SNELLING , N . & S . W. Seventh to Hoyt SNELLING, N . Access Roads SPRINGSIDE DRIVE Pt. Douglas to Burlington Rd . STATE Fillmore to Eaton STATE Robert to Robie STILLWATER Hazel to MeKnight STILLWATER White Bear to Hazel STRYKER Annapolis to Winifred SUBURBAN White Bear to Pederson SUMMIT River Drive to Rice SYCAMORE Rice to Jackson TEDESCO Lafayette to Payne TERRITORIAL ROAD City Limits to Vandalia THIRD ST . , E . MeKnight to Broadway THOMAS Fairview to Marion TIMBERLAKE ROAD Jackson to Jackson TOTEM ROAD Burlington to Burlington TRANSFER ROAD University to Prior TWELFTH Jackson to University UNIVERSITY Lafayette to Emerald UPPER AFTON Burns to MeKnight VANDALIA Territorial to St . Anthony Fwy VAN SLYKE Horton to Chatsworth VICTORIA Larpenteur to Como Blvd . VICTORIA Jefferson to W. Seventh VICTORIA Jefferson to Grace VICTORIA St . Clair to Dayton VICTORIA Marshall to Dayton VICTORIA Marshall to Minnehaha ' ► . � } ����. -6- WABASHA Kellogg to Winifred WABASHA Twelfth to Park WARNER ROAD Jackson to Hwy . �61 WATER STREET City Limits to Wabasha WATER STREET , OLD Wabasha to Starkey WESTERN , N. Maryland to Summit WESTERN , S . W. Seventh to Pleasant WESTMINSTER York to Case *WESTMINSTER Larpenteur to Maryland WHEELOCK AVE . Arcade to Forest WHEELOCK PKWY . Johnson Pkwy . to N . Victori� WHITE BEAR Larpenteur to Upper Afton WINIFRED Ohio to Humboldt WINTER Capital Hts . to Jackson WINTHROP Springside Dr. to Wildview WINTHROP North Park Dr . to Burns YORK Mississippi to Arkwright BUS TURNAROUNDS : ---------------- 1 . ) Corner of Forest and Wheelock 2 . ) St . Anthony , 100 ' W. of Prior DELETED �WESTMINSTER Larpenteur to Jessamine NAME CHANGE �Curve to Furness Parkway *Amendment to Ordinance No . 16728 . 1 �.1 ... . . .. . / lst _ `� —/ D( � �� 2nd fl/9- �'� - -____ 3rd — — Adopted _��^� —�� Yeas Nays HUNT LEVTNE � � ��� M�MAHON SHOWALTER ������ TEDESCO ' WILSON � � PRESIDENT (iKADDOX) ' -