277658 WHITE - CITY CLERK ��`f}•y/ CANAR�f - �DEPAR'i'MENT COl1flC11 /L_ / I��� BLU€ - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. A�� �'� " C uncil Re luti n Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 231.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, (as amend�d by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December 1, 1970) pertaining to regulations for the adjus�ting of sewer service charges, and upon the recommendation of the Department of Public Works and approval of the Board of Water Commissioners, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby certify that because of partial diversion of their total water consumption from the City of Saint Paul's Sanitary Sewer System, the below listed firms have justifiable rea8on for application of an adjustment to their sewer service charges as levied; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a full or partial refund of paid sewer service charges, based up�n these adjustments shall be refunded from the Sewer Service Fund and shall be in the following', amounts: NAME & ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT 3M—General Offices U.S. Controllers Bldg. 224-6SW St. Paul, Mn. 55101 Attn: Clarence Fussy April - July, 1981 $320,750.5� Champion International Corp. 2251 Wabash Ave. St. Paul, Mn. 55114 Attn: Jack Geilenfeld July - August, 1981 242,143.92 Olympia Brewing Company 720 Payne Avenue St. Paul, Mn. 55165 Attn: Accounting Dept. August 18 - September 17, 1981 182,420.56 National Can Corporation 139 Eva Street St. Paul, Mn. 55107 Attn: N. Desai August, 1981 4,802.0� COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt p i rks �evine In Favor Maddox McMahon '' Showalter __ Against BY � Tedesco Manager, S ers & Util ties Divi�ion Wilson Form Approved C' Attor y Adopted by Council: Date , Certified }'assed by Council Secretary BY By . Approved by �Nayor: Date _ Appr by M or S b ni ion to Council By _ _ _ B . � � � ��'�65� Page 2 NAME & ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT I Gold Medal Beverage Company P. 0. Box 43466 St. Paul, Mn. 55164 Attn: John C. Fitzenberger June 16 - August 18, 1981 $3,036.00 Fox Chemical Company 137 So. Robert Street St. Paul, Mn. 55107 Attn: Pam Fix May 1979 - March 1981 1,722.92 American Bakeries Co. 97 E. 12th St. St. Paul, Mn. 55101 Attn: David Duncan Plant Manager January - August, 1981 1,316.20 West Publishing Company 50 W. Kellogq Blvd. St. Paul, Mn. 55102 Attn: Lawrence Linkert August, 1981 1�309.34 Land 0'Lakes, Inc. 415 Grove Street St. Paul, Mn. 55101 Attn: Russ Ryss July - August, 1981 953.49 lst National Bank of St. Paul W-1390 lst National Bank Bldg. St. Paul, Mn. 55101 Attn: C. G. Olson, Vice President September, 1981 489.81 Gross-Given Mfg. Company 75 W. Plato Blvd. St. Paul, Mn. 55107 Attn: Robert C. Buzicky Plant Manager August, 1981 418.32 Brooklyn Center Development Co. P.O. Box 43570 St. Paul, Mn. 55164 Attn: Joan Benson For: American Center Bldg. 297 Jackson St. August, 1981 418.24 Central Warehouse Co. P.O. Box 43456 St. Paul, Mn. 55101 Attn: Mrs. Meredith Fritz September, 1981 383.04 WHITE - CITY CLERK J'/' /C-4�1! PINK ' • FINANCE j� ��� Q `�4s� CANASY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT I-A u L COUI1C11 . BLUF - MAYOR File N 0. ' Council Resolution i Presented By I Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I Page 3 NAME & ADDRESS TTME PERIOD AMOi7NT St. John's Hospital 403 Maria Avenue St. Paul, Mn. 55106 Attn: I. S. Mularie September, 1981 $381.91 McGill/Jensen, Inc. 655 No. Fairview Ave. St. Paul, Mn. 55104 Attn: Mark McManus August, 1981 326.00 Rutzick-Sheehy Office Center P.O. Box 43570 St. Paul, Mn. 55164 Attn: Joan Benson For: 90 W. Plato Agriculture Bldg. July - August, 1981 237.72 Hartzell Manufacturing Co. 2516 Wabash Ave. St. Paul, Mn. 55114 Attn: T.M. Jaeke, Controller August, 1981 97.44 COUNGLMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ', Hunt Pub1iC Works Levine � [n Favor Maddox McM�� � __ Against BY Tedeuw Manager, Se rs & Util ties Divis�on �Nitsan� Adopted bY Council: Date �O� ✓'��D� Form Approved by ty A torney Certified P� _- d �i Council r BY C_ App by :Vlayor. te � �V 6 , � Ap o d by Mayor r mission to Councii _ By _ By PUB�.ISNEO NOV 14 i981 � � �`7`��5$ RECEIV€.d � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ,- � CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA O CT 2� �98� � .., MEMO ROUTING SLIP CITY ATTO�N�� Jer J. � al INITIALS CIRCULATE � Assi a Ci orney 7 City Hall � DATE FILE - n d . Carlson Dir tor INFORMATION a e Man em S �ces 11 it al � D RETURN VERSATION � George Latimer FOR SIGNATUR� Mayor Room 347 City Hall , REMARKS: FROM: DATE Donald E. Nygaard, Director (�!`��' PHONE 4241 FORM 1009 (1-9-75) � i �\ ♦ � ��7558 oM o�: �2��9�5 Rev: 9/8/76 Rev: 5/7/80 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, Rev: 4/30/81 ` RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES DATE: October 21, 1981 RF(;�Dt f.�Mt! U TiP17� _� _. T0: Mayor George Latimer �v.._. Mayor, fty ��. ;��tt, (wiir�n. FROM: Donald E. Nygaard, Director of Public Works , MAYOR S OfF� Fi1.E .__._,� RE: Refund of Sewer Service Charges ACTION REQUESTED: Refund sewer service charges from Sewer Service Fund PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Investigation has deternv.ned that certain volumes of water which were assessed a sewe service charge did not enter the sanitary sewer system and that payment of ttie charge for these volumes should be refunded. FINANCIAL I1�ACT: ATTACHIKENTS: Council Resolution Bd. .of Water Com�nissioner's Resolution Recommending Refunds DJD/ck . , . CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ �'a7 _ OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ����� �'w'"` , RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM �RESENTED BY �]� Qp�},O�j�l+ 2�� 1�1 '� COMMISSIONER - DATE -- -1--- ICCJVLrC�J I _;.� �:.,., . i BESOLYED� That ths 8os►rcl of Wator Ce�ei.esianera h�rsb�► approv+s� ths reoom�er�da,tion ot Da�ni.el J. Dtmford, Ma�r, S�rworrs b IItilitifs �iviai�, D�partaaa�t ot Pnbliv Wark�, in his lett�►r of aatob�r 21, 1981 �o the �osrd i that f�i11 or pa�tial reituuis of ps►id 5awer Servioe Charg�e b� grant�d as ' listad 3n th� lettar; eai.d r�ttiu�l� to be mad� trom th� "Swnae Sar►ic� F�d.'� , � ; i i Water Commissioners I Adopted by the Board of Water Commissione�s Yeas Nays La�g�vin ' Sboxaltsr _ Qotal�r 21 1� �081 9ics Presid�t Dachrach ' Presid�t Levin� i i In favor- 1�— Opposed 0 � �.��Z�, �5-66 -.S�C.Y. �I