277646 WHITE - CITY CLERK �� • s4�1 PINK - FINANCE COUIICII CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT �A U L BLUE - MAYOR File N O. � u c ' Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution e stabli shing t�he title and class specification for Senior Loan and Grant Specialist in the Civil Service Rules. RE50LVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Secti.on 3. L (Technical Group - Graded), by inserting the title of Senior Loan and Grant Specialist in Grade 34; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further , amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Senior Loan and Grant Specialist. App roved: .�.—� � hai rm Civil Servi ce Comxnission COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt PERSONNEL OF �ICE Levine In Favor � Maddox McMahon � B i� � snowa�ter - __ Against Y � Tedesco Wilson `, 3 ��1 Form proved b Ci rney Adopted by Council: Date — a/ e- Certified P• s d Council S ret BY App by Ylayor. a e �~—NOV � 1�, Ap by Mayor for Sub 'ss n t Co il ! BY – — B PUBUSNfD NOV 1 419$i, ' � WHIT6 ' CITY CLERK � . ����h PINK - FINANCE � �COURCII V CANARY - DEPARTMENT � G I T Y� O F S A I N T PA U L � BLU� -�.MAYOR - Fll@ N O. .. CI T Y C L E R K C��ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date . Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution e stabli shing the ti.tle and class specificati.on for Senior Loan and Grant Specialist in the Civil Se rvi ce Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Secti.on 3. L (Technical Group - Graded), by inserting the ti.tle of Senior Loan and Grant Specialist in Grade 34; an.d be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be fur#her amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabet-i.cal order, the attached class specification for Senior Loan and Grant Specialist. App roved: Chai rxnan Civil Service COriZ?ri133I021 COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor ' Maddox McMahon st,o�,,,ai� -- Against BY Tedesco Wiison Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council SecrPtary BY B i -- Approved by :Navor: Date Aporoved by Mayor for Submission to Councii ' I BY BY —�--- I � '' � Title of class: ' ����-�°`�i� SENIOR LOAN AP1D GRANT SPECIALIST DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statem.ent of Duties: Performs technical work in evaluating and ' approving loan and grant applications for single family and multi- family (3 or more units) projects; and performs related duties as rec�uired. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Superv�isor of Loan and Grants. Supervisioa Exercised: Ma.y exercise general technical supervision over lower-level Loan and Grant Specialists, clerical workers and �iousing Rehabilitation Trainees assigned to the Loans and Grants section. ' TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED � The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Receives requests for applications for all rehabilitation loan and grant ' programs. Explains rehabilitation programs to prospective clients. Interviews applicants to obtain f inancial and credit information, anaiya�es applications and obtains necessary documents. Interprets applicant's financial report, determines net worth and ident�fies and evaluates other assets. Processes contracts for the Section 8 Moderate and Substantial Rehabilitation Program; makes ma.rket ana.lyses of proposed projects. Makes determinations of eligibility for loans or grants; recommends acc�ptance or rejection of proposed loans. Reviews cost-saving analyses for energy conservation measures. Provides information to rehabilitation advisors for inspection and cont�+act � bid use. Reviews bids to select proper programs. Prepares and submits packages for loan and grant approval. Computes loan repayment schedules. Arranges closings for approved loans and grants. Transmits closed loan and grant documents to servicing agencies. Advises clients on methods of resolving f3.nancial or real estate probleII►s. Collects overdue loan repayments and negotiates repayment schedules on delinquent loans. ' Reviews documents authorizing payments to contractors. , Acts for the Supervisor of Loans and Grants in his or her absence. ! Provides liaison between the Loans and Grants section and the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. May approve loan and grant recommendations of Loan and Grant Specilaist 'I's. RNOWLEDGES, SKILI,S APiD ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of real estate end banking terms, rules and regulations. Considerable knowledge of rules and regulations pertaining to gaver�unen� sponsored loan and grant programs. � - Considerable knowledge of installment and commercial lending practices. . , � _ ._ ° � �. . :. . Considerable ability to deal with clients in various t�es of situation�. (continued on reverse side) , SENIOR LOAN AND GRANT SPECIALIST � (continued) Working ability to conununicate with clients and others involved. Working knowledge of building and construction terms. Considerable ability to write in a clear and concise manner. Considerable knowledge of accepted collection techniques. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 1�ao yearsP experience as a Loan and Grant Specialist I or equivalent; or two years of college training with courses in Business Administration, Economics, Accounting or a similar f ield and two years' experience as a loan off icer in a bank or lending agency. Must possess a Minnesota . driver�s license at time of appointment. �'� h 6 �t 1� � � . . . � . . . �. � � f . �, I r . . . � � � . . � f E �� � . . . . � . � � . ! { Title o£ class: �����' SENIOR LOAN APdD GRANT SPECIALIST DESCRIPTION OF WORK Genei�al Statement of Duties: Performs technical work in evaluating and approving loan and grant applications for single family and multi- family (3 or more units) projects; and performs related duties as reqwired. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Supervi;sor of Loan and Grants. Supervision Exercised: May exercise general technical supervision over lower-level Loan and Grant Specialists, clerical workers and Housing Rehabilitation Trainees assigned to the Loans and Grants section. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties gerformed by all positions iin this class. Receives requests for applications for all rehabilitation loan and grant ' programs. Explains rehabilitation programs to prospective clients. Interviews applicants to obtain f inancial and credit information, analyzes applications and obtains necessary documents. Interprets applicant's financial report, determines net worth and identi�ies and evaluates oCher assets. � Proceases contracts for the Section 8 Moderate and Substantial Rehabilit�tion Program; makes market ana.lyses of proposed pro�ects. Makes determinations of eligitaility for loans or grants; recommends acceptance or re3ection of proposed loans. Reviews cost-savings analyses for energy conservation measures. Provides information to rehabilitation advisors for inspection and contract bid use. Reviews bids to select proper. programs. Prepares and submits packages for loan and grant approval. Computes loan repayment schedules. Arranges closings for approved loans and grants. Transmits closed loan and grant documents to servicing agencies. Advises clients on methods of resolving financial or real estate problem�. Collects overdue loan repayments and ne�otiates repayment schedules on delinquent loans. Reviews documents suthorizing payments to contractors. Acts for the Supervisor of Loans and Grants in his or her absence. Provides liaison between the Loans and Grants section and the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. May approve loan and grant recommendations of Loan and Grant Specilaist �'s. KNOWI.IDGES, SKILLS APiD ABILITIES ' Considerable knowledge of real estate and banking terms, rules and regulations. - Consid.erable knowledge of rules and regulations pertaining to government sponsored loan and grant programs. -Cansiderable knowled e af installment and commercial lendin "'`"4Y ' " S g practices. " ' ` � ` :Considerable ;ability to .dea.l with clients in various-types of situations. -�` -w �=-== (continued on reverse side) i SENIOR LOAN AND GRAl�t SPECIALIST � (continued) Working ability to communicate with clients and others involved. Working knowledge of building and construction terms. Considerable ability to write in a clear and concise manner. Considerable knowledge of accepted collection techniques. MINIMiIM QUALIFICATIONS Tt,io years' experience as a Loan and Grant Specialist I or equivalent; or two years of college training with courses in Business Administration, Economics, Accounting or a similar field and two years' experience as a loan officer in a bank or lending agency. Must possess a Minnesota . driverfs license at time of appointment. Title of class: �j,� Q���� SENIOR LQAN APdD GRANT SPECIALIST DESCRIPTION OF WORK - General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work in evaluating and approving loan and grant applicatians for single family and multi- family (3 or more units) pro�ects; and performs related duties as requ�red. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Superviisor of Loan and Grants. , Supervision Exercised: May exercise general technical supervision o^ver lower-level Loan and Grant Specialists, clerical workers and Iiousing Rehabilitation Trainees assigned to the Loans and Grants section. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions ian this class. Receives requests €or applications for all rehabilitation loan and grant programs. Explains rehabilitation programs to prospective clients. Interviews applicants to obtain f inancial and credit information, analyzes applications and obtains necessary documents. Interprets applicant's financial report, determines net worth and identiEies and evaluates other assets. Processes contracts for the Section 8 Moderate and Substantial Rehabilita�tion Program; makes market ana.lyses of proposed projects. Makes determinations of eligibility for loans or grants; recommends acceptance or rejection of proposed loans. Reviews cost-savings analyses for energy conservation measures. Provides information to rehabilitation advisors for inspection and contr$ct bid use. Reviews bids to select proper programs. Prepares and submits packages for loan and grant approvai. Computes loan repayment schedules. Arranges closings for approved loans and grants. Transmits closed loan and grant documents to servicing agencies. ! Advises clients on methods of resolving financial or real estate problems. Collects overdue loan repayments and negotiates repayment schedules oa delinquent loans. Reviews documents authorizing payments to contractors. Acts for the Supervisor of Loans and Grants in his or her absence. Provides liaison between the Loans and Grants section and the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. Ma.y approve loan and grant recommendations of Loan and Grant Specilaist I's. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of real estate and banking terms, rules and regulations. Considerable knowledge of rules and regulations pertaining to gover�ent sponsored loan and grant programs. - - Corisiderable knowledge of installment and commerciaZ lending practices. - ,. . - ' ' ' � .Cr�nsiderable abilitq.to dea.r with cli.ents -in var�ous types:-of=situations�- - -1 - --- (continued on reverse side) SENIOR LO�Pl AND GRANT SPECIALIST (continued) Working ability to communicate with clients and others involved. Working knowledge of building and construction terms. Considerable ability to write in a clear and concise manner. Considerable knowledge of accepted collection techniques. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS � Ttao years' experience as a Loan and Grant Specialist I or equivalent; or two years of coliege training with courses in Business Administration, Economics, Accounting or a similar field and two years' experience as a loan officer in a bank or lending agenay. riust possess a Minnesota driver's license at t3me of appointment. Title of class: ��s�� SENIOR LOAN APTD GRANT SPECIALIST DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Perforns technical work in evaluating and approving loan and grant applications for single family and nulti- family (3 or more units) projects; and performs related duties as req�ired. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Supervisor of Loan and Grants. Supervision Exercised: Ma.y exercise general technical supervision over lower-level Loan and Grant Specialists, clerical workers and Housing Rehabilitation Trainees assigned to the Loans and Grants section. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED � The listed exa.mples may not include all duties performed by all positions �n this class. Receives requests for applications for all rehabilitation loan and grant ' programs. Explains rehabilitation programs to prospective elients. Interviews applicants to obtain f ina.ncial ana credit information, analyzes applications and obtains necessary documents. Interprets applicant's financial report, determines net worth and identifies and evaluates other assets. Processes contracts for the Section 8 Moderate and Substantial Rehabilit�tion Program; makes ma.rket ana.lyses of proposed pro�ects. Makes determinations of eligibility for loans or grants; reco�mends acceptance or rejection of proposed loans. Reviews cost-savings ana.lyses for energy conservation measures. Provides information to rehabilitation advisors for inspection and contract bid use. Reviews bids to select proger programs. Prepares and submits packages for loan and grant approval. Computes loan repayment schedules. Arranges closings for approved loans and grants. Transmits closed loan and grant documents to servicing agencies. Advises clients on methods of resolving financial or real estate problems. Collects overdue loan repayments and negotiates repayment schedules on delinquent loans. Reviews documents authorizing payments to contractors. Acts for the Supervisor of Loans and Grants in his or her absence. Provides liaison between the Loans and Grants section and the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. May approve loan and grant recommendations of Loan and Grant Specilaist I's. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of real estate and banking terms, rules and regulations. Considerable knowledge of rules and regulations pertaining to governmen� sponsored loan and grant programs. _.. : -_. � Considerable knowledge of installment and commercial lending practices." - ._,,. , , ' � ' ' �_;�.CQnsiderable :abiiity to dea.l �ith clients in various types of situation�. �---�� �-- � (continued on reverse side) SENIOR LOAN A'.�tD GRANT SPECIALIST (continued) Working ability to communicate with clients and others involved. Working knowledge of building and construction terms. Considerable ability to write in a clear and concise manner. Considerable knowledge of accepted collection techniques. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Ttvo years' experience as a Loan and Grant Specialist I or equivalent; or two years of college training with courses in Business Adrsinistration, Economics, Accounting or a similar f ield and two years' experience as �t loan officer in a bank or lending agency. Must possess a Mfnnesota . driver9s license at time of appointment. I � , � � � F � ' � f �����6 Title of class: SENIOR LOAN AiJD GRANT SPECIALIST DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work in evaluating and approving loan and grant applications for single family and multi- family (3 or more units) projects; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Supervisvr of Loan and Grants. � Supervision Exercised: May exercise general technical supervision over lowex-level Loan and Grant Specialists, clerical workers and flousing Rehabilitation Trainees assigned to the Loans and Grants section. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed exa.mples may not include all duties performed by all positions �n this class. Receives requests for applications for all rehabilitation loan and grant ' programs. Explains rehabilitation programs to prospective clients. Interviews applicants to obtain financial and credit information, analyz�s applications and obtains necessary documents. Interprets applicant's financial report, determines net worth and identi#'ies and evaluates other assets. Processes contracts for the Section 8 Moderate and Substantial Rehabilit�tion Program; makes market analyses of proposed projects. Makes determinations of eligibility for loans or grants; recommends acceptance or re�ection of proposed loans. Reviews cost-savings analyses for energy conservation measures. ' Provides information to reha.bilitation advisors for inspection and contr8ct bid use. Reviews bids to select proper programs. Prepares and submits packages for loan and grant approval. , Computes loan repayment schedules. Arranges closings for approved loans and grants. Transmits closed loan and grant documents to servicing agencies. Advises clients on methods of resolving f inancial or real estate problems. Collects overdue loan repayments and negotiates repayment schedules on delinquent loans. Reviews documents authorizing payments to contractors. Acts for the Supervisor of Loans and Grants i:� his or her absence. Provides liaison between the Loans and Grants section and the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. May approve loan and grant recommendations of Loan and Grant Specilaist Y's. � KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AP]D ABILITIES � Considerable knowledge of real estate and banking terms, rules and i regulations. Considerable knowledge of rules and regulations pertaining to gover�enti '� sponsored loan and grant programs. i Considerable knowledge of instal7snent and connnercial lending practices. I � _ , . .t ' Cohsiderable ability. ta_deal with clients in various Gypes of situations. ___ .._._ E . _ _� � (continued on reverse side) R � { • , ' SENIOR LOAN AND GRANT SPECIALIST � (continued) Working ability to communicate with clients and others involved. Working knowledge of building and construction terms. Considerable ability to write in a clear and concise manner. Considerable knowledge of accepted collection techniques. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS � �ao years' experience as a Loan and Grant Specialist I or equivalent; or two years of college training with courses in Business Ad�►inistration, Economics, Accounting or a similar field and two years' experience as a loan officer in a bank or lending agencp. l�iust possess a Minnesota driver`s license at time of appointment. �� � � � � � , � � �{ 4 f � � � E � � € , i E ; j ,t-..=.. � cz��- fl� �.��.�:�� ��.-r��, ���9�fi ,- . � - �� '� oFFxeL o y �•t z: c��rY co��c=� %'::i• ��:s �.'• . . ��; ;:�:�i':'� 't ._ •�.;:_;` t1 1•.� . t. � {S�. �.��i F •� . . yt.,j����• - -• �=J � � Do t e . October 22, 1981 :,`�� -.f�.j� ��� C V 1'd{ :Y f 1 � � L.+ � � �..,. � � i i � .. . . . . . .�. - 7' 4 : Sain� Paui �Gi�'� . Gaur3c�� - - _ � �� Q � = C o 7t m�3�e:: O�l ,FINANCE, MA1dAGEMENT & P.ERSONNEL . - . • � � George�McMahan� C�lOtClilQfl� makes the falto�,•ting = : � . reparY un �GF. . [� Ordinatzc� . • . (7) � RSSO�LI�IOiI � . . , ' . • � ��hBC . -' � ��'�....� : . � � .. At its meetirig of October 22, 1981, the Finance Committee recom�nended approval of ._._,.. -_� the-following: . . � ._ - __.. 1. Resolution amending 1982 CIB budget to provide for reimbursement of 1981 PIA _ , budget funds used to pay. Park Machine Damage Award. (12353-McM)' ' � 2. . Resolution authorizinq .execution of agreement between� Ramsey� County and the City , for counseling and rela�ed services furnished to city employees under county`s •. Public �Employee Program. (12350�GM) , , - . .3. .Resolution amending Salary. Plan and Rates of Compensa�ion Resolution by adjusting rate, of pay for title of Locker Room Atteridant. (12347-GM} ' ' .4. Resolution establish'ing titles and class specifications far Hoiasing Rehabilitation Advisor I and II. (12346-GM) . - � _ -5. Resolution establishing.title and class specification for title of� Senior Loan-� and Grant Specialist. (12345-GM) . . ' - - � 6. Resolution changing class specification for title of Loan and Grant Specialist I. . (12344-GM) 7. Resolution transferring funds into the Election Bureau budget to cover costs �or implementing the new Council District Boundaries. � � " ''tTY �IALL. SE�'EhTH FJ.002 S�:lI�'"F PA'.FL., aE��'1ES�J'rr1 S�IL: Do not detach this me�morarulutn from the F � �- P�.- ��� - - � �'I-/7� . �resdlution so that this information will be aV��A4'IDN"�tA�N[]�TIS�'�ATIVE ORDERS, � RESOLUTIONS, AND ORD�TNANCES Y. Date: July 30, 1981 �"-=� � r�=:�' T0: MAYOR GEORGE �,ATIMER SEP � 1981 FR: Personnel Offiee ���.,-,�.. r^,:�� , a „sr . ���' � . �, ... RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTEA We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Counc3].. PURPOSE AND ItATIONA,LE FOR THIS ACTION This Resolution establishes the title of Senior Loan and Grant Specialist in Grade 34 of Section 3. L (Technical-Graded) in the Civil Service Rules, and also the class specificati.on for this title in Secti.on 32. This classification will reflect the duties and responsibilities of employees regularly handling more complex multi-family rehabilitation loans and gr s. The bi-weekly salary range for Grade 34 is as follows: A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25 yr. 674.40 707. 03 740. 86 775. 94 812. 85 851. 00 875. 62 899.61 912. 61 92 .61 $17, 595. 00 annually $24, 14 . 00 FINANCIAL IMPACT This represents approximately 12% more pay for employees promoted fro Loan and Grant Specialist I. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk.