277645 WHITE - CITY CLERK �''.^�'j�� �� � CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII t BLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. ouncil Resolution Fs' Presented Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution revising the Class Specification for the title of Loan and Grant Specialist I in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by striki.ng � from Section 32 the Class 5pecification for the title of Loan and Grant Specialist I, and by substituting in lieu thereof, the attached Class Specification for the title of Loan and Grant Specialist I. Approved: ' �.—. airman Civil Servic Commission ' � I COU[VCILME[V Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays � pERSONNEL OFFICE ' Levine In Favor `� Maddox � McMahon Showalter - � __ A gai n s t BY ���`� ' � Tedesco Wilson � NOV 3 ��8� Form prove y C' rne Adopted by Council: Date — � i CertifiE:d Y• _ e b Council �re� BY By App d by :Vlayor: _V 4 ��� Ap ro by Mayor for Su i on o Cb gy _ B BLISHED ru o v 14 �se� � --- __ .. ___ -- ---- ��j}�c/.� y��p . _ -- -- _ _ __ _- _- _. __ ._ _ _ _ __- -- -- - --—-- ----------------- WHITH - ClTY CLERK ' COUtIC1I •��' ��W�� PINK - FINANCE � n + CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT 1 t1 U L � BLUE - MAYOR � FIIe � N O. � � � I� CITY CLERK COZt�ZCZ� �eS��Z��ZO� � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date i Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution revisi.ng the Class Specification for the title of Loan and Grant Specialist I in the Civil Service Rules. gtESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by striking � from Section 32 the Class Specification for the title of Loan and Grant Srpecialist I, and by substituting in lieu thereof, the attached Class Speci.fication for the title of Loan and Grant Specialist I. APProved: Chairma.n Civil Servtce Commission ' ; COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE �e+►+ne In Favor kladdox �ah°„ A ainst BY snowelttr g T� Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary J BY By . Approved by 1+layor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ' B} . gy i . , . . ��s s� � Title of class: LOAN AND GRANT SPECIALIST I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work in evaluating and . recommending f,or approval loan and grant applications for single fami�.y (one to four units) homes; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a higher;level Loan and Grant Specialist. Supervision Exercised: May exercise close technical supervision over clerical workers and Housing Rehabilitation Trainees assigned to the Loans and Grants section. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Receives requests for applications for rehabilitation loans and grants. Explains programs to prospective clients. , Interviews applicants to obtain f inancial and credit information. Analyzes applications and obtains necessary doc�ents. Makes determinations of eligibility for loans or grants. Provides information to rehabilitation advisors for inspection and contract bid use. Reviews bids to select proper programs. Prepares and submits packa.ge for loans. Computes loan repayment schedules. Arranges closings for approved loans and grants. Transmits closed loans and grant documents to servicing agencies. Advises clients on methods of resolving financial or real estate problem�. Collects overdue loan repayments and negotiates repayment schedules on delinquent loans. Maintains records and prepares reports regarding loan and grant activity. Represents the City at,various meetings; makes reports and recommendations. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of installment lending and collection practices. Working knowledge of real estate and banking terms, rules and regulation�. Working knowledge of rules and regulations pertaining to loans and grantg. Working ability to deal with clients in various types of situations. Working ability to communicate with clients and others involved. Some knowledge of building and construction terms. Working ability to write in a clear and concise manner. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS �ao years of college training with courses in Business Administration, Economics or a similar f ield; or two years' experience as a Ioan officer in a bank or lending agency; or similar experience. Must - possess- a Minnesota driver's license at time of appoiritment. ,I � � , , �'�6�5 Title of class: LOAN AND GRANT SPECIALIST I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work in evaluating and recommending f,or approval loan and grant applications for single family (one to four units) homes; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a higher lev�i Loan and Grant Specialist. Supervision Exercised: May exercise close technical supervision over clerical workers and Housing Rehabilitation Trainees assigned to the Loans and Grants section. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions �n this class. Receives requests for applications for rehabilitation loans and grants. , Explains programs to prospective clients. Interviews applicants to obtain f inancial and credit information. Analyzes applications and obtains necessary documents. Makes determinations of eligibility for loans or grants. Provides informa.tion to rehabilitation advisors for inspection and contract bid use. Reviews bids to select proper programs. Prepares and submits package for loans. Computes loan repayment schedules. Arranges closings for approved loans and grants. Transmits closed loans and grant documents to servicing agencies. Advises clients on methods of resolving financial or real estate problems. Collects overdue loan repayments and negotiates repayment schedules on delinquent loans. Ma.intains records and prepares regorts regarding loan and grant activity. Represents the City at various meetings; makes reports and recommendation$. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of installment lending and collection practices. Working knowledge of real estate and banking terms, rules and regulations� Working knowledge of rules and regulations pertaining to loans and grants� Working ability to deal with clients in various types of situations. Working ability to communicate with clients and others involved. Some knowledge of building and construction terms. Working ability to write in a clear and concise ma.nner. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS TYao years of college training with courses in Business Administration, Economics or a similar field; or two years' experience as a loan officer in a bank or lending agency; or similar experience. Must '• � � � � � �-- - pos�sess�a Minnesota driver's license at time of appointment. ' -� �� � � � ; � � � 2'��764� : Title of class: LOAN AND GRANT SPECIALIST I � DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work in evaluating and recommending f,or approval loan and grant applications for single family (one to four units) homes; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a higher level Loan and Grant Specialist. Supervision Exercised: May exercise close technical supervision over clerical workers and Housing Rehabilitation Trainees assigned to the Loans and Grants section. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not 3.nclude all duties performed by all positions in this class. Receives requests for applications for rehabilitation loans and grants. F:xplains programs to prospective clients. Iaterviews applicants to obtain f inancial and credit information. Analyzes applications and obtains necessary documents. , Makes determinations of eligibility for loans or grants. Provides information to rehabilitation advisors for inspection and contract bid use. Reviews bids to select proper programs. Prepares and submits packa.ge for loans. Computes loan repayment schedules. Arranges closings for approved loans and grants. Transmit� closed loans and grant documents to servicing agencies. Ad�ises clients on methods of resolving financial or real estate problems. Collects overdue loan repayments and negotiates repayment schedules on delinquent loans. ' Ma.intains records and prepares reports regarding loan and grant activity. Represents the City at various meetings; makes reports and recommendations. IINOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Work.ing knowledge of installment lending and collection practices. Working knowledge of real estate and banking terms, rules and regulations. Working knowledge of rules. and regulations pertaining to loans and grants. Working ability to deal with clients in various types of situations. Working ability to communicate with clients and others involved. Same knowledge 'of building and construction terms. Working ability to write in a clear and concise ma.nner. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Ztao years of college training with courses in Business Administration, Economics or a similar field; or two years' experience as a Zoan off icer in a bank or lending agency; or similar experience. Must � � � - -� ' possess a Minnesota -driver's license at time of appointment.- - - I • �V�i 6 ��� Title of class: LOAN AND GRANT SPECIALIST I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work in evaluating and ! recommending f,or approval loan and grant applications for single family (one to four units) homes; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a higherrlev�el Loan and Grant Specialist. Supervision Exercised: May exercise close' technical supervision over clerical workers and Housing Rehabilitation Trainees assigned to the Loans and Grants section. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples ma.y not include all duties performed by all positi�ns in this class. Receives requests for applications for rehabilitation loans and grants. Explains programs to prospective clients. Interviews applicants to obtain f inancial and credit information. Analyzes applications and obtains necessary documents. ' Makes determinations of eligibility for loans or grants. Provides information to rehabilitation advisors for inspection and contract bid use. Reviews bids to select proper programs. Prepares and submits package for loans. Computes loan repayment schedules. Arranges closings for approved loans and grants. Transmits closed loans and grant documents to servicing agencies. Advises clients on methods of resolving financial or real estate problems. Collects overdue loan repayments and negotiates repayment schedules on delinquent loans. Maintains records and prepares reports regarding Ioan and grant activity.' Represents the City at various meetings; makes reports and recommendation�s. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of installment lending and collection practices. Working knowledge of real estate and banking terms, rules and regulations► Working knowledge of rules and regulations pertaining to loans and grants. Working ability to deal with clients in various types of situations. Working ability to communicate with clients and others involved. Some knowledge of building and construction terms. Working ability to write in a clear and concise manner. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Ztao years of college training with courses in Business Administration, Economics or a similar field; or two years' experience as a loan officer in a bank or lending agency; or similar experience. Must ` possess a Minnesota driv�er'� license at t#.me of apgointment. � I � ' �,� � d��.� � Title of class: i LOAN AND GRANT SPECIALIST I � DESCRIPTION OF WORK I General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work in evaluati.ng and recommending f,or approval loan an3 grant applications for single family (one to four units) homes; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a higher level Loan and Grant Specialist. Supervision Exercised: May exercise close technical supervision over clerical workers and Housing Rehabilitation Trainees assigned to the Loans and Grants section. 1RPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Receives requests for applications for rehabilitation loans and grants. Explains programs to prospective clients. Interviews applicants to obtain financial and credit information. Analyzes applications and obtains necessar documents. Makes determinations of eligibility for loa s or grants. Provides information to rehabilitation advi ors for inspection and contract bid use. Reviews bids to select proper programs. Prepares and submits package for loans. Computes loan repayment schedules. , Arranges closings for approved loans and gr nts. Transmits closed loans and grant documents o servicing agencies. Advises clients on methods of resolving fi ncial or real estate problem�. Collects overdue loan repayments and negoti tes repayment schedules on delinquent loans. Maintains records and prepares reports rega ding loan and grant activity. Represents the City at various meetings; ma s reports and recommendations. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of installment lending a collection practices. Working knowledge of real estate and bankin terms, rules and regulations. Working knowledge of rules and regulations ertaining to loans and granta. Working ability to dea.l with clients in var ous types of situations. Workiug ability to communicate with clients and others involved. Some knowledge of building and construction terms. �lorking ability to write in a clear and con ise manner. ' MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Ttao years of coZlege training with courses Business Administration, Economics or a similar field; or two yea s' experience as a loan officer in a bank or lending agency; or ' ilar experience. Must ' - - - � possess a Minnesota driver's license at e of appointment. -i - I � �_��• � CXT'SZ" �?'�+' ►�.��.�:?�:r.,� �.E�.�-� r" _ �,;r ' � • �'"� '. .� l r ` ��k� (1. i� —, r-i�r ��`i..�.. V�� T� �: OFF'ICL O. ���z: Cl..�Y C4� : :�• ��;! •;.., . • ti . .. :s+ i"`i f .. 1..�.�r::�••� �•''� L� . �-i'• � �i•;'�t� y� 4�r�.., .�y�:.. � - '`.� �=� �Q t e : October 22, 198], :`� •\: f�� •R` \ ^`._�� C t7 I�>� f�i'� I t�`€� � � �. t° � � i _ , . . . . .,; - -�' 0 : Sain� Pdui �Gi�� . Cvur3ci� � � - - . �� Q � • C�j��;��E ti°'-. O� .FINANCE, MANAGEMENT:& P.ERSONNEL . . - . . -- � George�McMahon� C Tt Q�P ifl Cl�1� m a.k e s 411 e f c 1 1 O'�'/1 i'1 C.S � • repart on �G..F. . � � Urdinatzce - . (�) [� Res�lu�ion - • . . • � 4:t►er' . , �' i�T'i�� : . � . � .. � At its meetirig of October 22, 1981, the Finance Committee recom�nended approval af .___.:. .-_�- the f�llowi�g: . . _.. . � . _.. _. • . � _ l. Resolution amending 1982 CIB budget to provide for reimbursement of 1981 PIA , budget funds used to pay Park Machine Damage Award. (12353-McM)' ' � 2. Resolution authorizing _execution of agreement between'Ramsey- County and the City . for counseling and rela�ed services furnished to city employees under count�'s -_ Public �Employee Program. (12350-GM) . . . � . .3. .Resolution amending Salary. Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolutiqn by adj�zsting� rate. of pay for title of Locker Room At�teridant.. (12347-GM) ' ' _ . .4. Resolution establish'ing titles and class specifications for Housing Rehabilitation Advisor I and II. (12346-GM) . - - -5. Resolution establishing.title and class specification for title of Senior Loan'� and Grant Specialist. (12345-GM) , ' = - � 6. Resolution changing class specification for title of I,oan and Grant Special�st I.. .. (12344-GM) . 7. Resolution transferring funds into the Election Bureau budget to cover costS €or implementing the new Council District Boundaries. I -. i � . r • , • • FJ_OOR S:1i�1'T Pr1UL, i►Ei1'��OT_1 S�E�, . IT� cL1LL SE��;tiTH Do nat det�ch thts memorandum frorn the C�� • resotution so that this iqto�mation Wilt be � ~ � i !g tp the Ci�y CounCi{. ��/� �_�'C. '' " �I-/7� ����TI6N OF ADMINISTRATIVE O�ERS, ���r� RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: J�y 30, 1981 � �-�`�-- r ., �Ep � 9981 TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER n Q�� T� � � _ �� "e''"'�° . .. ,. , i FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPO$E AND RATIONAZE FOR THI$ ACTION , This Resolution v�rtll make minor changes in the class specification for tlie title of Loan and Grant Specialist I which is in Grade 30 of Section 3. L (Techn.ical Group) of the Civil Service Rules. The change s we re ma.de to bette r define the di stinction s between thi s classificati.on and the proposed new classification of Senior Loan and Grant Specialist. FINANCIAL zMPACT None. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk. . +� � y � ��s 5 � Title o£ claes: LOAPI AND GRANT SPECIALIST I DESCRIPTION OF WORK Geaeral Sta_tement af Duties: Perf'orms techaiical work in evaluating and reco�mending for ap.proval loan- and grant applications for redevelopiaent pro�ects, and performs related duties ao required. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of the Superv�sor af Loans and Grants. Supervision Euercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples ffiay not include all duties performed by �ll posit�on� in this class. Receives requests for applications for rehabilitation loans and grants� E�plains programs to proapective clientso Iaterviews applfean�s to obtain finaacial and credit information. Analyzes applicatfons and obtains necessary documents. Makes determinationa of. elfgibility for loans or grants. Provides inform�tion to rehabilitation advisors for inspection and contrsct bid usea # Reviews bids to determine ff proposals meet gufdelines and select prop�r grograms. �reparea and submits package for loans. Computes loan repayment schedules. Arrangea closings for approved loans and grants. Prepares proper documents for loans and grants. Transmits closed loans and grant documents to servicing agencies. Advises clients oa methods of resolving financial or real estate proble�sas. ICNOT�L,EDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Workitig knowledge of rQal estate and banking terms, rules and regulatians. Working knowledge of rules and regulations pertaircing to loans and gra�teo Working abflity to desl with cliEnts in various types of situations. Working ability to communicate with clients and others involved. Some knowledge of building and construction terms. I Work3.ng ability to write fn a clear and concise manner. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Ttao years of colfege training with courses in Buainess Admiaistration, Economics or a aimiZar field; or two years' experience as a loan officer in a bank or lending agency; or similar experfence. � Effect�ve Dece�ber 9, 397 � LOAN AND GRANT SPECIALIST I