277336 WHITE - CITY CLERK � � PINK ' FINANCE �����\ � � . CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII o���� BLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � ' i Council es ' : � � ; Presented By Leonard W. Levine • Referred To Committee: Date i Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Larry Kegan will be honored by the Adath Israel Synagogue at their annual dinner on August 30, 1981 ; and WHEREAS, Larry Kegan is a disabled person whose courage, determination, and faith have been a source of inspiration to disabled persons; and WHEREAS, Larry Kegan has worked tirelessly in the pursuit of his own education, career, and ir� the assistance of those who are similarly disabled; so, therefore, be it RESOLVED; that this Council , on its own behalf and on behalf of the people of St. Paul , recognizes Larry Kegan for his achievement and extends to him this Council 's most profound best wishes and congratulations on this honor; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Council asks the residents of St. Paul in this, the International Year of the Disabled, to remember the value and potential of all people regardless of disability. COUIVCILME[V Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levi�e [n Favor Maddox � McMahon B showa�ter - __ Against Y — Tedesco �s�— AUG 2 7 1981 Fotm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certifie assed b Co�ncil Secr ry BY � ' " By Approved y : r. Date A G 3 1 ;�� �pproved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �� _ By PU���SHED SEP � i98i ; i . .• ' � -..-;�.�. � -. �� t • , '. `♦ 111111�E ' � � � �� `J' f f� �%S _y1i9u .. `�....� -< �� ^�.A iY�" �, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' , , INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM ' RECEIV�D To: Ron Maddox, Council President AUG 141g81 and Members of the City Council From: J. William Donovan C,T� �;������ Valuation and Assessment Engineer Date: July 15, 1981 Sub�ect: Petition of Roger Bonfe for the va.cation of part of the alley in block bounded by West 7th, Forbes, Leech and McBoa.l Streets � Public Hearing - August 11,. 1981 The petitioner, Roger Bonfe, sta.tes he is the owner of all properties that abut that part of the alley proposed for va.cation. Mx. Bonfe wishes to purchase and build over pe.rt of the proposed va.cated area. The area to be vacated is att improved alley 16 feet wide and 125 feet in length, � consisting of 1,625 square feet and is zoned B-3• The Department of Public Works originally recommended denial unless the petitioner deeds and improves an area for proper turn-a.round for emergency, maintenance, and other public vehicles. Hvwever, after a field meeting with the petitioner, the Public Works Department agreed to a condition requiring the petitioner to provide adequate turn-a.round during norma.l working hours. The Public Works Depa.rtment also mentioned tha.t the va.- cation would improve the traffic conflicfis at Smith and West Seventh Streets. The Police Department states that the other residents in the block may have some access difficvlties with reflzse pickups or l�rge truck deliveries if said petition is granted. , i � . • The Depa.rtment of Planning and Economic Development sta.ted the same general concerns as the Police Department. , �E � k Mr. Bonfe has reviewed the comments on sa.id proposed va.cation f�om the Depa.rtments of Public Works, Planning and Economic Development, and Police, and he agrees that if the proposed vacation is approved he will fence in the area and permit, by opening the ga.tes, access throu�h his property during norm�.l workin� hours. This would eliminate a requirement for a turn-around, or difficulties for reflzse pickup or large trucks for deliveries, or ar�y other emergency vehicle to egress across said proposed vacation site. Northern States Pc�wer Compar�y reports that two poles with overhead conductors are located within the proposed va.cation area, They request that their interest be protected. NortYiwestern Bell Telephone Compar�y reports ha.ving an underground facility f�om West Seventh Street into this alley, and then at the first pole in the alley there is an aerial ca.ble serving the customers in this block; there- fore, they wish to continue their utility easement in this alley. , � , . ' ' ' • � ����� ,,� � � � -2- There were no ob3ections f�om ar�y other public or priva.te agencies involved. In view of the foregoing, I recommend the va.cation be appraved, sub�ect to the follawing terms and conditiot�s: 1. T2�a.t the description of the alley to be vaca.ted read . as follows: A 11 tha.t part of alley in Block 5, Leech's Addition to St. Pa.ul lying westerly of the norther�y extension of the easterl,y lot line of Lot 10, Block 5, Leech's Addition to St. Paul. I .2". Tha.t the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981 of the St. Pa.ul Legislative Code, as amended, including the retention of all public utilities ea.sements. �? �3: That the petitioner will grant access into his property during normal working days to persons living or doing business with persons living on said block for purposes of turn-around or through movement. This condition will be accomplished by leaving the gra.tes open during normal working hours. . ?, � Tha.t the petitioner shall allow emergency vehicles access through or on his property at ar�y time as necessa.ry. :.� f�' That a specific easement be retained to protect the interests of Northern States Pawer Compa.r�y within the va,- cated alley. 5�1. Tha.t a specific easement be retaiued to protect the . interests of Northwestern Bell Telephone Company within ' � the vacated alley. I b� That the petitioner pa.y to the City as ma.rket value the sum of $2,1+00.00 as compensation for the vacation. ~�$� That the petitioner flu�nish the City with a bond in the amount of $2,000.00, and in addition thereto, by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this va.ca.tion, agrees to indemnify, defend and save ha.rmless the City of Saint F�.ul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions, or c]�aims of ar�y chare.cter, including, but not limited to, a claim brought because of ar�y injuries, or da.mages received or sus- tained by ar�y person, persons or property, on account of this va.cation; or because of ar�y act or omission, ne�lect or mis- conduct of said petitioner; or because of ar�y cla.im or liability arising from or based on ar�y violation of ar�y law or regu]ation made in accordance with the law, whether by etitioner or ar�y of its agents or employees. ' � _ __ _ �.._._._.-. � cc: I�Y�.yor George Latimer