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Ho�1o�+md A�vdaP�A��� ' sdali e�be ��,��..�. ttot�!6!r t(�Yi�� 7.Thet ia�feu;�a bonq� � ti�F,.�.�W'!'� x, _p4t�te��- nant aM11"�e 47'evrtt , the ternrs�d condittamt of t1�vacoEioh to W1�y. indp�p�f9� delefd a�l �ve harnileo the Gity of Saint Penl.9ts M- ���' 4x?ea'iPiq'ee�," serYSets. fmm all�fs,aotia�t or'�s w�h�eh ahpll adse te�,�y�+i�a� � - '�'�P�4r�necli��s�n��w� . ���� .�r e-�+��.r�.`�S` ° : . �.y� i, � «��� �,p,� - with the!lr�of this vacaliaf thepinper ., Cisy.otitq�yK,��a�aaa iecoid!�'d�ii#s��'itjx t��"nsw . �nYac tl��T aYb!t5 r�psuh ot ���a blodc� ��+�d: ��auQuerrr iaei:, . APProvsi:A�t,3I.19f1. - L l�D�bes 3,i�j� - � / .. � . � �'�32`3 . _ .: : ��:;y� ._ :�:��= ����.a CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM To: Ror� ��Iaddo�, Cour_cii President and i�:e:,ioers of t}le City Council From: J. Williacn Donovan Valuation and Assessment k7n�ineer Date: August 20, 1981 Subject: Housing and �edevelooment Authorit�r's petition ior the vacation oi all roublic alleys in Block bounded by Jackson, Sibley, Fiftn and Sixth Streets Public :�earin� - Augizst 25, 19�1 Tne petitioner, the �-�ousing and Redevelonnent Authority o< the Cit;; o_' Saint Paul, Nii.nnesota (i�tA), a public body corporate and nolitic, oroanized and existing �ander the latas of the State of P�linnesota, respectfully states ard alleges it is t:�e fee owner of record oi the majority of the real estate abutting those certain �uolic alleys described as follozas, to wit: The Southwesterly 14 feet of Lots 1 through 6, Block 9, Whitney and Smiths Addition to St. Paul; and The �tortheasterly 10 feet of Lots 9 and 10, and tne Southwesterl� 2 feet of Lots 8 and 11, Block 9, W�itney and S;�iths Addition to St. Paul. T'�e �etitioner, nursuant to the �rovisions o° tne Cit;;T-'v�ide Redevelo�- :�er_t Plan, ado�ted and aoproved by the Council of t�e City oi Saint Pau1 on January 13, 19�1, Council rile Tvo. 2761�1, states tne �ror,osed alle;� vacations are required for development of the Lot�;ertoy;n Block 40 Site. Development of said site is mixed use -- underground parkinb, r.ousing, work nlaces, shopping and recreational. In order to achieve the objectives o� the said Redevelop:nent Plan, said petitioner, HRA, suomitted this petition on the oasis of a nards�i�. The City Council has acce�ted the netition on a hardshi� oasis. Owners of Lot 7 and �, B1ock 9, said addition, nave a orivate ease:nent abutting said lots which is served by the two puolic alleys that are being requested to be �racated, and may have an irlterest to be considered beiore said alleys are vacated. Northwestern Bell Tele�hone Com�any has facilities in the proposed vaca- tion area. They wish to �ave their interests brotected. !torthern States Power C�mpany has ia�ilities ir. the nroposed vacation area. They taish to have their interests protected. " -2- +4 1 ���'9 The Der,art.r�ent o, Cor.imunity Services reauests to be ir.vo�ved in tne �rocess lor develo�ir.� this area since it is across the street lr�r:� L�Iears P�rk. ine �e�artr�ent of Police 'r�ad some reservations cor_cernir.� delivery truc�s and other access to the interior of the block. Tney will, i�o;-ever, have a reviei� over the 2'�na1 site plans for tre �roposed develo��Ment. The De�artr�ent of Pub�ic Wor��s has no o�;ections s�.�Uject to the resolution o�' tne deeding of ie�`t turn lanes and sidewalks 'oeconing a �art o_' tne design and developnent of this block. Tney also recom- mend a condition tahich requires the netitioners, their heirs or assi�ns, to agree to a unit land value not to exceed the land val�.ze used in the :i_sr?osition of the �arcels on this 31ock in the ever.t it ;�eco�es necessary� f�r t_,e De��rtment of Publ�� Wor;�s to accuire iee title rigi7t-of-,�ay for lei't turn lanes as side:�ral.ks. There were no ather objections or reco.^.1:^�endations irom an;;r other �ublic or private a�encies involved. In vie:�. o-i t�?e faregoins, I rec�mrnend that tne vacation be an�roved, su���ect to tne �ollo,�rin� terms and conditions: 1. Tn�t t?ie descri�tion oi the streets to �e vacated read as i ollo,�Ts: The Southti��esterly l�+ feet oi �,ots 1 throu�h 6, Bloc�k 9, ��7'hitney and Sr.�iths Addit�on to St. Paul; and Tne Northeasterly 10 *eet of Lots 9 and 10, and tiie Southwesterly ti:o �eet oT Lots ;� anu 11, Bloc_� �, j�'izitney a�d Smiths A��.�tior: to St. Pau�. 2. T7�t tne vacatior� be subject to all the terr.!s an� cond.itior_s o� Char�ter 130, codified :�I�,rc� �, lp8i, of the St. Pau1 Le�islative Code, as a.r.lended, includ- ing the retention of all nublic utilities easements. 3. That the netitioner agrees to provide access to the nrivate ease.ment that abuts Lots 7 and �, 31ock 9, �tlhitney and S�iths Addition as 1or.� as the easement is retained. 4. That the oetitioner, its successors or assi�ns, by acceptance of this vacation, a�rees to deed �ny rights- o�'-way for left turn lanes and sidetaa=ks ir. said Block 9 as mutually agreed u�on by it and tne De�art�ent of Public Works, at no com�ensation. This condition to remain in eifect until July 2��, 19`6. 5. That an easement be retained to ?:rotect the interests oi i�iortnern States Fotaer Com�any. � � . � ����� -3- 6. That an easement be retained to protect the interests oi Northwestern Bell Telephone Compar�y. 7. TYiat the prime petitioner, being the Housing and Redeveioyoment Authority, sY�.11 not be requixed to pay compensation for the vacation. 8. That in lieu of a bond, the prime petitioner, their successors and assigns covenant and agree, and in addition thereto, by accepl�,ance of the terms and conditions of this vacation, to flz11Sr indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, their officers, agents, employees, and servants from all suits, actions or claims which shall arise �om ar�y injuries or dama,ges received or sustained by ar�y break in any service pipe, or connection in said reserved easement, arising out of or resulting from any , action or negligence of the petitioners, their employees, agents or business invitees. I iurther recommend that the proper City officials be authorized to accept and record ar�y deeds to the City ior at�y new easements that ma.y arise as a result o`' the development of this block. . � cc : p�;ayor George Latimer - T '�'��2`� � . w� ,.o,.�., � , .._ . �: _r � y �! �. �- _ a: � '� .� �; � � � \ I 'IS � a � -1 ^ � I ,.r:�.,.i..�.:, AREA ?ETITIONEL� � `� '' ° �so � �� •'••.•••':»::• TO BE VACATED o7 � i 2 r « /I. � ' I �2,. �{ I �' S:: X ! . h SCALE:1"equals 100' o �� ` � �� A ZJ • �: �� 2 � i -- �_.- f �: , �y �I � � �' �; a I D ,`i � � � � �S d , ° � I I � r �„ � i . � � -�- � 3 � �.��� �' � � ~ �P' K9 �. ,1 � � � 8 9 �,� � ob 5 b� G.' , � �"P 6 "� � g 7 ° ��� .� � � � � ° � � s � � �� � i � 6 0i� . - . � � w�Lo� � - _ 3 So /SO ,.. �o - � S�•► '���ceh�R s es -' •'��3.�, • � � � °"=��c�,��rr,i�caetc� � � [L - - - - �I...So�., � . /So - - � � ;o: 60 6i � Yc so .-�(� � � py( O 7S I , I �•�i��� � j V�l �� � �O j � � � \ � � I �� � � �, ' `� � •'' ' " o I( Iz � ° 2 � Q � -� � i � � G i - � t� . �z�� �'T. .�. ; 3 i�� :: �- -3- - � } Mt�, � `�;c ;. .0 � � . � f I �,J � � . 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