277311 ��311
File No. �aZ$�
In th Matter of �Eruatia� ot a w?�sr �ie� ia !l�I�i 11RII11t #rA� 6tl0 ts�t
feut� e# U�esr ♦teN �vsi to �awrr At�tow �d. L�o, cautruct �artax ssrviaf
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under Administrative Order approved
under Preliminary Order ��/�/ approved / � � '��
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
ail expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date
AUG 2 5 1981
Yeas Nays
Certifie ss d by Counc' ecretary
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FILE N0. 18224
PURPOS� To decicle on tlu� advis�it>iliLy oE ��roceedin�; with Public waCer
main conslruction.
`"O ���'O� MORNINGSIDE DRIVE from 600 feet South of Lower Af ton Road to ^
Lower Afton Road.
H� �� ��G TuesdaY, August 25, 1981, 10:00 AM --�---•- i
City Co«nci.l Chambers, 3rd �'loor CiLy Hall - Court Elouse __1
as s� ssMErvT _ __ -- ---__ _
_ _ ____ ---- _ _ __ .
If the Council approves the project, the estimated costs
will be as follows:
Estimated Rate Per Assessable Foot 17.00
Direct Assessment $21,365.00
A l���G Q L J City Council d�cisions are sub.ject to appeal to the District
Court. You must fir.st fi.le a notice stating the grounds for
t}ie appc:a.1 with the CiCy Clerk wi.Chin 20 days af.ter the order
�dopt.i.nK the as:�c:s:�menl. Yc�u must al.so file the same notice
wiLt� tt�e Clerk of I)i.strict Court within 10 days afCer filing
wiLh the Clty Clc�rk. NOT1:; Fail.ure to file thie required
notices wi�hin th� t.imes specified shall forever prohibi.0 �n
appeal. f:-oni the �issessment.
�� ����� IE you tirc� 65 ar old��r acid ho�nestead Chis property, you may
apply f��r a cleferrE:cl payment of special assessments. You
�� � � mu:�t, howc.ver, dc�monstraCe. thar. the average annual. payme.nt
fc�r al1 uss�s�;ment:s exceecls 1% of your ad,justed gross i.ncoinc:
as shown on yc�ur ux,:;C recE:nt l�ederal Income 'Pax Rclurn.
For niure inforinal icin ca11 'L98-'i12.5.
�+d V �� ��V N S tJ��'Cl:it �tAIN iNS'1'r11.1.A'1'I:ON •- 298-4]'l2 ASS}?SSMt:N'1'S - 298-5'i41.
Also, CiCy 5CaY1 W1�.�. �>C �ivail�►ble Co answer aciy last ❑i]t1t1L'(_'
i�uc:stions ;,n t:lii�: �>ro_j��cL in R<>om ?18 C:ily Ha1.1 frc�m 9:"10 -
20:00 AA1 the s�.�m�� day ��s the liear:ing.
•- ----�,__.._.�_—__------ ------------r
;+��� i�•c� �;��nc August 7, 1981, !>y lhc� Vcilu:iticin ancl Assessrn�.nt llivis�on
I��,l�artment. o( 1�Inance and M,Znagemc�iiL Servirc.�
I:<�oui 21f� Ci.ty 11a1.L - Court House
;;l . l'�iu 1 , Minnc�sc�t t� 55I O:?