277309 ��3�'�� CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER By File No. �$�'�1 In the Matter of iastaliation ot a r�t*r �ia in H*iT��"! A� fro� Clsyla�el Screut to 17Z !�t 1Eesc ot CI+��►1�nd lttrut .... «- under Administrative Order approved under Preliminary Order � ���� ,/ approved / 'a U " o � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement; due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shali calcwlate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. AUG 2 5 1981 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays � Certified e by Co nci ecre �� ; F:,.,. ,_,.� In Favor y i�.�,= ..-.�..�� � �{ J,` � Against � ��;�°; M�yor ���.�`��`-;E; =�+U- ��� . ' � WSNED S E P 51981 � "�; _._ . � --,r�»,..b:4 I�I . ��'�+�9 ��.� .. , , .., ;,�.:a �;�t�i�G��,� , � ,::; � �� , �r`=. c ' ,�,��-�- � V. ��� m , � �O in r��` ctra�e. `.,;�" �Winr�a�qit�ir� ,s�: �+•�_�.��t ae��� abo+�e ii►�nio�b�.��� sald rlpoet.6k�7 eMelvas: :>_? ,':':; : . r.`Tksc che said'� +�'ffie's�ne i� Iw+ebY aPPe�_with ro�1t�ta�ttves, �►d that t6e ea�rtted.�►t�a'� is ��1Oc00 tle��+7����°t =R,670.�0 and :�itre itJttfit� +Aid {5.940.60.. r.gs. .s;;, !.'lbet a publk ha������im- _ provenrat�-�e 9�� t� t �� 1991�at 10:0�o'aYa3 a.m.. ef�i�CD�,, (�a�!�1 di tiu�3t3°. �'�,�, House �V !n tMe�tY � -,p,: •Pmtl. ' 'a.�rb.c �«��'�aa ��+u�; �tv�,w cpe_veis�.��t�` ' r�4��.� �.Qa�an.o�oi.� et��� ." ���:ana ehe t91it cosx�� i^ ` �.:, , . - 1�4fl�V�`�• . �. �TLll S:. . . ' �'�r.the Councll itt��'1D61;. pyp�l��aly�.1981.. - lAu�st$.lYYA l c ��/�.�. .��; � ST. F' �► �1L Cf �' Y � OUNCIL PUgLIC H � ARIN f� OYi ����9 C CE � W�4TE � 0101A11� C �fVSI'RUC �' ION � � FILE N0. is22i PAGE pU����� 'I'u decide on rhe udvisat,il.it:y of prc�ceedi.n�; wilh �>uLlic watc�r--- main construct:ion. L-� �����'v Hewitt Avenue from Clayland Street to 172 feet east of Clayland Street. . __�.____�_.-.------.--_1 H� /�R I N G luesday, August 25, 1981, 1O:00 AM -----_ _ Ci.ty Counc.il Chambers, 3rd Flour City Ha1.1 - C�urt House _� ASSESSMENT -_ . _ _—_ .- _----- _ ---- _ __ __ _ _ _. If the Council approves the project, the estimated costs will be as follows: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $6,610.00 Estimated Rate Per Assessable Foot $ 20.00 INFORMATION Financing: Direct Assessment $2,670.00 Water Utility Aid 3,940.00 $6,610.00 A P P E A L 5 ��ty Councll dc�cisions are sub,jecC to appeal tr� the DistricL Court. You niust f.irst Ei1e a n�tice stating the gro�.inds for the appeal wit}i the City C1erk wi.thin 20 days after the order adopting the assessment. You must also fil� the same notice w�.C}� tht� Clerk of nistrict Court within lU days after filing with the City C1E.rk. N07'L: Fai.lure to file the required notices within thc t:imes specified shall forever prohibit an a��peal. from the <issessment. �� `��O�� If you are 6`i �r older and hoinestead ttiis property, you rnay ap��ly Eor a cieferrecl payment oL special assessments. You �� � � rnust, however, demonstrate that the average annual payment for all assessments exceeds 1% of your ad.justed �ross income as shown on your niost recent Federal. Income 'Cax Return. I�or more inf'orinat ion call 298-.`il?.5. , (r lJ �,07 1 '�IV S WATLFZ TtA:CN INS'J.'ALI.A'CION - 298-41'L2 ASS1:SShtENTS -- 298-524 I. Also, City stafE wil.l be available to answer any last minute quc�stions i,n tliis ��roject in Room 218 City Hall Erom 9:30 - 10:0U E1M the samc� day �is the hear ing. Vutice sc,tiC August 7, 1982, by thc� Valuation and Assessment Division ll�partment of Finance and Mana�emc:nt Servicc��: Room 218 City Hall - Court House St . Paul, Minnesota 55102