277282 WHITE - CITY CLERK ���}}}yyy���...yyytt��11h PINK - FINANCE C011I1C11 J' /' /�t/� BLUERY ;,, M�ORMENT GITY OF SAINT � PAiTL �y( d � '�� File N 0. ~f ♦ rdin�nce Ordinance N�. 1 � �a y ; Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes �462 .357 and �64.210 of the Legislative Code, Richard C. Ward duly petitioned to rezone Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 35, Charles Weide' s Subdivision of block ! 35 of Arlington Hills Addition, located at 612, 618 and 626 Yark (South side between Edgerton and Payne) , from RM-2 to P-1 for the purpose of constructing a parking lot, the petition having been certified by the Department of Finance and Management Services on April 6, 1981 as having been consented to by at least 67� of the � owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of ' the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real e�tate held by the same owner or any party purchasing any such contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The current Zoning Committee on June 18, 1981 conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Admini- strative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Com- mission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on June 26, 1981 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt I �evine In Favor Maddox McMahon snowaiter Against BY � Tedesco �Ison Form Approv d y Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By � Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by ayor for Submission to Council gy By ♦ � ' � / / y �/' /� .���. =;<'�'T�_�os::. CITY (�;= �A((�T PAUL =� ,.� �;:. �� ' �,>_ UEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOt'MENT `J �:_'�� ' t -�_F-_{����'!. .��� ' � ` =- nivis�oN oF P��.���r�� - - 25 VVest Fourth Strcet,Saint Paul, tilinnesota, 55102 GEOF.GE LATI,tiIER 612-29a-4151 1�iAYOR July 21 , 1981 ����� AI Olson, City Clerk ', Room 386, City Hall , St. Paul , P�li nnesota 55 f 02 Re: Zoning File �=8�70 - Richard C. G1ard (Payne Reliever) City C�uncil Hearing : July 30, 19�1 Dear Sir: This 'letter is vrritten in response to the perition of R?chard bdard to rezone � prcperty at G12, 61� and 626 York (south side between Edgerton and Payne} from RM-2 (multi-family residen�:ial ) to P-1 (Parking) to construct a 4U-car parking lot for the Payr�e Reliever. On June 18, 1981 , the Zonii�g Committee conducted a public hearing on this case. Nine neighboring property owners testified in opposition to the rezoning, citing noise, traffic, and parking problems associated with the bar. Tho�e_ testifying felt that � 40-car parking lot k�ou�id not alleviate the pat°king problem because the parE;ing need is much greater than 40 cars . Several of those testifying expressed the opinion that sirce the Payrie Reliever has become so successful , it should move to a more appropriate location. Two people spoke in support of the rezoning, based on the position taken by their respective groups - Holly Sreymaier, represent�ng the South of Case Project Review �oard , an� Patricia Sullivan, Community Orgarizer for District 5. (South of Case �(ater submitted a letter rescir,ding their earlier support) . Correspondnnce received ori the case i ncl uded two 1 etters i n oppos i ti on to the rezon i ny , t���o 1 eti:ers i n . support, plus letters from District 5 and South of Case ir� support of the r�ezon- ing. After lengthy testimony and discussion, the Zoning Committee vote� 5-2 to recammend denial of the rezoning. The Planning Commission considered the Zoning Committee' s recommendation on June z6, i °81 , and voted 14-2 to deny the rezoning (Bryan and Schmidt voting no on the motion. j The District 5 Community Co�m cil met on July 2i , 1��81 , to revicw the�r previous recommendation in support of the rezoning. Tl�ey again �roted to support the rezoniny and have written a letter describing their posi�ion (ati;ached} . ihe matter of the requested rezoning is scheduled to Le heard by the City Council � on July 30, l�4`i . Please notify me by July 29 if any rrember of the City Council wisnes �o have slides of the site presented at the City Ccuncil public hearing. S�ncerely, . G"-�'G�'�'`��,,, ��• �'���:��'1..� Donna ��. Daykin City Planner, Zoning , P,t�acnments , MINU7ES OF THE ZONING COMh1ITTEE IN CITY COUPdCIL CHAMGERS, ST. PAUL, P1INNESOTA, ON JUNE 18, 1981 PRESENT: Mme. Karns ; Messrs. Armstead, Bryan, Hanggi , Lanegran, Levy, and Pangal of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Segal , Assistant City Attorney; P�s. Lane of the Division of Housing & 8uildinq Code Enforcement; P�1s. 8eseman, ��ls . Daykin , and f�1r. Torstenson of the Planning Division Staff. ABSFNT: f�tme. Summers. The meeting was chaired by James Bryan, Chairman. RICHARD C. WARD (;;0870) : Petition to rezone from RP1-2 to P-1 for a parking lot for the Payne Reliever at 612, 618, 626 York. The applicant was present. There was opposition present at the hearing. P1s. Daykin showed slides of the site and reviewed her staff report with a . recommendation for approval . The site plan was approved b,y all City departments except the Fire Department and it is expected to be appi�oved by them shortly. She stated that 2 letters were received in support, 2 letters in opposition, and a letter from the South of Case Project Review Board and District 5 Com�nunity Council in support. Richard 1�lard, 352 Bates , President of !�!ard Property Manaqement, owner of the Payne Reliever, testified that when he first took over the business , the City Council requested that he promise to pursue parking. He made that promise and is r�aking every effort to pursue the parking. He said he realizes there is a pat°king probiem in the neighborhood and has been working with the dif�-erent community councils to have a parking lot put in. The Payne Reliever has given much positive publicity to Payne tkvenue; they dravr about 1 ,500 to 2,000 people a week which brings a lot of commercial business to the Avenue. (Vinety pe��cent of the people within a 100 feet of the building support the rezoning petition and the community councils also support the effort to pursue parking which is a major problem of the area. � Mark Ristow, 595 York, requested the matter be postponed in order to consider alte►°natives. He also requested that an evening meeting be held to allo�v residents of the area to participate and that the Police Department comment on the situation. ,, ��1r. Bryan explained that postponing the hearing probably would not serve much purpose becauss they will have plenty of time to straighten out any problems before it is scheduled for a public hearing by the City Council . He al$o stated that the site plan ��ras revieured and approved by the Police Deoartment. ', Ernest Purfeeast, 597 York, expressed concern with regard to trash, debris , and noise that the residents of the area have to put up a�ith. He stated that the _ slides pr�esented by staff did not shot�t the actual cars generated by the Payne Reliever. ffr. aryan asked that the testimony be directed to tne rezoning for the parl�ing lot and not the operation of the Payne Reliever. ' � � J��°L RICHARD C. 41aRD (�8870) Page 2 P-1r. Nanggi commented that he felt the conditions surrounding the operaticn of the business are pertinent to granting the rezoning. The Cor�mittee is being asked to facilitate the o�rner to do business at tl�at location and the people who live with the degt�adation surroundirg that part of Payne Avenue have a valid issue to make. He felt the problems associated with the business are pertinent. Betty Soban, 592 S�ms , said they appreciate Mr. Ward' s efforts to provide par�king but expressed concern that a parking lot in the area would decrease their property value. Arvid Taube, 905 Payne, spoke against the parking lot. He stated that a 40-car parking lot would not accomplish anything. It would take 40 cars off the street but the overflow parking would still be on the streets. The access to the lot would be onto York which is a residential street in need of repair. The Payne Reliever is not a neighborhood operation; 90 percent of the people it dra<<�s do not live within a mile radius of the establishment. He complained about the noise, broken glass in the area, and the fights that are caused by the Payne Reliever. He concluded that Payne Avenue is getting to be a dumping grounds where businesses come in and dictate what they want to do to the people of the area and the residents don' t have ai�y say. Lloyd Beseke, 604 York, questioned how many propety owners in the area actually signed the rezoning petition. Ne stated some of the problems caused by the Payne Reliever such as noise, traffic , language of their clientele, obscene acts and fighting. Erv Kinsler, 728 h1aryland, opposed the parking lot because it would increase the amount of people comina into the neighborhood. Rita Fritzke, 607 York spoke in opposition stating that it tNOUId not eliminate . any of the problems. Valerie Moore, 600 York, opposed the parking lot because it would increase the amount of cars. Irlayne (spike) Hanson, 691 E. 5th Street, requested a postponement due to the lack of cominunication; people who live within 350' of the site �•�ere not notified in advance. He asked that an evening public hearing be held at the ^1errick Center. He also expressedconcern that Mr. L�Jard planned to expand the establisnment in the future. Holly 6reymaier, representing South of Case Project Review Board , reported that they approve and appreciate the efforts of Mr. l�lard to provide parking and �vould encourage other owners of businesses along Payne Avenue to do the same. ,. .. Mark Risto��r, 595 York, presented a p ition of residents in the area in opposition to the parking. RICHP,RD C. !ti'ARD (='8870) Page 2 Pat �ullivan, 1274 Lincoln, Cemmunity Organizer for District 5, reported i:hat they held a meeting to address the par�ing lot issue. They realize that there are a variety of probler�s corcerning the number of bars in the area. However, in terms of documenting the source of the problem, it has not been determined that the Payne Reliever is the only source of the problems. She explained that the reason the council took the position of supporting the rezoning for the parking is that they felt it would begin to address the congestion problem and that there could be more supervision in the parking lot; h1r. Ward v�ould be required to supervise the lot since it would be on private property which he apparently cannot do now. Three years ago when the liquor license was transferred, tiie stipulation t��as made by District 5 that parking would be provided. She indicated that there is a petition with 35 signatures at the District 5 office supportir�g the parking lot v;hich could be made part of the record. Hearing no further° testimony, idr. Bryan closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. Mr. Hanggi made a motion to recominend denial because he felt the rezoning peiition was signed mainly by businessmen along Payne Avenue ��rho don't have to live w�th it after hours , it is situated in a neighborhood where it should not operate, the volume of traffic it generates should not be inflicted on �;hat neighborhood, it is a troubled neighboi�hood already and approving the rezoning ���ould legitimize intrusion into a residential neighborhood another lE0 feet. Mr. Lanegran seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote of 5 to 2 with Nr. Levy and Mr. Bryan voting against the motion. Submitted by: Approved, by: ; . . ; j ,-, C�J.-�`��/�, ��� . ,�r��,�...,, � --� >/ - -- - _ _ _ /,.,, � � /]l-� �,-- Donna M. Daykin James' Bryan, Chair�an i' ` ;� �70L11: �i7:.__;lltt('_E Cit�;T .iall «n:iex �t. P�u1, :I:l Cr;�rl�,s S t�nder Sontii o� Case i'roj�ct ':evie��� Board � ;:?3 Ioi-1: �v�� . St. �atil, '1:t »1�6 ' :_='-y 1S, ]9?1 �iaar ?o:�in; Co,�:�ittee, �ll�i'_ 50'1i:ii Of l.�S� :�I UJ�Ct �i.V?}_'C; 1iO3T'C"i SlliiDOr'L'S t�li? f:C):]l.l�; C�1�R;�� t0 t�ciY�tii?l'_? UIl t112 DI"O_;-CLtV c"�C!]O].;?1?1� 1:11P_ i�3�i1P '_:t'_�.l`.'VP_L" i0� C�11S CU:7t1;;U011S '?YOj�:'_I t�'. �T�l1.S S�IOUlCi 1_i�j,Y�JV� t�it� tr�i��7C 7Y0'?lr'7S ar.d allcviate evening �arki�na and otl«r relat�d nrot�l_e*��s in ti�e � n�i�,f�bort�ooc�. I� ii1llSL c�ISC7 �•'1'?j1dtlCflil�T b2 S��itl'.(. tl':;�t Wo L°:1C� OL1L' Slli�i O1"t lf t'1)1S ca« L2 co::.pleCec? i_n o ::lontiis or l��ss. [7� are nusi�in,, `or ti�is ti::e1.,J co �;�letio:l in r.etr�spect tiiat our co:�i:�u�ity �;roup iias �usiied ror Tatrcr�-� �ar=�ing ::c�r sev,�ra3. y�ars. If a tir.�ely co:��letior. apr�ar.s u:�1i',..ely, :,� ��itl�dra;., aur su;�nort. i �i:.c`rely, �� r ,���:��� i:l� � � Ci�arl�s Stai�Cer Pres icient, i. o.� CG�n p.n.�3. �,.�: _..._.�_...�.d. .. .�.._.��. �- � �7���� � . � , �. �� y i l'� �A. � '` — J � � �� � "` � `� � �_ � ?.^ , �.� _ � � � c-� �� + —� � kF.. - /-- � i � � ;� '!�; �,n;,�,�, �' /f k� �`►t ,f� t^ e� � � �..� y'� e, � �`'�, ��� � � � � : � t�`� E 'i �� '�°;'�'� ro .y�- �I� � a ,�� ,e.. . r . t'a11' � E�, i� r �� � i - � I f� ��J���' sl �' � �� � LE�L c.' j kE� � � ., ,s E.:-- �!k� f 'I�(. �k� �,^`� �� ��: - ��t � c'�°'T', I%i .�, -z :ir I 5r;= ,` .�, a � _ __� r F, , � �� t .� _ � v ,_,�; ;.�� .s _ � -�� ,h� �;x� - �G����: 1:,��� �� �r� �.� I :-_ �� r � �, � �._�.�. ���.. ,��_�._s.__�,_ _ . � � :� �,_ � � _.F3;� �; � ,.�, � ,� „� � , -��e,,� _ ��'J °,. ,i � "� `"`�i ��.�.� � � i� �r �; ;3 �°��� '.� � � ; � � �? � 4 � 5 ,>� � I ��.,, l .; � '� � ; <d �, ��."� ���,,,,,�� , ''"`'� �� ,�`, �� ,�..� � v� , '.x . � s:� . _ ._ ,. � � . , : � �� .,�, r �..�.�.� �,� �:��.w.� r:�� �:i:s :,�,:�<, ��,:.�► �•��` a�._.,.�,� -.�,,.... F I.�.,....,� �'RO���T REV 1 EW B�ARD /�'3 Uo�'? ;9ve. S�. ;��,1, �h;�' S5/� ZU2�� f�,U7YRl�t'_€ �1�1� �1LL(.�, �lll2.� S�. ia�[, ��4� 55rot �ur:.� 25, !98/ J�c:�r. Zon%.ng (�c��a�ni.t�e�, 02 f:'�u 2v', /°8/, �n� Sv�lz v� �a.�e lnv�.cc_t i�'evi.�ru L3vai..�' u�-w�e a .le-�e�t �n. ,��L.�,a�n.� v� a ��v2in� clu�n.;�� v� f.r'ze cc�r�',..c..�.u_vu� r���t�ee�ur� ac�ini..n� �h� k�Lun� ;+��ve�sc. acuL iun�r� uxr� �v 2�ovne �Izi,a n�v�n�°�� �v ! / � lli3 jX�1:�J1ti2 U�f�—�d�lL�� ,/X�'/Lr'iLl'L�. , ��� vwt. m@r.�r� orz :'urce 2�, ��yu/� �fi.e Svuztz v��' !,c:.a� l�nv��c� %?evtem ��ar� ,r.xc�hk�z�.� r�.:��i,vn �v r�cin� �!�.i.� ���.�vi�-�.r,o pv.�i��i.vn. !'.Le..�,vc nr����c� Q::)::l.'U./J�^�ll��� CC.fl,Y��2/� r�l�'� U�;�,!_GlI:LlJ U� ��Ld GIi.CRC�E L!L UUJL f1i}/J(�CIJl2� SULC�'JL�CL�t 1I/, �� )� �\%\,��� �/J } . t,t r i.1�'�. .. , 7 �/ ``^ (/ (�hcc��C� S�:���z i�«:i i�cz�e^n�`y .Sou.�Z v� ��rzzi� %;�,:�ec� ��virru �vcrnr� � .� � � a � � O , � ,. • ; � ;, 3075 Arcade St. St. Paul, MN 55106 June 17, 1981 � Dear Ms. Daykin, The District 5 Planning Council reviewed the proposed parking lot and rezoning of Dick Ward' s property at 612, 618, and 626 York at their regular monthly meeting June 16, 1981. While the District Council recognizes that the situation . for resolving problems concerning the area around the Payne Reliever is complex and that there are mixed feelings in the � immediate neighborhood concerning the parking lot, the council . supports the rezoning to provide park ing for the following reasons : the Council felt the provision of a parking lot would at least begin to address congestion problems in the neighborhood. more supervision by Mr. Ward' s employees could be (� n (� enforced on his own private property as opposed to I U U � public streets . L — � the Council is remaining consistent w ith its position . of three years ago in urgin�� Mr. Ward to provide parking Q for the Payne Reliever. � �he motion passed lent support for the parkinq lot and rezoninq with the stipulation that the� be left a house to act as a buffer to the residential neighborhood and that increased police patrol- nling be provided to prevent disturbances to . the residents in the � " `, area. S incerely, � �� _ Lee Runyo , Presiclent ;; � District 5 Planning Council Q � 0 I�075 Arcade Street Sto Paul, NIl�T 55106 July 22, 1981 � Mso Donna Daykin Department of Zoning , City Hall Annex St. Paul, NIl�7 55102 Dear ponna: � The proposed parking lot and rezoning of Mro Dick Ward' s propert� on York Street was reviewed again by the District 5 Planning Cown- cil at their meeting of July 21, 19810 ` Testimony both pro and con concerning this issue was given by neighborhood residents, a representative of the Planning Commis- (� (� (� sion and Mro Ward himselfo �L1 L1 ; In attempting to clarify the source of the problems in the area, � the Council had obta�ined a print-out sheet from the Sto Paul Police Department detailing incidents of disturbances. While the Q . police report is not conclusive in determining the actual source of the prob�lemso it does indicate in a preliminary manner that the Pa�ne Reliever demonstrates the lowest level of reported incidents in the areao The print-out does seem to bear out, however, the fact that the distna�bances to which the residents nspeak are obviously part of a larger picture. The Vice Unit of � � u � the Sto Paul Police Department has observed that the problem of localized distu�bances goes well beyond the Payne Reliever and includes the several other bars located in the immediate proximityo � It well to oint out from a historical ers ective that the District P P P Council emphasized the need for a parking lot �t the time of the Reliever°s liquor licence transfer in 1978o At that ti� Mro Ward could make no promises except to pursue ito In light of his present efforts to obtain a parking lot, and the fact that the Council feels that this will help to ease the congestion in the neighborhoodo the Q District Council wishes to reiterate its previous support for the necessary rezoning enabling the parking lot to be developed as propose< � Sincerely, ����G�/-�G-c-�•t� Eileen eida, Vice president • � �17��'� � � � � 2/7i'�-��/��,��-- U e��L-�r-�-� �%��`�' �� �� /�� �' � � -�.-��ti� z -,--� ��-� E .�Z� . ���� � . � '�� � � � 4 .;�'✓'�� .�-�'�--�—e-- _ -��--�—�-�- ,�-� �`� c'�-''-�"'� . �.__-��' c;ra-t./ �- �'`�'� �-�',/,�c�'�-�- � � G�C-''1`'���2:��"� �.��'-t.��r-2; /L-.%� c�j'ri�— .�!/ _.._.., �� c� C,.�"�-�-z � � � � ,�---�� ����--�.��.�,-�--- ' � � .� ��.��� ,-�--�. .��-- �'�'_-�-�- � .�._,�;� � �-y`o � . ; � - t�1�,�.-��{�/�_- � � ;�. l/ i� � ( � �-- i ;�,���._ ���.� _��,: � . � °� `-% i J :*��,t�f� �:Z.�..�J �n `') �'• i� • r �,;. r �/ l � // �; � � i� �. �� ��`1 E-C^.-�:-- i �:� ���,� r�--<-.�-� ��,�-r���,�. 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I�f/�"_�.!�� � � �.:!t i " ,3:�rs.�/ i(r:� .-t—� 4 .,5 �� , ,_ _ .� �<. —._ , f� . � ..i June 9 , 1981 Cu.rrent Planning and Zoning Committee � 25 West Fourth St. St. Paul , MN 55102 Gentlemen: In reqard to the Zoning File ';8870 (Ward) I will be out of town during the time of the hearing. Ho�aever, I do �aish to make my thoughts known . I live across the street at 609 York Ave , and we certainly do not need any residential areas rezoned to a commercial situation for that area. Our old, settled community has been destroyed by establishments such as go-go girls and discos on Payne Ave. Crime has increased, there a.re more disreputable persons walking the street, shouting at night , urinating into the yards , screarning their tires and making life miserable for our neighborhood. There are enough bars on Payne Ave to service half of St. Paul. The best place for bars and places like the PaynP Reliever would be out in the country with open space all around for parking where they can all go and destrol� each other a.fter thei.r bouts wi_th the drinkinq. Everyone on our street, who has lived there and made their home there for the past 40-50 years as I have would certainly agree with this thought. -, �� -- /�. ✓/ '� ✓�/ i � ` ,z,>�,�� �� .!�,/�! �:�-- j'Z�n i::�.:_�:��i�.f,�,,,q_ � .._f/� J Mrs . Bernice Berglund 609 York Ave . St . Paul , MN 55101 i � � � ' #� � 7 ���� � � - ! }� � :�. �- 1 � r' l r �' �' ` F /• `Y `` • `' �" s������ ��t�� �' k` � � � F g ��a� �{ . , ..�J _ � .. ��._ � ti �...- �,. �., �4..�1 � �__ �`' . ��������4s. �•6 ��..� \.:��t,��rw fS�a�i5 l�,t.R.� �4�� � c ;T�� ��.. :, �.< < �,, � �� �.. �., ; `. �.r�`_��.:.; �: < <-�4-� � -- . � _� ` �� � �,� ��� . �I� ,� ; -< �___�, �; , . , _ � _. � i; �_ � �j �:� `, � �,�l � __.__ ;l . � �- , �—..�� �c_-� -� �., � . .. i t.� � _�- C.�;c�; f, 1 ��; {�': �:�� t� ��� � �_. �� ti-, �..�' �i-' --- � ����.,�� � � ,� j , � �t , `'', �! `� l_- .1_ L� `) �''� -L �� �� � ., C.-% / � '{' � � �7 `�� � ; [ 1 , � �-�. � . � �..-�C 1 - ' , �-� .� �� �,- --c -��- --� �; �, ` �. , \_ �:-� �, _ � •� ; � �1 � ; --� � -� t�� _l -- ;� %,�� , � �l T.�, � / � /l�: i;' ._c �} .-� �-< C i G( (+ L-(�� /� �� ..�i �-` I ` _ �� / ;� l _j.! t J �,� � /:� ^ ! � � f ��� , �_� �' �-, _, ��e< -i ��� �� t�, -' G" � G S �:� _-{: -�<- �j L. 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PAUL � ITY COUNCIL PU6LIC HEARING NOTICE ����� ZONING , F I L E N 0. xss�o PAGE PURPOSE Rezone from RM-2 (multi-family residential) to P-1 (parking) to allow construction of a parking lot for the Payne Reliever. LOCATION 612, 618, 626 York (South side between gerton an ayne and legally described as: Lots 4, 5, 6, and 7, Block 35, Chas. Weide's Subd. of Block 35 of Arlington Hills Additiom. P E T I T 10 N E R Richard C. Ward, 899 Payne Avenue HEARING Thu=Sday, July 30, i9si, i�:oo a.M. Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Citv Hall - Court House Q U E S TIO N S Zonin� 298-4154 Contact the ZoninQ Section of the Planning and Economic Devel�opment Department, Room 1101, Citv Hall Annex, 25 w. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 551�2 Notice aent July 10, 1981, by the Valuation and AsBessment Divieion Department of Finance and Management ServiCea , Roan 218 City Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 . . '�R!nf�i��F�: . . , � . . •� � -1.�. " —Tx'— �o�„ ":'i_.. . .��x��'�1�"•� 4�j h. . '�`��'�•��. lig,:�,.i-4-'r�'Tr-{ a .� r�e '. n�ti��x����� uw zoml ot.�q,�,�p��j,: b4. .. M6�4o i�t�,�Y k!�i�a P����'�=�+�x��.�• 9 Arli°at°'e F�iIIs�A�idp, � �r�� . laated�t � 6�etireey{ ;�j� , t6e C3t�y o�8t�; ul •r' � Ju� �� 1�te�� Ii ��T4 dt0 l.Imf� Pe�: s a�d ', tii�atieiati�e�to� �, ' X.F_ Dated,lui(��1�{I. � , �I��G1�80N, erc�e,�. �.tuy t�»tt�, f ; :����°�^��� CITY C�►►F SAINT PAUL ,..,�,t� ,���, =�'` '-`' OFFICE OF THE CITY CL�RK ?° u tuu ,� %;. _" �� ' „�� BUREAU OF RECORDS ''�• _ '`' ,� �,��'` 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 o,� �..• imm�.,o 612-298�4231 GEORCE LATIMER MAYOR 4 April 1�+, 1981 Planning Staff llth Floor City Hall Annex Deat. Sirs: The Council referred to the Planning Commission for recommenda- tion, the attached petition of Richard Waxd to rezone Lots 4 thru 7, Block 35, Charles Weide's Subdivision of Block 35 of Arlington Hills Addition. ' Very truly yours, N'�� � A1 Olson City Clerk Attach. ABO:la 'II �O � �; . � � "7 ...,,,,,,,,��„ _�,��'T' °•:;--,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ~ 1'��� €e �; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %: ii�ii��ii �: . "'�<;+. �°_` ASSESSMENT DIVISION �� �'''o„ �..• 218 City Hall . '"lm����•.�.a�`O�` GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 M/1YOR 612-298-5125 April 6, 1981 To the Council City of St. Paul Members of the Council: I have rechecked the attached petition of Richard C. Ward filed in the matter of rezoning, from an RM-2 district to a P-1 district the following property: Lots 4 through 7, Block 35, Charles Weide's Subdivision of Block 35 of Arlington Hills Addition. The petition, as submitted, is sufficient. Si y ouurs, � �j J. W. Donovan � Valuation & Assessment Engineer � Re: X2707 �l �� cc: Building Dept. `,� Zoning Division !�-� J. W. Donovan File Parcels eligible 47 Parcels needed 32 Parcels signed 32 �� ,. CONSBNT OF ADJOINING PROPER.TY OWNBRS 'TO BBZONING . _ �. . ' ' � � We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptioms � af re..al estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of thas petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1. A copy of the Petition of � 2. A copy of Sections through , inclusive, of the St. Paul Ordinance; and aeknowledge that we are aware of the uses permitted under a District zoning classification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Yetition of to a District. R.ECORD OWNER SIGNATUftE LOT BLOCK ADDITION .� q . ' c%� �� Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed with the city clerk until the lapse of ? working days after a petition is received in the offiee of the city clerk. Any signator of any petition may , wrthdraw his name therefrom by written request within that time. �� Page 2 of ... . .• _ , • ' . . ... , _ 'HNIM1'lt�'�d 1S ��1�34 S�X���O 1►11J 1 8� 1��� � i �dtl a�,�� . , . . . . �'���c�� � �����., . �^,,,�°°�^"�: CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,.•••ptrr p�++W . . =�'� °-`� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � �; %� �i ii�ii ,' �+ „�� BUREAU OF RECORDS ,,,, _ 1''a,,,,lm�.!o�.�''`� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER r MAYOR November 25, 1980 Mr. Paul Desch Finance Depaxtment Room 218� City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council referred to the Finance Department for check as to sufficiency, the attached petition �o re2one Lots �+ throu�h 7, Block 35, Chas. Weide's "���:-��� �� � ry truly yours, „�.�._�9---- ��, Rose Mix City Clerk � v� ��,�rS �.,b� � S ��� Attach. ��`�Pi' S �l`�G� �a� ' � �d,�. Aso:la �ag' b�c Ci ��j b��'� ��,��.. . �?� �1- 35" '���� .�•��'�`� � �� �. r.�,.," -.� �_� O � V��� {� ,, 1, ,. �,. pEC��� � " � � ������ ���� �� � �; �_t ��61� _ I �, � I���'VED �X, DEP�°o �F �� ���_�� �'1�� � � ;��, r—: FI:fVA,(VCE �> `r���. , � �� ��F- �C��.C,II +�st�4 �I �.,__� _ �� � � <� . ' � J . � � ; + � � - PBTITION TO AMEND ZONING CODE ,� CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA ,� � '' - . TO TH8 HONOftABLB MAYO$ AND CITY COUNCIL DATE 9-16-80 19 c/o City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall "" St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Pursuant to Seetion 64.21�0 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357 (5) of the � Minnesota Statutes, . Richard Charles Ward � , the owner of all of the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: Street Address: 612, 618, 62b York Legal Description: Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 Block 35 ChES. Weid��s.,Ae� 5�-� ' from a RN�2 Residential Multi-Family District Yo a P-1 Vehicular Paieking District for the purpose of Providing adequate off-street parking facility for the business located at g99 Payne Avenue and or 902 Payne Avenue � Subscribed an rn to By: before day of � '1'itle: Petitioner - � � otary P lic ,. Page 1 of� ` . CONS�NT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS 'TO EBZONING �•- -' . - , . � - �We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total eontiguous descriptioris of re,al estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preeeding the date of this � petition, acknowledge'that we have been furnished with the following: 1. A copy of the Petition of Richard Charles Ward 2. A copy of Sections fi�..210 � , inclusive, of the St. Paul Ordinance; and ' Section 462.357 (5� of the Minne.sota Statutes. acknowledge that we are aware of the,uses permitted under a P 1 Vehicular Parking District zoning classification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in th�e Yetition of Richard Charles Ward to a p_� Distriet. R,ECORD OWNER `� SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION � . � r s � ' <,����� = p '"7 -�.3G�� ,`�-�S 3 "T :':�a�� ��, �.�.�-I'a� ��i��n,- ,'-'�- p� �� � �'Q °r��� Q✓ � � `�� S �� � ► � , _ , � � 2� � ��,� L�� � �� __ � � onr� �:��� f � 3 - b�� ;.�- _ `'� `z�� 5 , ;,,, . ,, l� 3S � �% � l � � (�J ' ' � '�' � 0 J / r c I � (� � ,. ,� r, �-z� 2� --�- �, o r �-h �r 1�_ .,��/ --- ,If-i S/3 3� 4 3 :, ; , ! ` � " I .Q. � �'` � ;���� � � �', � i � , ? . � � � r ��`" � �� -� � ; :�� , / �-;�✓'` ,. � � � � �' G� � �� � 5 X ����� a � 1 �� � �� ��� ' � �� �� , �/ � 7 e '�N �� ;- � ��� �� ��� a �. ��! r: ,.��� - /'''I �5� �' Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed with the city clerk until the lapse of 7 workin ciays after a petition is received in the office of the city clerk. Any signator of any petition may� wrthdraw his name therefrom by written request within that time._.. � � ( �o���'�� GOo ��� i i � �; � 9�� �To�u' �� ��D , . �►.�,� 3i� � ��+ s��+� ' Pa �e � . ; 4-� �� -� , ,,��� � � �/ ��.o������,�� i � � � � CONSBNT OF A�DdOINI1�TG PAOPER,TY OWNEKS 'I'O BBZONING � � �-�-��-�- � '` ''' ' �VOe, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of r�al estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of th�s `' petition, acknewledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1. A copy of the Petition of Richard Charles ldard 2. A copy of Sections������� 1�1�C , inclusive, of the St. F�aul Ordinance; and Section 462.357 (5) of the Minnesota Statutes. acknowledge that we are aware of the uses permitted under a P-1 Vehicular Parking District zoning classification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in th� Yetition of Richard Charles Ward to a p_1 District. Ii.ECORD O NER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION 4 . � o•� � 2 I S . � �� � � / D �l � � � . r - � � ,� t3 Z7 x , ;=�� l ' �ro-� � °� 13 z � � ��;�;,,. L 1 2 7 � � � - � �'�— �� ' 2� 2 � � , � . , ;;, � , r� Z� , s c�l� !1 3 � l � � n � �� 3 ,� i � '1 '- � � r� �.�,< ���;:,��, ,� �� a � � iy� 1 s � A ��6 y/` j;;� /� G;�� Z c�..,�/v� � `� P�N�e�f �_ ��:., � , c>� f � �1'' � � � � ��� � , : � z� � S . �"e �� b� K � , � � Z � X / t��- _ �' 2� 3 5 � -,� �!� �� 2 2 3 �� / �u. � . �.�" - Z� � , 5 �� �� 3 � C� � ►/�. z�- S 5 , . � ;�•�� � � � Petitlons shall not be considered as officially filed with the city clerk until the lapse of 7 working ' ciays after a petition is received in the office of the city clerk. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within thet time. Page,��f-��-�-� � �,. , CON3BNT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS 'TO RBZONING �I . * . . • �We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptior�s of re�al estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of thfs -' petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1. A copy of the Petition of Richard Charles '�J�rd 2. A copy of Sections �,,,210 �� , inclusive, of the St. Faul Ordinance; and Section 462.357 (5) of the NLinnesota Statutes. acknowledge that we are aware of the uses permitted under a District zoning classification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Yetition of Ri�hsarrl r.n,��Pa ��tA,-� to a P_� Distriet. RECOftD OWNER. SIGN TUft LOT BLOCK ADDITION � ' '�_ti� ..,'+✓l..�=` !L.'.. -.t---' � 6 ,��7 �� �� ,� N�Ft �// or,.�ss ,N�V ' ` � . u,, �` s��iy� 7 C �v�iG�s ��_ � E✓i.i _ /� -/.5 .3 Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed with the city clerk until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the office of the city clerk. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within that time. Page of � , , � � -; , CON3BNT OF ADJOINIIJG PROPER.TY OWNERS �'O BBZONII�G �, � . We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preeeding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1. A copy of the Petition of Richard Charles Ward 2. A copy of Sections 64.210 � � inclusive, of the St. P!aul Ordinance; and � Section 462.35? (5) of' the Minnesota Statutes. aeknowledge that we are aware of the uses permitted under a P-1 Vehicular Parking District zoning classification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in th� Yetition of Richard Charles Ward to a P-1 District. �i,ECOftD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION � ��,,, � .0 ,� � � � ' ` � �� � �y� �6 Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed with the city clerk until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the office of the city clerk. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within hat time. * �� � --�L,e�l �l k��'��°"—� �� Page 2 of I I ��� ' RE: Re�o:�ing for the Payne Reliever parki�g lot. �'��� � Payns Reliever was purchased by me in July 1y�18. St. Paul City Council ma�ae the stipulation on the lic,uor license tz°ansfer that 1. I don't put stri�pers back in for a period of 1 year 2. I must ;lromise the pursuit of parking. Both stipul�tions were fulfilled by rae. 'rJhen petitioning the neigh,�orriood for �he ii��uor license it was stated and signed by 96p of the residents that pnrki�.zg should be pursued. The Phalen Area Communitq Cou.ncil and District 5 Community Couneil would not suppor't the li.-,uor license transfer unless I promised �rki_-�g. St. Paul Housing Committee, South of Case rroject Review Board studied the Payne—York area parking problem �znd sug�;ested the develop�ent of off-street parking bg the local commercial esta�,lishments which w<,s focused at the Payne Reliever. Petitions were prepared for rezone change and 90% of all homeow�ers in immediate vicinity of Payne Reiiever enthusiastically signed ��nd showed support for the lot which w�s simply a promise by me c2rried through with good intentions towar-:s the community. Since I took over the Payne Reliever it's record h:+s been fl�wless. MPLS—ST i'aUL Magazine awarded Payne Reliever the Best Night Clu� of the T�in Cities award. St. Paul Magazine fe�tured Payne Reliever on the cover with feature cover story. Miznesota Daily D'AR.T Magazine calls i'�.,me keliever St. i'aul's Best Live i�fusic Club featuring Twin Cities finest �ive music. Only the finest positive publicity has been brought to St. �'aul, the East � Side and Payne Avenue throu�h the Pa�me Reliener since its transformation from strippers with articles written on it at least every week and over �1,000.00 a week budgeted towards adveFtising alone. Peyne ReTiever�s policies are the strictest in the city and 1==ws are cbeyed to the letter. Payne Reliever is the on1.,- establishment on Payne Avenue with a dress code which is strictly policed. Everyone within reason is checked nig}.itly for I.D.'s and Fayne Heliever is also the only establishment where with every moment we're o�en the exits and entrances are covered by the most professional door staff in town, inspecting people entering and leaving w�ith bottles, evicting ��eo;,le oci the first sign of intoxication, watching for clrugs ancl rowdy beh�vior. Payne Rsliever is among 5 bdrs in less than 3 blocks. It is the only bar that enforces a NO—LLAVE policy, i.e. If you 1E�ve you pay to get back i�l, so as to reduce traffic back and forth to cars and being noisy on the streets. ' I � . ' I Traffic to St. raul's Pa,yne Avenue because of t;he I'ayne Reliever has increased to about 2,000 ?�eople a week� t.�erefore parking has become a more sez•ious problem Which is now being pursued. The noise and trouUles have been investigdted by the Vice Sc��i�:d l�st year at this same time for the same acusations as are being stated by Payne , Reliever's opposition. In the investigation it was found not to be the Payne Reliever, but a motorcycle bar across the street which was closed dow�, sold and reopened under a di.fferent name, but is catering �o the same crowd. This year Ron Maddox did an investigation also. As he walked outside he was verbally assaulted with profanity which led to a confrontation which was finally settled. Tl� Payne Reliever image has been changed and is now known for it's quality of crowd, er.tert�inment and respectability. The parking lot proposed would cover 3 lots which were purch�sed by me with e house on the 4th lot also purchased b�- me to remain standing and used as a buffer for the neighborhood. Three large trees have been able to be left standing in the lot and the parking worked around them. The lot would handle 35 cars and enter only from York. The lot will be properly landscaped and a sewer system i� to be installed for proper drainage. Sincerely, Richard C. Ward Owner, Payne Reliever i I � ,. � •� I r �sar Joe, * I was fortunate enou�h to get 1GO;v of all tre signAturES of every adult vithin 200 feet of the Fsyne Reliever. Evez•yone was c�uite entrusiastic about it. � ' I hs►ve •ttached A list of �11 vacxnt addresse� which WE•re presumed occupied. I have also included on the pet�tion a columb in which the peoYle filled in tre tfine when thef would be eASily reached. I thought this would be helFful in your �erification of the aignatures. Yours Trul.y . j �,�-P ��-°' � s`� �>. Dick Ward Payne Reliev�er � , . � s�� 1"IqS�NF AU�. � 88� #" � /f'!RX 5M rT�� , �Z 8e ve�e�.y s i i2� ► r" � c�orv G�1,eT,-,�A,� � 3 �.� o� o f �'A,C'� ��9,E',P�ti - �fnQ q �/ � �OQ � (SUN( lS�� �MM rTr Mos��� CLDII� R�IS. 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'uVE ALSO APF��OV_; OI�' A D./1YTTP�i}, ll�1NC�, �'I'UDIO AP�i�� �11NCTNG AT ALL THREE ADllRI�;�;aF;:� LISTi�;D APGv';�;� DATE NAME AI)JR'.?:;`� Fi:Oi�ri:� _----- _. ._. _ .,._ . . __._ TIMF HOME , � __. ._ __ �_._ , ,.: , , i'�_ - , � �, _ �, , ,�i� .. "�.� %� /. 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J �� .�\ n r,.. \ � ` � ` � �� '� �,� � �'\ _ r � � �° R, N N � � c � a , � ' � 9 � � . � 0� � � �;� � ,. � . � ; � � �,�, ^ �� ,�, �, . � �. � �.0 � �. "< <-`' ✓ `',� � ` l�. � � �� � � t, -; ,�\ `. � . � � , ��,� �� � �. h r � � �� �� `� - � !1 ' `' ' f! 1\. � �'� , a � � t r . . '� � 1 � � , � . #: �- . - :.;�- . RE: Rezoning for the Payne Reliever parking lot. r;."�'� +� . . . � ^' �.�� ,..d Papne Reliever. was pLU chased by me in July 197g. St. PaLtl. City Council ma�±e the stipul�tion on the li�.�uor license transfer that 1. I don�t put stri�pers back i.z for a period of 1 year 2. I must promise the pursuit of parking. Both stipulations u�ere fulfilled by ir,e. . t,Jhen petitioning the neigh;�orl-iood for the li�;uor license it was stated and signed by 96p of the residents that parking should be pursued. The Phalen Area Community Council and Di�trict 5 Community Council would not suppor`t the linuar license transfer unless I promised parki�g. St. Paul Housing Com.�ittee, South of Case rroject Review Board studied the Payne—York area parking problem and suggested the development of off—street parking by the local commercial esta�-lishments which wss focuaed at the Payne Reliever. Petitions were prepared for rezone change and 90p of all homeowners iiz immediate vicinity of Payne Reliever enthusiastically signed >�nd showed support for the lot which was sirnply a promise by me c�rriEd through with good intentions towar--:s the community. Since I took over the Payne Reliever it's record h.-�s been flawleGs. MPLS-ST �'aUL Magazine awerded Payne Reliever the Best Ni�ht Club of the Twin Cities award. St. Paul Magazine featured Payne Reliever on the cover with feature cover story. Mi�nesota Daily D�ART Magazine calls Pa�,.ze keliever St. Paul's Best Live Muaic Club Peaturing T�tin Cities finestV�ine music. Only the finest positive publicity has been brought to St. Yaul, the East Side and Payne Avenue through the Pa�me Reliever since its transformation from strippers With articles written on it at least every week and over �1,000.00 a week budgeted towards advertising alone. Payne R.eTiever's policies are the strictest in the city and laws �re obeyed to the letter. Payne Reliever is the onl�;� establishment on Yayne Avenue with a dress code which is strictlg policed. Everyone within reason is checked nightly for I.D.'s and Payne Reliever is also the only establishment where with every rnoment we're open the exits and entrances are covered by the most professional door staff in tow:z, inspecting people entering and-lesving with bottles, evicting ��eo��le oci the first sign of intoxication, watching for drugs and rowdy behavior. Payne Reliener is mmong 5 bars in less than 3 blocks. It is the only bar that enforces a NO—LFAVE policy, i.e. If you leave yo�i pay to get back i��, so as to reduce traffic back and forth to cars and being noisy on the streets. , . ' Traffic to St. raul's Pa.yne Avenue because of �he I'�yne �.eliever has increased to about 2,000 c�eople a week, t:�erefore parking has become a more ses•ious problem which is now being pursued. The noise and trouUles have been investigated by the Vice Sq�L�:d last year at this same time for the same acusations as are being stated by �'ayne Reliever's opposition. In the investi�;ation it was found not to be the � Payne Reliever� but a motorcycle bar across the street which w�as closed down, sold and reopened under a different narne, but is cHtering to the same crowd. . This year Ron Maddox did an investigation also. As he walked outside he was verbally assaulted with profanity which led to a confrontation which was finally settled. The Payne Reliever im�ge h�,s been changed and is now known °or it's quality of crowd, entert�sinment and respectability. The parking lot proposed would cover 3 lots which were purchased by me with e house on the 4th lot also purchased b_,- �e to rQma�n standing �nd used as a buffer for the neighborhood. Three large trees have been able to be left standing in the lot snd the parking worked arounci them. The lot rrould handle 35 cars and enter only from York. The lot will be properly landscaped �nd a sewer system i� to be installed for proper drainage. Sincerely, Richard C. Ward OWner, Payne Relie ver . _-------,� Dear Joe, ` I was fortunate enougrz to get 1G0;:'. of all tre signaturFS o£ evei•y �dult within 200 feet of the Feyne F�eliever. Eve7•yone wES quite enthusi.astic about it. . ; I have attached u list of all vacant addrPSSes which ��F•re presumed occupied. I h�ve also included on the ;et�tion a columb in which t!^.e ;�eo;�le filled in tre time when the� would be es�sily reactzed. I tt�.ouKht this would be rel�ful in your rerification of the sign�tures. Yotu�:: Truly t • � !�.<.w�` " a? i + Dick Ward Fafne fieliever i � � � `��--J� 1"RS�NF AvE. ���� 88� � �. /�Rx SM �r�� , #� 8eve�e�.� S iie� � � � c�oN ��er�A� � 3 �� o� o £ fR,e� �A,e,E�Fti � _ � �OQ � (JUNCTI��� �lnM �Tr Mos��� �.Bo�N aPrs. /V�w �/7'C/�'�% �$z , �1 R. F /►1�e s. ��CH A e.0 kA�2�2�S ��w ��,ee;�o� �,���o�eN,vA�f Tos'ra.,��� 88� �f���,r�_ �._ � 888 W�4�.T£�P H,�BOT'� - 56hANNeY �CC - T���� /'yl��t£�C' 890 �oHN ,0 �c�mA �► - ,B�vice Pe�4�SOtU - �e�e�o� NANSO,� � QOO SOUND Z"NiV Q�� C��1'T'�j f� O i�M�s � 1-�D r�1 A �'►1 l��N R��' � qOZ {,vo��..0 c,� i c�� SA c. ✓fl�� 4os 8oe vftiN� r� A ►� - cNEr�e � c.� N i-r�� � 908 8�A �T� �A U�N APi*` 1-2 -3 �PSr�►r�es VI�Cf�l�7� � _�;a�:;���; ;�f�:=�t} � � 9�0 �.�N�� HC s���c� � � s - �9 � 2 Ati.�� eso�v C��� ti��s , 9�g C . 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'�VE ALSO APPI20V�', OF' A D11YTii�i��� i)�,T�C:; �TUDIO �P�;D DI�NCIPdG �;T ALL TEIR�.'E ADllRT'.�;:�i�;;� I,ISTi�;D ?lYG`�'i�:. DATE NAME ��DD?�-;�;'" PHGNr TIME HOME _.---__ _ ' ' i � _ _ __. I ._/J, _ . . ; , ; �, , , ; . T ;�% � ,/ /.k� � " ` � . . . _... • ..- ---- ... _..._ �- _._ � _.. _ �. _ _._ ` . . �. � '� =� ��G',�! . -. _.,�: � , I .- ��! �j / . � T . , / I17 1 � 'ri' � I ,- . - -" �� �.: • _.. � � �.� / _. !'-.. _� �-�.�-_- ' ..� ....__.__..�..�_-'—'r.�.__.�..._�a_�_._:..:. .,._..—'--,�-.-:.=�.�-____. l �_�..._--..�_ /. / . r i � ' . �.�:.�/G�G/ , � �"� (�/ � ('/ J . i /P�/� .-/ .' � . .. .....__!1_._.�L_..._ .._._. �� � �� V / � � . � � : , . � : � j � � . .. l . 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St. Paul, MN 55106 June 17, 1981 � : Dear Ms. Daykin, The District 5 Planning Council reviewed the proposed parking lot and rezoning of Dick Ward' s property at 612, 618, and 626 York at their regular monthly meeting June 16, 1981. While the District Council recognizes that the situation for resolving problems concerning the area around the Payne Reliever is complex and that there are mixed feelings in the � immediate neighborhood concerning the parking lot, the council supports the rezoning to provide parking for the following reasons: the Council felt the provision of a parking lot would at least begin to address congestion problems in the neighborhood. more supervision by Mr. Ward' s employees could be enforced on his own private property as opposed to � public streets. � the Council is remaining consistent with its position of three years ago in urgirn� Mr. Ward to prov ide park ing Q. for the Payne Reliever. The motion passed lent support for the parking lot and rezon�ng wit� the stipulation that ther,� be left a house to act as a buffer to the residential neighborhood and that increasec3 police patrol- � ling be provided to prevent disturbances to the residents in the area. S incerely, � � Lee Runyo , President � District 5 Planning Council � . Q t — � - � 1 �� ��- i 693 York :�;verue St. F'aul . MN 5�?��? March 9, �qG� Don Husband First Bank State 1000 Payne Avenue St. Paul , MN 55101 Dear Mr. Husband: It has come to our attention that Mr. Dick Ward, who owns the . Payne Reliever Disco, has applied for a loan from your bank to enable him to provide parking for his customers. Durinq the ,r.as* few years, residents of the South of Case neighborhood have complairie� about the lack of parking for Payne Reliever patrons. ?ne prohlems most often cited have been parking in fr�nt of drive ways, noise late at night, and the inconvenience of haviny to park several bl�ck;s away 'r�m �ne's home. Where off-street parki�ig has been available to resi- dents, complaints have been ��ad� �";.t t'�erP is no place for° visitOrS to park when the Payne Reliever is oper. Mr. Ward has attempted to remedy this problem by �r�ovidinn off- street parking for his pa�rans. He has not, however, been successful due to the lack of financing for the project. The South of Case Proje�,t Re��iew Board, a neighberhooci g�•ouc� �+rhich deals with physical changes, developments, and zonin4 charce� i►� South of Case, has been in c�ntact with Mr. Ward regardinq h;s efforts to provide off-street parking. We support his efforts and hope tha� the bank will be able tc; approve his request for a loan. The pr^hl em ��- �ayn�, Ra7�R�rRr n�rki hq has been a c�re one i n the neighborhood for several ve�►.•s. '�!� �ti�e�„?u «pprc�ia�e any special ;:oris�der•- aiions you might make regarding Mr. Ward's loan application. Thank you for any help you miqht give us in this matter. Sincerely, Charles Stander President SOUth 0` ,'dS�� t,,.; >, _ �'�'V 1 P.SN �i0d r•:1 CS/mep capies to: Uistrict 5 i I r" S Payne Arcade 8usiness Assc�ciation 32 Izvine Park St. Paul Minnesata 55101 Dick Ward Payne Reliever - 899 Payne Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 De.ar P9r. Ward; This letter is to reaffirm our support for your efforts in purchasing the property beh.ind th�e Payne Reliever in order to alleviate the garking probl�n. Th�e Boa.rd of Directors of the Payne Arcade Buisness Association feels that your efforts will have a vesy positive influence on your establishrrent and on Payne Avenue as a whole. Sincerely yours, ,�. 1� �-.. 7'����t ,��.. �\ Vince I�echman, President VLvl � _ � . ,:, -�, � � � RE: ��.bning for the i'ayne Reliever p�rking lot. �'����► Payne Reli�r was pi.0 chased by me in July 1978. St. Paul Ci�y`Council ma:?e the stipulation on the li��uor license transfer that 1. I don't put stri�pers back in for a period of 1 year 2. I must promise the pursuit of parking. Both stipulations a�ere fulfilled by me. . 'rJhen petitioning the neigh;:orhood for �'ie li��uor license it was stated and signed by 96� of the residents that parking should be pursued. The Phalen Area Communitq Cou.ncil and District 5 Community Council would not suppor't the li,-,uor license transfer unless I promised �rki�g. St. Paul Housing Comraittee, Sout.i of Case t-ro ject Review Board studied the Payne—York area parking problem and su�gested the developmen+., of off—street / parking by the local commercial esta�:lishments which was focused at the Payne R.eliever. Petitions were prepared for rezone change and 90� of all homeowners in imm�ediate vicinity of Payne Reliever enthusiastically signed =�nd showed sugport for the 1ot whieh w-�s simply a promise by me carriEd through with good intentions towar:is the commtuiity. Since I took over the Payne Reliever it's record h:�s been flawless. MPLS—ST PaUL Magazine awerded Payne Reliever the BPSt Night Club of the Twin Cities aw�rd. St. Paul Magazine featured Payne Reliever on the cover with feature cover story. M1lnesotz Daily D'ART Ma�azine calls Pa;me keliener St. Paul's Best Live l�sic Club featuring Twi� Cities finest �ive tnusic. Only the finest positive publicity has been brought to St. Paul, the East ' Side and Payne Avenue throu�h the I'a;rne Reliever since its transformation f'rom strippers with articles written on it at least every week and over fi1,000.00 a week budgeted towards adveFtising alone. Payne Reliever's policies are the strictest in the city and l�lws are cbeyed to the letter. Payne Reliever is the onl,s establishment on Payne Avenue with a dress code Wh�ch is strictly policed. Everyottie within reason is checked nig}ltly for I.D.'s and Payne Reliever is also the on].y establishro�ent where with every moment we're or�en the exits and entrances are covexed by the most professional door staff in town, inspecting people entering and leaving with bottles, evicting ��o�:le on the first sign of intoxication, watching for �irugs and rowdy behavior. Payne Reliever is among 5 bars in less than 3 blocks. It is the onlv bar that enforces a NO-LEAVE policy, z.e. If you Ieave you pay to get back i�z, so as to reduce traf'fic back and forth to cars and being noisy on the streets. � , i i Traffic to St. raul's Payne Avenue because of the Payne F:eliever has increased I to about 2,000 oeople a week, t�;erefore parking has become a more serious , problem which is now being pursued. ; The noise and troubles have been investigatea by the Vice Sc� z�d last year at this same time for the same acusatioiis as are being stated by Payne M Reliever�s opposition. In the investiF7ation it was found not to be the Payne Reliever, but a motorcycle bar across the street which w��s closed dow:1, sold and reopened under a different narne, but is c<,tering to the same crowd. This year Ron Maddox did an investigation also. As he walked outside he �aas verbally assaulted with profanity whict� led to a confrontation which i was finally settled. The Payne Reliever image heas been changed and is now known for it's ; quality of crowd, entert�inment and respectability. The parking lot proposed would cover 3 lots which were purch.�sed by me with e house on the Qth lot nlso purcnased bx; me to remain standing and used as a buffer for the neighborhood. Three large trees have been able to be left standing in the lot and the parking worked aroun<i them. The lot would handle 35 cars and enter only from York. The lot will be properly landscaped and a sewer system i� to be installed for nroper drainage. Sincerely, Richard C. Ward Owner, Payne Relie ver I � y r Traffic to St. raul's Payne Avenue because of t:he Y�yne F�:eliever has increased to about 2,000 oeople a week, t::erefore parking has become a more seY•ious problem which is now being pursued. The noise and troubles have been investigdte� b.,v the Vice Sqi<d last year at this same time for the same acusations as are being stated by Payne , Reliever's opposition. In the investiE7ation it was found not to be the Payne Reliever, but a motorcycle bar across the street which w��s closed dow:i, sold and reopened under a different na:ae, but is c<�tering to the same crowd. This year Ron Maddox did an investi�ation also. As he walked outside he tras verbally assaulted with profanit.y whict� led to a confrontation which was finally settled. The Payne Reliever im�ge h�,s been changed and is now known for it's quality of crowd, ent�rt�inment and respectability. The parking lot proposed would cover 3 lots which were purchased by me with a house on the 4th lot nlso purcnased b,v me to ramain standing and used as a buffer for the neighborhood. Three large trees have been able to be left standing in the lot and the parking worked arounci them. The lot would handle 35 cars and enter only from York. The lot will be properl� landscaped and a sewer system i� to be installed for proper drainage. Sincerely, Richard C. Ward Owner, Payne Reliever ✓ _..__..-,- � � l �� �^.:� Dear Joe, • I was fortunate enough to get 1GO;r; of all tt-.e signatures of every sdult within 200 feet of the F�yne Reliever. Everyone w�s quite ent�:usi.estic about it. I have attached a li9t of' all vac�nt addresses which wF•re presumed eccupied. I have also included on tl:e pet�tic�n a columb ir� which t�.e pe��Yle filled in tre tim.e when the;� would be e�+sily reached. I tr�ought this waul:: be l:elpful in your �rification of the sign�tures. YourS Truly � rL� � J„ .[ f-�► Uick ward �a,�r.e Reliever I � 4 , `�Q�J �S�NF lqU�. �" � 88j �" � /y'IRX SM iTy � z 8 e v�'��.y s i�'F� � �' c7 o rv G�9�'T,�'1 A�1 � 3 �� o Y o £ �'f7,�'� c,J�,e,PF� � oR .suN��i�* � � � J� ( � �'MM �Tr Mos��U� �BDiN AP�s. Now vr�c�►�, 8$z �'1 R. E /►1�e s. �t CH A e.0 !���2�2 i.S ��uow m�,�e,�o, Mqi�N NA/rI f To�T�.+�«, 8 g`� ' � �l#��>i'. + . . 888 WR�-7'£�' Fl,BBO� - S6hr�N�eY �-cC - T���4� �'yl��L£�' 890 SoNN ,p �c�n�►� N - B�Cvc� Pe,��SOrV - Ue�e�o� HANso� � q00 S�U�VD rN�V 90� BFrr� �+ o�n��s F ��o�� r�v�N��� � qOZ �Jo��.� c,� i t�� SA � �fI�� 4�S �08 Vf��� r� F� r� - CHE �� y (,.� N i -r�� �' 9U8 B� A �r� NAU�n� APi °� 1-2 3 v,�s Tfl i�e s �✓�CA A17� _° . � =,� - �� �� � `�I O �..�N.0 A H 1. ��t,J�l. � � S" �9 � z AN�o� eso�v c��� ���s 9�g C , SommF�es t �'��.J� SpM M� � S _ � � 4�oR K s 7'�F � r c'-� � � � S ��'AN f ,�ON P�T��So�- SUF B�k�y - ,��,�K SF�'vf�PSO�J �, 621 C�A�2Y se�.�e,2s, /�rc:NH��, CActJ.�: �,� �E� N��if f �9,�rN�J�P� �/i�uz � (oz3 R. 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St. Paul, MN 55106 June 17, I981 � Dear Ms. Daykin, The District 5 Planning Council reviewed the proposed parking lot and rezoning of Dick Ward' s property at 612, 618, and 626 York at their regular monthly meeting June 16, 1981. While the District Council recognizes that the situation for resolving problems concerning the area around the Payne - Reliever is complex and that there are mixed feelings in the immediate neighborhood concerning the parking lot, the council supports the rezoning to provide parking for the follow ing reasons: the Council felt the provision of a parking lot would at least begin to address congestion problems in the neighborhood. more supervision by Mr. Ward' s employees could be enforced on his own private property as opposed to � public streets. ,�J � the Council is remaining consistent with its position u of three years ago in urgin� Mr. Ward to provide parking a. for the Payne Reliever. The motion passed lent support for the parking lot and rezoning with the stipulation that the:re be left a house to act as a buffer to the residential neighborhood and that increased police patrol- � ling be provided to prevent disturbances to the residents in the area. � Sincerel , Y � � Lee Runyo , President �: District 5 Planning Council � i Q � �.�D^� :a�k7Koxo+�o+�o��oKo�,� � � § � � � � � • '�t A � � c0 n b�'� -S� Oq � � �• � � �; � � � o � � � p Cn � � ro '� � o � � '� �' �. . � �� � � �� � � � � n A � �' � � y �' _ �' °� �. � � � � � � �' c� �, A. � �. Q' o � o A �, . . . � ' `O'� �oxo�������o+�r0'" 693 York �verue St. F'aul . �1�i 5�?;l� Mar-ch 9, 19�i Don Husband First Bank State 2000 Payne Avenue 5t. Paul , MN 55101 Dear Mr. Husband: It has come to our attention that Mr. Dick Ward, wh� owns the : Payne Reliever Disco, has applied for a loan from your bank tc? enable him to provide parking for his customers. During the F�a�-,� few years, residents of the South o� Case neighborhood have complaine� about the lack of parking for Payne Reliever patrons. ?ne problems most often cited have been parking in front of drive ways , noise late at night, and the inconvenience of haviny to park several blocks awav �r�m one's home. Where off-stree�t parki��g has been available to resi- dents, complaints have been iTidu�; ��;;.t therP is no place for• visitors tv park when the Payne Reliever is oper.. Mr. Ward has attempted to remedy this problem by providinn offi- street parking for his pa�rons. Ne has not, however, been successful due to the lack of financing for the project. The South of Case Proje,�t Review Board, a neighborhoad qrour which deals with physical changes, developments, and z�nina r.hances ir1 South of Case, has been in c�ntact with Mr. Ward regarding his eff�rts to provide off-street parking. We support his efforts and hope that the bank will be able to approve his request for a loan. The pr��l em �_�= ?ayn? R�?7 i F�r�r r�rki ng has been a sore one i n the neighborhood for several year•s. '�!� �,cu?� dNNY'2C1UL� any saeci3l coris�de►•- aiions you might make regarc�ing Mr. Ward' s loan application. Thank you for any help you miqht give us in this matter. Sincerely, Charl�s St.ander President South af :'ase Pr�;, -�_� . Rev i e�a �oa�•d � CS/mep copies to: District 5 ; � ( � 7 �� �� Payne Arcade Business Association 32 Irvine Park St. Paul Minnesata 55101 Dick Ward Payne Reliever � 899 Payne Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear r�sr. wara; This letter is to reaff�m our suppart for your efforts in Pur'chasing tbe property behuzd the Payne Relievex in order to alleviate the park.irig problem. The Board of Directors of the Payne Arcade Buisness Association feels that your efforts will have a vexy positive influence on your establishmPnt and on Payne Avenue as a whole. Sincerely yours, /, , •1'1 �-- ����i ,�L�_�t Vince I�echmzn, President VLvl - . G - �3- 81 � _ . __ w ��r � _� `1 � �`�- W-� �� �.�n s� �� i Y1 � � I � � S OY`'� �"�e. �0 yl,, C � u� `�p � f � S o �e � �yn.� �e �.e r m � � � ol a�'f S-�r-e.�,-�'-' _ � � 1 h,� w-v�,�td at K� . � I �`�- 1'n a n � Ol � �e v � G��,e � ��� � p� o � �e� s C t_. w �� n U�n .er ous � Q�� � v� ��- �. � b o h v d� . ' ��� � � i _ _ �3 � - /3 -�l �� . S G orf- o� ._ , �°P �d,��„1,� h� �-k -� a �r� � ow� C�a r � �' �o .� �or -fl�o l�ic ,�r �Z, ��e . � � . IV ,�.� .� d�r�s S � - � . --,�— . � /,�,.,"�,� � � 6 Y � '(od'!�� � w�,✓ � � � ( ��7C �� ' Q��.o`;�'L�,� ��� L��"�—�' � ��- d ' ��.L � �7 0-�-�- �-6 �h�C.,� � �5 f �. ��1� �i.� � �/ �� �%'��-. Yi�.,�'-�.;`' �,�'1 ✓ � � � �i .��;,� � � � � _ �� -�'�,�.��� �� ��s� .� ,:���J G�--�" . � �" ,� ��3-�.� , � _ - - - �';?�f/�_ . . _ ` s� y4/?�+, /(/ �����v G s..3 `�� /c ��7 ���,� .���. �'S `) � ,� , , � �i�-����(�"'�=�— C �C' ���� . C � � �� ��� ��� 4G a ya �� � _ . ���� U►�, . . 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J -� 1 � -� /l -=� � � . -:..,� . , � I -..�,.......�...�. .�..... .�r�...: —v --: -. , x—_-�.: t�'. .....-- -- _. �; '� BUS6-� -- :� t !'f�_ _ - + ; � } � I � � C I� I t � � , � !� � � `�:`� �::=:! l Y. , . :.:_:,-. . .� �1REA I��� _ APPLiCANT ��G�d C• W�� LEGEND -�---- ZO��JING DIS i RlCT 84UNDARY PURPOSE �Z�- �Y'�M R�'a+ � t'" � . e� SUBJ�CT PROPERTY O ONE FAfb11LY PLANNtNG - � 01STrZICT i ��'l� ,� zv�0 =����Y � i � f' ILC IVV. DA7� ��'�- ��� �QgI ��" � MULTiPLE F�l�►tlLY e E►, n CQ;���A�RCIAL. SC�iLE = I�� = 200� NORTH � � `-� ��DUST��A�, tviAP N0. ! nw���r nw�.� ... w ���....n r... w..r. i• ��wr. w�.T ' . • '� . . � d�7� ZONI�dG STAFF REPORT 1 . (1f PI.,Cr;'dT: `ICNAP,D C. l�!ARD DA?E OF 1�F�`,RIt2G 6/18/0l____ L, , , , , , . . . . . . . . C L A S S I F I C A T I 0 N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRF��T PL1��,�;ING & ZOPvII�G CO��":'�1ITTEE E30ARD OF 7_ONING APPEALS Rezoning � Variance ❑ Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Revie`rJ � f?eteri�ii nati on of Si mi 1 ar- Use ❑ Other _ Charge of Ncnconforming Use � . Other 3. LOC,ATION: 61?_, 618, 626 York (South side betvreen Edgerton and Payne) . 4. LEG�1L GE�CP.IPTIOfd: Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, Block 35, Chas , l�eide's Subdivision of Block 35 of Arlington Hills Addition. 5. PRrSEidT ZONIiJG: RM-2 ZO�JING CODE REFERE�dCE: Section 60.570 G. STAF� INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 5/12/81 QY Conna M. Daykin A. PURPOSE: Rezone from RM-2 to P-1 for a parking lot for the Payne Reliever. B. SUFFICIENCY: The rezoning petiti.on v,�as declared sufficient b,y the Finance Department on April 6, i981 . Forty-seven parcels were eligible to sign; 32 vaere needed; and 32 �-rere obtained. C. FRONTAGE & AREA: The par�cel has a frontage of 160 f�et on York and a depth of 125 feet for an area of Z0,000 square feet. D. SITE & AREA CONDITIONS: The site is currently occupied by three single family homes and a vacant lot. The houses are scheduled to be rroved to other lots when tt�e pa�°king lot is developed. Surrounding land uses include the Payne Avenue commercial strip to the east, and single family, duplex, and triplex residential uses to the north, south, and west. E. FINDINGS: 1 . The Payne Reliever currently provides 2 off-street parking spaces . The site plan indicates 40 additional parking spaces will be provided. 2. The District 5 Plan recommends further study of the parking situation along Payne Avenue with consideration given to off-street parking facilities serving as buffers between commercial areas and adjacent residential uses (p. 11 ) . 3. Payne Avenue at this point is designated as part of a mixed use strip by the Land Use Plan (p.48) . Rezoning the parcel to P-1 for use as parking is an appropriate land use under the plan. F. STAFF RcCOP1P�?ENDATION: 6ased on findings 1 , 2, and 3, staff recommends approval of the rezoning to P-l . I . � . � �� ���� ' ` �_ _ �_ ����J� _ � - _. _ Bat�aoraW ddanl!b�m�d�ia tiw D+!�nt o1 priaei�al �►r inb�r�st do� �rnmd�r, vr af a� part tbarsai, bo b. bs .«�ond part-Y vaW. ax �_,----he-------� to pa' th� ta�s os a.s�a apon .�id isnd. �remiamr npon nid iasnranes,or ta qrlorm aatjt or�it6�r at thr coveaanti.aareementa. tnrmi �ecaditlaa� 6srda aont�aed. !o be b7 saia �a.rood p►rt,y,------1aaDt or D�rlorm�d.tLe aafd qarti.E..S�.�..of Lhe Mit Dart �. aL_1r1Elx---------o�pt3°n, b7 wr[tLaa notla d�eian thi� coatraat cwoelLd and ternuiaated.and all ri�hb, tiW and inte�t ec�rad tl�zennder b� �aid �ewnd part�l_�___, �6a11 tLasnpo�ee�ae aod t�minsts, and sli impraTemeats msde a�oa t�e prem}�er, and al! aaymeata mad� her�nadv sLall halo� to said Dwttlfs`i----ot the 11rst parg n liquld�►ted damsees for Areaeh ot t2�is eontraet b' said seccnd yart_k__�_. wid notiee to 6e in aauxordsaos w6th the sbta�te in s�h caas mnde snd provided. N�iLher the ezteaalon ot the tlme ot yapment oT en�mm ��r sums o1 monep to De psid bPrvunaer,aC!stly waiver by ths part..1P..S---oi ths Qnt p�rt ot_1.}1�J.1__.._.riQLb to declare thia contraet fr�rfeited by r�rason of aay�thereof,ehall in eny maaner aSect the ri�ht ot aaid�artJ.�S�___Ro canecl this contzact b�cause r.�f deiae�lts subsee�uentlq matnring, und no exte+naion oi time shall be valid tmless�ed by duly si�ned instrwraent P'tuther, dter servics at nodce and failtire to remov�, withia tLs period allowod by law.tha daisult therein apecifled, asid part�______o! the oe�ond Dart hereby apecit- ieslly sgree�----� nPon d�nu�ed ot uW parLE'_�----of the first Dart.�uicstiq and yeao�bly to snrrender.tci_1Z1#;TLL_--__ pwses�ioa oi said Dremiiea.aad s�ary part thereot.it being understood that nntil •och detanik, �aid Part�'_------ot the remond part--------------------to h�s� powea�ion of said premisM. IT !S MUTUALLY AGREED, By and between the pa.rtiea hereto, that the time of payment slial! be an esaential pa.rt of this eontract; and that all the covenccnts a�td apreementa herein contaireed s)tatl r:en with the Iated and bind the heirs, executors, administrators, succesaors axd aasi:�na oj the respectivs partiea hereto. IN TESTIMONY R'HEREOF, The parti�s here±o have Itereunt� aet th 'r handa day arut year hrat abot,e written. � r^� p �� , t ,� ��-=�-�- ----- ----_-�-- � ___ __ �__�_� - _ ___ : - --� •-- - ---i-' t:i ----��-------- --- . �_/__c l C_ . ;'�__�� f r t �<:�' -- --- ---- ..s._ - �tate of �Ci�ne��ta, x,. : Lown� � f Ramse , o ... .........Y ........__..... ... ...:._ .. 7'h�� fure���inr i�t.��tr�i►n��nt rrn� nrl�•�rn►��1�'dbed i'r'fc'rr »+�' by Marvin B. Frejlach and Richard C. ����.4 9th ��uy �! August , 2:� 78 Ward '�g __ _ _.._ . ........_ . _. _ . .. � � �N�Mf OP PE[SON Af.KNOWLE � � ' . � � • . ._.._ ............._ ... .. . .. .. . . . ....,...., .., _....._ . _... � � . (S(GNATUQE UF PE 7AKtNG ACKNp1AlL8DC M@^!7') ' � � THIS INSiRUMENT WAS DRAFTEO BY _ __ ._ _.. .. ........ ... _ _ _ ..__. ._. ___ ... _ _. ... (T(7CE OR lANK) _____y.yyllQt�P_ �111I1P1 F .. ... ..._ — _....._.... .. _._. °''•"'•� �"'"w`�. TIMOTHY P __- 430 Minnesota Bldg.--------- QUINN N�!� '� NOTARY VUBUG-pAINNESOTA St. Paul, MN 55101 {"�""� ��'F RAMSEY COUNTY ��,,, --- ------ �.�' My Commission Expires luly 9, 1483 ^I I� r✓��'d �'�" ' 4" � ' �I .� � ��! �i � c� : .� c,� �w � re• ', °p +.�� � � L.�� ,. `'I I i. .D ,I Q ; � � � "� °' � W : +� 'C." ,�yl ^ �.. 4 ��,, :�, o � ^ : �' I ^ � » � • � �, a � �il ' `.. ��i ?� ;a� . t � . + " ' '� ` A : � ; Q '� � � �� -, : �, � ,,. :b � ,. "c o ,y .� N 'A ' ,r ;' - �, _li ",�; �.; . :� i � � � o � ; � o �.. : � "� �i.,,, '� : . 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REC�IVED OF ..... . ..�..!: '. ? .... .... ....... .. . . ... . ... ..... , .. . ..�.. . ........ �+ the �izal Of ,�...... .... . � f�,.. .v.. ,�:...>..F.,.. , .,'.... ..r.....��..drt�h'�".. . .� .. .(_ ..�+.'.�r rI``'�,,�,,. .) �� . .. .... ...:.: ... . . .... . .. . , . +.+.�.:. ..!�:.... .... u earnesc mone and in t fot t� a� �� �t 9 �`'`' .. ........ . .. .. .. ...............,....... Y P�Pal� �: P� . (QM�.Ga��e�ie Nebe--afa�W1idFi .. �...... ......... . :.. .! <�` �l �, f ..°;j ............. ..... ..... ..................... , ............... `.��"� i�'Q ' . .... .. . ... . ._. COUf�Ly Of .... ...r.a„sY ...Ait, .,...�p,. .... ....... . .....�.�i[t OE�1�}tLCS01��AIId.s��►�QSC[l�.�iSt��� � � � . 4• �Y. k,'4, . . . . p � .. :iA:; .i r.�'� . .. � ,d . . ' . + . � � � . � . . . . . . . . ;4(_ _ inclwding all�arden bulbs,plu3ts,shrubs and txees,all storm sash,scorm doors,detathable vesribules,screens,awning3�windo�v shades, blin�s (inclt�diog vene,tian-blinds), eurraia rods, traverse rods, drapery rods, lighcing fixtures and bulbs,}al�bisg , fixcuies,hoc�vacer tanks and heacing planc (�vicfi any burners, tanks,stokers and ocher equipment�sec�;;.�n conneetic�� � ` wich,�,wacer sofcener aad liquid"gaa cank and conuols (if che properry.of seller},�}���gr utce�y < " acorA,,builc-in dishwasher, garbage dYsposal,-�ovcns, coo�C Eop scovec=�d�.�e�tral air conditioning eguiptrienc,�f anq,'�ti "s�' '." locand on said premises and includ�ng aiso the following personal properry: � . � . . � � . . . . . .. � . .. . . � .. "Yk �r,.� � al!d� which,,propercy che ua�wrsig�ed has thts day sold to th� buyer for ttj�,e su� of . ,�, , k .. ��:.... 1�e... � .�}... �y . ..�.. �.� �.'��.,f.� ...�. .:�,{i.�.T. ....�sf.�£'l��.;.�� � ......��.�. 'f .��K�.4�: i.. ,� �'�✓�r :_���:. ... .s � ..�. ... ...... ... � . . . � . . . .�� .. . • � ... ` ..,.. whieh the b�yer agrees to p��ia d�e followiag manner: .� . ' >�' ,, , ;;.., <� , � �, � � Earnest mcfne�herein pai�s �"'S'l h� ..... ....S[1Li� .�.�?�7 A .. �C�S�OII C . � G�`+ �....! '�che dace of C1asiA�,, . : , r � • �g�r �+� qd � . - ;�-; .. �.i'x�. �, •► Y 7 >.'i{. � i.�l.l. �.f#j�' r .'t. r'i [,�1 .R�:}�.W<`. � �i��1Jr�����,� � �J .. � � � yg ` ��'Y}i;� �: �i � . � . .. .,, �. ��.i' •i��e .. . �/,��. ... . .-A Y '"�,`y . • � .. .. � " �� . . � � ��. ... .i � :. i .�. # �3 !;i?- .:.y ��.` ��:n1 .' �. �,..,.: . .� �.. . �. .� ;,��(' . ' ., . . ..: t .. . . � . .�� , . . ... ...� . : . .. . ... �,�., . . �.: r .. .�.� c. � [., .�. . . � �+�. � _3 � . . . _ �1 a• ��� �'1°� ��..�L�7,t1� . '1�s _....�:�� l �i+9� :,��G�°'� ��L3�7t�i•b �€ ,�i.. ;'dii'? ..4:� ��,f2 !t!'li)?r�l'1 ��f�e,,,`*i� .���arer,s'?I�YSrts'�1���*��l1� '(;TS� �:'�!��f1G;. '�,�"��1�,4�""��^s� ' '�� y��f�"�.. . ' . .. . � . "r :;�����t .� , � �. �'';Y' s"� .� . . . _ ;. , ._ 4 ... .. . . r .. . . . `.'},� ? . . ,Y i'&�E��f56-i.�~^'+1' �.'. .`s�'•` '.4'S+�" g ,��, r,. i: �i'� � t.` .,r ��G�t '��.1 �^c,�r.�p '�;lr `� ��d� . ." �' �'c;`. ' ',:i�.� "�.kE"��:. i.��l�" °�s1'�, ' ' ,, +� �.. .. . �1�t _'' :.��i�J � i:�: '�"��,.-I' .i.°;�'"!�'3�:�"frr '.'.. ;`ItlT�dl" "i�,'ai. �`.�5"p4�:::. .�i.w�`';�'�z +.' ' 'a �''� 4 ' � � ._ 's 3r: ... � x,�". Subjqcc co gec�ocmansce bp the buyer the scller agrees to execuce and del�ver a._: ...... ... . _.... ...., ... � ` .� ` � (to�e joined in by spouse. if anY) cph�eying`marketable-eicleto said prei�fises.su6ject only,tot6e � . ` ,� „, �, �. '`' ,,��''y �{�,,��r,.�:. (a) �uiiding and zoning laws,otdinances,State and Federal tegulations. - "d (b). atrirn us relatirtg to use or:,•",�..,.......,e�F.,n...,�<�,�t' �,r effeccive_fn[feicure�roiision. • - # ` ..�M�� " � r���. Y1 (c) �eservac�en of snp Mnit�e�}s.di�'mine�td'ttghts to the State of Minnesota. 'y�.��'�; {d) ;Utiliry and drsunage easements which do noc inttrfere with present improvements. ��: (e) �ighu of tenants as foliows: (unless specified,pot subjecc to t�,qancies) � Y . � � ,;, T'he b yer shall pay che real estate taxes due i�che year 19 .:^.J ,�r�siay unpaid u�callix�eats of speeis�l ass�ssqiiqttts payak�e t�'pe�¢wtcl� �,� `- , and t�ereafte�Seller watrants thaf•teal estAte taxes due in the year 19 .__...wilt be .... �A y ' �.. .. ",.'. . .. ., ... . .. ;homatead.cl ' tion �' , , �.� (full,parcial or non-ho�hestead—st�te atiich) _' � Neithet Lhe seller nor tiic'seller's age�t make any representation or warranry whatscever concerning the amount of real estppe.taxes , . which shall be assessed against the property subsequenr to the dace of purchase. � �, Scller wvenants thac buildings,i�any,are entirely within the boundary liae;of the property and agues to remove all gersona] 'r 3, ' not iticluded herein and all debris from the premise$ prior to possession dace. S�LLER WARRANTS ALL APPLIt�TVG�S, FIEATI � : 5� - CONbITIONING,WIRINCl AI�It�PLLJI�QBING USED AND LOCATED ON SAIDr PREMI$�`�RE I1V P PBR DP'dRxYN� a< AT f�ATE OF.CLOSING. � , }�d�+C �+ �� �' F �j ,. T h e s e l l e r f u r t�e r a gr e e s to deliver po s se s sion noc lacer cl�an . `� �fi � •�''�� � f provid e� t h a c x l l c,�t i d i 6 i g��s s Q f �#I I ' �'� agreamenc have been complied with. Unless otherwise specified chis sale sha�I�Se closed on or before(zQ days f�sp4-ll�►da�2tieFec>f.' �` �-�••`"" '� ""''° =" " In the evenc this prope[ry IS'$estco�ed of substantially damaged by�ire ot any other cau9e befqsC-the.c(osi�e�ate, chis agreem�t��¢h�aal� � ��, become null and void,st thg,purchasec s opcion, and all monies paid hereuadet shall be refu�ded',.�him. ,, , , .,,. � The buyer and selkr'also mutually agte�tiira� pro raca ad�ustments of,Ssnts int�rest tnsurance and ciry water and, in tlae case qf , ek � ��� income property,curcenc operaung expenses,shall be made as of . �..'.`.i..:�'35i.#.�?"... ......;?�.,. ... ... ........, .,. .. . . ,i , . ,�� � «. The seller shall, within a maso�ble tune aftet approval of this agreetnent, furnish an abstract of titte, or a Registered Riiapet� . Abstratt cercified co date to include proper sear.th�coverin� bankruptcies, and Stace and Federal judgsnes�cs and Ii�ns. The b�get shall� � °^- f:: allowed 10 days after receipt thereof for exaniivat�lf'bf said title and the ts�►king of any objections theteto,said pbjections to bC tn ` wricing or deemed to be waived. Tf any objtctid�5s�are so made the seller shall be aliowed 120 dsys to make sucl� title matkerab�t �... -_ `;.r; correction of title the payments hEe+eunder requirecl'shall be postponed, but upoa correttion of ti�le aad within ld days after wfitt��agtiC�e �- ;,;� _., to the buyer, the parties shall perfprm this agtee�nt atcotding to its terms. � ;,,, -. � �;� I[said tide is not mark¢cable and is not madt'so within 120 days from c6e dace of writtea objettions thereto as above prox " thu F �=*�4 f,{ agreement shall be null and void,at opt}pn;of the buyer, and neither principal shall be liable fot d6tnages her�uncket to the other A'� Ail money rhetecofore paid by the buger shall be refunded. If che ticle to said propeny be found lnarlcetable or be so nqade wit6�#a� , }-� � and said buyec shall defaulc in any of thr agreements and concinue in default fot a period of lt� days, then and in tt�st case the ��'pa�[ �` '' terminate this concraa and on such termination all the payments made upon this contract shall be tptained by said=selIec,add sai�} their respective interests may appeaz,as liquidated dama�es,time being of the essence heteof. This pto�Vision shalI not de}��e ^� �"�r=� che righc of enforting the speafic performance of this contracc provided such contract shall not be tercninated as a[�1cip�,r►ia,and ptavk�� �` .`�s� '' to en�orce such speci6c performance shall be commenced within six months aftet such right of action shall atise. <__. It is understaod and agreed chat this sale is made sub}ect to the approval by the owner of said premises in writin�and that t�t qndet �` „ signed agent is in no manner liable or responsible on account of this a�reement,except to return or account for the eamest money po.i�l"tu�� � ,�: this c�ntract. ,,. � , - - '"y�i��k°��w r�� .� �� � The�elivery af a11 papers and monies shall be made ac the offiCe of • � s►"��'.�'��, F �: t�7`rl°d��l��t�,!�•�.��, �'�' � �L���.�� ?'t r. i,w r�r + , r '`*X � A �,.F� +•,,.�'f{._ ,ua„ yt. . � ��..�i �°' � � � � : r ;,���p� s�' d �•+�'st' }�'1 e�Ae.�;� ��1 � �t ; r. ,, ... tYiLf+':'�c��4:i.�...: ..... . ... .. . ... .:..... �iBM�t ;t+«'� t y'w' $�. ... .�y.�.c.�,. �..:. e. � I.the uadcrsigned,owner of the above land,do hereby apptove � the above agreemenc and rhe sale theteby made. I hereby agcee to purchase the said p fot tha � �'� K h �`' upon the.�erms above�p�eatioued, a�d�� to atl'iip��� � � herein�s{imssed r � � .� ,�, �t�,;q��� ,A ��� �. ...... .�..... . �.. ......�f .. . ... r. ...;:,^_�.+`' . .l .....�JIIlSL� .i' yt j..��'� ���r " ��.}� � '� �✓ "•x;, . .SG��,r . -. t� _.,., . . �r...,.f....:..�. .. . _ '.. ........+':�:�» .�f, . . . � { ���'�?x � I�. � � . . � ��:�o,�.��; 2' �°:� '.xt . ..;� � • . . � � :Bllytt ��,F �,i I ; .'� �. , c� �E� `��"`�. ..'��� ; .. . . � -`',�`. °jp ��♦ .... .;A. .. � � ..�.1 y �.�. .�,*M. .�SGLW� ...... . .. .... ... . . ........ .... .. r.� t 'y ' �4�:�_5</.'. ... ... ... ... .... . ....: ��.... . p P . j�� �S'..,^ + .. ' .�v ;, ��.. . . .F�� � # ��. �� r i� � . .... ,.- . . � ' ..�-.�..�� �."'..�.�.�__' � �.�_��r . �Ti3 �TC A �T�L`l`��A T T'� �7hTTTl�7F^�.!�l11�7T'D A!�T TT 'n�/1n+ trwt.�r.........�.�.� �iJ x�`�'.'4.`�L8 .� . s � , � J/1l � � ,,..-�� ? ta� '^' � �� �` `� +�� y. �• � � ���� /�}/� �� (t`.�,� lr- � �~'1� : :.�«M, 4� " � _,� . (v a. /��W(� C� �jrxiorn.a, 'te , , � �No.�Y62%•Q. Earne�t Mon�y GntYaqt. '�*" ' 4y � � � � � . � � . .� . '.� + y ��.� r` . R. � . . . . . �� . . �S . ' . .. � .m .. } :a�: . G'�: PURCHASE AGI�EEMEN'�'_ � � �..: �::, �.,,..,.....�sr..�.r....��... . _..;;�,;�.» r� t .a., . . RE�EIVED OF ..�.�:t'.!�..7�"'I...�,�.'��'�.�:M..:.'.: . .. ::. ....... . .. .. ...... .:. .. .. .X�.....�..i,...;.�i.li�:...i:X.3x"'.3S{.`;;i.. ... .... .. .. .. :. .... .:...... ` . �,,., ;� t6e sum of........:�YH...!t"tlzar:I,�"::s�..t�ra.�...t:si:s..a:�.,�. �:�,t.�.,;�i............. ..... ..... . .���`�l,►L�.. .. .) ��' ; . , : . .. .c.��e�K............. ... .:........ . .:.. ..:......... �9 i�� �°� � , ....(Ch�elc.C�h or Noq—&a1�W►1oh) . " .....iS Ci[DCS[ Ql A[i�lII �+OF � � ..... . .�`.�.a�...;�',��'.`��..�;,�... .r€:,�.�,�.. ±. . ...... ... ... ............ . ............... .. .............:......: .. .�11��;-� � , ... . _ :.: Councy of ::.....:�..�miu�;��..... : ...:....: ...... ...........:.. . .......,Scau of I�nnesoai,aad l�ega,lly dascr�d�it�olk�►s,.to-�c: . : i.�F'�a�;:. 1.C` .rCa1I�"••':�. : �c��r'!.:. � :�.�d� '� ..,�k�. -��' �:�.�::. {: <,i" .,��.�r.�;�s�.� <,�.a".�.� �#��.��t�°.' �;,� � � "* �l:�ak`�'�, inclvding aIl garden bulbs,plana,shruba and trees,all storm sash,scorm doors,dea�ttn�t restib�slea,sc�,s�}i�,�► � sha�es, blinds (including venecian bliods), curcain rods, craverse rods, drapery rods, lighcing fixtures utd bulla�, oaAbts�, ; fixtnres, hot wacer tanks aad heacing planc (wich any burners, cank3,scokers :nd ocher;equipment u;ed,in e�am�+e��� '', aic�), watet softenet aad liquid gas tank aad controls (if the proptt�ry of seller),sfmaP P�R� �«��` � ' aoot, builc-it� dishvKashcr,gubage disposal, oveas, cook cop scoves�d cencral air toai3icioning equipaae�c, if an�u�i,;� ' ` loa[ced on p4i.d premises snd uuluding aLs� the following personal psoperty: _ � . ��: all of whicti property du undersigned has this day sold co che buyer for che suao�oE:�trt'tiy ��t3L�,1�+�3'� 2��::�„#�'.i� �� ,;,�� . . . . . . . . . C . .. .................................... . ..:. .. ................. . ........... ....... . ... .,.. .(=1�"f'���s� � .��� `v�,� ' ..... . .. . . . ,....... ...... .. which the buyer agrees co pay in the following manner. �'��� � ^" Eameac money hercin paid�'",,�¢,�f'c9�i�,.._.,......and�;.t.`=t�?}....t?. . ,cash,on . �fa�. � '���fJ:. . .:che clsue oF�cl�si4g. , h � t ��� �y,,� '�i � ,':'F�F�:��.'�u�,iD:.airl,�. �x�.,�a✓Fi�,:°(} '�'it: , f;�.�',.0 t.tl 't')2' C���t?�'�: ..1'•'��.�` "1 7� 1'�`�♦ -i�711! t?,".^!'�� O� r^ i±:�-;.v--i�su t;.t?�iltif,eL?� ��.Y� Y'iU.l.:°.7:�� ': .,,I f)u%1t� ��3�,!�C��).pt:�� �c �� �3,� � �Y t!.;l k � � �� :? ; ^' ,K:°!��' E�,:.;ar :+4 '��� c'3 d't � i.� y �',�; 4.i3 'E'e�1�L,'' �$:uc51-4-�.:??l� w�c4xEt�d'iC`i�s � viir�� �'„ � A�C...�r l.ii r<���. .,'�. �{. t� L4q� :���L'S.cZ ..�� � �\'`� ') . {�� t`.'C"�yL�"� .3:/1�Y Ml�A ��'!1'��iy.� �#.�i+��? �y y,a �` . . '.�.i�`�•`.j.SiJF'�` �1� 3i9�57 G'�� T��•�i.��.= •:.�i ."S.. r.1��� �.� i%k-n�� ��I.�Z/�� . � . A � �1Y r� :�''P �e�T''�,�^ �..l� r� #�� �y�t � %�$ i.3� ��t)1�'�.'��i��' � -< � � i�a,��� ��` '�" � 4 �� � . �" � - , r�` . .. �� >r ��k`-�t'�!��d„w �°• . . . . . . . . . . � f ti:f� ��' �!�'!is �i Oi�'!�' ��lr i� �ii��'4 �.ii�+�i�i � �"� i� � �, 4�,,, �� O�s�� �t�!!'�+r1i. . � � ,< _ , � i�'+� �f�a �aos s�► s�E�,�► +�as:�r♦ w� �ur ����.�ir��,a��1 p����.'��': : - ;���� � �ballaoa �s�f f��it�al� 1ro ��ll�r�r ia !'ti��:. � � 3n��► sball k��g. saiNt��,R �4 �rs+�s�►rr• �ti� �ar�i�►s�r �rr� ���/ �ss# 'i� is �ia!• s�t �oai x�i�r, .w+��k�� a�sdrs r�►�tL �1ea�itia�. �il s#'� ��� �', , p�r�tt �r�►s�• �Ds�+� a�t rr�1� a�r� sawrar►�� i�u►a1i� or �il��tt sts�t�ii�� :,, ♦h4���#t o! �ssldt�� �t���oti0 pltot 4st#A�F� a� as��+►�. ' .°, ,�;. ; �,} �1tjM�` �11 �1�"' ill ft��lE�� r� titf3��t��1� �`��i 4� ',�1��� t�' �t ���� •laatsi�e#,t�r, �s�. �►�!p �o�t s+�rtas a�ltt�ss ��rtlr�+t ,ae ��±t �s',���"� ' + :.J �i 'Mt�� '4�1• pli����1• {� . ._�,.,._...___^._ ----�---r--------- -----------_.._.___ .,i.�._..._---.._ .__�.._.._..-.�_.�.�_.�o..e.--o..o�.c�:....,.�....,.�.,-n.v..ra►�c-�ar RcccGr- -�_-�..," a„ ••r,r+��-�.-.. In the ev�nt this property is destroyed or substsntial{y damaged by 6re oc any ocher caiue�aefore the cloaing dace,et�is agrne±�Jt s#�ti� �a„ , `y become nult snd void, ac the purthaser's option, and all monies paid herenad�ea s�li be tefunded to 6im. �; ,� er,��� "�°; The buyer and seller also mutually agree thac pro raca adjusrments of rentsf inceresc; iasurance and .c#ty �,•acn, and, in tlre cgse¢F ���. �=' inrnme property, cvrrenc operatiag expenses,shall be made as of _ . ,? �,(�..�: .�s;)��.'cx�. - . - -- . a�' The uller shali,wichin s reaaonable cime afcer approval of chis agreetnent, furnisM an a�stract of ticle, cx a Registeted f�t� ` A�t Abscratt cercified to dace to include proper searches covering bankrupccies, and State and Fed�ral judgmencs and lien�. 'fhe buyae�t�l` ` � ' allowed 10 days aftec receipt chereof for examination of said ritle and the making of any obieaions chereto, said'obj�eetians co�e �� t writing or deemed to be waived. If any objections are so made the seller sbaiT be allowed 120 �lays to make suth titk marke�ble. P�`�te��� .. : correctio� of cide che payraenu hereunder required shall be-postponed, but upon wrreaion of titk and w�ichin 1Q days after� �;tc�A . ,, ��` to the buyer,the paaies shall petform this agreement according to its �erms. � If said title is not marketable and is not made so within 120 days from thc date of written obf,�ctions ther;to as abervept a�+i�d, �,+*��, a� .. a�;rcement shall be null and void,ac optio� of the buyer, and neither princip�l shall be liabte for dama1qes hereut}der w tM ahet�rr+ci�t1 . t ` A!t rhoney chsrecofore pats�`by tb�e buyrr shall be refu��ied. 1f che c'rcle co said d��pem,r be f�taaa;kecable or be at��de witi►is citpe.' � . ��`' and said buyer shall dcfault in any of the agreements and continue in deEaul��for a petiod af 10 days, then ac�'iel�tfi�t nse the sd�et 8�#t# , � r� terminace this contraa and on such terrsmination all the payments made upon rhis concraa sha�l¢�e retained by.snte�"�aa�tet a»d ssi��e�te=�,q, � iheir respeaive intenscs may appe�r,as liquidated damages,time being of tlx essel�ce hereof.This provision�Ii l�oc;dept've�it�diC r the ri�ht of enforcing the specifit performance of this contract provided such contraa shall not he terminatad a¢�`�a�it�",��p"rov��u�l:i�.#A � to enforce such speci6c pecformsuce shall be commenced within six monchs afcec such righc of action shall arise.; � ,�� , � � Ic is understood and agreed chat this sale is madt subjecc to che apprpvaJ by che owner of said premises.in vj�tit�ng sqd t�,it ; A , sigped agent is in no manner liable or tesponsible on aaouet of this agree�tietu,e�ccept to returno[acmunt fot dtt s3i'i�e§t fid�t�i '�"'3;';F� this:contratt. ��� , � l�' . '���' ;� ��FORM APpROVED BY MINfJE60TA /l The delivery of all papers and moaies shall be made ar the ofFice of: ` ` ` - � ��d�� � � � � � � � �, . . ,°I ��x� �'y5_:. ��,•�.`., � :�+` '"�"`[,,,�t' N�7'f�RV P!'16i�-' � I ��"`fs�X�3�i�h}Y'�t��� � �g :. ?.. r� ....�.���.t.:; � ;:,� { ti1/Co:r � ^� � �'�'�}7 1.the undersigned,oaaer of the above land.do heabY approre ��'.� v . . v. �t��n' the above agteemwc wd t3�e sak thereb�made. I beceb7 �Bm ro ���1� , ' " ,,:,a ,�� up� •a�{, 9, r . * , ��►� �. .•;+ � d� ' i ��� �� . . ... . 1 .. ......... . ..... ...!�C.�C�C./•:(SEAL) � �'; �..... . � �,� � �; �, �:R Stllec ... .. .,..,.... . .. ...:.. ..... . �:..��''....... ... , . ....... ..� � ���'� Bnyer �: ............................... .............. ...... ... .. .... ........(SEAL) .,................ .. .. ... . .... ........ .. . ' }( ........ c�,— . . ...p,� -.. .. .... .. � ••f i � ` . . � �Kt .. � � � . . W]�� . .. �I,i�X x Y�A_ � _ —___"'__. "���...... . ..... r.n a�.-..n r�».-...�.e....��..r� n...�.�� �.r���i�i[r....�»�.. :ca11eliii..f.V4a��t� t �� ; � . _ , �-,�k� , . - � -. � � � 1� ��;, OPCIUN AGREEMENT ,/�� I THIS AGKEEMENT, madc� und c�ntered into w of th� duy ot Auyust, 19�iU, by and betwoen LOUELLA A. LAItSEN as persorw) r�presentative of t�w esrota �f GUSTAVE SWANSON (horeinaft�r callad "Owner") and RICHARD G. WARD (horeinafrer calldd "Optior�d"). � WITNESSETH TNAT: � WHEREAS, tha Owner is rhd owr�,r oF ri�e propdrry located ar 61� Eusr York Av�nu�, St. Paul, Minnewta leyally d��scrik�J as Lot 5, Chus. Wnid�'s subdivi:.�on of t�lock 35, ArlinBton Hills Addition to St. Paul, RarrK�ty County, Minn�ta; WHEREAS, Op:ionr�e desired to obtai� on option to purctwse thtl Option Pr�rr�is�s ,, pnd the Owne� is willing to grant wch un option upon th� torms h�reinalrer contuined. NOW, THEREFQKE, i� consid�ration of tha sum of Fiv� Hundred Dollurs (y500,00) option monay hw�nin paid by pptionae, it is apreed as follows: � 1 . The Owner herdby yrunts Uptionne for th� period btr�inning on rhe dar� hdreof und e�ding at midnight an Fdbruary 20, 19$1, tFw �xclusive right u�d option to purclx�sd all �f ttx� Option Premis�s, . 2. Thaf rhe option herein shull l� cldemod fully •xt�rcised if writtan noticc� of �Iccti�n �o purchase is deliv�r�d by Uptionoe to Owrner o� or before midnigl►t of F�l��uury 20, 1961 . 3. If the option is �xercised, th� purclwse price to be poid by tl►� Optionne tur th� Option Premises sliall bd thd sum of Twar►ly-Ei�ht, Thousond Dullars (�28,�,00) ar�J slwll bti puid i� tht� Foll�wir� munndr: � ' • �500.00 Op�ion Money, the receipt of which is hereby � ackrwwle�dd; ond s27,500.00 cash on tF�e daira of closir�. In r�w �vrsnt this optiun is �xdreisud, Ownc�r shull, �n rhn date of clu�in�1, �sx4cut� �nJ J�livnr ro ONtionne, u Prolwtn p�►n� (with apprupric�te S�u1d Trunsfer Tux puicl �Iwr��n) cc�nvcyiny tu Opri�nde title to ctll of thc� Optiun Frop�rty freo and cldar of all lidns. 4. Thd "D�t� of Clo�ing" slwll tx� u �te not eurliE�r �hon 1�� (lU) cJcays, rx�r r.�.,r�: thon thirty (30) day� c�f�dr th� data �f exercise. 'fhd timE► a�d Dot� of ClosirN,� sl-�ull k�s dc�t�rir►inad by thej partins, posu�ssi�n uf tt� Option t'rernises shol) bn ddlivered tu tl�s Opti�nau un tl�� Dat� of Cloiing. 5, Within fiftesn (15j dc�ys c�tldr Norico of dxercisd of rhn Opri�r�, Own�r stwll lurnish U currdnt Abstract of Title covdring title to rhte Option prdmis�s. Optiur��� �Iwll t,a allowad fifteen (15) duys thdrnutler to dxurnind tirl�, rnc�ke objdction� rl�rc�fo, uncl nutify Ownc3r in writing of such objectiuns. IF objdctions prd nut moc�CS und Owner is nu� notitie;d, such c,u'ection shall !�e deerr►ad waived. If ony o�jdctiun� orc� made und Own�sr nor noriFi�d, such �c�ion sholl k� cia�med woivad. (f ony o�jecti�ns a�� macln unJ C�wn�sr nutiiie;d, Ownar shUl) � 411uw�u ninety (�Oj �.iuys ro cura sucn �t.ju.:��uns. !� wcl; �.:'•=��c:6�::, -:_� r:=�t �:u.LJ within suid timd parioJ, Optiunda n�uy eifher (i) c;lc,ct Io dncl�r�; thi� uptiu�► null u�icJ vuicl, in which c�vesnt �I) opti�n nK,rwy thertiMuFu��s puid siwll Ixi r�stur�nd, w�, (ii) ;�r����d wi�h the; cl�sinp as iF thare hud Leen rw �ir1�s oLjuctions, k�u� withholdin� trum thc� Nurr:lu,,:.a �ricd tIw - 1 - ' i ; ' - _-_ , ' � �� \ .. , � � � ,� � �' � � reux�nabld costs, as estiniotdd by Uptioned, of curiny such objdctiun,, in whicF� �v4�►r thi, r�unw�tiun shpll consurnrnute on th� ciatc� c�f closiny; and when t��e a�i��rions ura c:u�ud, U�rionc�e shall bd rdirnk,ursed its rcusunuble cost�of curiny tF��e �bjdction�. 6. Owner shall, priur to th� Do�a of ClosirH�, pciy all ceal dstate tu�� F,uyuLle in 1yt3U und prior y�ars, and Uptionee shal) assurru� th� rec�l estute tuxcs �yaWl� in lyal . Owner shall pay in ful� a11 cdrtitind as.,�rssmdnts as of qugust 20, 19�30 togdH�r with tk�r� u�sdssmdnts far work whic:h hcas l�an curnple�ed o� the Nrt�mis�s prior to Auyusr 2U, lyt3�. OptiQnae shall be rdspcinsiblp fc►r all ott�r as�ssments. • 7. Notic�s shal) t� de�med properly givan if delivered persanUlly t� OwnHr �r Uption�e and a r�cdipt obtr�ined th�n�fc�re, or if by Urtited States registdred or cartitiad mail, postagra pr�paid, properly addrt�ssed us follows: If tc� Uwner: (.o��aflp A. Larsen 855 N. M�Knight St. Naul, Minn�soro 55115+ If to Optiond�: Mr. Richard C. Ward . 849 Payne Avenue 5 t. F'cw(, M i nnasca ta 55101 Euch rrwilud Notice skiqll Ix� ���n►ed to huvd ba�n yivt�n on the date th� sari� is d��wsi�dd in tl►a nKail, unci each cl�liverdd 1�lAticcs shull k�n cl�mad ta have biat�n giv�:n �n Ilw dut� �!� x�rn� is d�livdrqd. �3. This Option sF►ull be Wiruliny ��Nun the inure to the benefit of nc�s porlies I��rdtU, thair raspective heirs, wcc:essu�s und ussigns, pnd yhall b� tufly ussignablt� by Optionn�s, d�ther before or qfter r�xercis�, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partips h�reYc► havt� c:AU,,sed this instrumant tu bc3 ex�c:utad, on the duy a�d y�qr first abov�s writ�an. OWNk�1: ;.- ��,.,� � �� � ` :� /J���- �� / �/ . . . � . . . . . � � � . , f � OPT,I�NE-: ��' I ;� , � ,� j . ,, �� j �` ' � �c r �,�.L�' 2 _ __ ___ __ .. : " v'� � .:l �� �, �� . . � - ����r�,��� .� I l� l� �' b� THIS MORTG�,GE is mxde this. . . . . . . . 31St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of. . . . . . . .��t. . . . . . . . . . . , .�. . 19. . 78. . ,betwe�n the Mortgagor, . . . RiChc�ri�•C..Wan.�.,. a. aingle. �ex�s�n. . • • • • • • • � • • • • • • • • • - • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (herein "Borrower"),and the Mortgagee, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �� . , . . . ,F7SSt.St.ate.Banlc.Of.Saii7t.P�3L11. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . a corporation organized and e�.istin� � under the]aws of. . . . .D'Iiririe�Jt�• • - • • • - • • • • • . . . t'�hoee addres�is .�DOO.P��.AT��I�',�:'r • • St. Paul� .Mi.ru;iesota. , 551�J1, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , (herein"Lcnder"}. � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Whereas,Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of .��y'-S1X.'I'�JUSdDd.and.I�O,1100-. . . • � • � _—____��___�_�_��M. __ .-, Dollars,which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's no�e r� dated . . . . .��t,31, ,l��$, , . . . , . , . .(herein"Note"),providing for mont!y installmenES of F:incs�a� d^d ���tczeat, with the balanee of the indebtedness,if not scaE,e� �aic�,�ue�r.� pw�abl� cr. . . . . .°����I:''_"�?'•? � •'�'`'" . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : To secure to Lender (a) the repayment of ih� ind.ebted±:e�., P_:.'-^rs� bv � ::� � ..°, . 'a °''"' Of 2ll Ot}2eI SUP_iS� WIY}1 interest thereon, advanced in acca:d3Tl�� :'.;�°c,%Ei�'•_ Lfi j�T�"."'Ci t�'% 1 ^��'-:J � �- - • performance of th.e covenants and agreements of Borro�r�er l:�rein c�r.tv�r_P�, a:�� `i!` '�= :�a�.�y°":�-'� ` - : , � :-. with inter�st thereon, made to Borrower ta Lender pur����^t Eo p�:P�����: '7 h�;ec '�" '��� • - , does hereby grant and convay to Lender,with po�:°er of sale,fi�e fa?��.;�'-g�^��:r="� : ;�.-;d ""` '; = ` , _ � r`� ' c�-�o . . . . . . . .�IP.�e�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..State of�iin�esota: ._. �• , _..._ iJ✓l. ��� �4L1GJs YYG�'� SUbJ..11vl.s�'.� .�� � !' ��'^ r' .'.?��.'l��x'1Y� ..... _ .. _. ��. .�,,,..... � t�o 5�., �?aul, ac�ording to the p13tJthe�e�f on til� �nc1 �f �c,....�a ,�4.,^ ��°,-�s ' �fr�c� of the R�gister of Deed.� in and for ��a.� Cr.�.�r.tyr _� . �.',J. ;.!�'. .�,f :��� �����.6 `,�,)�,,rT��„_'`s f�� j:,,,,a��Ji' ���'• , • .. ;. �•1,� • •'i. +` �ti/11�i�11� . 1...�• h-,.�.J- ��� 1 :; �57° /� �� r � „P ^�^ T1\� Ih � �/ / ' ..l.e � �. \ 1 ��s..t.w:s-.v.�°.r 4',�'/J � /�9'_. ���.V /� ` ....r .r..�w . ..r v�.a-i�e .w. � fJ � ,b.�ri. ... ..� . � . . - _ . -. . . - . . . .. . . a „ . . � .. .. . . . ., . . , . . . . . , - . • . . .lL'91=¢..,^+,�"l�'..1. .` �1.���... . .. c , �, a tl ,� . . . . .. . .. . .� ;; __ M;_�����3 . �. .. .......a. ^rr. 1,,. .YJas�1 =�fl S -:r:,. .. .. p,', �._ - _ ,, IPSI £)j,��..t:v� 'it'.:.'nE.f�..i� Ole y'^� �.:� ,. '' . ,.... _ . . y .. . , . ^ � _ . ilI18C}lt"l� e0 iil� �1IU�El�.y� iS� vf '�l-Ci�; C���a'�1L X!'n.�, '�•r , of t�e property cov�red by thzs Moztgage,an� .�; c>f �"�� t..,a��.s. . .�,.t��^� .�'=.:1� � .� � ;�� ;,���;�t A`��, '.: � �- . '!� � Mortgage is on a leaseLold)are herein refersP�i bo��:s th:"°'������,�"* Borrower covenants that Bc�rruwer is I:�wfuuy seised oi the statc hc�chy tanv^ye� �nd hus ihe right Ea gr�t7c •rr.d c•.; ���,�� the Property, diat the Pcoperty is uncn�wz�bcred,>rd ���ac F3;�rco4�er ���il; ��:,:�rsYt e�i� defcn� ger�e�all; s.;°� ��',-: °o '.:^ ", . ; ". against all claims�nd �emands,subject to declarat�ons,cassments�� rG��ri,�i��ns of rec�rd,if a.ny. I�1•5 lRr•v 12 75) h.INtJESOTA— � �o a r-�n,��y-6/�5--FNnln/r►�i r.�C UfJ;FUr�,1 INS7RUMENT • , r �` � _ � �d �, � . ' - �� � � � ��. er i ,�in,� t=;is hf,,rt� ; � :t;� Borr,�wer p;,y� Len�,r �11 sumi �;,ns'.i:uting the d;'aslt actual!a e�istin�e undrr this M�Ft�age, in� '� �t=.• ana notss .;u... _ T UIllTe A(IVdII °$. �,1,.y. .�t ihe coinrnen�ernent c,;1ore�iosure proceeillttg5 tlftdC* thi, Mort����; (bJ fsorruwrr cures � ; hreact�es of ar;y vti�e: roven�nts o �_�ei;�er�ts uf Borrower cc�ntained in this I�furt�age,(;;► Bonok�er pays all reasonable �xpenses incurred by Lende; in enforci;�� t5e covenants and agreements o£ Borrower contained in this Mortgage and in er�;urcing Lender's remedies as pruvided iti nara�raph 1$ hereof, including, but not limite� to, reasonable attorne�'s fees; and +"ii� $orrower takes such actior as Lender ma� reasvnablyreqvire to assure L'�at the lien of thi� Mortgage, Lender't intere�t in the Property and Bor�ower's obligati�n to qay the sums secured by t}us Mortgage stiall contiriue uriimpaired. Upun such payment and cure by Borrower, this Mortgage and the obligations secured hereby shali remain in gutl force anJ effect as if no acceleration had occurred. 20. Assignment of Rents;Appointmenl of Receiver. As add;tional securit}' hereunder,Borr�wer}iereb��assigns to Lender the rents of the Property,providea that Borrower shall,prior to�cceleration under paragragh 18 hereof or abanqonrnent c�f the Property,have the ri�lit to c�llect and retain such rents as they become due and payable. Upon acceleration under paragragh 18 hereof or abandonrnent of the Pr�perty, and at any time prior te�'the expiration of any period of redemption following sale of the Property, Lender shall be entitled to have a receiver appointed.by a court to enter upon, take possession of and manage the Property and to co]lect the rents of the Property including those past due. A,U rents collected by the receiver shall be applied first tu payment of the costs of management of the Property and ;ollection of rents, including,but not limited to,receiver's fees, �.remiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorney's fees,ar�d then to the sums secured by this Mortgage.The receiver shall he liable to account only for those rents actually received. 21. Future Advances. Upon request of Borrower, Lendet, at Lender's option prior to discharge of this Mortgage, may make Future Advances to Borrower. Such Future Adv�nces, with interest thereon; shall be secured by this Mortgage when evidenced by promissory notes stating that said notes are secuced hereby. At no time shall the principal amounz of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage, not including sums advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this Mortpage,exceed the original amount of the Note plus US $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22. Release. Upon payment of all sums secured by t}us lvlortgage,Lender shall discharge this Mortgage without charge to ! Borrower.Bonower shall pay all costs of recordation,if any. 23. Waiver of Homestead. Borrower hereby waives all right of h�mestead exemption in the Property. In Witness Whereof,$orrower has executed this Mortgage. . Witnesses: � . ' � . X '� � . . . . �L« �Z1CY23.Y'C� C. jac-�� . . . . . . . . . . . .—Borrower —Ba rrow8r State of Minnesota, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . County ss: . . . RamseY. On this . . . . . . 31St . . . . .day of. AuglyS.t. . . . . . . . . 19 78. . . . , before me appeared . . . . . . . . . . Richard C.� Ward. r. a. single, person_ . . . . . . . . . personally known to be the person(s)described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and ackn oweldged that . t�.�e . . . . executed the same as . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . d ed. ' � � �..�`O RICHARD D. HqRTM4N ( ;� My Commission ex ires: � '�. Notar p ' � � � ► »s.,- Y ubFc . �{.J" . _ � � ,\�r�,� Dakota County. Mmn._ .�. . . . . . . / . . • 'S' f i-� Comm�ssion�xp�res � . ��KQ ``-=�� Eebtudr y G. �y�.y � Notar y Pu bli c . � This instrument was prepared hy . . First State . , o Saint Paul of St. Pdt11, Minnesate. . . . . . . , . ISpace Below This Line Reserved Fpr Lender and Recoraerl !f yJ'`�,',Y / v C�.� 'J � � �- �' • — J � d ^ p 7 � A p = � � ,` C � . . . ry � � � � � . =� �' = i :`�'I ° v ' � �, �` � c� a �, o -± -' �.1� ° � �,� f` � � � `� ,� � �� o � r J � a � � � a _.- � � � ca � � ; L, � �_; j "' � � � � � (7 �{ � �: '.. `� -' � O � _ � ' 3 � ' '- � � � �n_. C? --, � , ..� � _ � � _ � z + _, �- � U� � � i � o � �� ; '�' // C. � � y r t., _� � c` ' .Y— ; J � ' � � � I , ' � i, � �. � a � ; _. , t � ( '' ,. � - — �. i ' i � ..� � �' . � I .. � �`F ` � - _ -: ( � ' � � �'� . -► � � ' I / � 7G � � 77� � Z�� _ — d��� � � � � ...�- _ :� ` I I �r.t0"�'' �O��C7'x0��0+�4+ �P�O+ep� � �� Y � 0 O � . � A S' c'�o � O bd � c�n � � �(y�, !� - 1 N K. v � � v] � � ,� � v, `� �� °� y � � �. b � � � � �� � � �� �' n � � � � �: A � � �, �. � y 44� � � �' � � �' c� �` � � � � O A � A � �`O''4'� �o+.o�����o+��o����o+�a�' I i . I . 0 I ' � � f L� �075 Arcade St. . St. Paul, MN 55106 June 17, I981 � � , Dear Ms. Daykin, The District 5 Planning Council reviewed the proposed parking lot and rezoning of Dick Ward' s property at 612, 618, and 626 York at their regular month],y meeting June 16, 1981. While the District Council recognizes that the situation for resolv ing problems concerning the area around the Payne - Reliever is complex and that there are mixed feelings in the immediate neighborhood concerning the parking lot, the council supports the rezoning to provide parking for the follow ing __ reasons: the Council felt the prov ision of a parking lot would at least begin to address congestion problems in the neighborhood. more supervision by Mr. Ward' s employees could be enforced on his own private property as opposed to � public streets . � the Council is remaining consistent with its position of three years ago in urging Mr. Ward to prov ide park ing Q. for the Payne Reliever. The motion passed lent support for the parking lot and rezoning with the stipulation that the�e be left a house to act as a buffer to the residential neighborhood and that increasecl police patrol- n11ng be provided to prevent disturbances to. the residents in the �--� area. Sincerely, � � Lee Runyo , President �: District 5 Planning Council Q , I - -7 693 York �venue St. f aul , M�� ' 5��'�l i Mar•ch 4, 19Si . Don Husband First Bank State 2000 Payne Avenue St. Paul , MN 55101 Dear Mr. Husband: It has come to our attention that Mr. Dick Ward, who owns the . Payne Reliever Disco, has applied for a loan from your bank to enable him to provide parking for his customers. During the pas� few years, residents of the South o� Case neighborhood have complaint,�� about the lack of parking for Payne Reliever patrons. The problems most often cited have been parking in front of drive ways , noise late at night, and the inconvenience of haviny to park several bl�cks away fr�m one's home. Where off-street parki;jg has been available to resi- dents, complaints have �een ��ad� ��;.t therP is no place for• visitors tfl park when the Payne Reliever is oper.. Mr. Ward has attempted to remedy this problem by providin� off- street parking for his pa�rons. He has not, however, been successful due to the lack of financing for the project. The South of Case Proje��t Review Board, a neighborhoc�d grour tyhich deals with physical changes, developments�, and zoninq r.hances in South of Case, has been in c�ntact with Mr. Ward regarding h;s efforts to provide off-street parking. We support his efforts and hop� that the bank will be able t� approve his reqr;est for a loan. T"e Pr^�1 em �,� �ayn.= Re7i��,er nark�ng h�s been a c�re one i n the neighborhood for several vear•s. '��e �tio�?� «Nprec�a�e any saecial cons��e�•- aiions you might make regarc+ing Mr. Ward's loan application. Thank you for any help you miqht give us in this matter. Sincerely. Charles St.ander President South ofi t'as� P,-;, -�-, . Rev i ew 6oa���i CS/mep copies to: District 5 ' � Payne Arcade Business Association 32 Irvine Park St. Paul Miruzesota 55101 Dick Ward Payne Reliever � 899 Payne Avenue St. Paul, Miruzesota 55101 � r.�, wara; This letter is to reaffirm our support for your efforts in Purchasing the property behi.nd the Payne Reliever in order to alleviate the parking problen. The Baard of Directors of the Payne Arcade Buisness Association feels that your efforts wi71 have a very positive influence on your establishmPnt and on Payne Avenue as a whole. Sincerely yours, . �, , . 1�. � ?���..st ���_.. �l Vince I�echman, President VLvl r � � . . . . . . . ... ����'� ;��.�.. ���,.�i[!�" ,� ., '�� u . `;'. . ' �' r�iJ�.�._ 5� � '� � , � , � � �. � ��� �. � ��� , � , . � � � � fl��J�ng� {��1���7�.4�QQ. . � � .Y . �+ , : �,' ��rk` '!\' ...-' ��.�.��;��:wL�::� � . . South of Case Project Revi� Board a;�ti �. °� �� PA`i'NE PARKING COUNT ,� � , . : : , . - ' � f., � �� � Having identified an ev�ning p�rk�it�� probt���i'�he vicin9�y of �I Payne Avenue, the Nousing Conmittee o� t�,�nuth � .;��e �'ru3eCt Fte�i�r� Board �decided to study the situation. '�'tj�'�omnitt.��,;deCided to� count ` the arked cars at `f ur times durin the�, � on t � � a of t!� '�reek i p o g +d+�Y h�e,�,�d�YS for a two week perio�: �'hes� times ar�� �y5� were �� _ ;�,#n an attempt . � to prove that a parking problem did ind�ei�,:�xist on.�kend evetni�t�s. ; � The findings a� recorded :as a percentage `�t�f the o���cf �arki�g �pace�; to the totai s,�aces on each block, ' �. " :, . . . . : , �� . . F COMPARISON # 1 �uesday 10 PM / Saturddy. 10 PM ,� � ' � r��'• This con�arison iinks the evening a�t�vjtie� or�" f'ayae Avenue � �" the parking problem: On Tc�sday evenings:;t�t+e actf�ity on Payne Avenue �; is considerably less than an Saturday even�ngs, and`��ae difference;�in the percentage: of parkjng s�aces �ccup�ied�t�t `th�se �v�nings reflects � � � �:� rP., the di fference i n �c�i v1 t,�. : �;��. , _ , , ;.. +�� ,;��. COMPARISON # 2 Saturday 6 PM / Satu1^c� �0 PM This comparison �tso���'�3nks the eveni�g activlty on payne Avenue �` :F . to the parking proble�: Frior to the ev�,�ting acti:vi.ties (6 PM�' there is a considerably low�r pereentage of pari�t�g Spat��-flceupied �han while the evening activity is in progress '{10 PM)..' . ' . ` COMPARISON # 3 Friday 10 PM / Saturd��t �0 AM This comparison illustrates the vol�u� :af par�ad cars ,which resu]t from the evening activity: Assuming th��;.�k� Saturday 10 ANt �rcenta�s show the vol ume of cars which spent the n��:�ht and th�refore probably► belong to the residents, the difference I'�'�w�en the� �riday 10•A"M percen-= tages and the Saturday 10 AM percentages t�ffers ar� ,�dea.as to the volume of parking for the evenirtg activities. � - � ; From the above i nformaton i t i s ev1+���`t that �f�e week�nd eveni ng activities on Payne Avenue do indeed ptt��:a 5�train on the availability of parking spaces. This of course effec�� �he patr�s of these activf- ties, but to an even greater extent this ''�nco�veniences the residents who are unable to park in front of their ho�es. A positive sotution , for all sides concerned seems to be the d��lopemen� of off street parking by the awners of the commerciai �st�blishrr�n�s on Payne Avenue. a � , � , , � � :f�:f �'���"� COMMITTE� � ' ��:'��`�'�� 0� CASE PROJECI' REVIEW BOARD ���YNE PARKING COUNT C���APARIS�N 1 �. 12°r� Z 1(0�0 1?.59'0 � 20�°l0 �- r 30�'/d Q 91%o � °/v � �I r°% Yo�tK Yo�C ��� 9'��O ����0 1�0 �1Z% �✓�D �1��� ��U�p ���0 ��O V�� �O � E� W El-1.S 't-.�'�'.�o �(d�0 1(�qo J��'1'0 �iC'P/o �Of'lp 1��'o ��'o TUES 11,/?.�` ��PtH SAT 12f 1 1 O PM COMPARISON 2 w � 5CP/ � 3�'!0 !2.'�°�`o � 2G�?'o 2 °/a � c 0.�° pQ„ �1°,�a Yo+�t�. Yc�R►� �I�9'0 5�'0 1 U�9�o 1C.L��o tOCp/o 5C�1'o I t 19'0 1 l C�-?'t� /o ,a q 0°a 93°�0 �u� W� �C7�1`a S'..�o !�'0 5��0 (olo�T'o .'.�'% 1�".�o ��a S,AT. 12/I 6 f'1�1 SAT. 12J 1 1 OPc�I C OM PA R i SO N �_____..___. _.� ___,. _ _ � I OiQ9�o � �C�O�'!o �' � 5!`.��'o �. , ,' �"��.,, �: _ '='E i 1:� 4 L_._._. �o% � ,��, L .5�% ��f��iK a- YoRK �/a �j�'lo 22% 5 0 5�9' �'O`j'o �'% `�'t79'o �% Q�,�% '��e'�D (o�°�O 111�ELLS �,�/EL.I.S Srd°!o �/o q1o/'o 5�0 I G� �O'Olo f�`� "' % � �RI. 0�/�0 10 PM �AT. 1 Z/► IoAtu► . G - �3- �1 � � � _ __ . .w � _ . � � 7� ��- W-C �� �� �� i hl � � � � � S dv�-� �e. �o n,, C �i u� `,`1�p , S o f�,e � � � yn.e �e �.�r � d �l a�f S�-�.�,�-" m � _ � � � I h,�� �•rvwt d at K� • � I .e v � �.�� � yY! ah � i o ! S C �u.� p� � �� ��. n lJ�� .er ov�s � o�'f5 � h �- ' �O o � v o�. �1� �` � . I :�► � ' �,{,�,� �Ca.4.Sc�G�. f � . f; � �' r�r�� _ 5;�3 '� . § � v J �� . v. ..._. `�� H��ls i n g Corr�i ttee _ _;Y.,�..-.��.�.,,:: Sout� o��' Case Project Review Board PA'�'NE PARKING COUNT Having identified an evening p,�rki►�g°probl�m �'.�, the vlcinity of Payne Avenue, the Housing Cornmittee of the South o��Case �ro�ect ��+4ew Board decided to study the situation. '�t�e �committe� deCided to count the parked cars at fQUr t3mes during th�:dmy on thr�e days of tF�e week for a two week period. These times and c���rs were ct�osen in an attempt to prove that a parking problem did ind�ed exist.on=we�ekend evenings. The findings are recorded as a percentage of the oCCUpr'ied parkin� spaces' to the total spases on each block. � COMPARISON # 1 Tuesday 10 PM / Saturday lfl PM This comparison links the evening act#vities or� Payne Avent� to the parking problem: Or� Tuesday evenings .the acti�rity on Payne Avenue �;{,. is considerably less than on Saturday ev�nitlgs, and the difference:in the percentage of parking spaces �ccupi�d on these ev�nings reflects the difference in ���fvity. COMPARISON # 2 Saturday 6 PM / Saturday 2Q PM This comparison also�`3inks the eveni'ng activ�ty on Payne Avenue ' to the parking problem: Arior to the ev��ing activities (6 PM) there is a considerably lowzr percentage of parCting spa.t�s-occupied than while the evening activity is in progress 410 PM).;' ` COMPARISON .# 3 Friday 10 PM / Saturday �Q AM This comparison illustrates the vtai� of parkad cars which result from the evening activity: Assuming th��:the Saturday 1U AM percentages show the volume of cars whlch spent the I�ight and �her�forE probably belong to the residents, the difference between the Friday 10•PM percen- tages and the Saturday l0 AM percentages bffers an �dea as to the volume of parking for the evening activities. From the abave informaton it is evident that fih� weekend evening activities on Payne Avenue do indeed put .� strain on the availability of parking spaces. This of course effects the patrans of these activi- ties, but to an even greater extent this"inconvenienc�s the residents who are unable to park in front of their homes. A positive solution „ for all sides concerned seems to be the deve1opement vf off street parking by the owners of the corrmercial establishments on Payne Avenue. � i ' � � {� �, :�"�`' ''�"AP��� COMMITTE�' � ��:'�`�y� 0� CASE PROJECT REVIEW BOARD ���Y �VE PARKING COUNT C��IIPARIS�IV 1 a.t �' 12°� Z 1(0°�0 1?59"o Y 21,�x''/o 'SO°/d Q �'ll% � � % Q�. GI% YO�iK `(QI�K ��� t�'vS�YO �Vti�!O 1 G�D �l�'Iv 5c�9'D I II% II v 1p i°'o �'o D°o �o 'v�/EL1.3 V�/E1-1-.5 5C7',/o �! ;0 1O�a 5',`�v xP/o �{.lf� 1�b�o P,t49'o TUES 1►/2� �o PM sA�!r. 1zI I 1 o Pc�1 COMPARISON 2 , _._�_ _ � � 5C�/ � S�''!o I2�9'o � Z�v 2 �� � o cx�° a ����� Yo'+RK Yc�►� q�'o 5f�'/� 1 C�49'o 1 G�'la 40L�/o 5C�7'c 1 I 19'a 1 t 09'v /o ,o q t�°o 9'S°lo eu� �nf 1Et.t.s �o9'n 3�'0 ��x�`�'p 5�'� (o!� �/0 1�/o �/a S�,T. 12/I b PM 5A"f. 12f t 1 OPt�'1 C O M PA R i SO�V �_______. ___ _ — � IO�Q9�o � ��7p�lo �9' � �'o ' - y.�� � � `"�€ jr� Z �._ ��t:4 � � � J�°,lc _...�. '�f01�K a- YoI�K q,�o Qj'.`�/0 22% 5 �o �! ���0 ��O �'�b �°lo �°�v ����D (o�% vtiIELLS �/EI.LS $(d'!o 80°�'o q 1°�'0 5�0 ' I GX� �OjOlo 1�`� �J' O°lo �RI. ��/.�o lo pM �A�' �2/� ►oAr� � - . .. _ __ - . � - �3r �� � �.. _ W.c �►•�c t.��C.tr �% � n , � � ,�'n � dr�� �e. �o , � � u� S�p n � o �� �' � � S � �e ��er yn� m � � d � a�f S�-e.�,�— _ � . , � �,,� ,�,-v,�d . a�r K� . • -�-�.e. rY1 an � : CX �� �e v � �,�-e ! �u�s� p� o � �e� s C � 5 � h �� � n UWrr� .er ous U Qt � . ' b o � v d� . ', � 1�� �' � : . _ _ �: , } � , ��.�5�..�.�C�' t � . .-� ' t;;��" �" I � �� _ .s�� � � � � � � �` . .. � :.� � .� . ;. ,..... . r �o-' � . ..., ..... _. . - �. . . � i �. ` � '' :'�i�aLi..YSw' ' . . . - . H�using Committee- � � ,._...�;,.�.��, Sout� o� Case Project ReYi�w Boa�d ;�5t� PA`�'NE PARKIN� COUNT ,,;; . ' ;.� . • - . . . . . `r . � . . � � . . . , . Having identified an evening p�rk�irkt���probl� ��,,the v.icin9ty af Payne Avenue, the Housing Comnittee,-`o� the°;�outh a�'���� �'ro3ect R�view Board �decided to study the situation. "�t��,"�!�nmitt�e,�cided to courtt the parked cars at four tlmes durzng th�:�d�y on ttrt�,,�days of tE� week for a two week peraod. These tjmes �nd "�'���_�; were� �o��n.:in an �atte�pt . to prove that a parking prro�lem did. ind�t�:exTSt.on �ke�d eve�f��gs., The findings ar� recorded �� a percentage t�fi the oCCUpi�d park�n� .��a�e�` _ to the total �spaces on each bl�ck. � - � . .. .. . � , . . . - � , ... . . �� . � . � . � . ' .. . . . ..y . . COMPARISON # 1 'fu°uesday 10 PM ! Saturdaiy. 10 PM , ���°,� This co�arison links the evening ,a�t�vittes a� flayns Avenr�e to � the parking prablem: Or� Taesday evenin�s`,tfte actf�rity on Payne Rvenue : � is considerably iesa than on Saturday eve���t�5, ar�d tlae difference:�in the pereentage; of parking spaces occupi�d`t�n these �venings refTects � the difference in �c�f�ity. ' v.h�� COMPARiSON # 2 Saturday 6 PM / Saturck�� ],0 'PM � ���`' � Thi s co�ari son a1so��]i nks the evert"i1�g acti v�ty on payne Avenue to the parking problem: Prior to the ev�:�t3ng activities (b PM� there is a considerably low�r percentag� of pdr��ng '�pa,rt��-occupied than. while the evening activity is in prpgr�ss '�10' PM)., ,+ . ` COMPARISQN # 3 Friday 10 PM / Saturd�iy �Q AM This comparison i�lustratES the vc��.�e' :of parked cars which result from the evening activity: Assuming th�,�`';�� 5aturday 10 At� percenta�s show the volume of cars which spent the .�i.ght and tt�er�for+e` pra.bab'ly belong ta the residents, the difference �be''�we�en the� Fri�iay 10•PM percen- tages and the Saturday l0 AM percentages �rf�ers an idea as to the volu� of parking for the evenirtg .activities. From the above informaton it is evl:�err� 'that �he weekend evening activities on Payne Avenue do indeed pu�''`a .:,strain dn th�e availability of parking spaces. This of course effect� the p�trons of these activi- ties, but to an even greater extent this `'inconveniences the residents who are unable to park in front of their homes. A positive solution �: for all sides concerned seems to be the c#evelopemen� Qf off street parking by the owners of the comr�ercial esta�blishr�n�s en Payne Avenue. r � �:.. � I , � � f ` -`�-' : `'��R"(� COMMITTE� . � .�.`;� '��p�a� . � :��-�i��°y� 0� CASE PROJECT REVIEW BOARD ���Y�IE PARKING �UUNT C��IPARIS(�N 1 ul. 12°� Z I(o% 1?.59'0 � 2L��''/o �SD°�a a 91% � °/a � �f l% YO�iK `�o��iC ��� 1�t0 ����0 1�D ����v �✓,D �1�ld ��V�p �nI0 O v D �O , E� VNFJ►-L.S 5v°.�o a(d�o 1O�a Jc�o �f/o �Cpl� ���d f�}f�o TUES I 1/2� g 4 PM 5AT 12j 1 1 O PM COMPARISON 2__. _ _ w � 5C�/ � 3�'l0 12,�9'0 � ZCX�9'o 2 � � o �° d q���p YCrRK y�K �I�'d 5�'0 10�9'o IG1."7E'�o 4G�/o 5C�1'c 1119'0 1109'a /o ,o q0°o 93°l0 eu.s W ,.us �C�!"a ��Yo !�7°I'p 5'.`}�/o (o!� �CP/o 1��l' �/o SAT. 12/I b PM SAT. 12/ l 1 OPM C O M PA R i SO N �_______ __ __ � IO�Q9�o Z �C�'la �y9' � �;'o ,� :: . . ,; .., .�. � .S�% '�.�.._-..�- . �`.�_� � `�R � -I,� � �-' a L._. '�=;Q�''. 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