277251 ������ � �� :. City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE N0. �.. r Resolution Ratifying and Confirming BY � �� � , ` Condemnation and Awards of Damages I$�5��8 and Assessment Therefor File No. j SLOPE EASEMENT FOR ALLEY In tht matter of I Asaessment for the condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from aubject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of the alley in Block 2, Forepaugh's Division A and Block 2, Smith and Taylor's Addition from Chatsworth Street to Milton Street. PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR ALLEY PURpOSES In the Matter of openin�, widenin�, and extending an alZey in Block 2 , � Forepaugh' s Division A and Block 2 , Smi[h and Taylor' s Addition from Chatswortn 5treet to Milton Street by condemning and taking a permanent easement for alley purposes on, over and across the followin�, described lands: A11 of Lot A in Block 2 , Smith and 'raylors Addition. The Sou�h 13 feet of Lor l , Block 2 , Forepaughs Division A. The Soutn 13 feet of Lct 2 , Biock 2 , Forepaughs Division A . The North 3 feet of Lot S, Block 2 , Forepaughs Division A. underAd Ttie North 3 feet of Lot 6, Block 2 , Forepaughs Division A. � Prelimina All that part of Lot 4, Block 2 , Forepaugn' s Division A � bounded by the following described 1ine: Beginning at the FinalOrc Nurtheast corner of said Lot 4 ; thence, South alons; tt;e � East line of said Lot 4 , a distance of 3 feet; Thence , Northwesterly to a point on the North line of said Lot 4 , a distance of 9. 5 feet West of rhe Northeast ccrner of said A Lot 4; Tt�ence , East along t,1e Nortr: line of said I.ot 4 to thF he above in point of beginning. He Council RF A11 that part of Lot 3 , Block 2 , Forepaugh' s Division A bounded ad by the � t�y' the following described 1ine: Beginning at the Soucneast ccrner ch lands fo of said Lot 3 ; Thence , West alon�; the South line of said Lot 3 , a ;ts ratified distance ot 9. 5 feet; Thence , Northwesterly to a point on t;;e ;,�esc line of said Lot 3, a distance of i8 feet North o� t'r,e Southwest ;d RE corner of said Lot 3; Thence , North alonh the West iine of said and the Lot 3 , a distance of 16 teet ; Thence , Southeasterly to a �oint c,: the East iine of said Lot 3 , a distance ot 13 feet from the Southeast corner of said Lot 3 ; Thence, Soutli alonp tne East lir.e of said Lot 3 to tiie point of beginning. COUP Yeas , Nays ; Certifie a sed by Cou il Se eta �u�� ~ �In Favor L�vin� ����'��� �Against G i 7 19�t P��u,�`."��,r;,� Maypr $Ch�;;,J��r,;r I PUBLISHED AU G 2 2 �g�� � � ?�ede;,:�;: ; . �'��5�� City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. Report of Director of Finance BY on Condemnation of Lands . File No. ���"s SLOPE EASEMENT FOR ALLEY � In the matter of Asaessment for the condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral ' support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations i thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of the alley I in Block 2, Forepaugh' s Division A and Block 2, Smith and Taylor's Addition from Chatsworth Street to Milton Street. � PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR ALLEY PURPOSE S In the Matter of opening, widening, and extending an a11ey in Block 2 , j Forepaugh' s Division A and Filock 2 , Smith and Taylor' s Addition from ' Chatsworth Street to Milton Street by condemning and taking a permanent easement For alley purposes on, over and across the following described lands : AI1 ot Lot A i�l B1ock 2 , Smith and Tayiors Addition. The South 13 feet of Lor. 1 , Block 2 , Forepaughs Division A. ' The South 13 L"eet oE Lct 2 , Biock 2 , Forepau�;hs Division A. The North 3 feet of Lot 5, Block 2 , Forepaughs Division A. un The North 3 feet oL Lot 6, Block 2 , Forepaugt�s Division �. �. pr, A11 that part of Lot 4, F31ock 2 , Forepaugt,' s Division A � bounded by the following described line: Beginning at the Fi: Northeas� corner of said Lot 4 ; thence, South along t�e 4 East line of said Lot 4 , a distance o� 3 iee[; Thence , Northwesterly to a point on tne '�orth line of said Lot 4 , a distance of 9. 5 feet West of tlie N_nrtileast corner of said T� Lot 4; Tr'�ence , East along the North line o� said I.c[ !� to :he point of neginning. :.11 :hat oart of Lot 3 , Block 2 , Eorepaut;;z' s pi�-ision A bounded i�y :`;e foliowin� described 1ine : Be�;innin� at �iie Soutneas� cor�,_er o� sa.id Lot 3; Thence , i�?est alor„� t'tie �e�.:�h line of said Lo� 3 , �� distance or 9. 5 feet; Thence , Northwesterlv to a �;;int cn t;�e ;•;es ; � ati li;:e of said Lot 3 , a aistance of �� feet Nortci o� [ne Soutnwes� � su corner of said Lot 3 ; ^hence , ;dortF� aLong t't�e WesC :�,^,e o� sa�d �� sa Lot 3 , a distance oi 16 reet ; Tnence , Soutiieasterly to a poinc c„ � w the East line of said Lot 3 , a discznce or 13 iee: �ro;r tt:e Sout}:east corner of said Lot 3; Ti�ence ,� Sou[ii aloa� ti;e East 1i::e of said Lot 3 .o ti�e ao:.nt of be�innin�,. i Director of Finance� ,��5�� City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE N0. Notice of Hearing in Condemnation By Proceedings File No.-3�1�.�i SLOPE EASEMENT FOR ALLEY In the matter of Asaeasment for the condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral i support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations ' thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of the alley � in Block 2, Forepaugh' s Division A and Block 2, Smith and Taylor's Addition I from Chataworth Street to Milton Street. � PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR ALLEY PURpOSES In the Matter ot opening, widening, and extending an alley in Block 2 , Forepa��h's Division A and Block Z , Smith and Taylor's Addition from ' Chatsworti� Street �o Milton Street by condemning and taking a permanent ! easement for alley purposes on, over and across ttle following described lands: All of Lot A in Block 2 , Smich and Taylors Addition. ' The South 13 feet of Lor. 1 , B1ock 2 , Forepaughs Division A. The South 13 feet of Lot 2 , Block 2 , Forepaughs Division A. The North 3 feet of Lot 5, Bl�ck 2 , Forepaughs Division A. L The North 3 feet of Lot 6, Block 2 , Forepaughs Division A. _r F A11 that part of Lot 4, Block 2 , Forepaugn' s Division A bounded by the following described line: Beginning at tt�e F Northeast corner of said Lot 4; thence, South along the East line of said Lot 4 , a distance of 3 feet; Thence , Northwesterly to a poinc on the North line of said Lot 4 , a distance of 9. 5 feet West of ttie Northeasr. corne: of said T Lot 4; Tt�ence , East along the North line of said Lot 4 to the po�nt oT beginning. �11 that oart of Lot 3, Biock 2 , Foreaau�;tz' s Division A bounded :ounc�l C by the following described line: Beginnin; at the Southeast corner lay qf _ o� said Lot 3 ; Thence, West alon�; the Soutr: line of said Lot 3 , a inanc�e as distance oL 9. 5 feet; Thence , Norcnwesterlv to a �oint on t,��e West iriated fc li.1e of said Lot 3 , a distance of 8 reet North o� tre So�thwest wards, al corner of said Lot 3; Thence , ;1ort�� along the West iine oF said Lot 3 , a dis [ance of 16 feet ; T'tience , Souttieasterly to a point en vriting the East line of said Lot 3 , a distance oc 13 feet from the an Sout}�east corner of said Lot 3 ; Thence, South alonQ tYie East li,e of said Lot 3 to ttie aoint of be�inning. Dated Director of Finance ������ �� �� .�s;�i y"f� , v�t���� �. �' S�� K -r y"• tY C .� �".� � �,ls N ?k_. >�r� 4 "'��,w.'. �E.��,,"+ 2 ,' �"�"�j� ,� ' ,�,i+� ��°x:" d �+ t : � F-r:� �1 f t ; �� �+'i ,�ye �r�'�� t -�¢•' '� � 'ar, w .. r� � .� �,�,� x y( � � .'+ .t'' 4 • tl.�' iS" •yv3' � �s�7,� � �� �, .,�w..t "r .�S'�4`3 I�y,��.xw„�\ ��i .- �.��y�'�� c,� �C ��••ya �xf �� �4 �a�3, t,A-'� A ���1'��a���� �+� � �� ����, '"°k� �� 4 ./�� i"�.� +� �� ,�"a#' :. -4�`t A £ � "^ 9S« �° � ' � y p '�� N� dA [ '�'ti"'`,�4 a .Y � � .�!.'� 1�.� s..'�r,�...Y'4� .. 1i :�.{' ``�H''t� �. � '`r�-. ��r ,�� , ,� .�^ ..y ` '`�xi ��i.9 Y .. ,� � � g R' � � S� �..�V 7 . d r�� ,k�,p i � 4 t ° '� e.-J� �� ,� d '� '' . X{p � , , , .� ��il�.�, , c y '���r�� � �i.�Eq�,�'�tdP` ��.?. 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