277249 ' ` -� ` �=12�� � � T P 1� �. .C � TY COU (� � IL �� S � PU � � iC � EAf� lNG NOTI � E �` � .��'�� SIDEVIdALK CaNSTRUCTION F I L E N Q.s- ios�6 PAGE i�11 R P C� SE T� decide or. whetner to �roceed with public sidewalk corstruc- tion LO C AT I 0 N West side of RICE STREET from University Avenue to Aurora Ave. H E A R 1 N G Tuesday , August 11, 1981, 10:00 AM Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall MJSGSS[�IE1�� If the Council approves the project, a portion of the costs ma�- be assessed against benefitted preperties. The estimated INFORMA���� assessmerts a_re as follows: RECO?�STRUCTION (rep�ace eaisting walk)---NO ASSESSNE:�� FIP.ST TIME COI�STFL'CTION �f �' walk (where none e�:ists) ror 1 and 2 tar.:il�� propert��------55.00 per foot For all other pronert•�----------�-58.00 per feot In addition, charges for e?:tra work, such as additional side- walk width, drivewav construction, etc. will be added to the assessment for the benefitted propertv. if this is a iirst time construction, the Cit� Council wil]. hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is completed. The purpose of that hearing will be to ratif.v the assessments for the project. You kill receive a no�ice at that time advising you of the amount you will be required to pa�°. Q U G S�I o N S CONSTRUCTION - 298-4255 ASSESSMENT - 298-5125 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this proiect in City Council Chambers from 9:30 - 10:00 AM the same da}* as the hearing. Notice sent July 24, 1981, bv the Valuatior. and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Management gervices Room 218 City Hall - Court Aouse St. Paul, "1i,nnesota 55102 �� ��� � � S ��: PA �JL � � � `� COI� [� � IL � PUgL. 1 � � E �4Rf � � N�OTI � E � SIaEWALK CQNSTR � CTI01� ��'��.�� F I L E N 0. s-ios�� PAGE P U R P � S E T^ decide or. whether to �roceed with public sidewal� construc- tion �'O �~ i I O f� East side of RICE STREET from Lyton Place to Atwater Street H E A R 1 N G iuesdav, August 11, 1981, 10:00 AI; Citv Councii Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall �SS�S��Et�! 6 � I_` the Counc�_1 approves the aroject, a portion of the costs -:av be assessec against �eneritted properties. The estimat�a INFORMAT��f�i � assessmer.ts are as follows: r�CO�:"'RL�CTIO'v (rep?ace existing wzik)---'�0 ASSESSTiENT FIF.ST TI:�?r CO\STRL'CTION of �' walk (where none exists) ror i and 2 �a^.ii�� propert��------�5.00 per foot Fer all otner prc�nert�•-----------58. �0 per foot ( In addition, charges for extr� work, such 2s additior.al side- walk width, drivewav construction, etc. will be added to the assessment for the benefitted propert�. If this is a first time constructior., the Cit�- Council will hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is completed. The purpose of that hearing �.ill be to ratif.�• the assessments for the project. �iou will receive a notice at that time advising you of the amount vou �.-i11 be reauired to pa�. Q U E S T t 0 N S CONSTRUCTION - 298-4255 ASSESSME:�T - 298-5125 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this proiect in City Council Chambers from 9:3� - 10:00 AM the same day as the hearing. Notice sent July 24, 1981, b�- the �'aluatior. and Assessment Division Department o` Finance and Management Services �, Room 218 Cit�� Hall - Gourt House � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 . . � � ��-� ���z.,�� ST PAl� L .� ET � COUtVClL PtJBL. IC �dEARiNG � OTI � E � w ;- � ����� SIDEWAL �C � CJNSTRUCTION F I L E N 0. s-ios�s PAGE P IJE� P 0 S E To decide or. whether to �roceed with public sidewalk construc- tion LOCATION Both sides of RICE STREET from Jessamine Ave. to Geranium Ave. H E A R I N G Tuesda�� � August 11, 1981, 10:00 A.*2 Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall h�1SSG55l�I�N� If the Council approves the project, a portien of. the costs ma� be assessed against bene`�tted properties. The esti*�ated 'N�O�����0� assessmer.ts are as follows: RECO�STRt?CTION (replace existin� walk)---ti0 ASSESS�fE'�T rIP�ST TIME CONSTRUCTION of �' walk (where none existsj For 1 and 2 fanil�* propert��------��. 00 per foot � For ali other nropert��-----------Sg.00 per foot In addition, charges fo. extra work, such as additional side- � wal�: width, drivewa�� construction, etc. «ill be added to the assessment for the benefitted propert�. If this is a first time construction, the Cit�- Council will hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is completed. The purpose of that hearing will be to ratif.v the assessments for the project. You will receive a notice at that time advising you of the amount you will be required to pay. Q V�S T�o N S CONSTRUCTION - 298-4255 ASSESSMENT - 298-5125 Also, City staff will be available to answer anv last minut2 questions on this proiect in City Council Chambers from 9:30 - 10:00 AM the same day as the hearing. Notice sent July 24, 1981, bti= the Valuation and Assessment Division Department o` Finance and Management Services Room 218 Cit�� Hall - Court House . St. ?aul, ':innesota 55102 , �t ��z� � � ` ST PAUL .C � TY COt1 [� � lL � PU � LiC HEARING NOTICE ��, . � SIDE1�dALK C � NST � lJCTION �`�� F I L E N 0. s-ios�9 PAG E F� U R P o S E To decide or. whether to aroceed with public sidewal�: construc- t ion LOCA�' !ON Both sides of RICE STREET from Geranium Ave. to Maryland Ave. H E A R 1 N G Tuesday, August 11, 1981, 10:00 AM City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall �S S E S�All E N T If the Council approves the proj ect, a portion of the costs may be assessed against benefitted properties. The estimated iNFORMATfaN assessments are as f.ollows: RECONSTF.C�CTION (replace e�:isting walk)---'�0 ASSESSMENT FIRST TIME CONSTRUCTIOfi of 5' �.*alk (where none exists) For 1 and 2 familv propert��------55.00 per foot � Fer all other property-----------54. 00 per foot � In addition, charges for extra work, such as additional side- � walk width, drivewav construction, etc. will be added to the assessment for the benefitted propert}*. If this is a first time constructior., the Cit� Council will hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is completed. The purpose of that hearing will be to ratify the assessments for the project. You will receive a notice at that time advising you of the amount vou will be required to pay. Q u G S T'o N S CONSTRUCTION - 298-4255 ASSESSMENT - 298-5125 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this proiect in City Council Chambers from 9:30 - 10:00 AM the same day as the hearing. P�otice sent July 24, 1981, bv the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall - Court Aouse . St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 , . �� C'�e,,.��' . . . � �'/� ST. PA� U �. .� � � �' COU � � IL PU � L. 1C � E � RING NOTICE ,�� ��� S { DEWALK CD �VSTRUCTION �� F ( L E N 0. s-iosso PAG E �U R P � S E =o decide or. whether to �roceed with public sidewal}; construc- t ion LOCATION Both sides of SIBLEY STREET from 8th Street to 9th Street. H E A R I N G Tuesday � August 11, 1981, 10:00 A.M Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall A S S E S S�IE�1�' If the Council approves the proj ect, a portion of the costs r:,av be assessed 2gainst benefitted properties. The estimated tNFORMA�i01� assessments are as follows: RECO?�STRtiCTIO;� (replace e�:isting walk)---�0 ASSESS"1E'�T FIRST TIME CONSTFUCTION af S' walk (�here none exists) For 1 and 2 fam�l�� propert��------�5.00 per foot For a11 other preperty-----------54•�� ner foot In addition, charges for extra work, such as additional side- walk width, driveway construction, etc. will be added to the assessmer.t for the benefitted propert�. If this is a first time construction, the Cit� Council will hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is completed. The purpose of that hearing will be to ratif.v the assessments for the project. You will receive a notice at that time advising you of the amount vou will be required to pay. Q V G S T�o� S CONSTRL'CTION - 298-4255 ASSESSMENT - 298-5125 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this proiect in City Council Chambers from 9:34 - 10:00 AM the same day as the hearing. tiotice sent July 24, 1981, by the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House , St. Paul, Minnesc�.ta 55102