277245 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE *T CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F A I N T �A V L COI1flC1I ��� BLUE - MAYOR File N . C ' R tion Presented By LIC���,:�� CG:��.�`-:-�J Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date :��:_: �n:; : �'ro;oer notice has i;ee�� rece�.v�d as to a crian�;e oi o�"icers aiid s coc?.;iolders in Snellin� ��venue ��'ine ':�ic:aors, a.r�c., Off �'ale :i:�i.quor Lice�::see at 50G ::. anellir_� � :iV';IlUE.'� C�011i� UU311i2�S �1,5 :-�i1@1�1it�, �.S%Eill1E 1_lii3 .�.r1C:S� �he_�efore, �iP. 1ii �y`vUL}rl'..y.,''; lti2.� Wi�G'fi t�te clea.t'i Of' .�ca.�::.uel �x. L'rea� �'t'_f: currerLt OPf�cers Si'P �OSP,i11 i• Cre�.� Presic�eii-L-, 3T:i_'l _�OCCO r•_'. Crea, aecretar;�–'ireasl�rer, 2.I1�L 1;118 StOC�Y'_OI.C�2Y'S �Y'2 clOS2pi 1. �iiEa c`�.L�Ci .;�OCCO �i. Crea, i:JG' 8ilii i:RE: :�3.1.:E: �S '_�.E)_eUy $T�1.1;"'OV°Cz• COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt �evine In Favor Maddox McMahon � __ Against BY Showalter - -- Tedesco —Wif�arrr— Adopted by Council: Date — ��j'j 1 � �gg� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified s�ed by Council Secre ry BY B � � �� App by 17avor. D � IC � ►y t�a�t� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By – — BY .:�. � ,� � �,�� �N 1�ai : _ � s �. ,����� ....,,,,,,,,�„� ='�``Tr °'�''',,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�� •.'-., '� �`� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �: i ii�ii += �`%�• �Q� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,�`''��,�„';���'�� Room 203, City Hdll GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR :'.u�;us t 11, 19 i 1 r" �,r;, ' :'.r. �Tresi:le._� . . i onor_,r:le ��r�k;Prs or t:.e i;ittr Co��cil ��aizi�� al��_, __�,��e: ota :s. PreGide��t w��u ._or�ora.le .ier.lbers : �:zlel�in-, :.venue �'ine L'_cuors, �nc., Y�olas axi vff ::ale L_('.UOi i�ZC8iiS2 �=iG. I:1SCE.'�i`cLi@OUS licer�ses u_S�)�1PCa u0 Vi78T'-: clt ��� � . y:.T1e171Ti� ;C2rUE',� Q01Z!�: �'-USliP_�� c�5 ::�I12L_7..Y;�; i:VEY1Ue i 1.I:2 �'_riE:. 1'IO'^�E,'T' �lOt.1CB il^a.S �)E.'E',:1 1�2CF,-.VP.I"i 3.S t.0 c C;i2.Ylj,'E Oi OPfi.— cers a.,d stocIclioldei s. ';:ecause of tti�.e �.ea�h o:" .,w:_uel G. Crea, �'�ie curren� o:_"'f�_- cers are Jo�eUYl �. Crea, i'res�.dent, �nd -;occo �. Crea, `:'ecret^r�:r_ `_'reasarer. `_'l.e stoc': is t:eld '.�r Jc�se;�r�. �. Cr�a ard ;,'occo ��'. Crea. i'; 1:: c�.�)i)l-i.Cc°,.ti10I1 ,1`dS ti°;?Yl 7'E:V�_8G7GCi ii�" i��12 i�i.CE',i:S° `cL71� i'F Y'— .�.it __-r�s�on ar.d ti�e :.`�ts- t�ttorrle��':: o='�_�ce. �r�e r�cor°�:endati.on i^ ior ar,�-rot-,sl. y .^r;,T �;rul�- �-ou„�, c�9�?�.�C �� � Jo.�e.�h 1' . Caa°c}Lec�_ L�c�a-�.s� ir:sneci;or ��