277244 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE ('�'�1�'� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY F SA I NT �A U L COUflC1I j ,I !��� �� BLUE - MAYOR frI � ��� . File N 0. ,�, ,r, Cou es t on Presented By Ll�L�vaL �U�i��C'���JiJ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date :.r�_;�: i'ro^er ��otice 'r.as ueeri rece�.ved as to a c�iar�;e oi oificers iri Ci;icI:ett's, inc., an �2�.@ i,1CiUOY' i,10Ei1SE?@ El.i; �,�j7–�j9 ;�ti. i'�.�PT' :7t'�"'°8�,� C�U1r1�; �i1S1i1'JS� 8,E i�.Y�CaS�_�,T'�C T,dlll1�;0� t"i112i81.01"e� 1J2 1-� :.�5"vLU::'.;1: `�riat �,�th ;:he ad�tiozi of '_:�cnue� Cti_s.rle s �l�icI�ett, Jr., t'rie cur�•er�t of.ficers �.re i�cl;��.el C:iarles �':icI�:ett, �r.� �'�lesiderit; La,ura �. i%1.-.cI:ett, '�ice P7°es�_clent; --1Cfi�.E'1 �i;'_�'ZE:S l._.i CTC°L�� �I'.� :�P.COYiC�_ 1.1C@ i�T'ES .C7.�.rit� Jose-?li V. ���.C�•:eZt� �2C'°etar�,,r; c'111CZ L11C��r '�. ',��'i1CT'@�,t� r_�T'eU.�'��"E'T'� C?e and j��le S^.?'IG' ".c fiEa'G'�.:�r £:.rJ�OY'OtiTBC�• COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon snowaiter - � __ Against BY — , Tedesoo -�Milaa� P �16 �- �, 1�1 Form Approved by City Attorney Ado ted by Council: Date — Certified -s d by Council Secre ry BX i sy _ Ap o by lNayor: ` �Q$�� Approved by Meyor for Submission to Council By _ — BY �U����nEfl AU G 2 2 i981 � �� � •��•� ♦ "N\\\Nq{III ='��`"' °'�''''�- C ITY OF SA I NT PAU L °A� �i���i �� ��� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;, �iuu ,' ;� �uu wQ� �`�' = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION '��"�'im���������`'1 Room 203, City Mdll GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR yu�ust 11, 19:1 :�r. :�resiczer.t a.��d 'c:onora;��le i�em�ers of the C:�t�- i:our�c�l :�ai��t Pau1, ::iiirlesota .i2'• i�rE3.�J_C�iB'iiL c'�.T1C� i�OIlOY'c;:i;lE? i_@T!1};E,'Y'S3 C�:icI�ett�s, �nc. l�ave �i Gn Uale I,ic;uor� Licen;=e and r�iscellr;��eous licenses issued :,o tr�erz at ��67-59 �"t. i'eter �treet doin�; ;�us'_ne s:; as the LaridT:lar?� Lount e. �rop^r ��otice '_�.�s �,een �ece;.ved �_s to a c�_r�;:r.,e of o�_`'i- cers izi ti:e corr�o�^��,tion. �'he curr�nt oif'cers a.�e :'_ichael Charles �}�:ic�:ett, Jr., ?resy�?ent; Laura J. �'.�.c'_ett, '��ice rres__dent; :ichael C�,arles C?�_ic?:ett, �r., aF=cond. Iice ?resi:?_ent; Jo�ei�h C. C'r.ic'_ett, "ecre- tar;;r; ci�d Luc�z �. �l:ic'_ett, '_'rea.urer. _l�e stoc'° '.s '__eld brr �:icLael C. C'_�icIcett, �r., Laura �. C:_yc?.ett, Joser_.Y; . ,_.ic<�ett �,�id Luc�� �. �i ic'cett. 'ii�is application '.^:as t:e�r� r���'et�r��' by -�he Lice..se arld 1'ermit .�itiTision a-�' �'. � C:itJr .'_�torney's o�°ice. i��ie Y'P.CO"".;'.8I':�a,'t.1017 is �"or a;����oval. �Ter�r -�rul�:r ��ours, �� J oseph ��'. C•arc'r.ed.i License �r_sy�ector ��