277240 WHITE - CITYCLERKCOCI�ICIUI��t�I �� �����
File N .
� ncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date �
WHEREAS, the City Council , by Resolution, Council File No. 266179, approved
October 9, 1975, approved guidelines and st�ps for the establishment of the
citizen participation process to aid the Ci�y in the development of programs for
the City and its neighborhood; and
WHEREAS, the District 14 (Macalester-Groveland) Working Committee has applied
for recognition as the General District Planni�ig Council for District 14; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor' s Office has advised the Ci�ncil that the District 14
Working Committee has complied with the City Councifi�'s guidelines and s�eps and
recommends that the City Council recognize their organization; and
WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing Thursday, July 30, 1981, for
the purpose of considering the request of the organization, the Mayor's
recommendation, and to hear from all interested persons; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and
recognize the District 14 Community Council as the General District Planning
Council for District 14; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the action of the City Council on May 11, 1978, which
recognized the Southwest Area District Council is hereby rescinded for that area
lying within the boundaries of the General Planning Council for District 14; and
be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the
City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the following budget for the District 14
Community Council for citizen participation, financing to be derived from the
City's 1981 General Fund budget (Activity 06110) previously adopted by City
Council , File No. 277047, and the City's 1982 General Fund budg�t (Activity 06110)
COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hunt PED (Communit_v Development Division)
�e��ne In Favor
snowaite� - __ Against BY —
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by ;Nlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY - – — By
BL�7E - MAYOR File N O.
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date �
Out of Committee By Date
page 2
yet to be submitted to the City Council :
District 14 Comnunity Council -
8/1/81-12/31/81 1/1/82-6/30/82
General Funds previously approved
(C.R. #277047) $4,375 $4,375
Additional General _Funds:
1981 Budget Amendment (transfer
from Contingent Reserve 09061) 2,455
1982 Budget (Activity 06110) 2,621
Total General Funds $6,830 $6,996
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor is hereby directed to include an appropriate
amount of funding in the 1982 General Fund budget sufficient to provide the
financing required above.
Bernard J. C lson, Director Gregory le
Dept. of Finance & Management Services Budget Director
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
Hunt PED COmm i
Levine In Favor
Maddox � ' � � Q�`
y�� _ __ Against BY
A�G 6 ��� � Form Ap oved by rney
Adopted by Council: Date — � -
Certified P�s_e by Counc' Se tar By 8�3��
sy _�— _
Appro by 1�layor: te _ A�� � O ��� Ap o by Mayor for i sio �Cou il.
By B
UBLISH�.D AU C 151981
fii+►i /
� ' OM 4Z: i j1S�75
' : Rev. : 9/ �
Rev.: ,.: 5, jr�} ;
Date: July 31, 1981 _
FROl�I: WILLIAM Q. PATTON �} � � RE ���P .,:� .
� AI.I
M �FFICE ti,
� City Council apPraval
�... .
DistriEt 14 warking committee completed ten steps to recogni�ti�n and p�blic hearin
was held by City Council 7/30/81, 7:30 P.M.-, at �Iativi�y Sehool , 1900 Stanford.
F I I�UINC I tt�. :Il�ACT:
Approve budget for period between August 1, 1981 through June �0, 1982' for $13,826
2-page Resol.ution
District 14 approved budge�.
. . . � � ��240
C . �.�
July 10, 1981 •
Albert B. Olson, City Clerk
3� City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota
Dear A1;
Please be notified that I have called a special meetin� of
the Cit�r Council for Thursday, July 30th, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. at
Nativity School Auditorium, 1900 Stanford Avenue, to consider
recognition of the Dietrict 14 Council
Council President
We, the undersigned Councilmen, do hereby waive written notice
requirements for a special meetin� of the City Council on Thursday,
July 30th, 1981 at 7:30 P.M, in the City uncil Chambe for reasons
stated ve. ,
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, , :.:,.,, 2'�'�240 �
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To: Council President Ron Maddox ���Cr p�RX�s ��; �l
and Members of the City Council ��C, N�N��CF
' #
From: Jerry Jenkins � -
Date: July 6, 1981
Re: District 14 Recugnition Hearing
District 14's recognition hearing will be at Nativity Schaol .
auditorium, 1900 Stan�Ford, on Ju'ly 30, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. They
have a sound system. Because of construction, you wi11 have �o
� enter from the playgroun.�t/parking lot door on Stanford.
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To.: Council President Ron Maddox �
and Members of the City Council
From: Mayor George Latimer
Date: June 30, 1981
Re: Recognition of the District 14 Community Council
(Macalester-Groveland neighborhood)
Attached is the report and recommendation of' the Community Development
Division regarding recognition of resid�nts in the Macalester-
Groveland neighborho�d as the District 14 Community Council .
This report should prove useful in the Council public hearing for
recognition of District 14 Community Council . If you have any
questions, please contact Mr. William Q. Patton directly.
Attachment �
cc: A1 Olson v
Jim Be11us
- �"� ����!J
. ' �'y 't�
To: Mayor George Latimer
From; Wil l iam Q. Patton �J�j �
Date: June 30, 1981
Re: Recognition of the District 14 Community Council as the General
District Council for District 14
On March 19, 1981, a group identifying themselves as an Ad hoc committee
for a Distriet 14 Community Council began a petition process to organize
a District 14 Community Council separate and apart from SWAD Council . A
letter was sent to Council President Ron Maddox dated April 9, 1981
petitioning the City Council to recognize the formation of a �istrict 14
Community Council . The City Council referred the matter to the Community
Development Division for recommendation on a process to consider the
petition. The CD Division recommended Molding a public hearing on
June 2, 1981 to determine if there was broad-based community support for
the petition. At the close of the pubTic hearing, the City Council voted
in favor of a resolution which redesignated Randolph Avenue as the
boundary line between Districts 14 and 15 and appointed two working
committees in each district to develop structure and bylaws and to hold
public hearings as required in the ten-step recognition process contained
in CF# 266179 to form two separate District Councils for Districts 14 and
15. The "Ad hoc committee for a District 14 Community Council" was
designated as the working committee in District 14. This working committee
was enlarged to include other elected representatives from District 14
who had not originally joined the Ad hoc committee in the petition.
There have been three public community meetings held at Macalester-Plymouth
United Church, 1658 Lincoln Avenue, to discuss the proposed bylaws for
District 14 Community Council on June 9, 16 and 25, 1981.
The bylaws were adopted at the community meeting June 25, 1981.
Membership is open to residents, organizations and commercial interests
of the District 14 communi�y.
Work Program
The District 14 Community Council will pursue both short term and long
term planning activities, participate in the CIB process, increase and
broaden citizen participation, and will establish task forees appropriate
to address the concerns and issues of the Distriet 14 neighborhood.
Bylaws were ratified as amended at the June 25, 1981 community meeting
� ��� _
, � , - z - � 7 �0� � �
held at Macalester-Plymouth United Church. Announcements of public
meetings were provided to the St. Paul Dispatch and the St. Paul Pioneer
Press, appearing in the June 3rd issue. In addition, announcement of
meetings was sent to the Highland Villager and appeared in the July 17th
issue. Notice of these public meetings was also given by distribution
of flyers to residences, businesses, and other public places throughout
District 14 on the weekend of June 6-7, 1981. Announcement of dates,
time, and place of subsequent meetings was also made at each public
The attached budget request is for July 1, 1981 through June 30, 1982.
We recommend $12 ,800 be allocated beginning August 1, 1981.
The Office of Community Development is satisfied that the District 14
Community Council , as proposed in the attached documents, meets the
intent and purposes of Council File #266179, establishing a process for
citizen participation by designated districts in the City of Saint Paul .
Therefore, we recommend that the District 14 Community Council , as
proposed, be recognized as the General District Council for District 14.
cc: Jim Bellus
� 2�'`�24(i
Juiy 1, 1g81 to June 30, 1982
' Personnel $ 9,2�0
Organizer (half-time) $ 8,�00
Secre�tary (part-tiFne) 750
Office Supplies 7 ap0
Rent - office, meet.�_ngs 2,000
Supplies 600
Office furnishings & eqvipenent 1,000
Equip�nent Iease 1,000
Telephone 600
Postage 800
Printing - communications, ad-
vertising 1,000
Travel - parld.ng, mileage 600
Insurance 2�p
Contingency 100
TOTAL $ 17,200
StiiLil�Vr P V1YTl.V ,.
Advertising, posters, meetings, flyers�
postage, xeroxing, supplies, etc. $ 2,004
• .
The name of th.is organization shall be the District 14 Co�nunity Council.
The boundaries of the District 14 Co�ttunity Council in 3t. Paul� Minnesota
shall include Su�mait Avenue on the north; Randolph Avenue on the sauth; the
Mississippi Rivar on the west; th9 Short-line Road and the proposed 135E corridor
on the east.
The purpose of this organization shall be;
Section 1. ChaMtable and educational so as to unite, in co�non cause,
residents of and organizations serving the area described in Article II in a
continuing effort to promote har!nonious environmental conditions and favorable
cor�:inity relationships therein and to undertake such charitable and educational
actions and services as may, by its membership, be determined to be desirable
to serve these purposes. Within these purposes it is intended that this organi-
zation shall attempt to educate the camnnznity as to the necessity for maintaining
coaanunity pride in matters 'of co�non interest for the preservation o�' a desirable
livable neighbarhood.
By �ray of examples of carrying out these purposes, the organization shall
initiate and particinate in such actions as zaay be detercai.ned to be desirable
to enable resi�.:ents to preserve and maintain good residential housing, live in
a healthful en�rironment, provide recreational fa�ilities, anu protect the neigh-
borhood from crime.
In furtherance of the foregaing, the purposes af this organization shall be
to solicit funds and to accept gifts and contributions, to put to prnductive use
all of the funds and property which it may oWn at any time, and to use and d3s_
tribute its income and praperty exclusively for charitable and educat3onal pur-
Sect_,ivn 2. To develop imrnediate and lang-range plans, programs, and pro�ects
s,rhich sha11. provide for the physical, economic, and social needs of the district.
Section . To establish a consistent means of coasaunication so that people
may be inade aware of proposals affecting the distriet by public agencies and
officials, and �sa.ys in �urn, particiFate in the plarsning priar to actian.
Section 4. To have a well-infornsed district realistically pursuing its
best interests, thereby improving the quality of life in the City and increasing
the confidence in the f�iture of the district and of the City. To this end, the
organization will use various meclia to inform the district of issues xhich may
affect its interest.
� By-Ia�s, p. 2
� ` � 2`�'7240
Section . To set realistic goals for district pro�ects and progz�ams
Frhich may require fttnds from outside sources, whether public or private, snd to
xork to unite all elements of the district in see':ing to obtain such ftitnds.
Section 6. To provide a forum for open discussion so that residents and
business peQple of the di.strict can work together toxard the coarmon goal of a
safe, healthful, and attractive district within a safe, healthful, and attract-
ive city.
Section 1. General membership shall be open to all persons who live
within the boundaries established for the District 14 Co�nunity Council, who
are eighteen (18) years of age or older, regardless of race, sgx, religion, or
national origin.
Section 2. Associate membership shall be open to any business, educational
institution, or church in ths Council•s area. Similar organizations or assacia-
tions outside the Council's area may become associate members upon application
to and approval k�y the Board of Directors.
Section . A11 general and associate nembers shall have the right to supear
on the agenda at regular board meetings to present pertinent items of �nterest in
District 14. General me:nbership :shaLl be entitled to vote for representation at
the annual meeting of the District 14 Coaanunity Council and at spscial elections
that may from time to time be set by the Board of Direators. Each assaciate
member is entitled to ene (1) vote for Director(s} At-.large in its respective
Section 1. The Boar�3 of Directors is the governing body and shall consist
af une member f?^��m aach o�° t_`�e proscrib9d grids elected by t.�ie r�sic'.ents trerein.
A description of t.he grid boundaries is attached to these by-laws as ��chibit A.
In addition, the Board of Directors shall consist of four (4) Directors At-large
elected by ths generaZ membership, and four (�+) Direct.ors At-large (two from the
business community, one from the educational commun.ity, and one from the church
community) elected exc3usively by their respective constituents in the associate
membership categories of the business, educational, and church communities.
Section 2. The Board of Di.rectors shall have po�ers
(a) to Yill mid-term vacancies in its owrs membership by
special election within a grid, methods and grocedures for
s,rhich sha1Z be determined by the Board Qf Directors one (1)
month in advance of the spacial electian so as to ensure
proper public notice and appropriate selecti.on of Ihrectors
, t.o fill these vacancies. In the event no candidate is
elected from the grid, tha Board of Directors may appoint
to the position a person residing anywhere s,rithin t►`�e
(b) to elect officers and fill ndd-term vacancies in any
office, except President.
(c) to exercise a11 of t�e poryrers of the crganization.
� (d) to appaint co�nittees as necessary.
� By-Iaws, p. 3
. �r ! /�`30
Section . Slections shall be at the ennual meeting. At annual meetings
in even-ntzmbered y�ears, all even-numbered grid representatives and .four (4)
At-Iarge Directors (twa from gerieral membership and one each from ths business
and eclucational associate memberships) shall be elected to a two-y�ear term of
office. In odd-numbered years, a11 odd-numbered grid representatives and four (4)
At-Iarge I?irectors (two frnm general membersiiip and one each £rom the business
and church associate mernberships) shall be elected to a two-9ear term of office.
Section 1. The officers of the Di.strict 1� Coa�nuni.ty Council shall be;
a President; a Vice-president; a Secretary; and a Treasurer. The term oP office
shall be one (1) year. No officer shall serve mnre than t�ro (2) consecutive
terms in the same office.
Section 2. The off3cers shalZ be elected by the Board of Directors f'rom
its members at a meeting to be held the month following the anrntal meeting of
the counci.l.
Section , Mid-term vacancy of the president's position will be filled by
the vice-president. Other mid-term vacancies shaI1 be fil].ed by the Board of
Section 4. An�r officer or director may be removed from office by s
two-thirds 2 3) vote of the Boarci of Directors for cause. Unexensed absence
from three (3) consecutive board meetings or four (4) baard meetings during any
Piscal year sha11 constitute grounds for rem�c►val from office af any officer or
board members.
Section . The dul:ies of the officers of the District 14 Community Council
shall include but not be limited to the following:
A. Pres3dent
1. Preside at a:Ll meetings of the District i4 Co�aunity Caunci.l.
2. Have general responsibi.lity for conducting the affairs o� the
District 14 Community Covncil.
3. Have generaZ responsibility for the implementation of all resalu-
t3ons passed by the membershio.
4. Shall designate committees with the approval of the members of the
Board of Directors.
�. Shall with the vice-president, secretary� and treasurer� be respon-
sible for employment contracts of hirad sta.ff.
6. Supervise and direct staff.
B, Viae President
1. Shall perform tha duties of the President in the President*s
absence, and such o��ar duties as the P:asident shas7, sa direct.
2. Shall assist the Prssident in conducting the business of the
District 14 Co�nunity Council as requested.
3. Sha11, with the approval of the Board of Directors, assums the
, duties of ?resident upon vacancy of the President•s position.
` , ' i3y-laWS, p. 4
�� � 2'7'7240
c. sa�retary
1. Shall t,a.ke and keep accurate records of all proceedings of District
14 Comta�tn3.ty Council meet�s.
2. Sh�1I, in the absence of hired sta.ff, keep a file of reports submitted
by all co�nittees and subcoaanittses.
3. Shall, in the absence of hired staff, be resnonsible far proper
records of a11 District 14 Ca�aunity Council correspondence� latters,,
and other co�nunications with various persons, businesses, organiza-
tions, and other entities.
k. Shall, in the absence of hired staff, ensure proper public announce-
ment of a71 meetings of the I7irectors and of task forces and co�meit- .
D. Treasurer
1. Shall receive and secure moniss obtained for conduc:tir� �,he business
of the District 1� Coaununity Council.
2. Shall disburse monies as needed at the d3rection of the Board of
3. Shall keep accurate and current records of the fiscal matters of the
I}i�trict 14 Co�mnt�nity Council.
4. Shall prepare quarterly and annual statements whieh will be submitted
to the I7istrict 14 Corrmiunit� Council,
5. Sha11 present a full Treasurer's report, as necessary, at Board
Section 1. Annual ;�Ieeting. The District 14 Corrmiunity Councii shaZl hold
its annual meet:.ng in Ma:r�ch ar April of each year. The date, time, and place of
the meeting shall be set '�y the Board of I7irectors. Public notice shall be
published at least one (1! month prior to each annual me�ting.
The methoc� and proeed;u�E i�r eleeting cli•reotors shall be determin�d b,q tha
Board of Itirectors one (1) month prioz� to each annual mesting so as to provide
for a de�cratic selection of those Directors required to be elected under these
All participants shalZ sign in at the meeting with the appropriate residen-
'tial or business adc2ress.
As the first order of business, a.nnual reports shall be provided by the
officers and chairpersons of such conanittees as t,he Board of Directors may
Election of the Board of I?lrectors shall be the seeond order of business.
Naminations shall be open from tha floor. The ns�wly alected Board of Directars
shatl assu�e office at the conclusion o�' the msetino.
Issues of concern to the District, proposals for pro�ects or program3 shall
be presented and c3iscussed.
3ection 2. Board of Directors� meetings. The Board of Directors shall
hold regular monthl9 meetings, as detera�i.ned by the Board st t.he f`l.rst meeting.
Board members shall be notiPied by the Secretarg in adnance as to tiiae, place, and
agenda. Ptiblic announcement will be pravided t,o 2oca1 media in advance of the '
. ` . Hy_lawss P• 5
. �����
Sectian . Special meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Direct,flrs
may be called by the President or by a ma�ority of the Board of Directars on
mattars of urgency, provided that natice is made at Ieast three {3) days in
advance specifying the time, place, and r�ason for meeting.
Section 4. Quor�un. A ma�ority of the Board of Directors shall constitute
a quorum at any duly convened. meeting.
Section . AlI meetings covered by thess by-laws shall be conducted under
Robert�s Rules of Order, as amended.
Section 6. All meetings of the Ihstrict 14 Coimnunit� Counail shall be open
to the public. All eligible participants from the district are encouraged to
Section 1. The Baard of Directors shall establish comnittees and task
forces as deemed necessary for its purposes.
Section 2. Tho chairper�an cf each committee sha11 be appointed by the
officers with the approval of the Board of D3.rectors. Any eligible participant
may serve as a member of any co�ani.ttee.
Section . �ch committee shall include at Ieast one (1) member of the
Board of Directors. No oiiicer of the Board of Directors may be chairperson of a
standing or permanent co�sittee.
Section 4. Comn.ittees shall issue reports and�or recorranendatians to the
Board of i}irectors and ths membership. They shall not take any action without
prior approval ar directaon of the Board of Directors. Corm�ai.ttees shall provide
written reports of their progress upon request of the President and upon d3s-.
charge of the coimnittee.
Section 5. A11 co�ni.ttee meetings sha11 be open to the public. 'v�henever
possible, comn:ittee meet3ngs shall be annaunced to the cor�rnimi.ty in advance of
the meeting.
Section 6. There shall .be established a Long_Range Planning Comm3.ttee
whose duties shall inclu�e� implementation of the District I4 Plan, anc� keeping
the Plan eurrent as the issues and interests of the I}istrict 14 Community
Council change.
3ection 1. No substantial part of the activities of the CounciZ shall be
the carrying on of propa.ganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation,
ar.�! t�s Co�~�ci3 shaJ1 nat pa.rticipats in or intervene i,n (inaludin� the publish-
ing or distribv.tion of statements) any politiaal aampaign on bebalf of ar�y can-
didate for public office.
Section 2. Notwithstanding ar�y other ps►ovision of these Articles, the
Cauncil sha11 not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on
(a} by an oi►gan�.za�ion eatempt from federal incame teac under S ection SOl{c)(3) a�
the Tnternal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provisian of an9 f�ture
United States InternaZ Retverrue La�r) or (b) by an organization, contributions to
xh3.ch are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 19,54
(or the corresponding provision of any f`ature IInited States Interx�l &everiue Law),,
, � � � . By-laws, p. 6
- �r ! 1'�`-�U
5ection . IIpon the dissolution of the Council, the Board of 7?irectors
shall� after paying or making provi.s3on for the payment of alI of the liabilities
of the Organization, dispose of all af the assets of the Council exclusively Por
the purposes of the Council in such aanner, or to such organization or organiza-
tions organized and operated eaclusively for charitable, educational, religious
or scientific pvrpose as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or
organizations under Section 501(c)(3} of the Internal Revenue Code of 19$� (or
the corresponding provision of any future IInited Sta.tas Internal ftevenue La.w),
as the Board of Direct,ors sha11 determi.ne. Any such assets not so disposed of
shall be disposed of by the District Court of ttie county in Which ths principal
office of the Council is then located, exclusively for such purposes or such
organization or organizations, as such' court sha1�. determine, which are organized
and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Section 4. No pa.rt of the net earnings or funds of the Covncil sha73 �.nure
to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, officer-s, or other private
persons except that the Couneil shall be authorized and empowsred to pag reasonable
compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in
furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article III hereof.
These Articles, or an9 that may hereafter be adopted, may be changed or
amended by introduction of the amendment(s) at a regu].ar $oard of Directors�
meeting and voting on such amsndm��nt(s) at the subsequsnt general membership
meeting or a special membership mesting called for that purpose. Notification
of all impending changes in these Articles, inclucling the proposed amendment(s)�
shall be given at least one (1) month in advance of the meeting. A twa-thirds
(2�3) ma�ority vote of the members present shall be necessarg for passage.
A.�tTICI,�' XI - FISCAL Y�'.�A.R
The fiscal year shal't be from July I to June 30.
Whersver written notice is required or authorized by t,hese by-laws, such
notice requi_rement or authorization shall be satisfied (unless otherwise speci-
fically provided in these by-laws) if notice is delivered to the member's resi-
dence by handing it to a persan at the member's residence, is left in a con-
spicuous plaee, is mai.led to the last �mown address of the member by first class
mail, or is published in a newspa.per of general circulation in the area as de-
fined in Article II.
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uROVE►_Ai`dD—h�.�CALESTFR DISTRICT 14 � yx ��� �� ,�� .���•
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` �x ������' GRID CEP�SUS TRACT/BLOC�,S POPUL.4TIOY (1980)
._ ,,,�:���` _ _ _
" � �,.;�� 1 3�8: 304-I3; 302:501 12 120Z + 138 - 1339
f �, ��� ��-�'�"`�*�� :'-
�„ r`��=w 2 3�+g: �03-10,501-�+,513,510 1223
3 3�9: 301-3; 351; 401-4,�:07 1175
4 349: 304-9,1+01-2; 351: 20�ti--7,3�Z—�: 1070
5 :�51: 101-9,201-3,305-3,l105-0' 1303 -�• 102�+ = 2387
6 352: 30�_��,fi•o7_-.6,4:!.�-?1 1?51
7 352: 20�-10,301._�. l090
8 353: 307-10,�+o1-b,414,u17 1055
9 362: 101-12,201-i� Il$8
l0 363: l01-8,201--6 1Z79
11 36k: 101-8,5�5-I2 1290
12 365: l01-8,505--12 � 1135
13 366: 102,603-10; 367: 107 877
l�t 3o3t 207-9,301-7,�01-4 1305
15 361+: 109-12,201-�,�;09-12,501--�+ 1099
16 30'S: 109-10,201-6,�+07-10,50�-�+ 1195
17 366: lo�+-i1,5o�+-9,6az-2; 367: 520 1172
TOTAL DISTRICT 14 19,785 T 1162 = ?_q,9�+7
.• _ ��7�40
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Councilman Legislative Aide
July l, 1981 �
T0: City Counc 1 embexs
FROM: Ron Maddox
Council Pr sident
RE: Recognition of the District 14 Community Council
According to the xeport from Bill Patton and the transmittal letter of
Mayor Latimer, recommendation is suggested that the process of
recognition be confiinued.
Due to the past practice and tradita�on of the City Council, a public
hearing of the City Council is needed for the recognition of the
_. ___ _ _ - _ :
District 14 Cowicil.
Through discussion with the leadexs of the District 14 group and the
timeline required, it is suggested that we hold the public hearing on
Tuesday, July�21, 7:30 p.m. , Fairmount Methodist Church, I523 Fairmo�t
I this is satisfactory with everyone I would suggest that any further
arrangements necessary'be made for this hearing.
cc: A1 Olson /
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