277222 2'�`722�! CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.' � FI NAL ORDER B °" � `�'; I Y File No. �"�0�'7� Ch1'te �•1�7'� In the Matter of �It�trtltt� O� ���+/�MM11t* � MOi"� 11�t�i�Mt".�111 1'.�iMr�lW s-t0�E7g va c sid� a! �t �'!'�T ��rw af teY �►� te Lnrs+o�e ��. =-10671'°� fia►t s�e �t !�A'� �k�R �rar �+�aa� �trwt to l�si►Is� ���ei►t. a•1t�S7+i 1t+t�t s� e�` !l�T� �11�� ��+o� #rf�ta ltr+r�t � ui:�t�t J4�ro�r. ' , , .. � . �•w +Mr under Administrative Order approved under Preliminary Order � / �� U approved � �� � �/ The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof`having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. � : COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date AUG 4 1981 Yeas Nays �yl/�J � Certified ss by Counc' ecr ry �/ In Favor ��:� ���� �' S 19$� � t Against !v"� MaVor N' �'`� �uB�.ts�f0 AU G I 51981 �s rF � /i � • ��� ` '�� � ST PAUL CITY COI� (� CIL � R i N T I ��2�2 PtJE3LfC HEA NG 4 CE SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTfO► N F I L E N 0. s-ios�4 PAGE F'U R P 0 S E To decide or. whether to �roceed with public sidewal}: construc- t�on LOCATlON West side of PAYNE AVENiJE from Preble St. to Minnehaha Avenue H E A RI N G Tuesday, August 4, 1981, 10:00 AM � City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall A S S E S S�A E N�' If the Council approves the project, a portion of the cests r�ay be assessed 2gainst benefitted properties. The estim2ted INFO�MATlON assessments are as f.c�llows: RECONSTRUCTIO`� (replace e�isting waik)---'�0 ASSESS"1E?�T FIP.ST TIME CONSTFL'CTIO?� of 5` k�alk (where none e}:ists) For 1 and 2 famil�� propert��------55.00 per foot For a11 other rropert��-----------�4• 0�1 ner foot In addition, charges for extra work, such as additior.al side- walk width, drivewav construction, etc. will be added to tne assessment for the benefitted property. If this is a first time construction, the Cit� Council will hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is completed. The purpose of that hearing will be to ratif.y the assessments for the project. You will receive a notice at that time advising you of the amount you will be required to pay. Q V�S T�0 N S CONSTRUCTION - 298-4255 ASSESSMENT - 298-5125 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute , questions on this proiect in City Council Chambers from 9:30 - 10:00 AM the same day as the hearing. Notice sent July 17, 1981, b�- the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Management Services Roorn 218 Cit}� Hall - Court House . St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 �.������ � T PAU �. CfTY COUt� CiL PU � �. IC HEARING NOTICE ����� SIDEWALK � ONSTRUCTIQN F I L E N 0. s-los�3 PAGE �'U R P a SE ='c �'ecide or. whether to nroceed with public sidewal�: ccrstruc- tion LOCATION West side of PAYNE AVENUE from Beaumont St. to Preble St. H E A R I N G Tuesday� August 4, 1981, 10:00 AM Citv Council Chambers, 3rd rloor City Hall A S S E S�AA E N�' If the Council approves the project, a portion of the costs r.;av be assessed against benefitted properties. The estimated �NF�[�M�`f tVN assessmer.ts are as follows: RECO�STFUCTIO�i (replace eaisting walkj---'�0 ASSESSME�T rIP.ST TIME CONSTFUCTIO?� of 5' walk (where none exists) For 1 and 2 far�il�� propert��------55.00 per foot � For al� other ^ropert��----------=58. 00 per foot In addition, charges for extra work, such as additic�nal side- ! walk width, drivewav construction, etc. will be added to the assessment for the benefitted property. If this is a first time construction, the Cit� Council will hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is completed. The purpose of that hearin� wil2 be to ratif.y the assessments for the project. You will receive a notice at that time advising you of the amount vou will be required to pay. Q V�S T�0 N S CONSTRL'CTION - 298-4255 ASSESSMENT - 29$-5125 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this proiect in City Council Chambers from 9:30 - 10:00 AM the same day as the hearing. Notice sent July 17, 1981, by the Valuation and Assessment Division _ Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House . __: __ _ ___._ St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 . � ��t C4 r1c��.,B� � � �: PAUL C � TY C � U [� � IL � , f� U � LI � HEARiNG N4TICE �'�2�2 , SIDEWAL. K CONSTi� UCTION F I LE N0. s-ios�2 PAG E P U R P 0 S E To decide or. whether to nroceed with puolic sidewalk construc- t ior. LOCATtON West side of RICE STREET from Hatch Avenue to Lawson Avenue H E A R I N G Tuesday , August 4, 1981, 10:00 AM Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Cit�> Iiall A S S E S S�1IIE t�� If the Council approves the project, a nortion of the costs mav be assessed against benefitted pro�ert�es. The estimated �NFOF� 1�fA i ��� assessments are as follows: RECO\STRUCTIO\ (replace e�;isting �.-aii:�---?�0 ASSESS*1E'�T FIP�ST TI?�:E CONSThUCTION of. 5' �:al�: (where none exists) For I and �2 familv �ropert��------S�.UJ per foot For al? otner property---------=-SS.00 per foot In addition, charges for extra work, suc; as additional side- � walk width, drivewa�� construction, etc. will be added to the assessment for the benefitted propert��. If this is a first time construction, tne City Council will hold a public hearing after the sidewalh is completed. The purpose of that hearing will be to rati`� the assessments for the project. You will receive a notice at that time advising you of the amount you will L�e reouired to pa�. Q V G ST�01` S CONSTRUCTION - 298-4255 ASSESS*1ENT - 298-5125 Also, City staff will be available to answer anv last minute questions on this proiect in City Council Chambers fram 9:30 - 10:00 AM the same day as the hearing. Notice sent July 17, 1981, by the Valuatior. and 9ssessment Division Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hal' - Court House . St. Paul, P:inneso�a 55102 � ����� . _. .;- - �r�* . �lt�r�ees� - - ; �:, � _ ,.;� �:xf,= , c�i ,r�n�� �' ,�����e '.;..':ri��fti�,yu, L the l�a�ot��t1rq'�`t�' aad ,}r�ipddeqta� _. s.wrii�.c�����' � �.c�a.,� sior�a we:e�.da. ��` r,� � , � m S#0�14 Bat �A v ,,` k � � "��- �a.-c�o������ui�,i abo�!ev�'it��i�'��'�j1��., t�id report,.heteb7�yplv�r: .. -- i.Tn.�'t�e ',�'� , �. :� �,r�=. . ���!�x��,r�; - Year VII i�,.�,- t�;.;:,c�,,.- t.Thtt a pW�1: ' i�El�fO'Mi'�1i��b�: n���� �II'0#aiwlllRe�1. .,;t A�+�IMii1�2 .. j��til� ��!!k ��� ��:� v�.it�r me a.�.�r �.� -�!!�i i ,�� R �. �t� I . �.. ,� f': �� �t� � �r_ nyynw�a�ay s.i�i "�� Y.��2.~,:.: ti�i�i�i�` . ,