277198 WHITE - CITY CLERK ���' /y� ./�
PINK - FINANCE �T /_ ` /��
Bl.UE - MAYOR . F]I@ N O.
ouncil Resolution
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Administrative Resolution revising the Salary
Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution.
RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation
Resolution be amended by striking out Section I through VI in their
entirety and substituting in lieu thereof the attached Salary Plan and
Rate s of Compensation 5ections I through VI.
COUNCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of:
eas Hunt a S �r PERS L OFFICE
�«+e- [n Favor —
Maddox o,.
snowaite� __ Against BY �
J U L 2 8 1981 Fo Approved by it
Adopted by Council: Date _ c
Certified a_ • by ounc Secre y
Approved avor: Dat �u�� O 19 Ap o by Mayor fo s`ion to Council
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;;,� ~f��� _ �a4e : July 17, 1981
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��i O I�i ' G G�!1�'i�'���L C3�'l FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL _ . . . .
George McM�hon ; cT�aiFinan� mtikes i`ha foJic��,^�inc,�. .
Fepor� t)fi G. F. � t7i'c.�(fltiilC�
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At its meeting of July 16, 1981, the Finance Committee recommended approval
� of the following:
1. Resolution allowing Police Department to raise towing and storage charges
for vehicles impounded by city. (12055-LL) .
2. Resolution approving agreement with Port Authority for setting debt payment
schedule for Midwaq Stadium. (12101=GM) � � � �
_ 3. Resolution"app.roving addition of $100,000 to 1981 budget to fund deficit in
P�RA Pension Accounts ��09013. (12100-GM) . _ � �
4. Resolution transferring funds_ for payment of audit fees incurred for Central
Village audit. (12090-GM)
5. Resolution establishing title and class specifications for title of Economic
_ ' Planner. (12071-GM) .
6. Resolution establishing title and cl�ass specification for title of E.D.P.
System Technician---Public Works. (12064-McM)
7. Resolution approving complete revision of City`s Salary Plan and Rates of
Compensation Resolution No. 6446. (12108-McM) '
8. Resolution approving appropriation of $16,000 to fund consultant study of
911 system.
9. Resolution approving Battle Creek Watershed Project No. 1. .
,'i"tY i?�1(.L SE�'E;�'CH FLOO:? S:1I�T P:LU�., �:IFI�ESOTa �5�C�_'
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Do not detach this memorandum from the F,/������-,�!� ��- t�3
' �resoiution so that this information will be
Date: June 11, 1981
FR: Personnel Office MAYORS nFFICE
RE: Resolution far aubmission to City Council �
We recommend your approval and subm�ssion of this Resolution to the City Council.
This resoiution approves a complete revision of the City�s Salary Plan and Rates
of Compensation Resolution. This resolution is commonly referred to as 6446.
This revision changes only the format of the Salary Plan. It involves no changes
in benefits or rates of pay. It does not reduce any benefits for any employee or
employee group nor does it add any benefits to any employee or employee group.
The primary effect of the revision is to delete language which is no longer applicable
or which has now been included in Collective Bargaining Agreements. This revision
also adds new language which clarifies the existi.ng procedures and identifies the
va�ious employee groups and the standard ra.nges applicable to them.
The revision also involves regrouping of some provisions in a way which hopefully
���� t�e�eAa��ier to find and easier to read.
Resolution and copy for City Glerk.
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. .-� �RATES 0� COMPENSATI�N . :
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A The salaries payable for positions in classes ia the Occupation,al
Groups established in Section 3 of the Civil �ervice Ru].es and
which ha.ve been certif ied to a Bargaining Unit, shall be the rates
set forth in Agreements between the City of Saiat Paul and the
certified exclusive representatives, and between Independent
�< School Distric� No. 625 and the certif ied exclusive representatives. `
, .
. , . .,... .
,: ,
. . �� �. . �_:
B The salaries payable for positions in classes in the Occupational . .
=: Groups established i.n Section 3 of the Ci�i.� Senrice Rules wh�ch
>� :h�ve not been certified tc a Bargaiaing Unit„ sha�I be the same as
: t,he salaries for gositions_ in .classes whicli are �a the saaie -
.'�Occv�stional Group aad grade and which have b�en eertif ied ta a
„ ... .."; �tgainiag Un3:t. , , . ;
C. 1 The standard ranSe aPPlicable to each of the cla�s�� i,rr, tbe
Clerical graded group established in S�c�oa 3.B of th� Civi�
Service Rules shall be a standard range ia Section I D l h�ving
tl�e same nwaber a� the grade" in wh3.ch the c�s.s app�ars. Ttae
salaries payable shall be the rates set forth � the standard
raages ax�d as ameaded..
C 2 The standard range appiicable to each ct the classes in the
Technical group established in Section 3.L of the Civ�.l Service
Rules shall be the standard range in Sectiaa I D 2 having the
. same _number as the grade in which the c�ass agpears. The
sa�aries payable shall be the rates set forth ia the standard
ranges and as amended.
C 3 Except as indicated below, the standard range appZicable to
each of tfie classes in the Professional-t�dmiaistrative Non-
Supervisory Group established in SectiQn 3..T of the CiviZ
Service Rules shall be the standard range 3a Section I D 3
. t�aving the same number as the gzade in whicb the class appeaxs.
� , The salaries payable shall be the rates set forth in the
standard ra�nges and as amended.
C 4 The standard range applicable to each o€ tl�e classes iu the
�. . Professional-Administrative Supervisory Graup established ia
Section 3.K of the Civil Service Rules sha12 he the starrdard
range i.n Section I D 4 having the same aumber as the grade ia
� wizich the class appears. The salaries g�gable shal7. be the
- rates set forth in the standard ranges aac� as amended.
- 1 -
SECTION I (continued) ; � . ,
C 5 The standard range applicable to each of the classes in the
Police graded group established in Section 3.I 1 of the Cfv�.I -
Service Rules shall be a standard. range ia Section I D 5 having
the same number as the grade in which the class appears. The �.
salaries payabl� shall be the rates set forth in the standard
ranges and as amended.
C 6 �ie standard range applicable to each of the classes ia the
Fire group established in Section 3.E 1 Qf the Civil Service ' �. � �;
Rules shall be the standard range in Seetzo� I D 6 having the - '
same number as the grade in which the. clas� apgears. The `_ � ,v r _.� ..
salaries payable shall be the rates set forth ia the stanct�ard
, .
�-':: ra�:ges and as amended.. � �-
, . .
, . . , .,_- -
, .
. ...__ .. . . , , ,.
_ _ �.
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. - ,. - ._ -- . < - ` �
''`C. �: 7;°, The eompensation� for employees holding the title af Assistaat Fir�- '
' ,. ; . �e€ sha�.l`be eatablished in aeeordanee �th the resa�utions . � -
;.. approvi�g the� terms and conditions of e�¢g�oqment hetweext tk� Git�r :
of Saiat Pau1. and emploqees holding the tftle of Ass�.stant Fire
Chief, . :<,; ;.: �. .,, -
C . 8 ' The compeasation-f or the f ollowing: classe�:ia Sectia�t 3.I� of the
�` Civil Service RuTes under the heading nSpecia.Z BapZoyments" sha�I • �
be as set forth in an Agreement covering these classes approved bg
, the City Couacil.. , . ,:
. Grips _
Head Flyman
;'' Lamp Operator
Propextyman _
, Stage Carpenter . .
Stage Electrician .
Stage Technician , :
C 9 The salaries payable for positions in classes in the Occnpatioaa�
_ Groups ia Section V which have been certified to a Bargainin.g Unit,
shall be the rates set forth iu Agreemeats between the City cf
� Saiat Paul and the certified ea�clusive represeatatives.
The salaries payable for positions ia c�asses ia the QccupationaZ
Groups in Section V which have not been certified to a Bargaiaiag:
. Unit shall be the rates set forth in Memoranda of IInderstanding
regarding the respective classes.
- 2 -
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SECTION 1 (continued)
D 1 The following schedule of standard ranges sets forth the I981
bi�weekly salary raages applicable to positions in classes as
stated in Section I C 1.
GRADE A B C D r E 5-yr. IO_yr• IS_yr• 20 yr. ZS yr. .
1„ -�: ;314.57 325.37 :. 337.30 352.08 364.02 376.52 386.17 : 394.I4 4Q3.64- ;4I:3.I4
2, .� 321.96 333.33 ``345.83 357.19 371.4Q 385.04 393.57 404.36 4I3.Sfi k23.3�°'
3 329.35 339.58 353.21 366.28 381.07 393.5�� 4Q�+.36 4I2.89 422.39 ' 431.54
4 .� ;335.03 ` 347.54 . 359.47 374.24 388.45 404.3�r 4��.89 4z2.�5 432.0� . 44I.5�5
" 5", 341.85 ,:354,92, 3fi8:56 383.90 398.12 4I1.T5 42f.38 `424.94 43�.44 4�4�.g4 _.
- 6 349.81 -'363.45 376.52 390.15 '405.50- 421.98 429.94 44Q.I7 44�.£►7 453.17'"
7.... .. ' 357.�9 371.40 ,:385.04 400.38 425.72 : 433.34 442.44 .453.24 4f�.?.4 �4�T2.2� "
8 35b.28 381.07 `393.57 408.91 426.53 442.44 4S3.Z4 4b4.03 473.53 483..�
9 `�' 374.24 388.45 ' 404�36 419.Z4 436.75 453.2� 464.a3 -- 47�5.28 485.,7� 49�..28
1Q .., 383.90 398.12 411:75� `428_.23 443.58 46I.76 47�.67 �`488.56 4g8.�6� S�°�56
11 39U.I5 405.50 42I.98 437.89 45S:S1 4?5.67 ` 488.56 500.22 5Q9.T2 � SI�.22
12 ` 400.38 415.72 433.34 450.39 468.30 488.�Es 5Qt3.22 SI3.T2 523.2� _��,.1� ,
13 408.91 426,53 4�+2.44 460.06 479.96 502.67 SI4.33 529.67 53g.1t 548.6T
14 419.14 436.75 `453.24 472.59 491.63 5I3.72 524.Q7 ' S41.34 SSQ.84 56t1.34
15 428.23 443.58 461.76 483.03 :504.51 529.tk7� 5�I.34 �5�.45 - 564.95 574.45
, lb 439.03 ' 457.22 476.28 496.53 519.25 54I.34 555.45 57I.4I S8Q.9I 59fl'4�
17 �. 450.39 '468.30 488.5fi 509.42 532.14 556.08 572.64 58b.7� 596.26 605.76
18 ` 460.06 479.96 502.67 524.16 546.25 571.41 586.14 6Q2.1I 6II..61 62r.11
.. ' 19 �: 472.59 491.63 513.72 537.05 560.99 586.14 6Q2.II 617.45 626.95 636.45-
20 483.65 506.96 529.67 552.39 576.93 602..7� - 6I9.23 635.85 645.35 654.�5
21 496.53 519.25 541.34 ' S65.28 591.67 617.45 634.63 651.82 66I.32 67Q.82
22 509.42 532.14 556.08 583.69 609.47 636.48 654.27 672.07 681.57 691.07
23_ 524.16 546.25 571.41 596.58 624.20 650.59 669.00 686.I8 695.b8 70�.-IS'
24 538.27 562.82 586.76 613.76 642.61 670.23 689.25 707.66 717.16 726.6b
25 551.78 575.7-1 602.11 628.50 655.50 684.9f� 704.6Q 723.63 733.13 742.Er3
26 567.12 592.89 619.29 647.53 676.98 707.Q5 72b.Q8 74b.34 755.84 765.�4
. 27 567.12 594.73 621.74 650.59 681.89 713.I9 734.06 754�.32 763.82 7�3.32
28 583.69 609.47 636.48 667.16 696.62 724.IS 749.40 772.73 782.23 74L..73
29 597.81 627.26 655.50 687.42 718.71 75�3.08 774.57 795.44 804.94 8I4��4
3Q 615.61 643.23 672.68 706.45 738.97 773.34 794.82 817.53 82.?.,03 83&.53
31 632.18 660.42 691.71 723.63 758.61 794.2� 8IEs.9I 838.40 84�.90 8�7'.4a
- - 32 649.98 681.27 711.96 745.72 780.71 817.53 841.47 865.4I 874.91 8$4..41
33 667.77 700.31 732.84 766.58 802.80 841.4? 865.4I 88}.34 898.84 908.3�'+
34 687.42 718.71 753.08 787.46 824.90 865.41 889.34 9I4.SI 92�.tf3. �3�.��
35 706.45 738.97 773.34 810.79 848.83 889.34 914.51 441.52 4SZ.Q2 46U.52
• 36 726.08 761.07 795.44 834.11 874.62 915.13 942.I3 969.13 9?8.63 �88.I3.
37 746.34 781.93 818.15 856.32 897.93 94I.52 967.90 995.53 ZOd5.03 1QI4.53
38 768.43 803.41 . 842.08 881.97 923.10 967.9Q 945.53 11123.I4 I032.64 �Q42.14
39 790.52 826.74 866.02 907.75 950.11 995.53 1023�.14 I052.6Q I�Es�.IQ 1tI7I.fi0
40 813.85 851.91 891.19 932.92 978.34 1026.2� 1a54.45 }.085.23 I094.63 ��Q4..I3
41 835.94 875.22 917.58 959.92 1005.96 1054.45 Ia85.13 II17.66 I127.16 I13fi.66
42 859.27 900.39 943.36 988.16 1034.80 1085.I3 1117.66 1I48.35 II57.85 II67.35
43 885.04 926.17 969.75 1015.17 1064.26 1117.0� I147.75 1180.26 I189.76 1I.9�.26
44 909.60 953.78 998.59 1047.70 1096.18 1I48.35-II82.I0 1215.87 1225.37 I234.87
45 934.76 979.57 1026.82 1075.31 1128.09 1182.T3 IZI7.Q8 I253.91 1263.�1 I272.�L
- 3 -
SECTION I (continued)
D 2 The following schedule of standard ranges sets forth the 2981
bi-weekly salary ranges applicable to pasitions in classes as
stated in Section I C 2.
GRADE A B C D E F 10_pr• 15_yr• 2Q yr. 25-yr.
1 297.82 311.35 323.66 337.82 349.50 36&.12 375.35 383.98 396.98 409.98
2 305.20 319.36 330.43 344.58 358.74 373.5I: 383.36 394.43 407.43 42Q.4�
3 ` 313.20 325.51 339.04 354.43 367.97 383.3b 394.43 403.04 416.04 429.04
4 322.44 332.90 346.43 361.81 378.43 394.43 403.Q4 412.89 425.89 438.89 '
5 327.36 343.36 356.28 369.81 385.19 40I.8� 4IZ.27 422.12 435.12 448.�2
b. 335.97 348.28 : 364.89 379.66 395.65 4I2.27 422.I2 433.8I 446.SI 459.8I
7 .. ; �44.58 358.74 '373.51 _ 388.89 405.50 423.3� 435.6� : 44b.73 45g.73 �472.73 '
8 '�'354.43 367.97 ` 383.55 399.96 416.57 435.65 4t+6.73 457:�9 474.19� °`4$3.Iq
9 „�, 361.81 378.43 394.43 409.81 426.42 446.?� 457.I9 469.50 482.5(�: k95.5Q
10 . ��.369.81 385.19 ` 401.81 '�+i9.66 436.88 � 455.�5 �68.88 ;'4�8t}.57 4g�.S7` SQCs.ST.
11 :',�'379.66 395.65 - 4I2.27 - ,428.27 448.58 468.88 480.57 492.88 5t35.8� 518.88
12 �. 388.89 405.50 423;:35 �441.80 460.27 48Q�.57 492.88 505.Sfk 51S.8Q 531.8Q
, 13 ;��399.96 4I�.57 ;4�5.65 452.89 473.81 494.1I 50&.2fi 5�21:I8 534.Ig 54fi.L8
14 , 409.81 426.42 446.73 464.57 G84.27 5Q5.8� 528.5T 532.8$ 545.$8 558.8$
15 :, 4I9.66 436.88 "455.9b 475.66 :496.57 520.5�7 532..88 547.02 560.�2 : 5I3.�� .
- 16 :��`43I.96 449.80 : 469.50 : 489.80 510.72 53�.8� 54T.�2 5b1.88 574.8� 5�?.�tf .:
17 � ,441.80 460.27 : 4$Q.57 501.50 523.64 547.65� 564.26 S77.T9 59�.7�3 ' 6Q3.7� :
18. � : 452.89 473.81 494.-1I ; 515.65 538.4I 562.4�I �77.�8 593.27 6Ufi.T7' : 6I9.:Y�
19 '� 464.57 484.27 505.80 529.8D 552.57 5??.I8 593.17 608.56 621.56 634.56
20 476.88 49T.80 521.18 545.19 568.57 593.8ft 610.4I 62b.40 639.4� 652.44
21 489.8Q S10J2 532.88 556.87 581:49 6(3�.Sfi 625.79 642.41 655.4I 658.42 � "
22 501.50 523.64 547.65 574.I0 599.33 627.03 fs44.87 66I.48 674.48 687.48
23 - .,515.54 538.41 562.41 587.03 613.48 64�..79 fs59.02 674.4Q 687.40 700.40
24 '�' S30.42 553.18 577.79 ` 604.87 632.56 664.87 678.71 697.78 71Q.78 723.78
25 543.34 566.I1 593.17 617.�9 646.10 673.7� 693.47 71I.32 724.32 ?37.32
26 � 557.48 �85.18 610.41 637.49 667.02 694.7I T14.40 734.71 747.71 760.7I `
27 557.48 585.79 611.64 639.95 670.71 702.7I 7z3.63 741.47 754.47 767.4I
28 574.10 598.72 627.03 655.33 686.10 719.33 739.62- 760.55 773.55 786.55
29 . 588.87 617.18 - 646.10 674.40 707.63 74Q.86 762,39 783.32 79fi.32 809.32
30 605.48 633.79 662.09 694.10 726.70 761.I6 782.08 80�.85 817.85 830.85
31 621.48 651.02 6$p.55 711.32 745.78 78I.4? 804.24 824.55 �37.55 850.55
32 - b38.71 670.09 701.48` `731.62 757.31 804.85 825.16 ` 85I.00 864.OE) 877.Q0
33 655.94 687.94 720.55 755.00 788.86 825.I6 851.�0 - 875.62 888.fi2 901.62
34 - 674.40 707.63 740.86 775.94 812.85 851.00 875.62 899.61 912.61 925.61
35 ` 694.10 726.70 761.16 796.85 835.01 875.�2 8.99.61 925.46 938.46 451.4�
36 714.40 748.24 783.32 820.24 859.61 902.46 92T.31 953.76 966.76 974�76
37 734.71 768.55 805.47 844.34 882.38 425.�f� 9�t2.69 980.22 993.2� �486.22
38 756.24 790.08 828.85 867.00 909.46 95Q.fs9 980.22 I007.30 1Q24.�Q LQ33.3Q.
39 776.55 813.47 852.23 892.23 934.07 98�.45 IQ07.30 1046.06 I059.06 IQ72.Q6r
40 789.70 836.84 877.46 916.85 961.15 1007.�I IQ36.2I I�66.98 I079.98 IQ12.9�
41 821.46 860.24 902.08 944.53 990.06 I0�6.$3 1�66.98 1098.36 1111.36 II24.36
42 845.47 886.69 928.53 971.61 1017.76 1Qb6.98 2Q98.36 1129.13 1142.I3 �255.L.�
43 ; 570.07 911.30 954.37 998.69 1047.91. 1096.52 II28.SI I16I.74 1274.74 II87.Z4
44 893.45 937.15 982.07 1030.07 1078.05 1129.I3 II62.35 I296.82 1209.82 I222.82
�+5 919.92 962.37 1009.76 1057.76 1109.44 1163.5� 1I97.43 I�33.I2 1246.12 I2S�.�,2
46 945.76 990.68 1038.b8 '1087.90 1141.44 1I96.82 I231.27 1265.74 1278.74 I24I.T4
47 974.07 1018.37 2068.22 1120.52 1172.2Q 1229.43 I265.IT I302.04 13IS.Q4 T328.04
48 lOQ0.52 1048.52 1098.36 1151.28 1205.43 1262.65 1298.34 1338.34 I352.34 1364.34
49 1030.07 1078.05 1129.13 1183.28 1241.12 1302.04 I338.96 1378.34 I391.34 I404.34
50 1058.37 1110.67 1164.82 1221.43 1279.27 1340.80 1379.57 1420.I8 1433.18 Y446.18
A B C D E F 5-prs. 6-yrs, 7-yrs. IQ-grs..
28E 530.42 553.18 577.79 604.87 632.56 660.87 694.1Q 726.70 7bI.t6 782.08
15-yrs. 20-yrs. 25- rs.
8Q4.85 817.85 830.85
. �.. .. ,. , . ; .-:, :
_ 4 _
SECTION I (continue�d) .
D 3 The following schedule of standard ranges sets forth the I981
bi-weekly salary ranges applicable to positions in classes as
stated in Section I C 3.
GRADE A B C D E F G IO yrs. IS:yrs.
1 ` 543.65 565.49 588.56 617.07 648.02 681.39 714.15 736.61 757.23
2 560.03 581.88 606.15 635.88 668.04 700.80 736.6T 758.46 780.89
3 ' 'S77.03 ' 600.09 623.75 655.30 6$7.46 722.65 758.4Er 78I.50 �0�.35
4 j''S94.01 617.68 642.55 674.10 708.69 744.49 78I.5Q 803.96 � 828.22
5 � �, 612.83 637.10 661.37 695.94 729.93 766.34 8Q3.4Ea 828.22 �:�I.88
6 �: 63fl�.41 � 655.91 681.99 716.58 752.38. 7�9.39 828.22 853.IQ ° 877..��
7 ���.648.62 . 674.7I 702.63 737.20 774.83 `813.C7 853«7Q 879.19 904.&8
, �': 8:_��`668.65 '-'695.94 723-.86 '759.bb 79b.67 8�T.33 873.19' 905.84 93I.�&_
� ��,:�.06 � •7I6.S8 745.09 782.12 821.56 &�2.�2 905.89 931.98 ° �59.�g
10 . � 709.91 737.20 76b.34 805.1.6 845.82 888.29 931.9� 4b0.44 989.02
11 ;;�730.54 760.2� 790.60' 830.04 871.30 9Z5.60 960.44�- 987.I3 IQ18.7�
12 ;`��' 752.98 782.72 814.27 854.31 897.39 � 4��.29 489.4�� IQ19.9E :IE149`.f�g
13 � 775.44 805.78 838.54 881.02 923.49 �7�.2Q IOIg.% 1049.69 IQ7�.42
1/� ' 798.49 830.04 863.41 906.50 -952.61 _ 9�4�.33 IQ49:64 I(Y8g.63 III�.8'fF
15 ` 822.76 ° 856.13 889.51 933.20 980.52 IQZ�.05 ID80.63 III4.00 IL46.78
, 16 847.64 881.62 916.21 962.32 1010.25 IO6Q.6I 11I4�00 1146.7� 1180.I5
17 - 8Z3.12 907.71 : 944.12 990.23 1039.37 I(�92.I7 ��46.78 II8I.96 I2I?.L6
18 " 899.22 934.40 971.42 1021.16 ` 1071.54 1126.14 I18I.96 I2I7.76 125I..T4-
19 ` 926.51 9b2.92 T000.55 1050.90 1103.69 1158.91 I2I7.76 I252.34 2289.97
20 953.83 992.04 1031.48 1083.06 I137,07 I14�.10 1253.SZ I240.57' I328.&1.
21 ' 98I.74 1021.78 1061.83 1115.23 1171.05 IZ3Q.50 1290.57 I329.4E� 1368.84
22 1011.46 1051.51 1093.98 1148.59 12Q6.24 I266.3a I324.4Q l369.45 I409.50
23 1042.42 1083.68 1127.36 1183..18 1242.03 1305.I4 I364.45 �411.32 I452.58
24 - 1072.74 1115.82 1160.12 1218.96 1279.66 1343.36 1411.32 I452.58 I494.44
25 1104.91 1150.41 1195.92 1255.39 1317.26 I383.41 1452.5& I496.86 �.533.�6
26 1138.89 1183.78 1232.32 1291.78 1357.93 1425.88 I49C.86 154I.78 I58'6.07
27 1172.2b L219.59 1268.12 1331.83 1397.97 I468.35 l.S4I.78 1587.28 1634.04
28 � 1208.05 1256.00 1306.35 1371.88 1441.05 1511.43 1587.2$ 1635.82 I683.IS
29 1244..45 1293.60 1345.79 14�2.53 14$2.91 I558.I5 2635.8z 1684.35 1733.50 _
� � 30 ' 1281.48 1333.04 1386.44 1455.Q1 1527.21 16Q4.27 I684.35r 1733.50 1786,3U
31 1324.30 1372.48 1427.70 I499.29 1573.93 I652.20 I734.�2 1786.90 Z839.(�8
32 1354.75 1413.14 1469.57 1544.19 1621.25 17Q2.56 I786.gf� I840.3I 1.��3.63
33 1�+00.39 1448.94 1513.86 1590.3I 1669.80 1T��.23 �$40.�� I896.I2 �g5I.33
34 1�43.26 1499.29 1559.37 1638.25 1720.15 �8(15.71 1896.T2 1952.55 2a1�.80
35 1485.95 1544.81 1606.70 1688.01 1771.12 1859.72 I952.S5 2012.00 20TQ.26
36 1530.84 1590.92 1654.62 1737.15 1824.51 1}�.fs.24 20I�.:4E� ZOTI.4? � 2Y32.5�4
37 1575.14 1638.85 1704.38 1789.33 1878.52 Tg�3.17 207I.4� 2133.97 219�.85
38 1624.29 1688.60 1755.96 1843.33 1935.56 2Q32.03 2133.97 2I98.28 226I.�8.
39 1671.61 1738.36 1808.19 1898.55 1993.20 2Q93.92 2I98.28 2263.21 2329.94
40 1721.38 1791.14 1862.75 1956.19 2053.87 2I55.20 2264.41 2336.Q2 239'�.72
41 1772.95 1843.93 1917.96 2014.43 2114.55 2220.I2 2332.1.7 2405.I8 247Q.7�
42 1826.34 1899.75 1976.20 2073.90 2177.65 2286.26 2400.94 2477.38 2545.3�
43 1880.95 1956.79 2034.�i6 2137.00 2243.18 2355.43 2473.7� 255Z.03 2Es2I.8(�
44 1937.38 2015.66 2095.74 2200.71 2311.14 2427.03 2547.77 2628�47 2700.67
45 1995.02 2075.10 2159.45 2266.84 2379.71 24g8.63 2623.fiI 27Q6.74 278I.3?
;. - 5 -
SECTION I (continued)
D 4 The following schedule of standard ranges� sets forth the I982
bi-weekly salary ranges applicable to positions in classes as
stated in Section I C 4.
GRADE A B C D E F G 10-yrs 15 yrs
1 531.73 552.89 575.70 604.16 634.63 667.73 7Q0.44 722.64 743.01
2 547.65 569.45 593.48 622.73 654.61 687.33 722.64 744.23 766.4Q -
3 564.17 586.98 610.39 642.10 674.00 708.92 744.23 767.t12 788.4Q
4 581.35 604.76 629.37 660.88 694.99 73Q.5I 767.03 789.OI 8I3.23
5 � .599.71 623.72 648.16 682.43_ 715.75 75L.87 78J.01 �13.23 836.�fi ' ;
6 . 617.49 642.72 668.33 702.42 738.17 7Z�.46 813.23 838.45 862.69
T 632.93 659.33 686.36 720.42 75b.72 ��i.E�� : 834.54 859.55 884.55 -
8 �.,:' ;.` 655.31' .-682.03 ;710.12 ' 745.21 782.17 � 8��.�Q 863:69 83f�.}.3 915.95
9- : � ; b74.6I 702.42 73Z.10 767.64- 806.58 84?.55 89U.12 9�5.95 943.42 -
10....` :� : 696.19 723.22 `` 751.87 790.64 83Q.79��;8��'�..48 9I5.95 �44.42 972.�tfi
� 11 , TI6.35 745.83 775.67 815.06 ' 855.80 8�.92 9k4.42 �7Q.8? ��42.44
,.. . _
: 12 738.77 768.2k ?99.09 839.06 881.64 92f.24 972.46 If}€�2.92 Y03I.79
13 ` 76D.76 791.2b :�823.53 865.29 � 907.65 - 45�.�,13 1002.92 If332.39 1t)62.28
. 14 783.77 815.Ofi :: 848.37 890.74 936.11 g82.�5 IQ32.39� Iff63.50 I(394.52
I5 g07.78 840.65 874.20 917.3'9 -' 963.97 IQ12.2� I063.5E1 IQ�6.17 1128.66
16 832.39 865.90 900.41 ' 946.01 993.45 IQ�3.Z8 I0�6.�7 1�28.66 LY62.76 .
17 857.40 891.72 �27.86 973.68 1022.53 1074.58 II28.66 I163.37 TI38,�T
18 883.25 918.37 955.33 1004.13 1053.98 1I08.28 II63.37 1198.89 I232,6�
- 19 910.29 946.63 983.98 1033:81 1086.09 I14Q.S6 I138.89 I233.19 127�.54 �
20 � 937.34 975.28 1014.42 1065.49 1118.75 I175�.48 IZ34.19 127I.I4 1303.I0
}: 21 965.20 1004.74 1044.50 1097.37 1152.68 121I.I7 I27I.14 1309.68 1348.64
22 994.86 1034.64 1076.60 1130.48 1187.37 I246.9Q I309.68 2349�.24 I389.QQ
23 1025.33 1066.11 1109.49 1164.57 1222.89 I285.46 1349.24 139Q.82 I43I.58
24 1055.20 1097.98 1141.77 1200.09 1260.OZ I323.63 139U.82 1431.58 1472.73
:25 1087.30 1132.30 1177.29 1236.01 1297.79 I363.18 I43I.58 I475.36 I517.94
26 1120.78 1165.17 1213.20 1272.57 1337.52 14Q4.92 I475.36 �519.54 1563.54
- 27 . � 1153.88 I200.70 1248.73 1311.90 1377.29 I44T'.�0 1.�19.54 I�64.77 I61Q.47
28 1189.18 1236.61 1286.67 1351.45 1420.06 14$9.9Q 1564.77 I6IZ.58 I659.6I
29 1225.10 1274.1b i325.61 1392.03 1461.87 I535.9Q I612.58 I6fiD.60 1709.65
30 1262.05 1312.89 1365.77 1434.00 1505.43 158I.94 1660.8Q 1709.65 I761.84
- 31 1300.39 1352.05 1406.74 1477.56 1551.66 1621.I3 171Q.88 1762.54 I814.24
32 1339.55 1392.63 1448.33 1521.96 1598.46 1�?8.�8 1762.54 18I6.24 1868.2&
33 1379.91 1430.32 1492.10 1567.99 1646.50 1���.6I 1$16.24 1870.49 I925.4(�
34 1421.29 1477.56 1537.12 1615.20 1696.33 178I.Q9 187a.49 I926.62 T984.1I
35 1464.47 1522.57 1584.14 1664.45 1746.99 I83�.59 19Z6.62 i985.3I 204�.2�
36 1508.63 1568.61 1631.56 1713.51 1799.66 184Q.26 1984.71 ZE�44.47 2I03.80
37 1553.07 1615.81 1680.81 1764.95 1853.58 1946.98 2044.47 21Q6.OQ ZZ57.S7
38 1601.27 1665.05 1731.64 1$18.45 1909.86 2005.54 2I06.00 2269.34 �232.57
39 1648.51 1714.50 1783.55 1872.92 1966.7b 2Q66.46 ZI64.78 2234.60 23QQ.3�
40 1697.76 1766.56 1837.39 1930.03 2026.69 2I27.4Z 2235.37 2306.20 2369.1�
41 1748.82 1819.03 1892.09 1987.53 2087.26 �I91.3�7 23QI.79 2374.82 244Q.04
42 1801.48 1874.34 1950.02 2046.89 2149.40 2257.I8 2370.80 2446.25 2513.66
43 1855.78 1930.63 2007.74 2108.81 2214.17 2325.59 2442.63 252Q.13 258�.35
44 1911.69 1988.96 2068.27 2172.19 2281.59 2396.20 25Z5.88 2595.8Q 2F67.22
45 1969.02 2048.09 2131.00 2237.58 2349.81 2�67.47 259I.I6 2673.5I 2747.37
- 6 -
SECTION I (continued) .
D 5 The following schedule of standard ranges sets forth the 198I
bi weekly salary ranges applicable to positions in classes as
stated in Section I C 5.
Grade A B C D E F 1Q-yr. 15 qr•
30 658.21 691.12 725.68. 754.97 793.58 825,75 868.63 890.09
31 677.96 711.85 747.45 777.62 SF7.34 850.52 894.69 9I6.79
32 699.99 734.99 771.74 802.89 843.96 878.16 923.77 946.59
33 . 722.D3 758.12 796.03 828.17 87E�.52 905.80 952.84 976.38 ' -
' 3�. 744.06 781.26 820.33 853.44 897.0� g33.45 98I.92 IOQ6.I�
35 779.65 818.63 859.57 894.26 gt�t}.pQ 978.2Q 2Q28.8:9 IQS4.31 :
� 36 � 803.04 843.29 885.36 921.09 368.2Q I007.44 I059.7(� I085.94
. 37 826.43 867.75 911.14 947.92 ° 996.40 1�36.79 I09U.62 1I17.5fi
3� � 84g.82 8R2.31 936.93 974.74 -' IfI24.fs(} �t�6fi.I3 112I.4g I I49.Zt�
39 873.21 916.87 962.72 1001.57 IE}52.8� I095.47 1152.36 I180.83
_ 40 ; 899.4Z 944.38 ` .991,60 1031.62 1Q84.38 I128.33 118b.93 12Ifi.25
41 925.60 971.88 1020.48 1061.66 1115.9� II6I.2� 1221.5(� 12SI,68
42 951.80 999.39 1049.36 1091.71 1.T47.55 II94.Q6 1256.Ct7 I287.10
43 978.00 1Q26.89 1078.25 1121.76 I17�.�:4�• 1.226.93 �29f�.ls4 I322.53
44 - 1007.34 1057.70 11I0.60 1155.G1 1�14.5I I263:74 1329.36 I362.21
' 45 1036.68 1088.50 1142.95 1189.07 1249.89 1300.55 1368.Q8 1401.88
33S 684.1 3 713.57 746.97 775.43 8f?&.35 84U.21 862.29 884.3�t
.375 798.24 831.�8 865.98 902.06 946.98 g87.47 1�35.33 Iab1.83 :
- 7 -
SECTION I (continued)
D 6 The following schedule of standard raages sets forth the
1981 bi-�raeekly salary ranges applicabl.e to gositions in
classes as stated ia Section I C 6.
GRADE A B C D . E : F 10-yr. I5 qr.
30 658.21 691.12 725.68 754.97 793.58 825.75 868.63 890.09
31 677.96 711.85 747.45 777.62 8I7.39 850.52 894.69 916.79
32 - 698.30 < 733.21 � 769.87 800.95 84I.91 876.a4 921.53 94�4�.2�
33 718.64 754.55 792.29 ` 824.30 866.42 90I.56 948.31 97I.8Q
34 . .;; 738.98 , 775.92 � 8I4.72 847.61. - ; 89Q.�6 927.�7 9T5.2I 999�.34�
• 35 := <-�.-759.33 ;797.28 837.15 870.95 . 915.47 952.56 1Q02.4a IQ26.79 �.
36 . 779.65 818.b3 ` .859.57 894.26 340.00 978.IQ 1028.83 10�4.3I
3� , : �t?Q.t30 839.98 '882.00 917:60 - 964.�I IQf33.62 : �tk55.7S IQ81.8� .
. 38 �. � 82D.33 ' 861.34 ` 904.41 . 940.92 984.Q4 ` 1�29.I3 `I082.57 Ilfl3.32 ,
: 39 ' 840.fr7 `, 882.bg � "";926.84 _964.25,, 101�.56 1054.64 1I09;42 I13fi..82
4f7 � °, 861.Q1 ' 904.45 �'949.26 -` 987.58' `1Q38.04 Ia80.1.6 II3b.26 II64.3�.
;42 881.35 925.4I '971.69 1010.91 1062.61 IIU5.68 ' I163.10 IIgI.ff�
42 901.69 . 945.76 994.1L, 1034.23 : I087.�3 •1131.19 I}.8�.94 Z21�.���
43 922.03 968.12 1016.53 1057.56 II��.65 I�56.71 12�6.�8 I2�+6.8�
44 942.36 989.47 1038.96 1080.89 1136.I7 1I82.22 I243.62 1ZT4.34
: 45 - 9�2.70 1010.83 1061.38 1104.22 I16f?.69 I2QT.74 F27Q.46 I3OL.��+
- 8 -
___...T.. _._._� .,��:.....�._�,..�.-..._.,,..,,e._.._.,,....-„r.,._�.....�.,._....,,.._.�,,.....,.... .
SECTION I (continued) _ �
E ENTRANCE SALARY-- Except as provided in Section 28.B of the Civil
Service Rules, and except as the Council may otherwise provide here-
inafter, the. salary rate which shall be paid to anp appointee in a
position in the Classified Service in a class established in
Section 3 of the Rules shall be Step A in the Standard Range
applicable to the position.
1 Except as provided in Section 28.B of the Cinil. Service Rules
and ia Section V D of this Salarp Plan, and e.�ccept as h.ereitz-
after provided, increases in salarp above Step A f.n the Graded -
Division and ia the Unclassifi,ed Service atag be granted to
_ r�gular and provisional employees as fol�.owsc
, (a) : For each 1Q40 hours an employee has aggeared on the payral.f �
. , . i:� crne position, he ma.y be graated arr iaerease in salarg_af , .
. . . ; ane•salarg step up to and iticluding St�p C. . .
. , _ .:.
Cb) . For each 2080 hours an emplepee ha� appeared oQ the payrall - �
in one position af ter he has atta�.aed Step C he may be
granted an �ncrease in salary of cn� s,teg erp ta aacl �nclud�
Step E, or in the case of an emp2oyee ia a positiaA in a
class in the Professional-Administrative Occupatianal Group� -
Step F; except, however, if said �Iayee has received a five
. • . y,�ar �in�crease he may be graated an ix�crease in salary af one
"step up to and including Step F, or in. the case af an emplaFyee
in a position in a class in the Professianal Administrative
. O�cu�ational Group, Step G; and if he Isas receiaed a ten year
increase he ma,p be granted the ten y�ear step, a.nd if he has
received a f if teen-year increase he map be granted the fifteea
� year step. .. ,
(c� When an employee completes five years of full-time sernice be
map be granted an increase of one additional salarp step;
provided,.however, that his salarp shall aot exceed Step F,
_, . � - or in the case of aa employee in a gositioA: in a class i� the
� Professional-Admiaistrative Occupational Group, Step G.
fsl). Whea an employee completes ten yesrs of full-time service he
�ay be granted an increase of one addit3onal sa7..�ry steg; -
� p�ovided, however, that his salary sha].Z not e�cceed the
ten-year step.
� (e� Wlzen an employee completes fifteen years of full-time serv�ce
� he may be granted an increase of oae additional salarg steps '
provided, however, tha.t his salary sha�1 aot exceed the
tifteen-year step.
�f�: When an employee in a position in a class represented bp the
Clerical or Technical Bargaining IInit cezmpletes twenty years
of full-time service he may be granted an iacrease of one
additional salary step; provided, however, that his salary
sha.Tl not exceed the twenty-year step. �
- 9 -
� ���, � ��
SECTION I (continued) . -
(g) When an employee in a position in a class represented by the
Clerical or Technical Bargaining LTnit completes twenty-f ive
years of full-time service he may be granted an increase of
one additional salary step.
(h) Any increase in salary granted under the grovisions af this
Section shall become effective on tlie first day of the first
payroll period immediately following, the granting of such :
, (i) For- each 2080 hours an employee has aggeared c�a [he payrall,
: in the positioa of Recreation Centar `Di.rector after he/she � .
has attained Step C, he/she may be graated aa i�.crea,se ia
`, sal.a�p �of one �tep up to Step I; ,aad ff he�she has received
. ` a ten-year i.ncrease. he/she may be granted the te�:year step,
and if he/she has received a fifteeA-pear i.ncrease he�she
`;- may B� :granted' the f if teen-year steg.. �we��r, ist-nc ca.se
. . wtll a Recreation Centex Di�rector be granted Step F uatil: � � �
. � : he18he has. completed f if teen credit ha�r� f.�! courses _
_ gertai.g3ng to recreatian.. :
(�� Vehicle Mechanic Trainees may advaace to ths aext h�gher �
1,000 hour rate by completing an additional I,�OQ Iwurs of -
trainiag with satisfactory pzogress. . : .
Trainees will not be advanced to a higher Ievel af traiaiag
or rate of pap unless on-the-job and formal traiaing require�
ments are completed satisfactorilp an.d the IInit. Supervisor_.
recommends advancement.
Trainees failing the probatianary pertod will be terminated
or reduced to their former positions. Subsequent ta satis-
factory completion of their probatinarp period, trainees who
receive an unsatisfactory rating far a 1,000 haur traiaing
. pertod wi11 be granted an additfonal 1,Qf10� 1sQUrs � which tg
. � dea�onstrate improved pexformance. Caatiaued failur� ta
. ,,,.,.,. _ ...
. mee� traiaing standards will resuZt ia termiaatiaa. ar
_ reductiori. ,
G COURT DUTY--Any employee who is required to appear isi court as a jnrar
or witness shall be paid his regular pay whi�e he fs so enga�ed, pratTided_
� howeve�, tha.t any fees that the employee may receive from the court fo�
such service shall be paid to the City and be deposited with the Director
of Finance and Management Services. Any emplopee who is scYtedule� ta �k
a shift, other than the normal daytime shift, shall be rescheduled ta aark
the nor�al daytime shif t during such time as he is required ta spgear 3:m
court as a juror or witness.
H VACATION--In each calendar year, each regular or gravfsional emplage�, :�
except those in the Fire service, shall be granted vaca.tion �t the rat�
of aighty hours per year. After five years af full-time service each
such employee shall be granted vacation at the rate of one hundred twenty
hours per year. Af ter f if teen years of full-time service each such
� employee shall be granted vacation at the rate of ane hundred s#�cty-ei�ht
hours per year. After twe�ty-five years of full-time service each emg�opee
shall be granted vacation at the rate of one hundred seventy-sive hours
per year.
- 10 -
,..,-... -V,...��. .- r..,�_,._�...�..:�..��.�,..�...�--�..-,,_;;�.�...
., ..,.�.... _,,.....:v...�.�,.,,.,�,.,.,.,._„a._,.�,.,.a.....��,..,...,z.,,,..,�,...q.„,.,�.,,,,,,,-�,,�„��x--....z...,,v. . _._.,,.,.,� _,...�.. . . �.�.,-r-_M_..�.,,..,.,,,r.—.
SECTION I (continued) .
In the Fire service, in each calendar yeaz; each r�gul.ar or grovisional
employee shall be granted vacation at the rate af two times the number of
hours designated by the Council to be the work week for the Fire service.
After f ive qears of full-ti.me service, each such employee shall be granted
vacation at the rate of three times the number of hours designated bp the -
Conncil to be the work week for the Fire service. After f ifteen years of,
full-time service each such employee shall be granted vacation at the rate
of four and one-f if th (4 1/5) times the number a€ hours destgnated by
the Council to be the work week for the Fire ser�tce. Af ter tweaty-ffne
�ear�1 of full-time service ea.ch such e�mployee shall be granted nacation at
the rate cf four and two-fifths (4 2/5) times the number of hau�s designated
:,`_by tb� Council to be the work week for the Ffre Service. -
':3'i�:e hsad.of the department may permit an empZoyee tQ carry crver fat� the
�` following qear up ta eighty hours, or in the F�se service the aumbsr of
;.", � ,.�, ; ` > ����:haura �aorlic�d for two weeks. .Any empioyee who does aot wortc. full time
,. , .. ..
. ��� be granted vacation on a prc rata ba.sis._ T�e time af �,catfea �fiall
be fixed by tfie bead of the :departmeat in w�ii,ch � auplayee is e�plaped. `
�.;;Sf an �ployee Iias been graated more nacat3.oa.tb,��.he.has e��ned up to tha; :
� �Y� time of his saparatian from the Citp se�vice, the etaglpgee st�s�]'. re�.mhurse ; '
' ttie City for such unearned vacatioa. . If an e�gZay�e is segarated fram tlt�
service bg reason of resignation, he shall. ia� gra��ed such vacat�.aa ga.y as
'' he may have earned and nflt used up to the. time of: _such separatiaa, grcvided
that he has notif ied the department head in writia� at least f ifte:�n
, ` calendar days prior to the date of his resignatia�. If an emp�a�ee �.s
separated from the service by reason of diset�arge, retira,nent or deatk, fie
� slsall be granted such vacation pay as he may have earned and not used up to
the time of such separation. The provisions of this Subsectioa H of
Sectian I shall net apply to temporary or emergency emplayees aor ta any
employee whose position is under a heading a€ "Special Empl.aymeats" fa
Section 3 of the Civi1 Service Rules, and who is paid bq th� hour ar by
the perf ormance.
I- HALIDAYS -- , _ .
1 The following da.ys are declared to be holidays:
tQew Year'�s Day Januarg �
� �Jashington's and Lincoln's Birthday The thi.rd Monday tn Februarp
. Memorial Day Tlie I.a�t Mondap �a. Ma.y
Independeace Day July 4 � �
I.abor Day The f3rst Manday fa Segtember
Christopher Columbus Daq The secaAd Manda�€ t�. E1�cta�ber
Veterans' Day November II
Thanksgiving Day The fourth Thursclap iit Novee�lser
Christmas Day Dec�ber Z5
Floating Holiday To he graated at anp time durfag
_ the gea.r with the aggroval of the
_ department head.
provided, when New Year's Day, January 1; or Indegendence I}ag� July 4;
or Veterans' Day, November 11; or Christma.s Day, Decemher 25; fa�ls oa
Sunday, the foilowing day shall be a holiday; and, provided, when
- 11 -
SECTION I (continued) :
New Year`s Day, January �1; or Independ�ncE Day, .Tuly 4; or Veterans``
Daq, November '11; or Christmas Day, �}ecember 25; fa11s on Saturdag,
the preceding day shall be a holiday. Emplayees may be granted such
time off with pay as the Council by resolution may provide from time
to time, and such provision shall app�.y uniformlp ta all esaployees
ualess excluded by the provisions of �ivis3.aa 5 below.
2 Every regular or provisional employee sI1aII be granted each such
holiday off with pay; provided, however, that eligibility for ths
floating holiday shall be as follaws:
_ ` S
. . . : . ,
,. > � � . ,. ;_ - :
_ , .� • .
' �For those regular or provisiatlal em�xlc�y�es wfio work at - . � �"
�east 320 hours but less thaa IQ4� S�o�r�. ia the cale�edar •.
pear,- thep shall be granted on���' a� the tatal aumberac
� ;a£ floating;.holidays atpplicabl.e.- _. „ ;
: �or those regular or grcv3.��.onaZ e�cp�arg�es who wartc at `
` least 2040 hours ia the eaiend�r �resr,. tbey shal.l be `.
. : . . ' '.' granted Lh� to�al number of fToat�,ba3.f.daYs applicab2es. - :
3 If sa employee entitled to a holidag is rec�u.fred tc wor� � Washfztgtcats � -
and Lincol.n's Birthday, Christopher �a�rna� Day, or Vet�rana` Dsg°„ he.
- shall be granted another� day off•with-pay fa'iYeu thereof as sna�- -`
thereafter as the convenieace of the :depar�ent permits, or he sha2.I.
be paid on a straight time basis far such I�ours workec�, ia s�dcl.it�on
to �is regular holiday pay. If an �npioyee entitTed ta a holidap :
is required to work on New Year's Day, Memarial Daq, Indepeadence
Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Daq or Ch=istmas Day, he shall be
�ecompensed fo work done on this da.�r by b,�in� granted compensatarg
time oa a time and one-half basis or bg be3.ag paid an a time and
one-half basis for such hours worked, in addition to his regular
holiday pay. .
�� 4 Ia ord"er to be eli�gible for a hol.idag with gay, �aa emplayeeTs name `
. must appear on the payroll on any sia v�rktag days of th� aiae
�oricing days preceding the holiday; ar aa emploqee�s name mnst appear
oa the payroll the last working day before the holiday and oa three
� other working daqs of the nine working daya preceding the haliday.
In neither case shall the holiday be coun.t� as a working day.
5 Provisions one through four of this Subse�tion I Qf Sect�oa I sh�1.l
� � not apply to any employee whose positioa is nnder a heading of `
"Special Employments" in Section 3 of the Civil Service Rules aad who
is paid by the hour or by the perfoxmaaee. -
6 Everq �mployee whose position is under a I�ading af "Speef.al. �2op�-
ments" ia Section 3 of the Civil Service Rules aad who is gaid bp the .
hour shall be paid on a time-androne-ha3.f basis for time worked on
New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Dap, Labor Da�, ThaAksgiving
Day, and Christmas Day.
7 Everq temporary or emergency employee shall be paid on a time-and-
one-half basis for time worked on New Year's Day, Memorial Day,
Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgivi� Dap, aad Christmas Day.
- 12 -
A The compensation for positions in classes in Sectfon 3 of the Civil
Service Rules shall be as set forth in Agreements betweea the City
of Saint Paul and the certified exclusive representative and between
the Independent School District No. 625 and the eaclusive representatives.
B The compensation for the following positioas in classes ia Section 3
of the Civil Service Rules under a heading af "Sgecial Employmeata"
ahall be as follows:
� � � � �;
. . .. - ,
.. _ . , . �,._
_ � �.
`.. Cl3nic Physician,. , .
. �vith� 0 - 2 years of. eape�cience � $�.EfQ g�r hour
� �i.th 2 - 4 years af experience : $22.4t2 ger haur
:wfth�ove� 4 years.of expexieuce <. $25.Qf1 per Y�our
Clinical Program Maaager-Physician ,'
with 0 - 2 years of experience , ' $7:�.l� ger baur
_ with 2 - 4 years: af experience . $2�«QQ per.: hour .
. with aver 4 .qears of .experience. . - - $28.OQ per.hour_
Clubhouse Maa $6.QQ ,per single game eve�t---
. $$.� per doubleheader
Dentist-Clinic $55.00 per clfnic sessioa
Gatemaa _ $3.50 per single game eveat--
$4.50 per doubleheader
, ,; _ .
� '�Golf Ra.nger � � � � � � �
` 2st 5fl0 hours of employment $4.25� ger haur
' , Zad 500 hours of �gloyment : ` $4.5�� per hour - `� ' - -
�� 3rd 500 hours of employment $4.75 per hour �
. 4th 500 hours of employment & thereafter $5.00 per hour
Grouadcrewman $Z.Sd par hour
_ aroundslceeper �2.75 ger fiour
Aead Gateman $6.OU per sin.gle gasae ev�t--
� $8.00 per deubleheade�
Head Ticket Seller--Stadium $8.� per single game event--
$10.Q4 per do�hleheader :
Head Ush2r--5tadium $S.aO ge� single game e�aent--
- $7.00 per doubleheader
- 13 -
SECTION II (continued)
Helper (Alarm and Lighting) $4.J5 per hour
Souse Custodian Z
lst 1040 hours of employment $3J5 per hour
2nd 1040 hours of employment $4.OQ ger hour
3rd 1040 hours of employment $4.SQ per hour
4th 1040 houra of employment & thereafter $5.Q0 per Iiour
Iiouse Custodia.n III $�.QO per hour
, •� -
<, . . . .
� - .,.. .. � . :. � .. _ _
.: ��..�;M � ;y
- .•i� � ..- . . .rt �� - . .::. � .� � .
. . .. . , -.�. . .: � .':�. - ':a � —�r/'s.�:
Library Aide - ;: , -.
}st qear of employment ��Sa g�r I�cu.r =„
' �2ad year og �plapment ; . � ; : $3.75 per �.s � , .. ;
�. ,.: °
� 3� gear of �ployment �i:.EE� per izour ,
.. ,4th g�ar of emplaymeat & thereaf ter :. �4.25 ger houx
. ,� � ,�. _.
. �..
: �. ;_ . .> ., .�:�:
A Library Aid� aFPafn:tee who has graduated fraa hf.gh schoal sha11 be � . '-:
. ._ . . ..:
.' ' " : aPpoiated at th� tn3rti- pear �ate, 'and shall pr�res� Co- the fcnrtli .g�ar
�... '
, °. rate af t�r oae year of employment. _ �;. `�
° '' A Library Aide who is receiving less thaa t2� �r�: ge�r ��te, ugcrc
graduation from high school, sha11 be raise� to t� tb3rd year rat�
and sha:ll pzagress to 'the �ourth year rate a:ft�r aa� a,dditiotisl pear
of employmeat. :
Lif e Guard - ,
Life Guard (Indoor Pool� -
W�ter Safety Iastructor
lst 500 hours of employment $4.25 per hour .
2nd 500 hours of �ployment �4.50 per flour :
3rd 500 hours of employmeat $4.75 per hour .
°_ 4th 500 hours of employmeat & thereafter $S.EIQ ger bour
- Hours worked prior to June 1, 1977, sha11 aat be included ia calculatiag
the above SOO hour increments.
Locker Room Attendaat $2.20 per hour �
Matron--Stadium $4.QQ per single game eve�.t--
S�.QQ ger doubleheader
Fark Aide .
lst 500 hours of employment $4.25 per ho�r
2nd 500 hours of employment $4.5�3 per hour
3rd 500 hours of eznployment �.TS ger hour
, 4th 400 hours of employment & thereafter $5.�0 per Iwur
- 14 -
SECTION II (coatinued) -
Parking Lot Attendant I
lst 500 hours of employment $3.50 per hour
2nd 500 hours of employment $3.75 ger haur
3rd 500 hours of employment $4.�Q ger hour
Parking Lot Guard (Schools) $7.50 ger hour
Public Address Operator $6.00 ger single game eveat--
. :$S.OQ ger doubleheader _
8�creation Aide , > :
lst 500 hours of°employment ,`$3.50 per'haur -
Zad 500 hours of employment $3.75 pen c��ur
�. :3rd SOO hou�-� of employtaent & thereafter: $4.f� per baur
Recreation Leader I -
:." •� . _ I�= 5fl0 haurs; o€ employment ;�., r."�.?5 p�n c�ur : ;.
2nd 500 hours of. employmeat . ,;Sk.50 per Iiour .
;3rd 5.Q0 hours of employmenz . . . �4.75 per hour ... . `. . : . : , _.
•4th 500 hours of �ploymeat & thereafter , $5.QQ per haur '
Ref ectory flelper . , `; -' : : $3.35 pen c�ur :
.. ..:
, ,,.
_ School Bus Driver--Occasional .. $4.SQ per,hour
, Scoreboard Operator $f:.OEf per single game event--•
$8.00 per doublehesder
Senior Pool Attendant $S.OQ ger hour
Ski Instructor I , ; : •
' 1st year of employment $4.00 per hour
2nd qear of eemployment $4.75 per hour
3rd qear of employmeat & thereafter $5.50 ger hour
Ski Instructor II ,
lst pear of employment $6.QQ per hour � `
2nd year of employment & thereafter $7.Q0 pez hour � -
Ski Instructor III $8.SQ per hour
- � Ski Instructor Trainee $3.35 per h�ur
Swimming Pool Supervisor $5.25 �er hour
�wiu�ing Supervisor $3.75 ger hour
. - 15 -
SECTION II (continued) -
Ticket Seller--Stadium $5.�0 per single game eveat--
$6.00 per doubleheader
Usher--Stadium $3.00 per single game event--
$4.00 per doubleheader
Water Safety Instructor (See Li�e Guard)
C Ths compeasation for employees who are eligible for City fria,ge beaefit�
in the classes of Building Inspector-Cement Fiatsher and Building Iaspector- " �
Iroa Worker in Section 3.B of the Civil Service RuS.es sha11 �e �IQ.3$ per
�' haur. The ca�pensatioa for employees who are �at eligible f�r Citg �rtage
" ` �`beaef its in said classes shall be $I1.10 per fiaur. ;.
� 8'�:.;1"�e comgeasa.tipa for the class of Heavy Equigmeat Operator si�I2 he Ci� :
xage rates as set-forth for the class of Tractar Op�rator II �a the •
- . col�ective-bargaining agreemexits betwesn th� Citp=of :Saiat. Paul, Inde�e�� ..
-_ :deat Schoal Distrfct No.. 625, and the Tri-Cowacil, comgosed Qf Labarers
� Loca1 132, Operating Eagineers Local 49, and Teamsters Local I20. :
E The compensation for the class of Stores LabQrer, fa Sectiaa 3.G of the
Civil Serv.ice Rules shall be as..shawa below:: ., .
$8.98 per hour Effective 5-01-80�
F The compensation for th� class of Asplaalt Plant Operator sha11 be the
wage rate as set forth for the class of Tractar Qperator II ig the .
collective bargaining agreements between the Citp of Saint Pau�, Indepea-
dent School District No. 625, and the Tri-Couacil, composed of Laborers _
Local 132, Operating Engineers Local 49, and the Teamsters Loca1 120.
G The compensation for the class of Water Service Worker-Cantral Desk ia �
- 3ection 3.G of the Civil Service Rules shall be $9.38 per haur.
,,. . . .
H The compensation for the class of Revolving Pawer Equipment Operator �:a „
Section 3.G (I�abor Maintenance). of the CiviZ Ser�ice Rules shall be
$10._56 per hour.
I The compensation for the class of Jet Sewer Cleaner Ogeratar ia Sectfca
� 3.G (Labor Maintenance, Ungraded) of the Cini�. Service Rules shall be _
$10.01 per hour.
3 The compensation for the class of Welder Leadworker in Sectioa 3.II
(Equipment Maintenance, IIngraded) of the Civil 3ervice Rul�s sha11 be
$10.90 per hour
- 16 - ,
SECTION II (continued)
K The compensation for the classes of Groundsworker-�Tater Department and
Groundsworker--Board of Education, in Section 3.G (Labor Maintenance,
Ungraded) of the Civil Service Rules shall be as shown below:
Starting Rate $8.04 per hour
Af ter six months $8.40 per hour
L The compensation for the class of Blacksmith Trainee, in. Sectian 3.A.1
(Building Trades - Uagraded - Boilexmakers) of the Civil Service Hules
. shall be as .showu belo�•�: . ' ', �
. . . . . � . . � a� . r
Starting Rate 60X of the ba.se z^��e for BlacTr�a�.ttt �
After 6 months : 65X of the base rat� fcr $Iscksmtth
: � �f t��_ 1 year - 70X of the base rate fdr Blacksm3:th
Af ter 2 pears aad
t�ereaf ter 7SX of `the base rgte far Hls.�k�it�:
. - �'� M •�The compensation.for �he 'class bf Schvois -I:a�e�-�� Lead�r- 3a S:ectio�r. „• .": •
� 3.G (Labor Mainterjance-Ungraded) af the Cinit Sera�ice B�I.es �Yral.l be
$9.73 per hour.
N The campensation for the class o� Interpreter/Heslth fn Sectio�cs. 3.L `
- (Techaical). Uagraded, of the Civii Service -Rulas .shall be $5.38 per hour..
� 0 Tk�e compensation for the class of Food Service Equipment Spec�alist fa
- Section 3.D (Equipment Maintenance, Usigraded) of the Civil. Service Bules
shall be as shown below: -
Starting 6 months 1 year 2 years 3 years
$8.74 $9.18 $9.64 $10.12 $10.65
P ., The compensation for the class of Bricklayer Faremaa ia Sectic#n �..A
(Building Trades-Ungraded�, Subsection 2 (Bricklayers}, of the Civil.
Service Rules, shall be $11.89 per hour. The campensatioa far e�npl.oyees
vho are not eligible for City fringe beaefits ia said class sha1.1 be
$12.08 per hour. �
Q . �he campensation for the class of CustodiaZ Superv�sar--Civic Ceater
in Section 3.H (Maintenance Supervisors, Ungraded) of the Eivi1. Service
Rules shall be $9.84 per hour.
- 17 -
In addition to the compensation payable to employees. employed in certaia
positions in the Classif ied Service in accordaace wi.th this resalutioa,
there may be paid the following additional allowances:
A District Fire Chiefs assigned to duty in Fire District No. 1,
may be paid the sum of $46.00 bi-weekly in addition to the _
amount allowed under the other provisions of this resolution.
B To uniformed employees of the Fire Preventioa Bureau an allowance
Aot to exceed $4.60 bi-weekly as payment for fihe purchase and �: �K ; .
maiatenaace of required uniforms. � ��
C To aay ��oyee who warks on a regular3y assigned shift, beginafiig -.. , �, ,,
"" earlier than 6:00 a.m, or endiag later than 6:Qa p.m., provided
`-that at least five hours of the shif t are worked between the hours ��
,'�eF�` S sQ0 p.sr. and 6:00 a.m., there shall b�e gaid a uight dif f er�ti.a�
, . ' f�ar the lntire shift. . '
_ _ ,y . , , , � _ __ . , . -. < . ,:> .
_ .. . ... . .. .
'To say employees who work on a regular3y ass�gned s8ift, beg�nniag
` earlier than 6:Q0 a.m. or eading later than 6:�0 p.m., but less t�tan
five hours of the shift are w�orked betweeu the haurs of 6:00 g.�. „
and 6:00 a.m., there shall be paid a aig�t differential far the hat�rs _
worlced between the hours of 6:Q0 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. . .,.
The night differential shall be SX of the base rate, and shall be paid
onlq for those night shifts actually worked; provided, however, that
the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to employees holdiag
. titles in the Police and Fire Groups in Section 3 of the Civil Service
Rules, or to emergency or termporary employees in the Civic Cent�r Complex,
or to employees holding titles listed in Sectiaa II of this Resolut�oa _
uader the heading "Special Employmeats". •
D :To employees when they are required to wcrk ia tunnels at a depth of
thirty feet or more, $2.00 per day.
E To Dog Waxdens and to Poundmasters, an allowance not to exceed $4.6Q �
, - bi-weekly as payment for the keeping in condition of uniforms. _
F To Carpenters assigned to swing stage work, $ .IS per hour.
. G To-Gement Finishers assigned to trap rock, granite compositioa, or
epoxy materials, $ .25 per hour. '
H To employees employed at the Como Garage fa the Department a€ Cac�unitg
Services under the title of Security Off icer a sum not to exceed 15C per
hour as payment for performing necessary additianal duties aot required
of other employees employed under this title.
- 18 -
SECTION III (continued)
I To any certified full-time classified or f.ull-tfine unclassified' employee
of the City of Saint P�aul, excluding temporary, emergency, provisional,
and those listed as "Special Employments", who, in order to improve his
work performance, takes courses which have a direct relationship to his
work or will enable him to follow a career �.adder plan to positions
attainable in the City �ob structure, upoa submission of evidence of
successful completion of the course or coatinued successful perform.ance
in course work with no fixed termination date, a refund in the amouat of
the cost for tuitipn, laboratory fees, and other obligatory course fees,
but excluding the cost Qf books. If tke emglQyee receives tuitioa reim- -
� bursemeat from another public source, or is subsidized by another public
source due to his status as a atudent, l� �s gat eligihZe for this
.~ reimbur�ement from th� City of Saint Fasi'L_
_ _
. '- :Aa -emgloyee desir�ng to take advantage af this training pragram must
�°-`kave the course wor�C approved, previous ta� �a�e�t, by his degarl�ers�
;. ;; head and -the City Training Coordinatar. �actars_ upon.which an emplcyaeFs
�eligibilitq depends include the past war� r�ccxd of the emplopee,
�`} relevancy of the course work to the emglog�'� gasition, and Che status
of the educational institution. If the e�plopeets request for re�mburse-
'. ment is denied for any reasoa, he has th� r�t to apgeal ta the Civil
Service Commission. � _. _ . _ .
Tuition payments shall be 13mited to $25Q.00 for course work completec�
d�ring anq one calendar year for any one emplopee. Employees who obtaia
such refunds shall be required to pay back the �ount of reimbursement
if the employee leaves his employment with the City within one year after
�he compietion of the course. The emplopee, hawevex, shal�. not be required
to_,pay back the City's reimbursement if the employee's new job is with a
goveramental unit.
This policy will take ef f ect f or course w�rt� atarted af ter 3anuary 1, 1.97br.
J :To uniformed employees of the Zoo and Conservatorg, an allawance not
� to exceed �$2.30 bi-weekly as payment fer additional uniforms.
I� To Truck Drivers assigned to operating and maintaining the o7.d distrihution
mechanisms on an oiler truck, $ .25 per hour. �
- 19 -
- A If at the time of- the death of any emp�.oyee, the CiCp �.s indebted to
such employee for work, labor`or services performed or for accumulated
credits for vacation or overtime, an@ nn executor or administrator of
his or her estate has been appointed, the Citg shall, upan the request
of the surviving spouse, pay such indebtedness in a amount as may be
due, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 529, Mianesota Session Laws �
1967, to the surviving spouse. The Citp shall reqn�.re the claimant ta : _
: give proof of his or her relationship to decedeat, hy aff idavit, and
require a written receipt for such payment made.
� � _ � � �,. , .� , � .���
_, . .
� �, . � , ,.. x
: - : _ _ ,. _ - >
- 20 -
A The salaries payable for positions in classes established in this
Section V which have been certified to a.Bargai.a�ng Unit, shall be
the rates set forth in Agreements between the City of Saint Paul '
and the certified exclusive representatives. '
B The salaries payable for positions in classes established in this
• Section V which have not been certif ied to a Bargaining Unit, shall
be the rates set forth ia M�norandums of Uaderstanding.
C"`�The salaries payable for positions in classe� established �rc th�s
Section V which have aot been set forth in. Cellective Bargainfng
; Ptgresmeats ar Memoraadums of Uaderstanding, sha�.l be the same as
. tha salaries for positioas ia classes which are ia the same �ro�sp
� grade and which have had their salaxies set forth fa �+�greement$'
t� Id+emarand�aas of Uaderstanding.
. II, ' Clertcal �roup �. .
,_ , - . ,
. . . ., -:_. . ,: ;
� � : ; `, GRADE 22 , . : > , . _
_. _ . . 4 .. _ . , . .
:Law Clerk . ., . � _
GRADE 26 _ -' . ;,
. , � Secretary to the Mayor
' Legislative Aide
Professional Group
� �RADE 26 _
,A�dministrative Aide �to the Mayor
- GRADE 41
Administrative Aide I
Research Aide
Administrative Aide II
� Communications and Programs DirecCor
Administrative Aide III
- 21 -
SECTION V (continued)
Subprofessional Group
GRADE. 34 .._ - _ _ :
Legal Assistant I
� • GRADE 38
Legal Assistant II
, .-. .. , . . , ;,.., . ,:
Professional-Administrative � _ , : ., ,
. :_ � GRADE 9 ;
. , _,: �..,.. _ . �
,..: , .
, -'e�ty Informatioa and CmaF�tat Officer
Attoraey I -' :
- GRADE 14 �
Attorney II `
Assistant Director of Himmaa Rights
GRADE 19 '
_ A�ttoraeq III '
6RADE 20
Property Maaager
. GRADE 21
. Attorney IV
� r , �� . . . . _ ..�..,- .
GRADE 22 :
Citq Clerk and Commissioaer cf Registratian
- 22 -
SECTION V (continued}
GRADE 23 .
� Director of Himman Rights
Manpower Director
Attorney V
. Deputy Director-Businese �fta�iza.tioa ; . ` .
. _ ; G�E. 29 .
. . _
Labor Relations Director . . � , � ,
;. • ': .� GRADE 31 -,. _
_ - _ -
..�.��� .. . .:F` .....�:�, �� . :.. _ . i�_ . .
Attoraey VI , � �-
' Deputy Director-Communitg IIevslapmeat
Deputy Director-Develogment
Deputy Directox�-Iiousing
Deputy Dixector-Planning
� Director of Masiagemeat
ALtorneq VII .
Budget Director .
_ . , 6RADE 35 '
•Deputy City Attornep _ ..
' GRADE 37 .
. ..
�ifef of Police . ,- ..
. Director, Department of Carmnunity Sernices
Director, Department of Fixsat�e a� Maaagemeazt �era�ces
, �irector, Department of P1ar�aiag and Eeoac�ic Dev��la�pmeat
Director, Department of Public Warks
Executive Assistant to the I�agor
Fire Chief
City Attorney
, 2�3 , ` - - �
SECTION V (continued) �
� .
In the discretion of the appointing off icer, an appoiatee in any
of the exempt positions hereinbefore listed may be paid any of the
steps -- A through the five year rate -- in the Standard Range.
applicable to the position; provided, however, that if an employee .
has completed ten years of full-time service ia a position or . _ �
positions listed above or in a pasition or positioas listed ia
Section 3 of the Ciyil Service Rules, or a combiAa.tioa of service
in such positions, he may be granted the tea-year salary step;
and provided also that if�.such employee has campleted fifteen - - ,
years of full-time service as listed above, he may be granted - � �
_. �_ .
the f if teea-year step. _ � . t :
::: Provided further, however., tY�at�aa appoiate� ta aag of the� followiag _
' �pos3tioas may be paid at aay of the steps ia the Salary R.ange:
. , -
. , . ,.__ .:
" - Bt�dget Director � � . . :- - � - -
: Chief of Police . . : .. .. �: : � � " :: -
- � City Attorney . ; _ _ - _.. . � . -
: City Clerk and Commissioner of Regfstratioa � : =
. ` Deputy City Attorney - . - . - , -
Director, Department of Coanmunity Se=vfces .
Director, Department of Finance an� Management Services
Director., Department of Planning and Economic Development �
�irector, Department of Public Works
Director of Management
Executive Assistant to the Mayor
� -- Fire Chief
Labor Relations Director
-24 - _
..,,��,. _. ,;;, . �..: ..� �.�,.. , . ...: ..:��w .. . .�_. . :.� , . . ., _. .. ,_ . �.�. .. _. ,�»� .
, . . ,. . .
_ .,� ;�<� ,• ��`
A Salary--All unclassified employees working und�r the titles I3ste�
below shall.have .their salaries ad3usted as fallows:
Administrative Aide I ' `
Administrative Aide II
Admiaistrative Aide III
Administrative Aide to the Mayor
Cammunication and Program Directar
Research Aide
Seeretary to the Mayor `
� -Emplopees employed ia the afarem+ent3oned unc2�ss�ffi� tftles ia. gosft�e�
wI�.ich are consid:ered conf ideati.al shall have thei� �alarg range ad�usted
a�aually by an amount equivalent to the annu�I ad�ustmea� �I�cabl.e tQ
e�playees. ea�ployed in classif ied titles in a�aa-ccs€f.�e�t�. g�sitions
which are in the same pay grade and occupatics�l grnup� aa � caafid�tt�
titles. _ _ ,
If, under this formula, aay salary of amy mem�er o� �+e �`s staff
would e�cceed 90X of the Mayor's salary, the gerce�ta.ge of i�crease�
applied to that memher of the Maqor's staff will be 2.im�te,� ta the
percent which bringa the aalary of such staff ines�Erer ta 9Ef� of the �
Mayor's salarq.
Notwithstanding Section V C, the salaries payable to eacli: af trie classes
�isted above shall be the salaries indicated ia Section VI E.
B A11 unclassified employees working under the title �.isted bela�w shall
have their salaries ad�usted as follows:
`. j.i�gislatiY� Aide : .
. . Et�loyees employed in the aforemeationed uncZassified title shall have
�' �beir salary range adjusted annually by an amount equivalent to the
�nnual ad�ustment applicable to employees employed ia classified titles
� iu non-confidential positions which are in the same pay grade"and
occupational group as the conf idential titles.
If, under this formula, any salary of any LegisZati�re A�de c+�uYd es+eeed
90 perceat of the salary for City Council mea�bers, the perc.e�e Qf
iacrease applied to that Legislative Aide will be �iniited tx�: tl�e pe��errt
• which brings the salary of such Legislative Aide to 3Q perr.�t a� tFa�
salary of City Council members.
Sa�bsequent salarp provisions shall be incorporat� iAtc� t� {*�**��:
govexa�ng sa�arfes for elected officials,
Notwithstanding Section V C, the salaries gagable tv eac�i a� t� c�Yasses
listed above sha.11 be the salaries indicated ia �eettaa VI �.
- 25 -
SECTION VI (continued)
C Vacatian--Employees employed in the titles listed ia A and B above
. . _
- shall be covered by the vacation schedule as foll.aws:
Years of Service Vacation Days
Less than 8 years 25 days T
Af ter 8 years through 15 years ZQ days
Af ter 15 years and thereaf ter 25 days
D Insurance--
� 1 For employees employed in titles Iisted ia Ei and B abave, the Cit�
agrees to contribute the cost of $5,000 af L�e Iasurance Cciverage
. for each emploqee who `is eligible for snch caverage, or $3e�5 pe�
month, whichever amount is less. 2'Izis cantribution sha� �e gaid
ta the City'� Group Health and Welfare Pla�t. Any fancrea�e fst th�-
�ost shall be paid by the emploqee.
'` . 2 Tn; addition to the $5,000 Lif e Insurance Ccv�rage ia 1 abav�,
the City agrees to contribute the cest of additians.t L3,fe
Insurance Coverage or $ .97 per thousand dallars of cov�x�ge
pez month, whichever amount is less. TYze tctaZ amc�unt af
Life Insurance Coverage provided under th� sectioa aAd
Section 1 abave, for each employee sha].Z be eqe:al. to the
employee's armual salary to the nearest full thousand dal�.ars.
For the pupose of this section, the emplogee`s annua.I. salary
shall be based on the salary as of the beginning of a contract
period. This contribution shall be paid to the City's Groug
Health and Welfare Plan.
- 26 -
SECTION VI (continued)
E The following salary schedule sets forth the Ig82 bi�weekly salary
ranges applicable to positions set farth in VI A and B«
Administrative Aide to the Ma.yarr
Secretarq to the Mayor _
A B C D E F �Q-+gr. 1��*r.
" 573.43 594.70 618.42 641.53 665.84 690.T8; TF�7.2ft 723.61
- Administrative Aide I
807.59 839.75 874.95 910.74 948.97 987.1� I�Z3.3Q �Q39.37 :
Research Aide
929.55 966.Sb I006.61 1048.48 1092.77 1138.89 II67.�+(3 II�7.�3
Administrative Aide II
954.43 992.33 1033.30 1077.60 1120.68 1168.QI 1I98.35 I229.29
Co�unications & Program Directar
1052.12 1096.40 1143.13 1191.06 1240.82 1294.2I I328.I9 136Z.56
Administrative Aide III
I105.52 1151.63 1201.38 1252.34 1346.35 1361.56 I33�.�7 I4�Q4�.3I
' L+tgielative Aide -
748.09 783.19 820.72 858.25 899.40 942.98 9�Q��22 �83.82
- 27 -
. 2, 7 '"� / �1,�
7Yii1T6 - CITY CC.ERK �
PINK - F'IN,hNCE � '� y COUL1C11
CANIRY - OL:F'.�RFMENT () � ��'�� �� �+ �t'� � � `�' ��L�I.t l�.•
• •
CITY CLERK �,��j/���� �,��� ��,�,���
Presented Bti' ------_----___ _--- --------------------- —
Referred To __ __ _ __ _ ___ Committee: Date — -----
0 u t o f Com m i tt ee �3Y----------------- -- -- Date ---------------
An Administrative Resol.ution revising trie Sa.lary
Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution.
� RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Comper_sa�ion
Resalution be amended by strilcing out Section I through VI in their
entirety ar_d substituting in lieu thereaf the attached Salary Pla,n and
Rates of Campensation Sections I through VI.
Yea� n(��y.5 Requestgd by Department of:
�evine -- IR F3vor ------- ----- --- ----
McMahon .
-- A ga�n s t �y ----------------------------
Showaliar -- -----
Form Approved by City Attorney
Ado,�ted by CounciI: Date ___ —_—_—___—_
�er,�fied Y�,�sed b} Council Secretar}' �Y -- --- -
F3�: ------- ------- -----._-----------=---
�ippr��•ed hy 1!a••:or: Datc —___.________ . Approved by "�layor for Submission to Council
u.. � f3v _.._ --
f . � . a . . . . . . . . . . �� .... .. .,- _ . . ' ' .-.-. . _, .... .. ' . . �. _. . .. ' .. ,,. �. .
. . . . . � . � . . . . . :..,.�. . _ . . ._..
. � � ' � � � � . . . . . . . . . .::)• .
.. �.
� :
. .<.
- ��.�,�
_ - ,�� ;���.:
_ .x
, - AND - �_.:; .�. ._, �
- _ � ,:. � :-,
_ _�: -�
, . �
A The salaries payable for positions in classes in the Occupational `
Groups established in Section 3 of the Civil Service Rules and
whtch have been certified to a Bargaining Unit, shall be the rates
set forth in Agreements between the City of Saint Pau}. and the
certif ied exclusive representatives, and between Independent
. School District No. 625 and the certified exclusive representatives. '
. . . - . - . � _� k,
�.. . ..,.., . . _ . . . . . -. .,. ..
.... � . . .... : .. . -, .. . �.. �, . . ..:.'. �,�..r .:
B The salaries payable for positions ia classes iu the Occugational. ', �� ' :
Groups established in Section 3 of the Civil Service Rules �hich
have not bee�z certified to a Bargaiaing Unit, sl�a�.I. be t� aame as
the salaries for positions ia classes which are isx the same
Occupational Group and grade and which have beea certified to a _
Bargaining Un3.t. . .
;.: :i
C 1:'.'" The standard range agplicable to each of tha cl�sses ia tlae _
Clerical graded group established ia Sectioa .�.� of th� Givil
Service Rules shall be a standard range in Se�tion I I� I hav3ag �
the same mmmber as the grade in which the cl.��s agpeCar�. The _
salaries payable shall be the rates set fortli ia the staadard
, ranges and as amen.ded. . � ,. :`
C 2 :� The staadard range applicable to ea.ch of the classes in the
- Technical group established in Section 3.L of the CiviT Service
Rules shall be the standar� range in Section I D 2 havin,g the
same n�.mnber as the grade in which the class ap.pears. The
salaries payable shall be the rates set forth ia the standard
ranges and as amended.
C 3 Except as indicated below, the standard range applicable to -
each of tbe classes in the Professional-Administrative Noa- �
Supervisory Group established in Section 3.J of the Givil
Service Rules shall be the standard range in Section I D 3
having the same number as the grade in which the class apgears.
The salaries payable shall be the rates set farth in the
standard ranges and as amended.
C 4 The standard range applicable to each of th� eZasses �a the
Professioaal-Administrative Supervisory Group establf.shed ia _
Section 3.K of the Civil Service Rules sha11 be the standard
range in Section I D 4 having the same number as the grac�e tn '
which the class appears. The salaries payable shal�. be the
rates set forth in the standard ranges. and as amended_ -
- 1 -
SECTION I (continued) -
C 5 The standard range applicable to each of the classes in the -
Police graded group established in Section 3.I 1 of the Civil
Service Rules shall be a standard range in Section Z D 5 having
the same number as the grade in which the class appears. The
salaries payable shall be the rates set forth in the standard
rang es and a s am end ed. '^�` � ,� ',
C 6 The standard range applicable to each of the classes in the '
' Fire group established in Section 3.E 1 of the Civil Service ��y% �� :;�
Rules shall be the standard range in Section I D 6 having the � '
� same number as the grade in which `the class appea.rs. The ��.;���' �`� �
: salaries payable sha].1 be the rates-:set forth in the staudard " '�
��ranges_arid� as� amendeci. `` �_ `
� ��,
. .
$ � �. ;�
. , .
: . � , . :
���; � 7 ` Tlze compensation for employees holc�ing the titl� of Assistastt �fs�
� t�iief sha11 be established in accordaaee with:.the resa�:c�:tio�xs -
" ' approving the terms and conditions `of emplayment betweea �he Citp ; �
;� � . : _ :_ , .
of Saint Paul a�xd. employees holding- the title af Assistant. Fire ' �
y t
Chief. : , �;_
, .. ,
.. .. . . �� r!.'. ' ;:y _ .
.. . . - _ ,. �. � . �g� .... e .
' C 8 , :. The compensation for the follow3.ng: classes ia Sectiara 3.I�f �s€ the .. °
- ` Civil Service Rules under the heading "Special. Emplaymeats" sha13.
` be as set forth in an Agreement covering these cl.asses agproved by
the Citq Council.
Grips : : , . '
Head Flyman
Lamp Operator _
Stage Carpenter
: Stage Electrician _
Stage Technician _ � �:
C 9 The salaries payable for positions in classes in the 0ecugationa.l
Groups in Section V which have been certified ta a Bargaining Unit,_
� sha11 be the rates set forth in Agreements between the City of �
Saint Paul and the certif ied exclusive representatives. : �
The salaries payable for positions in classes ia the dc�ugatianal,
Groups in Section V which have not been certified ta a Ba�gainiag
Unit shall be the rates set forth in Memoranda of Understanding
regarding the respective classes.
- 2 -
._ .,_..._.,: .�,...,..-. _..�.,._.. .,�...,,.. _,._;�.,�_„��-.,,,;.r.___,,..�.� ..x.�,�._�.. .�_
T. _--._._ _..,,.�_ .__.,._,.r_ ..M_._..:....�_�__�.,,T..�._,.�x..K.�-,......
SECTION 1 (continued) �: �
D 1 The following schedule of standard ranges sets forth the I981
bi-weekly salary ranges applicable to positions ia classes as
stated in Section I G 1.
.�; � ,,
GRADE A B C D E 5-yr. 10-yr. 15-yr. �2U-yr• 25 Fr.
1 314.57 325.37 337.30 352.08 364.02 376.52 386.17 394.f4 403.64 4I3.14
2 321.96 333.33 345.83 357.19 371.40 385.04 393.57 . 404.36 4I3.86 "423.36
3 329.35 339.58 " 353.21 36b.28 381.07 393.57 404.36 412..89 422:39 , 43I,8g
4 - 335.03 347.54 359.47 374.24 388.45 4Q4.�� 4I.Z.89 422.�� °'432.45 44I.5g :
5 341.85 354.92 3b8.56 383.90 398.12 4II.7� 42I.98 ` 429..94 439.44 . 448.94
6 349.81 363.45 376.52 390.15 405.50 421.48 429.94 440.17 444.67 459.IT
7 : 357.19 371.40 385.04 400.38 ' 415.72�� 433.,34 442.44 453..�4 45�J4 _472.24
8 366.28 381.07 393.57 408.91 426.53 442.44 453.24 464.Q3 473.53 483.03
9 ' 374.24 388.45 404.36 419.14 436.75 453.24 - 4Fi4.0� 476.2� 485�.78 495.28
10 383.9Q 338.12 41I.75 428.23 443.58 46Y.�C 475.67 488.,56 498.Q6 -SQ�'.56
11 39Q.15 405.50 421.98 437.89 455.51 475.6T 488.56 ` 500.22 SOg.72 SI9.22
12 4QQ.38 415.72 433.34 450.39 468.30 488.�� S�Q.22 5I3..?2 523.22 532.7�
13 408.91 426.53 442.44 460.06 479.96 Sd2.67 SI4.33 529.67 539.17 548.61
14 419.14 436.75 453.24 472.59 491,63 5I3.7� 5�29.07 54I.34 550.84 560.34
15 428.23 443.58 461.76 483.03 504.SI 523.Q7 54I.34 55�.�5 564.35 57�.45
16 439.03 457.22 476.28 496.53 519.25 541.34 555.45 57I.41 580.91 59Q.41
17 450.39 468.30 488.56 509.42 532.14 556.Q8 572.64 586.76 596.�6 6Q5.76
18 460.06 479.96 502.67 524.16 546.25 57L41 586.I4 602.1L 611.61 6��.T1
19 472.59 491.63 513.72 537.05 560.99 586.I4 602.11 6I7.45 626.95 636.45
- 20 483.65 506.96 529.67 552.39 576.93 602.7I 619.Z3 635.85 645.35 654.85
21 496.53 519.25 541.34 565.28 591.67 617.45 634.63 651.82 661.32 67Q.82
22 509.42 532.14 556.08 583.69 609.47 636.48 654.27 672.07 68I.57 " 69I.07
23 524.16 546.25 571.41 596.58 624.20 65U.59 fi69.40 686,I8 695.68 705.I8
24 538.27 562.82 586.76 613.76 642.61 670.23 689.25 7Q7.66 ?17.I6 726.66
25 551.78 575.71 602.11 628.50 655.50 684.96 7Q4.60 72�.63 733.I3 ' 742.63
26 567.12 592.89 619.29 647.53 676.98 707.05 726.08 746.34 755.84 765.34
27 567.12 594.73 621.74 650.59 681.89 713.19 734.06 754.32 763.82 773.32
28 583.69 609.47 636.48 667.16 696.62 729.I5 749.4Q 772.73 782.23 79I J 3
29 597.81 627.26 655.50 687.42 718.71 753.08 774.57 795.�� 804.44 8L4.44
30 615.61 643.23 672.68 706.45 738.97 773.3� 794.82 817.53 827.03 836.53
31 632.18 660.42 691.71 723.63 758.61 794.2� 816.91 838.40 847.90 8�7.40
32 649.98 681.27 711.96 745.72 780.71 817.53 841.47 865.4I 874.91 884.4T
33 667.77 700.31 732.84 766.58 802.80 841.47 865.41 889.34 898.84 9U8.34
34 687.42 718.71 753.08 787.46 824.9Q 865.41 889.34 9I4.5T 924.02 933.5�T
35 706.45 738.97 773.34 810.79 848.33 88�.34 914.51 941.52 95I.02 964.5�
36 726.08 761.07 795.44 834. 11 874.62 915.23 942.13 969.13 978.63 988.13
37 746.34 781.93 818.15 856.82 897.93 94I.52 967.90 995.53 I005.03 1014.53
38 768.43 803.41 842.08 881.97 923.10 96�.90 995.53 1023.I4 1Q32.64 1042.I4
39 79Q.52 826.74 866.02 907.75 950.11 995.53 1�23.I4 1d52.60 I062.10 107I.60
40 813.85 851.91 891.19 932.92 978.34 Z026.2I I054.45 1Q85.13 I094.Cs3 1104.I3
41 835.94 E75.22 917.58 959.92 1005.96 1054.45 T085.Z3 1117.66 1127..26 1136.66
42 859.27 900.39 943.36 988.16 1034.80 1085.13 lII7.66 1148.35 1I57.85 1�67.35
43 885.04 926.17 969.75 1015.17 1064.26 1I17.04 I147.75 118f}.26 1189.76 Ilgg.2b
44 909.60 953.78 998.59 1047.70 1096.18 1148.35 1182.10 1215.87 Z225.37 I234.87
45 934.76 979.57 1026.82 1075.31 1128.09 1182.73 1217.08 1253.91 I263.41 I272.9I
- 3 -
SECTION I (continued)
D 2 The following schedule of standard ranges sets forth the 1981
` bi-weekly salary ranges applicable to positions in classes as
stated in Section I C 2.
GRADE A B C D E F 10_yr• 15_yr. ZQ-yr. , 25-qr•
1 297.82 311.35 323.66 337.82 349.50 366.12 375.35 383.98 396.98 409.98
2 305.20 319.3b 330.43 344.58 358.74 373.51 383.36 394.43 407.43 42Q.43
3 313.20 325.51 339.04 354.43 367.97 383.36 394.43 403.04 416.04 429.04
4 322.44 332.90 346.43 361.81 378.43 394.43 403.04 412.89 475.89 438.89
5 327.36 343.36 356.28 369.81 385.19 401.81 412.27 422.12 435.12 ; 448.12
6 335.97 348.28 364.89 379.66 395.65 412.27 422.12 433.81 446.81 :.:459.8 1. �
7 _ 344.58 358.74 373.51 388.89 405.50 423.35 435.65 446.7� 459�73. ' 472.73 :
8 354.43 367.97 383.55 399.96 416.57 435.65 446.73 457.19 470.1� 48�.I9
9 361.81 378.43 394.43 409_81 426.G2 446.73, 457.I9 : 469.5C1 482.5� 495.5a '
10 ' 369.81 385.19 - 4Q1.81 419.66 436.88 - 455.95 4&8.88 480.57 493.57 ` SQ6.S? M
11 379.66 395.65 412.27 428.27 448.58 468.88 480.57 492.8� 505.88;�518.88 •
12 ' 388.89 405.50 423.35 441.84 460.27 480.57 492.88 505.80 518.8E} 53I.8E� �-
13 '399.96 416.57 435.65 452.89 473.81 > 494.l I " 5�8.26 52Z.18 534.18 5�+�.I,&
14 409.81 426.42 446.73 464.57 484.27 505.8Q 520.57 532.88 545.88 558.88 ''
15 419.66 436.88 ' 455.96 475.66 496.57 520.57 532.H8 54?.a� 560.E12 _573.Q2-
16 43I.96 449.80 469.50 G89.80 510.72 532.88 547.�Z 56I.8t3 574.�4 58T:�0" '�
17 441.80 460.27 480.57 501.50 523.64 547.65 Sfi4.26 577.79 590.79 fiO3.7�'
18 452.89 473.81 : 494.11 515.65 538.41 562.41 S�?'7.28 5g3.I7 606.IT frl3.�.�
19 464.57 484.27 505.80 529.80 552.57 577.18 ` 593.I7 6f}8.56 62I.56 " 63�.56
20 476.88 497.80 521.18 545.19 568.57 593.80 6I0.41 626.40 639.40 Er52.40
21 489.8Q 510.72 532.88 556.87 581.49 608.56 G25.79 642.41 655.4I - 668.4L
22 50T.5Q 523.64 547.65 574.10 599.33 627.03 644.87 661.48 674.48 C87.48
23 515.54 538.41 562.41 587.03 613.48 641.79 659.02 674.40 687.40 700.40
24 530.42 553.18 577.79 604.87 632.56 66D.87 678.7I 697.78 710.78 -723.78
25 543.34 566.11 593.17 617.79 646.10 673.79 693.47 712.32 724.32 ' 737.32 ` .
26 557.48 585.18 610.41 637.49 667.02 694.71 714.40 734.71 747.71 760.7I
27 557.48 585.79 611.64 639.95 670.71 702.7I 723.63 741.47 754.47 767.41 .
28 574.10 598.72 627.03 655.33 686.10 719.33 739.62 760.55 773.55 786.55
_ 29 5.88.87 617.18 646.10 674.40 707.63 740.86 762.39 783.32. 796.32 809.32
30 605.48 633.79 662.09 694.10 726.70 761.16 782.08 804.85 817.85 830.85
31 621.48 651.02 680.55 711.32 745.78 781.47 804.24 824.55 837.5� 8SQ.55
32 638.71 670.09 701.48 731.62 767.31 804.85 825.16 851.00 864.00 877.04'
33 655.94 687.94 720.55 755.00 788.86 825.16 851.00 875.62 888.62 901.62
34 674.40 707.63 740.86 775.94 8�2.85 851.00 8�5.62 899.61 912.6I 92�..61
35 694.10 726.70 761.16 796.85 835.01 875.b2 849.6? 9�5.46 938.46 95�.46
36 714.40 748.24 783.32 820.24 859.61 901.46 927.31 953.76 9Es6.76 9�9.T6
37 734.71 768.55 805.47 844.34 882.38 925.46 95E}.69 980.22 993.22 IOaE�..22
38 756.24 790.08 828.85 8b7.00 909.46 950.69 98Q.22 I007.30 102�.30 I033.30
39 77b.55 813.47 852.23 892.23 934.07 989.�45 IOU7.30 1046.06 1059.06 1072.06 :
40 789.70 836.84 877.46 916.85 961.15 1007.91 TE}36.2I I066.98 I0��.98 �09�.48
41 821.46 8b0.24 902.08 944,53 990.06 1036.83 1066.98 1098.36 I1I1.36 1124..36
42 $45.47 886.69 928.53 971.61 1017.76 1066.98 1098.36 1129.13 1142.I3 I155.I3 '
43 870.07 911.30 954.37 998.69 1047.91 1096.52 II28.51 I16I.74 1I74.74 I187.74
44 893.45 937.15 982.07 1030.07 1078.05 1129.13 II62.35 1196.82 I2Q9.82 I22Z..82
45 919.92 962.37 1009.76 1057.76 1109.44 1163.59 �197.43 1233.I2 1246.12 125�.12
46 945.76 990.68 1038.68 1087.90 1141.44 1196.82 I23I.27 I21�5.74 1278.74 L29I.74
47 974.07 1018.37 1068.22 1120.52 1172.20 1229.43 I265.11 13Q2.04 I315.04 I328.04
48 1000.52 1048.52 1098.36 1151.28 1205.43 1262.65 1298.34 I338.34 I351.34 1364.34
49 1030.07 1078.05 1129.13 1183.28 1241.12 1302.04 I338.96 I378.34 1391.34 Z404.34
50 1058.37 1110.67 1164.$2 1221.43 1279.27 1340.80 I379.57 1420.18 1433.18 1446.1.$
A B C D E F 5_yrs• 6_yrs. 7-yrs. ID-yrs.
28E 530.42 553.18 577.79 604.87 632.56 660.87 694.1Q 726.70 7b1.16 782.08
15-yrs• 20-yrs• 25-yrs.
804.85 817.85 830.85
- _ 4 _
SECTION I (continued) -
D 3 The following schedule of standard ranges sets forth the 1981
bi weekly salary ranges applicable to positions in classes .as
stated in Section I C 3. _
GRADE A B C D E F G IO�s. IS yrs,._
1 :543.65 565.49 588.56 617.07 648.02 68I.39 714.15 736.E1. 757.23
2 560.03 581.88 606.I5 635.88 668.04 700.80 736.61 758�46 780.89
3 ` 577.03 600.09 623.75 655.3Q 68�.46 722.65 758.46 78I.50 803.�5
4 ' '''S94.01 617.68 642.55 674.10 ' 708.69 ' 744.49 781.50 803'.96 825.22
5 612.83 637.10 661.37 695.94 729.93 ?66.34 803.96 828.Z2 8.�I.8�.
6 630.41 b55.91 b8I.99 716.58 752.38 - 784.39 � 828.22 8�3.70 8�'�.�7
7 648.62 674.71 ` 702.63 737.20 774.83 - 8I3.67 853.7� 879.I9' 9U4.fr8
8 668.65 695.94 -723.86 759.66 : 796.67 837.33 879.1J 9Q5.�9 43�.9�
9 �� fi88.06 716.58 745.09 782.I2 821.56 SC2.82 905.83 93I.38 �53.2� :
10 709.91 737.20 766.34 805.16 845.82 888.29 931.98 96a�49 984.E3�
11 ' 730.54 760.27 790.60 830.04 871.3Q 915.60 460.44 987..19 IQ18.T5
12 752.98 782.72 , 814.27 854.31 897.39 4k2.23 489.E32 l0Ig.96 ��49.09
13 775.44 805.78 838.54 881.02 923.49 970.20 1O1�.R6 1049.69 IfI79.42
14 798.49 830.04 863.41 906.50 952.51 399.33 I049.69 1080.63 �II2.8E)
15 822.76 856.13 889.51 933.20 980.52 1029.05 lO8Q.63 1114.Q0 II46.78
. 16 847.64 881.62 916.21 9b2.32 10I0.25 I060.61 1I14.00 1I46.78 1.180.1�
17 873.12 907.7I 944.12 990.23 1039.37 I092.I7 1I46.78 118I.9� �2I?.Ifr
18 899.22 934.40 971.42 1021.16 1071.54 2126.14 I181.96 12I7.76 k25I.74
19 926.5I 962.92 1000.55 1050.90 1103.69 1158.9I 1217.76 1252.34 1289.97
20 953.83 992.Q4 1031.48 1083.06 1137.07 1194.10 1253.57 129fl.57 I328.8 1
21 981.74 1021.78 1061.83 1115.23 1171.05 1230.50 I290.57 I324.40 1368.84
22 I011.46 1051.51 1093.98 1148.59 12a6.24 1266.30 I329.4Q 1369.45 I409.50
23 1042.42 1083.68 I127.36 1183.18 1242.03 1305.14 1369.45 I4II.32 I452.58
24 1072.74 1115.82 1160.12 1218.96 1279.66 1343.36 1411.32 1452.58 2494.44
25 1104.91 1150.41 1195.92 1255.39 1317.26 138:3.41 1452.58 I496.86 I.�39.96
2b 1138.89 1183.78 1232.32 1291.78 1357.93 1425.88 1496.86 I54I.78 1586.07
27 1172.26 1219.59 1268.12 1331.83 1397.97 1468.35 1541.78 1587.28 1634.00
28 1208.05 1256.00 1306.35 1371.88 1441.05 Z511.43 1587.28 1635.82 1683.15
24. 1244.45 1 293.60 1345.79 1412.53 1482.91 1558.15 I635.82 1684.35 1733.SO
30 1281.48 1333.04 1386.44 1455.01 1527.21 1604.27 1b84.35 1733.50 178fi.3Q
31 1320.30 1372.48 1427.70 1499.29 1573.93 1652.20 1734.72 I786.9E� I839.Q8
32 1359.75 1413.14 1469.57 1544.19 1621.25 17Q2.56 1786.90 I840.9I I833.69
33 1400.39 1448.94 1513.86 1590.31 1669.80 I754.13 I840.}I 1.896..I2 I951.33
34 1442.26 1499.29 1559.37 1638.25 1720.15 I805.71 1896.IZ 1952.55 ZQI�.80
35 1485.95 1544.81 1606.70 1688.01 177I.12 1859.72 1952.55 2Q12.OQ Z070.26
36 1530.84 1590.92 1654.62 1737.15 1824.SI 1916.14 2011.40 207I.47 2I31.�4
37 1575.14 1638.55 1704.38 1789.33 1878.52 1973.17 207I.47 2133.�7� 2I4S.8�
38 1 624.29 1E88.60 1755.96 1843.33 1935.56 2032.03 2133.97 21g8.28 2261.3.8
39 1671.61 1738.36 1808.19 I898.55 1993.20 2093.92 2198.28 2263.21 2329.94
40 1721.38 1791.14 1862.75 1956.19 2053.87 2I55.20 2264.41 2336.02 2399.72
41 1772.95 1843.93 1917.9b 2014.43 2I14.55 2220.12 2332.I7 24Q5.18 2470.72
42 1826.34 1899.75 1976.20 2073.90 2177.65 228fi.26 2400.94 2477.38 2545.34
43 1880.95 1956.79 2034.46 2137.00 2243.18 2355.43 2473.75 2552.�3 262I.�a
44 1937.38 2015.66 2095.74 2200.71 2311.14 2427.03 2547.77 2628.47 27EIQ.Er7
45 1995.02 2075.10 2159.45 2266.84 2379.71 2498.b3 2623.61 270b.74 278I.3T
- 5 -
- .�
SECTION I (continued)
D 4 The following schedule of standard ranges sets forth the 1981
bi-,weekly salary ranges applicable to positions in classes as
stated in Section I C 4.
GRADE A B C D E F G 10 yrs 1S-yrs �
1 531.73 552.89 575.70 604.16 634.63 667.73 700.44 722.64 743.a1
2 547.65 569.45 593.48 622.73 654.6I 687.33 722.64 744.23 7f�6.4�
3 564.17 586.98 610.39 642.10 674.00 708.92 744.Z3 ?67.02 788.40
4 581.35 604.7b 629.37 660.88 694.99 730.51 767.03 789.01 813.23'
- 5�. 599.71 623.72 648.16 682.�3 715.75 75I.87 ?84.�I $13.23 836.86
, 6 ; 617.49 642.72 668.33 702.42 738.17" 774.46 8I3.23 838.45 - 862.69
7 632.93' 659.33 686.36 720.42 756.72 744.63 834.54 8�9.55 884.55-
8 .. 555.21 682.03 710.12 745.21 782.17 822.ItI &63.69 89Q.13 3��.95
9 � , < 674.61 702.42 : ?31.10 767.64 806.58 847.55 840.12 915.95 943.4Z
- 10 ' 696.19 723.22 751.87 79fl.64 830.79 872.98 g15�.45 944.42 �?2..4b�
11 7Z6.35 745.83 775.67 815.06 855.80 899.9z 344.42 970.87 IfI0f.4��}
12 I38.77 768.24 719.09 839.06 881.64 926.24 �72.4� 1a02.92 1031.79
13 760.1b 791.26 $23.53 865.29 907.68 954.1Q ��E}2.92 1032.39 �t�62.28
14 ' 783.77 815.06 848.37 890.74 936.11 982.T5 2032.33 IQ63.50 I0�4.52: �.
15 807.78 840.65 874.20 917.39 963.97 1012.21 I063.50 1096.I7 I�28.66-
16 832.39 865.90 900.41 946.01 993.45 1043.28 �Q9�,1T �I28.66 - I16�.T6
17 857.40 891.72 927.86 973.68 1022.53 1074.58 I128.66 �.163.3? : 1198.0�
18 883.25 918.37 955.33 1004.13 1053.98 I108.28 1163.37 I198.89 I23 2.6(�
' 19 410.29 946.63 983.98 1033.81 1086.09 1140.5fi II38.89 1233.19 I270.S4
20 337.34 975.28 1014.42 1065.49 1118.75 1175.48 1234.19 I271.I4 I309.IQ
21 965.2� 1004.74 1044.50 1097.37 1152.68 1211.I7 1271.14 1309.68 1348.64
22 994.86 1034.64 1Q76.60 1130.48 1187.37 1246.90 2309.68 1349.24 1389.t}0
� 23 1025.33 lOb6.11 1109.49 1164.57 1222.89 1285.46 I349.24 1390.82 143I.58
24 1055.20 1097.98 1141.77 1200.09 1260.02 1323,63 I39Q.82 I431.58 1472.73
25 1087.30 1132.30 1177.29 1236.01 1297.79 1363.18 1431.58 I475.36 1517.94
26 1120.78 1165.17 1213.20 1272.57 1337.52 1404.92 1475.36 15I9.54 1563.54
27 �.: 1153.8$ 12Q0.70 1248.73 131I.90 1377.29 1447.10 I�19.54 IS64.77 I6�a.97
28 ll89.18 1236.61 1286.67 1351.45 1420.06 1489.90 I56�4.77 I6I2.58 Ib54.62
29 1225.10 1274.16 1325.61 1392.03 1461.87 1535.90 I�i12.58 1660.60 1709.65
; 30 1262.05 1312.89 1365.77 1434.00 1505.43 1581.94 1.660.80 17Q9.65 1761.84
31 1300.39 1352.05 1406.74 1477.56 1551.66 1629.I3 1710.88 1762.54 18I4.19
32 1339.55 1392.63 1448.33 1521.96 1598.46 1678.98 I762.54 I8I6.24 I868.28
33 1379.91 1430.32 1492.10 1567.99 1646.50 1729.61 I8I6.24 I87Q.49 I925.4a
34 1421.29 1477.56 1537.12 1615.20 1696.33 1781.09 I870.49 I926.62 1984.II
35 1464.47 1522.57 1584.14 1664.45 1746.99 1834.59 1926.62 I985.3I Za43.27
36 1508.63 1568.61 1631.56 1713.51 1799.66 1890.26 I984.7I Z044.47 2103.8Q
37 1553.07 1615.81 1680.8I 1764.95 1853.58 1946.98 2044.47 2IOb.OQ 2167.57
38 1601.27 1665.05 1731.64 1818.45 1909.86 2005.54 2106.Q0 2169.34 2232.5t
39 1648.51 1714.50 1783.55 1872.92 1966.76 2466.46 2169.78 2234.6U 230E}.36
40 1697.76 1766.56 1837.39 1930.03 2026.69 2127.41 2235.37 2306.2Q 23b9.I5
41 1748.82 1819.03 1892.09 1987.53 2087.26 2191.37 2301.79 2374.82 244Q.04
42 1801.48 1874.34 1950.02 2046.89 2149.40 2257.18 2370.80 2446.25 2513.6b .
43 1855.78 1930.63 2007.74 2108.81 2214.17 2325.59 2442.63 252U.13 2583.35
44 1911.69 1988.96 2068.27 2172.19 2281.59 2396.20 25I5.88 2595.80 2667.22
45 1969.02 2048.09 2131.00 2237.58 2349.81 2467.47 2591.16 2673.51 2747.37
- 6 -
SECTION I (continued)
D 5 The following schedule of standard ranges sets forth the I981
bi-weekly salary ran�es applicable to positions in classes as
stated in Section I C 5.
. _} .
Grade A B C D E F 10-yr• I5 yr: '
30 658.21 691.12 725.68 754.97 793.58 825.75 868�63 89U.09 <
31 677.96 711.$5 747.45 777.62 817.39 850.52 894.69 916.79 `�
32 699.99 734.99 771.74 - 802.89 843.96 8Z8.16 923.77 44(�..59
33 ''722:03 758.12 796.03 828.17 870.52 905.8Q 952.54 976�.38 ��` -
34 744.06 781.26 820.33 853.44 897.09 933.45 981.92 ]:Q06.1& �
35 '779.65 818.63 859.57 894.26 940.00 �78.1Q 1028«&9 �Q54.31
36 ; 803.04 843.19 885.36 921.09 968.2d 100?.44 I059.76 1085.9k
< 37 826.k3 867.75 911.14 947.92 996.40 I036.79 1090.62 I11?.57 �
38 849.82 892.31 936.93 974.7G 1024.6Q I(�66.13 Z12�..49 1149�.2Q
39 873.21 916.87 962.72 1001.57 1052.80 T095.47 1152.36 118Q.83 .
� `4 40 899.41 944.38 99I.60 1031.62 I084.38 1128.33 1I86.93 1216.25
41 925.60 97I.88 1020.48 1061.66 1115.97 IZ6I.2Q I22L.5Q I25L.fs8
42 � 95I.80 999.39 1049.36 1091.71 1147.55 1I94.06 I25G.f17' I2$7.I0
43 978.00 1026.89 1078.25 1121.76 1179.14 I226.93 124Q.fi4 I322.53
44 1007.34 1057.70 1110.60 1155.41 1214.51 I263.74 1329.36 135Z.21 -
45 103b.68 1088.50 1142.95 1189.07 1249.89 130Q.55 1368.08 140Z.88
33S 684.13 713.57 746.97 775.43 806.35 840.21 862.29 884.39
37S 798.24 831.38 865.98 902.06 946.98 987.47 1035.33 1061.83
, _
,, ,, _ ;.
_ 7 _
, � `1 `� ' ��
S�CTZON I (continued) ,
D 6 The following schedule of standard ranges sets forth the
1981 bi weekly salary ranges applicable to pasitions in -
classes as stated in Section I C 6.
GRADE A B C : D E � l0-yr• ' IS-yr.
30 658.21 691.12 725.68 754.97 793.58 825.75 868.63 890.09 -
31 677.96 711.85 747.45 777.62 817.39 85Q.52 : 894.69 9I6�.79
32 � 698.30 733.21 769.87 800.95 84I.41 ' 876.Q4 921.53 444.29 .' •� -
33 718.64 754.55 792.29 824.30 866.42 �QI.�6 948.37 97I.8Q .
34 � 738.98 775.92 - 814.72 847.61- 890.96 �:7.Q7 97�.2� 999.30 -
- 35 759.33 797.28 ' 837.15 870.95 ` 925.47 9�52.56 IQQ�.Q7 1U26.74
� 36 779.65 818.63 859.57 894.26' � 9k0.00 �78.I0 IQ28.&9 Y054.3I
' 37 ; 800.00 839.98 . "882.00 '917.60 964.51 �.CtA3.62 :1Q55�75 1081.81 .
38 820.33 8b1.34 904.41 940.92 989.04 �.029.23 1082.5? I109.32
. 39 844.57 882.69 926.84 964.25 1013.56 -1Q54.64 L2Q9.42 1136.82
40 8bI.QI 904.05 949.26 ' 987.58 1038.Q9 'I.OSU.16 I136.26 II64.32 - -
41 882.35 925.41 - 971.69 1010.91 1062.61 1I05.68 1.163.10 II4I.83
42 901.69 946.76 994.11 1034.23 1087.13 }I31.�9 1189�.�4 }':Z19.33
43 922.03 968.12 I016.53 1057.56 ZI11.65 �Y56.7I I2I6.78 1246.83
44 942.36 989.47 1038.96 1080.89 1136.17 1282.22 I243.62 1274.34
45 962.70 1010.83 1061.38 11Q4.22 1160.69 IZQ7.74 I27Q.46 13Q1.84
, , .: .
.� : , ;:.
- � -
._�_.,:._.., ._---,,.�....�..�......,._-..�,,..,�.._..w,.._...,..._,_.,: �,..,_,�. .�,._�. ..��.�_......f...,�.__�._�............. � - _,,,..,....,.._. ._..��.�.- _
SECTION I (continued) _
E ENTRANCE SALARY-- Except as provided in Section 28.B of the Civil
Service Rules, and except as the Council may otherwise provide here-
iaafter, the salary rate which shall be paid to aay appointee in a
position in the Classif ied Service in a class established in
Section 3 of the Rules shall be Step A in the Staadard Range ,
applicable to the position. _
l Except as provided ia Section 28.B of the Civ�l. Sernice Rules �
and in Section V D of this Salary Plan, and e�ccept as hereiu-
after provided, increases in salary abave S�teg A ia the Graded '� �' '
Division and in the Unclassif ied Service mag �e granted to
segular and pravisional employees as fol�avs:
-. -,,, ,
. , ,
, .. , - : :;.
(a) For each 1040 hours an employee has aggeared on the payrall � "
in oue position, he may be grant� an increase ia, salarp n£ ,
oae salary step up to aad including Steg,C.
� .. �.z,.
(b} For each 2080 hours an employee ha� apg�ar�d an the payrczlL
in one position after he has attaiaed Step G he mag be
graated an increase in salary of e� s�tep up ta aA� ia+cludfag
Step E, or in the case of aa employee in a position in a
class in the Prof essional-Administrative Oceupational Group,
Step F; except, however, if said em�I.oyee has received a five
year increase he may be granted an iucrease in salary of one
step up to and including Step F, or in the case of an emp2oyee
in a position in a class in the Professional-Administrative
Occupational Group, Step G; and if he has received a ten year
increase he may be granted the teA-year step, and if he has
received a f if teen-year increase he may be granted the f if teea
year step.
(c) When an employee completes five pears of full-time service he
maq be granted an increase of one additional salary step;
provided, however, that his salary shal.l not exceed Step F,
or in the case of an employee in a. position ia a class ia the
Professional-Administrative Occupatl4�a�1. Group, Steg G.
(d) When an employee completes ten years of full-time service lxe
may be granted an increase of one add�t�arta2 salary step; .
provided, however, that his salary shall n,ot excesd the
ten-yea.r step.
(e) When an employee completes fifteen years of fu12-t�.me service
he may be granted an increase of ane add�t�onal salarq step; ,
provided, however, that his salary shall. not exceed the
f if teen-year step. -
(f� When an employee in a position i.a a class represented by the
Clerical or Technical Bargaining Unit cQmpletes twenty years
of full-time service he may be granted an iacrease of one
additional salary step; provided, however, that his salary
sha.11 not exceed the twenty-year step.
- 9 -
SECTION I (continued) .
(g) When an employee in a position in a class represented by the �
Clerical or Technical Bargaining Unit completes twenty-five
years of full-time service he may be granted an increase a€ _
one additional salary step. _
(h) Any increase in salary granted under the provisions of this
Section shall become effective on the first day of the first �
payzoll period immediately following the grantiag of such
increase. - 3��
. . . , � � . . � . S 1' r"y ^p"��
. . � � . � . . . � . . . � . � . � � et:!,-A.J�+ti
(i) For:each 2080 hours an �mgloyee has apge�red oa the p�syro].�, ,,�
" in the position of Recreation Center Director af ter he/she t ' `
has attained Step C, he/she may be graateci aa iacrease in
�. , _ .;
,� salary of one step up to Step T; aa� if ��/she has r��ivec� °
a ten-year increase he/she may be granted the ten-yea�r ategs
. �.:� 4.
. and if he/she has received a fifteen-gear incxease- he/she ;
"°"� may be granted the f if teen-year steg. �wever,. ta na case . : � '
will a Recrea.tion Center Director be granted Step F untfl
he/she has completed f if teen credit h�urs in. caursas � `
, _,_ ..
pertaining to recreation.
(j) Vehicle Mechanic Trainees may advanc� tcs the neat high�r
- 1,OQ0 hour rate by completing an additioaal I,QOO hours of
training with satisfactory progress.
Trainees will not be advanced to a higher Ieve1 af trafaing
or rate of pay unless on-the-job and formal training requ�.re-
ments are_completed satisfactorily and the Un3.t Supervisor
recoatmends advancement.
Trainees failing the probationary period will be termiaated
or reduced to their former positions. Subsequeat :to satis- �
factory completion of their probatinarp geriod, trainees who
receive an unsatisfactorq ratiag for a 1,OOQ hour trai.ning
period will be granted an additional I,QOQ hours in �h�.ch ta
demonstrate impzoved performance. Coatiaued failure ta
meet training standards will result in termination or
G COURT DUTY--Any employee who is required to appear in court as a jurer
or witness shall be paid his regular pay while he �s sa enga�ged, prc��►�ded
however, that anq fees that the employee may receive from the court for
such service shail be paid to the City and be degosited with the Director
of Fina.nce and Ma.nagement Services. Any emplopee who is scY�duLec� tv wo�k
a shift, other than the normal daytime shift, sh�TT�.. be reseheduled ta work
the normal daytime shif t during such time as he is required to appear ia
court as a �uror or witness.
H YACATION--In each calendar year, each regular or provisia�a.� emgloyee,
except those in the Fire service, shall be granted vacatio�x at the rate
of eighty hours per year. After five years of full-time aervice each
such employee shall be granted vacation at the rate of one hundred twenty
hours per year. After f ifteen years of full-time service each such
employee shall be granted vacation at the rate of one hundred sixty-eighL
hours per year. Af ter twenty-five years of full-tim� servf.ce each emglopee
shall be granted vacation at the rate of one hundred seventy-sive hours
per year.
- 10 -
. ,_ �.��--..a.,_�. _. _,.. ._..,_,� _,, .,:.,. �..�,,.,,..,.,_.,,_, . �,.....-,.<. .� �,:-_,_ .,.;., , , �__ -.
SECTION I (continued)
In the Fire service, in each calendar qear, ea.ch regular or pro`risianal.
employee shall be granted vacation at the rate of two times the number of
hours designated by the Council to be the work week for the Fire service.
After five years of full-time service, each such emploqee sha1l be granted
vacation at the rate of three tianes the number of hours designated by the
Council to be the work week for the Fire service. Af ter f if teen ye:ars of
full-time service each such employee shall be granted vacation at the rate
of four and one-fif th (4 1/5) times the number af hours desigaated hy
the Council to be the work week for the Fire service. Af ter twentq-€ive :
years of full-time service ea.ch such employee shall be granted vacatian at
the rate of four aad two-f if ths (4 2/5) tia�es the number of hour.s designated ,, , '
by�the Council to be the �ork week for the �fre Service. ,.;°. +
, �. . � ' .... ''��' . � � 'T.�.',., t ..
. . . . . , ... .
The head of the department may permit aa emglag�e ta carrp ov�. i.nto the. � -
following year up to eightp hours, or fn the Ffre service th� ac�ber of
, Bours �orked for two weeks. Aap employee who does nat work f�I3` time
ahsll be granted vacation on a pro rata basis. Tb� ti��: a� ascation sha].�
be fixed by tIu head of the department in which the employee is e�pinyed.
If an employee has been graated more va.catfon than he has earned np to the
time of �his separation fram the City service, tbe emglopee sha3.I reiarbur��
the City for such unearned vacation. If an emp�oyee is sepsrated frone the
service by reason of resignation, he sha11 be graated suet� vacatiaa gay ss
he may have earned and not used up to the time of such separatioa, provided
that he has notif ied the department head in writing at least f if teen
calendar days prior to the date of his resigtzatiaa. If aa es�gloyee :Ls
separated from the service by reason of discharge, retirement ar death, he
sIiall be granted such vacation pay as he may have earned and not used up to
the time of such separation. The provisions of this Subsection H of
Section I shall not apply to temporary or emergency emplayees nor to anp _
employee whose position is under a heading of "Special EmpToyments" ia
Section 3 of the Civi1 Service Rules, and who is paid by the hour or by �
the perfarmance. , __ ,: _ . :
1 The following days are declared to be holidays: '`
New Year's Day 3anua.rp I
Washington's and Lincoln's Birthday The third Moaday ia FeUrnary
Memorial Day The }.ast Moaday fa Map
Independence Day ,Iulp 4
Labor Day � The first Monda.y in September
Christopher Columbus Day The second Moada,g ia Uctober
Veterans' Day rove�ber II �
Thanksgiving Day The fourth Thursdap in Navember
Christmas Day Dec�aber ZS
Floating Holiday To be granted at anp tia�e dnring
the year with tb� appraval of the
degartment heac�.
provided, when New Year's Day, January 1; or Indepandence Day,. Ju1y 4;
or Veterans` Day, November 11; or Christmas Dag, December 25; fa21s on
Sunday, the following day shall be a holiday; and, provided, when
- 11 -
SECTION I (continued) -
New Year's Day, January 1; or Independence Day, July 4; or Veterax�s'
Day, Nove.mber 11; or Christmas Day, December 25; falls oa Saturdap,
the preceding day shall be a holiday. Employees may be granted such
time off with pay as the Council by resolution ma.y provide from time
to time, and such provision shall apply uniformly to all employees
unless excluded by the provisions of Di.vision 5 below.
2 Every regular or provisional employee shall he granted each such
holiday off with pay; provided, however, that eligibility for the
floatiug holiday shall be as follows:
. . �
, � .;
_ `...• . . �.: - ��-°;> � ':;'z._ �.
For those regular or prov3sional employees who work at
least 320 hours but less than 1040 hours iu, tl�e ca3.enda� _ - �
qear, the� sha.11 be granted one-half of the totaZ �t�er
. of floating holidays applicable. ; : _, ., ,- ..° .� `
, °_ �
. ,, . . - ; , _ . � * _,
, . . ; _
Fcr ttmse regular or provisional empTopaes �ha wark gt• �' � '
least I040 hours in the calendar pear, they ahall be
granted the total number of floating holfdag� apglfcable.
3 If an employee entitled to a holiday is required to work on Wasbiagton's
and Lincoln's Birthday, Christopher Columbeis Day, or V`�terans' �.g, I�e
shall be granted another day off with pay ia lieu thereof as saon
thereafter as the convenience of the departmeat permits, or he sha.11
be paid on a straight time basis for such heurs worked, fi� additio�
- to his regular holiday pay. If an emploqee entitled to a holiday
is required to work on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence
Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day, he shall be
recompensed fo work done on this day by being granted compensatory
time on a time and one-half basis or by beiag paid on a time and
one-half basis for such hours �rorked, in addition to his regular
holiday pay. _
4 In order to be eligible for a holiday with pay, aa emplayeets name
must appear on the payroll on any six workiag dags of the aine
working days preceding the holiday; or an emgl.oyeers xrame muat �pgear
on the payroll the last working day before the holiday and on thr�e
other working days of the nine working days preceding the ho�.icT�y.
In neither case shall the holiday be counted as a wark�sr:g dap.
5 Provisions one through four of this Subsection I of Sectiaa I sha�.2 .
not apply to any employee whose position is under a hea:diag of
"Special Employments" in Section 3 of the Civil Service. Rules and who
is paid by the hour or by the performance. _
6 Every employee whose position is under a heading of "Sgecf.al Employ-
ments" in Section 3 of the Civil Service Rules and wha is paid by the
hour shall be paid on a time-and-one-half basis for ti�e worked on
New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Dap, Labor Day, Thaaksgiving
Day, and Christmas Day.
7 Every temporary or emergency employee shall be paid an a time-aad-
one-half basis for time worked on New Year's Day, Memarial Day,
Independence Day, La�or Day, Thanksgiving Dap, aad Christmas Day.
- 12 -
A The compensation for positions in classes in Section 3 of the Civil
Service Rules shall be as set forth in Agreements between the City
of Saiat Paul and the certified exclusive representative and between
the Independent School District No. b25 and the ezcclusive representatives.
B The compensation for the following positions in classes in Section 3
of the Civil Service Rules under a heading of "Sgecial Employments" -
shall be as follows:
- � . � _ .. � x �
. .-. . . . � . . � . ' . . . ... ,. :a .
- - - .4 -
, ...
, : : ;�
., , � �
. ; =_ . . �
. . - . ..x..'- , _.. . ; .. , ..�:' , . ,y�.5..,.
. . . . . . - � .. . . " ' ,J ;
Cl.inic Physician ,; ' .
wfth 0 - 2 years of'`experience : $�.� ger �ou�
witb 2 - 4 years of ex�erience $Z2.00 per hour `
with over 4 qears af experieace $Z�.Q4 per baur
_ _
. . ._, .
Clinical Program Manager-Physician -
with 0 - 2 qears of experience $�3.� ger baur °
with 2 - 4 years of experience $ZS.Qf� ger hour '
with over 4 years of experience $28.QE� per hour
Clubhouse Man $6.EK2 per sing�.e game event--
. $8.� per doubleheader
Dentist-Clinic $55.OQ ger cliaic sessioa
Gateman $3.50 per single game event--
$4.50 per daubleheader
Golf Ranger
lst 500 hours of employment $4.25 per hour
2nd 500 hours of employment $4.50 per �our .
3rd 500 hours of �ployment $4.75 per hour -
4th 500 hours of employment & thereafter $5.00 per hour
Groundcrewman $2.50 per hour '
Groundskeeper $2.�5 geF bour
Aead Gateman $6.QEf peT sing�e game �veat--
$8.Q0 per doubl.eheader
Head Ticket Seller--Staditun $8.(�Q ger single game eveat--
$If}.00 per doubleheader
Head Usher--Stadium $S.Qd per single game event--
$7.0� per doubleheader
- 13 -
SECTION II (continuad)
Selper (Alarm and Lighting) $4.75 per hour
Houae Custodian I
lst 1040 hours of employment $3.7Sr per hour
2nd 1040 hours of employment $4.00 per haur � -
3rd 1040 hours of employment $4.50 per hour
4th 1040 hours of employment & thereafter $S.00 per hour
, , ,
House Custodian III $6.00 per hour �
x ez ��
, �'',�`���}t'�'aV�r`
Library Aide _ . ; t.�:"� �;� .
, 1st pear of emploqment : $3.50 pen c�tur :; r .:�.
2ad year of employment '$3.75 per hour _, ��
;: 3rd year of employmeut : $4.Q0 par hour
� 4th qear of emplopment & thereafter $4.25 pen c�ur ,
: A Lihrary Aide appoiatee who has graduated fram high school sha1l be .
appointed at the third qear rate, and shall progresg to the faurth year
Yate after one year of employment. _ : -" ,
A Library Aide who 1s receiving less than the thfrd year rate, apoa - -
gradeiation from high school, shall be raised ta the third year rate
and shall progress to the fourth year rate af ter vae additional year
of �mployment.
Lif e Guard
Lif e Guard (Indoor Pool)
Water Safety Instructor
lst 500 hours of employment $4.25 per hour
2nd 500 hours of employment $4.50 per hour
3rd 500 hours of employment $4.75 per haur
4th 500 hours of employment & thereafter $S.OQ per hour
Hours worked prior to June 1, 1977, shall not be fncluded ia calculatfng
the ab�ve 500 hour incr�nents. `:`
Locker Room Attendant $2.?A per hour
Matron--Staditun $4.OQ per single game event--
$S.QQ per doubleheader
Park Aide
lst S00 hours of employment $4.25 per bour �
2nd 500 hours of employment $4.SU per hour
3rd 500 hours of employment $4.75 ger hour
4th 400 hours of employment & thereafter $5.00 ger hour
- 14 -
SECTION II (continued)
Parking Lot Attendant I
lst 500 hours of employment $3.50 per hour
2nd 500 hours of employment $3.75 per hour _
3rd 500 hours of employment $4.00 per hour
Parking Lot Guard (Schools) $7.5a per hour
Public Address Operator $6.OU per single game event--
$8.00 per doubleheader
Recreation Aide .
. Lst 500 hours of emnployment , $3.50 per hour }
2nd SUO hours of employment $3.?5 per hour
3rd 500 hours af employment & thereaf ter $4.0t� Fer hour
Recreation Leader I �
: lst 500 hours of employment _ $4.� ger �aur
2nd 500 hours of employment $�C.SEk per �xour
3rd 500 hours of employment $4.75 per hour
4th 500 hours of employment & thereafter $S.Elt2 ger �nr . �
Ref ectory Helper - .$3.35 per hour
School Bus Driver--Occasional $4.5� per hour
Scoreboard Operator $6.00 per si.ngle game event--
$8.00 per doubleheader
Senior Pool Attendant $5.Q0 per Iwur
Ski Instzuctor I _ :
- ., lst year of employment $4.00 per hour
2nd qear of employment $4.75 pen c�ur -
3rd year of employment & thereafter $5.5Q per hour
Ski Instructor II .
_ lst year of employment $6.00 per h�our
2nd year of employment � thereafter $7.00 per hour
Ski Instructor III $S.SO ger hour
Ski Instructor Trainee $3.35 per hour
Swimming Pool Supervisor $S.ZS ger hour -
Swianning Supervisor $3.75 per hour
- 15 - .
SECTION II (continued)
Ticket Seller-�Stadium � . $5.Q0 ger single game event--
$6.00 per doubleheader
Usher--Stadium $3.OQ per single game event--
$4.00 per doubleheader
Water Safety Instructor (See Life Gua.rd)
C The compensation for employees who are �ligible for City frfnge beaefits
in the classes of Building Inspector-Cemeat Fiuisher and Buildiag Inspectar-
Iron Worker in Section 3.B of the Civt3. Service �ules shall be $1(}.38 per
hour. The compensation far employeas wfia are nat eligible fcr �it� fr#ug�
benef its in said classes shall be $11.10 per hovr. �:
D Tfre compensation f or the cl.ass of Heavy �uipmeat �peratar sha�� be tls:e
wage rates as set forth for the class of Tractar Ogerator II ia the
collective bargaining agreemeats betweea the City of Saint Paul,, Indepea-
deat School District Na. 625, and the Tri-Counci.�, composed of Labarers
Local 132, Operatiag Engineers Local 49, and Teamsters Local IZQ.
E The compensation for the class of Stores Laborer, fn Sectioa 3.G of the
Civil Service Rules stsall be as showa bel.aw:
$8.98 per hour Effective 5-E?1-80 _
F The compensation for the class of Aspha.lt P2aat Qperator sha3.I be the
wage rate as set forth for the class of Tractor Operator II in the _
collective bargaining agreements between the City af Saint Paul, Indepea-
dent School District No. 625, and the Tri-Council, composed o€ Laborers
Local 132, Operating Engineers Local 49, and the Teamsters Local 120.
G The compensation for the class of Water Service Worker-Coatral �esk ia
Section 3.G of the Civil Service Rules shall be $9.38 per hour.
H The compensation for the class of Revolving Power Equipment Operator ia
Section 3.G (Labor Maintenance) of the Civil Service Rules shall be
$10.56 per hour.
I The compensation for the class of Jet Sewer Cleaaer Operater in Sectioa
3.G (Labor Maintenance, Ungraded� of the Civil Sernice Rules shall be
$10.01 per hour.
J The compensation for the class of Welder Lea.dworker in Section 3.D
(Equipment Maintenance, Ungraded) of the Civil Service Rules sha1.I be
$10.90 per hour
- 16 -
SECTION II (continued)
K The compensation for the classes of Groundsworker-�Tater Department and
Groundsworker--Board of Education, in Section 3.G (Labor Maintenance,
Ungraded) of the Civil Service Rules shall be as shown belaw:
Starting Rate $8.04 per hour
Af ter six months $8.40 per hour
L The compensation for the class of Blacksmith Trainee, in Sectioa 3.A.1
(Buiiding Trades - Ungraded - Boilermakers) of the Civil Service Rules
, shall be as �hown below: , ; : ' '� .
Starting Rate 607 of the base rate for Blac�ith
Af ter 6 �nths 65X of the base rate for Bla�ks�itk
After 1 year 70X of the base rate for Blacksmith �
Af ter 2 years and :
thereafter 75X of the ba:se rate for Ble.cksmit�t
M The compensation for the class of Schools La.bor Crew Leader fn. ��tiaa
3.G .(Labor Maiatenance-Ungraded) of the Civil Service 8ules sha11 i�
$9.73 per hour.
N The compensation for the class of Interpreter/Health in Sectioa 3.L
(Technical) Ungraded, of the Civil Service Rules shall be $5.38 per hour.
0 The compensation for the class of Food Service Equipment Special.ist in
Section 3.D (Equipment Maintenanee, Ungraded) of the Civil Service Rules
shall be as shown below:
Starting . 6 months 1 qear 2 years 3 pears
$8.74 $9.18 $9.64 $10.12 $10.65
P The compensation fox the class of Bricklayer Foreman in SectioA 3.A
(Building Trades-Ungraded�, Subsection 2 (Bricklayers) , of the Civil
Service Rules, shall be $11.89 per hour. The campensatioa for employees
w�w are not eligible for City fringe benefits ia said class siia]:1 be _
$12.08 per hour.
Q The compensation for the class of Custodial Superv�.sor--Civic Cea�er
in Section 3.H (Maintenance Supervisors, Ungraded) of the Civf1. Servfce
Rules shall be $9.84 per hour.
- 17 -
In addition to the compensation payable to employees employed in certaia
positions in the Classif ied Service in accordance with this resolution,
there may be paid the following additional allowances: �
A District Fire Chiefs assigned to duty in Fire District No. I,
may be paid the sum of $46.00 bi-weekly in addition to the
amount allowed under the other provisions of this resolution. �
B To uniformed employees of the Fire Preventioa Bureau aa a.11owance
, not to exceed $4.60 bi-weekly as payment for the gurchase aad. -
., f-
maintenance of required uniforms.
C To any emp�oyee who works on a regularly assigae� sh�€t, begir�atng _
earlier than 6:00 a.m. or ending later thaa 6:Q� g«�.,- grav�:d�d
th�t at least five hours of the shif t are worked between the. hoesrs
of 6:00 p.m. and 6:40 a.m. , there shall be paid a �ght diffe�eatial
for the eatire shif t. > "
To anp emplaqees who work on a regularly assigaed shift, beg�aaing
earlier than 6:00 a.m. or ending later than 6:E�t? g�m., but less tha�
f ive hours of the shif t are worked betweea the �rs af b:fJa g.ia. _.
and 6:00 a.m., there shall be paid a night differeattal for th� hours
worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. :
The night diEferential shall be 5% of the base rate, and shaZS be paid
only for those night shifts actually worked; provided, however, that
the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to emgloyees holding
titles in the Police and Fire Groups in Sectioa 3 af the Civil Service
Rules, or to emergency or termporary employees in the Civie Center Camplex,
or to employees holding titles listed in Section II of this Resolutiaa
under the heading ''Special Employments". �.
D To employees when they are required to work in tu�.e.Zs at a ciepth af
thirty feet or more, $2.00 per day.
E To Dog Wardens and to Poundmasters, an al.lowaace aot to e�cceed $4.60
bi-weekly as payment for the keeping in condition af uaifornas. .
F To Carpenters assigned to� swing stage work, $ .15 per hour.
G To Cement Finishers assigned to trap rock, granite compositiaa, or
epoxy materials, $ .25 per hour.
H To employees employed at the Como Garage in the Department of Caamm�n�tp
Services under the title of Security Officer a sum not to esceed �5C per
hour as payment for performing necessary additional duties not required
of other employees employed under this title.
- 18 -
. . � `� l/ � �
SECTION III (continued)
I To any certified full-time classified or fu1Z-time unclassified employee
of the City of Saint Paul, excluding temporary, emergency, provisional,
and those listed as "Special Employments", who, in order to improve his
work performance, takes courses which have a direct relationship ta his
work or will enable hi.m to follow a career ladder plan to positions
attainable in the City job structure, upon submission of evidence of
successful completion of the course or conti.aued successful performance
in course work with no fixed termination date, a refund in the amouat of
the cost for tuition, laboratory fees, and other obligatory course fees,
but excluding the cost of books. If the emgloyee receives tuitian reim-
bursement from another public source, or is subafdized by another public �
source due to his status as a student, he is �ot �].igible for tl�s -
refmbursemeat from the City of Saint Paul. -
� _ ;. � ` °:.. j . �.:?
An employee desiring to take advantage of this trS;n.� pragram must
' have the course work approved, previous to earc��t, by his departme;tt
head aa� the Citq Training Coordinator. Factors u�on which aa emglcyee's
el.igibilitq depends include the past work r�card cf the employee,
relevancy of the caurse work to the emploqee�s gnsition, and the s,tatus : �
of the educationa.l institution. If the emgZcpee's request for reiffiburse-
meat is denied for arcy reason, he has the rfght ta appeal ta the Civ�2.
Service Cammission.
. TuiLion payments shall be limited to $250.00 €ar caurse work completed
duriag any one calendar year for any one employee. Employees who obtaia
such refunds shall be required to pay back the amouat of reimbursement
if the employee leaves his eanployment with the City within one year after
the campletion of the course. The employee, however, shall not be required
to pay back the City's reimbursement if the emplopee`s new job is with a
goveramental unit.
This policy will take effect for course work started after January �s 197�.
J To uniformed employees of the Zoo and Conservatory, aa allowaace aot
to exceed�$2.30 bi-weeklq as payment for additional uaiforms.
K To Truck Drivers assigned to operating and maintaining the oId distribution
mechanisms on an oiler truck, $ .25 per hour.
- 19 -
A If at the time of the death of any employee, the City is indebted to
such enployee for work; labor or services perfarmed or for accumulated
credits for vacation or overtine, and nQ executor or administrator of
his or her estate has been appointed, the City shall., upon the request _
of the surviving spouse, pay such indebtedness fn a amount_ as may be
due, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 524, Minnesota Sessioa Laws
1967, to the surviving spouse. The City sha2l. require the claima.nt ta
give proof of his or her relationship to decedent, by affidavit, and
require a written receipt for such paymeat made. = �
.,R. ��
� � �;�.
�� �
, . ;_ _ �
. � .. �
� , .. < .. :-. .� . �;���..
. �- -
_ . . , , -�,,...
. . : .
.- , , . . .
� . , e ., -� �;�
._ , - -' .:,.�
_. r;;
:, � - : . -�.. ., ; ._ ;
. , .., ,,
_ .. ' �, .
. ' ' . . � ,"" -:.. . . -. Y.�.
... - , .. . � 'k
. . .. � . . . . . . `_. .. . . . . -.' ,.� ` . �_ ' �.,- � L-; , '� S r. - A.�.
. . . . : .-.. � . < +,
. . . .. . . :._ .. .. .... , i�.S . �.
. . . .:. ..�. . _ a '... t. . . . .. -
. � � . . . ., � . . � � , '� .
. . . . . � �O � . . ., . . . . '
A The salaries payable for positions in classes established in this
Section V which have been certified to a Bargaining Unit, shal.I b�
the rates set forth in Agreements betweea the City of Saint Paul
and the certified exclusive representatives. - .
B The salaries payable for positions in classes established in �hfs
Section V which hava not been certified to a Barga3.n.iag Ilnit, shall
be the rates set forth in Memorandums of Understaading. _
C The salaries payable for positions in classes establis�ecl fg this
Section V which have aot been set forth in Collective Bargaining;
Agreements or Memorandums of IInderstandiag, sha�I � th� ��me a,�
�the salaries for positions in classes which ar� �a tha s�e Graup
and grade and which have had their salarfes set farth ia Agreements
o= 2�norandums of Undsr�tanding. . - " `
. . �,. _
- _.�;�
. . .
, . .. . . .._ .
_ - r - -;,.
: � D Clerical Group � �:;
. _. ; � , . :.... =., ��...,..
.,: � " ,_,. ,.
GRADE 22 . , ,
Law Clerk -
Secretary to the Mayor
G12ADE 40
Legislat3ve Aide
Professional Group
Administrative Aide to the Mayor �
-. .-, :,"
_ Admiaistrative Aide I ' - �: - �
- Research Aide �
Administrative Aide II
� Co�unications and Programs Dfrectar
Administrative Aide III
- 21 -
SECTION V (continued)
� Subprofessional Group
. . . . GRADE 34
Legal Assistant I _
- �
� GRADE 38 _ .
Legal Assistant II _
- , - �, �.,` '� ��'�
_ ,
Professional-Administrative Group _ .. � . - .
GRADE 9 . , . -
� . :;- . ; �
City Information and Camp�a.is�t Officer
Attorney I _
_ Attorney II
� Assistant Director of Humaa Rights
GRADE 19 .
Attorney III
GRADE 20 . _
Property Manager
GRADE 21 ,
� " . . . . . � ' _ ... . . .�h .. � �..
� . . . � . . . � � � � - � ' ' �! .
' atto=�y zv . . . , .. . _ = , . �•
City Clerk and Commissianer of Registratioa
(continued� : : ,
- 22 -
. � ;,' �/ ��'
SECTION V (continued) -
Director of Human Rights
Manpower Director ..
Attorney V
Deputy Director-Busin�ss Revital.fzatiaa.
. ` Labor Relations Director . ,_. , : .:-.:. �
. . . .. . . :y;..
_ Attorney VI •
Deputq Director-Commuai�}r Dev�p�ea�
Deputy Director-Develogmeat
Deputy Director-Housing
Deputy Director-Plann3.ng
IIirector of Management
Attorney VII
Budget Director �
GRADE 35 :
Deputy Citq Attorney .
Chief of Police �
Director, Department of Cammunitp Services
Director, Department of Fiaance au� Mansgement Servic.es
Director, Department of Flatming and Ecoaomic Develogment
Director, Department of Public Works -
Executive Assistant to the Mayor
Fire Chief
GRADE 39 -
City Attorney
23 -
SECTION V (continued)
In the discretion of the appointing officer, an apgoiatee ia any
- of the exempt positions hereinbefore listed may l�e paid any of the
steps -- A through the five year rate -- in the Standard Range
applicable to the position; provided, however, that if an employee
has completed ten years of full-time service in a position or
positions listed above or in a position or positioas Iisted ia
Section 3 of the Civil Service Rules, or a cembiga.tf�r. of service
in such positions, he may be granted the ten-year saTary step;
and provided also that if such employee has completed fifteen
qesrs of full-time service as listed above, he ma�r Ue granted
the f if teen-year step. ;' -
Provided further, however, that an appointee te a�g a�€ the fall�ag
: positions may be gaid at any of the steps in the Sa2arp l�;ge:
Budget Director _
Chief of Police '
City Attarney
City Clerk and Commissioaer of Registrat�an. . ' � � :
Deputq City Attorney
Director, Department of Community Services .
Director, Department of Finance and Management Services
Director, Depar�eat of Planning and Ecoaomic De`relopment
Director, Department of Public Works
Director of Management
Executive Assistant to the Mayor
Fire Chief
Labor Relations Director
. . .,,
_ : ,. ; _
- -24 -
A Salary---Al1_.unclassified employees work�ag ua,der the titles Iiste�
below shall have theiz salaries ad�usted as follaws:
Admin3.strative Aide I ' `
Administrative Aide II
Administrative Aide III
Administrative Aide to the Mapo�r
Commuaication and Program Directcr
Research Aide
Secretary tc the Mayor `
Employees employed in thQ aforemen.tianecl �aclass�i�ci tit].es �. position�
which are considered conf identiaZ shall �ave their salarq range ad�ustec�
annnall.q by an amount equivalent to the aauual adjustment apglicab�e to
employees emp�.oqed in classified titlas ixa �a-ea�afidential, gositi�s
which are in the same pay grade and occu�tt��aaa�. grotsg as the cagfideatia2
If, uader this formula, any salary of a� �ber Qf Che Magor's staff
would exceed 90X of the Mayor's salary, tl�e perceatage of increase
appZied to tha.t membar of the Mayor's sta€f will be �imitecl to th�
percent which brings the salary af such staff inemUer to 909� of the
Mayor's salary.
Notwithstanding Section V C, the salaries payable to each of the classes
listed above shall be the salaries indicated ia Section VI E.
B Al1 unclassified employees working under the title listed below shall
have their salaries adjusted as follows:
Legislative Aide .
Employees employed in the aforementioned unclass�fied title shall have
their salary range adjusted annually by an amount ec}nivalent ta the
annual adjustment applicable to employees enployed in classified titles
in non-conf idential positions which are �n the same gay grade aad
occupational group as the coafidenti.al tit�es.
If, under this formula, any salary of auy Legislative Aide would exceed
90 percent of the salary for City Council aembers, the percentage af
increase applied to that Legislative Aide wi11 be limited ta the percent
which brings the salary of such Legislative Aide to g0 percent of the
salary of City Council members.
Subsequent salary provisions shall be inccrparated into ttee ordfna�ce
governing salaries for elected off icials.
Notarithstanding Section V C, the salaries gayable to each af the classes
listed above shall be the salaries indicated in Section VI E.
- 25 -
_ �
SECTION VI (continued)
C Vacation---Employees employed in the titles listed in A and B abave
shall be covered by the vacation schedu].e as follows:
Years of Service Qacation Days
Lesa than 8 years 15 days
Af ter 8 years through 15 years 2Q @ays
Af ter 15 years and thereaf ter 25 da.ys
D Insurance--
1 For employees employed in titles listed in A aad B above, the �t�r
agrees to contribute the cost o� $5,000 of Life Iasurance Cc�r�rage
for each employee who is eligible for such coverage, ar ��.t�S ger
month, whichever amount is less. This contributfon shall't�� gaid
to the City's Group HeaZth and Welfare Plan. Aap 3acre�s� ia t.h�..�:
cost shall be paid by the employee.
2 In addition to the $5,000 Life Insuraace Caverage ia }: aba�re,
the City agrees to contribute the cost of ac�cl�t�.aaa�. Y.ife
Insurance Coverage or $ .97 per thousand do�ars of caverage
per month, whichever amount is less. The tata�. amaeutt a€
Life Insurance Coverage provided under this section aud
Section 1 above, for each employee shall be ecgual to Che
employee's annual salary to the nearest full thousand do�Iars.
For the pupose of this section, the employee`s annual salary
shall be based on the salary as of the beginning of a contract
period. This contribution shall be paid to the City's Graup
I�ealth and Welfare Plan.
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SECTION VI (continued)
E The following salary schedule sets forth the 1981 bi-weekly salary
ranges applicable to positions set forth in VI A and B.
Administrative Aide to the Mayor
Secretary to the Mayor
A B C D E F IE}pr. I5 yr.
573.43 594.70 618.42 641.53 665.84 690.78 707.20 7�3.61
Administrative Aide I
807.59 839.75 874.95 910.74 948.97 987.I4 I013.3Q 2033.37
Research Aide
929.55 966.56 1d06.61 1048.48 1092.77 1138.$9 I167.40 1�97.13
Administrative Aide II
954.43 992.33 1033.30 1077.60 1120.68 1168.OI 1198.35 1229.29
Coannunications & Program Director
1052.12 1096.40 1143.13 1191.06 1240.82 1294.2I 1328.19 I361.56
Administrative Aide III
1105.52 1151.63 1201.38 1252.34 1306.35 1361.56 I337.97 14EI4.3I
Legislativ.e Aide
748.09 783.19 820.72 858.25 899.40 942.98 970.22 983.82
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