D001059wn� � Canuy - cayci� Fnance nepc �• City of Saint Paul i OFFICE OF T� MAYOR ADM7NISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION GbanQe ADMIN791RA77VE ORDER� Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Seckon 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the tequest of the DirecWr of the Depa(hnent of Ex�u6ve Administration to amrnd the 1996 budget of the General fund, the Director of the Deparlment ofFinance and Management Services is authotized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Bud2et TO: 001-00161 - 0857 FROM: �-00161 - Ol ll 'reparedby: ActivityManaget $Q $17A,217.00 Z�/�tt,u��j�'CC's �- uested DeparbnentDitector $4,500 ($4,500) � f� �� 1�`0: �J'i.NN � 1 - 1. Date: , � ,. _a.d_ ; Y� Amended BudQet $ 4,500.00 $119,717.00 � ► .�, C ��-rv- �� Date: JSERS�BAOF1tMAN1WPFII Si5WDMI47�GREHNSHIIBUDAMENDV.ABREL - ,�,rv� �:n Gn !.1.t�1vJ'� DEPARTMENf/OFFICECOUNCII.: DATE DVITIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: 35838 � Office of Human Resources 10/11/96 CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: p II'IITTAUDATS D�IITIAiNATE ary Kearney 266-6496 5(� ( � i ,; ns�cn 1 DEPARTMENT DIR. A�k- l Q l0 crrr covrrcu. NUMBER CITY ATTORNEY 3 CITY CI.ERK MUSf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATL� �R 2 BUDCETDIR 4 FIN. & MGT. SERViCE DIR. ROUT7NG MAYO&(ORASST.) ORDER TOTALN OF SIGNATURE PAGFS (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acriox xrRvnsreu: Move dollars from salary savings to purchase a computer laptop. RECOMMENDATIONS:Apquve(A)arRryed(R) PERSONALSERViCECONTRACTSMUSTANSR'ERTHEFOLLOWING Ql7ESfI0I3S: YLANNINGCObA1iSSION CIVI[.SERVICE CObffNISSION 1. Hasthispason/fomcvawakedimdersconhadfart6isd�7 _CIB COMINlI7'EE _ Yo No ,STAFF _ 2. Nas$ispwaodEtmeverbemscityemployceT DISTRICT COUAT Ya No SUPYORTSWHICHCOUNCII.OBJECI7VET 3. DoesiLispaeodfiimpa�eas3a71aotawmallyp�bymrywrtentcity�ployce? Yea No EryWu a0 yd amwws on xQuate aLeet awl atfach W�reen aheet nvrrtaTnvc rxosLSnr, iss�, orroxTUxir�r �wn wn�s, wnen, wnen,wbyy. Having a laptop computer in Labor Relarions would help further stream-line the contract process because contract changes could be made right in negotiatians. wovaNrwcss rnnrrxovsn: Some duplication would be eliminated in that changes would be made on the laptop right at the bargaining table; enhances possibility ofquicker settlements with fewer mistakes. ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVAP3TAGES IF NOT APPROVED: I3egotiations would be done by writing contract language at the table and bringing it back for someone to type. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: S4,i5W.00 COST/REVENUE BUDCETED: FUNDINCSOURCE: AGTIVITYNUMBER 00161 FINANCIA7.INFORMATION: (EXYLAIN) ��V RECEiVEI� OCT 151996 CiTY CLERd� •