277197 WHITE - CITY CLERK w }}}���+++((( PINK - FINANCE ,. � /�,�� / CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T �A U L COUIICII �� � BL,UE - MAYOR File . - o cil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Economic Planner in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. J (Professional-Administrative Non-Supervisors Group) by inserting the title of Economic Planner in C,rade 20; and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Sectibn 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Economic Planner. Approved: � � hairxna Civil Servic Commission COUIVCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERS EL O FIC -�vrrt�� In Favor Maddox � McMahon B snowa�ter - __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson JUL 2 8 1981 orm Approv a ,, ;t,, n Adopted by Council: Date — Certified P 5•ed by Counc' ecr gy, ' JUL 3 " Approv ;Vlavor: Da e Appr v d by Mayor for Su ' n to Council By _ BY �+l1�USHED �1U G 8 1981 1 7 Title of class: �ryt-���� /�+;r � / ECONOMIC PLANNER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible professional and supervisory work developing and analyzing long range economic development plans and capital i.mprovesnent programs, projects and procedures to assure implementation of the city-wide Comprehensive Plan; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a section head. Supervision F�cercised: Exercises within the unit, general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over clerical and professiona.l planning warkers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties perfarmed by alI positions in this class. Addresses and makes presentations to off icials, groups and organizations relating to the status of St. Paul's economy and various economi,c develop- ment plans, capital programs and pro�ects. Formulates recommendations on the city's capital improvement budget policies for consideration and adoption by the Planning Commission and City Council. Develops criteria and framework for identifying long range capital needs of the city and coordinates needs assessment activities of city departments � contributing to this identification. Develops long range projects for capital investment resources. Analyzes the long range city-wide econamic and fiscal impact of proposed fiscal mechanisms such as: tax increment districts, special assessments, or special taxes. Evaluates the economic impact� of proposed plans, programs or projects in re-- lation to the goals and policies of the city-wide Comprehensive Flan. Recommends policies and procedures to incorporate 1Qng range cagital plans and policies into the city's annual capital budget. Develops, montiors and analyzes basic c3.ty economic indicators to determiAe trends; forecasts and makes reco�endations on city-wide economic development. Provides guidance to lower level planners and technicia.ns on the use of economic and f iscal ana.lysis techniques in general planning efforts. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of modern principles •and practices of large scale govern- mental capital programming. Workin� knowledge of state and city revenue sources. Working knowledge of research methodology and data collection techniques. Working knowledge of the principles and practices of policy analysi.s and city planning. Considerable knowledge of urban economic theory. Working ability to plan, direct and coordinate work of associate staff members. (continued on reverse side) ECONOMIC PLANNER (continued) Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. Considerable ability to initiate and maintain relationships with other city departments and agencies as well as other public and private citizens interested in the city economy and long range capital invest- ment program. Considerable ability to direct the preparation of necessary reports from raw data. Considerable ability to exercise sound judgment, courtesy and discretian in aIl contacts. Considerable ability to act as a consultant to staff throughout city departments on all mat�ers relating to economic analysis and capital programming. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIdNS A Master's degree in economics or public or business administration with an. emphasis in public finance and four years professional public fiscal . ana.lysis experience; or college graduation. in economics or business or public administration and six years' professional public fiscal analysis experience at least two years of which u�uch have included management level responsibility. . (No substitution far education.) Title of class: �t����F'j �r r �( ECONOMIC PLANNER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible professional and supervisory work developing and analyzing long range economic development plans and capital improvement programs, projects and procedures to assure implementation of the city-wide Comprehensive Plan; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a section head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over clerical and professiona.l planning workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include al.l duties perf�rmed by aIl positions in this class. Addresses and makes presentations to officials, groups ancl organizations relating to the status of St. Paul's economy and various economic develop- ment plans, capital programs and projects. Fornulates reco�nendations on the city's capital improvement budget policies for consideration and adoption by the Planning Commission and Citp Council. Develops criteria and framework for identifying Iong range capital needs of the city and coordinates needs assessment activities of city departments contributing to this identification. Develops long range�pro�ects for capital investment resources. Analyzes the long range city-wide economic and fiscal impact of praposed f iscal mechanisms such as: tax increment districts, special assessments, or special taxes. � � � Evaluates the economic impact of proposed plans, programs or proJects in re- lation to the goals and policies of the city-wide Comprehensive Plan. Recommends policies and procedures to incorporate long range capital plans and policies into the city's annual capital budget. Develops, montiors and analyzes basic city economic indicators to determine trends; forecasts and makes recommendations on city wide economic develogment. Provides guidance to lower level planners and technicia.ns on the use of economic and fiscal analysis techniques in general planning efforts. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of modern principles and practices af large scaZe govern- mentaZ capital programming. Fdorking knowledg� of state and city revenue sources. Working knowledge of research methodology and data collection techniques. Florking knowledge of the principles and practices of policy analysis and city planning. Considerable knowledge of urban economic theory. Working ability to plan, direct and coordina.te work of associate sta€f members. (continued on reverse side) ECONOMIC PLANNER (continued) Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. Considerable ability to initiate and maintain relationships with other city departments and agencies as well as ather public and private citizens interested in the city economy and. long range capitaZ invest- ment program. Considerable abiZity to direct the preparation of neees:sary reports from raw data. Considerable ability to exercise sound judgment, caurtesg and diseretion in all contacts. Considerable ability t� act as a consultant to staff throughout city departments on all matters relating to economic analysis and capital programming. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A Master's degree in economics or publ.ic or business admi.aistration with . an emphasis in public finance and four years grafessional public f iscal analysis experience; or college graduation in. econa�ics or bus�ness or public administratioa and s� years' prof essional pub2ic f iscal analysis experience at least two years of which much have included mana.gement level responsibility. (No substitution for education.) _. _ _ _ __ _ _ r �F� WHITE - CITY CLERK � � � � � PINK � - FINANCE �7 � CANARY - DEPARTMENT Cj I Ty O F SL1 I „ T ��A LT L C011I1C1I SLUE - MAYOR File N . CITY CLERK CQUy�cil �Zesolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Economic Planner in the Civil Service Rules. - RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. J (Professional-Administrative Non-Su.�ervisors Group) by iriserting � the title of Economic Planner in Grade 20; and. be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Economic Planner. Approved: Chairman Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snoWa�ter _ Against Y Tedesco Witson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Cuunc.il Secretary BY B� . Approved by :4lavor: Date —�_—_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Couneil. BS' ------ — — --- , BY .�_ .s.� ._ __..�._ � Title of class: ����� ECON�MIC PLANNER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible professianal and supervisory work developing and analyzing long range economic development plans and capital improvement programs, projects and procedures ta assure implementation of the city-wide Comprehensive Plan; and performs related duties as required. - Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a section head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over clerical and professional planning workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties per£ormed by all positions in this class. Addresses and makes presentations to officials, groups and orgarcizations relating to the status of St. Paul's economy and various economic develop- ment plans, capital programs and pro3ects. Formulates recommendations on the city's capital improvement budget policies for consideration and adoption by the Planning Commission and City Couneil. Develops criteria and framework for identifying long range capital needs of the city az�d coordinates needs assessment activities of city. departments contributing to this identif ication. Develops long range projects for capital investment resources. Analyzes the long range city-wide economic and fiscal impact of pzoposed f iscal mechanisms such as: tax inerement districts, special ass�ssmertts, or special taxes. Evaluates the economic impact of proposed plans, programs or proJects in re- lation to the goals and policies of the city-c.�ide Camprehensive Plan. Reco�amends palicies and procedures to incorporate long range cagitial plans and policies into the city's annual capital budget. Develops, montiors and analyzes basic city economic indicators to determine trends; forecasts and makes recommendations on city-wide economic develogtnent. Provides guidance to lower level planners and technicians on the use of economic and f iscal analysis techniques in general planning e€forts. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of modern principles and practices of large scale govern- mental capital programming. Working knowledge of state and city revenue sources. Working knowledge of research methodology and data collection techniques. Working knowZedge of the principles and practices of policy analysis and city planning. Considerable knowledge of urban economic theory. Working ability to plan, direct and coordina.te work of associa.te staff members. (continued on reverse side) . ° • . ECONOMIC PLANNER (continued) Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. Considerable ability to initi.a.te and maintain relationships with other city departtaents and agencies as well as other public and private citizens interested in the city economy and lang range capital invest- ment program. Considerable ability to direct the preparation of necessary reports from raw data. Considerable ability to exercise sound judgment, courtesy and discretion in all contacts. Considerable ability to act as a consultant to staff throughout city departments on all matters relating to economic analysis and capital programming. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A Ma.ster's degree in economics or public or business administration with an emphasis in public finance and four years grofessional public fiscal analysis experience; or college graduation in ecanomics or business or public administratio�. and six years' prof essional public fiscal. ana.lysis experience at least two years of which much have inclu�ed management level responsibility. (No substitution far education.) _�� �::�'�`Y �.3_��"'-+' ��L�l:?ti� _'.�r�-'�'.�1�JL � :';��rL,;�`�•;�;. o_�,Fx:;1� o.r ���z: c�:x�r coJ�c=� ���.� t � ;,� . �._ _1�.� , � ! ; f:� :_< < � � 1 " '�:: ;., � ?� n:, _ ����� �: - .`:. .\\' ' 1 --.*'.j`:=� ���;:� ~f,f�� _ na�e . July 17, 1981 .,,�=� Ci �' �� t�+i � � � � L�.r.. l"a � i� '�� �'"i � . 70 : Sdin� Pc�u! C'tfiy Cc�������� • � '�i O � � C Q t71�'i�'���v �I1 FINANCE, P4ANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL . , George McMahon � efiai�man, makes fihe fol l���ving . rep�r� ut� �C. F. � t7rz-iina��c� (g) x� R�s�iu�io� - . . . - � Q;her � � �' f��...� : . - At its meeting of July 16, 1981, the Finance Committee recommended approval � of the following: 1. Resolution allowing Police Department to raise towing and storage charges for vehicles impounded by city. (12055-LL) _ 2. Resolution approving agre�ment with Port Authority for setting debt payment schedule for Midway .Stadium. (121Q1-GM) � - 3. Resolution'approving addition of $100,000 to 1981 budget to fund deficit in P�RA Pension Accounts ��09013. (12100-GM) _ , � - 4. Resolution transferring funds. for payment of audit fees incurred for Central Village audit. (12090-GM) 5. Resolution establishing title and class specifications for title of Economic . Planner. (12071-GM) 6. Resolution establishing title and cl'ass specification for t�itie of E.D.P. System Technician--�Public Works. (12064-McM) � � 7. Resolution approving complete revision of City's Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution No. 6446. (12108-McM} ' 8. Resolution approving appropriation of $�6,000 to fund consultant study of 911 system. 9. Resolution approving Battle Creek Watershed Project No. 1. "tFY �L1I.L SEVE�"[�-i Ft_OJ:L SAI\T P:�UE., ��tIti1LS`JT1 >.51L�� �y .... �_ . k . D� not �letach this memorandum from the C, ��?�' P� �l-//� resolution so that this information wil) be , avai{able to the City Council. � �� EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES R�CEIV D �u�v 1 '� 198 Date: May 27, 1981 11AAYORS OFFI E T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUE�TED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution establishes the title of Economic Planner in Grade 20 of Section 3. J (Professional-Administrative Non-Supervisors Group) and the class specificatio for this title in Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules. The bi-weekly salary range for Grade 20 is shown below: Grade 20 A B C D E F G 10 yr. 15 yr. 953. 83 992. 04 . 1031. 48 1083. 06 1137. 07 1194. 10 1253. 57 1290. 5? 1328. 8 $24, 895. 00 annually $34, 68 . 00 PROBABLE FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. The position will replace a vacant City Planner IV position at the same level. ATTACHNIENT S: Resolution and copy f or City Clerk.