277196 WHITE - CITY CLERK � �//1 ! PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl • .i�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT C I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L BLUE - MAYOR File N O. uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution establishing the title and class specification for E. D. P. System Technician--Public Works in the Civil Service Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civll Service Rules be amended in Section 3. L (Technical Group), by inserting the title of E.D.P. System Technician-- Public Works in Grade 38; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for E. D.P. System Technician--Public Works. Approved: Chairman Civil Service Commission COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requestgd by Department of: Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE �. [n Favor Maddox � McMahon B snoWaiter __ A gai n s t Y — Tedesco �Ison JUL 2 8 1981 •Fo m Approv d by C� y Att rn Adopted by Council: Date — � � Certified a.s d by Counc� Se ry BY gy. - • � Approve \�lavor: t JUL 3 0 1981 Ap o by Mayor for s io to C ncil By B �tI6USNEp qU G 8 19$) Title of class: � ��`/�(��+ e �] E.D.P. SYSTEM TECHNICIAN-PUBLIC WORKS DESCRIPTION OF in'ORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work in the development, purchase, implementation and maintenance of computer hardware and sof tware; acts as the data processing resources person for the department; manages the Public Works computer system; and performs related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general administrative direction of a division or department head. Supervision Fxercised: May exercise technical supervision over assigned personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by alI positions in this class. Operates the computer system and makes 3udgments as to its use. Evaluates new hardware and sof tware to determine usefulness to Public Works applications. Recommends and reviews all purchases for the Public Works computer section. Ana.lyzes hard�vare and software probleias; corrects them where there is no maintenance contracC or works with vendors to correct them where mainten- ance contract exists. Performs system ana.lysis of existing department functions ta determine feasibility of data processing applications. Writes, revises and tests programs. Trains staff in the use of particular software and procedures as well as training staff technicians and engineers in programming Zanguages and skills. Acts as the liaison between the departnent and all computer equipment suppliers. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowledge of data processing applicatians and systems analysis. Knowledge of computer hardware and software, including both application and maintenance. Ability to write computer programs using a variety of programming languages. Ability to analyze hardware and software packages and evaluate their usefulness. Ability to establislz and maintain effective working relatianships with all levels of the department as well as vendors. Ability to instruct others in the use of various software and procedur�s. Ability to prioritize and distribute workload and to supervise. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 7.tao years' experience as a Public Works Technician I or equivalent and two years of training and/or experience maintaining, programming and coordinatiag the use of a multiuser computer system. Title of class: � �����' E.D.P. SYSTEM TECHNICIAN-PUBLIC tJORKS DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work in the development, purchase, implementation and maintenance of computer hardware and software; acts as the data processing resources person for the department; manages the Public Works computer system; and performs related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general administrative direction of a division or department head. Supervision Exercised: �Ia.y exercise technical supervision over assigned personnel. � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties perform.ed by all positions in this class. Operates the computer system and makes judgments as to its usa. Evaluates new hardware and sof tware to determine usefulness to Public Works applications. Recommends and reviews all purchases for the Public Works computer section. Analyzes hardware and software problems; corrects them where there is no maintenance contract or works with vendors to correct thea where mainten- � ance contract exists. Performs system analysis of existing department functions ta determine feasibility of data processing applications. Writes, revises and tests programs. Trains staff in the use of particular software and procedures as well as training staff technicians and engineers in programming languages and skills. Acts as the liaison between the departnent and a1Z computer equipment suppliers. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowledge of data processing applications and systems anaZysis. Knowledge of computer hardware and software, including both application and maintenance. Ability to write computer programs using a variety of programming languages. Ability to analyze hardware and software packages and evaluate their usefulness. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with aIl levels of the department as well as vendors. Ability to instruct others in the use of various software and procedures. Ability to prioritize and distribute workload and to supervise. MINIMITM QUALIFICATIONS Ttao years' experience as a Public Works Technician I or equivalent and two years of training and/or experience maintaining, programm�ng and coordinating the use of a mulCiuser computer system. WHITE - CITY CLERK . � � � � PiNK - FINAN.CE � -� � (� -� CANARY -, DSPARTMENT - � � COUf1C1� � � . � BL.L'IE' - MAVOR � � C�I�TY.��.�QF . S� I I'r'T �� A.LI L. File .. N0. � �� . ��•�� . C I T Y C L E R K C�u�ZCZ` Res�y�`'ZQ�Z Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution establishing the title and class specification for E.D, P. System Technician--Public Works in the Civil Service Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules b�e aerrmerided in Section 3. L (Technical Group), by inserting the title af E.Ds P. System Technzcian-- Public Works in Grade 38; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further a.m.er�de� in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for E.D,P. System Technician--Fublie Works. Approved: . Chairman Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Hunt �aYs PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor _ Maddox McMahon B snowa�ter _ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Counc.il Secretary BY B� Approved hy :Nayor: Date _ _ Approved by Mayoe foc Submission to Council : By -- - By ----- . � ,. . . . 2"�'71�� Title of class: E.D.P. SYSTII�1 TECHNICIAN-PUBLIC WORKS DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical �oork in the development, purchase, implementation and maintenance of computer hardware and software; acts as the data processing resources person for the department; mana.ges the Public Works computer system; and performs related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: �dorks under the general administrative direction of a division or department head. Supervision Exercised: Niay exercise technical supervision over assigned personnel. TYPICAI, DUTIES PERFORMID The listed e�amples may not include all duties performed by all positions in . this class. Operates the computer system and makes judgments as to its use. Evaluates new hardware and software to determine usefulness to Public Works applications. Recommends and reviews all purchases for the Public Works computer section. Analyzes hardware and software problems; corrects them where there is na maintenance contract or works with vendors to correct them where mainten- ance contract exists. Performs system ana.lysis of existing depar�tment functions to determine � feasibility of data processing applications. Writes, revises and tests programs. Trains staff in the use of particular software and procedures as well as training staff technicians and engineers in programming languages and skills. Acts as the liaison between the departnent and all computer equipment suppliers. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowledge of data processing applications and systems analysis. Knowledge of computer hardware and software, including both application and maintenance. Ability to write computer programs using a variety of programming langua.ges. Ability to analyze hardware and sof tware packages and evaluate their usefulness. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with all levels of the department as well as vendors. Ability to instruct others in the use of various software and procedures. Ability to prioritize and distribute workload and to supervise. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Zt,�o years' experience as a Public Works Technician I or equivalent and two years of training and/or experience maintaining, programming and coordinating the use of a multiuser computer system. -.-�- � �iI'T�Y' fl�+' ►��."�L:I:��'"�' .�.A..�7I. ,,r ��� a y.� %� fr���` :K��'��-. 0�'FIvL H' r �• .;. t . o.. ����, c�r�x co���, � � �.;;' . l� .�v�;..,i . ► ., s.�..-' ��. � ,��: �'�• _ . `��_;� ,``\ �f�,." - - p a�Q . July 17, 1981 ._,`�� C t) ��1 �'a� �1�i' � �. � � ° � � � . . � Ta : Sain� P�c�� Gi�� �c������� � • �� Q j1j� : ��a"��['���L (3 j1 FINANCE, rfANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL _ _ George McMBhon � ehcrifm�n, ��akes the �olio�l^�inc,� � re�a�r'� uti �C. F. � flrdinni�c� _ . (9) � Resolu�ion � ' . � • � U�h �r � - � ���...� : . � At its meeting of July 16, 1981, the Finance Committee recornmended approval of the following: 1. Resolution allowing Police Department to raise towing and storage charges for vehicles impounded by city. (12055-LL) 2. Resolution approving agre�ment with Port Authority for setting de1�t payment � schedule for Midway .Stadium. (12101=GM) � � ' . 3. Resolution'appzoving add,ition of $100,000 to 1981 budget to .fund deficit in P�RA Pension Accounts ��09013. (12100-GM) _ , � � 4. Resolution transferring funils. for payment of audit fees incurred for Central � Village audit. (12090-GM) J � 5. Resolution establishing title and class specifications for title of Economic ; � Planner. (12071-GM) � a 6. Resolution establishing title and cl�ass specification for t�itle of E,D.P. . System Technician---Public Works. (12064-McM) ', 7. Resolution approving complete revision of City's Salary Plan and Rates of ' Compensation Resolution No. 6446. (12108-McM) ' 8. Resolution approving appropriation of $16,000 to fund consultant study of 911 system. 9. Resolution approving Battle Creek Watershed Project No. 1. :'ITY i11I.T. SE�'EN"[�H F1AJT? SAItiT P:\Lfi., �•Ei11ESrJT.\ S�2Q_' `y .... _. .. , . . Do not detach this memQrandum trom the F� �?'" Pe `" . � ' "_�`�°� resolu#ion so that this infofmation wilt be �f �vailabie to the Ci�y �pU���, 1 �J EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES RECEIV D JUN 17 19 1 Date: June 17, 1981 MAYORS OFF CE T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTTON REQUESTED � We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATION.ALE FOR THIS ACTION This Resolution establishes th.e ti.tle of E.D.P. System Technician--Public Works i.n Grade 38 of Secia.on 3.L (Technical Group) and the class specificati.on for this ti.tle in 5ecti.on 32 of the Civil Service Rules. _ The bi-weekly salary range for Grade 38 i s shown below: Grade 38 756. 24 790. 08 828. 85 867. 00 909.46 950.69 980. �2 1, 007. 30 1, 020. 30 ! 1,���� 30 $19, 662. 24 annually $26 865. 80 FINANCIAL IMPACT The pay increase from the incumbentts current Grade 30 position to the Grade 38 wo d be $1, 220.00 for t1�.e first year, based on 1981 rates. ATTACI�tENTS: R.esolution and copy for the City Clerk.