277195 WNITE - CITY CLERK �1F����]� PINK - FINANCE COII11C11 ��� �� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I N T PA U L �LUE - MAYOR Fll@ N O. . 1.�� n nc �inance N�. ' �U �� J' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 125 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Street Obstructions". THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sect i on 1 . That Chapter 125 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended by deleting Section 125.02 subsections (1) and (2) and inserting in lieu and in place thereof the follawing: (1) Temporary permit. For any one calendar day or portion thereof, the fee shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00) for a width of up to ten feet; Fifteen Doliars ($15.00) for a width greater than ten feet and less than or equal to twenty feet; and Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) for a width greater than twenty feet. Said fee shall be inc�eased by Five Dollars ($5.00) for each additional consecutive calendar day or portion thereof during which such permit shall be effective to a maximum of two (2) such additional days. COUPICILMEN Requested by Department of: Publ ic Works Yeas Nays Hunt �evine In Favo[ Maddox McMahon � Showalter A gains t BY Ted�� Donald E. Nygaard, Direc o wi�son Form Approved b ity ttorn y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gY � Approved by Mayor: Date A ro e by Mayor or S ss' ouncil By B , � � ������ (2) Peri od permi t. Fo� the f i rst fi fty 1 ineal feet of street frontage, or portion thereof the fee shall be: Thirty Dollars (530.00) for a width of up to ten feet; Fifty Dol lars (S50.00) for a wi dth g�eater than ten feet and less than or equal to twenty feet; and Eighty Dollars �$80.00)for a width greater than twenty feet. For each additional fifty lineal feet or portion thereof the fee shall be: Fifteen Dotlars ($15.00) for a width of up to ten feet; Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) for a width greater than ten feet and less than or equa) to twenty feet; and Forty Dollars ($40.00) for a width greater than twenty feet. Permit wi 11 be effective a maximum of three months. Continued use of the public property beyond the three month period wi 11 requi re the issuance of a new permit, payment of another fee, and shall be subject to review as a new permit. The amount of public property to be used shall be determined by the Di recto� of Publ i c Works. Sect i on 2. That Section 125. 12 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is he reby amended to read: 125.12 Bonds. No permit shail be issued unless and until a $7,500.00 Surety Bond, secured and furnished by the applicant, has been submitted to the Departme�t of Public Works, approved as to form by the City Attorney, and f i led i n the Department of Fi nance and Management Services. Said bond shall be so conditioned as to guarantee restoration to their original condition of all public property, public improvements or right-of- way i+h�i-ch as may be reqaested for ase affected under �by the permit app�*cant. Said restoration shall be performed in accordance with the rules and regulations and conditions as prescribed in the �epart �= City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, Department of Public Works, Standard 5npp�emertta� Specifications for H*ghway-£onstract*en Street Openings, as amended, to the satisfactian of the Department of Public Works. � Copies of said City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, Depart- ment of Pub 1 i c Works, Standard Spec � cat i ons For Street Openings, shall be maintained on file in the Office of the City Clerk and in the Office of the Department of Public Works. The D� rector of the Department of Public Works may wa�ve the requirement for such bond when in his judgment the use of the public right-of-way to be permitted would not disturb, alter, or damage public property, improvements, or right-of-way. WMITE - CITY CLERK (%�}�/ PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 I� � �1.^��5 GANARY�- DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L dLUE� - MAYOR File N O. • r Z C Ordinance N 0. � � ��S Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 3. That Chapter 125 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended so as to add the follawing Sectian 125.21 : 125.21 Sol i d Waste Li censees insurance. The insurance requi red by Section 357•04 Subdivision 2 of this code pertaining to solid waste licensees shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements set forth in Section 125.13 and no additional insurance shal l be requi red of these 1 i censees. Sect i on 4. This Ordinance shall take effect �d be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt � Levine In Favot Maddox McMahon Showalter � Against BY T�S�o Don Nygaard � Wilson TJ d� � SEP g ��� Form Approved b Ci y orne Adopted by Council: Date Certified se by Coun ' Se r BY BY - SEP 1 p � gl by Mayor f S mi on to ouncil App by Mayor: e B PUBLISHED SEP 19 1 By _,_.�».___------- - . - � ������ RECEfVED � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA �UL `� t�$� MEMO ROUTING SLIP CITY AiIC;�EY INITIALS CIRCULATE ,�e rome�.�,9t�jAtt eY F I LE q�stan(t � DATE . I Room 647 City Ha 1 INFORMATION I � NOTE ANO � ��,�, RE7URN _ � I '�^�' V ERSAT I ON �• `�`i 7'f� SEE ME Z. , FOR S I GNATURE George Latimer 1�,��� � Mayor Hall Room 347 City � pD0 REMIARKS: � � � �y���� 1��� i , .� ; 1l i ^ ,� <� � . ,;,'� . , � C ' �� _ _ RE�E�v�� _ _ � : JUL 131981 S nF�ICE �i i AYOR- � DATE FROM: aard, Dit'ector • " Donald E. NY9 pHONE 4241 � FORM 1009 (1-9-75) , , OM Ot : 12/1975 a � , , Rev. : 9/8/76 . • • Rev. : 5/7/$0 EXPLANATION OF ADMINIS?RATIVE ORDERS � Rev. : 4/3Q/81 RESOLUTlOPyS AP�D ORDINANCES , �� 0 � s. DATE: July 2, 1981 T0: MqYOR GEORGE LATIMER FROM: Thomas J. Eggum, Offi ce Engineer, Publ i c Works � RE: Chapter 125 of the Legislative Code entitled Street Obstructions ACTION REQUESTED: qp�nd Chapter 125 by: increasing permit fees for use-of-streets; at lowing the Di rector of Pub 1 i c Works to wai ve the bond requi rement i f the work i nvotve would not dist�xnb the public right-of-way; allowing Solid Waste Hauler's Insurance as required under the licensing chapter of the legislative code to be effective for permit under this chapter. PURPOSE �ND RATIONALE FOR TNIS AC710N: Pubiic Works costs -€flr iysuance of this permit . enforcement of the conditions (especiatly as �they affect traffic control and movements) a�od inspect i on of the restoration of ri ght-of-way, are substanti ai ly hi gher than rece i p s � from permit fees. The permit fees would be increased to cov�r thQSe costs. � The bond as required by this chapter is intended to guarantee restoratio� of public pr erty. However, th�.re are many permi�ts where the type of work would not affect the public rigk� -of- way and a bond is not needed. Requiring a bond in these instances is an extra. expense for the permittee and adds more paper work for City Staff. The proposed change would ai low the Di rector of Publ i c Works to wai ve the bond requi rement:in those instances. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Based �pon 198U figures we issued 377 use-of-street permits, for which we charged $11 ,455.00. At the proposed rates we would have received $29,335.00 for these .permits. The method for charging fcyr permits is being changed. Under the existing �odes, the fee was based on the length of the street used, charged in SO foot increments. The proposed fees would be based upon the length of the street used, in 50 foot increments, and as well as on the width of street used. in 10 �oot increments. � � ATTACNMENTS: � Ordinance Present vs. proposed fee comparison TJE/RAN/dll � L ' Wi d�!h-Feet ,� wF � � �t�� � -- -- o � i i G N �.. 'C7 O O � in • N 0 0 0 `° � o v, cro 0 0 0 0 � ' o o � 0 0 o cc � � � � ? -• v, � �n � 1v V .�' -+ �t W -+ 'TI O V1 V1 1 fD O 1 (D .... 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C C C C -1� tA � tA -t� N -f� N �`'� o tn p v► O vs O a/� ` r* -� r► N rt -. � _. � O ll'1 V7 p .`� �� O 7� O �� O _ � p � A O n O ff U n O � f�D Z7 (�D '� f�D 'D f�D Z7 � � � � � � ; � ; , � � � � -� „ �, ,-► �, � - y � : <1.�L.1 �. �J A }ti7.t'1.]..1.�1 1. x .C1 V�J � � : ) y`" • . �r i ^ . �� ;_`-� �, ' • OT'F'IC� OF THE CI�'Y COUNCI(L �-• ,.�, ':: . �� ., ::,;,;:. . . . _ � �,,..... [� �"�'•�'' �: - �= Qa t e : Septe�er 3, 1981 ..;> ._, �T,;f .�-' . �. ._.� � � . . �� �/9�r" C O iL� i� t�"T`� � � � � f� �°�` . . - . _ . z `i°C� : . �r�in� i�aut . �i��� Co�ncil � . - . . ��(a �?i1 = Coa�tnf��e� on Public Works, Sept. 2, 1981 -. - � . - _ . Victor J. Tede�ca`:.:, ch�irmQn, malces 4t�e �(3I IOIKIlIU ' . • :' . . . � .r�port on -.C:�F�.: 277195 � '. • �X Ocu`i�rsiri�c� � � � � - - . � .. . �� 27730 � . . ` ��: - .-:� � � Resolu�ion - �� . � . . , � C3 t�h e t` - C.F.277195• . , � � . � ����..� An Drdinance� amending Chapter 125 of� the .St. Paul Legislative . Code entitled� "Street Obstructions."� '� � . . � ' - C.F... 27730 � ' • • ' - - � An Ordinance amending Chapter 125 of. the' St. Rau1 Legislative • : . - _- - - .� � • Code entitled "Street Obstructions." • ' ' • �' �• • � The Commi�tee recommended .to. tfie .City Council� approval of the� aboVe. � . . � � . . . ,- . � : � � • •- r . n CITY HA.LL SBVEI�'T'cI 1�LOOR SAIYT PAL•i., 1II�;�F+SOT� S�IO2 ' . '=�s'��es ,� --- --------•---�....- _.. . . . --- ....__...._ .. ... _. ... . , . _ . _ .._--_.___........�_... 1 � � p�-y \ . � . - a7 � � �.:� � . . . , . . , � . r ` . • AuguSt 13� 1981 r 1 ' . ' . . , e � � � . � Councilman Victor Ted�aco : � '� - - : ' Chairman, Public w'orka .Comcnittee . ' . 7th Floor� City Hall � . . ; ' � Dear Councilman. Tedesco: � � . � � � The Gity Council today rePerred the folloWing ordinancea to the ' � Public Worke Committee fo� conaideration and reco�endation. � .]„!'- Final Adoption - C.F. 277195 - Aa ordinance aroeriding � Chapter 125 of� the Legislative Code entitled "Street - Oba�ructinn$'r. . - '_ 2. - Third Reading - C.F. 2TT230 - An ordinance am�ending � ' Chapter 12�.13 of the Legi�lative Code entit2ed' "Street _ Obstructions" pertaiaing to insurance requirements. ' . . ' ' Very truly yours, - • � , • . r � _ " � • � i+l.bert B:• Oleon ` , � . ; City Clerk Yea . i . , Attach. � � ABO:la AdoF . Qc: Pnblic Works Dept. Certi , • _ , By • Apprc f�_ . . T. BY . / . ` . � . . �� ./ _ S " lst ,� '� -� — G�� r-. � 3rd 2nd ti- -� y_ (v/ �- / � � k' �. C' - � Adopted _ ' Yeas �� ' � (_� _ p-_ � ; NayS '� � f � HUNT � . � ''� LEVINE � �' � �_� M�I`�AHON . SHOW,�,TER '' ` ° �*�� TEDESCO � WILSO*] i' PRESIDE?VT (�DOX) , 1 '