277183 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE n CANARY - DEPARTMENT (�I T y O F S A I N T 1 �U L COUflCll �183 BLUE - MAYOR File N O. C il e olution Presented By LICi:�i�U� CU;.:11'i'Li:� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date e�:�;:;�5: °roper notice '_nas i�een receivec� as --Lo a c=�.as;�e oi oi�icers in �;uiI�-;>top L�quors, Inc. Ufi �ale L�quor Licer�sec at �24 ::. ::'�venth Str�:et, doin�, busi-rie::: as ��uiY-Stop �quors, the�e�.°e��, lie i c Lu�:iUI,V:;1J i `'�13t W7.tY1 ti12 T'F?S t_"i1£1.v1.0T1 01' 1021T1a. ::,.. L2�OT1C1211� L��C', CUT'1'221'f. O:E�ICP,TS �°„T'e I,20Y12z'Cl �. ��iOT1C1r11� I'resi�Aer�t 8.]'.iG i'T'@o.SUT'eT'� G.I1C?. �i=0I11�.S ei. 1��'i011C1I11� �ecretar�, �1C' t112 St,OC�C is ::elci by �..�eor.urci �,. �;eCorieini, be a�xzd tl�e sar,ie is }�_ereb; a�provect. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Requestgd by Department of: Hunt �Q -�e,�.,e— In Favor Maddox McMaho� Showalter - � __ Ag81[1St BY — Tedesco Wilson JUL 2 8 iggi Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified ss d by Counci , cre BY By� Approved avor: Da e ��L 3 � � S� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — By PUBLtSHED AU G 8 T981 � ;�`����� ..��.����ii:�R =;:�`'T' °';;..,,, C ITY OF SA I NT PAU L '� ��: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;: uuium ,: nu �nu ��'>�• "- DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION 'J�'JI. I��� nim���������°'`` Room 203, City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR �uly 28, 19�1 1"-T'• nT�esiaent aS1Q i.onorable iiBI?!'�PT'S o� the Cit,z,r �ou.ncil �aint ?au1� -'-irinesota i�r. Pres'c?.ent a��d i�onora�;le �-e�:�ber::: Cur'�^e?�:t1JT �t�i?:-:�top L_quors, lnc. holds an 0�'f :,'ale L_.quor iJicense ;�ssuecl to �.herl �,t �2�: ::�. :.eventh �treet, doirlE; business as C�uir atop 'Li_quors. Prop�r notice has been receiT�ed as to a c?�an�,e of o�f_cers in the corporation. .�onna _�. :�e�oncini lias resi=;z�ed and the curre��t o�ficers now a.re Leonard i'. :�eConc�ni, r'res_�ent and Treasurer and �i�or.as J. DeConciili. is �ecretary. '�.�.e stoc� is t�eld by Leonard iJ. iieConcini. 'ir'�S v.iJ'�'Z1CLi.ti1.071 �1F3.S '['iE,'3I7 T'f:�,T�etti2C� ��" ��12 iu.CE.'11SE 3I'iC'L i'�,'T`- -zit �iv_sion anci tlie C-��r tttorney's ofiice. �he reco�r:iendation is for approv�„l. �derST trulJ �-ours, �� . Josez�h "r,. Carchedi License Inspector �O