277173 �. �. a ��/ �7 3 �oancil Fiie I�Ib. 277173 -�,Sy Vktor J.` Tedesco— :�, . RESOLVED. That upon fhe petition ot Univar Corputaiion, !t at.'ind4 eeetia� of pu9lic stmt hereinaRerdescetbed,be and the same hereby is vacated a�'�4NmMinued as a public street: That part of Cayuga Street, Edmund liice's 4th Addition,aocording So!he plat tde�eof on file or of"recoM at OfHce of Recorder,Aameey Calunti,lGnnesbta,IY•" in�east ot tke southe'Iq e3'feuion of the a/esterl�ilpe ot 8t�dr:il said Edmund Rice's 4t�i}4ddltip��ud:lqiog w2st of the stiutherly ex;efisi�of.the easterIy line of �.ra siar u: : - swb�ct;�spreasly to t�'m�`owityc eonastions and r�serv�iap: . . , L That the vacatloa be '� .to qH tyie terms � and cl�ditia���1"�y,�,y. '�8a�a�dlle 5G ' �H�T�VM�ti 6�BMlabld.IM' cludlfld t��,e�11i(olt�'.=Nub{tc 5.That thls vacation be cafdltioa�A upon� attIit�es ea��i j oceptence ot We usw piat en- 2.17�a!�Tniv�flbe�ralloi�:�lme Peti- ��1"�ive ac.Additbn"wh[cp 1�ludea � ' tionet a�ips to�IV[dt.an aWtxtx��sr _,������ ment for, ot Lot 7�$lock 11,Ed- � ,.4,,, -- mumd.8i��1�d81tioi; '�`ot td� ex• . � J ;� Istin[ddverra�iv"buCllKat�t4 afivti iex- , - � `���� �- ' p?��e a nea dtlYiNS�a�eaecimytlly 100 ~ B. That Lhe petitioner not be��:- [�t in len{tla amA`tZ teeet wi�le.�3 in-. nish,com :ae�,a�co�.i�ea�.cia,�'� �tws:ot bsairoi6ouiF*�aveerct�:�t t�M , �,. chea"ot�ice.eace.Acoees"t�this eo�4�ot aicemAee t-o� �e�k driveM'�7�3k'Drovid�dJd�th�°' , �7�easlMillt�'as b,j ��S � north SO feeE o!'df�0'iicated Caq6�3treet °��' - ' -+ ,„ ' �� hereip. 1'ge conrtract(on ot d`neY� 7•�Thsi S4�,P�1�.,. / i�� d�iveway adU not,beefn uaEil�lti�:t�B i bond Ln the�ot �pd'iR wa0q'utL�S�!-,eoj�►N/ai n�^ additla¢there�o hy�,yT the the c�ae#�3R,4eet+lf 1,4�e va�ed�- ��.+�ad cmditiaa�i qt �rac�tion, �'M � 3treet�_ � . , � ,�_rs ''- . �..±�6�+Ka to m�7 1bb¢�save� 3.'Ihot.the pellt �!�kn,t the Clf x!�: [ts of- ia�i�1 oyrna'oi�;j�la.' tice�s atwi t�plo�ree� ;ar : s�ck ii y/w.�aa� �. plY�for a�re�on V�est �" ,tims. �..claf�os o?`.eeU+� m•�: 5��� ' cludipg,. but qpt,I[p�! + �tcaef,u�1 vi�'d`ai.`�Claqqp � �.; bmught bepcuse � aoy� w 4 Thgt a pe��a�ill�ent'tbr'�ei'�' . .�� � �7}i11tY twiPw�s•be-retai�d over tbe' �� '���Y°� - ,� ,Loilaving deasibqd Po�ad 6tat Pe�`p�ls�+s M�'. �� Oi this'6#�aHon brbeciip!!'• d1�. The NorEf+,O��'$t 4jnK� , oml�lalaS;negYec�6t*` ,'� ;,.�r�n tlie:�est ''q�'�qda�t gt�Ri��,Y,, petltimer: or Dewy�e o6'�qp' �= am!the£a�t line oi Te�tCwut. +Miab�1€�'arbttl��FeIF',L��•. ;. �a�ions vy�,t�AiQ.���easm�ent ardt sas.;' ;v'ia4lt�oli'vf i��vc�y�i�i`it�t., �ila.rs , ,�, ; -m a�, u�i�t�+'�w�.ra.a�tt�;t�*,. r��.'��o bWildYi�:���.. �`����'� . �.Idpllp��}�v��,t�l1! ��. , 'emiu�y�s',� �: . : ';', g � �'�aiea. or"�iii Sempurary struMhne.>� AdopRed�, j�fyi��Ys�" '� �"3�If�ENi�111titiBe.f�ture or cther�ab- Approvee� �'������' ���� " .��e�y4�tiLprohfbit no@�1'aExrlst. �. Co.w�tes�p�.ititSR tor.mdfntenancP. . ' `-.1�ugust 1.19@1) �.•�.�:��� �_ rt;� ;_,.:�., . �,�'�'l4�ie ao si�anse.trom ene �cieitag "'`��.�4ade�i,�setmitfie� altttout wsttt� �?�L ���,Water�fti�.�•. � �e�tFi�it the �p�iilh tted without �tifssiAn°�ttol� 1�VPater . ;,�: "'s ,�,' �Iti '' 8 �'�7 ����_ ` a t ' '.�x���. ,.y�,�� x ._ . �;�:, .. `a: ��� +O�ie�vi�,�pf. ce�Non k+'`' arisii�l�t tipn or t� ' F emDlAYees.,_-�tentS y °-.�. ' � vitels. . = t` '� �- - � � � ��� ��,� . � .� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ����� INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM � To: Ron Maddox, Council President and Members of the City Council From: J. William Donova.n Valuation and Assessment Engineer Date: June 16, 1981 Subject: Petition of Univar Corporation, et al for the vacation of certain parts of Cayuga Street. Public Hearing - June 30, 1981 The petitioners, Univa.r Corporation of 1600 Norton Building, Seattle, Washington, 98104, an owner, and Ha.rold and Hazel Curtis of 349 cayuga Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55101, a contract purcha.ser, have requested the vacation of the follawing described property: That part of Cayuga Street, Ed.mund Rice's 4th Addition, according to the plat thereof on file or of record at Office of Recorder, Rams�y County, Minnesota, lying east of the southerly extension of the westerly line of Block 11 of said Edmund Rice's 4th Addition and l,ying west of the southerl;j extension of the easterly line of said Block 11. The reasons for the said va.cation are as follaws: l. The construction of Terrace Court, proposed "Univar Addition" plat, has diminished the need for Cayuga. Street and its ability to ftiirnish public access to the adjoining properties. 2, Cayuga Street in its present condition is used only as a drive- way for PQr. Curtis. (This will be preserved or replaced by Univar.) 3, A portion of the va.cated street will be rededicated. to the public at the time the '"Univar Addition" plat is filed as Terrace Court. Terrace Court will replace Cayuga Street as public access. �+. The va.cation of Ca.yuga Street will also re-establish the land as taxable property. The area requested for vacation is an unimproved 60 feet wide by 223.5 feet long street right-of-way zoned I-1 and I-2. Univar Corporation has requested the installation of a public wa.ter main to provide water service to their new development. The route chosen for the water main includes Cayuga Street between Westminster Street and Terrace Court. A n easement for Water Utility purposes must therefore be retained over the following described portion of street: . • , . -2- �. � - 3 0,� . �� � �'he T�crth j� feet oi Cayu� Street l�Ting between ' °� the rr7est line of Westminster Street and the E�.st '�ine oi' Terrace Court. Restrictions within the easement area w=1� be statied later in this report. The Departmen� oi Public iaorlts has reviewed tihe proposed sracation and reports it has no objection to it, subject to ensuring access to the owners of Lot 7, Biock ii (Cayuga Street) by virtue of a newly constructed drivetaay, or an easement for the exis�ing d�,ivewa5-. If the vacation is approved, the owner oT 3'+9 Cayug� w ilt h�ve to request a new Westmins�er address. ihe Departmen� oi Planning and Economic Developr�ent has reviewed this vacation and finds no objection to the vacation as proposed. There were no other objections or recommendations from any other public or �rivate agencies involved. In view of the ioregoing, I reco:nmend that the va.cation be appl'OVB�� subject to �ne iol,�awing terms and conditions : 1. That the �eSC'_'lpV�on o� Ca;Tugw Stree� to be v-acate3 read as iol'_ows : That �rt ci Cayug? Stree�, Edmund Rice's ��h Addition, according �o the plat thereof on fi,_e or or record a;, Office of Recorder, �amsey County, Minnesota, lying east of the southerly ex�ension oi tihe westerly line of B1ocK 1-- said Edmund Pice 's �+th :�ddi�ion and iying west or' the southerly extension oi the e�stery3T �ine of Sald B'lOCi� -��. I �. That the vac�.�ion be subject to ai_ the ter�s and conditions of Chapte,f �'�.3� o�' tlze St. �aul. iegisyative Code, as amended, inc�.:.udinU the retention o�" al� punlic uti�.ities easeMents . ��, mnwt Uni•��r Corp�ration, the P�°ime Pe'-„itioner, agrees to pro- vide an access easer�ent �or the owner of Lo� i, B1oc�i yl, Edmund RiceTs 4th Addition, for the existing driveway, or buiid at its own expense a neia drivewa�� �.��rox,�r�ately �00 feet in �ength ana 12 fee� wide, z�lith 2 inches of bituminous paveMent and �+ inches of ag�e�a.te base. Access for this new dr�ve�aay sh?1,'� be nrovided on �he no?��h 3� iee� of the �.racated Cayu� Street herein. The construc�ion OI '� IlEW �I"i'TC'Zd2��' W:i11 ri0"t begin uri�til ��ter the z�a�e�• u�i�ity cor�pyetes construction in �he north 3� feet of thE vac�ted Cw;-u�. Street. _� "-�. Th�.t the Taetic�oneN and o�aner o= Lot ;, Blocl�� 11, E�mund Rice 's 4tn Addition app�; �cr � net�r address on Wes�minster Street upon vacation of Cµ,;ru�a St�ee� . c�-"�. That a permwnent e�.seraent �"or W ter Ut��ity pu-rPoses be retained over the ioi-�ain� �ESCI"=GE� port�on o= street : � , . _3_ � ��1 i�� The North 30 feet of Ca.yuga Street lying between the West line of Westminster Street and the East line of Terrace Court. Restrictions within the easement area are as follaws: 1) That no buildings, structures, or trees are permitted within the easement area, or any temporary structure, material storage, fixture or other objects tha.t will prohibit normal access to water facilities for maintenance purposes. 2) That no cha.nge from the existin� grade is permitted without written permission from the Watex Utility. 3} That no change in surfb.cing within the ea.sement area is permitted without written permission from the Water Utility. �+) That the petitioner, its success�rs and assigns shall flilly indemnif`,�, defend and save Y�.rmless the Boa.rd of Water Commissioners, its officers, agents, employees, and serva.nts from all suits, actions or claims which shall arise from an�y injuries or damages received or sustained by atLy break in ar�y service pipe, water main, or connection in said reserved easement, arising out of or resulti.ng from a�y action or negligence of the petitioner, its employees, agents or business invitees. � `�. That this vacation be conditianed upon the final acceptance of the new plat entitled "Univar Addition" which includes the dedication of a new street named Terrace Court and various draina,ge and utility easements. (�'R. That the petitioner not be required to fL�rnish compensation due to the dedication to the City of alterrbate public right- of way and easements as i.ndicated in r�6 above. 7 �. That the petitioner f�s�nish the City with a bond in the amount of $5,000.00, and in addition thereto, by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this va.cation, agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of an�y cha,racter, including, but not li.mited to, a claim brought because of ar�y injuries, or dama�es received or susta.ined by a�y person, persons, or property, on account of this va.cation; or because of ar�T act or omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner; or because of ar�y claim or liability arising from _.__ _ . _ _ or ba.sed on a�y violation of any law or regulation ma e in accordance with the law, whether by the pe ' ar�y of its agents or employees. ? " L� �/� ,__.______---, cc: P�.yor George I,atimer .�� 12 � ! _ ;S-io�) _ 10 �. 13 ^ , j - , /� � � " - - - - - --Z� -- E-i�►�) 3- — —►. .� � � �/` �i��3' � t I ti N ' C�1 '. �OS 0.31 � �`'` i4 ^ . 010 4S °� ' I�'- I�J � 2Z, 099 S� F-r O.'f , �� ._ .. 22,099 S� FT. _ ' p o �� � �4 sr i 6 °p.�'o (f Se�O.�� � � � � OS �° 4 St�! --` 60 /S9 /S'� /SS.BS 4 ,!o �o ��/��o f�•,.s r��E . � � AVE . s � ro,4�r fot9.83 - so So y� „ „ 'fl Yz `� � • '' . , o :o 00 � � )2 a n � 3 ��k ' � ° --- ---WI K�i E � —� 6 S � � �' 4 5 „ � �� � � _ � �? ' ° � �,s Z . 3 `t� ' i 4z S� �.:.t — —�'._ l ✓R�- - ------- ; ' ' �� .�ANFR � � �' 9 io �� r2 �3 �4 " � 8 Y o g , �o ' — ----- - -----� . S�r a � so so so so so 3v � �065 �+ .. 9 - « ��0 20 oe . � � �n� �z - 30 - �� . - � :.............. .. ... � c,�►r�a� .. _ ::::.::::......:::::�:::�: � ..:::. . ,,,..,,,,.,; ..::: .. �+• o.. LWiNi4l�. � � 4 `� � G�.01¢�P. _ r--- � w .� U V � � � - S .� e � FF � , Ga . � � R � G ` � 6 0 . � . .T . � T � 1� 7 � ��' 4 A • �j � g d,� W ; 1C r• � 'o : 8 ; 3� � v T � n ^� ' � . '' � ' 9 �zo. 4.� � � 17'�/�,4L L _� _ - - - - - - :.r.� �, �y� vtrN 1 �, :•✓A�.. , : -�---- 1 -- �` � � o ,.-r��i. ;� '^ � ;z•f 2S3.sg- � � � .� j � ti � �a � r-- � AREA RETAIN FOR WATER UTILITY !• 2 EASEI�NT ' � ��� o�a ••�:::"'T• AREA PETITIONED TO BE VACATED �� o �.iou. 3 '--- �__ � q � AREA TO BE DEDICATED TO THE CITY ;i � BY PETITIONER ;-- it ' J � scnr F� i�� P�,��� � t�n� ,• T