277163 WHITE - CITY CLERK ���yyy PINK - FINANCE /��C� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COtl[1C11 i V BLUE - MAYOR File N . ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Sectian 10 .07 .4 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1981 General Fund Budget: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve General Transfer to Budget Fund 09060-536-000 $16 ,000 .00 To: Police Communications Center Other Fees 04302-219-000 $16 ,000 .00 APPROVED, Funding APPROVED . � - 1S- � 1 Dir. , Dept of Finance & Budge D ector Managemen Serv. / �'Qm ���6��� ��� COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt �- [n Favor nn�aaoX McMahon �,�i�� _ Against BY Tedesco wlwn JUL 2 1 1981 Form Approved b it ttorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified s•ed by Counci cre BY Ap r b : a�o�: r JUL 2 4 1981 Approved r f Submi ounc' � By , BY UBIISNED AU G 1 198,# - �� V.����: �� �.E1�.�r.�' ��.�� �* ��vt! ,-'::r.,��,�:. - %'-:i r ' ��';:�.: O��`.E�'If.`.:G O.:' 'T`Lt 1. C['.F"iC COII1 C?L , ;; . ._...���,����., . ; _' S:'.::�:�: � ►�.,� ,`:.:-`\�,: ` ...�' �_;� - •�`ti� ~J�'� _ Da 4 e , July 17, 1981 `-..�'.-`� C � �� ��1 � � 1 � C i"�� � � i..� � � � . � � Q : �Clit'1� �C#tJ� Gl�',C,1 �t,3L3I3C�� �� O � � C Q i i i�'!��'��i C�il FINANCE, MADTAGEMENT & PERSONNEL : Ge.orge McMa.hon ; eh4irman� n�a�es fihs �otio�r�in�;� . . � t°epori' un �G. F. � flrL�innt�c� (9) x� hr�s�lu�lot� � . . � - � Oi h er' �' I`i°L.'� : . At its meeting of July 16, 1981, the Finance Committee recommended approval � of the following: 1. Resolution allowing Folice Department to raise towing and storage charges . for vehicles impounded by city. (12055-LL) . . 2. Resolution approving agreement with Port Authority for setting debt payment schedule for Midway -Stadium. (12101-GM) � . � ' - - 3. Resol,ution'appxoving addition of $100,000 to 1981 budget t� .fund deficit in P�RA Pension Accounts �E09013. (12100-GM) _ . � � • 4. Resolution txansferring funds. for payment of audit fees incurred for Central Village audit. (12090-GM) 5. Resolution establishing title and class specifications for title of Economic _ Planner. (12071-GM) . 6. Resolution establishing�title and cl'ass specification for t�itle of E.D.P. . System Technician---Public Works. (12064-McM) � 7. Resolution approving complete revision of City's Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution No. 6446. (12108-McM)� � 8. Resolution approving appropriaCi.on of $16,000 to fund consultant study of 911 system. 9. Resolution approving Battle Creek Watershed Project No. 1. "i"!'Y i�?�1F.L SEYE;ti"["H FL002 S:1I\T P:�LIL, i IE\'1ESOT:a SS!t�_ :n ... ....:. � - - � .,� �;' . , , .. : OMO�: 32/1�� , ` , Rev. : 9/8/?6 . E�PLANA�ION OF ADMINIST�ATIVE 'ORT7�ERS, _ F, t1'1 �1-PL' . • , ,��- �� RT � RESOLUTIOI�S. AI�TD QRDINANGES Date: ��' TQ� MAYt�R �EORGE LATIMER FRs �FETER'HAMES _ : � REs BUDGFT 'TRANSFER . ,. . ' �; : . �� • � � �CT�QN RE.L�UESTED: � _ 1., � � _ � A�,a�rov�1 on this budget transfer re�ol�a�a�o,n fox �ttbmission -to ` City Gc;►uncil. 1�J�tPO�SE A1�D RAT IONALE FOIR TH I S ;ACTION: - �f 3'he re�oi�ndcd appropriati.on of $36,000 will lie used to fund a ; ' ro cqa�ltant �tudy of many asp�cts of the implementation �f the . 9�.1 : system ;in the City's Public Safety eonnnunic�tion� unit. Tt�� study w�.11 gr�vide review and recommen;dations in the areaa. Q�' �: %� `_` _ ' coanm�tnicati�n� equipme�t needs, � space u�ilization �.t.thE Pt�lic'. � 5af�ty b�il��ng, architectural require�n�s o�.,th� :�o�nunic�tior�� �ente�, d�.ta privacy issues, current and euent�il v�c�rkloaa, aperati.ng .groeedures ot the communicatiQns c�nter� �a�� f�dentif i-- �attio� af �,,�np.Iementation and costs o€ operati4n. ; � � �,�1C �'�.naz�cial Impact: � . - > The General Rescrve t�riil ,be reduced by the , �1fi,000:'�hatt wi3.1 be transferred to the Police �epartment. The �ventua�, co�t'� +af b�fih � � fmplementation ,and operation of the 911 systein w�31 be snade kn�v�n� by this study. , �ittai�l�uas�ts, � . , , , _ .. Council Resolution