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FILE N0. 1s213
�u���s� To deci.de on the advisahility oE proceedi.ng with public water
main constr��ction. ' �
l.0 C A T I 0 N ----- --�~�
In SLOAN STREET from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue
�N E A R I N G 1'uesday, July 21, 1981, 10:�0 AM �
Ci.ty Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hal.l - Court House �,�
i --..—.
Ii' the Council. approves th� prujecl, a portioiz of the costs
INFORMATIO(V �nay be assessed a};ainst benefi.tted properties. The estimated
assessmc�nts for this project are as follows:
1 arid 'Z famil.y ancl C04711f1O115�- y��8=_90 per assessable f.t.
A11 uCl�<,i- �,ro�>arty----------- ____ per assessabl.e ft.
� �p���CJ City Council dccisions are�subject to appeal Co the. DistricC
Court. You iuust first Ei1e a notice statin� the groi.inds for
the appeal with the City Cl.erk wi_thin 20 days af:ter the order.
adoPti.ng the ass�ssment. You niuyt al.so file the same noti.ce
wi.th the Clerk oC I)istrict Co�rt within lU days after fil.ing
with the City C:lerk. N01'E: Fai.lure �to f il.e ttie required
noti.ces withiti the: times speciEi�d slial]. forever proflibi� an
appeal from Lhe assessment .
�� `°��oR� If yu�, arc� 65 or oldc�r arid }rotnestead ttiis property, you rnay
aPply far a deferreci payment of special a�sessments. You
��a�" � mu��t, �lOWE'.VE'Y� demo�istrate tt�at the ��verage annual. paymet�t
for all assessment:s exceeds 1% of your ad.justed gross incomr
as shown on your nwst recent redera:l Tncome Tax Ret�.irn.
For more informati.on c:all 298-5125.
�llJ �J��V N s WATLR r�n:CN INSTAI.I.ATION - 298-4112 ASSF.SSMENTS - 298-5241.
Also, Ciry stafE will be available to answer any last mi.nute
questions on this pr.oject in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the 5ame day as the hearing.
N<�ticc� sc�nt July 2, 1981, by the Valuation anci Assessment DLvision
Department of Fi.nance and Management Se•rvicc�.
Room 218 City Ha1:L - Court House
St. Pau.l, Minnesota 55102