277150 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE ���C� CANARY - DEPARTMENT . G I TY O SA I NT ��u L COUflC1I v BLUE - MAYOR File N 0. ��,-,,, C ' R o tion Presented By LIC1:;tiS�� CU::.�:1���� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date :;i:i;��;AS: Proper notice has l,een rece_ived as to a c'-ar�,e of ozf�_cers in ';'ard t'roperty :�ana�;ement, 1nc., Un �ale I�iquor Licerisee at �93-9�-99 Pa;me :ivenue, doing business as tlie Pa;�ne ;�liever, �i:erefore, be it ::���L'J�:u: ihat t•rith ��ie resi�nation of urace i'.. Lorenzi as ��ice President, th� cu-rrer�t officers a-re .;ichard C:. '::�d, Fres�dent; i•:ary :;oreen, vice I�esider:t, arid r,nn Peterson, �:ec- retar-y-lreasurer, and ��he sole stoc3l�.old�r �s -�icha-rci C. ;;arci, be ar�d the same is hereby approved. COUIVCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B snowaiter - � __ Against Y — Tedesco Wilson JUL 15 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date — Certified P s- by Co ncil c BY By� _ Approved by 17avor: �IIJI . �7v� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY �Y PUBUSNED J U L 2 5 198i ��154 �....aa�i�n,rn =��``Tx °':''�-, CITY OF SAINT PAUL =�• :-., '� ��; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVI'CES ;: u i O°i �' �>�• �` DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ��'��min,�"'��°`` Room 203, City Hail GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR July 15, 19�1 :Tr. Presidez.t ar.ci iionorable i�em'oers of tr:e Cita Co�,:ncil Saint Paul, '�Iirmeso�a i:r. rres;_dent and jior,orable ��embers : Currently `,iard 1'roperty Tianagement, Inc. holds ar� On Sale Liciuor License issued -�o ��.er:. at 893-9�-9`,' Pa�rne ivemae, doin� Lus�ness as the i'a�.TM�e �:el_iever. �roper notice Las ;.;eer rece_ved as to a cY.ant-e or off_i- cers �_n ttie corporation. :.ith the res`_�nation o� Grace I:. Lorenzi as Vice Presi- dent, the current officers are :�ichard �. ��ard, Fresident; 1':ary l�oreen, vice Fres�_der�t, ard �':nn Feterson, �ecret�.r�,�-'_'reasurer. Tne sole stockrolaer is �:icr,ard C. ',��d. T}iis matter i:as �een reviewed b;� �he i�icense and i'err.�it �iv�sion and �he i:it;y ��ttorrley's office. ir.e recomMend4tiori is ior approval. Very truly yours, �� • Joseph ii. Carchedi License Inspector ��