277148 WNITE - CITY CLERK -� - PINK - FINANCE n �y, CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY SA I NT 1 A U L COUIICII •��/� BLUE - MAYOR File N 0./�■ ��4 C n R l ion Presented By LIC�i��� CO�ii�:Il:'E� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date :�iwlJ�: 1'ro�er notice iias -ueen rece:�ved as to a ci�an�,e of o�_�:icers and stocI�holders in Joe-�"�rt� Inc., On :�a`e Liquor Licensee at 21�9 �'. �eventh Street, doin�; busir�ess as ��'ox�,�'s,therefore, be it �:'��OLV-LU: '�ha� ti�rith tl.e resi€;nation of �ioris Lisel,��ayr as �,'ice President and i�er sale o� stoc?i to :�learior �.. �:erold, the current osficers are Darlene �:lurp�,�, ��res'_�3ent a.�1d ::leanor ri. Iierold v�ce rres'_cleiit �nd aec-ret�.r-,�, and t�1e stockli.ol�_ers are 1;arlene iiurpY:��T �-�d :�leanor 1=. iierolc�, Ue and tn.e sarze �_s iie?"eby a�proved. COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �evine In Favor Maddox McMaho� snowaite� - __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson JUL 15 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified P•_5 y Council S retar BY By _ Approved by :blayor: D te �u� � 6 198� Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By _ ����� gY PUBLiSHED J U L 2 5 1981 �"��148 _�°s`'T� °j�',,'` CITY OF SAINT PAUL '� ��: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;. u��wu ,� ui �un �� "�• "= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION '�,:. �..• �niim� „�o�'��` ROOm 203�City Hdll GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR Jul�r 15, 1931 ::r. r resi^�erit arld I:onorak;le ��;embers o�' tt�e City �ounc�_1 �t. i au1, �iinnesota ::r. President and i.onoraY;le i�embers : Currentl;- �oe-:zrt, inc. hol�s an On �ale L�quor Li_cer.�se _ssued to ther:�. at 2i�9 '.�. Sever.t�,. :=tree�, doir��; busi_r_ess as r'O}.vT, S. i=ro;er no�ice :_as t_ean rece�wved as �o a ci_��:;e of o'ficers a�:d stocI.liolciers �.n ti�is corporatioil. � ecause Joi�.s �iselMaSTr lias resi�:ner as `�'ice r'res_de��t and t-:as sold l:er stocrc to �le�,or :'L. :_ero�d., the cu�rert o_�iicers and stocI:r.olders are �arlene ,:urphy, 'r:oldinG the o�':iice o� i'res�.��er.t, az�d Lleanor ri. Herold i�oldizl� tfie ofiices of .�ecretar�,� ar�d `7ice i'res;_dent. Tl.is natter l.�s been rev;eVaed b�T i:he Licer�se �id i'er?�it �ivision arid the ::it�T �i�ttorney's oifice. �'rie recoi,.r:endation �s for app rova.l. ti ery truly �.%ou?•s, � ,.�,• �osepli l�'. CarcY.edi Liceilse Ir�spec�or ��