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To: Ron Maddax, Council President
and Members of the City Council
From: J. William Dono�ra.n
Valuation and AssessmentF�gineer
Date : May 19, 1981
Subject: Petition of Ronald Bloch, et al, for the vacation
of North-South alley in Knispels Subdivision that
abuts Lots 12-13 and 14 of said Subdivision.
Public Hearing - June 23, 1981
The petitioners, Ronald Bloch and Irene Trigonis, state they are the new
awners of the West ha.lf of Lots 12 and 13 of said Subdivision that abuts
all the East portion of the proposed va.cation area, with Mr. and Mrs. John
Stuhlman, owners of record of Lot l�+ of said Subdivision, that abuts all
of the West portion of Proposed va.cation area. They request that said
portion of alley be vacated. Petitioners wish to purchase the vacated area
to increase the size of their property. Area to be va.cated is 11.5 feet
wide and 85.2 feet in length, more-or-less, about 980.00 square feet. Area
is zoned R-�+.
The Depa.rtment of Public Works has reviewed the praposed vacation and has
no ob3ection to the proposa.l. The uni.mproved alley has not been used as a
public alley.
The Staff of the Department of Planning and Economic Development has reviewed
the above captioned ma.tter and finds no objection to the va.cation as petitioned.
There were no objections fY�om ar�y other public or private agencies involved.
In view of the foregoing, I recommend the vacation be approved, sub�ect to
the following terms and conditions:
l. That the description of the alley to be vacated read as follows;
All that part of the North-South alley,
ad�oining Lots 12, 13 and 14, Knispel's
Subdivision, lying between the North line
of said subdivision and the extended South
line of Lot 12, Knispel's Subdivision,
Ramsey County, Minn.
�° Tlxtit the va.cation be subject to all the terms and conditions
of Chapter 228 of the St. Pa.ul Legislative Code, as amended,
including the retention of all public utilities easements.
- - � � 2`7`7136
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,� � That the petitioner pay to the City as market value, the
sum of $600.00 as compensation for the va.cation.
3.�: That the petitioner flirnish the City with a bond in the
amaunt of $2,000.00, and in addition thereto, by accepta.nce
of the terms and conditions of this va.cation, agrees to
indemnif�r, defend and save ha.rmless the City of Saint Paul,
its officers and employees from all suits, actions, or
claims of ar�y c�racter, including, but not limited to, a
claim brought because of ar�y in�uries, or dama,ges received
or sustained by any person, persons or property, on account
of this va.cation; or because of a�qy act or omission, neglect
or misconduct of said petitioner; or because of ar�y clai.m or
liability arising from or based on a�y violation of any law
or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by
the petitioner or ar�y of�ts agents or employees.
cc: Mayor George Latimer