277135 / ��� I 3 � � � _ r� . �O�lYle iio ERliBa 'Yicla� J, ��: ' '�—. , - V�?,' at_ ��' `8s t '��" lfqr.a�f Block 1;`�� �i.. . � �ott a"t of1'�A'�RiT�<' dan+r�tiM�wR�'i�wor�sbp{ sfipe �o�14�Y���1 � �.:#�� w��i-�row�:.�,���t��,; �row� the pi�t�ine et � � � f e� `• �,�i f�'tbap�e;`� ' t ti �� ��? �� o- �lae►a me.nt uiqr,�.taid a�oet! . stsema qt�9.90 tei�to.tde votnc d=#I�in- edoi� , sub�N�p�ls`h to.�e�ai�bai�4dr�u�' and ffes'dadqRtsa.� tsa� u �ai.�s• 1.11�st t�'.�i�P11s�"�E�'the tel�r�is artd�}t C,I�±E."1riR of tfie$t:Panktje�i'�1�qv�md�. ed,inNudGyb:�iepentim'^E�:�pYbue atClfUa eueA0�,t3� _ N �.. y Y.That tb��i��ee'�i�ll;vi'tl�-as • mae�k��Ie.,N1e�aip�6•�9 as. compmsatWn io'r��►�dWi6::": 3.T�the Qelftiqqq'f City aith a•�� �!>. �a�;in � of the tep,�pt_: vxati�, .� � ; ��' and save"' "� ut.:t�i o#`' t►ara_� � .'� � �� �`� ,� ,�� � �i� �,��: °� i a���?er : .c? ��I - ���j. �7� r' ��' . ° '{�. �,���° � ta+i"#t��i,,n,,.3L,.� � .��..�{ ��ta<i; A b�t�E . `�+�o�[��j'M.` � Ayprove�,�u�X��+,, ;,Mhhd 3�;: (July 2S.1181) . ' �., �iiuii•�� y �/b/V � ' +r �� `1'9 �f CITY Of SAINT PAUL - � INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM ��135 To; Ron Maddox, Council President and Members of the City Council From: J. Willia.m Donovan Valuation and Assessment Engineer Date : Nkzy 18, 1g81 Subject: Petition of Robert Hurd, et al for the vacation of a portion of Old Hudson Road that lies ad�acent to Block �+, Kelti.ng's Addition. Public Hearing - June 23, 1981 The petitioners, Robert Hurd and others, request that the proposed va.cation be granted in order to esta.blish an improved axrangement for ma.intenance and beautification of said property by private awnership. The area to he vacated consists of 1,16�+ square feet and is zoned R-3. The Department of Public Works has revie�red the proposed vacation and reports it has no objection to it. The Depa.rtment of Planning and Economic Development has reviewed this vacatinn and finds no objection to the vacation as proposed. There were no other objections or recom4nendations from any other public or priva.te agencies involved. In view of the foregoing, I recommend that the va.cation be approved, subject to the follcywing terms and condit ions; 1. Tl�a.t the description of Old Hudson Road to be vacated read as follaws: That part of Old Hudson Road described as beginning at the southeast corner of Block �+, Kelting's Addition to St. Pa.ul; thence on an assumed bea.ring of North 87 degrees 16 minutes p2 seconds West, along the southerly line of said Block �+, a distance of �+U.05 feet; thence South, paxallel with the southerly extension of the east line of said Block �+, a distance of 28.29 feet; thenee South 84 degrees 58 minutes 19 seconds Ea.st a distance of �+0.16 feet to its intersection with the southerly extension of the east line of said Block �+; thence North, along the souther�y extension of the east line of said Block 4 a dista.nce of 29.90 feet to the point of beginning. j � ��2: That the va.cation be subject to all the terms and conditions i of Chapter 228 of the St. Paul Legisl�.tive Code, as amended, includi.ng the retention of all public utilities ea.sements. .. _ • . - �`1"7�3� -2- ��: That the petitioner pa.y to the City as market `ra.lue, the sum of $1,350.00 as compensation for the vacation. � � That the petitioner ftarnish the City with a bond in the amount of $5,000.00, and in addition thereto, by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this vacation, agrees to indemnif�r, defend and save harmless the City of Saint I�.ul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of arly character, includ.ing, but not limited to, a claim brought because of a�y injuries, or da.ma.ges received or sustained by ar�y person, - persons or property, on accaunt of this va.cation; or because of ar�y act or omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner; or because of ar�y claim or liability arising f�om or ba.sed on ar�y violation of an�y law or regulation made in accordance with the la,w, whether by the petitioner or a�y of its agents or employees. � � cc: Mayor George Latimer � � �