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To: Ron Maddax, Council President
and Members of the City Council
From: J. William Donovan
Valuation and Assessment Engineer
Date: Ma,y 20, 1981
Subject: Petition of Engstrom-Caxley Associates, Inc., et al
for the va.cation of North-South alley i.n Auditors
Subdivision No. 52
Public Hearing - JUne 9, 1981
The petitioner reg.uests the vacation of sub�ect a11ey for the completion
of the Summ�it Place Redevelopment Pro�ect. The area to be vacated is an
improved alley, twelve feet wide and 267 feet in length, consisting of
3,204 square feet, and zoned RM-2.
The Department of Public Wo�ks states that an existing sewer is located in
tYiis alley. The buildings served by this se�rer have been removed or de-
molished. This sewer will have to be proper],y abandoned and cut off by a
licensed House Drain Sewer Contractor to the satisfaction of the Department
of Public Works Sewer Engineer. The Department of Public Works has no
objections to the proposed vacation of this alley subject to the praper
abandonment of the existing sewer.
The Department of Pla.nning and Economic Development has reviewed the pro- �
posed vacation and has no objections.
Northern States Pct�rer Compar�y reports an undergrovnd electric cable and one
pole in the vacation axea. There are no existing ga.s distribution facilities
in this area. They request that their interests be protected.
Northwestern Bell Telephone Comp�arLy has a buried cable in this a11ey that
provides service to 262 Selby as well as all the customers along the east
side of Idina. Street south of Selby Avenue, and therefore, wish to continue
their utility easement in this alley.
There were no other ob�ections or recommiendations f�om ar�y other public or
priva.te agency involved.
In view of the foregoing, I recommend that the vacation be approved, subject
to the follc�wing terms and conditions;
l. That the description of the a11ey to be vacated be de-
scribed as follc�ws;
All of North - Srna.th a11ey in Auditors Subdivision
No. 52 St. Pa.ul Minn. as plsa.tted and abutting Lots
6, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 14 of said Subdivision.
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, � �2: That the va.cation be subject to all the terms and
conditions of Cha.pter 228 of the St. Faul Legisla.tive
Code, as amended, including the retention of all public
utilities easements.
��,�': That an easement be retained to protect the interests
of Northern States Pcywer Compa�y.
� ,� Tha.t an easement be retained to protect the interests
of Norttnrestern Bell Telephone Compa.r�y.
y �}: Tha.t the petitioner will be responsible for all cost
a.nd expense of cutting off a.nd plugging the existing
sewer in the va.cation area.. Sa.id sewer will have to be
properly abandoned and cut off by a licensed House Drain
Sewer Contractor to the sa.tisf`action of the Department of
Public Works Sewer Engineer.
`x �: TY�.t the petitioner pay to the City as market value the
sum of $1,600.00 as compensation for the vacation.
,;:�3'. That the petitioner fUrnish the City with a bond in the
a.mount of �2,000.00, and in addition thereto, by acceptance
of the terms and conditions of this vacation, agrees to
indemnif�r, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Pa.ul,
' its officers and employees f�om all suits, actions or cl.aims
of ar�y character, including, but not limited to, a claim
brought because of any in3uries, or dama.ges received or
sustained by ar�y person, persons or property, on.account of �
this va.cation; or because of ar�y act or omission, neglect
or misconduct of said petitioner; or because of ar�y claim
or liability axising from or based on a�}r violat�on of ar�y
law or regulation ma.de in accorda.nce with the law, whether
by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees.
� c�:- —
cc: Mayor George La.timer � %