277132 WHITE - GI TV CLERK �1' J' /1 ��
Co c 'l esolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul enter Into an agreement with
Minnesota Transfer Railway Company and the Commissioner of Tr�sportation,
State of Minnesota, for the installation and maintenance of railroad
crossing signals at the intersection of Transfer Road with the tracks
of Minnesota Transfer Raiiway Company in St. Paul . Minnesota and appointing
the Commissione� of Transportation agent for the City to supe rvise said
project and administer avai lable Federal Funds in accordance with Minnesota
Statute, Section 161 .36 (1980) . The City's share of the cost shall be 10
percent of the total cost, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the proper City Officers are hereby ,authorized and
directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of St. Paui .
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Hunt Nays �
Levine Pub 1 1 c Works
� [n Favor
Maddox ,['�a�G _ A A �
McMahon _ __ Against By 0.�T �-��
�°'�'�` Donald gaard, Di or TJE• :dl
�' JUL 14 �g$� Form Approved i Attor� �
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified P�_ -e by Counci e r BY
By `
/�pproved by Ylavor: Date �U � �_ Appr by Mayor for S bm' on t Co ncil
By — By .-J
PUBLiSHED J U L 2 5 i98t
� " � ' - � � � � ������?
AGREI:t�11�NT N0. 6d391
, ' • S.P. 62-00131 (MSAS 120)
r9inn. Proj . RRS RRP 0029(8)
� Railroad Crossing Signals
Transfcr Road
St. Paul, Minnesota
. THIS AGREEhiENT, made and entered into by and between the CITY OF ST. PAUL,
hereinafter called the "City", MINNESOTA TKANSFER RAILWAY COMPANY, hereina£ter�
called the "Company", and the COA�i�ISSIONER OF TR.ANSPORTATION, STATE OF I��INNESOTt\,
hereinafter called the "State", 19ITNESSETH:
� WHEREAS, the Federal Highway Administration, when acting in cooperation •
with the Transportation Department of the State of Minnes�ta, is authorized by
Act of Congress to make Federal Aid available for the purpose of eliminating
ha.zards at railroad grade crossings withiri the State of btinnesota; and
WHEREAS, the"State, pursuant to Minnesota Statute, Section 161.36 (1980) ,
is authori.zed to cooperate with the United States Government in supervi.sing
� improvements of public highways withir. the State of D4innesota not included in
the trunk highway system, and to act in disbursing and accounting for l�ederal
Funds in connection therewith; and •
{VHEREAS, Transfer Road, as now established, crosses the track of the
Conipany at grade in Sfi. Paul, Ramsey County, Aiinnesota, the location of said
crossing and railway track being shown on the pr.int hereto attached, mar.ked
Eahibit "B", and herein referred to and made a part of this agreement, and
WfiEREAS, t�he City aaid the Comp�iny desire ttiat this grade crossing be
. protected by railroad crossing sign,.�ls, flashing lights with cantilevers and
gates , and the Compan� is willing to install, maintain and operate such
signals upon the terms arrd conditions hercinafter stated. •
,�.t''� + 1 Y
AGR�Eri�NT 1d0. 60391
1. The State of hiinnesota, Depaxtment of TransPortati.on, "Standard .
Clauses for Railway Iiightivay Agreements", dated September 1, 1980, is attached
hereto as Exhibit "A", and hereinafter r.efexred to as "Standard Clauses".
Except as hereinafter e�cpressly� ruodif.ied, all of the terms and conditions set
• �orth in the "Standard Clauses" are hereby incorporated by xeference and made '
a part of t}iis agreement with t}le same force and effect as though fully s�t
, �
forth therein. ,
Standard Clauses Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 8a, 10 and 11 are deleted from this
2. As the Company is �not adequately staffed or equipped to perform the
signal installation with its own forces, it is authorized to contract such work
to Safetra�� Systems, Inc. and Kehne Electric Company, Inc. .
The Company's Contractor, Safetran Systems, Inc. , therefore, sha11
furnish all material and labor to install a complete railroad crossing sibnal �
system on Transfer Road as indicated on attached plan marked "Exhit�it B". The
place�nent of the signals shall be in accordance with Part VIII_of the Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control D�vices (b'NTCD) . Detailed plans, specifications and the
work to be done shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Transporta-
� tion of tlie State of Aiinnesota.
Kehne Electric Company, Inc, shall furnish 100 amg. , single phase sexvice.
Work of installing this signal system shall be prosecuted so as to
� . be completed within 12 mo�iths after the date the Company is authorized to
begin wark. ,
� - 2 -
.AGRE�MENT N0. 60391
If t}ae Compa.ny �hall determine it impossible �ko complete the work within
the per.iod herein specified, it shall make a written request to the State for .
an extension of time for comp2etion, setting forth therein the reason for suc��
3. The actual costs of the project herein contemplated, including pre-
. liminary enga.neering costs, are to be financed with 90% Federal Funds and 10% '
City of St. Paul Funds. The State and City will reimburse �the.Company as �
provided herein for only such items of work and expense as are proper and
eligible £or payment with Federal Funds. Only materials actually incorporated
into the project will be eligible for Federal reimbursement.
The State's 90o portion (reimbursable with Federal Funds) will be paid to
� the Company in accordance with Article 9 �f the Standard Clauses, Exhibit "A".
The City's 10% portion will be paid to the Company when the proje�ct has
been completed and the Final Kill has been approved" by the State.
It is understood that the £ollowing estimate is for inforinational purposes
only. Tlie es�imated cost of the work to be done by the Company hereunder with
its own equipment and regulaxly employe� forces and in accordance with the
Gompany's agreemen�s tiaith such regularly employed forces is as follows and in
further accordance with detailed estimate attached hereto and mar.ked Exhibit
. ��Cu
' .
Work to be done by others --
, . Safetran Systems, Inc. � . .
Engineering, plans, materials, installation •
and testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $46,423.OQ
;��% � 3
' � AGItEEb4ENT N0. 60391
. Kehne Electric Company, Inc. '
lOJ amp. single phase service. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,195.00
TOTAL $47,618.00
. {Vork to Ue done by raill�oad -- . �
Tfaterial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4,86'7.00
Labor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,109. 13
TOTAL $ 5,976.13
Portion of costs allocated to Cicy of �
St. Paul (10% of actual cost) . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5,359.41
Reimbursab�e with Federal Funds. . . . . . . . . . . $48,234.72
4. In the event it is determined that a change from the foregoing
statement of work to be performed by the Company is rec{uired, it shall be
authorized only by a �aritten cliange or extra �vork order issUed by the State
prior to the performance of the work invol.ved in the change.
5. The said grade crossing signal system sha.�l. be maintained and operated
by the Company upon completio�i of its insta2lation, but this said obligation
to maintain sai.d sigrial system shall continue in accnxdance witli tlie law of
the State as it shall be from time to time in the future.
� b. The signal system shall nat Ue removed unless �here has been a �
� determination that said signals are no lori�er reciuired at this location. If
the signals are to be removed, the Company upon request of the State shall
,� - 4 -
' AGR�EA4ENT N0. 60391
� reinstall it at some other crossing ►aith.in the State on the Company's tracks.
The location and divisi.on of cost of such relocation shall be agreed upon
between the Company and the State prior to such xemoval.
In the event that either railway or highway improve�nents will necessitate
. a rearra�igement of the signals at said crossing, the party whose improvement
causes said changes will bear the entire cost of the same witliout obligation •
� to the other.
� -
- S -
AGREF t1ENT N0. 6039�
. �
IN WITNESS WttEREOF, the parties hereto have �;aused this a�reement Co be
duly executed. '
• ;
. i
By� i
Assistant City Attorney Mayor , M
. �
Di rector, Pub 1 i c tJorks Di rectar, Fi nance and �
Management Services �
Recommended for /�pproval: C011MISSIONER OF TRANS�ORTATION �
ay: �
Managzr, Railroad Operati�ns Assistant Cammissianer �
, Public Transportation
�Dat�d: , 19
Approved as to Fo�m a�d Execution: APPROUED:
— - gy�
Special A�sistant Attorney �en�ral � Author.ized Signature
�6- �
. S7.'��Ti� OF rTIPrrII�.��OTt� "
� D�'A.R��r dP Or '!'R�III�PO�i'1!I.TION
� umnrrn��n cr,�us�s _-
. � FOR '
SE�'II�ER 1, 1980 �
1. The State will review pla.�s and speci.fications for the con- �
struction of the grade separation structure and approve the separation of
{;rades of the trac�s of the Cempan,y and of the trunk hi�iway, as sho�,m in
the •plans a.nd specifications refexred to in t:u.s a�reemient.
2. The State agrees to let a contraci pursua_nt ta law for th� co:�-
struction of the hi�nt•ray project referred to in this a�reement, in accerc.,�,nce
xith said plans and speciiicatzons referred to in this a�*reement.
, 3. The State a�xees that all work provided to be done by the Sta�e
� an the right of way of the Cor�pany shall be perfo�ed and co�pieted in
accordance with said plans and specifications in a �nner satisfactory to
the Chief �bineer af the Conpany, or his authorized rep�esentative. The
State agrees tr.at �s:y �ontract let by it, fox the perform,�.nce oi any co�s��Kc-
tion work ccntempla�eci by this ao�eement, uill req�aire the contractar to
comply with all of the proviszo:�s relating to woxY on ra�.lroad ri_gnt o.f �ray
contained in "T�linnesota, Depart�en;, of Transportation, St. Faul, St�,nda�� �.��ci-
ficatz,ons for Hight•ray Cor.struction", dated Jar?uary l, 1978, to fusnish to ;,�e
Company a Ra,ilroad �'rotec�ive Ziability Insurance Policy and to caxry re�ar
Contractor's Public Liability and Property Dau:age Insurance, both as sp�ci=_��
an the Federal--?iid Hi�nway Progra.*n i�ia.-�ual, Volu�.-�e 6, Chapter 6, Section 2,
Subsec�ion 2, and having limits of �liability, as speci�ied in the specifica,-
tions and speci.al provisions referred to in this a�eeu:ent. Said Rai�.rca;
Protective Liability Policy a1^d evidence oi said Contr�,ctor's Public Lia.�:�.:�1.:--,�
and pxopexty D2u�age Ins�arance, executed by an i.nsurer qualified t� write
such policies in the State of ;�ii�nesota, shall be delivered to the Compa.ny
prior to the entxy upon or use af the Company's property by the Contractor.
� 4• The State reserves the ri�ht �o nake such changes in the pla.^_s
or cha.rac�er of the wo.rk, as the wor}: under the contract progresses, as shall r
_ in the Co�issioner of Tran:;portation's jud�:en�, be reasorla,bly necessary to
' cause the a{;reed hi�1w.:.y� project to be in a11 tnings c�nstructed and completed
in a satisfactory ma.n,ner, and to that end, and as supplemental to �.ny contxac�t
let for the construc�.zon of said prcject, ta enter into any supplemental
agreement with the contractox far the perfor�ance of any e�tra work or work
occasioned �y any necessary, advaritageous ox desirable chan�e in the plans.
, Any such chan�;�es in pla,n or the character of iaorY, involvisib the Coapany's
fac:Llities or property, will be subject to the approval of the Compax�y.
EXIiIBZ1' „11'► - Pa�e 1 -
5.. The State a�rees to pay the entire cost of the wc�rlc to be per-
formed under the contract to be let. by the State , includin� the State's
supervision of the contract wnrk, provided, hoti�evex: .
� ae� tha.t nothing h�rei.n contained shall prevent the State from
pursuing a,nd enforcin� ar�y of its common law and statutoxy
rightss which it ma.y have a,g�.i.nst any tortfeasor, including
any contractox and the Company; •
b.� that w�hen the Company ha,s liability or obligati.on to the �
IInited S�at�s or the State for any portion oi the railway--
highway project, the Compar�y snall pay its share of the
. railway-hi�h�rray �roject in tne nanner and to the extent
set f.orth elsewhere in this agr�emenz.
6. The provisions contained in Federal-�id Highway Program Tianual,
' Yolu�►e 6, Chapter 6, Section 2, Subsection 1, and Volume 1, Chaptex 1�,
Section 3, ahall apply to the railway-highway project, regardless of the
method of financing the project.
7. If the Conpwny enters into a �ontract or agreenent with a con-
• tractor, to perform all ox a.ny portion of the Company's work set forth in this
. agxeement, the Company for itself, its assigns and. successors in interest, "
a�rees that it will not discriminate in its choice of cc,�itxac-L-oxs and will
include all of ihe nondiscri.mina�ion provisions set forth in APPL'�IDIX 1°A",
attached hereto and made a part hereof, in any such contract or a.gree�ent.
8. The Company agrees that its representative in chasge of the work
set forth in this agreement shall furnish the State's I�gineer in charge of
the project:
a.� "Form �094, Minnesota Department o� Transportation, Payroll
Monthly Report", signed in duplicate, sho�,rir�g the number
of inen on payroll, cla�sification, total worked and
starting, stop�ing, resu�ption an3 completion da,tes for
each month, not later tnan the week folloyr5ng the month in
which the z�rork was performed.
b.� Upon request, full detailed information as to progress of
work and a.rnount of labor and ma,terial used as of the time
of request.
_ In addi.tion to the fore�roing records and acts, the Companq wil�., from
ti.me to tine, make such other reports, keep such other records and pexfarm
such other work in such manr:er and time as ma.y be necessaxy to enable the
St;ate to collect and abtain available Fedexa.]. Aid. •
9. To the extent set forth in thi� a�reement, the State will re-
. imburse the Compar�y for actua]. expense incurred pexfor�ing the work set forth �
. in this agreement. Yayments will be made in accordance with the following;
EXt1IBIT "A" - Page 2 9-1--80
a.) t�t least 90;� of partial bills markec� "Pro�ressive �i13 No. 1,
Ido. 2, e�;c.", or "Pix�t, second, e1;c.", si�ied. by an officex
. of the Cor,ipany; rendered in dim�.icate. Pari;ial bills sha11
be based on ac�ual costs �:hat can be substantiated by checking
the Company's records bu� do not need to be in detail: or,
b.} At I,east 75`/ of partial bills mark:ed and signed, as rec�la.ixed
above, b�.sc3 on the Co�pan� II�.�ineer's e�timate of the }�er-
centage ot conpletion of the -ra�ious cost reimbur�able items,
as shown ,on �;he detailed estima.te, which is at�ached to and
made a part of this a�,'reenent, N�zb,jeci; to the State �gineer's
� concvsrence and approval of saic: .;�ompletion percentage. In
. no event �.�ill a combin�,tion of �:��•�idl billuzg based on actual
cost, and �gir�eer's esti�ates, Y�e reimbursable.
c.� At least 9C1,'o of fin�,l bill naxked "Final", si�ed by an officer
� of the CoMpany, rendered in septuplet, in accordanee with �ederal-
Aid Highl�ay Pro�ram i�Ianual Vol�u�e 1, Chapter 4, Section 3. Said
fi.nal bill sha,ll be a conplete, detailed and itemized statenent
� of all items of arork performed by -Lhe Company, as sho�m in the .
appropriate exhibit or exhibits attached to this agreement.
d.� Final payu�ent will be made after audit of the final bill.
The Comp��y shall keep accoiznt of its taork in such a way
that swid accounts r:ia.y be readily audited. In the event
that any �mount previousl;� paid to the Company is in excess
of the ac�ual coct determined ��.audit, the Co�pany, upon
notice of the State, shall pay to the State the difference. �
10. In the event that the 51:a-te does not e�iter into a contract for
cons�ruction of the pro;ject contemplated by this agree�ent on or before a aa;;r
twelve (12� mon�r.s after the da�e �h�is a�eemen�; is fully executed, then ei�_^_er
. part3T nay, at any ti.me thereaf�ter, �erve notice of cancellation upon t��e other
part�y, by registered mail s and -L-his agreement shall imm�diazely be c�ncelled
and terminGted; provided, however, that �he Company sha.11 be reiiabursed in full
by the State for a11 reimbursable costs incurred after this agree�en� is y��;,�
executed and pxior ta said cancellation.
11. The reimbursable mainteiiance costs shall not ex±�en3 to the repair
of any damage ta the brid� structure resultin� �rom the operations of the
Conpany for whic2i the Company has a.ny cornmon la�.a or statutory liabilit;r. �::e
reimbu�sable maintenarice co�ts shall be limited to the actual cost of labor
� and n�:terials used and to rental value oi equipment used. The actual cost of'
labor and raaterials and the rental value of eQUj.�ment referred to shall be
ascertained in accordance with the provisions of �the Federal-l�id Hi�hway Pro-
gram I�i3nual, Volume 1, Chapi;er 4, Section 3. �ccept as hereinaftex pro�rided
i.n the ca�e of emer�ency repairs, reimb-arsement shall be made only if the
Company has subMitte3 its proposed repairs -L-o the State, including any estir,rate �.
. of cost o� uuch repairs, anc� approval ha� been received from the State in ,
�. trritin� in advance of st��actinm work by -lhe Cor��an,y. If -the Compaz�y is una,ble
to obtain the Stai;e's �pproval oi the propo�ed r�pairN, it nay requLst and
require tiae ��ate to let a contract for the nece�sary worke In the event of
an emer�ency requir.i.n;, in�ed�ate repair;, to ��.i.d brid�e structure in order to
1:XIiII3ZT ��A" _ ya�e j 9-1--80
mai.ntaa.n xailroad �raffic, the Conp�.n�,sha.11 be on].y� requ.:.red to notify the
State as soon as reasonably possible that the emer�ency ha:, arisen and that
the Company is proceeding wi�h the work. The C�mpany hereby ac�nowlec:bes
that it ma,y be necessaxy to fzle a le�islative claim for reimbursement of any
� costs incuxred be£ore State Itiinds are encumbered an an amount sufficient to
cover the costs of the woxk. In alI events, reirabursable �aintenance costs
snall be limi�ed to necessary repairs.
If any maintenance worv is such that it cannot be performed by the
Com,pany with its oz�rn equip�en� a:id regularly employed forces, the Company na.y
contract the worl�. However, the Conuany sliall not award the contract or star�
work until the contract has been approved by the Commissionex of Transpor-tation
. and the nece�sary State iund� have been encumbered.
12. It is fur_ther agreed by and between the p�.rties here�to anything
to �he contrary herein notwithstar.ding, that the Commissioner of Transportation
� of the State of �inneso�a is actin� in his official capacity only and that he
shall not be personally responsible or liable to tne Compasiy or to any person
or persons who�soever for ar.y claims, danages, actions, or causes of action
of any kind or char�,cter arising ou� o£ or bS- reason of the execution of this
agreenent or the perfoxmance or com�letion of the project provided for herein.
, 13. Before this agreement shall become bind�ng and affective, it shall '
have receiJed the approJal of such State ofiicers �,s the latl may protiide in
addition to the Co�issioner of Tr�risportation.-
14. The laws of the State of 2•t�innesota shall govern al�. ques�icns as
to the execu�ion, nature, obliga,tionf construction, validity and pexfornance .
of this a�reement. .
15� If it appears to the Conpar�y at any tine subsequent to the date of
this a,greement and prior to final co�pletion of such work, that the actual c:,st
of such work r�rill exceed �he estinated cost, �ne Company shal.l i�neda.atel�
so notiff the State in ti�rriting, thexeof, and, a.fter the addita.on�,l ft;�.,.�ds are
encumbered, such notice :aill 'nave �he affect of amendi.ng this ao eenen� so
as to i.nclude the supplemen�al cost af such work.
16. As provided under Mix�.nesota La.ws 1980, Cnapter 614, Sec. 51,
all books, recor�'s, docunents, and accountin� procedures and practices of the
Compa�y relevant to this cantract are subjec� to examination by I-in/�C`� and
either the legislative auditor or the S1;ate auditor as appropriate.
I�.7iI�IIIT "�L" - Pa�c 4 � 9-1-80
. . ._._......., _ ..,.a.,�.-: .,
Mn/DOT 25252(12/76) '
Non-Discrimination Provisions of Title VI of the Civil Righfs Act of 1964.
During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself, its assiynees and successors in interest
(hereinafter referred to as the "contractor"), agrees as follo�vs: •
(1) Compliance witF� Regulations: The Contractor vrill comply with Regulations of the Departrnent of
Transportation relative to nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Department of Com-
. merce (Title 49, Code of Federal Regulation, Part 21, hereinafter referred fo asthe Regulations),which
are herein incorporated by reference and macie a part of this contract.
(2) Nondiscrimination: The contractor, with regard to the work performed by it after award and prior to
' completion of the contract work, wil! not discriminate on the ground of race, color, oc national oriain
' in the selection and retention of subcontractors, incl�ading procurements of materials and leases of
equipment. The contractor wilf not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination pro-
hibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers
a program set forth in Appendix '�A", "B" and "C".
(3) ' Solicitations �or Subcontracts, Including Procurements of R4aterials and Equipment: In all solicitations _
either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the contractor fo° work to be performed under a
subcontract, includin� proci�rements of materials or equipment, each potential subcontractor or �ub-
plier shall be notified by the contractor of the contractor's obligations. under this contract and the
Regulations relative to nonaiscriminatiun on the ground of race, color or nation origin. �
(4) Infarmation and Reports: The contracior will provide all information and reports required by the
Regulations, or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto, and will permit access to its boeks,
records, accaunts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the Da�art-
ment of l�ransportation or the Federal Highway Administration to be pertinent to ascertain compliance
with such Regulations, orders and instructians. Where any information required of a contractor is in
the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the contractor srail
so certity to the Department of Transportation, or the Federaf Highway Administration as appropriaie,
and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information.
(5) Sanctions for f�toncompliance: In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscr:rni-
nation provisions of this contract, the Department af Transportation shall impose such contract
sanctions as it or the Fecieral Highway Administration may determine to be appropriate, including
but not limited to,
(a) witholding of payments to the contractor under the contract until the contractor complies, and/or
(b) eancellation, termination or suspension of the ccntract, in whole or in part.
(6) Encorporation �f Provisians: The contractor will include the provisions of paragraph (1) through (6)
in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by
the Regulations, order, or instructions issued pursuant thereto. The contractor wilt take such action
with respect to any subr_ontract or procurement as the Department of Transportation or the Federal
Highway Administration may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for
, noncornpliance: Provided, however, that, in ti�e eveni a contractor becomes involved in, or is threaten- �
ed with, litigation with a suUcontractor or supplier as a result of such direction, the contractor may
� request ihe State to enter into such litigation to protect the intcrests of the State, and in addition, .
the contractor may request the United States to enter into su�h litigation to protect the interests of �
� the United States.
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' , ' x �� STATE PRC)JECT S �C�-CL%j% ��/.�fi5�''•'
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. � S�� ' t A Sub;icl�ary of Saf�•tran Sv',�rtms Cc�rnoratron - -
` ' ' � 1� , T�21 NA710NAL 7URKPIKC — LOUISVILLE, K[NTUCKY 40214 �
' • . .502)3G1•92G� 502 (3&9-1691 -
. ' .
� , , ,
. • � Q�lO�fATION FORM
• � .,�: . --
TQ: Mr. J.L. Jensen . .. - EST.NO. Q381-459
Chief Enqineer , �
� ' THE MI,1ivESOTA TRANSFER RAILWAY COr,�fiNY DATE rsarch 26, 1981
207I University Avenue
� � -St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 . SFiEET 1 OF 1, ' '
Iiighway Crossing Warning I?�vices - Trasfer P,�ad, in St. Paul, Minn�sota.
Per Mr. Jensen`s request through Mr. Rudnicki.
� . .
' (See attached itemized raaterial list, letter, and five (5) sets of circuit
. prints.) �
. SIDE. � � �
� - � 1 20� EngYneering, Plans, Material, .
Installation, and Testing. $46,423.00
� :. �
� � .
� _A�✓' i L Lci �-
' ' TYPE OF WORK r�.�_ . � c'r�" L,.S
. ' STATE PROJECT,S /��` vf'CT C�I.�� ��J S;�S sv';J
. . � kSINN PROJECT�'��S �j7��/ C�=�� �,
. ' AGR �O _3 j / �TEti1 rd0 /�/ '� �'
• ° RAILROAD ��],i!�S�°Tfi �'ffti:S -L n''� �v:
a 1. Totat price ot this inquiry S 4C�423.00 LOCATION S7.I�l��L - / /� /�Sf"G-R .
�2. F.O.B. point if other than mfg. plant Job site ORTE EXf�SIT�e 5��r.t�f' � '
�• '
3. Anticipated Delivery Spring - Swrnner 1981
4. Quotation made by TransF�or�ation �nyineering Scrvices Company,a subsidiary oi Safetran Systems Gorporation,
� 1 3��t�onal Turnpike, Louisville, KentucHy 4Q214.
/ .
' StGNEQ: • / ���� � TITLC �neral Manager
W.S. I3avis
6, '
_ '. '... ... . . ._ .�.,� ... --�..,.R^—....._�¢' -.�...�.....r-...�- •.�.. -� ..d .1a... . .�.�,..5,..���„�..+- -..rt+r .. .
i ' . '
' . p�iXti*t1�S01'A TI2AN5FER F.1IILWAY COMPP.23Y • ,
� t,`�'�.da (�o�sing . . • �Cer�.al List - Tzansfax Road
War.ninq Devices . . , St. Paul, Minnesota
. �
.2 ea. Mc�del NS~StU.b G.zte ass�mblies per plan no.
• 170320 with 40' wood c�ate azms and gal.vanizeci •
' �tee7. f.oundations. , �1�,059.00
2 eae 24oc3e1 "ARC" Canti:Lever ass�blies per plan
" noo 170:�20 with 2A' aruis, FLX-10 light units,
� "Hailroad Crossing" s: "2-2'racY." signs, DC be11E, .
� ladders, and cor_cretc foundations. . 9,590.00
4 ea. Ga].vanizeci Steel Bungalow £oundations . . 260.00
6 ea. TracY. Conne�ting Kits � , 95.D0
3 ea. Track Circuit Rectyfiers .(TCR-6) � . 181.00
• 5 lb�. Duct Seal � 6.00
6 eao Padlocks and 1 ea. terminal �•rrench ' • 25.00�
6 cells 200 A�H. Z�ad Acid Storage Eattery , - 689.00
400 tt. 2 Cr�nd. No. 9 Underground `i`�'ack Cable 341.00
450 ft. 5 Cond. I�'o. 9 Underground Sigr.al Cable � 448.00
�00 ft. 3 Cond. No. 6 Under.ground Signal Cable 449.00
I lot S-Cord (Si_qnal Runs? � . 125.00
• ' ' S0 ea. Track Bond Cadweld . 101.00
� 1 �a. Ground rod, clar�p, and gxound wxre , � 3$�.00
1 ea. 6' x 6' Bungalow with internal apparatus per �
. circuit plan no. ].70320 . � 10,616.00
t' TOTiiL biATERIAL $33,023.�JO
� . .
1 lot Factory I.3bor (Bunga.low Wizing) • $ 1,300.00
1 lot �ngineering 500.00
1 1ot Fie].d Z,abor 7�500.00
1 lot F�cpenses an3 Tr.ans�orta�ion 2,100.00
1 S.ot Equip�ent • • 1,600.00
1 lot Freight - - � 4Q0.00
JOB TOT�LL �46,�23.00
MATERIAl'�S TO BE FUh'.`�1ISt?L'D 1tID ZNST1ll'.LED F31' OT'riEFS:
� . .
�. bistered Power Service . �
� 8. Tnsulated Joints
• p •i �/
�` � � ,' ��''�''- �', ... s�j c e�' v? �f T .
` �° � . .
� 4
� •
�• .___... ._ _ �__.,. _ ... . ..�.-..... �...,.,...T.....����..�.. . ...... . -. ........ ..�.n..� �.......�..w-� .,w..� • �ss�+.�--r..
�,�?,;�� ��_����;�c .c�r,,�r-�����, ���c.
2224 UNtVEttSITY AVENU[ o ST. PAUL, FAINhI. 55114 • PFiOi�E: �b12) 645•5781 � ELECTRICAL COr�: �.�';S
- �� �°���'�
. April 24 � 198]. �,��,�
. . . • t � � �
Minnesata Transfer Railc•ray Co. . , �t, ''�
2071 University Avenue . . �� o�E`G�G\.�FcR
St. Paul , 2dinnesota 55104 . : �`�� E�y
. �
- Attn: Ted Johnson . . '� �•
. ��,.-.-`
� � . RE: Control Shed �
" � � ' � Charles & Transfer Road
.� Dear Ted� ' � • � �
. Xour cost for the electrical work described below is
$1�195. 00. '
. 1. Furnish and in�call a 100 amp, single phase
120/240V service to a control shed at the .
� above location. Control shed �ti�i1.I be located
' on the S.W, corner a�d will be served by � �
an overhead line.
- � . Our price is based upon the wark being performed this -
� Very truly yours,
� ���,�..-
.-- ' � _.... ......-----..__._�
- Frank Gollon
� ' Service Manager
� .
�.� .
� .;�j-:
���_ ::�_ � �r���§ . � ,N �i ��tS i'y` G� ,�- ,..S�ee f _3 a�' `�
'' I;1�1'. 1�Y / �
/: �� ,
�. � •
� � �� ��r r��u����;:.C7I'11 'JiZ1'�'�?S�'R I`�'1X7J.411Y �Ur•��.�n�
, - • - . � - .
� . . .
. . . �
Est.im�te o� �•rork by N�innesot� Trans£�r_ I'�il�•�ay Cbri�any
u� vonnection �ai�th cross� sic�;al ins4;.a11ation�at Tra�s�er R�d in St. Paul
Ptaxchase and insta].1 17 pa.i.z of 903� uzsulated joint bars and insulat�
gau�e.p],ates and liead xods for t4ti�o swi�clzea. ,
Matez'a.al: •
17 k'z. @ 9030 a,nsulated joint Y}ars
c3�liver�ci ai�d �i.ncluci:�.r.g sales t.ax � . $4,Qs30.0�
2 insulatc�3 gauge pla��s �or 90?0 sv��.tches 412.�0
. � 2 insulatec� h�ad x�a�,,:s fox 9030 scaa.tches .� � 280.f�0
. ,
80 P�nhouxs @ 59.75/Hr. � $ 784.0�
��.tas �ddit-ives per F.Fi.P.M.
Vacat�.�n Pay (7.25 u o£ $?80.�0) 56.55
. ' Hp�.3.day Pay (3.50� oF S7R0.00) 27.30
R��.ix���nt and Un�-np�.cy�r�nt Insur_anc�
(23.30� o� $863.85? � 201..?_8
.kiealth zjn� �•�1.��arc (5� of �7�Q.00) 39.00�
Supp�er�ntal �'ension (�0 Hrs. C� $.125? 5.n0
F.�ui.Pzr�nt I�n�al.:
` �� Cab Txur..;� (5 Days � $19.00� . $ 95.0�
E].ec�.i:ic �e.rvac.e (CbnfiraGt) : $1,195.00 �
�� . � S7,171.13
� � . � ,�'�.���%'� �� '- S/��� :� o f 5�
. �. . � . _. _._..
_ � `
OM 01 : 12/1;75
' � . . , . . Rev. : 9/8I�6
Rev. : 5/7/t30
� 2'7'713
DATE: Ju�e 23, 1981 R�G��vE�
,1 u iv 2 9 1981 I
FROM: Thomas J. Eggum, Public Works Office Engineer MAYORSOFFIC�E
�� Rai lroad crossing signals on Tra�sfer Road at intersection with Minnesota Tranlsfer
Rai lway Company's tracks, 300 feet north of U�iversity Avenue ' �
Agreement would authorize the installation of the r�iiroad crossing signals by�
Safetran Systems, Inc. under contract to Minnesota Transfer Raiiway Company. I
' In accordance with an Agreement between the City and Minnesota Department of
Transportation, Agency Agreement No. 30774, the State shail act a5 the City's
agent in accepting Federal Funds for installation of the railroad crossing
. ;
� ;
. i
, . Total cost of project estimated to be $53,594.13 to be financed 90$ Federal I
Funds ($48,234.72) and 10$ Ci ty Funds ($5,359.41). The Ci ty's costs of '
$5,359.41 to be paid to Minnesota Transfer Railway Company upon completion
of pro�.ect. Said costs to be charged to PIR Fund 60200 to be reimbursed
from 1980 MSA funds. Public Works Project T-1144
, i
Resolution - �
Copy of Agreement �
TJE:RAH:dII ' . '�
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JU�! ����1981 '
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As ' tant i ttorney DATE FILE
� Room 647 City Hail •
- e a J. �5 r INFORMATION
F n e Ma a Se es NOTE A�lD
Ro a> > RETURN
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;,J`� ��h � ��-� � SEE ME
George Latimer . FOR SIGNATURE
Mayor ,
� Room 347 City Hall
Donal d E. Nygaard, Di t'ector (o. 5 ���
4241 {
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" FORM 1009 (1-9'75� !