277131 WHITE - CtTY CLERK ��'71�1 PINK - FINANCE COUtIC1I CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I�N T PA U L BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Counc '� so ut ' n Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the Agreement between the City and the Burlington Northern Railroad Company, pertaining to the improvement at the JACKSON STREET BRIDGE N0. 5664, City Project B-1093; and the proper City officers are authorized and directed to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, a copy of said Agreement to be maintained on file in the Office of the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt � Public s Levine In Favor Maddox Mc�� � _ Against BY T��O Donald Nygaard, Dire (REG) �NFFsorr Adopted by Council: Date JUL 14 1981 Form Approved y C� A ne Certified P _ •e y Council Se reta BY � By Approved by r: Date ��) App ve b for Su i 'on o C uncil By _ y�i��i"ri �.- BY PUBLISHED J U L 2 5 1981 j � � G'i J; : 1'_!1:=3 > � � Rev. �ff<Oi( � t}�:PC.t`•�t!ri`i'i�P1 (��; ;•,p��t:,i�,�';t;s, �tir� r��,DERS � ;E.SO!ll�!U��:�,_. .'E�.��� `_;i',i)!�!r;iJi.ES � /��� _,. .�_, _______.._. U�3T �,,,�.`�;;��� , r �-----.-..�..,............ .. � �,t,r,��w_. . � -1�r �-��8/ � _ _. _.. ;�� �=3�' ��t�� ' -' �s:1 June 30, 1981 .. . . "' � � .,... . .. . . ..._..... .....+r....�.�. 1 � . � a�rM� . . ' 'M �... � . ., .� �.. T0: P1/1YOR GE�RGE LF�TIMER �.�„ ,; �°� . ri P �R: Roq E. Grieder, Derpartment of �ublic,.Wor'ka_ _ . ..�.. �E: JACKSON ST. BRIDGE N0. Sb64 . . . . . . . . I� ovar the tracks of the Burlingtaa Narthern .�ailroad .Com�anp . ' Citq Pro�ect 8-1093 �. . .. . . . . 1 I �� � , � AC71 bt� RL-:pllEST�G: Process Resolutioa. N , ,, . . . I I � I � I _._� � I� PURf�OSE F,t,D R�i7�CNALE FOR TH i 5 P.CT I CN: � �� i i Agreement ie necessarq to al].cw Cit3r'..s .Gont�actar .to _eater .aata..railroad ri.ght-of-way to carry► out Cit�'.a-,work.. . .Alao .�rovidea ,for. .3aaclu�e�i.oa.of ,naeded . work with City'� Contract to ..he carr.ied.�out.�t .rmilraad',s esp�aa�.. � Without Chis Agreement, �ork would p�c�bablp .have.hsd ,W...biea�a..ca�rried .out bq .City or , i►at aY� a1L ., .. _. �,.. . _ , FINANCIAL IMPACT: , >.. ... . . . Railroad's contribution towards pro�ect ia .eatimate8 ta be $k5,Q04. . I - i o-�l..('rii;i�„�:7i"rS: Resolution. Oae copy of Agreem�aat for informatioa. Formal agreements �rill be circulat�d , after Cotmc3l Resolution is pa�secfi. _. . . . I _ i REG/mp a � � � OM Ol : 12/i9 5 Y,• . , 9tev: 9/8/76 EXF'LA�Jr1'i I 0;"d C�F ADM 1 tl I�TtiAT[VE OK.DE,�'S, pESOLU7 I ONS, AP�D(?�tD 1�dArJCES � � a��7� � �, � I Date: June 30, 1981 I T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATiMER 'I �R: Roy E. Grieder, Department of Public Works RE: JACKSON ST. BRIDGE N0. 5664 over the tracks of the Burlington Northern Ra.ilroad Company I City Project B-1093 � I � I� I I I I ACTION REQUESTED: !� Process Resolution. 'I i �� I I I L I i . � � � I � , � � � � � PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: I � � Agreement is ne�essary��to a11ow City's �Contractor.to enter onto �railroad � � right-of-way to carry out City's work. Also prov�des for inclu�ion of needed I work with City'� Contract to be carried out at railroad's exp�:nse. Without �`i this AgreEment, work would probably have had to been carried out by City or ! � not at all. � ' �'INANCIAL IMPACT: Railroad's contribution towards project is estimated to be $45,000. AfTACHM�NTS: Resolution. One copy of Agreement for informa.tion, Formal agreements will be circulated . after Council Resolution is passed. REG/mp I . � � , . !n� i; _ � ,. . . NU. ',i��� — ,,. � :J. ���,:�� " AGREEMENT ° 1'�ILS AGRi�:i�:;]GN'1', macic� aud e��tered into this _ _day of _ _ _ _, � 19__ , b�' and between the CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL, a municipal corporatic>n, iierein3fi�er :�-eferred to as "City", and tYie BURLINGTON NORTHERN KAILROAD COMPANY, ..� llelaware l;orporation, hereinafter referred to as "Company"; Wt1ERI?AS, tl�e City; ttle Great Northern Railway Company and the State of ` 'linnesuta entered into an Agreement on March 11, 1939, for the construction of a permanent steel and concrete bridge to carry Jackson �treet over the tracks oi said Company and said Agreement included among other things, the division of costs for the project and the division of maintenance responsibilities for t.i� �" �i ,hed project; and WHEkEAS, tlie Great �forthern Railway company has merged with other Railway ,ompanies, at�d is now known as Burlin�ton Northern Kail_road Company; and WHEREAS, the bridge, constructed under said Agreement which separates the ;rades of Jacks�n Street and the tracks ��£ said companies, commonly known as Jackson St. I3ridge and ;�linnesota Department of Transportation Bridge No. 5664 is in unsatisiactory condition and in the interest of safety it is necessary that " repairs to said bridge be carried out; and WHEREAS, the City has programmed repairs of said bridge which consist of removing the existing roadway wearing surFace and deteriorated concrete in the cleck slab ancl replacin}; it w:itli a dense luw-slump eoiicrete; and removing the cxisting expan,;ion jo�uts and concrete deck adjacent to the expansion and construction joints and replacing them with watertight materials; ard . ' � � Jackson St. Br. No. 5664 - �.N. WHEREAS, the Company desires that certain repairs, for. which the Company is responsible, be included with any plans prepared for the City's programmed , repairs, and said repairs be included in and carried out by any contract let coverin� the City's programmed repairs; and WHEREAS, the City and Company wish to cooperate for the repairs of the said bridge, this Agreement recites mutually agreed upon terms and conditions as hereinafter set out. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of.the premises and the mutual dependent romises of the • p parties hereto, it is agreed as follows: . l. The City will make �11 engineering surveys; prepare the plans and specifications for all repairs; advertise and receive bids tor the work; award and administer a contract; and inspect the construction for the bridge repairs. Said plans anci specifications shall Ue submitted to the Assistant Vice President uf Englaeering of the Company, or his designated representative, for review and approval prior to receipt of bids for the ���ork. �. Pay�nents to the Contractor carrying out the work of the repairs on said bridge, together with extra work orders or changes in the plans during the construction, will be made by the City. 3. The City agrees that in any contract let covering the repairs of said bridge as contemplated by this Agreement, it shall require under the terms of said contract and specifications ttiat the Contractor will furnish a separate Railroad Protec�ive Liability Insurance Policy to the Company in accordance with the provisions of "1708.2 Liability Insurance", Minnesota Department of Trnasportation's "Standard Specifications for Highway Construction", dated 1978, as amended with the limits oi said policy not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,OOU,000.00) for ' all damages arising out of bodily injuries to or death of any person or persons and for all damages arising out of loss or destruction of or injury or damage to -�- ,Jacl<:,oi; .'�t. Ls;�. ;E�G�E - Ii.N. �roperty in ar,y one occurrence and, subje�.t Lo that limiL a tot;al (or ag�regate) limit �f not less than Six Miilion Dollars ($6,C�00,000) , for all dama�es arising out of `?odily �_njuries to or deaLh of any person or� per�oris and i'or al] damar�;e� arisin�; out s of the loss or destrucLion of' or injury or darnage tc� property during the policy - ;>�riod. Said insurance policy execut;ed by a corporation qualified to write the same in the State ir, wYlich tr�e work is to be performed shall be in the form and substance �atisfactcry to the Railway Company shall Le delivered to and approved by the Railwuy �orupany prior to the en�ry upon or use of its property by the Contractor, lhe terms ot said contraci�� ancl specification� :hall also include "1714 Re:;pon�ibility for �ainage Claims''`, Minnesota Department of Trarisportation's "Standard Specifications for (lit�;�lway Curic�tructiori", dated 197�, modificc] to the ext;ent that Lhe Contractor shall I provide th� Company eviclence of Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance, in r,ccordzncc witYi �he i'o1_1_owin�;: A. Th� ir.s.arance shall cover the Contractor's Liabi+lity with re�pect to bodily iri�,,ry to or deaLh of persons, and ir.jury to or de�truction of prcperty, which may be :�u:,ferc�d by parson.°� other tPiun their own em�loyees, as a result of t i:��ir o�erat;i�n� ir� performing wori�: covereci t�y thi� Cor.tract, �?. '�v'her� a Con�r�ctor sublets a part of the work an any project to a sub- con`„rar.t;or, the Cont;racLor ;hall be required i:o :ecure in�urance protection �n nis own behalf uncier conLractor 's puLl�,� liability and property dama�e ir;:;uranc� policies to cover any liability impo�ed orr h.irn by law for damages because of bodily injury to or death or persons and injury to or destruction of property as a result of work undertaken by such subco:itractors. In ad�i�ition, tr�e Coni;rac�or s}lall provide for and on behati' of any :;uch sub- • contractors protection to cover like liability imposed upon the latter ati " a rESUlt oi' their operations by mean� of separate and individual contractor's public liability arid property c]amay�e policies; or, in thc alternative, each subcontractor �hall provide satisfacLory insurance on his o�m behalF to covcr his individual operaLions. -3- '.,1CIcs��u 5L. L�. �l�(��� — li.N. � � � C. 'I'l�e l.imits oC l_i_r.�hility� f.ur tl�e insurance policies prescribed above • shall be not less than $500,000 for all damages arising out of bodily ° injuries to or death of one person and subject to that limit for each - person, a total amount of $1,000,000 for all damages arising out of bodily '' injuries to or death of two or more persons in any one accident, and not less than $500,000 tor all damages arising out of injury to or destruction or property in any one accident and, subject to that limit per accident, at total (or aggregate) limit of $1,000,000 for all damages arising out of ` injury to or destruction of property during the policy period. � D. The insurance coverages as required shall be in �full force and effect before any work or operations are commenced on railroad property and shall be kept in full force until all work to be performed under the terms of �h� �ontract has been.accepted by the Engineer. The policy shall provide that in the event the insurance should be changed or cancelled, such change or can l. : �il shall not be effective until 15 days after tlze Company has received notice of such change or canncellation from tlie insurance company. The insurance coverage shall be executed by an insurer qualified to write such policies in the State of . Minnesota. 4. The City will require in any contract let covering the repairs of said bridge, as contemplated by this Agreement; that all work to be done. by the Contractor on Llie Company's ri.gl�t-of-way sl�all be perEorme�l in accorclance with the provisions of "1708 RAILROAD-HIGHWAY PROVISIONS", Minnesota Department of Transportation's "Standard Specifications for Highway Construction", dated 1978, as amended, except that the Contractor shall make his own arrangements and secure all necessary permits to haul materials or equipment across the tracks -4- .iackson St. Br.. 5664-B.N. ol thc: Compaiiy, ovcr private crossings or Lor storage of materials or equipment on property other than that noted in Paragraph 7 of this Agreement. . 5. The City will require any contract let covering the repairs of said permanent , steel and concrete bridge, as contemplated by this Agreement, that the Contractor ,� stiall arrange for protective services and devices and provide a special bond, in the amount of $ 5,000.00 to the Company in accordance with the provisions of "1708. 3 Protective Services and Devices" and "1708.4 Special Bond Requirements" Minnesota Department of Transportation''s "Standard Specifications tor Highway . Construction", dated 1978. ` 6. The City shall give the Assistant Vice President of. Engineering of the Company or his designated representative at least ten (10) days' notice in writing of its intention to ord.er the Contractor to enter the premises and right-of-way �t th. ��mpany for the repairs of Bridge No. 5664. Upon completion, the premises shall be cleaned up in a condition satisfactory to the Assistant Vice President of Engineering of the Company. 7. The Company will. permit the Contractor to have access to the area under the bridge via its right-of-way and to cross the Company's tracks. The City will require in any contract let covering said repairs, that the Contractor shall arrange with the Company for construction of plank crossings over the tracks • where required. Such crossing shall be covered by a temporary private crossing agreement, between the Contractor and the Company, which will provide that the Contractor furnish the crossing planks and that installation of the planks is to be n�cle l�y Company forces at the Contractor's expense. The granting of access to the area and the temporary crossing permits and agreements shall be at no cost to the City or the Contractor, except as noted for installation of the crossing planks. - -5- �ackson St. 13r. 5664 - 1�.N. . The Company will not store train cars on their tracks which would prevent access to all piers during the Contractor's normal working hours when repairs . are being made to those piers or bridge spans supported by those piers. 9. It is agreed hereto that those items of repair, included in any contract let by the City and which are the responsibility of the Company, shall be known ,, as the "Company's Repairs" and are as follows. l. Paint Railin�;s (sandblast and paint 3 coats) . 2. Paint structural steel north of Pier 6 - . � (remove poor gunite, approximately S feet each side of joints, at piers , and hinges; sandblast and paint 4 coats). 3. Paint structural steel south of Pier 6 - (sandblast, spot coat, and paint 2 complete coats) . 4. Repair Piers Nos. 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 - (remove deteriorated concrete and repair) . 10. It is agreed that the Company will reimburse the City for the costs of the "Company's Repairs" plus engineering, inspection and contract administration costs �omputed to be 17.5% of t'tie cost of the "Company's Repair"; plus a proportinate share of the mobilization costs. The estimatec3 costs of the various items of work and service is outlined in Exhibit "B", and the estimated amount the Company shall pay to the City is $44,539.74. It is understood that the above estimates of costs are for information only, and upon completion of the work, the unit prices set forth in the contract with the successful bidder and � the final quantities as measured by the City's Engineer shall govern in computing the final total cost. Upon completion of the work, the actual costs thereof shall be ascertained, and an itemized statement of such costs presented to the • Company in quadruplicate. The amount due to the City from the Company shall be paid within 30 days of the Company's receipt of such bill. -6- r ` � y LS`l'LMA`l'E OF i'I:OJECT COS'1' ^iobilization - I,ump Sum @ $25,000 - $25,OG0.00 Field Of£ice, 'I'ype ll - 1 each @ 2,000 - 2,000•80 Remove Concrete Curb - 210 L.F. @ 3.00 630.00 • P.emove Sidewalk & Curb - 198 L.r. C� 8.00 1,584.00 Remove Slab, Type 2 - 2,673 S.F. @ 8.60 22,987.80 ::emove Slab, Type 3 - 2,673 S.F. @ 12.00 32,076.00 t�emove Brick Wearing Surtace - 1,434 S.Y. @ 8.00 11,472.00 ., Remove Catch I3asin - 2 each @ 150.00 300.00 5carify Bridge Deck - 19,566 S.F. @ 1.00 19,566.00 Scarify ;,oncr�te llppr.oacli Taper - 1,485 S.I'. @ 1.00 1,485.00 I3ituminous Material for Mixture (2331) - 9 tons @ 170.00 1,530.00 Binder Course �lixture - 170 tons @ 14.00 2,380.00 3ituminous riater:ial for riixture (2341) - 6 tons @ 170.00 1,020.00 Wearing Course Mixture - 114 tons @ 16.00 1,824.00 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat ' - 140 gal. @ 2.00 280.00 � Goncrete Mix No. 3U17A = 180 C.Y. @ 300.00 54,000.00 � Concrete Mix Nu. 3X47 - S C.Y. @ 1,200.00 6,000.00 � �oncrete Mix No. 3X33 - 2,673 S.F. @ 13.00 34,749.00 Reinforcement Bars - 12,148 lb�. @ .65 7,896.20 Giearing Course Finish - 21,051 Sq.Ft. @ .30 6,315.30 Reconstruct Expansion .Joint - 347 L.F. @ 120.00 [�1,64C.00 �xpansion Joint Device,�ype 3 - 347 L.F. @ 110.00 38,170.00 � Kemove Reinforced Concrete - 5 Cu.Yd. @ 1,200.00 6,000.00 � Painting rSetal_ Structures (Railing) - Lump Sum @ 8,600.00 8,600.00 " Pa'nt�n; '�Tetal Structures - Lump Sum @ 10,400.00 10,400.00 (Stru:.tural Beams So. af Pier 6) * Painting Metal Structures - 1,530 S.F. @ 3.00 4,590.00 (Beams at piers and hinges.) .'�zinting Metal Structures . �i @ 100.00 600.00 (Lighting Standards) Construct Catch Basins, Design 3A - 2 each @ 800.00 1,60G.00 Adjust Frame Riag & Casting - 1 each @ 250.00 250.00 4" Concrete Walk - 1,260 S.F. @ 2.00 2,520.00 Concrete Sidewalk with Integral Curb - 98 L.F. @ 20.00 1,96G.00 Concrete Curb & Gutter, Design B624 - 251 L.F�. @ 10.00 2,510.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL COST $351,935.30 ° j� "Company's P.epairs" - $35,590.00 �ngineering & Inspection - 17.5% - 6,228.25 ^tobilization - (35 590 _ (25,000) - 2,721.49 (351,935. 30-25,000) ESTIMATED AMOUNT TO BE PAID BY cor�a� - $44,539.74 , EXHIBIT "B" i � ,.. _ Zp�. � ., 7, �,. - -� - 2'/2'M � MIX. r - -- -------- -- --� r—EX15� ,� - - _ 7'- lo"� 5'-8Y2 5'-8yz, SEGT 1 O i�1 TN o S pROP05� �s ��- n _ -_._- --- _ _ -- __ .__ -- -- _ , --------_ _ _. _ � _ + T f _ a.�_.�_---- � ' �°. . � 8 � • �s�--. 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N I � _ - - � _ - . � . �M � , ��_ - � �PEN I NG FOR GAS MAIN UNDER EAST SIDEWALK ONLY. � y ., y,. i 5,_ y •. . 5.-a�i_" �'- �,. 2-10 z --5�$ L-- _ •..t.-- 8 2 SECT I ON TNRU �XI STI NG DECK � NO SCALE � � AS SNOWN- NOGUN►TE =R � TU SOUTH AB�TMENT. . �._ -L ---- _�-. � -- __-�- ---_ � .�..��._. . � , : _ ! , _ ii-rified �ug Brick Paving , �� �� �0 � �;A AN ' Oi I sand CushiOn � �� Min�ri+um o ff 7"0�0 ' ;' o_ � � ��O Br'dye DecK � �— �Gt v►G I 5 � "' CONST. JT@H1NGE ' --EXPAN5I�N JT � M� .ONST. 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